Ye Qingxuan understands that if you just tell the bandit leader to let you go, he will definitely understand our strategy, so you can't let him go in the open, and let him escape and return to the city, then he will be very angry. Why doesn't the handle save him? Only then can the feeling of civil strife be truly achieved.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan and all the villagers of the scarred man were resting in place. The food Ye Qingxuan gave him, they ate some food in the same place, and started cooking. At this time, Ye Qingxuan glanced at the scarred man. Scar Man immediately understood in his heart that Operation 603 was about to start.

The man with the scar left his tent strangely.

Ye Qingxuan found a reason and left. At this time, the bandit leader's management was very lax, and there was a knife beside him. After seeing this, the bandit leader climbed up to the knife, and used the knife to slowly The rope binding him snapped, and he slipped out of the back of the tent while he was unattended.

In fact, all the actions of the bandit leader were in the eyes of Ye Qingxuan and the scarred man. Ye Qingxuan's scarred man watched the bandit leader break the rope and escape from behind, but he didn't stop him. It was intentional, and it was done on purpose.

Ye Qingxuan and the scarred man watched the bandit leader run out. Ye Qingxuan and the scarred man exchanged glances, revealing wretched smiles. Their plan was half successful, and the rest was up to the bandit leader to deal with when he returned.

The bandits in the city are leaderless now, and the second-in-command stood up and said, "We have worked so hard to take down this city, we can't just let it go, or our efforts will be in vain. Although the bandit leader is arrested, we can't think that he gave up alone. Our city, so we don't care about his life or death."

At this time, there were many cronies of the bandit leader among the bandits, all brought together by the bandit leader. He was very disapproving of the second in command (ccfg), so he said to the second in command, "The big boss has always brought Let us take the city until today, and we will watch him here if he is in trouble today, regardless of whether he is too dishonest or not."

Unless your second-in-command sees someone talking like this, stand up and say to everyone, "I know that many of his relatives here are talking to him. I won't stop you. If you want to save people, you can go. I don't care, if you still want to stay in the city and say something useless, then don't blame me for being rude. I don't want to hear such voices in the future. Those who stay in the city should be my people. If you don't want to stay, you can Narcissism, I will never stop."

The bandit leader is so confidant, although he is dissatisfied, but people say that if you don’t stay, you have no place to go. After going out, there are men with scars outside. After thinking about it, although you are dissatisfied in your heart, you have no choice, so everyone No more squeaks.

The second-in-command of the bandits, seeing this situation, told everyone, "I know that everyone is a very loyal person, and I am the same, but there is no way, in order to survive, we cannot hand over the city. After we hand over, If they play tricks and don't let us go, we will get nothing.

Chapter 609 Civil Disturbance

That's the most infuriating thing, and we might as well keep what we have now. "

Although there are many people in the city who are dissatisfied with the second leader, there is nothing they can do. The matter has come to this point, so whether they want it or not, no one has inherited it. The second leader sees that his position has indeed been consolidated at this time.

At this time, the head of the family had quietly escaped from the scar man's grasp, sneaked into the city's bandit leader, and found his~those cronies.

These confidants saw that the head of the family had returned, and said to the head of the family, "Now the second head of the family is going to rebel. We said we would go out to save you. He didn't want anything. He said he would stay if he wanted to stay, and get out if he didn't want to stay." .

Regardless of your life or death, we don't have much strength to gather, and people will die after they go out, so I and we just stayed where we are. You're too late. At this time, we can concentrate our strength and kill that second-in-command who is not right. - up. "

The current second in command is concentrating his strength. He is afraid that someone will turn against him at the critical moment. In that case, the gain will not be worth the loss. Now the second in command also has many cronies. After all, he has been here for so many years, and there are many people who will follow him to the death. .

The bandit leader said to his cronies, "Don't make a public announcement about my return, but startle the snake, and things will be difficult after that. Now, you guys, gather all your people under me.

I will be waiting here at this time tomorrow. When you arrive, I will concentrate all my strength to kill the second in command. Don't underestimate the second in command. He has followed me all these years and has many life and death brothers.

Don't clean it up, you must be steady and steady, and don't leak the news, otherwise we will give up all our previous efforts. If I can't save your life, we must block the news.

Don't tell people who don't trust you that I'm back now. "

The dead brother of the bandit leader began to operate secretly. He knew who had finally reached the head of the family, so he gathered some people together. At the beginning, he didn't say that the head of the family had returned.

It’s just that he has his own ideas, and he also called a lot of people. Nearly half of the power is still inclined to the big head. The big head is righteous, and the rewards and punishments are clearly defined. Many people can't see it for their own enjoyment.


So at this time, the brothers under my hand are easy to lead. It's easy to turn around with a few words, and you can win over many second-in-chief's subordinates.


At this time, Ye Qingxuan and the man with the scar were outside the city, waiting inside with the villagers, watching the changes, and seeing that the city would soon become lively.

Ye Qingxuan said to the scarred man, "If there is no movement tomorrow, it means that the bandit leader's scissors matter has not been guided by the second leader.

At that time, we will force him to tell the bandit leader of the second leader that he has sneaked back into the city. By that time, we will force the first leader to rebel. There will be a civil strife, and then we will reap the benefits? "

The man with the scar was really happy and excited when he heard Ye Qingxuan's words, he felt that Ye Qingxuan's wisdom was so brilliant that just such a person had messed up the whole city.

Chapter 610 Two Factions

Now the city has begun to divide into two factions, and the strength of these two factions is really evenly matched, close to half and half.

Unwilling to succeed in saving him. Rabata made him the second in command for so many years, since he didn't have any gratitude, and since "607" didn't see him when he was most in danger, he was really sad and angry.

The second master is very happy at this time, he feels that his power is firmly in his hands, and now he is the master, watching the brothers say to the brothers, "We have worked so hard to conquer the city, what are you talking about?" Can't let go either.

If one day I was taken hostage by the enemy.

You don't need to worry about me, you must stick to this level, this is the place everyone has dreamed of for so many years, so don't think that I gave up the whole city alone, which is why I didn't save the big master today. "

Don't even mention that this second-in-charge is really good at doing ideological work. As far as he says, many people are willing to follow him wholeheartedly. In fact, he also thinks in his heart that if he is trapped one day, he needs to hand over the city.

He also hoped that his brothers would give up the city in order to save his life, but he couldn't say that at this time, in order to preserve his status, he could only say such things with a thick skin.

The more the second leader said that, the more people under his command understood why the eldest brother was not saved. Those who wanted to defect would easily accept the second leader when they heard what the second leader said, so he quickly occupied the position of the eldest brother.

Ye Qingxuan and the man with the scar were just outside the city, watching the situation, waiting for the two groups to find an opportunity to catch them all after fighting among themselves.

The bandit leader had gathered half of his forces at this time, and they were all willing to follow the leader and want to overthrow the second leader. This person was not loyal, and many people were very angry.

The Second Master is now trying to win over the people, so that everyone will obey him and obey him.

The head of the big family sent someone to secretly check where the second head is now? Still drinking and chatting in that restaurant.

Xiao Zhan, the head of the family, dressed up and turned into an ordinary bandit, and then sneaked into this hotel, and waited for the second head of the house to serve wine and food in the morning and evening at the door...

The bandit leader pretended to be a soldier, covered his face and served willow lettuce to the second master, and chatted with a few important people in the room for fun, and the bandit monkey heard the second master say, " When the sun rises, let's release the man with the scar and force him to keep forcing him. The master's plan to kill us will be successful.

Without the head of the family, the rest of his power will definitely fall to me. When we obey me, we agreed. We will guard this enemy well. This is our foundation, and the days to come will gradually get better stand up. "

The bandit leader heard the truth from what Erdangjia said.

The bandit leader was so angry at 5.6 at this time that his teeth were itchy, and he called me his brother just the day before, but when he saw that I was caught tomorrow, he simply gave up on me and let the enemy kill me. This second in command is too lacking in loyalty.

At this time, a firework was set off outside the city, and the second leader went to the window and looked at the brothers around him, saying, where is the firework being set off, what the **** is going on? .

Chapter 611 Betrayal

The bandits in front of Erdang's family didn't understand what was going on, and didn't care about it.

But the bandit leader understood what the fireworks meant. He made an agreement with his buddies. After concentrating their forces together, they would use the fireworks as a signal. At that time, the master would take Erlangya in one fell swoop and regain the bandit leader. s position.

The bandit leader saw that the fireworks had been set off, and at this moment the bandit leader understood in his heart.

The bandits hired a few bodyguards and sneaked into the restaurant. They had already killed the second boss and everyone around them, and then hid them. The first boss kicked the door open, and the second boss and some buddies 22 are here After drinking, I looked up and saw that it was the head of the family. At that time, I was shocked with these people.

The second master thought to himself, wasn't he captured by the man with the scar? How did it appear here, what play is this in, what should I do?

The bandit leader said to the second leader, "I was arrested by the man with the scar, don't you know? What are you doing here, drinking and drinking? You don't care about my life or death at all, do you?"

The second master immediately stood up and said to the bandit leader, "Elder master, please and a few of us are studying how to save you. Why did you come back suddenly? What's going on here? I'm so anxious , you'll be fine when you come back."

The bandit leader thought to himself, this second-in-charge really knows how to act. He didn't look like this a minute ago, but now he changed really quickly.

The bandit leader said to the second leader, "You think I won't come back, so you just hope that I won't come back so that you can take my place, right?"

The second leader heard the frightened bandit leader say, "What are you talking about, big brother, we are brothers for life, I will be in a hurry if you get caught, why should I take your place? I don't have the ability, I can't lead them either, I never thought of doing that, you don't want to spoil the loyalty between us buddies with hearsay."

The bandit leader laughed loudly, and said to the second in charge, "What kind of brotherhood are you talking about with me, are you embarrassed? I heard what you said in this room just now. You let the scarred man and his gang kill me , you took my place logically, and now you have such a face, you really know how to act."

When the second master heard this, he couldn't hide it. He kicked open the window and said to the brothers below, "The eldest master has betrayed the man with the scar. Lose."

The brothers under the restaurant began to fight in a melee after a while, and the bandit investment force has been assembled, and they are going all out to kill the buddies under the second 607's subordinates.

In the room of this restaurant, apart from the bandit leader and the second master, there are three family members. Ye Qingxuan said to the three family members, "I must take away the life of the second master today. Do you three want to be with him or stand on the sidelines?" my side.

I don't force you, I want you to choose, if you stand on their side, we will fight to the death, if you stand on my side, I will let it go, we are still brothers, I also know that you are all bewitched by this second-in-charge today , you choose now. "

Now these people are starting to get a little bit in trouble.

Chapter 612

I don't know how to stand in line. They like the big leader to be more loyal, and the second leader is more ghostly, but now the power is biased towards the second leader.

If you don't understand at this time, you will offend the second leader. Now the three of them are also very embarrassed. They don't know how to stand in line. They looked at each other there and didn't make a statement.

The second leader said to the three buddies, "Don't be afraid, we are skilled, 4 they don't have many people, even if they apply for the job, they can't compete with us."

The bandit leader said to these three people, "I have gathered all the brothers and are coming here, you make a choice quickly, stand on his side or mine, after a while my men arrive, you don't make a choice anymore Come on, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The team of these three people is very important to the bandit leader. If they can be recruited, they can easily kill the second leader. He's going to put in the fight for all three guys.

The second leader also understands that if these three people lean towards the bandit leader, they will fail in their affairs, and if these three people are loyal to him, there is a chance of success in this matter.

But these three people also have their own voices. The second head of the family promised them that after this matter is completed, they will be given a lot of gold and silver, and they will be given land in the city.

The three people were shaken by these things, and they stood directly at Erlang's house, then took out the knife in their hands, pointed at the bandit leader and said, "You were arrested by Lao Liu, how could they let you go? It shows that you have already surrendered to them, and you don't care about the life and death of your brother at all, so I will never obey you today〃."

The bandit leader thought, if you rebel, you should rebel. Your rhetoric is too far-fetched. It doesn’t make sense at all that I can sell my own things. But the bandit leader understands that these three people have already defeated the two. Home.

At this time, the second leader stood up immediately, and said to the first leader, "Tomorrow, you don't want anyone else. Your era is over. Just let go. I can let you live. You have to resist stubbornly. Don't let go!" Blame me for being ruthless."

The bandit leader smiled and said, "The character of the second leader is now evident. You three stand beside him, and I already understand it. Then don't blame me for not recognizing you guys."

After the bandit leader finished speaking, he opened the door and shouted. Unexpectedly, more than 20 brothers rushed up from below, and immediately surrounded the three people in the box of the second leader.

The second leader was suddenly stunned, how could there be a bandit leader here.

These three people were stunned at once. They knew that they were on the wrong team, but there was no turning back. It seemed that the master had come prepared. A lot of work has been done, and the power of the second master may have been weakened almost.

Our family yelled and fought with them, and the three of them fought out if they didn't want to be in charge, trying to rush out of this building.

The bandit leader has surrounded the restaurant.

These twenty or so people are the confidants of the bandit leader, and they still agree with the bandit leader's behavior, so the bandit leader arranged them in this important position.

Chapter 613 Counterattack

More than 20 people directly captured the second leader and these three buddies, all of them alive.

At this time, the bandit investor and the second leader are in the city, and you will fight hard, not to mention more than half of the casualties. At this time, the first leader released the news that the second leader is alive, and the second leader's subordinates put down at that time. Armed and surrendered.

The head of the family pushed all the bandits who surrendered to the gate of the city, and then brought the second head of the family.

The head of the family said to all the brothers, "You trouble me today, I don't hate you, because you are just subordinates to follow orders, so you don't have the right to make decisions, and I won't make things difficult for you today.

I still regard you as brothers, if anyone is unwilling to be brothers with me, 607 I will never embarrass him, I will let him out of the city and give him freedom now, I will not force her to follow me, I don’t want those who don’t obey me , Just like our second master, what use do I want him to be, what we work hard outside is loyalty.

But he didn't think of a way to live, he only thought about taking my position, and didn't take any action to save me. My heart was hurt by him, and today I chopped it off in front of all my brothers. This second-in-command, he is not worthy to be our brother. This kind of person is a person who forgets righteousness for profit. "

Those who don't know how to vote (ccfg) finished speaking with their hands up and down, and the head of the second leader was directly stuck off with a click of a knife.

All the brothers saw that the head of the family beheaded the head of the second head, and at this moment they knew that their rebellion had failed.

The bandit leader said to the three buddies of the Erdang family, "Brothers, we were upstairs just now. I made it very clear and I gave you a chance. I once said that if you stand by me, I will Let it go.

We are still brothers, but your choice also makes me very disappointed. You actually stood on the day of the second leader. I brought up this team with one hand. You actually betrayed me. I gave you a chance, but you have no medicine. You can't blame me for that. "

After the bandit leader finished saying these words, he picked up the big knife, raised the knife and dropped it three times, and the three heads fell directly to the ground.

The bandit leader is finished, and there are all three of them. The brothers below said, "This is the consequence of betraying me. If you want to follow me, stay. If you don't want to follow me, I will never force it. It's the same sentence, you do it Choose."

After the bandit leader finished speaking, he turned his voice away and turned his back on the brothers.

The gang of bandits, headed by the second leader, these brothers looked at each other, then threw themselves to the bandits and knelt down, and said to the leader, "We were forced to follow the second leader's rebellion, and we also wanted to have a meal. We wanted to save you at the time, but we didn’t want the second leader, and there was no leader. How could we concentrate our efforts to save you? We, we are still willing to obey the decision of the master."

The bandit leader turned around when he heard this, and said to the brothers, "I can understand your feelings. Even if this matter is over, you all get up. From now on, we will still be brothers and share the blessings, and I will never share the troubles. I regret it, I will never mention this matter again in the future, and I will never get entangled again, and I will continue to be brothers like before.”.

Chapter 614 Everything is under control

The bandit leader glanced at it, and now there are less than 500 people added by everyone. It used to be less than 1000 people, but now it is less than 500. It has directly weakened half of the people's strength. Ah, the investment in the helmet has also flooded. Scar Man and the others competed, but it was a bit difficult to handle now.

Ye Qingxuan and the man with the scar were sitting outside the city and listening to the movements in the city. They heard a fight for a while, and then there was no sound again. Ye Qingxuan had a clear grasp of the situation inside. The fight just now has stabilized again, for sure It's over.

Ye Qingxuan said to the man with the scar, "The civil strife inside is over. No matter who wins, the power must have failed. There are not as many people as before."

Our chance has come, wait until dawn, we will have a salute with them before fighting.

The scarred man thought for a while and said, "Aren't we going to attack the city? What do you mean by courtesy first and soldiers later? Could it be that we can't negotiate with them?"

Ye Qingxuan will tell the scarred man in the afternoon, "We wanted to talk when we first got married, but we were not qualified, and they ignored us. The situation is different now. Now that their power has been greatly reduced, they want to talk about it. Tan has no qualifications, but we will give him a step down tomorrow, so that the city can be taken back without a single soldier."

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