The horse bandit glared at Ye Qingxuan, and then said, "Just us, kill if you want, don't talk so much nonsense, if I want to say a soft word, then I'm not a man."

When Ye Qingxuan heard that this horse bandit was quite stubborn, I will beat you in a while until you convince him.

The coffee said to the big man, "Brother, when we planned to come, we never thought that we were inferior to others. We were captured alive. I don't blame anyone. To die together with my brother today is also a white life."

The big man looked at it, and said to the horse bandit, "Brothers blame me, I'm the one who got you involved, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been captured alive, if there was a next life, we'd still be brothers."

Ye Qingxuan heard the conversation between the two of them, and felt that the matter was not that simple. These horse bandits might have something hard to hide.


Ye Qingxuan directly pulled the big man up, dragged him into the house, and untied all the ropes that bound him.

Ye Qingxuan said to the big guy, "There is no one here, I think you have something to hide, you can tell me, don't die here, what is the relationship between you and the person who came to save you just now?"


The big man looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Since the day I made a ponytail, my head was pinned to my trouser waist, and I was ready to be killed at any time. I was mentally prepared. I am not afraid of you, I am unwilling. The whole family is in their hands, and they asked me to take the ransom, so I had no choice but to come and rob the villagers."

Ye Qingxuan said to the big man, "Who kidnapped your family members? Is what you said true or false?"

The big man laughed, "My life and death have long been ignored, but unfortunately my family cannot be rescued. I am sad and sad. There is a group of bigger bandits on the other side of the mountain. They have a hundred or eighty people. They think I am rich. , so they kidnapped my family members and forced me to hand over the money." Door.

Chapter 585

Ye Qingxuan looked at what the big man said to the big man, "You rob the common people all day long, and you speak so grandly."

The big guy looked at it for a year, and Ye Qingxuan said, "We never rob ordinary people anymore, only rob those corrupt officials and people from the B clan who got money for no apparent reason, that's our goal."

The big man continued, "The rich man's house that was robbed before, the "590" and their family all had their lives, that's why we offended him, and he found these kidnappers to help my family, that's why we are here today. It happened, otherwise we would never have been to this village."

After hearing this, Ye Qingxuan felt that there was something hidden in it, the gang of horse bandits was not as cruel as imagined.

Ye Qingxuan said to the big man, "Just now the villagers said that you all have murder cases and killed his family members. What's the matter?"

They probably said to Ye Qingxuan, "Those are all bandits or the villagers thought they were a group of bandits when they saw the horse bandits, but we didn't know them at all."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the big man and said to the big man, "Then what does it mean that your brother is on the mountain? Isn't he a kidnapper?"

The big guy said to Ye Qingxuan, "My elder brother didn't get involved in my affairs at all. He saw some villagers and being bullied, offended the landlord in their village, and then he couldn't get along, so he led those three or two people on the mountain. There is no way to go home.”

When Ye Qingxuan heard what the big guy said, he suddenly realized that this matter is not that simple, it turns out that these bandits are also flesh and blood people.

Ye Qingxuan continued to ask, big man, "Who are those eight people who came to rescue you just now? They seem to owe you favors?"

The big guy said, "Last month, he offended someone in the village. I helped him avenge. Those landlords killed all his parents. He was alone and weak, so he came to me. I I avenged him and killed all the landlords. He is a man who is willing to repay his kindness. I didn’t inform him at all today. I don’t know where he got the news and came to save me.”

The big man looked at Ye Qingxuan, and then said to Ye Qingxuan, "I know you have the final say in this village, and it doesn't matter if I die here, so you are kind enough to let my brother go, they are innocent, they just came to save I didn't hurt you..."

Only now did Ye Qingxuan figure out everything.

Ye Qingxuan immediately went outside, and dragged the eight kidnappers to another room, Ye Qingxuan asked, "Why did the big man say to avenge you, tell me the truth."

The horse bandit looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "I am willing to trade my life for another today. If you keep me here and let my elder brother go, you are doing a good deed."

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, and said to the horse bandit, "I didn't expect you to be a loyal person."

The horse bandit looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "That guy once did me a big favor, but he hasn't reported it yet. Today I'm willing to exchange my life for his 5.6 lives. It's fair."

Ye Qingxuan questioned these horse bandits separately, so that he could be sure that the matter was true, the big man did not lie, Ye Qingxuan went out and called Little Six in, and told Little Six alone, "These horse bandits are not ours. It seems so simple, they were forced to do nothing, and they also had helpless things behind them, so they did what they did today.".

Chapter 586

Xiao Liu, I was very surprised, I was stunned for a moment, looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "What can happen between them, this group of people can do anything for money."

Ye Qingxuan said to Xiao Liuzi, "That big guy, his whole family was kidnapped by another group of bandits in the deep mountains to blackmail him for power and wealth. He had no choice but to take such a bad idea. He had never been here before. village.

Someone in this village was killed by the gangsters. It was all done by the horse bandits. It has nothing to do with them. This group of horse bandits only robbed the rich, corrupt officials and landlords. Whoever got the news came to save him. "

Little Liu was stunned and stunned when he heard it. Although he didn't understand very well, he probably understood the meaning.

Little Six said to Ye Qingxuan, "There is a cellar in the west of the village. It used to be used to store grain. Now that it is empty, let's detain these people there first. Let's talk about it later."

Ye Qingxuan thought about it, and felt that the method of the little six was good, so he temporarily locked them up, and then discussed the matter in the future.

Ye Qingxuan called the second fat man in, and told the second fat man, take all the people to an underground granary at the west end of the village, and temporarily imprison them there first, and take things slowly in the future, don't deal with it yet.

The second fat man followed a few villagers and detained all the horse bandits in the underground granary in the west of the village.

Ye Qingxuan and his six sons asked the big guy, "Where are your family members being imprisoned now? Do you know?"

The big guy thought about it, but he didn't know what Ye Qingxuan and the little six meant. It's okay to talk about it now, and the big guy said, "I don't know where they are being held, but I do know where the gangsters are."

Ye Qingxuan said to the big man, "You can let go of the grievances between us for now, the important thing now is to help you rescue your family, and then talk about it."

When the big man heard Ye Qingxuan say that, he was stunned and froze there.

The big man slowed down for a while, then knelt down to Ye Qingxuan with a plop and said to Ye Qingxuan, "If you can really help me save my family, my life will belong to you. You can take it away anytime you want, and I owe it to you." A favor."

After finishing speaking, he kowtowed on the ground, Ye Qingxuan hurriedly took two steps, mixed up the big man and said to the big man, "You are also a man of flesh and blood, so don't talk about this, saving people is the most important thing, I'm afraid of long nights and dreams.

I will imprison all your brothers for the time being. When we get everything straightened out, we will naturally explain to the villagers one by one. At that time, the most important thing is to relieve their hatred, not to kill you all. We 590 don't want to hurt anyone, and we don't want to be hurt by anyone. "

The big man looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "I appreciate what you have done today. If you really help me, I have a way to save my family."

The little six looked at the big guy and said to the big guy, "If there is a way, it's best to talk about it."

The big guy said, "Tomorrow is the birthday of the bandit leader. We can take his lair to him with one move while everyone else is here. I know you have a lot of tigers. It's best to take all the tigers with you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.”

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while.

Chapter 587 Bandit Village

Said to the big guy, "Then let's set off now without further ado, and rush there overnight to discuss a narrative. Those people in Wu State are indeed there, and we will catch them all."

Ye Qingxuan, the big guy and the little six knew about this matter. The three of them knew about it, but the second fat guy didn't know about it, and no one told them. On that night, they acted overnight and sneaked into the bandit's lair while it was dark.

Ye Qingxuan looked at this bandit den, there are quite a lot of people, they don't live in caves, they built many houses here, it seems that a former small village was occupied by them.

From a distance, Ye Qingxuan saw that these bandits had a clear division of labor, and there were sentries on duty there.

When Xiaoliuzilin came, he took a bow and arrow from Xiaoliuzi, and he shot it very accurately. From far away, he directly killed all the six sentry posts one by one, and he didn't startle others. Every arrow is fatal.

Ye Qingxuan, the second fat man and this big guy entered the village without any problems. After inquiring about the news here, Ye Qingxuan knew that these people were all gathered here, there were more than 100 people in all.

Ye Qingxuan, Xiaoliuzi and the big guy, searched around the village, but found nowhere where the big guy's family members were imprisoned.

Ye Qingxuan directly grabbed a horse bandit and covered his mouth, and dragged it outside the village before letting go of the horse bandit's mouth. Ye Qingxuan said to the horse bandit, "The family you captured a few days ago, Where are you being held now? If you don’t tell the truth, I’ll kill you right now〃.”

The horse bandit saw Ye Qingxuan, I looked at the big man, and then said to the big man, "Don't kill me, I just came here and don't know anything, the family you mentioned is in the house at the head of the village , There is a secret compartment in that house which is a temporary prison, and all the people who were arrested are there, and I don’t know if there are any of the people you mentioned.”

After the big man heard the news, he raised his knife and dropped it very quickly, and directly chopped off the horse bandit's head.

The big man said to Ye Qingxuan, "Let's go directly and have a look. No matter who is caught there, we will release them all. After we release them, we will start killing them."

Ye Qingxuan followed the little six sons and the big guy, and went straight to the house at the east end of the village. There was a problem with bird food in this house, because there were many people in the front yard and behind the yard, so Ye Qingxuan decided that there must be something to do here, the big guy's family The place.

There is still a certain distance between this place and the other horse bandits, so Ye Qingxuan and Xiaoliuzi didn't have any scruples, they went out and came to this house, and said to these horse bandits, "¨¨Who is imprisoned inside?" ? Hurry up and let me go, or I will kill you."

As soon as these horse bandits heard that someone was coming, they immediately took out the guy, ran to Ye Qingxuan and the big guy (of Li Nuo) and said, "Who are you? You came here, do you know where you are?" Where is it, I really don’t know whether to live or die.”

Ye Qingxuan didn't want to talk nonsense with them anymore, so he jumped off the building and knocked the horse bandit who was talking just now to the ground with one punch. His face was flushed, and he went bankrupt and died.

The other horse bandits immediately took out the guy when they saw it, and asked Ye Qingxuan to cut it.

Chapter 588 Rescue the Hostages

Ye Qingxuan blocked with his left hand, punched with his right hand, kicked one and jumped up, then used his knee to directly knock down a horse bandit, punch after punch, and the little six fingers also started to fight there, the big guy broke immediately and died Rushing into the house, the big man saw that many people here were kidnapped.

The big man saw his wife, children, and parents were all here, and then cut off all the ropes in their hands with a knife, and said to everyone, "Everyone follow me."

The big man's family saw that the big man was coming, and they all got up to help these people untie the ropes, and then they all ran out together. If there is any danger, Ye Qingxuan saw that they had come out and arranged for them to start from the backyard, Ye Qingxuan said to the big man, "You take these people away first, and wait for me on the other side of the hillside, my little six will get rid of these people I'll go find you."

The big guy looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "That's not okay, I have to go forward and back with you, let these people go forward by themselves, there should be no danger ahead, all the horse bandits are in the village, don't worry about this, let them go on their own Run for your life."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the big guy and I said, "That's fine, you arrange me and Xiaoliu's advanced village, and they will find out that the patrolling guards will be prepared after they are killed. Break through, and they cannot concentrate their strength."

The big man ran up to these people and said to some young and strong people, "I can't go with you, you two are relatively young here, so you **** them all the way down from here to the end of the mountain." There is a hillside on the other side where you can wait, you will be safe when we get there, I will stay and prevent them from chasing you, you go quickly."

After the big man finished speaking, the two young men ran to the opposite hillside with the old, weak, sick and disabled.

After the big man finished explaining the matter, he went into the village to find Ye Qingxuan and Xiaoliu (ccfg). At this time, the horse bandits in the village had already discovered that there were outsiders, because their guards were all killed. At this time, the bandit leader took Everyone gathered together to start the search, and the village couldn't let the gang get away.

When Ye Qingxuan and Little Six rushed over, the people here had already gathered together and started searching for Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan and Xiao Liuzi met these bandits head to head, before they could speak, a bandit came and reported to the bandit leader, saying that the hostages had been released by them, at this moment the bandit leader got angry and ordered everyone Surround me with Ye Qingxuan and Little Six.

Ye Qingxuan looked at these people, if it was very strenuous to move his hands, if he inadvertently hurt the little six and the big guy, it would be troublesome, so Ye Qingxuan didn't want to fight them head-on, Ye Qingxuan blew a mask from the sky, Ye Qingxuan knew These, the tigers will come soon.

While talking, the big man rushed over from behind, seeing Ye Qingxuan and Little Six being besieged here, he took out a knife and I killed them.

At this time, the bandit leaders surrounded Ye Qingxuan, the little six, and the big guy.

There are more than 100 bandits.

Chapter 589

There are only three of Ye Qingxuan and they are outnumbered, so the bandits are very confident and very arrogant here.

Ye Qingxuan didn't talk nonsense with them, Ye Qingxuan was just stalling for time, to give the tiger friends some time to come here, as soon as the tiger arrived here, these people would be crippled immediately.

Ye Qingxuan knew that this was the simplest and most effective method, and it would be fine if he punched hard, but Ye Qingxuan was afraid that a button would hurt the little six and the big guy, then it would be too late.

Not long after, the tiger ran straight here in all directions, and when it got here, it threw down all the horse bandits without saying a word, scratched and bit them all, but it didn't hurt their lives.

These more than 100 horse bandits didn't know what was going on, where did so many tigers come from, and directly attacked them all and knocked them down. At this time, the picture is completely different, 20 tigers surrounded the more than 100 horse bandits, none of them ran away, all of them were here.

All of the more than 100 horse bandits had injuries to varying degrees, all of which were scratched and bitten by these tigers.

These horse bandits had no attack power at all, and they were screaming there.

Turning around at this time, I walked up to the bandit leader and said, "Do you still know who I am? You forced me to ask for money and kidnapped my family. Today I am here to rescue them. I will catch you all, you guys People do a lot of evil and damage our reputation, and I will never forgive them lightly."

The bandit leader refused to accept it at all, and glared at the big man. The bandit leader took out a dagger from his arms and stabbed the big man directly.

The big guy stood aside and covered his chest with his hands, and the blood kept flowing out.

Ye Qingxuan didn't pay attention to it, turned around and saw the big guy had been stabbed, Ye Qingxuan stepped forward, kicked the bandit leader to the ground and punched him again.

The bandit leader was beaten directly and screamed. At this time, the bandit leaders all raised their hands to resist. Ye Qingxuan was furious at this time and started to kill. Called, let the little six quickly carry the big guy back down the mountain.


Little Liuzi picked up the big guy and ran away. When you leave the village, you run straight down the mountain.

The old man asked all the tigers to surround these bandits, and Ye Qingxuan chased them up from behind, and chased them all the way to the back hillside.

Little Six had already carried the big guy to the back hillside, where all the rescued hostages were. They saw that the big guy was not dead, and they were very anxious. Ye Qingxuan took a look when he came, and then covered the big guy's wound with his hands, My own internal force directly helped the big man recover his health, he no longer bled, and slowly regained consciousness.


Everyone was very surprised to see this scene, and they all stared at the big guy and Ye Qingxuan with wide eyes.

Ye Qingxuan said to everyone, "Everyone, don't be afraid, he's fine, you all go back to the village first, Xiao Liuzi and I will execute the Fa on the spot and kill all these bandit leaders, so as to save future troubles."

The big man's family and those people rebelled immediately, leaving Ye Qingxuan and the little six sons behind when they went down the mountain, and returned to the bandit den. The tigers were still surrounding these people, and there was no one there. Run the door.

Chapter 590

After Ye Qingxuan and Little Six came, Ye Qingxuan went up and pulled the bandit leader out of the crowd and said, "The person I hate the most in my life is a sneak attack, you dared to do it secretly just now."

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he punched the bandit leader fiercely in the face, directly blinding him in one eye. The bandit leader covered his eyes and screamed.

"Five Nine Three" Immediately afterwards, Ye Qingxuan kicked him again and gave him all to the bandit leader. He directly turned 180 degrees, lay down on the ground, and then punched the bandit leader **** the head. On the ground, the bandit leader's brains were blown out at that time, and he was killed on the spot by spraying plasma and leaving room for nothing.

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