Flying into the sky, you can see the entire Chongwu Academy. I have to say that the territory of Chongwu Academy is really big enough.

Chapter 744

In addition to the main hall, there are also those training grounds and the places behind it, as well as some medicinal forests and many special places. Under the leadership of Snowbird, they have been flying forward.

Ye Qingxuan said, "Where are we going?"

"You will know when you wait."

The flying speed of the snowbirds is very fast, and soon they entered the snowy area. You must know that the academy is in the scorching summer and entered the snowy area so quickly, which is enough to prove how fast the flying speed of the snowbirds is. Bar.

After arriving here, the snowbird landed on the ground, Ye Qingxuan and the others jumped off the top, it was a good thing, they had already prepared for this, otherwise wouldn't they be shivering from the cold after entering this place?

Jiu Gu said, "This is really a world of ice and fire. Fortunately, we have made preparations in advance. Otherwise, can we bear it here?"

Wuchen smiled and said, "Do you think that the Qingxin Jue learned can only let you meditate? It is also useful in this environment. Although it doesn't last long, at least it will be in a short period of time. It still won't make you feel any cold."

"Is it really that magical?"

"You can take off your coat and try~ will you know?"

"Let's forget it, I think the instructor still has experience."

The people next to him laughed loudly, and Jiu Gu said, "What's so funny, don't think I don't know what you're thinking, isn't it the same as I just thought? I'm just speaking out for you."

Wu Chen took Ye Qingxuan and the others to continue walking forward, and when they reached a cliff, they looked down, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere.

"The place you are going to is this cliff. Remember to find the spiritual weapon you are looking for as quickly as possible after reaching the bottom. Don't pile up. Find your own. Go by your own induction and find it. After the spiritual weapon, it immediately flew above the snowbird."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "Could it be that this is the legendary Spirit Artifact Empire!"

"That's right, this place is just one of my Chongwu Academy. It's not something that anyone can enter casually. Without the formula here, there is only one dead end to enter here."


Ye Qingxuan is very clear that this place is one of the founders of Chongwu Academy, but the founder has long since disappeared. He doesn't know where he went to travel, and he hasn't come back until now. Maybe he has already ascended.

All the barriers here are set by him, this is a very spiritual place, why would you say that? Because the reason why this place is called the Spiritual Artifact Imperial Domain is not because it can breed spiritual weapons.


Even if the spirit artifacts bred here are taken away by these people, new spirit artifacts can still be bred here, so this place is a special existence, Chongwu Continent is also famous because of this.

Their spirit weapon Imperial Domain can also be said to be the most famous on all continents, because the spirit weapons bred there may not be of any type, and there may also be particularly high-level spirit weapons bred there.

Many people want to pay attention to it, but some people have tried it, and it is impossible for them to enter here. Even if they enter, they will end up with a pile of bones.

Chapter 745 Ye Wuxuan was the first to find the spiritual weapon

Ye Qingxuan and the others all jumped on Xueniao's back and got on Xueniao, leading them to bend down and rush down, suspended in the mid-air. It was really a vast expanse of whiteness below, but there were still sharp edges and corners. They landed on the flat ground On top of that, they spread out to find the spirit weapon according to their own induction, which Wuchen had already entrusted.

Ye Qingxuan shuttled here, "Qi San San" was looking for his senses, at first he just searched endlessly, without any sense of sense, in this vast expanse of whiteness, it is really easy to lose one's own direction.

In this imperial domain, everything is covered by the vast white snow field, without any trace of color, only sharp edges and corners can be seen.

Where there are high, low, and flat places, there are naturally prominent places, and there are quite a lot of snow caves here. Ye Qingxuan is sensing it, and has been walking here for a long time, without any sense of it.

Jiu Gu's side already had his own induction, and the other disciples also had the induction one after another. Ye Qingxuan continued to walk forward, and suddenly felt a little strange.

He knew that this feeling should be a summoning of a spiritual weapon, and Ye Wuxuan had already found it, and his spiritual weapon was a crystal clear knife-shaped weapon.

This weapon is suspended there, and it seems to have its own intelligence. Generally, when Ye Wuxuan stepped forward to grab him, he would still dodge it.

"Didn't you attract me here? Why do you want to avoid it? Are you testing my ability? Since you have chosen me, you have to trust me, why do you hide here and there?"

He flew forward vigorously and at a fast speed, grabbed the handle of the weapon, and swung it twice vigorously. It felt really good. He knew that this spiritual weapon was really destined for him, and he was also very happy. Like him, this is enough to prove that he is about to reach a contract with this spiritual weapon, so that this spiritual weapon will be his lifelong weapon in the future.

After the contract was completed, the spiritual weapon disappeared in an instant. In his body, as long as he wanted to summon it, Tantada would fly out. Ye Wuxuan said, "Come out."

With a whoosh, this crystal clear knife flew out of his body, "It's really good, let's go, let's go back now..."

Ye Wuxuan took his spiritual weapon and walked towards Xueniao. It can also be said that it was the first person to obtain the spiritual weapon. He returned to Xueniao's back, but he didn't see anyone else I thought to myself, "No way, am I the first person to get the spirit weapon?"

Snowbird took him back to the cliff directly, and he flew down from Snowbird's back. At this time, the snowbird turned upside down again, and it was not the only Snowbird that hovered there, so don't worry about it. The disciples will not be able to find them when they come back.

Wuchen said, "You guys are quite fast, how are you satisfied with your spirit weapon?"

"Hey hey, I'm satisfied, I'm really satisfied, I think this Spirit Artifact 5.6 is mine somehow."

"Hahaha! You're right, in this Spirit Artifact Empire, everyone's abilities will attract their corresponding Spirit Artifacts, so the Spirit Artifacts you find here are definitely the most suitable for you, that's why there are Many people want to get the reason for the spiritual weapon inside."

"No wonder I feel inexplicably familiar with him."

Chapter 746

Ye Qingxuan has a strong feeling for the snow cave in front of him. He thinks that his spirit weapon should be hidden here. Wuchen knows Ye Qingxuan's talent very well. He is a rare genius in the past hundred years. Even a genius a hundred years ago did not have such a high ability as Ye Qingxuan.

He knows best, although many people have talents, and their talents are also very high, but it is really rare to see a color like 22 on the spirit test stone.

He knew that the spirit weapon that Ye Qingxuan might find in this snowy area would be the one with the highest grade, so Huaying also rushed over here with his disciples.

When they came here, they only saw Wuchen and a disciple standing here, Huaying smiled and said, "Why are you just here too?"

Wu Chen said, "You've just arrived here not too long ago, and your speed is not slow. I never thought that you would come to this place to obtain weapons on the same day as us."

After Huaying explained to the disciples behind him, they also walked forward on the snowbird like the disciples in Wuchen. Huaying was on the cliff, waiting for his disciples to come back.

Ye Qingxuan walked into the snow cave, but he found that there is a powerful lightning ability here, as long as he reaches out and touches it, he will be instantly shocked by this lightning ability.

Looking at the flashes of lightning in front, the crackling sound and rumbling thunder, this should be a unique sight in this area.

Ye Qingxuan said, "It seems that this spiritual weapon is really good, my induction is getting stronger and stronger, it is much better than the sword in my hand."

The sword in Ye Qingxuan's hand is only for use. He has never made a contract with this sword. Ye Qingxuan knows that if he wants to go in and see this spiritual weapon, he must pass through the area of ​​lightning, and he will use it next. His skills are gone.

He only learned the Divine Sword Jue in this place, and Wu Chen has already explained that leaving his family is not allowed to use the family's skills within the boundaries of the academy, so if he wants to enter here, the only way he can What is used is the Divine Sword Art.

Holding the treasured sword in the family, this is also a good spiritual weapon, but unfortunately, he has no fate with this spiritual weapon. He also tried it at that time. In the treasure house of the entire family, there is not a single spiritual weapon. The device can sense him.

Chanted aloud, "Slash Xinghe with one sword."

A flash of white light waved forward, and then the second-view style shot out, the second sword moved the universe, and the third sword pierced the sky.

In an instant, this lightning grid was deployed by him, and Ye Qingxuan rushed in at an extremely fast speed. He was very aware of his abilities. Although he was already at the full level of 737, he was a warrior at level eight, so This ability can't be used to its strongest state. It is not bad to be able to send out these three swordsmen and cut off the lightning network here.

Entering the snow cave, he was shocked by the scene in front of him. There was a sword hovering in front of it. The sword was engraved with phoenix patterns. The whole sword seemed to be made of a special spar.

There was a faint light emitting from it, and when Ye Qingxuan was about to get close to the sword, the weak light burst out in an instant, making him unable to open his eyes, and hastily blocked his eyes with his hands.

Chapter 747

Gradually, the light faded, and when Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes again, the sword disappeared, and turned into a crystal palace. The bow and arrow were crystal clear, but the lines on it were actually dragon patterns.

This is a spiritual weapon that can change according to the legend, and it is engraved with dragon and phoenix patterns. In a blink of an eye, he turned into the shape of the sword again. The corners of Ye Qingxuan's mouth rose slightly, and he flew over directly, grabbing the handle of the sword.

When the sword was held in his hand, he could clearly see the lines on it, and the phoenix was so lifelike, it seemed that it was about to fly out of his hand in the next second.

Immediately afterwards, three big characters appeared in the void, Qian Kun Sword, and these three characters disappeared in an instant. Ye Qingxuan knew that the sword in his hand was called Qian Kun Sword. And the shape of the bow shows people.

This sword has successfully contracted with Ye Qingxuan. After the two communicate with each other, this sword can be completely hidden in his body. In the next second, Ye Qingxuan will break through the lightning grid and move forward with the Qiankun sword in his hand. With a wave, the lightning grid disappeared in an instant, and the power of this weapon was different as expected.

Nodding his head in satisfaction, he clearly remembered what Jie Wuchen said, get his spiritual weapon and return quickly, don't stay there any longer.

Ye Qingxuan left the snow cave in a hurry and set off towards the way he came. When he saw the snowbird circling in the sky, he rushed up directly. After jumping up, his schoolgirl led him to the cliff. Seeing that many disciples were already standing here, Ye Qingxuan also jumped down.

Seeing that Huaying was also standing there, and many of his disciples had already returned, and now he was only waiting for the remaining disciples, Ye Wuxuan said, "Why did you take so long, but I think your spirit weapon should be very Be different, can you show me 〃ˇ?”

Ye Qingxuan didn't want to show off at first, but he thought that all the disciples who came here would be able to obtain the artifacts in the Spiritual Artifact Empire, so there was nothing to show off.

"Okay, there's nothing to hide anyway, so I'll let you take a look."

Looking back, the crystal-clear shaved sword appeared in his hand. The appearance of this sword and the light it radiated made everyone here a little surprised. It is really a good artifact.

Wuchen and Huaying, neither of them expected that Ye Qingxuan would be able to get this Qiankun sword. When the sword flew out, these three characters appeared in the void, and then disappeared instantly.

Ye Qingxuan was really speechless, he didn't expect that his spirit weapon would report his name, Ye Wuxuan said, "¨¨It's really good."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "There's nothing rare about this, anyone who can come here can get the spirit weapon that is most compatible with him."

Both Wuchen and Huaying nodded, indeed it is useless to be so envious of others, because (Zhao Haozhao) they chose the aura that was most suitable for them when they came here.

The sword and arrow, and the other disciples also returned. Although Huaying's side was a little slower, it was not much different from Wuchen's side.

Wu Chen said, "But after that it will be a competition between our two disciples, this time I will win against you no matter what."

They were all sitting on the Snowbird, Huaying smiled and said, "Then let's do it according to our ability.".

Chapter 748 A Sudden Storm

At least the two of them are not really competing. After all, the relationship between them is there, but no one is convinced. Just when they are about to leave here, suddenly there is a strong wind and a blizzard. Now, snowbirds cannot fly, the only way is to land on the ground, either walk back, or stay here and wait for the blizzard to stop before leaving.

These two instructors have encountered such a situation before, so they naturally know how to deal with them, so they can let the snowbird bring them to the ground and land them.

In this situation, there is no way to move forward, but with such a big snowstorm, there is a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere, and there is really no safe haven, but they found a relatively high snowdrift, A snow cave was found next to the snowdrift, and everyone went in, including these huge snowbirds.

Huaying said, "It's this **** weather again, but such weather is really rare."

Don't look at this snow cave as snow, because it has been here for a long time, so the snow is hard enough to withstand such a violent snowstorm.

They just need to wait here for the blizzard outside to stop. All the snowbirds have blocked the opening of the cave, so the wind cannot blow in. The reason why the snowbirds are called snowbirds is not only because of the way they fly The speed is faster, and another point is that they are not afraid of the cold.

These snowbirds fly exclusively towards this spiritual weapon imperial domain, they never go to other places, either here, or in the backyard of Chongwu College.

Moreover, they are very obedient and very docile, and can understand human language, otherwise they would not choose this kind of bird as their passing beast.

Ye Qingxuan said, "How long will this blizzard last?"

Wu Chen replied, "At this time (ccfg) time is certain, no one will know how long it will last."

Jiu Gu said, "Don't you know how long we will stay in this place? How can we know whether it is day or night in this snow cave?"

Huaying smiled and said, "Don't worry, it won't be too long."

This snow cave is quite big. Since they don’t know how long they need to stay here, let’s take a walk here. This white snow cave does not need lighting at all. The whole snow cave is bright, and they don’t know it’s daytime outside. It was dark night, because the snowbird had blocked the entrance of the cave, but it was not dark at all inside.

Even if it is a snow cave, if there is no light, he can't be the bright Ye Qingxuan. He feels that there is still some strange dust-free here, and they seem to be able to see Ye Qingxuan's strangeness.

Wu Chen said, "You probably came here to be curious, why is this the most beautiful place when the entrance of this cave is blocked."

"Actually, in this snow cave, there is a kind of luminous spar on the snow wall, which makes the place appear bright. This spar is very small, and its size is almost like a grain of dust. Because there are a lot of them attached to the white snow wall, they can't be seen at all, but it just feels like the crystal clear snowflakes."

Ye Qingxuan was instantly shocked after hearing Wu Chen's statement. It is really surprising that there is such a thing in the world.

Chapter 749

Of course, Ye Qingxuan was not the only one who was shocked. All the disciples here were quite shocked when they heard it. This snow cave is really big, because there are thirty disciples in Wuchen, and the same is true for Huaying's clan, with sixty. Many people seem so loose in it, and there are a few snowbirds here, pay attention to prove how big this snow cave is.

They walked around in this snow cave, and it was meaningless to stay in the same place anyway. The action was wide enough, big enough, and deep enough. No one knew where the snow cave led, but they only knew that it was very long. Possibly straight ahead.

It's just casual activities within the edge of the snow cave. Apart from these crystal clear snow walls, there is really nothing else.

I don't know how many days I stayed here, anyway, I just feel that it has been a long time, and the school birds who guarded the entrance of the cave have left the entrance, and they know that the blizzard outside has stopped, and the snowbirds have left one by one Go out, and Ye Qingxuan and the others followed Snowbird out of the cave entrance.

The blizzard has stopped, and the outside is very quiet. It seems that there has never been such a strong wind, like a blizzard. Able to tell the direction.

The snow bird spread its huge wings and waved a few times, and all the people jumped on the snow bird's back again. They waved their madly dancing, powerful wings, blowing away the snowflakes on the ground here, Ye Qingxuan and the others Headed towards Chongwu College.

The flying speed was exactly the same as when they came, so it didn't take long before they arrived at the backyard of Chongwu College.

All the disciples are very happy. They are trying their best to improve their cultivation. What is the purpose of coming to the Pet Academy? Isn't it just to obtain this supreme spiritual weapon?

Although the spirit weapon has grades, the higher the level the spirit weapon exerts the greater energy, but some energy still needs to be improved by their own cultivation base. If the user's cultivation base is low, then the ability of the spirit weapon is also Can't play out.

Wuchen said, "Everyone of you has got your favorite spirit weapon now, so prepare well for the battle next, there are two days left before the duel with Huaying's disciples, so you must work hard Give me a taste of victory."

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