Ye Qingxuan and Little Six picked up a knife on the ground at this time, and started to kill at this moment, leaving no one behind, one knife left and one right, more than 100 bandits, and within a short while, Ye Qingxuan and Little Six were all killed. Hacked to death without leaving a living.

Ye Qingxuan and Little Six were really red-eyed at this time, their faces and bodies were covered in blood, they held a knife in their hands, and there were only 20 tigers around watching them, and all the others were killed.

This time Xiaoliuzi really went on a killing spree, and more than 100 bandits and Ye Qingxuan were all killed. Ye Qingxuan looked at Xiaoliuzi, the master of the royal city, and saw that his body was covered in blood. He couldn't believe it. It was his own hands. doing things.

Xiao Liuzi saw the corpses all over the ground, and then sat down to rest for a while. He was already red-eyed just now, and his physical strength was quite overdrawn. After seeing all the bandits dead, he directly collapsed on the ground, very weak , Master Ye Qingxuan sat on the ground, panting heavily Ye Qingxuan said, forget about the 20 tigers, the tigers went back, and in a blink of an eye the 20 tigers disappeared.

Ye Qingxuan looked at Little Six and said to Little Six, "How are you enjoying yourself? Did you kill enough?"

Panting heavily, Little Six looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "These people are really hateful people. I don't think it's too many to kill 10,000, but it's really enjoyable."

After finishing talking, City Lord Wang and Ye Qingxuan laughed out loud.

The two got up and looked at the corpses around them, then Ye Qingxuan and Xiao Liuzi ran down the mountain to the hillside, these people are still waiting there, the big man's family and some fellow villagers were all kidnapped by those bandits just now ....

The big guy was injured just now, but he was healed by Ye Qingxuan. Although he bled a little, he was fine. The big guy was surprised and frightened when he saw Ye Qingxuan and Little Six coming back from a distance, covered in blood. When he came to the front, the big man realized that the blood belonged to those bandits, and it wasn't that the big man came out of them, so he was relieved.

The little six walked up to the big guy and said to the big guy, "I have already avenged you. Just now, one of the more than 100 bandits counted as one, and we killed them all. The corpses are on the hillside, and there is no one there." run away."

The big man smiled when he heard that, because he had lost too much blood, he was a little weak now and couldn't stand up at all.

The big man's family all came to kneel down and kowtow to Ye Qingxuan, thanking Ye Qingxuan and Little Six for saving their lives, otherwise. There will be no chance for the whole family to meet again, so they are all very excited.

Chapter 591 Return of Victory

Ye Qingxuan quickly mixed up the big guy, and the family said to the big guy's family members, "You are welcome, get up quickly, we will talk about it when we go back to the village."

There are more than 30 hostages kidnapped here, supporting each other, followed by Ye Qingxuan and Xiaoliuzi, and went back to the village directly. When they arrived in the village, it was already daylight and the sun was out. At this time, all the villagers ran out. Seeing that Ye Qingxuan, Xiaoliuzi and a group of villagers have all returned, the villagers here include the villagers of this village, and several people who have been missing for several months have all been rescued.

At this time, the village chief also ran out. Seeing that his son Xiaoliuzi was covered in blood, he quickly went to 22 and touched his head and body and said, "What did you do? Are you injured? Where are you hurt?" What? Why so much blood?"

Xiao Liuzi smiled and said to his father, the village chief, "It's okay, don't worry, the blood is from those bandits, we have killed them all, none of them ran away, and we have rescued all the villagers. gone."

The village chief looked up at the villagers again. There were many people who had been missing for two or three months. The village chief hurried up and asked, where did you go? what happened? How did you disappear for so long?

These folks said that they were kidnapped in a while, not the big man, but the family members of the big man were also kidnapped there. Only then did the village chief and the villagers know the truth of the matter, it was not their doing, everyone Misunderstood them, they were also victims, and the parents of the big man were also kidnapped by the bandits.

Little Six came out at this time and said to the villagers, "We all misunderstood the big guys. They didn't do those things that hurt the world. The big guy's family was also kidnapped by those bandits. When Ye Qingxuan and I went to rescue them, There were also our villagers inside, all tied up, and this time the truth came out."

At this time, Xiao Liuzi directly sent a few people to the underground grain storage at the west end of the village, and released all those people.

Among these hostages, there are also many relatives of those people. This is all good, all of them have been rescued, and they can finally be reunited.

At this time, the big man regained some physical strength and was able to stand up and talk.

The big guy came directly to Ye Qingxuan, knelt down to Ye Qingxuan with a plop, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Thank you for saving my family, and thank you for saving me, my family would not have been rescued if it wasn't for you, I can't run so fast, I know everything I love is heavy, but I don't know what method you use, I'm fine now."

Ye Qingxuan hurriedly picked up the big guy, and said to the big guy, 593 "Everything is a misunderstanding. Now that we have been relieved, we are no longer enemies. We are friends. Don't be so polite between friends. Hurry up and thank you for your physical strength. You still need it." It will take a few days to recover."

While talking, those people who were locked in the underground granary at the west entrance of the village have been released. These people were very excited to see that their relatives had been rescued, and ran over quickly. At this time, the big brother also left Come over and say to Ye Qingxuan, "It seems that I misunderstood you, you are also a person of flesh and blood, thank you, you are the real man.".

Chapter 592

Seeing all this, the village chief and the villagers suddenly realized that the culprit was not the big man, they were also the victims. At this time, the village chief asked the villagers to go back to cook.

These people are guests when they come to our village. We must treat them well. Since it is a misunderstanding, it is good to let it go. They used to be enemies, but now they are friends. We must treat our friends well.

After the village head finished speaking, the villagers all took action, and every family made delicious food, and then brought all the delicious food to the village head's house, and moved all the tables, chairs and benches from their own house.

More than 70 tables of meals were ready in an instant, and the villagers, the big guy, and the big guy's family members ate in the yard of the village chief's house. At this time, all the conflicts had been resolved. The result that Little Six wanted to see.

What Ye Qingxuan didn't expect was that the four-star relationship was still hostile before the twists and turns of development. He didn't expect that two days later, sitting together, drinking and talking, it was really satisfying. The real enemy was completely killed, and their peaceful life returned.

At this time, everyone was very happy to fight, and the hatred had been resolved. At this time, the village chief stood up and said to everyone, now I want to announce an important thing.

When the villagers heard that the village chief had something to say and it was an important matter, they all stopped talking there, and the chatter also stopped, staring at the village chief intently.

The village chief said to the villagers, "I'm getting old and it's time to retire. I am very satisfied with my son's performance today. I think the villagers should have the same idea as me. My son has grown up now. .

What I can no longer do, he is very brave and very wise, he wiped out our enemies for us, he is no longer a child.

He has proved with his bravery and wisdom that he is qualified for the post of village head, so I will officially retire from today, and all the affairs of the village will be handed over to my son in the future.

If you have any difficulties and need help, you can go to him directly, and today Xiaoliuzi is the village head of this village〃. "

Xiao Liuzi was very excited at this time, to be recognized by his father was something that Xiao Liuzi was very proud of. Xiaoliuzi has always been a child in his father's eyes.

After what happened in the past few days, he completely changed his father's mind, and his father willingly handed over the village head to Xiaoliuzi.

Little Six stood up at this time, walked in front of the villagers, and said to the villagers, "With my own ability, it is very difficult to wipe out all those little bandits. I have a good brother, and that is Ye Qingxuan He has been helping me and helping our village. Without him today, we would not be able to change our peaceful life.

(Li Nuohao) I am also very grateful to the villagers for their trust in me, and also to my father for supporting me so much. From now on, this village will be up to me. If you have anything to do, just come to me. I will help you solve problems. It is our common goal to be united and united, and not to let external forces bully us. "

After Xiaoliuzi finished speaking, all the villagers stood up and gave warm applause. This was the true wish of the villagers.

Chapter 593 New Village Chief

The villagers also saw the true strength and bravery of Xiaoliuzi, as well as his inner strength. The villagers all thought that he was as good as his father, so everyone supported the position of village head.

Ye Qingxuan was also very happy to see all these changes, Little Six finally achieved what he wanted, and the villagers were all convinced.

Er Fatty followed Ye Qingxuan along the way and saw many things, saw Ye Qingxuan's character, and saw the sufferings of this world. Er Fatty was also worthy of his mother, and asked him to come out and learn from Ye Qingxuan how to behave and how to do things.

The second fat man admired Ye Qingxuan even more at this time, imitating Ye Qingxuan and others who are very kind, willing to help others, and helping the poor who can't stand being bullied, this is what the second fat man 593 most agrees with.

In this way, the whole village and the people brought by the big guy witnessed the growth of Little Six. Everyone was very happy, eating and drinking here and celebrating happily.

The lively time always flies by quickly, and it will be the second day in a blink of an eye, and the villagers are all busy with the affairs of each family. Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man found the little six at this time.

Ye Qingxuan said to Xiaoliuzi, "Everything here has been smoothed out. I'm a passer-by, so the second fat man and I decided to leave here. I will feel relieved when I hand over this (ccfg) village to you in the future." , everyone will support you very much, so you don't have to worry."

When the little six heard that Ye Qingxuan was going to leave, he said to Ye Qingxuan, "I know I can't stop you from leaving, but don't be in such a hurry, stay a little longer, you have done my family such a big favor, you have helped the villagers so much Do me a big favor, we haven't had time to thank you, how can you leave? How can we accept it in our hearts. "

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, and said to Xiaoliuzi, "Actually, I didn't do anything. Your bravery defeated the enemy. Even if I wasn't here, the result would be the same. Some losses might be reduced, but in the end he wouldn't Changing the wicked will surely be defeated by the good, this is an eternal truth.”

Little Six said to Ye Qingxuan, "After spending so many days together, I really can't bear to leave you, I don't want you to go, or you can stay in the village and live, although I don't know what you have to do, but I sincerely ask you to stay."

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and said to Xiaoliuzi, "What I said just now made me feel that you have grown up, why are you talking like a child again, I will definitely leave, this cannot be changed, I have more important things To do it, there is no permanent banquet in the world, it is a matter of separation sooner or later, so what if it is sooner or later, the result is not the same."

Little Six said to Ye Qingxuan, "Since we've finished talking here, I won't stop you, don't leave today, leave tomorrow, I'll have a drink with you today, let's chat, talk so much We didn't have a good talk today."

Ye Qingxuan can be more anxious about this little one, and don't worry about this day. The kindness of the little six is ​​hard to refuse, and it would be unbeautiful if he insisted on leaving, so Ye Qingxuan agreed and did not leave.

In this way, Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man stayed in this village for another day, the little six found his father, arranged a sumptuous meal at home, and called the big man over.

Chapter 594

The big guy is now being raised in this village, and his family is arranged by Xiaoliuzi to live temporarily in the villagers' homes.

The little six also called the big guy, Brother Ma, over here. Just a few people drank happily here, and they had a lot of things. Recently, things did happen. Many big guys also said that they would disband the team after going back, and let the folks Go to reclaim wasteland, and life will definitely get better slowly, and I will never do these killing and killing things again.

The big brother is also willing to follow the big man to their village to be an ordinary person, stop fighting and killing, marry a wife and have a child, and take root there.

The village head also said that he will no longer care about the affairs of the village, and that he will give full power to his son. He should also think about living in old age, after all, he is getting old.

Ye Qingxuan heard their plans for the future at the dinner table, and he felt abnormal in his heart. These people have changed their self-confidence in their hearts, and they no longer do those things of beating and killing. They are willing to be ordinary people, willing to Ye Qingxuan was very happy to go to reclaim the wasteland and live a solid life.

Ye Qingxuan felt that doing them such a favor was a good help to Ye Qingxuan, and he remembered the more than 100 bandits who died in the back mountain. They just didn't understand them. If they could understand them earlier, they would also have a happy life in the stars, but They have no chance.

These few people chatted like this, chatting with each other in the sky and the earth, and the village head was old after all, so he went back to the house to rest after eating something and drinking a few glasses of wine.

The rest of these young people began to drink and talk happily. They drank impassionedly, unscrupulously and especially relaxed. These few people drank very~very happily.

The meal ended so beautifully and so easily. Ye Qingxuan woke up the second fat man early in the morning on the second day. The two of them simply cleaned up and prepared to leave, but - they saw people on the table.

Before waking up, these people drank too much, Ye Qingxuan didn't tell them to leave a note, and then Ye Qingxuan followed the second fat man and left the bride's house to continue studying. What he wanted was the Flame Mountain, the Kunlun Staff, and the Flame Qilin , There are so many brothers waiting for them in the Demon Realm.


Although Ye Qingxuan has not yet found the location and direction of the Flame Mountain, he can only continue to move forward, groping to find it. Only in this way can there be hope, otherwise there will be no hope at all if he gives up.

Ye Qingxuan left the village chief's house with the second fat man and the lion, and continued on his way.

When the big guy and his brother and the little six woke up, they found that Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man had left the road, and there was nothing in the room. The little six knew that Ye Qingxuan had left, and they saw the paper left on the table The article said, "Brothers are destined to meet again."


After seeing the note, the big guy, the little six and his brothers stood up and looked into the distance. Although they could no longer see Ye Qingxuan, they all silently wished Ye Qingxuan a safe journey.

The big man recuperated in the village for a few days, and then he took his eight brothers, his family and his more than 40 bandit brothers back to his village.

On the first day when the big guy arrived in the village, he told everyone that our team was disbanded and the door was opened.

Chapter 595 Move On

Let's concentrate our efforts on opening up a wasteland and focus on farming. That's the real way of life. In the future, stop fighting and killing.

After Ye Qingxuan left, Little Six held several meetings in the village, and set up a village protection team mainly for foreign forces. After training every day, he was busy reclaiming wasteland, making his village more impressive.

Ye Qingxuan and the second "five-nine-seven" fat man rode a lion. They walked without stopping for more than ten days. Ye Qingxuan felt that the weather was getting hotter and hotter. Their only thought was to go wherever it was hot, because the Flame Mountain would definitely It will be hot, maybe it has been many years since Huoyanshan, and people now don’t know what to call this place, and the name may have been changed.

Ye Qingxuan and Er Fatty basically rest in the woods during the day, and then move on when the sun is not so bright. Most of the time, they go forward at night and rest during the day.

It took too long to walk this way. Ye Qingxuan saw that the second fat man was not aware of his physical strength, but the second fat man never said that Ye Qingxuan wanted to find a place with a family as soon as possible, where he could take a good rest and rest. Fatty is a bit overwhelmed, Lion and Ye Qingxuan, they are not ordinary people, physical strength is absolutely no problem, but Er Fatty can't, Er Fatty is just an ordinary person.

After walking for so many days, Ye Qingxuan didn't even see a single person, so Ye Qingxuan decided to rest here for a day, get something to eat, have a good sleep, and then move on.

After Er Fatty heard Ye Qingxuan's words, he went to the mountain to get some hay, and then got some dry firewood to start a fire there.

Ye Qingxuan got some wild game from the nearby forest and roasted it on the fire.

Ye Qingxuan asked the second fat man at this time, "Since arriving at your house, have you ever regretted leaving your mother and following me? Did you find it very hard?"

The second fat man smiled darkly, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "It's really hard work. Sometimes I feel physically exhausted, but I have absolutely no regrets. I have learned a lot from Ye Qingxuan along the way. I have also seen a lot of things. Absolutely It’s all worth it, it’s all worth it.”

Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man just say you and me, chatting here, roasting game. At this moment, the voice of a pair of horses and horses came from a distance. It seems that many people still have horses to give birth to Ye Qingxuan. What's going on, just watch there...

From a distance, Ye Qingxuan saw a group of soldiers at the foot of the mountain. It looked like there could be a hundred or eighty people. People, and there should be many people should feel like a city.

If it is an ordinary village, it is impossible to station troops in towns and towns, and it is impossible to have soldiers.

Ye Qingxuan said to the second fat man, "Let's eat these wild game, and then we will move forward. There should be a lot of people joining us not far away so we can rest well. The soldiers of the 5.6 troops just now must be there." Live nearby."

Er Fatty became interested when he heard this, and was very happy. He had a house to live in, and at least he could eat hot food and a hot bed.

After Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man finished eating, they walked forward without a break. It was at night that Ye Qingxuan saw a big castle in front of the mountain.

Chapter 596 The Castle

The scale of this castle is really not small, the soldiers who were soldiers just now must be the soldiers of this castle.

Ye Qingxuan took a look. If he entered the city, it would definitely be dark, and he would bring a lion with him, so there would be a lot of inconvenience. Ye Qingxuan thought about it and said to the second fat man, "We will stay here and sleep overnight. We were going into town at the time."

The two of them leaned against the big tree in place, squinted for a while, unconsciously felt that it was dawn, opened their eyes, the sun had just appeared on the top of the mountain, Ye Qingxuan called the second fat man, and then rode a lion and ran to the castle come here.

If I went straight to the city last night, I originally wanted to find someone to rest in the middle of the night, and it was difficult to find, and I brought a lion to disturb the people there22.

That's why Ye Qingxuan decided to take a rest at the same spot, it would be much easier to find a place to stay in the city during the day.

But Ye Qingxuan riding a lion is indeed too ostentatious, he will attract strange eyes wherever he goes.

Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man rode their bikes to the foot of the castle very quickly. The so-called security here is very strict, and they will be checked every time they enter the city.

As soon as Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man arrived at the gate of the city, they were directly held there by the guards who guarded the city. The guards said, "Who are you? Why are you riding a lion? What are you doing here?"

Ye Qingxuan walked up to the guards guarding the city and said, "We came from the south, you want to rest here for one night, and then move on tomorrow."

These guards called some people indiscriminately, and arrested Ye Qingxuan, Er Fatty and the lion.

The guards didn't listen to Ye Qingxuan's explanations. Ye Qingxuan didn't resist. Who could be his opponent if Ye Qingxuan wanted to resist? If Ye Qingxuan resisted, the people here would be shocked and they would be wronged instead. Ye Qingxuan felt that he should find a place first Rest, have a meal, want to go out is not easy.

So Ye Qingxuan obeyed the guards without any resistance and was imprisoned, in fact, he was imprisoned alone, Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man were imprisoned together.

At this time, the guards guarding the city reported to the city lord of the city.

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