But he did see the effect, because Wuchen's disciples mastered the speed faster than his disciples, Huaying turned around and left, and he didn't stay any longer. At this time, Wuchen said, "¨You They can all stop."

"It can be seen that almost all of the disciples have mastered this kind of Qingxin Jue (Zhao Hao). In a short period of time, you can reach the state like me. As long as you keep practicing, you will be able to master this kind of Yan Ran Under the scorching sun, I feel that my body and mind are particularly cool.”

Ye Qingxuan said, "Since we have mastered the formula of clearing our hearts, can we move about freely?"

"You can move around freely, but I think you have been standing here all morning, you must be hungry, let's go to the cafeteria to eat first.".

Chapter 738 The Benefits of Hot Springs

"After eating, there is a stream on the east side of the college with a waterfall hanging down. You can go there to take a bath. Of course, if you don't want to go there, there are hot springs in the school. As for where to go, you can choose it yourself .”

This Wuchen turned around and left. These disciples had blossomed and could move about freely. No one wanted to stand under the scorching sun. They also knew that if they were exposed to the sun, they would not lose a layer of skin. No wonder, so all the disciples walked towards the dining hall. After eating, some disciples went to play in the creek over there, and some disciples went to the hot spring to take a dip in 730. In fact, this hot spring has certain effects. Yes, they often soak here, which is very helpful for their cultivation.

It is such a hot day, the more you soak in the hot spring, the hotter you will feel, but Ye Qingxuan is different, because his Qingxin Jue has reached the full level state, so there are not many disciples who take a bath in this hot spring, Basically all the disciples went there to be careful, because the waterfall water there is cooler.

But Jiu Gu was in the hot spring, he saw Ye Qingxuan standing there with his eyes closed, obviously he didn't feel the heat at all, Jiu Gu said, "Could it be that you have already practiced the formula of pure heart."

Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes, looked at Jiu Gu next to him and said, "It turned out to be you, and you were able to stay. It seems that this Qingxin formula is also practiced well."

"To be in this hot spring, although I still feel stuffy, but I feel that this hot spring seems to be of great help to my body, so I chose to stay."

Ye Qingxuan said, "You and I feel the same way, I also think that's why I stayed here, and wouldn't it be more effective to practice Qingxin Jue here?"

"Why didn't I think of it, it seems that you are smarter."

Ye Qingxuan said this on purpose, because he knew very well that he couldn't tell others that he had just started learning Qingxin Jue and had already reached the full level state, so he said that he stayed (ccfg) here just to practice Qingxin Jue.

Jiugu finally understood why Ye Qingxuan practiced skills faster than ordinary people. He has a certain talent in itself, and there is one thing that makes him work harder. The practice here is relatively stuffy, and he can feel it. Ordinary people are here. It doesn't take long to soak in the hot springs. After all, in this hot summer, who would come to soak in the hot springs?

He looked at Ye Qingxuan with more reverence in his eyes. At this moment, he also closed his eyes and began to practice his Qingxin Jue. He felt that it was the same as Ye Qingxuan said, practicing the Qingxin Jue here is really more effective. .

Apart from the two of them, there were a few other people in the distance, but they were the only ones, and all the other disciples went to that side.

The few people in Xuzhou couldn't hold it anymore, so they walked out. The reason why the nine strands lasted so long was not because Ye Qingxuan told him that practicing Qingxin Jue here would get twice the result with half the effort, otherwise he wouldn't It might last that long.

In the end, Jiu Gu and Ye Qingxuan walked out of here together, and Jiu Gu said to Ye Qingxuan, "Thank you, if you hadn't told me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to last as long as those people."

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and said, "There's nothing to be thankful for, now we are both under the same teacher, so we are also disciples of the same school."

Chapter 739 Ending the practice of Qingxin Jue

On the second day, they came again. When they came to this empty place, they were still under the scorching sun. The weather here was really strange. Every day was clear and cloudless.

They have been here for three days like this, Wu Chen said to them, "Which of you went to the hot spring yesterday?"

Ye Qingxuan came out, Jiu Gu also came out, and other disciples who went to the hot spring also came out, Wu Chen said, "Only ~ these few people?"

Wuchen said to Ye Qingxuan, "Then tell me, what kind of feeling do you have in that hot spring?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "This hot spring will naturally feel stuffy in summer, but I think the Qingxin Jue learned is still very useful, and I can feel that there seems to be a medicinal bath in this hot spring, which is very helpful for cultivation. "

I asked other disciples how they felt, and they all said the same thing, but no one said that they used the Qingxin Jue here, only Jiu Gu and Ye Qingxuan said the same thing.

Wuchen nodded and said, "Your feelings are correct. I think those who have been to the hot springs will feel that the hot springs have the effect of medicinal baths. It can indeed help you practice, but if Qingxin feels that the ability is not strong , It’s hard to stay in it for a long time.”

The other disciples didn't expect that the hot spring has the function of helping cultivation. They would have stayed in it for a while even if they endured a stuffy feeling.

I didn't expect Ye Qingxuan to be able to explain everything here clearly, but since he knew all of this, and seeing his performance in studying Qingxin yesterday, he also knew that this Ye Qingxuan should have stayed in the hot spring for a long time.

"Today, all the disciples continue to practice the Qingxin Jue, and still stand here. I think this will be of great help to you."

Ye Qingxuan and the others began to practice under the scorching sun again, and they stayed in this place for more than half a month, and all of them looked darker than before.

But it looks so strong. After this practice, Wu Chen came to be very satisfied. He said, "Basically everyone has mastered the Qingxin Jue. Although they have not reached the state of full-level kung fu, but It is enough to cope with this scorching summer, so starting tomorrow, you will start learning the exercises of the academy."


After hearing this, they were really overjoyed. They finally didn't have to stand under the scorching sun. Even if they had mastered the Qingxin formula, they would still respond to the sun on their skin.

Ye Qingxuan and the others walked towards the dining hall, and Ye Wuxuan said, "It's finally over, Qingxin feels that I can't stand it after practicing. I heard that only our disciples practice here, and everyone else is in the shade. Practicing in the shade."


Ye Qingxuan said, "You don't understand. In fact, I think the master has treated us well. Think about it, if you were pampered and pampered under the scorching sun, would you be anxious to practice? So only when you arrive You will work harder when you are in adversity.”

"It makes sense, if it's really so comfortable, I don't think the speed of progress can be so fast."

They have already practiced it in half a month, and all the disciples have basically mastered the Qingxin Jue, but their disciples on Huaying's side still practiced first, and they have not succeeded until now. It seems that their own teaching The method is very problematic.

Chapter 740 Excalibur Art

All the disciples from the previous class have gone out to practice, so now the entire Chongwu Academy is freshmen except for those high-level disciples.

Huaying's disciple is still in the shady jungle, continuing to practice this Qingxin Jue, the voice is very clear, because half a year after the disciple entered the Beloved Mother Academy, he and Wuchen's disciple will have a duel, if the speed continues , Didn't I lose on my "730" side? It seems that he has to think of a way.

The flower shadow suddenly heard the hot spring, he knew that the hot spring was not suitable for use in this season, but if he practiced refreshing there, he felt that it would be more effective.

After making up his mind, he chuckled, let them practice here for another day today, and tomorrow will be their day of hardship.

Huaying turned around and left, leaving these disciples here to practice slowly. It is precisely because there is no motivation that they have always stagnated.

The environment he was in was very shady, how could there be so many radicals for them to practice Qingxin Jue.

Wu Chen took Ye Qingxuan and the others to practice the mental methods of Chongwu Academy. All the exercises learned in the family before were excluded, and only the exercises of Chongwu Academy were allowed to be practiced in Chongwu Academy.

Since everyone has different cultivation bases and characteristics, the selection of exercises is also different. New disciples will choose their own exercises, but birds of a feather flock together. Although the exercises of all Chongwu Colleges are different , but they all came from Chongwu College.

The cultivation methods are basically the same. While practicing, Ye Qingxuan finally felt it. No wonder the disciples of the major families are scrambling to come to Chongwu Academy. It turns out that their cultivation methods are better than those of other families. It's much better, and he sensed it in the process of cultivation, but he only needs to work hard to practice this technique to the first level.

Ye Wuxuan said, "It's really not easy to practice from scratch."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Although it is not easy to practice from the beginning, it is much better than just getting started. At least we are experienced."

"It's much easier than when we were first enlightened, but his exercises are completely different from our Ye family's. If we practice these Chongwu Academy's exercises, it's like starting from scratch..."

All the disciples practiced their skills on the field, and the weapons they held were the most common weapons, except for Ye Qingxuan, which was specially prepared for him by the family.

But Ye Qingxuan felt that he was completely incompatible with this sword, so he just used it to deal with UF, he still wanted to find his own weapon.

They practiced their clans repeatedly in this place, and they practiced for about two months. Some of them had already mastered the first level of kung fu, but they didn't know that Ye Qingxuan was already at the full level. At this time Ye Qingxuan was running his own exercises.

5.6 This is the Divine Sword Jue. The one-sword style cuts the galaxy, the second-sword style moves the universe, and the third-sword style breaks the sky. Ye Qingxuan's full-level state is already the third-sword style to break the sky.

When he swung the sword in his hand, a force from the sky shot forward, and the next second the stone pillar in front exploded instantly, followed by a bang.

Chapter 741

This powerful burst of power shocked all the disciples here. You must know that their resting skills have only just broken through the first floor.

Ye Qingxuan thought that his speed was already slow enough. It stands to reason that after he completed the first level, his skills could reach the full level immediately. It has been two months before he let himself display his true strength , so he has been very deliberate.

Ye Wuxuan said, "What the **** are you doing, with such great power, the exercise you chose is the Divine Sword Art."

Jiugu said, "What's the situation? You think the sword is so powerful, it's only two months and you've reached the top level, right? 22"

Wu Chen was sitting there, how could he not have noticed the sudden sound, she had already walked towards this side at this moment, "You can practice the Divine Sword Art to the full level in two months, you are really a Wizards."

"You have all seen it. This is his attitude towards his own skills. Only by practicing this practice with heart can the speed reach a certain point. Ye Qingxuan practiced it, but the Divine Sword Art is higher than the elementary skills. It is the most difficult to practice among the middle-level exercises of Chongwu Academy."

"This Excalibur Jue's first sword style can cut off the galaxy. Of course, in the state of full-level skills, your personal cultivation must reach a certain height, at least you must reach the Haotian level to achieve a sword. The state of cutting Xinghe."

"If Ye Qingxuan's current cultivation level can really reach the Haotian level, then let alone cutting the galaxy with one sword, it is not a problem to move the universe and break the sky with one sword. After all, these three sword styles have already It's done."

Disciples from other families all cast envious glances. The disciples of the Huaying belt on the other side, today he took them to the hot spring, turned around and said to them, "You people have been too pampered these days, right?" , I feel sorry for you for taking you to that dark jungle to practice, but what about you, for such a long time, there is no effect at all."

"Do you know that the disciples brought in after Wuchen have all finished. This Jingqing feels that she has already started to practice the exercises. With your attitude, it's no wonder you don't get beaten to death after half a year."

One of the disciples said, "Then what are we going to do?"

"This is the area of ​​hot springs. It's hotter than the outside, so I hope you can be motivated to practice here and complete your Qingxin Jue earlier, but you must persevere, no matter what kind of situation you encounter The difficulty has to be 730 for me to persevere."

Under Huaying's leadership, all the disciples jumped in, and they could bear it when they first entered, but Jianjian felt that the place was getting hotter and hotter, and Huaying could also see that they really couldn't bear it.

At this time, he began to say, "What is the function of Qingxin? Recite it once, and then continue to recite it if you don't understand it, until you understand what is called Qingxin Jue."

It turns out that this kind of Qingxin Jue can resist the heat here, so the disciples will work harder here, Huaying is still satisfied, nodding, it seems that there is indeed some effect. not on.

Chapter 742

This time he didn't leave directly, but just watched them here. If any disciple couldn't bear to run up by himself, then he was a disqualified person.

Instead, he was sitting on a reclining chair at this side, dangling with a fan in his hand, drinking tea, and watching these disciples practicing here.

And Ye Qingxuan and Wu Chen said to Ye Qingxuan, "You kid is really a peerless genius, and the speed of this cultivation is really fast enough."

Ye Qingxuan is now an eighth-level warrior, and he is considered to be relatively outstanding among these disciples. Wuchen knows very well that with Ye Qingxuan's current cultivation base, it will be a matter of time before he breaks through as a spirit warrior. He is definitely the fastest breakthrough among all the disciples. This time Xiaoying and that guy finally lost to him, and they didn't believe there would be such an excellent disciple.

Thinking about it, he felt happy in his heart, and he said to Ye Qingxuan, since your kung fu has reached the full level, then you can move around freely, and the others stay here to continue practicing.

The rest of them continued to practice their skills here, and they only broke through the first level in these two months, and Ye Qingxuan was already at the full level.

The people from the Bai family said, "That guy is really too perverted. He was obviously a waste at the beginning, but he turned into such a powerful genius in such a short period of time. It's simply unbelievable〃."

Although Ye Qingxuan broke through to the sixth level before, which shocked all the people in their family, but this new technique practiced here actually broke through to the full level within two months.

They are still a little jealous, but the Ye family's disciples are the happiest, because Ye Qingxuan is a member of their Ye family, which is a great thing for their Ye family.

So now that Ye Qingxuan is free to move around, he looks around casually. Since he came to Chongwu Academy, he hasn't walked around casually. He walked out of Chongwu Academy and walked towards the small town in front of the gate. There is a spacious road in front of the door. This road is very quiet and very clean.

Knowing that walking forward through this road, the streets of the small town in front are particularly prosperous, because they came here on foot when they came, so they still know the scene outside the college very well.

He walked on that street and looked at the items sold beside him. There were some pills, and some weapons and books and the magic core of monsters. Anyway, there were everything.

Although there are not a few mercenary groups walking back and forth here, it seems that there is also a mission release hall here, otherwise there would be no mercenary groups appearing here. The people of these mercenary groups look different, because they Ri licking snow on the edge of a knife, so their temperament, speech and every move are completely different from ordinary people.

All the magic cores they obtained in (Zhao Haohao) Monster Beast Forest are sold here, but Ye Qingxuan is not interested in these magic cores, the high-level magic core in his body is what he is most interested in One of them got a total of two magic cores, he swallowed one, the level is now an eighth-level warrior, he knows that it has not been completely absorbed yet.

Once it is completely absorbed, it may be impossible to know where it will break through, so he is not interested in the magic core at all, and walks straight forward.

Chapter 743 Go Get Your Spirit Artifact

Ye Qingxuan continued to linger in these stalls, while the disciples on the other side were all cultivating there, Ye Qingxuan could be said to be the most free one among them.

In fact, he was here to get acquainted with the environment here. After he was familiar with it, he walked towards the academy, but looking at the clothes Ye Qingxuan was wearing, he also knew that he was a disciple of Chongwu Academy. None of the disciples of the academy would dare to offend them in this place.

Walking towards the place where he lived, Ye Wuxuan said at this time, "I am 733 with a sore back and back pain, it's really cool for you to go out for a walk."

Ye Qingxuan sat down and took a sip of water, then said to him, "Then if you had trained your skills to the full level earlier, wouldn't you be able to be like me?"

"If I really have the skills you have, then what's the matter with you? The genius of the Ye family has already become me."

Ye Fengxuan said, "Yes, if everyone can look like Ye Qingxuan, then what difference can there be between genius and genius?"

Ye Qingxuan will go to practice for a period of time in the next few days, he (ccfg) is also active everywhere, he is now the most free one.

However, he knew that he would be able to break through the stored magic core immediately, and if it was enough for him to break through this time, he would be a level nine warrior.

About two more months have passed, and these disciples have practiced skills that have reached the third and fourth levels, and some of Zhaohui's good posture have reached the fifth and sixth levels.

There is still a month to go, and it is the time for their confrontation with Huaying's disciples to improve their disciples' abilities. Naturally, Wuchen will take them to continue the trial. will be very slow.

These disciples now have their own skills, and everyone's cultivation base has also improved a lot, and some disciples' cultivation bases have even reached the edge of breakthrough, so it won't be long before some disciples will break through .

Wuchen said to Ye Qingxuan and the others, "It's been a while since I came to Chongwu Academy, and the duel of this laughing shadow disciple is about to start, and I should have a similar weapon in my hand, so I will take you now." Go get your spiritual artifacts."

These people are talking a lot here, and they also want to have a spiritual weapon of their own. One thing is that it needs a certain opportunity to match the spiritual weapon, and it is not just a random spiritual weapon that can have a tacit understanding with them.

Wuchen walked in front, followed by other disciples, and then Wuchen took them to the backyard of Chongwu Academy, only to see him snap his fingers casually twice.

Several huge white birds flew down from the sky. This monster named Snow Snow Bird was specially used to fly them, and the flying speed of this Snow Bird was faster than the ones they encountered when they came. A flying bird is much faster.

All the disciples jumped up and stood on the huge snowbird. The snowbird waved its huge wings, and for a while a hurricane blew up on the ground.

It is enough to prove how powerful this monster **** its wings, but this place is empty and there is nothing, no matter how strong the wind is, it will not cause any damage.

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