Chapter 620 The Bandit's Daughter

City Lord Wang immediately yelled, "I want it, I want it, I want it, Ye Qingxuan gave it to me, how can I not?"

After speaking, several people laughed out loud.

Then Ye Qingxuan arranged for someone to send all the gold and silver treasures to his brother's house.

These people went back to the house and continued drinking and chatting. At this time, the family members of the local "610" bandit leader had been taken to the town, and they came directly to the wine table. The bandit leader's wife and children came over. Say hello to a few people.

Ye Qingxuan discovered that the daughter of the bandit leader was a blind child.

The bandit leader's daughter-in-law said hello and then went down, Ye Qingxuan asked the bandit leader what happened to the girl's eyes.

The bandit leader sighed and said, "It's been like this since I was born. I don't know what's going on. Some people say it's retribution. I don't do good things. The retribution is on the child."

After the bandit leader finished speaking, the atmosphere on the table became very depressed.

Ye Qingxuan said to the bandit leader, "I have a secret recipe handed down from my ancestors, which can cure congenital blindness and guarantee that the medicine will be cured soon."

The bandit leader was not surprised at this time, because he had seen too many doctors for so many years, and many of them said that the medicine would cure the disease, but it would have no effect in the end, so he would not invest in it when he heard such words. , nothing too special.

Ye Qingxuan thought that the bandit leader would be very surprised and excited. Seeing the bandit leader's performance, Ye Qingxuan suddenly understood that he was doubting his ability.

The 11-year-old daughter of the bandit leader has been blind since she was a child and has never seen anything.

Ye Qingxuan called the bandit's daughter over and said, "Uncle has a special medicine that can heal your eyes, let you see things, can you tell me?"

The bandit leader's daughter said, "You are all liars, you just want to cheat some money, and your medicine doesn't work at all."

When the bandit's daughter-in-law heard the child talking nonsense, she pulled her over and said to the woman, "Don't talk like that, it's rude."

I'm also very curious, why does this girl talk like that?

The bandit's daughter said, "After so many years, many people can say that my eyes were cured, and then it didn't. I still can't see anything. They are all gangs, they are all liars... .”

When Ye Qingxuan heard this, he understood.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan pulled the bandit's daughter over and said to him, "You have to trust Uncle, Uncle never lies, Uncle will definitely do what he promised others."

The little girl innocently said to Ye Qingxuan, "Then let's pull the hook."

Ye Qingxuan smiled, stretched out his hand and pulled the hook with the little girl, the hook cannot be changed for a hundred years.

The people at the table looked at Ye Qingxuan and didn't know what Ye Qingxuan was going to do, why did he still hook up with the little girl so seriously? If the little girl can't be cured, won't the little girl be sad again, everyone doesn't understand Ye Qing 5.6 Xuan's approach.

Ye Qingxuan said to the little girl, "You wait for me here for a while, I will come when I go, I will get my medicine, and I will heal your eyes right away."

The little girl was very happy at this time. She couldn't see her since she was a child, and she didn't know what to do when she saw her, but she knew that she could go wherever she wanted, and she could see what she looked like without being supported by others.

Chapter 621 From Seeing the Light

You can also see what your parents look like, so the little girl is still looking forward to it.

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he left the dinner table and went straight away. The brothers who went out to the table didn't know what Ye Qingxuan was going to do, so they didn't stop them, and they all waited for Ye Qingxuan to come back.

Ye Qingxuan went out and went to the pharmacy to get some random things, and then added some by himself, made some random things, just pretending, Ye Qingxuan knew it himself.

Ye Qingxuan wanted to make this matter a little more low-key, more relatable, or else he would just wave his hand to the little girl's eyes, so it wouldn't be so troublesome to have to act.

Not long after, Ye Qingxuan left with a pair of medicine in his hand, and the people who came back to the table all stood up when Ye Qingxuan came back, Ye Qingxuan said to these people, "My family's ancestral secret recipe is for congenital blindness. When the disease is cured, you see, I will take this, and I will use it for your daughter now, let us wait for a while."

The bandit and his daughter-in-law Xiaolan Ye Qingxuan came, because they had tried too many methods over the years, but none of them worked, but they didn't want to disturb Ye Qingxuan. After all, they are so enthusiastic, let him try it, so they didn't stop Watching, only there to watch, but their expectations are not high.

Ye Qingxuan pulled the little girl over and asked the little girl to close her eyes. Ye Qingxuan took out a pack of medicine from his bosom, began to smear the little girl's eyes, and then wrapped the gauze a few times.

In the end, Ye Qingxuan was tied, and when no one was paying attention, he waved his hand, and a blue light was emitted from his hand. In fact, the little girl's eyes were already healed at this time, but her eyes were closed and there was gauze, she didn't know Alright, just listen to Ye Qingxuan's arrangement.

After Ye Qingxuan gave the little girl the medicine, he said to the bandit and his wife, "Let the little girl rest for a while, take off the gauze in about half an hour. I have treated many people with this medicine and haven't made a single mistake." At that time, it can be said that the medicine will cure the disease, let's wait and see."

Hubei and the bandit leader heard Ye Qingxuan say that many people had been cured, so when this time came, their eyes widened and they looked forward to it.

Ye Qingxuan, the bandits, City Lord Wang and Scar Man, they drank wine while waiting for the time.

After a while, Ye Qingxuan looked at the time and felt that it was almost time, so he told the bandit and his wife, "It's almost time, you can take off the child's gauze."

Just as the bandit's daughter-in-law was about to attack, Ye Qingxuan said to his daughter-in-law, "If you want me to come, I'll take off the gauze for him."

While fetching the gauze, Ye Qingxuan asked the bandit's daughter-in-law to fetch a basin of warm water.

The little girl's gauze was quickly taken off, and at this time his eyes were still above her eyes, so she dared not open them. At this time, the bandit's wife brought warm water over.

Ye Qingxuan stole a wet towel, and then helped the little girl wipe off the medicine on her eyes.

After wiping, Ye Qingxuan said to the little girl, "You can open your eyes now, you can try to see if you are well."

At this time, the little girl's eyes moved slightly, and then opened. At this moment, the little girl stood there in a daze, motionless as if she had been injected with anesthesia.

The people around were very anxious. Sometimes the little girl didn't speak, and she didn't respond when she asked him anything. The bandit and his wife were also very anxious. They walked over directly, took the child's hand and said, how do you feel? .

Chapter 622 Miracle

The little girl's mother didn't dare to ask him, did you see it or did you recover? He was afraid that the little girl would be disappointed, so he just asked, how do you feel?

The bandit leader also left at this time, and came over to look at his daughter there.

City Lord Wang and the man with the scar also stood up at the dinner table, came to the little girl and looked at him.

The little girl spoke at this time, "I saw it, I really saw it, is this the house? This is our home, I finally saw it."

The bandit leader's daughter-in-law grabbed the child's hand and said, "Are you alright? Don't lie to mom. What did you see? Tell me."

The little girl lowered her head, looked at her mother and said to her, "I really saw it, what house I saw, and I saw your face."

After saying that, the little girl touched her mother's face with her hand. At this time, tears fell, and the little girl's mother also shed tears. The little girl helped her mother wipe away the tears.

The bandit leader couldn't believe it at this time, this is really good at shaking in front of his daughter's eyes.

The little girl grabbed it, and the bandit said to the bandit, "Are you daddy? You don't have to try, I really saw it, I can see it clearly〃."

The bandit leader immediately hugged the girl and began to cry there.

The little girl's mother also hugged the girl, and the couple just held the baby there and cried loudly, unable to say anything.

City Lord Wang and the scarred man couldn't believe what they saw before them. Since you really have such a miraculous medicine, this little girl was cured after being unable to see anything for more than ten years. At that time, City Lord Wang and Ye Qingxuan All were suppressed.

A smile appeared on Ye Qingxuan's face. Seeing that the little girl could see, he was also very relieved, after all, he did a good deed.

The bandit and his daughter-in-law held the child and cried for more than half an hour, crying until they could not make a sound. At this time, the bandit stood up, walked up to Ye Qingxuan, knelt down to Ye Qingxuan with a plop, kowtowed more than ten times in a row No matter how tall he was, Ye Qingxuan kowtowed there.

The little girl's mother also knelt down in front of Ye Qingxuan, kowtowed there, and then pulled her daughter over, telling her to kneel down and kowtow to her benefactor quickly, thank her, she cured your eyes.

All three members of this family knelt in front of Ye Qingxuan, kowtowed all the time, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help him up no matter how he tried to help him, he served this one and that one.

Seeing this situation, City Lord Wang and Scar Man hurried up to help Ye Qingxuan lift up the bandit family.

Ye Qingxuan said, "¨¨What are you doing? It's just a trivial matter, don't be so excited, you should stabilize your emotions first, don't scare the child, his eyes just can't be too excited, it's not good for his condition. "

Ye Qingxuan said this in order to control the emotions of the bandit and his wife (Wang Dehao). In fact, it is good as long as it is good, just to keep them stable and not to get too excited.

Unless Monkey and his wife heard what Ye Qingxuan said, they controlled their emotions and didn't want the child to be too excited. After all, the eyes are just right, so don't make any other problems.

The bandit leader grabbed Ye Qingxuan's hand and said, "You have done my family such a favor, what do you want me to do? I will give you my life.".

Chapter 623 Kindness

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, and said to the bandits, "We are brothers, can I take your life? Why do I want your life? You have to be a good father, a good husband, and a good official. Here people need you."

The bandit leader was so excited that he should be unparalleled in what he should say, and he didn't know how to express it.

City Lord Wang and Scar Man were also very excited at this time, and they were also happy for the bandit family. Since Ye Qingxuan made it so easy to treat such an intractable disease, they didn't believe it could be cured at the time. They didn't expect it. , a miracle just happened.

The bandit was really excited. When Ye Qingxuan met the bandit, Ye Qingxuan kidnapped the bandit, but he didn't embarrass him. Instead, he let him go and finally opened the city gate, and he didn't embarrass the bandit.

Give the bandit a team and let him manage it, and then he begged his brother and gave him 12,000 gold and cured his daughter. What kind of kindness is this, how can this be a lifetime of guilt? Life is not enough.

The bandit's daughter-in-law (ccfg) is also in a very complicated mood. He married a man and didn't do well. He went up the mountain and became a bandit.

After meeting Ye Qingxuan, it was distributed to him, the city was distributed to him, the people gave him money, food, returned to his master, and healed his daughter's eyes. This feeling is really beyond words. have expressed.

City Lord Wang was very happy to see the old and young women in this family. After so many years of fighting and killing, he finally stabilized Ye Qingxuan. 12,000 gold, how can I pay back such favors as a family?

The man with the scar was in a more complicated mood. He helped him solve the problem of food, solved the problem of seeds, helped him get back the city, and gave him 12,000 gold as his family property. How can he recognize this favor again? Ye Qingxuan has done too many things for them, having met so many good brothers and sworn brothers here.

The moods of these people are very complicated, only Ye Qingxuan is very happy, and he is very relieved to see that things are developing on the positive side.

The little girl saw the world, saw her father, saw her mother, saw her benefactor, saw this city, saw the people in the town, saw this colorful world of flowers and plants, the little girl was very happy, very happy, he is So innocent.

The little girl's mother took her around, looking around, and the two talked and laughed on the street.

The bandit leader, City Lord Wang, Scar Man and Ye Qingxuan sat at this table to drink again. They had just finished worshiping the brothers today, and they were very happy.

The bandit leader filled a glass of wine, stood up and said to Lord Ye Qingxuan and the man with the scar, "I've been fooling around since I was a child, and I haven't done anything serious, but we haven't done anything wicked either.

I, He Dehe Neng, sworn obeisance with you today and received the support of all brothers. I am very happy. In the future, no matter who has something to do, just tell me, and I will take this life, and I will also help. "

After the bandit leader finished the search, he drank the wine in one gulp.

The man with the scar stood up at this time, and also brought a bowl full of wine.

Chapter 624 Brother's Wine

Picking up the wine, he said to Ye Qingxuan, "Your appearance has completely changed our destiny and our relationship, otherwise I would still be fighting desperately with City Lord Wang under the city of City Lord Wang. Unexpectedly, in just a few days, we Since we are talking and drinking at the table, just relying on this fate, in the future, no matter who has something to do, just talk, if I, the man with the scar, say no, then I will come to this world for nothing."

After finishing speaking, the man with the scar drank a large bowl of white wine in one breath.

City Lord Wang stood up and looked at everyone, and said to everyone, "I am also very excited today, and I want to make a bowl today."

City Lord Wang filled up the wine while speaking, and then lifted it up.

I continued to receive breakfast, "When I first met Ye Qingxuan, I thought he was the man with the scar and arrested him directly. I really don't know each other. Ye Qingxuan went to the city to negotiate with the man with the scar and helped him get rid of it. The problem was solved, but he didn't tell the truth, the food was actually his own, not the food I claimed. He solved the big trouble for me and also solved the problem twice for the man with the scar. I am really ashamed now that the big favor fell on me."

When City Lord Wang spoke, he looked at the scarred man, because the scarred man didn't know that Ye Qingxuan brought the food, and thought it was given to him by City Lord Wang.

When talking about this, the man with the scar knew that Ye Qingxuan gave the food, and Ye Qingxuan gave those seeds.

City Lord Wang said to the scarred man, "To be honest, I really don't have many seeds of success. I'll take the key for you. When I arrive in autumn, the people in my city will also be hungry. Ye Qingxuan's appearance has helped , we both solved the problem."

The man with the scar quickly stood up and said to the Lord Wang, "If you don't want to here, it's because God is blind. I haven't had any harvest in the past few years. The lives of ordinary people are really in dire straits. I have no choice but to go to your city. Those who are desperately grabbing food with you, after we talked about it today, we became much more magnanimous, without any scruples.-"

When Ye Qingxuan heard this song, the three chattered so openly and thoroughly today, and felt very happy. Ye Qingxuan stood up and poured a bowl of wine, and said to everyone, "After so many days, today I am the most open- heart.


Seeing that you live in harmony and help each other, I am really relieved. In the future, we should never go to war and help each other. Only in this way can we go further and make ourselves stronger. This is the kingly way. "

These few people were chatting with each other over a cup. It was a joyful conversation, and they spoke from the bottom of their hearts without hiding them.


Just when everyone was drinking to their heart's content, the guards in their hands came to report, "There are a lot of refugees in midsummer between the king and the scar man, and if they want to enter the city, I hope the king and the scar man will make a decision." .”

These few people were drinking to their heart's content, when they heard the so-called words, they immediately stood up and looked at each other, wondering what happened and where the refugees came from.

The bandit leader's formation is behind the city of Scar Man, so if those refugees can't come here, if they want to come here, they must pass through the gate of the city of Scar Man.

Before the meal was finished, the city lord Ye Qingxuan and the scarred man, the bandit leader, rode fast horses and came directly to the gate above the scarred man's city wall.

Chapter 625 Refugees

Ye Qingxuan arrived on the city wall, from a distance, there are indeed quite a few refugees here, there should be as many as several hundred people.

At this time, the scarred man ordered not to open the city gate and go down to investigate what happened, and then make a location.

After finishing speaking, the man with the scar went straight down to the city, and when he got to the refugees, the man with the scar asked, "Where do you come from so many? Is there a disaster in your hometown or what? Going out?"

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