Ye Qingxuan has already walked towards the depths of the snow cave, and the big white bear has not come back yet, but Ye Qingxuan knows that he will return to this cave sooner or later.

When he was looking around, he suddenly found a rather special thing in the middle direction, in front of him was a hill-like thing made of snow, covered with crystal clear snow spirits.

These snow spirit souls look so small, they seem to have just been formed, but there is a big snow spirit spirit on the top, Ye Qingxuan's mouth showed a smile, isn't this exactly what he wants to get? He first put away the biggest snow spirit, and then took two smaller ones and put them in that special container.

Put this big one into his blood stasis, for the Wanhuangzong who was in the blood stasis, he had plenty of containers of this kind of snow essence, so when the snow essence floated in, he waved a box Appeared, and by the way, took this snow essence soul into it.

Ye Qingxuan walked towards the entrance of the cave, but he heard roars one after another. The sound was that the big white bear had returned. He walked out cautiously, but he was discovered by him. After seeing Ye Qingxuan, he entered the cave very angrily. In his hole, do you still need to think? That Snow Spirit must have been discovered by him.

He sold it directly, and flew towards Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan's spiritual weapon Qiankun sword appeared in his hand instantly. It all fell on me...

He directly used his phantom sword technique. The phantom sword technique has now reached the full level. It is because after he reached the primary state, he quickly used his own one-key full level to turn this advanced technique into a Full status.

All of a sudden, a lot of double images appeared here, so there were several Ye Qingxuan surrounding them. It stands to reason that when practicing phantom swordsmanship at the most basic stage, it would be good to be able to form a clone, but Ye Qingxuan has formed so many ghosts now. of the shadow.

Why did it reach such a state? It's not 5.6 because people used the one-click full-level to become the full-level state, so this phantom swordsmanship is naturally the full-level ability.

For a moment, this huge bear beast didn't know which one was the real Ye Qingxuan. He started to laugh wildly, and saw his hands beating his chest, and then he moved forward vigorously. The huge claws were covered with sharp nails.

Chapter 846 Dealing with Bear Beasts

There was a huge roar in his chest, and the wind blew out from his mouth, but his huge roar attracted the attention of other disciples. They were wondering if there would be Ye Qingxuan over there, would Ye Qingxuan be there? Is it in danger?

All the disciples walked towards the bear beast's hind feet. How could they not hear the sound so loud? But the sound of this guy's roar did indeed cause the snow beside him to collapse.

Those disciples in the distance found this place, 22 they saw Ye Qingxuan standing there, and this bear beast was standing in front of him, it was really Ye Qingxuan, they were so happy, they didn't think about the bear beast at all, as long as Ye Qingxuan's appearance was a great blessing to them.

Wuchen and Huaying, who were watching from a distance, also saw Ye Qingxuan's figure, Wuchen smiled and said, "I knew this brat was lucky, and he really met this bear, but He is not Ye Qingxuan's opponent."

"It seems that even if we don't appear here this time, these examples are completely capable of their own."

All of them are walking towards this side, and the big chunks of snow are sliding down on the other side. These three buildings can still resist part of it, but if this continues, this place will be buried sooner or later, so they have to think about it. Get out of here as fast as you can.

Obviously, if they want to leave this bear, they will never let them go. If they want to leave here, the only way is to destroy the bear beast in front of them.

Ye Wuxuan walked up to Ye Qingxuan's side and said to him, "You frightened us, we all disappeared when we got up, but luckily we found you here, otherwise we might not know when we will find you." Woolen cloth."

Ye Qingxuan said, "I'll tell you about this place later, first of all, let's get out of here as soon as possible and look at the blood falling from above. If this guy continues to go down, I'm afraid we will all be buried." it's here."

Ye Fengxuan stepped forward and said, "There is only one way to make him shut up, and that is to kill him. At least his strength has reached the fifth level. This is a fifth-level snowy monster."

After all the people work together to get rid of this monster first, they can leave here quickly. Ye Qingxuan's ability is the strongest, but he can't use his advanced swordsmanship, he still doesn't know? His ability to cut the galaxy with his sword can instantly cause a huge avalanche here.

All the disciples stepped forward and used their own skills to deal with the monster in front of them. Ye Qingxuan was very manic. Ye Qingxuan had already found his weakness in his heart.

So now as long as a sword hits there, 907 is a chance for them to escape here. Time is running out, it is very urgent, and the blood is constantly sliding down. It's buried here.

Ye Qingxuan shouted loudly, "We don't need such a large number of people, the others quickly evacuate this place, leave a few people to destroy this, and then follow up."

I also knew the importance of this matter, so the disciples behind immediately evacuated towards the outside of the snowy area. Of course, as long as they evacuated from this valley, it would be safe.

In the sky, there are several huge snowbirds hovering at this time. These birds are huge, and it is not known why they hover in the sky.

Chapter 847 Out of Danger

Ye Qingxuan's great fighter's ability burst out instantly at the monster in front of him, and he didn't even notice it. Under the temptation of other disciples, Ye Qingxuan used his own ability to quickly shoot his Qiankun sword at the guy's heart, The huge bear roared and fell to the ground with a bang.

If he hadn't discovered his weakness, it would be impossible to defeat the bear in front of him so quickly. It can also be said that they didn't delay any time at all, and now they have to leave here quickly. The magic core of the fifth-order bear has already floated After coming out, Ye Qingxuan quickly grabbed these magic cores, and he found that the snowbirds in the sky were always following them.

I also suddenly understood that they wanted this magic core.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Qingxuan's mouth. As soon as he stretched out his hand, the fifth-order magic core appeared. Two snowbirds swooped down in the sky, one of them was injured, as long as he ate the fifth-level magic core, he could recover.

Ye Qingxuan, the shooter, unceremoniously grabbed the magic core and ate it, and he didn't leave. The two snowbirds didn't leave either. They bent down and fell down. Ye Qingxuan and the others understood their intention Meaning, immediately jumped on the bird's back.

At the moment the snow bird flew up, all the blood on it slid down and buried it, and the disciples in front had already evacuated safely, Ye Qingxuan and the others were also led by the snow bird. After flying out of the snow valley, the two snowbirds landed on the ground and released the people on their backs.

Two huge snowbirds hovered in mid-air, they were grateful for the fifth-order magic core that Ye Qingxuan gave them, Ye Qingxuan said loudly, "Let's go, don't thank me, didn't you two save our lives? Let's see you later〃."

These two birds are also monsters, and their level of monsters has reached nearly five levels of ability. They are very grateful to Ye Qingxuan for letting out a long cry before leaving.

Ye Wuxuan took a deep breath and said, "Thanks to these two birds, otherwise we would all be buried below, how would we have a chance to come out?"

Situ Haoran said, "If it wasn't for Ye Qingxuan who had the foresight to tell the rest of the disciples to evacuate quickly, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to get out even with these two birds."

At this time, Jiugu said, "This is terrible. We came to this snow valley to get the spirit spirit. Now it's all right, the snow bones are completely sealed. How can we find the snow spirit spirit?" ?”

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "What do you think this is?"

This box is specially used to hold the spirit of the snow essence. After taking the box and opening it, the crystal clear snow spirit is suspended inside, and there are two of them.

Ye Wuxuan said, "Great, isn't this mission completed? This means that we can return to Chongwu Academy now."

Jiugu said, "It's too easy, I thought it would take a lot of trouble, but I didn't expect that we just arrived here, and we won (Nuo's Zhao) Xuejing Soul after only a small twists and turns .”

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "What are you waiting for? Let's leave the blood jade now, there may be some danger here, the sooner we wait for us to leave, the better, it will be safer for us."

They happily set off to the outside of the snowy area, while Wuchen and Huaying in the distance had already left, because they had already completed the task, and there would be no danger in the future, so the two of them went directly to the snowy area now. Returned to Chongwu Academy.

Chapter 848 Returning to Chongwu College

The two of them returned to Chongwu Academy and also reported this matter. The sect master didn't expect that this year's disciples would be so outstanding and they would find Xue Jingpo so quickly.

"This year's disciples are really good. They have just arrived in the snowy area and have already completed the task of finding the snow essence."

"They are going back now, and it won't be long before they return to Chongwu Academy."

Qingfeng nodded, "That's good, especially Ye Qingxuan's performance is the most outstanding, he is the most promising one among the disciples of this year, and he is also the one with the highest talent."

907 Because Ye Qingxuan has the ability of a great fighter now, among all the new disciples, his cultivation is already considered the highest, even surpassing the previous disciples.

He is the only new disciple who has entered the fourth floor of the cultivation tower. Now it is not only the Cangshu Pavilion of Chongwu College, it is open to him, as long as he can practice, he can practice.

What's more, the time for this cultivation tower is also determined by him, not by the academy. Previously, the academy's time in the cultivation tower could not exceed one hour.

It is mainly for the consideration of the disciples, but now it seems that Ye Qingxuan can fully bear this time, so the time is under his own control.

Ye Qingxuan and the others were very happy along the way. They didn't expect to complete the task so quickly. Situ Haoran said, "As far as I know, it took much longer for the other disciples to complete the blood jade task than us. We have just arrived here, nothing has happened yet, this task has already been completed."

Jiugu said with a smile, "Isn't that good? This is a good thing for us."

"Of course, I don't know what kind of generous rewards the academy will give us this time we complete the task?"

Ye Qingxuan said with a smile, "Could there be rewards?"

"Hehehe, you don't know that, of course there are rewards, and the academy's rewards are very special, we (ccfg) can't get them with our abilities."

No one knows what the reward will be. They have already arrived at the gate of Chongwu College. After calculating the time, Wuchen and Huaying are already waiting for them here. These disciples walked in. Unexpectedly, these two mentors Already here to greet them, how on earth did they know they would be here at this hour?

Ye Qingxuan and his disciples felt very strange, logically speaking, the instructors should not know the time, how could they have calculated the time to welcome them here?

The first thing Wu Chen said when he came forward was, "How did you complete the task so quickly?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Didn't the instructor already know about it? He said he didn't go, but actually he was watching us from a distance."

Ye Wuxuan said, "It turns out that's the case. How could I know that the date of our return has already been calculated."

Wuchen said, "After all, this is the first time you have gone out to practice, so on the surface it is for you to let yourself go, but in fact we are watching from a distance. If your life is really in danger, we will definitely take action in time. Your performance Yes, it’s very exciting, although we went with you, but in fact this time the task was completed by you yourself, it has nothing to do with the two of us.”

Ye Qingxuan stepped forward and handed him the box containing the spirit of snow essence.

Chapter 849 Decided to Continue

Wuchen took Xue Jingpo and said, "Go back and rest first, let's talk about it tomorrow morning if you have anything to do."

This is what all the disciples want to do most now. After all, they have not had a good rest during this journey. When they heard what the teacher said, all the disciples ran away without a trace.

Wuchen and Huaying smiled, and they brought back the snow spirit souls. When Qingfeng saw the two snow spirit spirits, he said, "It's not bad, I brought back two, and the big~small It's also very suitable."

"Every disciple should be rewarded with a high-quality spirit-returning pill."

Hearing what Qingfeng said, he knew that the reward this time was pretty good. Compared with the ordinary spirit-returning pills they refined, the high-level boutique spirit-returning pills were much better.

The advantage of the elixir is that as long as you swallow it, your spiritual power will instantly recover to full state, no matter how weak you are, but this elixir is also extremely precious, and ordinary alchemists can't refine it at all.

The others fell asleep when they returned to the room, but Ye Qingxuan returned to his room, and immediately came to the blood jade, Wan Huangzhong said, "Don't you want to rest and come back again?"

"Didn't Master say that I'm in a dream here? So I'm in a resting state right now? I'm here to see what this Snow Spirit can do to me."

"I know what you mean, you want to use it for cultivation, right?

"Well, that's exactly what I meant, because that day, during the cultivation process, the whole body was like burning with fire. Would it be possible to improve if I had this Snow Essence Soul?"

"I'm not too sure about this, but you have to think about whether your meridians can withstand it. Once you swallow this snow essence soul, your meridians will be as cold as the bone-piercing wind."

"Whether you can bear the scouring of this snow spirit soul again and again, and after the energy of ice is over, there is still energy of fire, which can be said to be the two heavens of ice and fire. If you want to combine these two It’s really not easy to fuse energy together.”

Ye Qingxuan originally brought him back to alleviate his pain, but now it seems that the pain he endured is even greater, but he knows that if he can bear it, his meridians will be refreshed, and his meridians will become stronger to a certain extent. Degree.


Ye Qingxuan thought for a while with firm eyes, and told Wanhuangzong, "Since you insist on this, then I will help you as a teacher. You bring these herbs back as I said, and I will make a medicinal bath for you to strengthen your health." Your meridians, in this way you will greatly increase your endurance."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "Okay, then I'll go and bring back all these herbs tomorrow."


"I'm afraid it's not that easy. There are a lot of herbs on it that are hard to come by, so whether you can gather them all depends on your ability."

Ye Qingxuan was thinking, since Baicaoyuan has established a relationship with him, can he take this card to Baicaoyuan to get these herbs? Now that he has this plan, he plans to go to Baicao Garden tomorrow to take a look.

There is also such a Baicao Garden in front of their Chongwu Academy. He knows that the power of the Baicao Garden is all over the world, and there are traces of them on every continent.

Ye Qingxuan withdrew from the ancient jade and fell headlong on the bed, this time he really fell into a deep sleep, he didn't even have a dream.


Chapter 850 The Ability of the Black Card

Ye Qingxuan slept very peacefully here, and he didn't wake up until the sun shone in the next day.

Today, all the disciples woke up very late, which is also the reason why they were tired from the journey. When they heard that the school rewarded them a high-level spirit pill the next day, they were all excited, because no matter what It doesn't matter what level you are, as long as you take this elixir "910", you can instantly restore the state of full spiritual power, which is extremely precious to them.

But to Ye Qingxuan, this is nothing at all, because as an alchemist, if this kind of alchemy can be refined completely, his biggest gain this time is to get the big snow spirit soul.

The most important thing for him now is to go to Baicao Garden to get rid of the herbs he needs to make a medicinal bath.

When Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan were practicing there, Ye Qingxuan took this opportunity to leave here and set off for the knights in front of Chongwu Academy. His purpose was to buy these precious herbs.

Ye Qingxuan found Baicao Garden and walked in, and the shopkeeper immediately came up, "I don't know what herbs you need objectively."

Nine out of ten people who can come here to buy medicines are pharmacists, but there are also some who are not, but they naturally have to be more careful in what they say, and they don't know if they offend anyone.

Ye Qingxuan took out a prescription from his waist, handed it to him and said, "Are there any herbs on it?"

The shopkeeper took a look, and found that many of them were common medicinal materials, but there were a few flavors that were very masculine. They can indeed get them from Baicaoyuan, but it's not easy for anyone to give them to them.

He also took out his own card. When the shopkeeper saw this card, he immediately understood that the person in front of him must be an alchemist, and this card was a VIP card. This card can be said to be unimpeded in their Herbal Hall, even if there is no medicine store, they will try their best to collect all the herbs here for them.

"Wait a minute, I'll go and prepare it for you."

Ye Qingxuan sat down, and the guy next to him immediately poured a cup of tea and said, "Have a cup of tea first, wait a minute."

Ye Qingxuan was very happy in his heart, which shows how powerful this card is, because that person was still very hesitant when he caught this prescription just now, but when he saw this card, he changed instantly. Where is it better to have a passport....

The shopkeeper is very clear that their black card is the VIP card of their Baicao Garden, which is rare. Among all the alchemists, there are only two at most. The young man in front of him can get this black card. It is enough to prove his strength, it seems that his alchemy should be very high.

He reported this matter to his superior, who was immediately shocked when he saw this prescription, because he also knew that such a herbal medicine is so precious, and the one who can use it is a senior alchemist.

Although Ye Qingxuan is still an intermediate alchemist, 5.6, this prescription was given to him by his master.

"Can we get all those herbs here?"

The shopkeeper thought for a while and said, "Yes, yes, but there are not many precious herbs, and I don't know how many he needs."

"Give him all these first, and we'll prepare them for him if we need them again. Anyway, it's not that my Baicao Garden can't take them out, it's just that there are none in the shop in front of me.".

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