Ye Qingxuan must keep a low profile when doing this matter. Those who cannot use mana, and cannot let others know of their special existence, must keep a low profile.

Ye Qingxuan thought of a way at this time. Just when this enthusiastic person decided, Ye Qingxuan entrusted a dream to the mother of the city lord, asking the old lady to worship a man who rides a lion as her master. Live a hundred years and be healthy.

The old lady suddenly woke up from her dream, and the servant who was serving the old lady hurried over to serve her and asked what was wrong with the old lady. Lions are teachers.

The servant next to the old lady said to the old lady, "The dreams are all fake, so let's talk nonsense about the lion. If you see a lion, you have to run away. If someone really died, it would be a fairy."

After thinking about it in my head, if you can ride a horse or anything else, who can ride a lion, it seems that this dream is a bit outrageous.

At dawn on the second day, the old lady called her son over and told him about the dream she had last night, asking me to pretend to be a man riding a lion as a teacher so that I could live a long life and benefit everyone.

The old lady called his son Murong Feng over and said, "Do you think there are people riding lions in this world?"

Murong Feng, the city lord, said, "It's just a dream, don't take it too seriously, just continue to eat fast and chant Buddha's name, and just do good deeds."

After Ye Qingxuan entrusted the dream to the old lady, he was in prison on the second day. He felt that something should be done. He knew that Murong Feng didn't know his existence at all, otherwise he would have to come to meet the man riding a lion. Since there is no movement, no one will report it.

Ye Qingxuan wanted to let everyone know.

So I have to let the lion make some noise, let this story spread in a big way, so that they will pay attention to me, as long as I can get close to the old lady, everything will be easy.

Ye Qingxuan blew a whistle in the prison. After the lion heard it, he rushed out of the cage, ran to the street, and wandered recklessly on the street. After walking around, he returned to the cage. The people were terrified, but the lion hurt no one, just walked around the street swaggeringly, and then went back to his cage.

At this time, all the lions have been opened while walking in the city, and there are no businessmen who appear here swaggeringly, and they must be immortals.

627 This spread to the old lady's ears.

At this time, the old lady had just become a lion rider, and she wanted to worship him as a teacher, and she appeared right away. The old lady believed that this matter was entrusted to him by someone in a dream.

The old lady called Murong Feng over directly. The old lady said to Murong Feng, "There are rumors in the city that a lion appeared in the cage. You arrested that man and the lion. You Said that I just had such a dream yesterday, and the man riding a lion appeared today. This man is absolutely extraordinary, you don’t dare to offend him, go and find out why this man was arrested by you.”.

Chapter 647 Murong Feng

At this time, Murong Feng was also confused. The old lady had just finished a dream, and this person appeared. Could it be that she was destined in the dark? This person should not be underestimated. Hurry up and take a look, if it is really a fairy descended from the earth Or if offended, that's fine.

Murong Feng immediately came to a guard, and said to the guard, "Go to the cell to see if there is anyone riding a lion. What is the cause of the arrest? Go and find out, and come back and report to me. Wait here."

The so-called didn't dare to delay for a while, and came to the cell on a horse. After general inspection, it was found that Que Shi had arrested a man riding a lion a few days ago. The guards guarding the city were arrested.

After the so-called inquiry, he returned to Murong Feng in a short time.

Tell Murong Feng, "It is true that a man riding a lion was arrested in a prison cell. This man did not commit any crime. He was taken to prison just because he was riding a lion. Man, this man has an extraordinary appearance, at first glance he is a shrewd and capable man〃."

In the early days, I was scared when I heard it. The old lady dreamed this dream too accurately.

I went to tidy up my clothes quickly and went straight to the prison.

Murong Feng walked up to Ye Qingxuan and said, "I don't know where this gentleman is coming from and where he is going. How did he come to me? I am Murong Feng, the lord of this city."

Ye Qingxuan glanced at Murong Feng, and said, "I am a person who travels all over the world. When I came to you, you arrested me indiscriminately. I don't know what crime I committed."

Murong Feng smiled, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I just heard that the guards at the city gate said that you were temporarily detained here because you were riding a lion because you were afraid of hurting the people. It's a good way to deal with it, so..."

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and said to Murong Feng, "Since I'm not drunk, can you let me go, and I will continue to roam around, looking for my destined person?"

Murong Feng immediately put on a smile and said, "My mother has been eating vegetarian food and praying to Buddha for many years, and she is dedicated to goodness. She wants to meet you. I don't know if she has the honor."

Ye Qingxuan stood up, walked in front of Murong Feng, and said to Murong Feng, "You said your mother wants to see me, how is this possible? No one knows when I get here, how does he know and why does he want to see me?"

Murong Feng said to Ye Qingxuan, "¨¨ My mother had a dream a few days ago, saying that she wanted to worship a man who rode a lion as her teacher, that way she would live a long life, be healthy and keep the land and water safe. The old lady has always been thinking about it. So I heard that the guards at the city gate caught a man riding a lion two days ago, so I didn't dare to delay, so I came to welcome you in person."

The old lady walked up to Murong Feng (Wang Liao Zhao) and said to Murong Feng, "If you want to say that, you still have an expert to advise you. Could it be that your mother is the predestined person I am looking for?"

Murong Feng was stunned for a moment, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "What do you mean by predestined people? What's going on?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at Murong Feng and said, "A few months ago, I was instructed by an expert to take in an apprentice, and I told that person where I would take my apprentice, and he said you just go down the mountain and roam around.

Chapter 648

There must be someone who is destined to appear. After this person finished speaking, he flew away on a crane. I have been walking around here, and I have not encountered anything too special, and I have not met any predestined person. Just now you said Your mother had such a strange dream, is it preordained in the dark? "

This Ye Qingxuan could speak in plain language, but Murong Feng was stunned for nothing.

Murong Feng was very excited at this time, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Then let's not delay. As for my mother, let's talk about it after meeting. You have wronged you in the cell these days. It's a shame that the 630s below me don't recognize you. ah."

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and said to Murong Feng, "Since it's all arranged by the heavens, what is there to be wronged about?"

Early nodded, thinking that Ye Qingxuan was quite easy-going and easy-going, Lao Qi led the way and led Ye Qingxuan out of the cell, Ye Qingxuan whistled after he got out of the cell.

After the lion heard it, it broke out of the cage and rushed towards Ye Qingxuan. At this time, everyone was scared to avoid it, and the four fingers came directly to Ye Qingxuan's side. At this time, Murong Feng was also shocked. Back again and again.

Ye Qingxuan said to Murong Feng, "You don't have to be afraid, this lion has a docile personality and never hurts anyone."

Murong Feng was relieved after hearing what Ye Qingxuan said, but he didn't dare to get too close. At this time, Ye Qingxuan rode on the lion and followed Murong Feng all the way forward.

Ye Qingxuan followed all the way, which attracted many people's attention. Everyone here knew Murong Feng, and there was a man riding a lion behind him, so all the people came to watch, and followed him all the way to the old wife's residence.

When Murong Feng arrived, he said to Ye Qingxuan, "My mother is here eating vegetarian food and praying to Buddha, please come in with me."

Ye Qingxuan followed behind and went inside and saw the old lady. The old lady saw this married woman walking in with a lion. (ccfg) was basically the same as the image in the dream. The old lady was very excited at this moment, holding Ye Qingxuan's hand Said, "We are really destined, I have never seen you, I know what you look like.

In my dream, I dreamed that there would be a man riding a lion and asked me to worship him as a teacher. This would keep the people safe. I am so happy to see you today. People who can ride a lion must be extraordinary. I am so lucky to see you. "

Ye Qingxuan was also very polite. Ye Qingxuan knew that the old lady was a kind person and would never do anything harmful to nature, so he said to the old lady, "You eat fast and recite the Buddha's name, and you should be kind and charitable. In this way, you will also get peace in the land and water."

Murong Feng just wanted to see Ye Qingxuan's point at this time, he didn't know what Ye Qingxuan's background was and what he had, so don't be fooled, after all, this matter is not a trivial matter.

Just when Murong Feng was thinking how to embarrass Ye Qingxuan, a guard came and said to Murong Feng, "I don't know where Jackie Chan got the news, a wild boar is rampant and hurting people everywhere, and now some people have been injured, the wild boar is messing around in the city." Running around, not knowing what to do."

Murong Feng thought about it and said to the guards, "No matter what kind of animal it is, it has venereal diseases. To drive him away is to not hurt him."

The guard said, "We dare not approach him at all. Even if we approach him, we can't control him. Anyone who approaches him will attack him, unless we shoot him with a bow and arrow to drive him out.".

Chapter 649

Murong Feng said to the guards, "Wouldn't that hurt the wild boar's life, don't hurt him, just drive him away."

At this time, the guard was very embarrassed, and he stood there without saying a word.

Ye Qingxuan said to Murong Feng at this time, "It's very easy to drive away a wild boar, just leave it to me."

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he immediately walked out of the courtyard to the wild boar. Ye Qingxuan rode a lion and arrived here along the way. Murong Feng rode a horse and followed Murong Feng. He also wanted to know how Ye Qingxuan dealt with it. of.

Ye Qingxuan came, and there were many guards in front of the wild boar with sticks, but they didn't attack the wild boar. In order to save his life, they wanted to drive him away. It was not an easy task, after all, the wild boar's attack power was very strong. Gao, most people have nothing to do with him.

Ye Qingxuan walked down from the lion when he came to the front, and when he reached the wild boar, Ye Qingxuan waved his hands like that, and the wild boar seemed to be enchanted, and it turned into a family that was so obedient that it could be wrung clean and walked back step by step.

Ye Qingxuan picked up a small one from the ground, and beat the wild boar from behind, it seemed that it suddenly lost its wildness, just like the ordinary pigs raised at home, it was twisted and then driven out of the city by Ye Qingxuan.

Everyone saw this scene and felt that Ye Qingxuan was a strange person who could make the wild boar colorful, like chasing a family, and all the spectators followed behind.

Following Ye Qingxuan all the way to drive the wild boar to the woods outside the city, at this time Ye Qingxuan took a small stick and smacked the wild boar's **** vigorously, the wild boar seemed to have regained its wildness, and ran straight into the forest.

Everyone witnessed this process with their own eyes, especially Murong Feng was completely convinced by Ye Qingxuan's ability, and he didn't dare to have any doubts anymore. Ye Qingxuan is definitely not an ordinary person, his ability is too strong.

After Ye Qingxuan finished processing, he followed Murong Feng on a lion and returned to his mother's residence in no time. When he arrived here, the old lady prepared a table of fast food, and chatted with Murong Feng and Ye Qingxuan while eating. Murong Feng was right now. Ye Qingxuan was respectful and respectful, not daring to be slighted.


Murong Feng has arranged Ye Qingxuan's hospitality these days from the inside out, especially his mother also discusses with Ye Qingxuan every day about the side of existence and some experiences of doing good deeds.

At this time, Murong Feng's mother proposed to worship Ye Qingxuan as his teacher.

Ye Qingxuan said to the old lady at this time, "I can't accept you as an apprentice just because you had a dream. If you want to be my apprentice, I still need to investigate for a while. If you are sincere and kind, it will not be too late to be a teacher." .”


The old lady didn't dare to refute, she felt that what Ye Qingxuan said was reasonable, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "It's ok, everything is up to your arrangement."

At this time, some villagers came to Murong Feng and said that it had not rained for more than a month, and the harvest of crops would be weakened without rain, and asked to think of a solution early.

Murong Feng thought to himself, what can I do, what else can I do besides begging, to transport water from the big river there, it is really a drop in the bucket, it is useless.

The old lady said to Murong Feng, "What else can we do, we can only pray for rain in time to save the fields here." Door.

Chapter 650 Begging for Rain

Ye Qingxuan heard the words of the people at this time, and said to Murong Feng, "I know some spells for praying for rain, why don't you let me try it, and bring a heavy rain here to alleviate the suffering of the people."

Murong Feng widened his eyes and said to Ye Qingxuan at this time, "You are really a master, it's really great that you can ask for rain, the people here have been looking forward to no rain for more than a month." 630 "

Now is the time when the crops need rain, but there is not a drop of rain every day. If this continues, there will be no production this year. If you can really ask for rain, it will really cost the lives of the people. "

The old lady was also very excited at this time, she took Ye Qingxuan's hand and said, "Looking at your young age, I didn't expect you to have such great ability."

Ye Qingxuan said to Murong Feng, "Hurry up and send someone to build two cloud platforms outside the south gate, which should be higher than the city wall. Hurry up and prepare."

In the early days, I heard that Ye Qingxuan's work was really sloppy and he didn't have so much nonsense, and he was about to start straight away. Murong Feng called the guards directly, and picked up two tall cloud platforms outside the south gate city according to Ye Qingxuan's intention.

The time for this gimbal stand is also very fast, and it was finished in one morning. At this time, the sky was cloudless and clear, and there was no sign of rain at all.

Ye Qingxuan saw that two cloud platforms had been set up, and then Ye Qingxuan walked to one of the cloud platforms and sat there.

In fact, Ye Qingxuan doesn't need to be so verbose in begging for rain, just wave his hand and it will rain, but he has to have a good appearance in everything he does, so that it looks like that, so the big cloud platform is all the same, there is no need to build it at all .

Ye Qingxuan just wants to live and die early, and let everyone know his ability.

In the future, if he said a word, he would have the right to speak in this city. It would be a good thing to pray for rain for the common people in this city, and Ye Qingxuan was very willing.

At this very moment, the population of ordinary people in the city has exceeded 130,000, and all the generals have exceeded 50,000. These people all set their sights on Ye Qingxuan, looking forward to the arrival of this rain.

Ye Qingxuan went directly to the cloud platform, looked at the sky there, and then sat there thinking about things, everything is just pretending, you can do whatever you want, they don't understand anyway, Ye Qingxuan is on a balcony Stayed for a while, the weather did not change at this time, and then came down....

During the process of coming down, everyone was a little disappointed. The sky didn't change much, and the person who begged for rain still came down. These people thought that this person might be unreliable and couldn't beg for rain.

After the old man put down this platform, he went to that platform again. He stayed on this platform for a long time, but the sky was still so clear without any change. Ye Qingxuan came down from the second platform at this time. The person at Yuntai said that he is one foot tall.

At this time, when I saw the person on the platform, I moved forward and raised it higher.

Murong Feng was watching from the side at this time. 5.6, Murong Feng's mother was also watching here, and they were a little nervous, but they absolutely did not doubt Ye Qingxuan's ability.

At this time, the tire was increased by another layer, Ye Qingxuan went up again at this time, and began to mutter something in his mouth, at this moment the weather suddenly changed, and the wind blew violently.

The people and soldiers in my city couldn't open their eyes at all.

Chapter 651

The wind suddenly picked up, and it was very strong. After a while, there were dark clouds and thunder and lightning. Although the wind was very strong, no one left, and they were all here watching the changes in the weather.

At this time, the torrential rain began to fall in an instant, and smoke was already falling on the road, lightning and thunder, wind and storm.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan looked at it and put it down on the stage. It had been raining all day. At this time, the banker was relieved and couldn't do it anymore. If it rained again, it would cause trouble, so Ye Qingxuan gave the rain Stopped.

All the villagers and soldiers thought that Ye Qingxuan was a god, so they all knelt down to Ye Qingxuan and kowtowed.

Ye Qingxuan felt that 22 should sell a favor at this time. All the soldiers and common people in Ye Qingxuan's team said, "It's not my credit. It's all thanks to Murong Feng's mother. He eats fast and recites Buddha all the year round, and prays for you a lot. Fauci, that's why I was able to ask for it today, I just did a favor, the one who really accumulated virtue is Murong Feng's mother."

At this time, everyone knelt down to Murong Feng's mother and kowtowed to Murong Feng's mother.

The old lady was at a loss at this time, and said to all the villagers, "I didn't do anything. I ate fast and recited Buddha all day long, just to keep one party safe and sound. It seems to be really effective. You all get up."

The old lady walked up to Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I don't dare to take credit for this. Without you, there would be no rain at all. You are the real master, the real god."

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and said to the old lady, "No matter what time this person has to accumulate virtue and do good deeds, there will definitely be good rewards. We must continue to work hard."

This move stunned Murong Feng, it was the first time he grew up and saw someone who could ask for rain, it rained as soon as he said it, and stopped as soon as he said it, it is really powerful.

Ye Qingxuan felt that the time was almost up, and now they were very obedient to Ye Qingxuan's words.

Ye Qingxuan said to the old lady, "I see that your son's face is not very good, has something happened recently, there is always a dark cloud hanging over his head."

After thinking about it for a while, the old lady didn't know what her son usually does, so she called Murong Feng over at this time, and the old lady was told by Murong Feng, "The master said that there are dark clouds over your head, ask What happened to you recently?"

Murong Feng looked at the old lady, then at Ye Qingxuan and said, "Nothing happened recently, as usual, nothing special."

The old lady asked Ye Qingxuan, "See if you can calculate specifically what is wrong with my son."

Ye Qingxuan pretended to be 630 there, counted with his fingers, and then said to the old lady and Murong Feng, "I don't know if you have caught someone wrong recently with your power, it's just a rough idea, the total is Two people, one man and one woman, you should, there is some misunderstanding, these two people are not ordinary people, they are people who accumulate virtue and do good deeds, if you wrong them, it will be very bad for you, it will hurt your money in the slightest, and in severe cases Life."

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