The guard who guarded the city said to the city lord, "I caught a suspicious person early this morning. He may be the enemy's sleeping guest. He was dressed differently from us and was riding a lion. So I took them all. impounded."

When the lord of this city heard about it, "What, someone came to us on a lion."

The city lord was very puzzled, could he be some sleeper or spy sent by the enemy?

Chengdu thought for a while, and said to the gate guard, "You 597, go and bring me the man who rides the lion now, and I will inquire about it myself."

The so-called went to the cell immediately, invited Ye Qingxuan out and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Our king city will see you, you come with me now."

At this time, Ye Qingxuan thought that he had finally given the opportunity to speak, and now it would be easy, so Ye Qingxuan followed the guard to the city lord.

City Lord Wang looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I heard from the guards who guarded the city that you came riding a lion. How could that lion be tamed by you? Is it a spy sent by the enemy? What are you here to find out?" Is it news?".

Chapter 597

Ye Qingxuan was a little confused when he heard that, what is this City Lord Wang talking about? Somewhat incomprehensible, Ye Qingxuan said to City Lord Wang, "I passed people passing by from the west. I just arrived at the gate of the city. I don't know why I was arrested by your so-called indiscriminately. What kind of spies, I don't know what you are talking about."

City Lord Wang laughed haha, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I see that you are wearing strange clothes, and you don't look like a good person at first glance. Tell me quickly, what are you doing here? Are you here to inquire about the military situation?"

Ye Qingxuan was completely confused at this time, and said to the city lord, "I have already said it just now, I am just passing by to inquire about military affairs, if you don't arrest me, I may have already left the city, this has nothing to do with me , I am just passing by, and I have no one to send me, I am myself."

At this time, City Lord Wang became a little angry, and took out the sword outline to start a move, and a subordinate came, and there was a military report.

When the city lord Wang heard that he put down the health care to ease his emotions, he then let the spies come up.

After the spy came up, he said to the Lord Wang, "Old Liu is not good. Now the enemy has sent 2,000 troops, and they will soon reach our city from ten miles away."

City Lord Wang thought about it for a while, and said to my city guard, "It's not too late. Hurry up and hang the suspension bridge over the moat, and close the city gate so that the people can't go out, or there will be danger."

Ye Qingxuan was listening carefully at the side. Ye Qingxuan learned from the conversation between the city lord Wang and the spy that this city was about to be captured by the enemy, and the enemy was a nearby city.

They robbed the food for the sake of seizing the land, and they couldn't give it away. They sent 2,000 troops. Can the Lord Wang be a little bit unable to resist the current people of the Lord Wang? Less than one thousand, and most of them are old, weak, sick and disabled.

There was really no other way, so the city gate was closed.

At this time, City Lord Wang was upset, and asked the guards to keep Ye Qingxuan up, and make a decision later.

Master Ye Qingxuan didn't speak, and didn't resist, he followed the guards back to the cell, Ye Qingxuan knew that they were in great trouble, and I will let them beg me to help them end this battle in a while.

Ye Qingxuan ate and drank here, didn't bother with so many nosy matters, just waited for them to talk about the deal, and then Ye Qingxuan had a chance to convince them.

In this way, Ye Qingxuan, you spent the night here. You can eat, drink and live here, so Ye Qingxuan should rest here.

In the early morning of the second day, Ye Qingxuan heard the people in the cage say, "Now the enemy has more than 2,000 people under the city, surrounded the whole city, and is ready to attack us at any time."

Ye Qingxuan asked these soldiers, "Why did they attack you?"

The soldier said to Ye Qingxuan, "You are a foreigner, you don't know (Li Nuozhao), we have a good relationship with our neighbors for so many years, they have always been united, and the harvest has not been good in recent years. They always come to borrow food seeds and food, but we don’t have enough food, so if there is no loan, they will use force to grab the seeds and food.”

Ye Qingxuan thought to himself, 2,000 people have already come, it seems that they are going to be violent, it seems that the life of these ordinary people is really difficult, and they have to pay a lot for some food.

Chapter 598 Difficulty

Ye Qingxuan asked these soldiers, "How much seeds and food do they want to borrow, or else they would lend it to him, and let him pay it back in a more serious manner, wouldn't it be over and there would be no confrontation?"

The soldier said, "They don't pick up many, 20 carts of seeds is enough."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while, 20 carts of seeds are not many, it seems that he really encountered difficulties, not because he really wanted to beat him to grab things, it seems that there is no food, he was forced to be like this.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the soldiers and continued to ask, "If these 2,000 people are forced to attack 600, how do you defend and what are your chances of winning?"

The soldier looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "To tell you the truth, we don't have 1,000 soldiers here. Most of them are old, weak, sick and disabled. It's hard to resist these 2,000 troops, and both sides will be hurt. At that time, no one will be good."

At this time, City Lord Wang was already in a hurry. Now that the soldiers are approaching the city, there is no way for reporters to retreat from the enemy. It is impossible to use their hands. If they give food to them, the people in the city will starve. City Lord Wang does not know what to do now. ah.

Ye Qingxuan said to the soldier, "Go and pass a message to City Lord Wang for me, and tell him that I have a plan to retreat from the enemy."

The soldier was very happy, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "What you said is true, can you really let these 2,000 people go back?"

Ye Qingxuan laughed heartily, and said to the soldier, "Of course, otherwise, wouldn't I have died early? If I tricked your city lord, would I still be able to get out alive?"

The soldier thought about it, and felt that what Ye Qingxuan said was reasonable. It seemed that the man riding the lion had a lot of background. If he could retreat, the villagers in the city would definitely avoid a **** disaster.

The soldier said to Ye Qingxuan, "If you can really retreat, the people in the city will be saved from a **** disaster, then you have really helped us a lot, and the people in the city will be grateful to you (ccfg) , Don't worry, I'll give you my thoughts and talk to our Lord Wang."

After talking to Ye Qingxuan, the soldier went to find City Master Wang, and the soldier came to City Master Wang and said to City Master Wang, "City Master Wang, the man riding the lion just told me that he has a way to make these 2,000 people Go back obediently, let us avoid the **** disaster, and ensure that the people in the city are safe and sound."

City Lord Wang widened his eyes and said to the soldier, "Say what you said just now."

The soldier said to City Lord Wang, "The man riding the lion just now said that there is a way to retreat to keep us safe."

The city lord didn't speak at this time, and thought for a while, what is the origin of this man riding a lion, what is he capable of, and how can he make these 2,000 people go back?

The Lord Wang thought about it and couldn't figure it out, and then he said to the soldier, "If you go back now, invite me the man who rides the lion. I would like to ask him if there is any way to retreat and protect us. One side is safe."

This soldier trotted all the way, and came directly to Ye Qingxuan. While opening the prison door for Ye Qingxuan, he told Ye Qingxuan, our city lord invited you to come with me now. .

At this moment, City Lord Wang laughed and didn't say anything, just followed behind the soldier, came to the inside of the city wall, and came in front of City Lord Wang.

Chapter 599 Reason

City Lord Wang looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "You really have a strategy to defeat the enemy and help us tide over the difficulties."

Ye Qingxuan looked at City Lord Wang, and said to City Lord Wang, "Then you have to tell me why they came to besiege you, and what is the reason."

City Lord Wang looked at Ye Qingxuan and thought, since this person can control the lion, there must be something ordinary about him, so City Lord Wang is willing to tell Ye Qingxuan the truth. .

The villagers in another city have not had a good harvest in recent years. In the past few years, I subsidized them with some grain seeds every year, but they did not return them because of the poor harvest, and they had nothing to eat.

This year I came to borrow again and I didn’t lend it to them, because my seeds are also limited, and the people in the village still need to live, so they fought against each other and forced me to measure them, otherwise they would use violence to rob things . "

Ye Qingxuan looked at City Lord Wang, and said to City Lord Wang, "They don't care how much food you borrow this time."

The Lord Wang said, "It's not much. I have 20 cars, but I can't lend them. After I lend them, I won't have seeds to plant the land next year. At that time, we will be passive, and the people in my city will have to live." .

I can’t teach them, the people in my city are starving, and I’m also very embarrassed. If I lend them the seeds, if their harvest this year is not good, then we will all starve to death and have to go up the mountain to eat bark went. "

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while, in the words of City Lord Wang, there is nothing wrong with City Lord Wang's decision. If his hand hurts badly, more people will suffer. If he doesn't quit, at least he can keep himself. This is a normal human reaction.

Ye Qingxuan looked at City Lord Wang, who said, "Leave this matter to me, I will go out of the city to talk to them now, I will definitely let them go back, let go of the friends I came with before." and my lion, I will go with my lion to talk with them, and my friend can be kept as a hostage for you."

When the Lord Wang heard Ye Qingxuan's confidence, he came directly to Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "If you can really retreat, then you are our distinguished guests in the city. How can you be called hostages? I will treat you well, just take care of yourself. rest assured."


Ye Qingxuan laughed haha ​​and said to City Lord Wang, "Okay, then I will go outside the city to negotiate with those people now."

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he just walked down the city wall, walked out of the city gate, walked out of the city wall, walked out of the city gate, walked out of the officers and soldiers and lowered the suspension bridge over the moat. Ye Qingxuan walked over the suspension bridge, facing 2000 people in front.


Ye Qingxuan shouted to the person opposite, "Which one of you has the final say? I have something to tell him when I come out."

At this moment, when these people saw a man riding a lion standing in front of them, they all backed away. They didn't know who this person was and whether it would hurt anyone if this son went crazy, so they all backed away.

When the people inside heard Ye Qingxuan's words, a very tall man came out from the team. Ye Qingxuan approached and saw that this man had a scar on his face, and he looked very fierce.

The man with the scar came out from the team swaggeringly on a tall horse, walked to the opposite of Ye Qingxuan, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Who are you?

Chapter 600 Scared Man

If you have something to say, say it quickly, and fart if you have something to say, you can say anything if you want to borrow food, but don't say anything that is useless. "

At this time, City Lord Wang was watching Ye Qingxuan's every move on the city wall, because he couldn't hear what he was saying because he was far away, and could only see Ye Qingxuan talking with the scarred man at the front.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan laughed "six zero zero" and said to the man with the scar, "I can now speak to you on behalf of City Lord Wang. You brought so many people to my city today, what is the reason for this?" ?What exactly does that mean?"

The man with the scar looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I won't talk nonsense to you, I just want to borrow 20 carts of seeds, I can't watch my people have nothing to eat, I have to let them farm, Otherwise, what will we do in autumn? Wouldn’t we starve to death without food?”

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said to the man with the scar, "As far as I know, you borrowed seeds from us last year and the year before the year before, so there should be such a thing?"

The man with the scar looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "Of course there are things that last year and the year before last added together, 15 cars were sung. I remember it all. I won't play tricks, but I don't have it now. After you lend it to me this year, I will share it with you." I will pay you back what I owed you in two years."

Ye Qingxuan looked at it, and the man with the scar said to the man with the scar, "Our City Lord Wang said, as long as you withdraw your troops and show your sincerity, we promise to lend you 20-color seeds and you don't have to return them. Last year and the year before last There is no need to pay back.

Our city lord Wang also said that they are all neighbors, and he can help if he can. Our city lord Wang is very angry today. You actually used such extreme methods to force him to give you seeds, which is very sad. "

The man with the scar immediately jumped off the tall horse when he heard that, half-kneeled in front of Ye Qingxuan and said, "If you can really lend me 20 cars of seeds and return my urgent need, I would come to your door to apologize to the Lord Wang, but there is nothing I can do about it." , I also don't want to watch my villagers starve to death, and I hope City Lord Wang understands that he doesn't really want to kill them.

People in the city, if you don’t believe me, ask me, the people I brought here are all my villagers, not soldiers, and many of them came here with bare hands, just to put some pressure on you, and they didn’t want to really massacre the city ...."

After the scarred man finished speaking, Ye Qingxuan took a look, the person brought by the scarred man, just like the scarred man said, many people just followed, without any weapons.

Ye Qingxuan thought it was really not easy for this scarred man, not for himself but also for his heavy people, it seems that the characters of these two city lords are still good, it's only because it doesn't rain, so the harvest is reduced Many people had no food to eat, so there was a scene of soldiers approaching the city.

Ye Qingxuan thought to himself, this man with the scar is really at ease, so don't be afraid that I am a person who comes to see your reality, it seems that the man with the scar is also a real person.

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and said to the man with the scar, "I will solve your problem for you in 5.6, don't worry, you are waiting here, I will go back and solve your problem for you now."

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he rode a lion back into the city and came to look for the City Lord Wang in the city. Ye Qingxuan told the City Lord Wang that the man with the scar had no intention of dying with you at all, and he brought a large part of it. It's because the common people don't have weapons at all.

Chapter 601

He just wants to put pressure on you and ask you to lend him some seeds, so that he can relieve his urgent needs.

City Lord Wang said to Ye Qingxuan, "I know this, but the seeds in the city can't be given to him now. If the harvest is not good, the two cities will be lost."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said to City Lord Wang, "I know this, I have 20 carts of grain seeds in my hand, I can give it to him in your name, so he will naturally be grateful to you, and will soon It’s not the best of both worlds.”

City Lord Wang said to Ye Qingxuan with wide eyes, "Where are you going to get so many seeds for Scar Man?"

Ye Qingxuan told City Lord Wang, "I have prepared some food in a cave outside the city. Those are the food seeds I bought before. I can distribute those to him to solve his urgent needs."

At this time, City Lord Wang was very moved. I never expected that Ye Qingxuan would take out the seeds to solve this urgent need for me and resolve the grievances between us. This was absolutely unexpected.

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he rode out of the city and went up to the man with the scar and said to the man with the scar, "I asked the Lord Wang and he promised me to give you 20 carts of seeds, and these seeds don't have to be returned." up.

There is no need to return the seeds from last year and the year before. I hope you will have a good harvest this year. Let me take you to pick them up now, and I will also give you some grain for you to distribute to your people. "

The man with the scar was very happy after hearing this, he quickly grabbed Ye Qingxuan's hand and said to Ye Qingxuan, "All this is due to you, I really want to thank you very much."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and was about to tell the scarred man, "There is nothing I can do here. I'm just an errand runner. I still want to thank our City Lord Wang. City Lord Wang still remembers his old feelings and is willing to help you. If you have the opportunity, thank him well." Bar."

At this time, the man with the scar looked at the city wall and saw City Lord Wang, who was watching all this from above. The man with the scar bowed deeply towards the city wall.

What City Lord Wang saw on the city wall was real.

Ye Qingxuan said to City Lord Wang, "Let's go, I'll take you to get the food and the seeds of the food now, it's getting late, you should go back quickly, or you won't be able to go back before dark."

After speaking, Ye Qingxuan led the way on a bicycle, and the man with the scar followed behind him, and walked to a cave in the back mountain. Ye Qingxuan told the man with the scar that all your seeds are in this cave.

At this time, City Lord Wang sent someone in to get the seeds and put them in his cart. There were 20 carts of seeds and 20 carts of grain.

City Lord Wang was very moved at this time, and he didn't want to tell him anymore, but he didn't object, and gave all the food in the cave to City Lord 600.

I said no need for me to say, "Thank you for keeping your promises. Since you keep your promises, if the harvest is good this year, I will return all the principal and interest to you."

After finishing speaking, City Lord Wang took his villagers, 20 carts of grain and 20 carts of seeds, and returned to his city.

Ye Qingxuan has been watching them leave, and the man with the scar is also watching on the city wall for real.

After Ye Qingxuan sent the 2,000 people away, he rode back to the city on a lion. Ye Qingxuan's treatment was different, and the people in the city also cheered.

Chapter 602 Reconciliation

The suspension bridge over the moat was also lowered, all costs were opened, and all dangers were eliminated, all thanks to Ye Qingxuan.

The man with the scar also came down from Chang'e at this time, greeted Ye Qingxuan, treated him as a distinguished guest, took him to his mansion, and arranged a table of delicious food and drinks.

The man with the scar said to Ye Qingxuan, "Thanks to you this time, you have helped me a lot, and the people in the city, without you, if they really attack by force, they will only lose both."

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and said to the man with the scar, "Don't be so polite, it's just a matter of raising your hands. It's not good for me to store up my food in the cave for a long time. It's just a matter of giving them something to use."

At this moment, City Lord Wang was so excited that he didn't know what to say, he felt that Ye Qingxuan was sent by heaven to save him, and the person who rescued him had no confidant, City Lord Wang was very moved.

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