"It's not a little bit less, but your difference is too much. No one will reach it. After enlightenment, you quickly become an eighth-level warrior."

The two of them are sitting here chatting and lying on a thick tree branch. In fact, his ears are very alert. He is always listening to the movement around him. If there is any change, he will immediately will wake up.

Chapter 732 The Bear Beast Appears

This time Wuchen came here, he was the only one, and he was the mentor of this new student. Wuchen's cultivation had probably reached the fifth level of the Xuanshen level.

There is absolutely no problem with his ability to bring these disciples out. Besides, they have often passed through the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range before. Although there are surprises, there is no danger.

The two of them chatting here can occasionally hear the cries of monsters in the distance. Not far from Ye Qingxuan and the others, there is a mercenary regiment. Those stationed here can see the light in the distance, although they can see This kind of light, but there is still a distance from them.

When it was almost late at night, they heard a roaring sound. The sound became louder and louder, and gradually moved closer to this side. It was the side of the mercenary group in front, and the monster appeared there.

He heard the chaotic group over there dealing with the monster, but no one on Ye Qingxuan's side got up at all. After all, it didn't happen on their side, so there was no movement on their side. Those mercenary groups seemed to be Lost to that monster, it was walking towards Ye Qingxuan and the others, and asked them for help.

Wu Chen also sat up all of a sudden, he didn't expect that the people from the mercenary group actually led the monster here, some people from the mercenary group ran towards this side quickly, and there was a group of people behind him. A huge bear beast is chasing them.

This bear beast looked extremely ferocious, because it hit the tree, and the tree would tremble violently. If it was slapped with a huge bear paw, it would be no wonder if it didn't turn a person into a pulp.

When he was about to get close to them, Wu Chen flew over directly, and Ye Qingxuan and Jiu Gu also followed, and some disciples who were awakened immediately started to walk towards that side.

With so many people surrounding the bear beast, he was really frightened, and the mercenary group said, "This monster's level is too high, we are not their opponents, please help help."

He turned around and saw that the people behind him were all children, but they were only about eighteen, and none of them had a high level of cultivation. It's clear, so this person's cultivation level must be the highest one here.

Wuchen said, "Why did you lead this monster to this side, do you know? It's very dangerous, if you want to ask for help, just come over with two or three people."

The head of the Supporting Corps was a little ashamed. He didn't expect that this was a college enrollment. Otherwise, how could there be so many children? Looking at these young children, their cultivation base can't help them at all.

"¨¨I'm really sorry, I didn't think about it that much, and I didn't think that it turned out that the college recruited students. These children are not strong enough to deal with this monster. (Zhao Lizhao) So you should go back quickly in case you get hurt, That would be troublesome."

Wuchen turned his head and said to the disciples here, "Hurry up and evacuate to a safe place to hide."

But they did retreat back, but they didn't dodge too far. They just watched from there. Although it was night, under the light of the fire, they could still see the monster in front of them clearly. It's a huge brown bear.

Chapter 733 Reaching the Xuanxin Continent

The feathers all over his body were particularly hard, and his eyes were red, looking at his **** mouth with mucus at the corners of his mouth, his mouth full of sharp teeth, and his big, sharp palms.

"Why did this guy suddenly rush to the mercenary group?"

Wu Chen thought, he thought that this monster should be very hungry, otherwise it would not have rushed into the mercenary group at this time.

This monster is extremely ferocious, all the mercenary group surrounded him, coupled with Wuchen's assists, they often capture and kill monsters, so they have a wealth of experience.

Wuchen really hates this mercenary group. It is very dangerous for them to do this. He doesn't want any disciples to be injured in his hands. Of course, he hopes that they can reach Xuanxin Continent intact.

727 A monster of this level is nothing to Wuchen. With Wuchen's help, although this monster was ferocious, it was quickly defeated by them. Rich experience, so they know how to deal with a monster, and also know how to cooperate with the master in front of them.

The ferocious bear beast just now turned into a corpse lying on the ground. Not long after, a magic core floated out of his body.

The head of the mercenary group picked up the magic core and walked over, wanting to hand it over to (ccfg) Wuchen. After all, if it wasn't for him, they would have been beaten to pieces by this bear.

Maybe you will be seriously injured, maybe a lot of people will die, Wuchen didn't take over the magic core, he glanced at the mercenary group and said, "Please don't do such a thing next time , because you don’t know what kind of people the team closest to you are.”

Wu Chen continued, "As for the magic core? Keep it for yourself."

The head of the mercenary group was still very embarrassed. Their actions were indeed a bit inappropriate, but at the time it was really because they were too flustered and didn't consider those things, so they walked towards this side.

Wu Chen came back and said, "It's all right, everyone go back to rest, and the person on duty can be replaced."

Ye Qingxuan and Jiugu returned to rest in their camp, and now they were replaced by two other people.

By the time Ye Qingxuan, who was safe until dawn, opened his eyes, the sun had already been born. He put away his tent and put all his things into his storage space.

Chen had already stood there waiting, and basically all the disciples walked out of the camp one after another, and they were cleaning up here.

It is still very safe to walk in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range during the day. Once there are large groups of people and horses, the more the number, the louder the walking noise, so there are still many monsters hiding, even high-level monsters. It will not appear casually.

In this way, they shuttled through the monster mountain range for a long time, and finally walked out of here after a few days.

Then they passed through towns one after another. They didn't stop in the towns, but occasionally stayed here to eat something, and then brought some necessities for life.

They moved forward quickly, and finally came to the teleportation location, seeing that this place is really different.

Chapter 734 Entering Chongwu Academy

There is a wall of light in front, this wall of light can't see anything clearly, it's just very dazzling, when Wuchen walked in, it disappeared, and other people followed behind, walked in together, after entering this wall of light , they stepped into the boundary of Xuanxin Continent.

Everyone's eyes brightened. The style here is really different from that of the Xuanwu Continent. It's not a jungle or a deserted place just after stepping here. Once you enter here, it's a very special small town. The people here Wearing fancy clothes, he looked different from them.

I never brought them to this side, and rode on the special flying beast here, and all the disciples sat on it. These are huge birds, and Wuchen himself has one. He just whistled, this bird It just appeared, and he jumped on the back of the bird, and the other addresses also sat on these flying birds.

Under the leadership of the Wuchen bird and beast, they flew towards Chongwu Academy, Ye Wuxuan said, "Wow! Sitting on this and looking at Xia Yifang, the feeling is really different, I have never tried it before. "

** said, "This kind of bird and beast is the means of transportation in this Xuanxin Continent. Most people will take this kind of bird and beast. Of course, there are many stations for this kind of bird and beast."

However, this kind of tool is rarely seen in the Xuanwu Continent, mainly because the territory of the Xuanwu Continent is not as large as that of the Xuanxin Continent.

Not to mention flying in the sky, it is quite interesting to look down. A few people are sitting on the back of a bird. Although it is flying so high, the shell of the bird is very stable. It can be felt that this kind of bird The feathers are not smooth at all, and they are still somewhat colored, so that these people will not slide down when sitting on them.

After flying like this for a long time, I saw a very spectacular building in front of me. If I think about it, it should be Chongwu College. The surrounding area of ​​Chongwu College is almost full of dense forests, only the front end has a very special one. It can be seen that the town is right in front of this majestic building.

These big birds landed in one place one after another. Obviously this place is also a post station. After their birds and beasts stopped here and delivered some crystals, all the people left. Under the leadership of Wuchen, they went to The real Chongwu Academy go-go.

····Ask for flowers·····-······

Wuchen said, "We will arrive at the academy soon. I believe that when we were in the sky just now, everyone saw that the magnificent building just now is our Chongwu Academy."


In fact, people who have never been to Xuanxin Continent are very curious. Everything here is completely different from Xuanwu Continent. Soon they entered the town they just saw.

This town is really special and bustling. The most shops on both sides of the road are the weapon shops and the medicine shops. There are also some stalls on both sides, which also sell various items. These items are really unseen and unheard of.

When they walked to a wide and long street, the street was very quiet, let alone the width of the street, and there were no small merchants and peddlers. There was a row of people standing in front of them. People seem to be people from Chongwu Academy.

Chapter 735 Do not use family skills

The leader showed a smile on his face. He was none other than a tutor of Chongwu College. He was Huaying. Huaying said to Wuchen, "It seems that your journey is safe and sound."

"Then do you still want us to do something?"

"What can happen if you are involved? These are the disciples recruited this year. Let's go. The dean is waiting for us from "730" inside."

Wuchen led these disciples towards the compound of Chongwu College, Huaying said, "How about this year's disciples?"

There was a smile on the corner of Wuchen's mouth, and he didn't say anything, but from the flower shadow in his smile, it can be seen that the talent is really good, otherwise, it would be impossible for him to have such a smile on his face.

Entering the compound of Chongwu Academy, you can see many disciples of Chongwu Academy in front of them. They are standing neatly on the side. The old man standing in the middle should be the dean of Chongwu Academy.

** stood close to Ye Qingxuan and the others, he said, "The older one in the middle is Qingfeng, the dean of Chongwu College."

Qingfeng said, "It seems that this journey has been quite smooth."

Wuchen said, "Except for an unexpected episode, the journey has been very smooth, and nothing happened."

"Okay! Welcome to my Chongwu Academy. You are all the elites of the major families. This time, your main mentor is Wuchen. Of course, he mainly teaches you how to practice swordsmanship."

Dean Qingfeng continued, "The disciples who can come to my Chongwu Academy are all relatively outstanding disciples. I believe that you have your own purpose in coming here, so what kind of person you want to become in the future depends entirely on you." own."

Ye Qingxuan knew that they didn't need to go through any assessments when they came here, because they selected the best disciples during the selection process, so they can just study here directly.

Qingfeng said, "You all practice exercises in your own family, but here we have to start from the beginning. Previously, the exercises in the family were not allowed to be used in the academy, so now you have nothing to cultivate. Because, I don't have any skills."

"In the next few days, Wuchen will lead you to practice. You must keep in mind the rules of my academy. Wuchen will tell you about the rules of the academy later, but everyone is really tired after walking this way. Now, you can go down and rest..."

All the addresses also welcome freshmen to join. They come from families on various continents, and all of them are extremely outstanding disciples.

The welcome ceremony for the new students was over, and Wuchen took these disciples to their resting place, and they also lived in a room for every few people.

As for everything in the room has been prepared, of course, when all the disciples came here, the families sponsored a lot of crystals for the academy. After all, the disciples also need expenses here, and they came here just to learn about the academy. It's just a skill, so every dark moon, the family will still send them a lot of crystals on 5.6 for them to spend here.

Of course, Ye Qingxuan lived in the same room with the disciples of the Ye family. Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan were both there except **. Ye Fengxuan said to Ye Qingxuan, "This place is really different from our Xuanwu Continent. It took me a while to get used to it, but what I didn't expect was that the exercises practiced in the family cannot be used here.".

Chapter 736

Ye Wuxuan said, "Ye Qingxuan's exercises are all at the full level. Now that we are not allowed to use exercises, don't we all have the same abilities?"

"Hey, isn't that good? This means that after coming here, except for the level of personal cultivation, basically everything is the same."

"I think you are thinking too much. Even if you don't use exercises, the higher the level of cultivation, the more powerful you are."

"Whatever, anyway, 22 hasn't told us what the rules are here."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Nothing smells good anymore, I just want to lie here and have a good sleep now, if you two want to chat, please go outside."

"The two of us should also rest. If we don't have a good rest, if something happens and we can't rest, wouldn't it be very bad?"

So after packing up, they all collapsed on their own beds and rested. After all, they had been on their way for several days in a row. Although they also had rest at night, they always rested unsteadily.

It wasn't until the next morning that Ye Qingxuan and the others woke up. After getting up, they tidied up their beds and went outside. The other Li disciples also came out one after another.

Don't say that today is really a good weather. There is no cloud on the blue sky, only a bare sun, which is enough to prove how hot the weather is today.

Ye Wuxuan said, "It's really hot today."

Ye Qingxuan said, "This is just the beginning of the day. If it reaches noon, I believe it will be even hotter."

Jiu Gu said, "It looks much hotter here than our Xuanwu Continent."

After a while, Wu Chen appeared in front of them and said, "Everyone had a good rest last night, right?"

Looking at their energetic appearances one by one, they knew that they had a good rest last night, but it was already the morning of the next day, and they were already hungry, so Wu Chen took them to the dining hall to eat .

As soon as they entered here, they saw that other disciples were also sitting here, and the seats for new students were all vacant over there, very neat.

From the example here, it can be seen that the clothes they are wearing are of different colors. Ye Qingxuan knows that these should be the uniforms of the college, and by the color of the clothes, he can tell whether they are new disciples or old disciples here.

Wu Chen said. "Go and eat, all the disciples will follow me after the meal."

After saying this, Wuchen walked over directly and sat there, and the other people also sat down according to his appearance. After breakfast, Wuchen led them to an open field, Under the hot 730 sun, are they going to stand here for practice?

Wu Chen said, "The first day you came here, you should have sensed that the weather here is rather hot."

These disciples talked a lot, and some of them said that it was true, this place is indeed much hotter than our place, because all the disciples brought by Wuchen this time are from the Xuanwu Continent, so the climate of the Xuanwu Continent is almost the same.

"You are right, the weather on Xuanqing Continent is indeed much hotter than that on Xuanwu Continent, so when you come here, the first thing you have to learn is the Purifying Mantra."

Chapter 737

This Wu Chen recited the formulas of the Pure Heart Formula one by one, "There are clear and dirty, there is movement and stillness, the so-called tranquility of the mind is naturally cool, everything is in your mind."

Although all the disciples are chanting these two mantras, it is impossible for them to master them so quickly. They still have not realized what it means to be calm and naturally cool.

It is indeed very hot under the scorching sun, big drops of sweat began to roll down on his forehead, and Wu Chen was with them, but he didn't have that hot feeling like them, he felt that his whole body was very hot. It's cool, it's a heart-clearing formula, but the unique skills of their pet academy are still not available outside.

When he walked up to Ye Qingxuan, he found that this disciple was different, because there was no sweat on his forehead, and he felt that he had a particularly refreshing feeling. Could it be that he had already mastered the Qingxin Jue, how could this be possible? Woolen cloth?

But he took a closer look, and it was indeed not there. He knew that this Ye Qingxuan was the disciple who he said at the beginning and passed without the test. He had excellent talent, maybe it was all because of this.

Ye Qingxuan knew, Qingxin felt that the spell only needed Mo Mo's practice, and after breaking through the first level, he directly used his one-click full-level skill to turn the Qingxin Jue into a state of full-level, so his current Qingxin Jue is a little bit better. It's no less than the dust-free in front of you.

However, compared with Wuchen's cultivation base, his cultivation base is really quite different, so the abilities used by this Qingxin formula are naturally different.

They stood under the scorching sun for a whole noon, but there are indeed many disciples of Jianjian who have mastered this kind of heart-clearing formula, so they can't play games in order to keep themselves cool.

So all the disciples will get serious. At this time, Wu Chen thought of a good idea. In fact, when they practice Qingxin, they think there is a place for them to practice, but he chose this place under the scorching sun. The purpose is to Motivate these disciples to be faster and master this heart-clearing formula.

Huaying stood not far away, looked at everything in front of her, and said, "This Wuchen is doing this again〃."

Huaying himself brought back a wave of disciples from other continents, so he is also the mentor of a new disciple now, but he went out earlier and came back faster, Zao Wuchen came back first.

When he was teaching his disciples to feel pure, he never let them stand under the scorching sun like this. It's no wonder that the skin doesn't peel off.

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