Although the scarred man didn't know what to do, but hearing what Ye Qingxuan said, it really made sense. Now Ye Qingxuan and the scarred man can only wait outside the city. When dawn comes, everything will be revealed.

At this time, the bandit leader elected a new second-in-chief, and a third-in-chief to manage it for him. These people are all his confidants.

The bandit leader held a meeting with these confidants and asked them if they attacked the city tomorrow, what should we do?

These few people are all in a state of contemplation. When there were 1,800 people before, as the defender of the city, the odds were quite high, but now there are only more than 500 people, and their strength has been reduced by half. At this time, they want to defend the city. But it won't work.

Someone said to the bandit leader at this time, "No way, let's return the city to them, and make some conditions. If they attack us tomorrow, we will not be able to defend it, and there will be casualties. The second leader's rebellion.


It has directly weakened our strength a lot. Now we have changed from being active to being passive. We might as well just give them a favor and return them. We will return to Shandong and find a chance to kill them back. At that time, we have to make a long-term plan. "

The bandit leader is also in a difficult situation at this time, and he can't face head-to-head. How can he leave here in a reasonable way and get something? This is the winner.


After discussing with several people, the final decision is to see the truth tomorrow, and negotiate with them if they really want to attack by force.

On the second day, at dawn, the bandit leaders were just getting ready, and everyone gathered on the city wall, yelling to the people below, when Ye Qingxuan walked over alone, and arrived at the bottom of the city.

Ye Qingxuan said to the bandit leader, "We met once before, but I let you go on purpose, just wanting you to go back and take care of the second leader. I also know that you won, and the second leader was killed by you. But your strength must be weakened by at least half, if you want to defend the city now, I can’t defend it anymore, I want to talk to you.” Men.

Chapter 615 Negotiation

Hearing what Ye Qingxuan said on the city wall, the bandit leader thought to himself that this man is really clever, he knows everything that happened in the city very clearly, it seems that there is no other way, since he still wants to talk, then just talk Let's talk.

The bandit leader knew that it was useless to play hard at this time, and the only way to do so was to preserve his strength.

The bandit leader said to Ye Qingxuan, "You wait for me under the "607" city, I will go there now, to show my sincerity, I will go out to negotiate with you."

The bandit leader walked down from the city wall after finishing speaking. At this time, the second and third leaders disagreed, and the first leader went out to negotiate. If we want to negotiate, let that Ye Qingxuan come in and talk to us.

The bandit leader said, "They won't kidnap me again. When I go out to negotiate with them, I also want to show them off. I tell them in a disguised form that I'm not afraid of you and don't underestimate me. This is good for negotiations, so you don't have to worry about it." I was too worried, I just met him at the gate of the city, and they would have no chance to catch me."

After the bandit leader finished speaking, he came down from the city tower, opened the city gate, and one person walked out, lowered the drawbridge over the moat, and the two started negotiating on the drawbridge over the moat.

Ye Qingxuan saw the bandit leader approaching and said, "The big ones are different. If you dare to negotiate with us alone, you won't be afraid that we will take you as a hostage again."

The bandit leader smiled, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "One is that I am not afraid at all, and the other is that you can't do such a thing. I really believe in you."

Ye Qingxuan said to the bandit leader, "Since you were able to facilitate the negotiation, it means that you no longer have the strength to contend with us, and you want to settle this matter privately, and you don't want to fight head-on or use force. If not, it will only hurt both sides.”

Would the bandit leader want to say to Ye Qingxuan, "You're right, the sparrow food you said is here, otherwise I wouldn't have negotiated with you, and now the second leader is killed by me instead, and some of the people below him My best friends were all killed by me, my strength is indeed not as strong as before, and it is difficult to think about the first level, so I come down to negotiate with you and see how we can settle this matter."

Ye Qingxuan said to the bandit leader, "This matter is easy to solve, it's all on the surface, the city belongs to us, it must be returned to us, if you leave, you can't leave us for nothing, and we will give you something. It also means that you don’t have to work in vain, or it will be over.”

The bandit leader smiled and said, "Sure enough, it's a quick talk. It's good. Then tell me what we can get if we leave?"

Ye Qingxuan said to the bandit leader, "Through this incident, I saw your character, I think you are not that kind of despicable villain, you are a person with flesh and blood and integrity.

That's why so many people are willing to follow you. This world is bad and people can't live. That's why you became bandits on 5.6. Otherwise, who would want to abandon their homes and careers and live with their heads hanging in their crotches all day long. "

The bandit leader sighed at this time, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "You really said what was in my heart, everyone is trying to survive this world and prevent people from rebelling."

Ye Qingxuan said to the bandits, "Do you think I can do this? There is a town below me, although the town is not big.

Chapter 616 Small town

But there are also more than 200 households, they have everything, and the land is not bad, I will give you that formation, and you take your brothers to station there, to keep one side safe, and you can collect some taxes to support yourself, and you can also grow your own land It's better to survive than to go back to the mountain. We will have a permanent truce in the future, stop fighting, and let our people live better. Wouldn't that be better? "

The bandit leader's heart skipped a beat when he heard that Ye Qingxuan was going to give him the mirror, that was a huge bargain, how could this be possible? The bandit leader couldn't believe it, thinking that there must be some kind of trap here.

Ye Qingxuan could also see at this time that the bandit leader's guess Ye Qingxuan said to the bandit leader, "22 Don't worry, I know you have scruples, you are afraid that I will set up an ambush for you there, you don't have to worry that I will do what I say. .

You can not let your people enter that period, you only send people to manage your team and are not in the town, so I have nothing to do with you, now you can rest assured. "

When the bandit leader heard this, he was sincere. If I pretended to ignore it here, it would be too stingy. The bandit leader said, "To be honest, I thought you could give me some money or food plans.

Let’s leave. I didn’t expect you to give me a town. Although the town is not big, it’s still no problem to support so many of our brothers. Didn’t we pick up a big deal? If I’m here That would be too contemptuous. "

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and said to the bandit leader, "We will be neighbors in the future, we can no longer fight and kill, we must help each other to make the common people live better, so that their interests can be reaped, this is what we should do right now matter."

The bandit leaders don't want to fight anymore. Everyone has a family. They also want to live a stable life. They don't like children together, but they have never had a foothold. Now there is this town.

Even if they have a home, they don't have to go back to the mountains, which is great.

Ye Qingxuan looked at it, and said to the bandit leader, "Now we still have a big problem."

When the bandit leader heard it, he didn't quite understand what Ye Qingxuan meant, so he asked Ye Qingxuan, "What do you mean you have a big trouble?"

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while, and said to the bandit leader, "The harvest has not been good for the past two years, why did we go all out to borrow food, if you manage that town, the first problem is to solve the problem of food and clothing for the common people.

I borrowed some seeds from other cities. I can distribute some seeds to you. You can distribute them to the common people to plant the land. I hope there will be a good harvest this year, so life will gradually improve at 610. "

When the bandit leader heard what Ye Qingxuan said, he felt very ashamed. He was thinking about his own gains and losses, but he thought about the survival of the people. He even gave me this town in his heart. It seems that he still Too petty.

Ye Qingxuan called the scarred man over at this time, "The scarred man walked over in the crowd, and when he saw the bandit leader, he still felt a little upset. The bandit leader also lowered his head shyly when he saw the scarred man."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Stop sulking here, you two, let's talk about it today, and we can't bring up today's matter anymore.

Chapter 617 Good Neighbor

We will be good neighbors in the future, we need to help each other, don't fight and kill, I will make the decision today, let the bandit leader manage that formation, let his people and his family live in that town, Everything in the town is managed by the bandit leader. This city is still managed by the scar man. After a while, you will bring your troops back to the city, let the common people go home early, and distribute the seeds to the bandits Some, let them also have land to plant. "

Although the man with the scar didn't quite understand it, he was still willing to follow Ye Qingxuan's arrangement. He felt that such an arrangement was the best. Although it was a little uncomfortable, it was all personal grievances. Let it go.

Bandit leader, I am very grateful to Ye Qingxuan for such a decision. This decision allowed him to have a home and a foothold. Originally, this was the purpose of his robbing the city. Now there is no need to rob it. If someone directly gave it to him, he must be willing.

In this way, the three people shook hands and made peace if they did not open in the future.

At this moment, City Lord Wang drove over with a pair of men and horses. Ye Qingxuan glanced at it, and then said to the bandit leader, "Don't be afraid, he is also our brother, our good neighbor, and our big brother!" "ˇ."

While speaking, City Lord Wang walked up to Ye Qingxuan. Seeing these people here, City Lord Wang said, "Ye Qingxuan, you and the scarred man left, and you didn't even know to tell me a letter. I thought Something happened, so I brought people here."

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, and said to City Lord Wang, "Let me introduce to you, this is the bandit leader. After I decide to hand over the management of the lower formation to him, he will have the final say on everything there.

He stationed there with his brother, even if there is a place to stay, the bandit leader is not a villain, he is also a man of flesh and blood.

So I think that after making him a friend, we will never fight again, live in peace, help each other, and make the lives of ordinary people better. This is what we leaders should do. "

As soon as Ye Qingxuan said this, City Lord Wang, Scar Man and the bandit leader all admired him very much, the kind of admiration from the bottom of their hearts, so they reached an agreement that they would never go to war in the future, live in peace and help each other.

City Lord Wang, Scar Man and the bandit leader, they now have one less enemy and one more friend.

At this time, the bandit leader said, "¨¨After I became the bandit leader, today is the happiest time for me. I have made so many good brothers. Now I have a proposal. If you don't think I'm a bandit, I will I am willing to become sworn brothers with several big brothers, but I don’t know if my younger brother has this blessing.”

When City Lord Wang and Scar Man heard it, they were very willing. After all, they would be allies and have a care after they became brothers, and they would not be able to meet each other in battle (Wang De's) in the future.

City Lord Wang stood up at this time and said, since I am older, I agree, this time I think it is a good thing, we sworn brothers, we will take care of each other after 10%, if there is external force to train us each other Help, if not, we will manage our own cities separately.

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "This is the best, this is the result I would like to see the most, even though I am a passerby.

Chapter 618

But I especially hope that you can live in peace, this is the best, and the people will be very happy. "

The bandit leader said to his elder brothers, "You wait for me here."

After the bandit leader finished speaking, he went back to the city, and the remaining few people looked at each other, not knowing what it meant or why the bandit leader was going.

Not long after, the bandit leader and his 500 men lined up in the city. The gate was opened, the drawbridge was lowered, the city gate was opened to welcome them, and the city was handed over to Scar Man. After all, this is Scar Man's territory.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the man with the scar, and at the 610 office at City Lord Wang, the three of them laughed haha, thinking that the bandit leader is quite an interesting person.

The bandit leader finished opening the city gate, brought all his brothers out, and then walked up to the scarred man and said to the scarred man, "Hurry up and let all the people go home, the sun is going to go down soon, they go back Let’s tidy up at home, we can sleep well tonight, we can’t delay any longer.”

The man with the scar smiled at this time, and patted the shoulder of the bandit leader. They didn't say anything, but they understood each other, and they had tacitly agreed.

The man with the scar arranged all the more than 2,000 people from the common people to go back to the city and go home separately.

Ye Qingxuan said to the bandit leader at this time, "You can go back to your town now, that town belongs to you now."

The bandit leader smiled, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Okay, then I won't shirk anymore, then I will invite a few brothers to my town now, we will be sworn brothers, we will kill pigs and sheep, and we will have a good celebration How about it?"

The Lord Wang laughed and said, "Okay, let's do what we say, since we all have the same meaning, then don't be hypocritical, let's go to the town where the bandits are, and worship there, how can we drink happily?" ?”

After the Lord Wang finished speaking, he rode his fast horse back to the edge of the city wall, and told the people he brought, you all go back, and you don't need to follow me.

Because just now (ccfg) the city lord Wang came with people and horses, thinking that he was going to attack the city, so he brought all the people with him. At this time, all the alarms had been lifted, so he let them go back.

City Lord Wang also used this method to tell everyone his sincerity. City Lord Wang dared to go anywhere alone and was not afraid of being kidnapped.

After the few people finished talking, they walked towards the town together. The town was just behind the city, not far away.

The bandit leader took his 500 brothers and returned to the town. The bandit leader called all the second and third leaders, and asked them to make arrangements for the food and accommodation of the 500 brothers, and then prepare some things to share with them. These brothers are sworn brothers.

The people here were still a little afraid of the bandit leader who had just arrived, but the bandit leader issued three orders directly in front of Ye Qingxuan, City Lord Wang and Scar Man.

1 Do not break into the homes of ordinary people without authorization.

2 Do not take a single grain of common people.

3 Do not fight hard.

It would be difficult for anyone to be beheaded on the spot, including myself.

With this order, all the people will not be so afraid of these people, and they are willing to live in peace with them. Ye Qingxuan, as well as City Lord Wang and Scar Man, they began to prepare to worship.

According to their age, they start to rank down the king and the city owner, and then the man with the scar.

Chapter 619 Gift

Then there is the bandit leader, and finally Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan is the youngest here, so he is the youngest.

The bandit leader sent people to the cave on the mountain at this time to bring all his family members here, as well as the family members of his 500 brothers to the town. From now on, the villagers of this town will take root here up.

After these people got married, they drank freely.

The relationship between these few people was very complicated before. The scarred man attacked the king and the bandits attacked the scarred man. Now no one beats the other, but they become brothers. What a happy ending.

At this time, City Lord Wang expressed his willingness to give another 20 cars of seeds to the bandit leader. After all, the bandit leader just arrived here and his family is not very rich. Give him some and let him distribute it to the villagers. Do it as a benefit.

Unless you invest, I am very grateful to the Lord Wang for his generosity.

As soon as the scarred man heard that the city lord Wang had expressed it, the scarred man stood up and said, "I don't have any decent gifts, so I'll give the bandit leader the reservoir at the back of my mountain as a gift for our brothers. That gift is rich, there are a lot of fish, and everything you salvage in the future will be yours."

Ye Qingxuan saw that the animal had expressed it, so he had to express it himself. Ye Qingxuan said to the three brothers, "Wait here for a while, I will fetch you my present."

City Lord Wang, the scarred man, and the bandit leader were a little confused at this moment, not knowing what the gift Ye Qingxuan was talking about, so they waited here curiously.

Not too much, after a while, three people pushed three carts and came to the door.

Ye Qingxuan went into the room and called you all to come out, this is my gift to you.

The three people didn't know what it was, so they walked from the house to the yard. They saw that there were boxes full of things behind the three carriages. They didn't know what it was. City Lord Wang walked over to open a box, and was shocked at that time. Big jump.

Immediately afterwards, the man with the scar also came over and opened a box. The bandit leader also went to a car and opened a box.

These three cars are a full 32,000 gold.

At that time, the three brothers were all dumbfounded and stood there, as if they had been anesthetized, they couldn't move at all, their mouths were wide open, and they couldn't speak at all.


Ye Qingxuan was also stunned at this time, looking at their expressions, he really wanted to laugh, Ye Qingxuan said, "What's wrong with you? You've all been anesthetized, why don't you move? This little money scares you."

The three brothers all calmed down after hearing what Ye Qingxuan said, looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Where did you get so much money, who are you? You scared us all."


Ye Qingxuan laughed haha ​​and said, "It's just a small thing, even if I give you a little bit of wealth, save it for the critical time and use it later, and you can use the money to go to other cities to buy things. Something you need."

Even if these few people pooled all their money together, they would not have as much gold and silver as a cart. Ye Qingxuan's move was one person, one cart.

City Lord Wang said to Ye Qingxuan, "Your offer is too generous. I'm scared of you, and I'm afraid to take it."

Ye Qingxuan looked at City Lord Wang and said to City Lord Wang, "If you don't want it, I'll give it all to the bandit leader."

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