"I can sense that your talent is extremely high, and you are not an ordinary person, so I want you to inherit my mantle." The door.

Chapter 760

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while, this is a good thing, you must know that this person is a master forging, and also a very talented alchemist, and he is also a double cultivator.

With such a good thing, how could he refuse? This person wants to let himself inherit his mantle, and I believe he also wants to avenge him.

Ye Qingxuan said, "Okay, I agree, but I can't see you at all "743"."

"Haha, isn't it easy? You just need to drip your own blood on this piece of jade and you can see me."

Ye Qingxuan bit his own finger and dripped a drop of blood on the jade.

The color of this piece of jade can hardly be seen clearly, because it is covered with a layer of things. Obviously, it should have been placed there for a long time, and no one has touched it, and it has also experienced a lot of wind and frost, so looking at it from the outside Dirty looking.

Ye Qingxuan's blood dripped on this piece of jade, and in an instant the outer layer of the jade fell off, revealing the blood-red jade. This is an ancient blood jade.

In an instant, Ye Qingxuan entered the blood jade. This snowy area exuded a faint red light, suspended there, and Ye Qingxuan also entered the space of the snowy area. When he saw the person in front of him, he knew that this must be Wan Emperor.

Ye Qingxuan was quite clever. After he came to Wanhuangzong, he immediately knelt down and said, "I pay my respects to my master."

"Haha! So teachable."

Wan Huangzong turned his head and pulled Ye Qingxuan up, "I have been observing you since you brought me back. You are indeed different from ordinary people, otherwise I wouldn't have shown it."

Ye Qingxuan said, "I still can't hide it from the eyes of the master."

Wanhuangzong didn't expect that this stinky boy had a sweet mouth, so he worshiped himself as a teacher, was it just to learn his own ability, or he was a good person himself.

It's not that he has doubts about Ye Qingxuan, but that his disciple Lin Feng made him speechless. Wan Huangzong said, "Since you have worshiped me as your teacher, then my weapon refining method and medicine refining method are natural." will teach you."

"Let me see how talented you are in refining weapons."

Ye Qingxuan said, "I don't know if I have dual talents like you, master, but I only know that my martial arts talent is still extremely high...."

"I already know this very well. You guys are indeed very talented. This Wanjian Jue can reach the full level in a short period of time."

"This alone is enough to prove how high your talent is. If you are really a dual cultivator, maybe with the help of your martial arts ability, you can develop the other one."

"How can I know if I am a craftsman or a pharmacist?"

"As long as you do what I tell you, I will know whether you are suitable or not."

"Since I have selected you, it means that you still have talents in this aspect. Don't worry, there is an 80% possibility that you have these two talents, even if you have 5.6 of them. Whether you learn weapon training or medicine refining from me, you may become an unsurpassable person."

Ye Qingxuan still has some understanding of the information here. There are very few of these two kinds of craftsmen and pharmacists. Although there are many people with such talents, they can only stop at the elementary or intermediate level.

Chapter 761 Lin Feng is coming soon

It is very difficult to become an advanced craftsman or pharmacist. If you have one of these two achievements, it is by no means a simple character. Let alone the junior craftsman and pharmacist. , the intermediate refining masters and alchemists are also very popular here.

Refiners are not only able to refine unparalleled spirit weapons, but more importantly, they can expand the attributes of spirit weapons, not to mention pharmacists. The pharmacists who are attacking can refine some special healing tools to restore themselves. 22 spiritual power pills, and some ammunition to treat internal injuries, and the pills refined by senior alchemists will be beyond your imagination.

Ye Qingxuan knew that the Wanhuangzong in front of him was a peerless craftsman and pharmacist, but he did not expect that he had already fallen. I believe many people didn't know about it.

Ye Qingxuan knew very well that his disciple Lin Feng's current prestige was above this continent, but he was very famous, let alone in the Xuanxin Continent, even in the Xuanwu Continent and other continents, this person wanted him to practice How difficult it is to make a spirit tool or refine a pill.

Suddenly felt someone coming in, Ye Qingxuan passed it out from the ancient jade in an instant, he put the blood jade away and put it in his arms, he knew that this place was not a hidden place.

Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan walked up, Ye Wuxuan saw Ye Qingxuan standing there in a daze, and said, "What are you doing? Is it because there are some problems that can't be solved?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "It's nothing, I'm just practicing Wanjianjue, thinking about the mystery."

"The rest of you guys are in the training ground, why did you come to practice in the training tower?"

"That's because you don't know that practicing this Ten Thousand Arrow Art will consume a lot of spirit coins, so this is the most suitable place for me to practice."

"It turned out to be like this, no wonder you ran here alone, where did we think you went?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Is there anything you can do with me?"

"Nothing, just see what you are doing here."

Ye Fengxuan said, "Did you know? Recently, Lin Feng, the master craftsman, is coming to our academy."

Ye Qingxuan said, "I just found out what he was doing here."

"Hey, he's a master craftsman. Tell me what he can do here. Besides, this well-known master craftsman, who wouldn't want to meet him? If his spirit weapon is developed by him, then But what a good thing."

"Don't be too fancy, even if he comes here, it is impossible for us to develop the attributes of spiritual weapons. If you think about it, you are here to learn from each other. After all, we also have high-level weapon refining masters in the 743 Academy of Chongwu Xue. "

Ye Wuxuan said, that's right, he brought his disciples to our academy to compete. Doesn't our academy also have some outstanding weapon refining disciples? "

Ye Qingxuan knew very well that the ancient method of Chongwu Academy, a high-level master craftsman, was quite capable, no less than Lin Feng at all.

This Lin Feng has a human face and a beast's heart. He didn't expect his appearance to be glamorous, so he felt Gu Yu's battle. He also knew that it was the Wanhuangzong Wanhuangzong, but he was killed by his apprentice. Although this apprentice was not a double cultivator, but The talent in refining is quite high.

Chapter 762 Start to test your talent

Originally, Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan thought that Ye Qingxuan would be very excited when he heard the news, but they didn't expect him to have no reaction, as if this guy had nothing to do with him.

Originally, he had nothing to do with him. The three of them are members of the Ye family, so their ideas are too different. Could it be that Ye Qingxuan is not interested in these two cultivation bases?

No matter how many things he has, when Lin Feng arrives, let's see how powerful this guy's spirit weapon is, besides, he must always show off his skills.

I really thought too much when I met them. Although Lin Feng is a very powerful master craftsman, he did not show off his abilities casually. The purpose of coming to Chongwu Academy this time is to discuss and lead him His disciples came here to compare with the craftsmen of Chongwu Academy.

At night, when Ye Qingxuan returned to his room and lay on the bed, those two guys had already fallen asleep. At this time, Ye Qingxuan sat cross-legged and entered into the ancient jade again.

Ye Qingxuan said, "I know that you are extremely angry when you hear that guy's name, but there is nothing we can do now. His current attainment is very high, of course it is also because of your teaching〃."

"However, you can rest assured that if I really have such a talent, one day I will avenge you. Another point is that I will never do anything worse than that pig or dog."

Bai went on to say, "I also know very well that if the alchemist reaches a certain level, refining the possession pill can completely revive you."

The current Wanhuangzong has only a touch of spiritual knowledge, even if he wants to cry, he can't cry, no matter whether what Ye Qingxuan said is true or not, it always moves him.

"With your words, I am satisfied. No matter whether you have that ability or not, I will accept you as an apprentice."

I went on to say, what needs to be done, just tell me, because I hope to know as soon as possible whether I am a person with such a talent. "

"If there is, I will never let you down. I can bear no matter how much pain I experience."

Ye Qingxuan is very clear that no matter how talented he is, he still needs to work hard. If he hadn't possessed the ability to reach the full level of this sword, he would not be able to reach the full level of a kung fu so quickly.

The reason why the Wanhuangzong put his spiritual consciousness in this ancient jade is not because of the particularity of this jade. As long as he stays here and does not go out and use his abilities indiscriminately, he will stay here, and the time It will be a long time.

He said to Ye Qingxuan, "¨¨Then test your alchemy talent first, you just need to bring back this one-way herbal medicine, as for the alchemy furnace, I have plenty here, you just pick one Can."

Ye Qingxuan glanced at it and remembered the items needed on it, so he can bring these things back tomorrow, but he didn't rush to deal with it the next morning, after all, what It's best not to make things too obvious, he has done what he should do as usual.

When I was free, Ye Qingxuan was nowhere to be seen. The people in the Ye family thought that Ye Qingxuan had gone to practice in the cultivation tower, but they didn't know that he was wandering outside. This was precisely to collect these herbs, which are very common. Herbal medicine, so Ye Qingxuan's collection speed is quite fast.

Chapter 763 Start Learning Alchemy

After he bought these herbs at these pharmacies, he put all these herbs in his storage ring, which is the most convenient, because what he wants to test now is whether he has talent in this area, and there is no need to buy these herbs in large quantities at all. Just randomly bought some.

When he came to the cultivation tower, he knew that Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan would not come to disturb him for the time being. After all, he also knew that he was practicing Wanjianjue here.

Ye Qingxuan came directly to the second floor of the cultivation tower, it would be even better if he could enter the third floor, because those people couldn't go up.

Go directly into the ancient jade, "Master, I brought all these things back, let's see if we can start."

Wan Huangzong's age seems to be in his forties, and 747 and this guy is quite handsome, because he is an alchemist, so his appearance has always been maintained.

However, he did reach that ageless state in the later stage, after all, his cultivation reached that level in the end.

Those who can break through to the Haotian level or above can basically guarantee their appearance. If they break through to the middle **** level or above, they are basically hiding the Supreme God, so don't even think about it, that is the state of eternal life.

It is also possible to reach the Supreme God through the cultivation of equipment refining and medicine refining, but that (ccfg) level is more difficult than reaching the sky, especially the equipment refining master and alchemy master, they are completely different from martial arts .

The pill furnace was ready, although it looked inconspicuous, but Ye Qingxuan didn't know that the pill furnace in front of him was very precious.

Ye Qingxuan started to practice according to the master's words. First of all, he must condense his fierceness. It is also very difficult to achieve this point. It is really enough to condense his spiritual power on his fingertips, ignite it instantly, and then use this method to smelt the elixir. It consumes spiritual power.

No wonder alchemists need a lot of spiritual power. The Wanhuangzong didn't expect Ye Qingxuan to be so smart. He just said it again. It's very simple for this guy to do it well. It's like asking you to stand up, and you will stand up , let you sit down and you will continue to do the same.

It made him a little surprised. Could it be that this brat really has the talent for making alchemy? It's too early to judge, and we'll wait until he condenses into a pill.

After Ye Qingxuan learned the steps, this alchemy is of course a full-level state. When he activates his one-click full-level ability, alchemy reaches the full-level state in an instant. Of course the pill can be practiced well.

When the elixir was condensed, the fragrance of the medicine was so strong that he was shocked by the purity. He knew that only he could achieve such purity.

Even among his alchemy apprentices, none of them could reach such a level, so none of the alchemists he accepted was outstanding, and there was only one outstanding alchemist. He was Lin Feng, but Lin Feng killed him .

He was really relieved, he didn't expect that there were such people in the world, and it was so easy to learn everything, which shocked him, but seeing Ye Qingxuan's current state, he was already at the pinnacle of a junior pharmacist.

This was so gratifying to him, "Hahaha! Someone has finally inherited my mantle, and the heavens still treat me kindly.".

Chapter 764 The shock of Wanhuangzong

Wan Huangzong said to Ye Qingxuan, "You do have alchemy talent, and the talent is extremely high. Now you are a junior alchemist and have reached the peak state."

Ye Qingxuan said stupidly, "But I don't know how to practice any pills, even the pill I've condensed now, I don't know its name yet."

"You little brat, what are you afraid of? I've never met an alchemist who can't love any pills, and he has already reached the peak of a junior alchemist. You are the first one."

Speaking of this, Wanhuangzong input all the ingredients of the junior alchemist into Ye Qingxuan's mind, "Practice according to the method above, and you will be able to master all these pills in a short time, but I believe that with your His talent can reach that level with just one operation."

Wan Huangzhong didn't expect that the disciple he met was so talented, which shocked him, but now he wants to refine weapons, there are still some men, after all, isn't his cultivation level not enough? It hasn't broken through as a spirit man yet. After it breaks through the spirit man, it can start to learn and practice skills. It also needs to see if it has talent in refining techniques.

Ye Qingxuan said, "This shows that I have the talent for alchemy. How long will it take to find out if I have such a talent?"

"Don't worry, you can start when your cultivation level breaks through to become a spiritual master."

"It turns out that I need to break through my own cultivation. There is absolutely no problem with this. I can break through this cultivation anytime and anywhere. I just kept it under control, so I didn't have a breakthrough."

Hearing what he said, he knew that the young man in front of him knew how to move freely and was not greedy. He was indeed a good apprentice, and his thinking really made him very-satisfied.

"Being a teacher is not in a hurry at all. Whenever you think you have a breakthrough, we will practice at that time."

I also nodded, he walked out from the ancient jade, and then practiced here for a while before walking out of the cultivation tower. Wuchen and Baiyan also saw that Ye Qingxuan often went in and out of the cultivation tower recently. I don't know how his Wanjian Jue practiced.

This day is the day when electrical master Lin Feng arrives. Gu Fa greeted him personally, and Gu Fa greeted him with a smile, "You are a rare visitor."


"Hahaha! What kind of rare visitor am I? In your Chongwu Academy, aren't there many people like me? For example, you are one of them."

"Okay, don't be humble."

Ye Qingxuan and his disciples knew that this Lin Feng should have come to Chongwu Academy to learn from the two of them talking like this, seeing that he and Gufa were very familiar with each other.


The person in the desire is indeed a little emotional, but with the safety of this disciple Ye Qingxuan, his emotions have indeed restrained a lot.

I also saw Lin Feng's appearance. His cultivation base is not as high as that of Wanhuangzong, so he is now forty years old, and he looks about forty years old.

He came here today to compete with the disciples of Chongwu Academy, so these disciples he brought with him all looked arrogant, but the ancient law did not take them seriously. The disciples of Chongwu Academy Not worse than them.

Those refining addresses of Chongwu Academy have been waiting there for a long time. These are the most outstanding disciples of Chongwu Academy in refining techniques, and they are also the sect led by Gufa himself.

Chapter 765

And Haotian from Chongwu College is a high-level alchemist, and his alchemy talent is also very famous. He has a high reputation and great prestige on several continents.

This Lin Feng has no talent for alchemy, so all his disciples are craftsmen, "Today is a very good opportunity, I hope you can grasp it, Gufa is also a very famous master craftsman, so he "Seven Five Zero "The disciples are not far behind."

All of Lin Feng's disciples stood there neatly, clasped their fists together and said, "Yes, I will definitely do my best."

The morale of this loud voice is quite high, this Lin Feng has always been hot, his disciples are very clear, if they make any big mistakes, they may even lose their lives.

The weapon training duel started, the same weapon was placed on it, and two weapon refining masters forged another attribute at the same time. Ye Qingxuan watched the operation of these two weapon refining masters, not to mention it was the first time he saw it, because in their No one in the Ye family has such a talent, not to mention none of the four major families of the Ye family has such a talent.

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