As soon as the old lady became nervous, she asked Murong Feng, "What have you done? You can't arrest people randomly. You might offend some god. That would be no fun."

Murong Feng thinks about it, nothing happened recently.

Chapter 652 Release the Hostages

They didn't arrest anyone, and they were a man and a woman. No matter what Murong Feng thought, he couldn't think of such two people.

Ye Qingxuan looked at it and said a few more words, wanting to remind Murong Feng, Ye Qingxuan said, "Both these two people are people who eat vegetarian food and recite Buddhism, so there is a conflict, and it will not benefit your future in any way."

Before Murong Feng could remember, the old lady said to Murong Feng, "Is Ye Qingxuan talking about your general Zhou Jun and his elder brother? There are only two of them now, a man and a woman who still eat fast and chant Buddha, can they be right?" Only the two of them deserve it."

Murong Feng thought for a while, and said to the old lady, "I also thought of these two people just now, but they are not recent, and they have not been abused by me. They just left, it shouldn't be a problem."

Ye Qingxuan heard Murong Feng and his mother whispering here, and then walked over to Murong Feng and said, "There is no absolutely good thing in the world, and there is no absolutely bad thing. You obviously did a good thing. But you killed people〃ˇ.”

Murong Feng heard Ye Qingxuan speak, thought for a while, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I don't understand what you said."

Ye Qingxuan laughed at the novel, "It's like a person is going to cross a mountain in front of you, but you see a rock falling from the mountain and you are about to hit this person. You call this person to tell him to be careful, but as soon as this person stops Next time, when I was about to talk to you, I was crushed to death by this stone, do you think you did a good thing or a bad thing?"

You said that if it was a good thing, you directly killed the person. If you didn’t call him, he would definitely go straight forward, and the stone would fall to the bottom without hurting him.

If you say it's a bad thing, it's not right. The original purpose is to inform him that there is danger on the mountain, and there is nothing wrong with it. Therefore, there is no absolutely good thing in the world, and there is no absolute bad thing.

At this time, Murong Feng said to Ye Qingxuan, "I have a brother whose parents live here. I have never bullied them or treated them badly. I just don't want them to leave my place for any food and drink. Containing his son's actions can also keep one party safe."

At this time, Ye Qingxuan heard Murong Feng say, "You see, what you said is exactly the same as the analogy I made. You think that your parents who take care of others have paid a lot. You don't ask him to repay you, you can only ask him I understand, but people don’t understand at all, right?”

Murong Feng thought about it and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I treat this old man just like I treat my own mother, and I have never given any face or request."

When I was old, I smiled and said, "Then you said that I will take your mother away now, and then I will work with delicious food and drink (Wang Hao) just to prevent you from seeing each other. Do you think I am a good person or a bad person?"

As soon as Murong Feng heard this, he immediately shut up, unable to say anything.

Dad said to the old lady at this time, "It is a sin to impose difficulties on people."

The old lady nodded vigorously at this time, and then said to Murong Feng, "You leave his mother here, although it's good to take care of her, but you don't want her to meet.

Chapter 653 Escort

This is a crime in the first place, and it is still said by others, you should send the old lady and elder brother out of the house as soon as possible. "

Murong Feng thought about it at this time, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "You are very important to me, this person, I can't let it go, if I let it go, it may cause death. With them by my side, I can keep one side safe. If not, it’s hard to say, there are too many uncertain factors, which will make me unable to sleep.”

The old man laughed, and said to Murong Feng, "Look at what you just said, little love is narrower than 630, and those who do big things must have big love."

Murong Feng thought about it for a while, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Well, then tomorrow I will release his mother and his brother, and let their mother and child reunite. This is a good thing, right? .

Ye Qingxuan thought about it and said to Murong Feng, "This is not a good deed, it should be said that it is a right deed. When you recover from illness, you only need to keep your side safe. Don't invade other people's territory, unless Most of the people there need you, or else you have committed murder again."

When Mu (ccfg) Rongfeng heard Ye Qingxuan's words, he nodded and said to Ye Qingxuan, "What you said is indeed reasonable, and I have no plans to attack the city, unless there is a riot there and I need my troops , otherwise I will be here to keep the people safe."

Ye Qingxuan thought about it for a while, Murong Feng is still an upright person, just like Mr. Chen said, he doesn't have too much ambition.

Murong Feng arranged for someone to send the city lord's elder brother and mother home at this time, and he brought a letter with him, which said, "I have sent your mother and elder brother back safely. Is there any need for help in the future?" Just tell me, "

You didn't write anything about the other Murong Feng. Ye Qingxuan was also very relieved at this time, thinking that this matter was handled well, his mother and elder brother were rescued safely, and he was not going to attack the city, no Prepare for training, keep the people safe, and the matter of safety has come to a perfect conclusion.

Ye Qingxuan felt that Murong Feng did a good job in this matter, so he decided to stay and do something for the local people, and was not in a hurry to leave.

Ye Qingxuan had nothing to do in the city this day, so he took a stroll here, and saw that the people here have no worries about food and clothing, and they are doing well, but this year there is little rain, and every family has surplus food, so they are not hungry. Not too bad.

Ye Qingxuan was strolling around in this city, and saw a very lively place, walked in and took a look, it turned out to be a small casino, and there were many people in it.

Ye Qingxuan is usually very opposed to this kind of situation, so he doesn't want to look at it. He continued to walk down. Ye Qingxuan found that there is a casino just a few steps away. There are many casinos here. Dad looked at the big and small casinos in the city. There are more than 30 casinos, Ye Qingxuan knows that gambling is harmful to a family and can make people lose fighting spirit, so this is a bad habit.

Ye Qingxuan went back and said to Murong Feng, "I just wandered around the city and found a lot of casinos. I think it's best not to let the common people participate in such activities. Starving alone will make people lose their fighting spirit and make them lose their minds. would do some nasty things.”

At this time, Murong Feng directly ordered all gambling to be banned, and all gambling will be closed within three days. If it is discovered after three days, it will be the crime of ransacking the house and exterminating the family.

Chapter 654 Closing the Casino

With this order, more than 30 casinos in the city, large and small, were all closed, and no one dared to open a casino again.

Later, some people still took the risk and sneaked there to sell dog meat, and they were still driving.

Someone lost a lot of money in it and reported this place. Later, Murong Feng sent people to copy the entire house, and convicted all the immediate family members of the family with felonies. Once this happened, no one dared to continue stealing Opened a casino.

At this time, Murong Feng came with news, which completely shocked Ye Qingxuan.

A few days ago, Murong Feng sent someone to send the city lord's mother and his eldest brother home, but what he never expected was that they were kidnapped by a group of strong men on the way.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan wondered if Murong Feng had done something inside? He didn't let people go at all, and then Ye Qingxuan thought about it, it was impossible, Murong Feng couldn't do such a thing, it must have been some accident on the way.

Ye Qingxuan regretted it very much at this time, Ye Qingxuan felt that he should go back together at that time, but if he left at the same time, he was afraid that the teacher would suspect what he said to her, and if he didn't take it to heart, it would be a big mistake for Fan to start a war in the future.

Ye Qingxuan always felt that he made a mistake that led to today's consequences, so he felt a little guilty, so Ye Qingxuan decided~ to go to the rescue in person.

Ye Qingxuan said to Murong Feng at this time, "Leave this matter to me. They kidnapped for nothing more than ransom. If you send troops to exterminate them, too many people will scare the snake away. That's bad for the city lord's mother and the elders." It’s not safe, if this group of thieves jumped over the wall in a hurry and hurt the city lord’s mother, the gain would outweigh the loss, so this matter must be done quietly.”

Murong Feng thought for a while, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "This matter is indeed my negligence, more people will be fine, I didn't expect that apart from this level, the world is still so chaotic, I really blame me, I have to pay attention if I don't think about it." Please go and find it yourself."

Would Ye Qingxuan want to say to Murong Feng, "I'm also responsible here. I asked you to send them home when I knew about this matter, so I don't feel very good about it. Let me investigate this matter myself."


Murong Feng said, "Okay, since you said that, you can see what you need, or how many people you need, and you can do it with me, and I will prepare now."

Ye Qingxuan said to Murong Feng, "I can do this by myself. If there are too many people, it will be troublesome and inconvenient."

Old Chen thought about it, and felt that what Ye Qingxuan said happened to be done quietly for such a thing. Ye Qingxuan's ability Murong Feng was very familiar with it, so he was very relieved.


After Murong Feng chatted with Ye Qingxuan briefly, he rode on the lion and left the city, and returned to the scarred man's city in no time.

After arriving in Scar Man's city, everyone was there, Ye Qingxuan said to the city lord, "I'm to blame for this matter, I persuaded Murong Feng to release your mother and elder brother in advance, I should accompany you back, but I couldn't Leave, if I leave, the teacher will suspect that we are in the same group, and then he will not take what I ordered to heart, and it will ruin the big thing instead."

The city lord looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "I don't want to do this, it's because the world is not peaceful, what should we do now?"

Chapter 655: Fengwei Village

Ye Qingxuan said to the man with the scar, "Where is the kidnapper's letter back then let me see it."

The man with the scar gave Ye Qingxuan the letter from Bandit Wang, and Ye Qingxuan took it over and read that it said that he would be in Fengwei Mountain after 10 days, and he would pay the money and let him go. If no one came or the money was not paid, he would beheaded immediately.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan asked the scarred man where Fengwei Village was, and the scarred man told Ye Qingxuan "633", "Fengwei Village is thirty miles away, and there is a mountain, and that mountain is called Fengwei Village."

Ye Qingxuan has no choice now, since he doesn't want money, he can only follow the location they said, and catch all these people.

Tell everyone at this time in the morning that you just stay at home and wait for me to be alone. It is inconvenient if there are too many people.

At this time, the city lord said, "Otherwise, you can take me along with two people to take care of you, or you can go by yourself and I won't worry about it at home."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while, looked at the city owner and said, "That's fine, then let's go together."

After Ye Qingxuan discussed with these people, Ye Qingxuan and the city lord rode fast horses all the way to Fengwei Village.

Ye Qingxuan said to the city lord, "We'll prepare a car in a while, with a few boxes on it, let's say it's money, meet them first, find out the bottom line, and then make a plan."

Ye Qingxuan and the city lord came earlier in a carriage, pulled a few boxes behind them, and the two of them headed to the mountains, and soon arrived at the place of transaction, and the timing was just right.

Ye Qingxuan checked around and saw that there was no one around. According to the agreed date, it should be today, so Ye Qingxuan and the others were not in a hurry and just waited here.

Waiting until it was dark, at this time Ye Qingxuan heard the sound of footsteps, Ye Qingxuan jumped off the carriage and looked, 5 people came out from the woods.

Ye Qingxuan won immediately, and observed that there were no other people around, Ye Qingxuan asked these five people, "Who are you? What are you doing here at this hour?"

The 5 people laughed loudly, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "We are here to get the ransom, you have already arrived, and I already knew that you stayed here for a day, let's talk straight... .”

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and said to these five people, "Okay, since you are happy, I am happy too, now I want to see where the old lady and her elder brother are? I will pay immediately after I see them, otherwise I will not take the money away." So easy, I have to make sure the hostages are safe."

These kidnappers said to Ye Qingxuan, "All of you are here, it is up to you to decide, this is our territory, if you want to save people, you can leave the money for me and let them go back, I promise to give you money within a day You send it back."

Ye Qingxuan smiled at this time, and said to the five people, "It's unreasonable for you to do this. If that's the case, you don't even want to get the money. To tell you the truth, there is no money in this car at 5.6. We I didn't bring any money, if you think it's interesting to kill an old lady, then you can say that if you want money, you have to listen to me."

The kidnapper was so angry that he had nothing to say. What's the point of the three old ladies? Their ultimate goal is to get money, but they didn't bring any money. The kidnapper said to Ye Qingxuan angrily, "Believe it or not, I will send you money now." The old lady was killed.".

Chapter 656 Negotiation

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and said to the kidnappers, "I believe, if you want to kill, you can kill it, if you don't want to kill it, you can pull it down. It has nothing to do with me. I'm doing things for others, but if you want to kill me, you can save money." ,as you like."

The kidnapper couldn't scare Ye Qingxuan when he heard it, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Then you are not sincere, since you don't bring money, what are you doing here?"

Ye Qingxuan said to the kidnappers, "The money we brought was hidden in a place halfway, I was afraid that you would play tricks, but there is no money in the car, now you can show me the old lady.

I'll take you to get the money, otherwise I'm still getting the money after the old lady is dead, what's the use of that, I also do this for others, if I spend the money I have to take people back, if I don't take people back I have to bring the money back. You can't let me spend the money and not bring someone back. If that's the case, I won't do it. "

The city lord was listening to Ye Qingxuan's negotiations with the kidnappers there, without saying a word, because Ye Qingxuan had explained everything before him, and he could not be impulsive or reckless, so the city lord just listened there, what do you say? Neither said.

The kidnapper said to Ye Qingxuan, "Okay, then I will trust you once, and now I want you to take a look at the old lady."

Lao Bei patted what he said twice and walked away. A few more people came out from behind with the old lady. After looking at it, they were dragged back by the kidnappers.

The kidnapper said to Ye Qingxuan, "You saw him too, and I scored well, and I didn't hurt him, can you take us to get the money now?"

Ye Qingxuan said to the kidnappers, "I do things for others, that's what I do, you let the old lady and that man go, I'll be your hostage, I can't make fun of my life, you put They let the brother in my carriage go back, and I will go with you to get the money."

The kidnapper looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "Don't play tricks on me."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said to the kidnappers, "You let the old lady go, I will let you tie up my hands and feet, and I will take you to withdraw money, so you can rest assured, this old lady is not related to me, but I I am doing things for others, and I have to do it clearly, and I will definitely leave the money to you when the person goes back, and I want to live."

The kidnappers also had some truth to what Ye Qingxuan said.

The kidnappers brought the old lady and his eldest son out and handed them over to the city lord. The city lord left the box on the carriage, pulled his mother and elder brother with him, and ran down the mountain in no time.

Ye Qingxuan stayed at this time, the princess was worried, tied Ye Qingxuan's hands behind his back, and asked Ye Qingxuan to lead the way to take them to withdraw money.

The city lord saw Ye Qingxuan being **** by the kidnappers at this time, and 633 felt very uncomfortable, but there was no way, everyone had discussed it before, Ye Qingxuan wanted to be a person to replace the old lady.

The city lord ran back without stopping, fearing that there would be a fork in the middle of the road and Ye Qingxuan would be pulled out, and then they would be caught again, and the gain would not be worth the loss, so the city lord's horse ran very fast.

The city lord's spurs ran for a day and a night, and finally arrived at the territory of the scarred man, and entered the scarred man's city. At this time, he was really relieved, his mother and elder brother were finally saved, and the sword in the city When Scar Man came out to greet him, he saw that Ye Qingxuan was not there, so he asked the city lord what was going on? .

Chapter 657 Kidnapping

The city lord said to the man with the scar, "In order to save my mother and elder brother, Ye Qingxuan was willing to be their hostage to withdraw money. Now that my hands and feet are tied, he told me to come back quickly and wait for the letter at home. You are not allowed to bring any soldiers." Pawn, he said he has his own way."

When the scarred man in the city heard what the city lord said, he turned around in a hurry, and the other brothers couldn't move around there, and didn't know what to do.

The city lord said to everyone, "Since my mother and elder brother have been rescued, I will go back now. There can't be too many of us. I can go by myself. I have been there just once, and I am familiar with it. I will rescue them." Ye Qingxuan."

At this time, the man with the scar said to the city lord, "Otherwise, let's take some soldiers."

The city lord looked at the scarred man, and said to the scarred man, "That's not acceptable, once the matter is revealed, it may harm Ye Qingxuan. Now don't say anything, I will go by myself."

After the city lord finished speaking, he put his bow and arrow on his back and rode directly on his horse, and rushed to Fengwei Village.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan's hands were all tied up, on the road ahead, all the kidnappers showed up now, about 30 people followed Ye Qingxuan to withdraw money.

Ye Qingxuan chatted and laughed happily and said to the kidnappers, "Where are you going after you get the money later?"

The kidnapper said to Ye Qingxuan, "We are not going anywhere, we are here, this is our home."

Ye Qingxuan said to them, "That can't be done, you should leave here as soon as possible, the person you kidnapped will send a large army to destroy you, you can't live here at all."

Upon hearing this, the kidnapper said to Ye Qingxuan, "Don't worry about our life or death, do you think they will send a large army to destroy us right now, without caring about your life or death, have you ever thought about it?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said to the kidnappers, "Then I have nothing to do, I just earn this money, I did this for them, and if I can't do it with the money I should get, I won't be able to live."

The kidnapper and Ye Qingxuan walked all the way, just chatting like this.

Ye Qingxuan told the kidnappers, "Here we are, under the big rock in front, the money is there."

The kidnapper went to the front and looked at it and said, "Are you kidding me? Tell me how you got down to such a big rock?"

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