Ye Qingxuan walked up to the stone and said, "This money is more than 10,000 taels that I hid here many years ago. This is my family property. You **** this family and I owe them a favor, so I promised them that I will take it." The old lady was rescued, and I will handle the rest, I can only redeem my own life with my own money, it's as simple as that."

The stone that the more than 30 kidnappers want is really too big to move. What should I do?

Ye Qingxuan said, "¨A few years ago I found 4 cows, and more than 20 people pulled this stone. (Wang Hao Zhao

The bandit leader came over and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I will find a way to remove the stone right now. If you dare to play tricks on us, I will kill you on the spot. Just treat it as if we didn't do this job to relieve our anger."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said to the bandit, "Don't worry about this, I can't make fun of my own life."

The bandit leader started recruiting people at this time. After all, they had more than 30 people who wanted to try and found some thick sticks.

Chapter 658 Lies

It was up and down and hard here. After working for more than an hour, the stone did not move at all. These people were sweating profusely from exhaustion.

The bandit leader said to Ye Qingxuan a little angrily at this time, "This stone can't be pulled by four cows, how did you do it?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "At that time, the stone was suspended here. I dug a hole for the ground wire, and then easily folded each one with a tilt of the stone, but it is really difficult to fold each one now. At that time, I I thought it might not be needed, and I wanted to leave the money to future generations, so I didn’t plan to take it.”

Ye Qingxuan's ability to tell nonsense is really one-on-one, and he doesn't need to write a draft to say it, and there are no loopholes, the explanation is reasonable, and these bandits have no doubts at all. 637

These bandits have no choice but to force it. The bandits also started digging holes under the rock, trying to use the passage to dig directly under the rock to take out money, but there are rocks all around, and this mountain is a rock mountain, so this method It didn't work, and then began to sheath again using the force of the lever.

More than 30 people worked until midnight, and finally saw a small bump on the stone. They seemed to see hope. At this time, they all worked hard. Some dug holes and some turned up. They just worked there for a whole night. , the stone was finally moved halfway, and it was dawn at this time, and more than 30 kidnappers were tired and out of breath.

At dawn, some kidnappers said to get some cows, and they tied them with ropes and dragged them forcibly, but they didn't have any cows at all, so they lived by robbery and didn't farm land. Where could they get cows?

After thinking about it for a long time, I had no choice but to walk away. These 30 people had been working hard all day. The stone finally saw light and was finally removed. The bottom of the stone was finally exposed. At this time, the more than 30 kidnappers had a little strength. No, they didn't even eat food in the deep mountains and old forests, so they were busy working on this stone here.

Ye Qingxuan's hands were tied, and he sat beside them and looked at them, feeling overwhelmed with joy. These idiots came out to kidnap them?

After the stone was removed, the bandit leader. I started to dig under the rock and kept digging (ccfg). I dug a big hole, but I didn't see any signs of anything.

At this moment, the bandit leader was furious and dragged Ye Qingxuan over to show him, there is no such a big hole yet, where do you think you hid the money? Are you playing tricks on us? If you are playing tricks on us, we will bury you in this pit.

Ye Qingxuan looked at it, and said with strange eyes, "This is wrong, impossible, I was buried under this stone a few years ago, why did I disappear? It is impossible for anyone to move when I grow up, and it is impossible for someone to be idle. It’s okay to get this stone, it’s not right.”

The bandit leader was so angry that he couldn't do it anymore, he put a big knife directly on Ye Qingxuan's neck, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Are you kidding me? Believe it or not, I will chop off your head right now."

Ye Qingxuan said to the bandits, "Impossible, I am 100% hidden under the rock, there is no way I don't have it, if the money is gone, I'm more anxious than you, your ten thousand taels is just a drop in the bucket to me, You hurry to let me go, let me take a look, let me look for it."

The bandit leader saw Ye Qingxuan's seriousness, and thought to himself, so what if he just opened it.

Chapter 659 Wrong memory

So many people could still make him run away and become a bandit leader, so he untied Ye Qingxuan's rope, drove Ye Qingxuan and jumped directly into the pit, continued to pretend to dig twice, and then said, "How could it not be, what is this? What's going on? I'm obviously hiding under this rock."

All the bandits stared at Ye Qingxuan with vicious eyes, and were about to kill Ye Qingxuan in this pit. At this time, Ye Qingxuan looked around for four weeks after he came out of the pit, then ran to the stone in front of him and turned around again. When he left, all the bandits were staring at Ye Qingxuan to see what kind of tricks he was going to play.

Ye Qingxuan started to perform again at this time, and Liu Bang wanted to call all the bandits over there, saying that he had made a mistake just now, and that I wrote a mark on the bottom of this stone, it is too old, and there have been some changes here, I was also nervous and made a mistake just now. I hid money under this rock, and 10~0% can’t be wrong.

The bandit leader simply ignored what Ye Qingxuan said, looked at Ye Qingxuan with wide eyes and said, "Did you treat me like a three-year-old kid for such a big time, we messed with it for two days before leaving, you actually said you **** Wrong, don't you want to live-?"

The bandit leader was so angry that his whole body was bulging, or he might be gnashing his molars after he was hungry.

Ye Qingxuan said to the bandit leader, "I did make a mistake about the sparrow grudge just now, and I designated it under this stone. If there is no one, I don't need you to do it. I will kill myself here and show you."

These more than 30 bandits were lying on the ground, tired and hungry. At this time, the bandit leader arranged for a few people to go down the mountain to get some food, and the rest of them continued to move stones for me here.

At this time, none of the bandits were willing to move the stone. Although this stone was smaller than the one just now, it was not much smaller, and it was quite strenuous to move it.

The bandit leader looked at it, and thought that it would be fine not to move it, and let's talk about it when those people come back from shopping after they go down the mountain and they are full. The brothers are all exhausted.

Ye Qingxuan said to the bandit leader, "The size and appearance of the stone just now are indeed somewhat similar. After all these years have passed, I haven't come here often to look at it, so I was negligent."


The bandit leader stared at Ye Qingxuan viciously and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I don't care whether what you say is true or not, I will remove this stone. If you don't have money, you can't say anything. I will bury you in this pit." .”

Ye Qingxuan said, "I have more than ten thousand taels of money here. If it is gone, I will be more anxious than you. This stone has a mark left by me, so I am sure that I was really nervous about the one just now, and I forgot about it due to negligence."


The bandits all lay there silently, moved stones for a day and night, and didn't eat anything, and now they are too tired to die.

The people who went down the mountain to get the car came back soon. They took a simple bite, and then started to work again in the dark. This stone is simpler than that.

The bottom of this stone is not that big, it's a bit like a sharp point stuck on the nearby stone. After the bandits removed the small stone next to it, there was only a sharp point at the bottom of the stone. Knocking on this stone will roll it aside, so the difficulty is much smaller than the previous one.

Chapter 660 The Desperate Kidnapper

But the stone is still very big, and it is not so easy to pry it. They found a lot of wood and tried to use the force of the lever to pry the stone away. As long as the ground under each stone will be exposed.

These more than 30 people started to work again. After working all night, the sun was exposed. At this time, the stone was finally pried, and the "637" stone grunted, and the inside was revealed.

There are more than 30 people who can't vote, and they finally showed the yeast. They also came, and the motivation began to dig down, but they dug a very big hole and failed to dig a single hole.

At this time, he was completely crazy. After crawling out of the pit, he put a big knife on Ye Qingxuan's neck, and yelled at Ye Qingxuan.

The bandit leader said, "How dare you **** me."

After the bandit leader finished speaking, he picked up the big knife and cut it at Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan grabbed the big knife in a blink of an eye, and broke it off the ground with all his strength. At this time, the bandit leader screamed and knelt down to the ground.

When the other bandits saw it, they beheaded Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan said to these people, "If you dare to take a step forward, I will break his hand off."

The bandit leader was yelling, and the others didn't dare to charge up, they all stood there.

The bandit leader endured the pain and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Since you dare to trick us, you see that we don't want your life, so hurry up and send me here."

Ye Qingxuan smiled at this time, and said to the bandit leader, "You guys dare to come out and kidnap with your IQ, so pull them down quickly, and go to sleep quickly."

Ye Qingxuan went up and kicked the bandit leader to the side, where he laughed loudly.

The bandit leader swam his wrist, pointed at Ye Qingxuan and said, "You **** made us move for two days, played us like monkeys, and beat us. I'm so mad, you're going to kill me today. "

After the supply leader finished speaking, he picked up a big knife from the ground, and asked Ye Qingxuan directly. It seems that Ye Qingxuan dodged sideways and directly dodged.

Just kicked the bandit leader to the ground, then rode up and punched him hard in the face. At this moment, the bandit leader screamed and rolled over there.

The other bandits immediately came out with Ye Qingxuan as soon as they saw it, and Ye Qingxuan's head chopped off the two of them holding the big knife. Lie on the ground, Ye Qingxuan immediately kicked the bandit flying, and then knocked the other bandit unconscious with a punch, and lost consciousness on the spot.

Just a bandit ran towards Ye Qingxuan with a stick, Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and the stick was empty, and then Ye Qingxuan kicked the man to 5.6 with a short leg, then rode on the bandit and punched him hard It hit this person on the left side of the face, and the person screamed and rolled over while covering his face.

Only 5 of them were Ye Qingxuan with a big knife, and all of them fell down with a sweeping leg. These people moved very quickly, and they stood up again. Ye Qingxuan jumped up and kicked in a roundabout.

Chapter 661

Kicked all the five people down, and all the big knives fell to the ground, Ye Qingxuan kicked the five people with one left kick and the other kicked the ground.

Three more people were attacked, these three people were unarmed, they looked big, they were used to unarmed, Ye Qingxuan took two steps back, these people rushed over directly, punching Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan turned sideways, this fist directly The punch was missed, and then the second person punched again, Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and the punch was missed again.

The third person came over, Ye Qingxuan went up and grabbed the person's fist, and then grabbed the person's death sentence with the other hand, directly lifted it over the top of the head, and slammed the other two. There were 22 bandits, all three of them fell to the ground and screamed.

A few more people got on board, and these five people surrounded Ye Qingxuan by themselves, some with knives, some with whips, some with bare hands, and one with a big knife. Three fell down, the other two rushed straight up, Ye Qingxuan dodged backwards and went straight up and kicked a bandit over.

The other person, Ye Qingxuan, went up and punched him directly to the ground. Ye Qingxuan rode on this person, and punched this person fiercely in the face. At that time, this person's face was covered with blood, and he couldn't tell what he looked like at all. He fell to the ground, covered his face with his hands and rolled over there screaming.

The bandit leader covered his face and shouted to kill him, kill him for me, since he dared to play this thing, we can't let him leave alive.

The big hairy bandit rushed up again, and the four people were all watching with sticks, Ye Qingxuan asked Ye Qingxuan to call Ye Qingxuan, and Ye Qingxuan hit him for a while, taking advantage of the situation, Ye Qingxuan gave this person a kick, and this person lay on the ground On the ground, the second person couldn't hit him at this time, Ye Qingxuan shot again in a flash.

He hit this person **** the face with his elbow. This elbow was really ruthless. He killed three of his teeth. His mouth was full of blood and he fell to the ground. This person covered his mouth and rolled all over the floor. Howling there.

The two people who were knocked down by the mopping legs, got up and went to Ye Qingxuan to bring them. Ye Qingxuan directly punched this person in the stomach. There, the knife also fell down, clutching his stomach and screaming.

There are still seventeen or eight people behind here who can't do anything by spinning around in circles. At this time, Ye Qingxuan took a few steps towards them after seeing them. Picked up a whip on the ground.

Ye Qingxuan 637 picked up the whip and went up to start whipping. One left and one right fell down in one go. After five of them knocked down these five people, Ye Qingxuan didn't stop. He went up and continued whipping. The five fell to the ground and covered them with their hands. Rolling over there with a straight face, screaming.

At this moment, the bandit leader saw that there were not many people standing there, but he didn't expect that Ye Qingxuan was really good at it, he really underestimated the enemy, the bandit leader simply couldn't admit cowardice.

Pushing stones here for two days, I was so tired that I was out of breath and I was played by others. Just thinking about it, I couldn’t swallow this breath at all. Zhu Peitao ordered a dozen people behind me to go up together and hacked to death. he.

Chapter 662

These dozen or so people rushed up immediately, Ye Qingxuan stepped back again and again to find their flaws, Ye Qingxuan stepped back a few steps, jumped into the sky, and kicked three of them directly with a roundabout kick, Ye Qingxuan picked up one on the ground After turning the big knife, these people didn't dare to use the big knife.

Ye Qingxuan took the big knife and ran straight to a bandit to slash at it. The bandit didn't have time to hide. The big knife went straight into the bandit's head. The bandit didn't dodge too much, Ye Qingxuan didn't really slash, he went up and kicked I kicked this person away, and when he went out, he fell to the ground and touched his head. He was so scared that he peed his pants.

The other people fought Ye Qingxuan with their sticks. Ye Qingxuan raised his head and the sticks of these two people hit together. The force was so strong that both hands were numb, so they threw the sticks on the ground.

These two people were bare-handed and stupid. Ye Qingxuan hit Ye Qingxuan up, knocked one down with one punch, and then strangled the other bandit's neck with his neck and arms. The arm dragged back, and another person was trapped, locking Ye Qingxuan's neck.

These few people are here to compete for investment. At this time, they see hope and feel that Ye Qingxuan has subdued it. These people were pressing Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan was so hard, these people flew around as if they were blown out by something, and they were all thrown out by Ye Qingxuan.

The last three of our family, these three people watched their legs straight up to the mark, but they couldn't rush forward, and they couldn't run even if they wanted to run. They seemed to pee out of fear in their dreary pants.

Standing there stupidly holding a knife, Ye Qingxuan went up and knocked over one of his mouths, this person covered his face and squatted on the ground, not daring to stand up, screaming, Ye Qingxuan immediately kicked this person The person was kicked flying, and the person was screaming on the ground with blood dripping from his mouth.

After the remaining two people turned around and were about to run up to Ye Qingxuan, they grabbed their necks and pulled them back to lie on the ground. He got up, flew directly to the nearby tree, hit the tree and fell to the ground. The man was dragged half to death, clutching his head and screaming.

Ye Qingxuan glanced back, these thirty or so people had all been knocked down by Ye Qingxuan, and none of them ran out, they were all screaming on the ground, and all were injured to varying degrees.

Ye Qingxuan walked up to the bandit leader and said to the bandit leader, "¨¨Just you guys, you still want to fight with me, I am also happy to play with you today, otherwise I would have cleaned up all of you last night , you still dare to pretend to be big-tailed wolves with the two of you, get up and continue to fight with me again (Wang's)."

The bandit leader was very dissatisfied and dissatisfied at this time, watching Ye Qingxuan spat on Ye Qingxuan's face viciously, this saliva was actually blood, the blood sprayed all over Ye Qingxuan's face directly.

After Ye Qingxuan wiped it with his hands, Ye Qingxuan was also very angry at this time, not because of the saliva, but because the bandit leader would never change his mind and wanted to let them live.

Chapter 663

But they didn't mean to beg for mercy and show weakness at all. Ye Qingxuan used all his strength at this time, and punched the bandit leader hard in the face. The bandit leader's teeth were all knocked out at that time.

The bandit leader's teeth were all knocked out at that time. The bandit's mouth was full of blood, and his nose was also bleeding. Your wife was knocked down by Ye Qingxuan at that time, and she just knelt there.

The bandit leader was not Fauci at this time. Although Ye Qingxuan was speechless, his eyes were still unconvinced. After seeing it, Ye Qingxuan kicked the bandit leader viciously on the chin. The bandit was kneeling Then, it came directly to a 180 degree and lay on the ground without moving, not even screaming.

The other bandits saw that the bandit leader was beaten so badly, they didn't dare to speak there, they didn't even dare to breathe, they were afraid that they would be the next one, so they didn't dare to speak or ask for it.

Ye Qingxuan doesn't know how to do these things, "You can do anything just for some money, since you dare to kidnap that old lady, you don't ask who that old lady is, can you afford it, you I think your money will be given to you, can you stop spending it?"

These bandits were all lying down and kneeling there, not daring to speak.

These (ccfg) bandits really can't believe it. More than 30 people actually let this person beat him with his bare hands in such a state of embarrassment. Who is this person?

Ye Qingxuan continued to receive, "We dare to do anything bad for the sake of those exes. What's the use of keeping you, I'll kill you all here today, so that you won't harm other people in the future."

You wouldn't have been terrified when you heard it, crawled to Ye Qingxuan's feet, knelt there, begged for mercy, and spoke soft words.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't listen to anything at all, at this moment, the bandit leader took out a dagger from his pocket, and stabbed Ye Qingxuan directly from the back.

Ye Qingxuan was as annoying as the long eyes on the back, the dagger pierced through, Ye Qingxuan turned around and kicked the bandit leader's arm fiercely, the dagger was kicked out at that time, and his arm was also It was kicked and broken, and the sound of bones breaking could be heard.

The bandit leader's face was covered with blood, and he knelt on the ground, covering his arm with his other hand. Ye Qingxuan followed with a kick, which was definitely a fatal kick. This kick hit the bandit leader's neck On the throat, all the bones and cervical vertebrae of the brain were broken, and he fell there, staring at his eyes motionless, and was kicked to death by Ye Qingxuan.

You can see everything else, the bandit leader was kicked to death by Ye Qingxuan, everyone was terrified, got up and kowtowed, begging Ye Qingxuan to kill him, and never dared again, disbanded the team immediately, and went home Go to farm, and never come out to do bad things again, begging Ye Qingxuan to spare his life.

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while, this group of people are also seniors and juniors. Although they are guilty, they are not worthy of death. The bandit leader has already been kicked to death by me, so let's forget about it. After thinking about it, Ye Qingxuan said to the bandits, "I don't want your lives today, there is a wrong and a debt.

Chapter 664 Broken Arm

Your bandit leader has been kicked to death by me, and you have also seen that the culprit is him. You are just a deposit, but the death penalty is inevitable, and the living crime is inevitable. I must leave some marks for each of you today. Save yourself from bullying others in the future.”

When the Hubei Gate heard that they couldn't die today, they all kowtowed there, Ye Qingxuan picked up a big knife on the ground at this moment, but these bandits only kowtowed, no one saw Ye Qingxuan pick up the knife, When Ye Qingxuan went up, he cut off everyone's left arms one by one.

These people all fell to the ground in an instant Ye Qingxuan's skill was so fast, some people didn't even know what happened, but their left arm had already fallen to the ground, these people picked up their left arm and knelt there, clutching their arm direct call.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan raised the knife and fell on the arms of these more than 30 people, and Ye Qingxuan chopped them off alive. Ye Qingxuan looked at these bandits and said to the bandits, "I chopped off all your left arms, just keep them Commemorate it, it can be regarded as your punishment. If you dare to do bad things again in the future, you will not repent. At that time, I will kill one by one. Your fate will definitely be the same as that of your bandit leader. I will never show mercy ?”

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