Ye Qingxuan nodded and said, "That's right, I have already broken through as a Spiritualist."

The other disciples also walked towards this side and said, "Are there any mistakes? The talents of your Ye family disciples are too high, this guy is a new disciple recruited this year, and his ability surpasses yours. "

** said, "Everyone's abilities are different, why? Are you jealous?"

"Jealous, why not jealous? If you say that no one is jealous, I won't believe it. If you say it's us, I don't believe that you are not jealous of him at all."

"I'm jealous of what he's doing, he was originally a disciple of my Ye family."

Ye Qingxuan was going to find a place to practice, but suddenly people sat down in these places, and these people were still walking around just now, as soon as Ye Qingxuan walked forward, they all took up the seats, it seemed that they were really jealous.

** glanced at them, these guys have always been like this, ** didn't bother to pay attention to them, he took Ye Qingxuan to a corner, he said, "Although the spiritual power here is not as abundant as other positions, it is also It’s much better than the second floor, so you can practice here first.”

This third floor also has a seat for every cultivation position, and the other positions are occupied, only this one is left, Ye Qingxuan doesn't care, there is nothing wrong with sitting here.

I just ignored them when I confessed to Panxi, and ** returned to his original position, and no one paid attention to other people when he closed his eyes and practiced. Those people thought it was boring, so they ignored them. Sit down and start practicing.

When everyone was quiet, Ye Qingxuan just opened his eyes for a look, then closed his eyes again, and in the next second he appeared in the blood jade.

Ready to practice his own refining technique, Wan Huangzong pointed Ye Qingxuan, and looked at him in shock, because Ye Qingxuan practiced for the first time yesterday, and today is the second time, and he has improved.

Seeing the pure blue flame being constantly forged made him extremely satisfied. Although he only had a touch of spiritual knowledge, this spiritual knowledge also stored a lot of things in this ancient jade. Guyu is a huge space, all his treasures are here.

Chapter 772

Thinking about it, Lin Feng would never have thought of it. Although he killed Wanhuangzong, he still couldn't find his treasures. He didn't know where he put those treasures.

It is precisely because Lin Feng is his most capable disciple, and he believes in this disciple deeply, which has a lot to do with Lin Feng's usual performance. This guy has always liked flattering. He obeyed orders, that's why he regarded this disciple so important, and he didn't have any defenses.

But he already knew that Lin Feng was such a person, and it was impossible for him to pass on his abilities to him. Hello, he had already put all his things in that piece of ancient jade before.

It was because this piece of ancient jade looked dilapidated, and no one picked it up when it fell on the ground, so Lin Feng didn't take it seriously, and just threw it away casually. Only then did the old man pick it up and take it there to sell it, but it happened to be met by Ye Qingxuan.

When Ye Qingxuan first picked up this piece of jade, he didn't intend to buy this piece of jade, he just wanted to give the old man some more crystals, but he didn't expect to get such a high-end treasure by accident.

His second tempering was really successful, and Wanhuangzong nodded in satisfaction. As for those herbs, except for the precious common herbs, Wanhuangzong never collects them, because those things are everywhere, so if Ye Qingxuan If you want to learn how to refine medicine, you have to go out and collect herbs yourself.

Bai knew very well that one or two of these are okay. If he collects a lot of herbs, he will definitely attract attention. What does he, a martial artist, collect so many herbs?

After thinking about it for a while, he could put these herbs directly into the ancient jade, wouldn't that be all right? Wan Huangzong said, "Don't even think about it, I will never agree to this matter. I store treasures here, and those ordinary things cannot be stored."ˇ

Ye Qingxuan looked at him in surprise and said, "I haven't said anything yet, how could you know what I'm thinking?"

"Don't forget that I am only a touch of spiritual consciousness now, of course I know what you think."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Then there is no other way. My storage space ring is only five square meters in size, so it can't hold many herbs."

"What does five square mean?"

"That's five meters in length and width."

"It turned out to be such a thing. It's easy to handle. This is for you."

Wan Huangzong directly threw Ye Qingxuan a Chongwu ring. This ring is huge, and it can hold a lot of things in it. It is much bigger than his one.

How precious is this, Ye Qingxuan knows very well that there are not many who can afford this ring.

Because Wanhuangzong is a Qi refiner, this Chongwu ring is simply too childish for him, let alone such a big one, he can practice even bigger ones.

(Zhao Lihao) Ye Qingxuan said, "¨¨This was refined by you yourself."

Wanhuangzong smiled and didn't say anything, but Ye Qingxuan also understood that this was indeed refined by him. You must know that a five-square-meter storage ring is extremely precious in the Xuanwu Continent.

Don't think about the one in Ye Qingxuan's hand, it is priceless, not to mention priceless, even if you take out so many gold, silver and jewels, no one else will exchange it with you.

Chapter 773 Walking Out of the Training Tower

Ye Qingxuan said, "Then when will I be able to refine such a storage space ring?"

"It's still early, you are just a junior craftsman now, although this craftsman's ability is good, but your current ability is not high."

"What level do I need to be able to refine the storage space ring?"

"When you become an intermediate craftsman, you can refine a five-square-meter ring like the one in your hand."

Ye Qingxuan nodded, even if he could refine it now, it might be useless, so he doesn't think about it now, the most important thing is to work harder to improve his level.

And he also knows that there is indeed such a method to refine a carrier to carry this spiritual knowledge, and then the Wanhuangzong will be able to revive.

But after the resurrection, there is no possibility of promotion, but it is much better than the spiritual knowledge here. What Ye Qingxuan was thinking about was actually this matter, and the Wanhuangzong naturally knew about it.

Ye Qingxuan didn't get used to it for a while, Wanhuangzong knew what he was thinking, so he always forgot, but all the thoughts in his mind now are the most real, Wanhuangzong knew it from the beginning, otherwise he wouldn't Accept this disciple.

Still (ccfg) is satisfied, nodded, no matter whether he can succeed or not, he is already very pleased with such an idea anyway, no matter what price he pays, he will definitely pass on all he has learned all his life to Ye Qingxuan.

Today's refining is over, as for refining medicine? With this storage ring, he can go out to buy medicinal materials, and then refine them here.

When Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes, it was almost time, he raised his footsteps and walked out, and these people just opened their eyes.

Ye Qingxuan didn't pay attention to anyone at all, he didn't even say anything to him, he didn't want to cause him any trouble.

Originally, it would have been nice to have him here without him, but after Ye Qingxuan appeared, the cynicism of these people was obviously a kind of jealousy.

In fact, they are not at the same level, and it has a lot to do with it. After all, Ye Qingxuan is a freshman recruited this year. Those who are a few years older than him feel ashamed to be with Ye Qingxuan.

After Ye Qingxuan left the training session, he walked directly outside. He went to the market outside Xuanwu Academy. What else could he do here? Of course, he bought those herbs. This time he didn't follow Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan and two people.

I walked out alone, and even made some disguises, and came to a medicinal shop to buy medicinal materials. This is really generous, which makes the shopkeeper in the medicinal shop really happy. This is their distinguished customer. This shot is basically all bought.

If it weren't for the support of his master Wanhuangzong, he would not have such strength. Although he is a genius of the Ye family and indeed has more crystals in his hands than other disciples, it is far from enough.

Ye Qingxuan put all these medicines into the storage ring, which shocked the shopkeeper of the pharmacy instantly. Knowing that so many medicinal materials are all placed in a storage ring is enough to prove how big the storage ring is. up.

First of all, all the people in the pharmacy are very respectful, because those who have such ability must be a high-level qi refiner, or a very powerful pharmacist, only these two can get such a ring.

Chapter 774 Go out to buy herbs

Ye Qingxuan turned around and left here. The shopkeeper of the pharmacy was very surprised. He didn't know the identity of this person. Just by the storage ring in his hand, he could tell that this guy was extraordinary. Reported to the higher level.

"It's really confusing. Why don't you make friends with such a person? You can give him a black card in our pharmacy."

The shopkeeper was shocked instantly, "The black card in the pharmacy, isn't that only people at the level of Wanhuangzong can get it?"

"If you think about it, how weak is he who can take out that kind of Chongwu world?"

Such a person is indeed rare. The shopkeeper immediately understood, he said, "I think that person will come again, but the herbs he bought are all primary herbs."

"You don't care what level he is, he's naturally useful, if you don't rely on anything else, you can conclude that his refining ability must be very high."

There are inevitably many refiners in the martial arts academy. The storage rings refined by these refiners can be considered very powerful if they can be one square meter in size. They can't even refine five square meters. After all, the storage items of five square meters in Ye Qingxuan's hands are very precious in the Xuanwu Continent.

A capable person like Gu Fa and Lin Feng can refine a storage ring that is only five square meters~ that is very powerful.

Ye Qingxuan took these things and walked to a corner, and instantly changed back to his original attire, so that no one would be able to recognize him, but he ignored one point, that is, if the ring in his hand is someone with some ability, You can recognize the difference in the ring in your hand at a glance.

However, Ye Qingxuan also wore a ring before, and its color is about the same as this ring, so people who are not very powerful will not be able to see it. Besides, who would have thought of a cultivation level, only a spiritual person can wear it like this ring.

Ye Qingxuan returned to Chongwu Academy, where Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan were chatting, seeing Ye Qingxuan walking towards this side, Ye Wuxuan won and said, "Where did you go? You have disappeared since you came out of the cultivation tower." your trace."


Jiu Gu also stepped forward and said, "Yes, now you have become a man of the day in Chongwu College, and everyone is basically talking about you."

Ye Qingxuan said, "It's just that they were a little surprised just now. After a few days, they won't discuss this matter anymore. Just let them go. I don't care at all."

Ye Fengxuan said, "Then you can go to Wuchen now, the mentor is waiting for you over there, isn't your current cultivation level reaching the spiritual level? So you are going to test your own talent."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "I see, then I'll go there first."

That guy Jiugu is quite smart. Although he knew that Ye Qingxuan was a genius of the Ye family, he didn't expect to be promoted so fast. From the very beginning, he wanted to find someone to make friends with, but now that he wants to make friends with such a person, maybe for them Nine Heavens Gate is still very beneficial.

Ye Qingxuan walked over there, Wuchen was waiting for him here, he smiled and said, "Where did you go, you can't find it everywhere, since you have broken through the zero form, then follow me Come on." Door.

Chapter 775 Has Both Talents

The two walked Ye Qingxuan forward and said to him, "It's just going out for a walk."

They came to a large hall, and there were three spars in the hall, each spar emitted a strange light of lightning, the middle one was for testing martial arts, Ye Qingxuan no longer needed to test, so what he wanted to test was the other two.

Wuchen led him over, and an old man from "Seven Sixty" sat there and said, "Is he the one who came to test the talent of the craftsman and pharmacist?"

Wu Chen said, "That's right, it's this new disciple."

"Well, that's right. It's really rare to be able to break through as a Spiritualist at such an age."

Ye Qingxuan put his hand on the Qi Refiner's spar, at this time the lightning inside the spar changed, and the color began to change to blue, which proved that Ye Qingxuan had this ability.

Then he put his hand on another spar, and the color also changed. Although he didn't know the height and depth of his abilities, he only knew that he possessed both abilities.

This also doesn't prove that Ye Qingxuan is the third cultivator, it only proves that he can refine weapons and medicine. Wuchen said to Ye Qingxuan, since you can do both, go try it out. Which one is more suitable for you, then you can study this item in Chongwu College.

Ye Qingxuan nodded with a smile, he chose alchemy because it was more convenient, and he will buy other medicines here in the future.

Of course, he still needs to experiment if he chooses to refine medicine, at least it depends on whether his talent is high or not. If the medicines he refines are not as pure as ordinary ones, it will be useless for this kind of pharmacist to learn .

The same is true for Sunburn Qi Refiners. If you make a very good spiritual weapon into one, it is useless for such a Qi Refiner who is not as good as the original spiritual weapon.

But he has both of these abilities, so he can do experiments next, not to say that every disciple has such abilities, some people put their hands on it and there is no reaction at all, even if such a disciple There is no need to try, because he has no such talent at all.

Ye Qingxuan had already expected that he would withdraw, so he only wanted to refine medicine, as for refining weapons? He only needs to learn from his master Wan Huangzong in his ancient jade.

As for the alchemy technique learned here, he can completely control the level of his practice, so don't worry about it, he will definitely not be the most dazzling one...

Ye Qingxuan walked back and they were still waiting for Ye Qingxuan, Jiu Gu stepped forward and asked, "How is it?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "Yes, and I have both, but I don't know what my ability is, so I may have to try both in the future."

Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan don't mention how happy they are. From knowing Ye Qingxuan's enlightenment to now knowing Ye Qingxuan's ability, the two of them can no longer be shocked. The surprise Ye Qingxuan brought to them is too much.

Ye Qingxuan has such a high achievement and the academy also sent the letter back to the Ye family. When the 5.6 masters of the Ye family, Ye Yu and Ye Zhuo, saw this letter, they were not to mention how happy they were.

"Hahahaha! It's unimaginable to actually break through as a Spiritualist."

Ye Zhuo didn't expect that not only had he broken through the spiritual master's cultivation base, but he also possessed the talent of making weapons and medicine at the same time. If the talent is really extremely high, then their Ye family will be even more proud.

Chapter 776

But the Bai family on the other side is a little ready to move, because they know very well that with their current strength, they may destroy the Ye family, and even if they don't destroy the Ye family now, then they will be surpassed by the Bai Ye family in the future. If you want to do it again, it will be more difficult than climbing to the sky.

And Jiu Gu is also quite smart, he also knows that the Patriarch of the Bai family is not a good person, and he has great ambitions, he really wants to unify the entire Xuanwu Continent.

He also sent a letter back to 22. If there were any changes, he hoped that Jiutianmen would definitely support the Ye family, because then they would gain greater benefits. After all, Ye Qingxuan is still extraordinary.

At the same time, Jiutian, the master of Jiutianmen, also received the letter. He could see the content on the line clearly, and burned it directly after reading it. If you do this, the Bai family will be finished squatting, and the Ye family, the Jiutianmen and the Situ family will not be able to escape.

So he simply had this plan. If the Bai family really did something, their Jiutianmen would definitely lend a helping hand.

Jiu Tian said, "It's surprising that the Ye family has produced such a genius. The person who has always been called a waste by everyone is actually a genius."

Jiuyou said, "Actually, even if this group doesn't send this letter, we should make plans in advance. After all, the Bai family's ambitions are too great. If he really swallows the Ye family, you think other families will Will be able to escape, just a matter of time."

"Of course I know. The Bai family has such great ambitions, so this matter is only a matter of time."

They already have a plan in mind, although it can't be too obvious on the surface, but the day they really do it, they will definitely help the Ye family.

The head of the Ye family said, "Recently, the behavior of the Bai family has been very strange. They are targeting us everywhere. I think it will be a matter of time before they will do something."

Ye Zhuo said, "Will the other two families really stand by and watch?"

"I can't say that well, but since the Bai family dares to touch our Ye family, then other families can't escape. After all, the strength of the Bai family is now the strongest in the Xuanwu Continent."

The head of the Bai family is now looking for an opportunity to destroy the Ye family. It is best to find a sufficient reason. There are many small families, if you really want to move the Ye family, I am afraid that the strength of these small families will all be added to the strength of the Ye family.

Whether you want to buy these small families, regardless of their power is not very 760, but if the whole country is superimposed, their ability should not be underestimated.

The head of the Bai family has his own plan, so he will follow his plan step by step.

Ye Qingxuan had detected his own talent, so he really came to the alchemist to learn how to refine medicinal materials, and the person who led them to learn alchemy was precisely Liu Yun.

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