Some families need to consume a lot of spar in order to raise a refiner, and this refiner is not necessarily a strong refiner, even a strike-out refiner needs to consume a lot of spar.

Ye Qingxuan knew very well that their Ye family didn't have such a craftsman or alchemist, and they didn't use crystals to raise such a capable person. After all, even if you have crystals, you might not be able to get them.

The two master trainers could tell that they were fierce and strong, and a powerful blue light radiated from between their hands, which was exactly the ability to temper weapons.

The kind of ore they need is also extremely rare. Using the ore to change the attribute of the spirit weapon, whoever has the stronger attribute of the spirit weapon change will win.

Jiu Gu said, "It's the first time I've seen this craftsman refining weapons. It's really shocking."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Could it be that you are also interested in refining weapons?"

"I would like to, but I don't have that talent."

None of the four major families had any disciples in this area since ancient times, so they were rarely tested for their talents in this area, and it was unknown whether they had such talents. Otherwise, Ye Qingxuan's talent for refining medicine would not have been buried Lost, of course, the reason why he has such a high talent for refining medicine is not because he has a one-click full level...

Looking at the obsessed look of Jiu Gu, he knew that he was very interested in refining art. The academy can actually test the talents of the disciples, but their current cultivation is not enough. If you want to know if you have these two The talent above the cultivation level can only be tested after reaching the spiritual level.

** is already a Spiritualist, so he has tested his aptitude long ago, but he has no talents in these two aspects. It would be a great honor for their family to be able to test the aptitude of a disciple in Chongwu Academy.

The operations of the two training masters above 5.6 are very exciting, and it can be seen that their fierceness is also very strong. After their refining, the two weapons really changed.

Both the appearance and attributes have changed a lot. When the attributes of the two weapons were tested, the strength of the two weapons was comparable, indicating that the first round had been tied.

Chapter 766 Lin Feng leaves

The corners of Lin Feng's mouth rose slightly. He didn't expect that this ancient method is still very powerful, and the disciples he taught are pretty good. This guy has great ambitions. He not only wants to become a famous master of refining weapons, he I also want to become the only senior refiner left in all the continents.

Immediately after the next duel, the disciples of both sides have their own strengths. Of course, there are winners and losers. In the end, their strengths are still evenly matched. Although Lin Feng looks like a smile on the surface, in fact, he has long been incomparable in his heart. Angry, he didn't expect the disciples he handed over to be so stupid.

He turned around and left with these disciples. He didn't need to look at his own expression, but just looked at the unhappy expressions on the faces of those disciples one by one, and he knew what would happen to them.

Of course, no outsiders knew about it, and no one noticed the expressions of those disciples. Of course, they couldn't guess what they were thinking through their expressions.

Haotian walked over and said, "Lin Feng's attainments in weapon refining are indeed quite deep, but his master Wanhuangzong is even more powerful. It's a pity that no one has seen his master, and he has been wandering for a long time."

Gu Fa said, "Wan Huangzhong is anyone who wants to meet, let alone us, even if he is his apprentice, Lin Feng probably hasn't seen him a few times, besides, he has been wandering around for so many years. , no one knows where he is."

"I have to say that his disciple is indeed outstanding enough, no wonder he is the most proud disciple of the Wanhuangzong, but it is a pity that he does not have the dual-element talent like Wanhuangzhong."

Immediately afterwards, Wuchen and Huaying said to the disciples who were watching here, "Do you think the crafting is really good?"

Huaying said, "I know that many disciples are envious of these refiners, but don't act too hastily, the academy will test your talent for you after your cultivation level breaks through to become a spirit master."

"So if you want to know whether you have these two talents earlier, then you have to work hard. Sooner or later, you will let yourself break through the spiritual master, so that you will know whether you have these two talents faster."

Some disciples are still turbulent in their hearts, so recently, Hu Chen and Huaying found that some of their disciples inevitably worked hard. It seems that they want to break through the spirit. It is very troublesome to break through the spirit, it still needs to wait for a few years.

But Ye Qingxuan's talent cultivation speed is very fast. Of course, not all disciples need such a long time. There are some very talented disciples, and their speed will be promoted very quickly.

Ye Qingxuan is now a level nine warrior, so for him at 750, breaking through as a spirit warrior is only a matter of minutes. Lin Feng has already left, and Gu Yu has regained his calm. Ye Qingxuan knows that whenever Gu Yu approaches Lin Feng or hears this person There will always be this kind of fluctuation when the name is named, this week comes from Wan Huangzong's hatred for Lin Feng.

Ye Qingxuan came to the cultivation tower to continue his cultivation. This time, he was about to break through to the cultivation level of a spirit warrior. During this time, all the disciples were practicing here. Huaying's disciples were on the first floor, and Wuchen's disciples were on the second floor.

Jiu Gu said, "How come all the people have become hardworking in the past few days, and it seems that they all want to know if they have such talent.".

Chapter 767

The same is true for Kutani, he also wants to know if he has such a talent, he is now a sixth-level warrior, he knows that the most promising of them is Ye Qingxuan, and Ye Qingxuan is an eighth-level warrior in his cognition Warrior, but he didn't know that Ye Qingxuan was already level nine.

Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes tightly, put all his spirit weapons into his dantian, and then kept absorbing the spirit weapons from the cultivation tower to break through his dantian.

Last time, the ability of the high-level magic core exploded in an instant, and the spiritual power of Dantian began to explode. This is a sign of a breakthrough. Ye Qingxuan is no longer retracting. The reason why he was able to break through so quickly when he was a warrior, but this time he was promoted But a spirit man needs to consume a lot of spiritual power, and Ye Qingxuan's continuous spiritual power is absorbed into his dantian.

The power of the magic core that was devoured last time also gradually dissipated. This is the last trace of his strength, but he still has a magic core in his body, which he doesn't plan to use yet.

That little guy has been resting in his own space for a long time, he has always been in a state of deep sleep, since the last transformation, he has been in this state, maybe he is also practicing.

But Ye Qingxuan helped him find the fairy grass, which made him successfully transform into a green luan from a young bird, and this spiritual power suddenly filled the entire dantian.

With a bang, a strong light erupted from Ye Qingxuan's body. At this moment, all the disciples on the second floor forgot about the phenomenon of being promoted to a spiritual man. How could they not sense such a strong light? Ye Qingxuan broke through. They all know that when they emit this kind of light, they are breaking through the spiritual state.

These people know very well that it takes a lot of effort to break through a level, and they have broken through to become a Spiritualist in such a short period of time. Is this guy human? This is simply too perverted.

Ye Wuxuan said, "I'm not mistaken. Could it be that I'm dreaming? How is this possible? It's too unbelievable."

Bai Liang of the Bai family's eyes were full of jealousy. He knew that Ye Qingxuan was a waste of the Ye family before, and he suddenly broke through as a spiritual man. At his age, no one can achieve this level of cultivation.

Said that the speed of promotion is too fast, and the time is too short, Jiu Gu said, "It's true that you didn't dream, he actually broke through as a spirit man."

Of course, that strong light disappeared in a flash. Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and felt lighter than before, and had a very refreshing feeling.

He recalled his master's words in his mind, "¨¨you brat is exactly what you said, your talent in martial arts is really special enough."

Ye Fengxuan walked over to look at Ye Qingxuan and looked him up and down, "I want to see if you are human? It's too perverted, you have broken through as a spirit man in a short period of time, you are the one from our Ye family Trash?"

Ye Wuxuan said, "Go, go, what nonsense (Zhao Li's) is about the waste of the Ye family. This is our Ye family's treasure, the supreme treasure."

"That's not what I meant. What I meant was that he is that person. This change is too big. I really suspect that it's just another person who looks exactly the same."

"Yeah, the speed at which you silenced the sound really shocked us, right? You are the first person, not to mention all the disciples like Wuchen, even Huaying, and no one has such a talent."

Chapter 768 Pure Blue Flame

"Okay, okay, you guys don't praise me here, I don't know, but suddenly I feel my spiritual power soars, and then I broke through."

At this time, Bai Liang said, "You guys can really waste your time. What does someone's promotion have to do with you? If you don't sit down and practice hard, if you don't want to practice, then go out. Don't bother me."

Jiugu said, "Don't pay attention to him, he's just jealous."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "He's right. We did call 750 to disturb others. You should continue to practice. After the practice is over, let's go out and talk about something."

Ye Qingxuan knew that he could not stay here anymore. If he continued to stay here, he would really disturb others. All of them were thinking about him, so he said to Jiu Gu and the others, "You guys practice first, and I will practice first." out."

Ye Wuxuan said, "Okay, you go out first."

After Ye Qingxuan left here, he broke through not long after he came in, and the time for the other disciples to practice has not yet come. After Ye Qingxuan walked out, they all sat back in their seats and continued to practice.

When Ye Qingxuan was promoted, all of them seemed to have more confidence in this place. They were cultivating hard, but Ye Qingxuan's cultivation time hadn't arrived at all. He was afraid of disturbing the cultivation of these people, so he left the cultivation tower. come out.

He went straight back to his room, which was the quietest room so far. Ye Qingxuan sat on the bed, crossing the stream, and entered into the ancient jade again.

Wan Huangzong said to Ye Qingxuan, "It seems that your martial arts is indeed extremely talented. Since this is more beneficial to the art of refining, the general Qi refining masters have very high cultivation bases. They have reached a certain height, but it does not necessarily mean that they are extremely talented in terms of cultivation, because people at the same (ccfg) height are not equal in ability."

Of course, Ye Qingxuan knew that the strength of people from the fifth rank is not necessarily the same, it also depends on their own talent in cultivation, Wan Huangzong took out a spiritual weapon.

This spiritual weapon is just a spiritual weapon for attacking. To Ye Qingxuan, I will teach you how to refine a weapon. You also need a formula to refine a weapon. As long as you keep it in mind, you can emit that blue color. flames to cultivate this spiritual weapon.

Of course, it is impossible to change its attributes with only this kind of flame, and special ores are needed. With a wave of his sailor, a few pieces of ores fell here.

"Use the weapon as a guide, turn it into a divine thunder, break the sky and gather energy..."

Wanhuangzong only said it once, and Ye Qingxuan has already firmly memorized it. According to this mantra to exercise, the blue flames of the spirit weapon and those ores below burst out instantly. When Wan Huangzhong saw the blue flames When he saw the light, he immediately knew that this was a child with dual cultivation talents, and his blue flame was particularly pure, which was enough to prove his ability.

Wan Huangzong was even more shocked. This child Ye Qingxuan is not only talented in dual cultivation, isn't this a triple cultivation? Martial arts cultivation, practicing equipment and refining medicine, the three cultivation bases are all extremely talented, and they are really rare geniuses in ten thousand years.

Ye Qingxuan's pure blue flame, that kind of purity let him see, Ye Qingxuan's talent in refining is quite high, his level seems to be inferior to the purity of his own blue flame.

Chapter 769 Three Cultivation Talents

The weapon changed instantly under his tempering. According to the energy of this special ore, the shape of the weapon was changed, and its attributes also changed. It was promoted from a sortie spirit weapon to an intermediate spirit weapon.

Ye Qingxuan didn't expect that he would succeed so quickly. He had seen this kind of flame before. He knew that his flame seemed bluer and purer. After arriving here, I have never found out where this sword exists.

Ye Qingxuan knew that the Purple Gold Sword was also a peerless spiritual weapon, but he hadn't been able to track it down with this sword. No matter what he did, maybe now is not the time.

This spiritual weapon was suspended there, and at this moment Wanhuangzong said with a smile on his face, "Hahaha! You really shocked me, you brat, this refining weapon is indeed extremely talented, and it is also very talented in refining medicine. It is also quite good, it seems that your ability of the three cultivations is really rare in ten thousand years."

Ye Qingxuan said with a smile all over his face, "So I have the ability to refine weapons, and now I am a third cultivator."

"That's right, that's true, but your talent can be tested in the academy test, so don't reveal it so early, and pretend to be stupid. If you reveal your talent too early, it will make people You brought upon yourself a fatal disaster."

Ye Qingxuan is very clear about this, after all there are many people who are jealous, they naturally don't want such people to exist in the world, but the dean of Chongwu Academy will protect such a capable disciple.

Even so, it is impossible for him to protect him personally. Besides, there are so many masters in this world, who knows who will appear here, and who knows who is the bad guy?

Ye Qingxuan turned his head and said, "I follow Master's instruction, and I will definitely remember it firmly."

Ye Qingxuan naturally knows everything, but he can't hide his cultivation. After all, he is studying in the academy, and he can observe it from the aspect of learning to the aspect of cultivation.

Ye Qingxuan knew that there was no need to hide his cultivation. After all, he was a genius in the Ye family, and many people knew it.

In fact, the Patriarch of the Bai family still regretted it very much. He regretted not getting rid of this guy before Ye Qingxuan left. If his abilities were greatly improved after he came back, it would be very unfavorable to the Bai family.


It may be even more difficult to kill him after his ability is up, but he also knows that even with excellent talent, it is impossible to become a top expert in a short period of time. He still doesn't have to worry about this Yes, when he returns from the academy to visit relatives in the family, he can take this opportunity to get rid of Ye Qingxuan.


The Patriarch of the Bai family is also very clear that Ye Qingxuan's disciples in Chongwu Academy cannot do anything, so he did not ask his disciples to kill Ye Qingxuan in Chongwu Academy.

Even without any entrustment, Bai Liang is very jealous of Ye Qingxuan. This is after Ye Qingxuan broke through as a spiritual man. He knows that his current cultivation level is far behind him, so he needs to work harder.

Bai Liang is also a talented person in the Bai family, so he doesn't want to lose to this Ye Qingxuan, because he knows that Ye Qingxuan was a waste before, wouldn't it be too embarrassing if he lost to a waste? Door.

Chapter 770 Decided to Conceal My Ability

Ye Qingxuan's attainments in weapon refining are also very powerful. He is not only a weapon refining master, but also a pharmacist, and his talent in martial arts is also extremely dazzling.

Wan Huangzong didn't expect to find such a precious apprentice, how can he be unhappy? Ye Qingxuan himself didn't expect that he could refine both weapons and medicine, and he was a person with high talent in martial arts. No wonder Ye Qingxuan became the top one in the world when the "Seven Five Zero" Tower of the True Spirit was teleporting. Existence is the only way to complete this reincarnation.

In this world, if he possesses the ability of the three cultivators, isn't he a peerless genius? In the end, he will definitely stand at the top. I just don't know if he can make it to the end, because he knows very well that in this world, If he was killed or framed by other people, then the reincarnation mission this time would have failed.

Wanhuangzong was also very satisfied with the spirit weapon that Ye Qingxuan had forged. The spirit weapon Ye Qingxuan obtained was the Qiankun Sword, and the attribute of the Qiankun Sword was a very good spirit weapon.

But this spirit weapon is not something that Ye Qingxuan can refine casually. After all, this spirit weapon must require a top-level refiner to change its attributes. Ye Qingxuan's current ability cannot do it, let alone Ye Qingxuan. Even when Wanhuangzong was alive, he might not be able to do it, which is enough to prove how precious his Qiankun Sword is.

Ye Qingxuan said to Wanhuangzong, "Master, since I am a craftsman and a pharmacist, can this Chongwu Academy be withdrawn?"

"Don't worry, although Chongwu Academy can measure it, you can practice these two aspects, but they can't measure your talent."

"You have to know that there may be many people who can become tool refiners or pharmacists, but the things they refine are rubbish."

Ye Qingxuan understood the meaning of Wanhuangzong, he nodded, Ye Qingxuan walked out from the ancient jade, at this time Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan also walked out of the cultivation tower, although the time for this cultivation tower has come, but The shock in the hearts of the two people is still not over.

The two of them returned to the room, but Ye Qingxuan didn't go out and stayed in the room. The three of them lived in the same room.

Ye Wuxuan said, "What's the situation, you haven't gone out all this time, are you just sleeping in here?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "I've finally been promoted, and I'm not allowed to be lazy..."

"Hehe, you are the subject of hot discussion now. Those disciples in the cultivation tower have all seen it. Your promotion speed is too fast. You have already become a spirit man at this time. You must know that the entire Xuanwu There is no one in the mainland who can become a spiritual master at this age."

"Then I would also like to thank Chongwu Academy and the spiritual power in the training tower."

"Although this has something to do with the fierceness of the training tower, the most important thing is your talent. You have to know that so many disciples are practicing in that training tower. How come no one breaks through as fast as you?" 5.6

Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan also knew that this cultivation tower really helped a lot, otherwise, why would so many people come to Chongwu Academy with their heads squeezed, and this Chongwu Academy doesn't mean that anyone can enter if they want to.

Ye Wuxuan said, "Recognize that there is no enlightenment, and suddenly become a peerless genius after enlightenment, who can bear it?".

Chapter 771 Entering the Third Floor Training Tower

Ye Fengxuan smiled and said, "If it were me, I would rather be treated as trash by everyone like Ye Qingxuan at the beginning, not to mention being enlightened at the age of eighteen, even if I was enlightened at the age of twenty-eight."

Ye Wuxuan smiled and said, "Enlightenment at the age of twenty-eight, don't be joking. If that was the case, you would have been sent out long ago. Even if you discovered your abilities, it might be too late."

Of course, Ye Qingxuan's breakthrough as a spiritual master is not only known to them, but also to Wuchen and Huaying. He never thought that there would be such an outstanding disciple. Talented disciple.

The next day they were still practicing in the training tower, the reason for Ye Qingxuan's promotion, so he could directly enter the third floor.

The disciples on the third floor are all highly capable. They came much earlier than Ye Qingxuan and the others. One of them, he is **, because he is also a spirit man, so he is on the third floor of the cultivation tower .

Ye Qingxuan entered the third floor, and ** came over and said, "You have broken through as a spirit man."

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