These horse bandits ran back to the base camp directly. There were some guards inside. When they saw them coming back, they all went to greet them. The father who kidnapped Xiaoliuzi was the elder brother of the head of the horse bandits. After these horse bandits came back, .

The kidnappers searched for the head of the horse bandit everywhere, but found that the head of the horse bandit hadn't come back. At this time, the kidnapper Dalu said to the horse bandits, "You are all back, where is my brother? Why hasn't he come back?"

The horse bandits said to the kidnappers, "The little six said, you should put the village chief back now. If you see the village chief before dark, release your brother, or wait for his body to be collected."

When the elder brother heard that his younger brother hadn't come back, and even came up with such an idea, he became very passive now.

The elder brother kidnapper really had no choice, and then ordered, "Release that old man quickly and let him go home quickly. What is the use of this old man, I want my brother to come back safely.".

Chapter 579 Exchange of Hostages

The kidnapper arranged for two horse bandits to bring the village head down the mountain, and said to the two horse bandits, "I want to change his brother back, or you won't come back."

The two horse bandits had no choice but to bite the bullet and sent the village chief back the same way. Before it got dark, they arrived at the village, and then came to the entrance of the village. The two horse bandits shouted at the entrance of the village. They asked Laoshantou to be released, otherwise they would not release the village chief and they could change one by one.

Little Liuzi came out when he heard someone yelling, and looked at the entrance of the village. It was his father, and there were two horse bandits next to him. , I will immediately let go of the bandit's head."

The two horse bandits kept their eyes open and said to Little Six, "Since we are here, you should also show some sincerity. You first - look at us before letting go."

Little Six looked at the two bandits and said, "Okay, then do as you say."

After Xiaoliuzi finished speaking, he arranged for the villagers to release the head of the horse bandit quickly. The head of the horse bandit was limped and walked by the village entrance. The two horse bandits saw that Xiaoliuzi still kept his promise, and waited until the horse bandit The head of the village came to the front, and at this time the two horse bandits released the village chief.

Xiao Liuzi will not let go of the leader of the horse bandit easily, but he must ensure that his father returns safely before he can take any action, otherwise he will harm his father.

Xiao Liuzi watched the two horse bandits leave the village with the head of the horse bandits at the entrance of the village.

At this time, Xiao Liuzi arranged for someone to follow closely behind, to see where their lairs were, and once they found out, they would immediately exterminate them, so that none of them would survive, including the kidnappers.

These kidnappers and these horse bandits were originally two groups. When the horse bandits went to rob the village, the kidnappers did not act, but just acted as his local king on the mountain.

But he heard that after his younger brother was arrested, he acted first, and kidnapped the village head at that time, so these horse bandits all defected to the kidnappers after they were replaced.

The head of the horse bandit said to the two horse bandits, "Let's go quickly, if they change their minds and come after us, then we will be in danger." The trail ran to the trail and went straight back to the kidnapper's lair.


Along the way, the horse bandit's head was suffocating, but as they got closer to the kidnapper's lair, they became more and more confident. As long as they could return to the kidnapper's place, they would be safe.

The two horse bandits took the head of the horse bandit and finally returned to the leggings. I saw my own brother. The two of them hugged each other and cried. celebrating.


The people sent by the little six sons followed behind until they reached the kidnapper's lair. At this time, they quietly left, returned to the village, and told Ye Qingxuan and the little six sons that their lair had been found out, and all the people gathered in the village. There.

Ye Qingxuan now admires all these things done by the little six sons, he is very smart, not so reckless, and very wise.

Little Six said to Ye Qingxuan, "Their lair has been found out, we can get rid of his lair at any time now, and wipe out all those people. None of them can be let go. Letting one go will pose a threat to the villagers. We The kidnapping of the father is a precedent." Gate.

Chapter 580 Majesty

Ye Qingxuan nodded and said to Little Six, "I'll leave this matter to you, it's enough for you to bring the lion."

Little Six looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Aren't you coming with me this time?"

Old, haha ​​smiled, and said to Little Six, "I won't go in face, but secretly I will protect you.

Don't worry, you still have to capture all of them alive from the "590" and execute them in front of the villagers, so that the villagers can feel at ease. "

Little Six knew what Ye Qingxuan meant, if he told the villagers to suppress the bandits and went there himself, and then came back and said that the bandits were all killed, the villagers would not believe it, and would live in fear every day.

Ye Qingxuan wants me to capture them all alive and deal with them in front of the villagers, so that the villagers will believe that they will not worry so much in the future, and they will also establish their dignity.

After Ye Qingxuan discussed with Little Six, Little Six knocked on the hole in the yard again, anxious for all the villagers to gather.

After all the villagers heard the ringing of the bell, they all rushed to gather at the door of the village head's house from each house. They were very fast, and all these villagers came to the door of the village head's house.

At this time, the village chief was frightened and had some skin injuries, so he didn't come out to preside over the matter, and he was recuperating in the house. Now all the matters are left to Xiaoliuzi to handle.

Little Six took two steps forward and told the villagers that my father was abducted by Wang Wei two days ago and was frightened. People have been following, now that I have found out the whereabouts of those horse bandits, I am going to catch them all now.

None of the people who let go will run away, I will catch them all back.

At this time, the villagers were very angry, and all of them were very high-spirited. They shouted inside, "These guys dare to attack the people in our village. They must not be let go. They must all be arrested."

Xiao Liu took a look and said to the villagers, "This matter must be resolved quickly. I'm leaving soon. I'm afraid that there will be long nights and dreams. If they move places, it will be difficult for us to find them. I will send them to the village. The second fat man can take it with him, the others are on standby, and no one is allowed to run around..."

After the little six finished speaking, he told the second fat man to take the rope and follow me. Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man left the village and rushed to the bandit den on the mountain.

The blind dates are still very worried at this time, after all, they have seen the viciousness of those gangsters, and it may be more or less auspicious if only a few of them go to arrest their lair.

The villagers are praying for these people at home, hoping that they can return safely.

Ye Qingxuan, the second fat man, and the little six sons, according to the place the informant said, rushed there non-stop along the way, fearing that they would be late, and these horse bandits left.

Then it's really hard to find trouble. At that time, it will be a bit difficult to catch all of them at 5.6. This time is definitely an excellent opportunity.

Ye Qingxuan ran forward with the second fat man and the little six, when they were about to reach the place.

Ye Qingxuan said to Xiao Liuzi, "We are going to tie them all back this time, it seems that we need to trouble those tiger friends, there are at least thirty of them, in case a few of them escape.

Chapter 581 Siege

Then there will be endless troubles in the future, let the tigers surround them, and the rest will be easy to handle. "

Little Six looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Then it's not too late, I have to trouble the lion and call its tiger friends over."

Ye Qingxuan said to the lion at this time, "You still have to gather your tiger friends here."

After hearing this, the lion roared from the sky, and then lay down there. Ye Qingxuan, the second fat man and the little six had a rest on the spot, waiting for the arrival of those tigers and preparing to start action.

Not long after, these tigers came rushing from all directions. Little Six was very happy to see these old friends, and went up to pet them one by one. They liked them very much.

Ye Qingxuan said to Little Six, "Follow the previous method, let's go out and let the tigers wait here, and let them surround them when it's critical."

After Little Six and Ye Qingxuan finished studying the countermeasures, Ye Qingxuan and Little Six only asked about the gangster's lair, and asked the second fat man to stay and guard.

Ye Qingxuan and Xiao Liu went straight to that cave, and when they reached the entrance of the cave, Ye Qingxuan heard the sound of eating and drinking inside, Ye Qingxuan knew that all these horse bandits were here.

Little Six yelled directly inside, and the tigers all ran out from the inside, and they all ran out with the stuff in their hands. Although they were more or less injured, they still ran out with the stuff.

The bandit saw Xiao Liuzi and Ye Qingxuan angry, so he didn't fight together, the big man pointed at Xiao Liuzi with a big knife in his hand and said, "You really don't know how to live or die, you dare to come to me if I didn't look for you!" , I will let you die here today."

This big brother's own brother also came out behind him. There were not many people here. There were 8 people and his brother's big brother, a total of more than 40 people. They all ran out and surrounded Ye Qingxuan and Xiaoliuzi. .

The big brother said to Ye Qingxuan, "You **** who don't know how to live or die, dare to come here after injuring my younger brother. I'll let you all die here in a while, and no one will come back alive."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the big man and said, "You guys do a lot of evil, and you all ask for it. Since I dared to come today, I was prepared. It's not like you don't know how powerful I am. If you put down the butcher knife, I might let you go!" On the one hand, let you go, if you have to fight me head-on, then don't blame my ruthless subordinates."

The big brother was already very angry, so he picked up the big knife and asked Ye Qingxuan, it seems that Ye Qingxuan kicked the big knife flying, and then kicked the big brother to the ground with a roundabout kick.

The big brother stood up, picked up the big knife and rushed out to Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan won't show mercy this time, he won directly, and punched the big brother hard in the face, his face was full of tears at that time. Blood was knocked to the ground, screaming and calling Keli to roll.

Hitting quickly, he saw that his brother was beaten here. Although he was injured, he had to go all out at this time. He picked up his mace and ran towards Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan dodged back, the mace was empty, and then he kicked the big guy to the ground, and punched the big guy **** the waist.

Chapter 582

At this time, the big guy was covering his waist and rolling around, and just like that, the two brothers were beaten and screamed, rolling all over the floor.

When the other gangsters saw this situation, they all took out their tools and rushed towards Ye Qingxuan and the little six. Ye Qingxuan and the little six came to sweep the legs, and each of them swept half of them. These people were all knocked to the ground .

After the horse bandits lay on the ground, they all stood up immediately, some with knives, some with sticks and wheels, and they all hit Ye Qingxuan and Little Six.

Ye Qingxuan jumped up high, and made a 180-degree turn, knocking all these people down again.

Ye Qingxuan grabbed a horse bandit's ruthless punch, flew out, hit the stone in the cave, fell to the ground, and screamed there.

A few horse bandits were about to run away due to the chaos, Ye Qingxuan whistled at this time.

After these tigers heard the whistle, they all ran here, and chased back the horse bandits who were about to escape just now. Twenty tigers surrounded these bandits, and the lion swaggered behind them.

Ye Qingxuan and Little Six also came over and looked at the troubles, laughed and said to the big guy, "I gave you a chance just now, and you all know how good we are, but you just refused to admit defeat, it's okay now, you say this What should I do?"

The big man and the horse bandits didn't dare to move after seeing the tiger, they didn't dare to breathe, they knelt down on the ground and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Just let us go this time, we didn't plan to go down the mountain after the hostage exchange up.

After disbanding these brothers, I went home to farm. I really didn’t dare to bother you anymore. We resisted you today because we saw you surrounded us. Please forgive us. "

Ye Qingxuan looked at the sixth child and smiled, and said to the bandits, "If you don't forgive me, I'm right. The folks have the final say. If they don't pursue it, we will let you go." , if they don’t agree, none of you will live.”

At this time, Ye Qingxuan called the second fat man over, tied the hands of these troublesome people together with a rope, and finally lined up and practiced, let them go back to the village to intercede with the villagers.

Not long after, Ye Qingxuan, the second fat man and the little six brought all these more than 40 horse legs to the village, and when they arrived at the gate of the village chief's house, they all stood in a row and knelt there.

All the folks came here at this time, surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside, and the six boys stood up and said to everyone, "Brothers, these horse bandits are doing a lot of evil. Just now I went to his lair to arrest them." I tied them all back, and the folks have the final say on how to dispose of these treasures."

At this time, the villagers all gave Lao Liu a thumbs up, thinking that this boy was quite reliable in his work, and thought that after he went, there would be more bad luck, but he didn't expect (Li Nuo's) that there were only so few people, and these 40 people It's really a trick to tie them all back.

Ye Qingxuan evacuated the tigers before going down the mountain.

These babies also knew in their hearts that even if there were no tigers, they would not be the opponents of Ye Qingxuan and Xiao Liuzi, so no one dared to resist, and they could go wherever they were told.

At this time, the village head heard the noise outside and came out of the house. Although he was injured a little, it didn't matter.

Chapter 583 The Entire Army Was Annihilated

When he came out, he saw his son, Xiaoliuzi, who had brought all the kidnappers back. He was very relieved. He felt that his son had grown up and could finally take the place of the village chief, and he could rest and retire.

The folks lost their minds at this time, and everyone shouted, "Kill them all, these people are vicious, and they will definitely do bad things after they are released. Many of our folks died at their hands No matter what you say, you can’t let them go this time.”

At this time, the sixth child walked up to the big man, grabbed the big man and said to the big man, "You can't blame me for this. The folks let you die, and you will definitely not live today."

This big guy knelt on the ground and kowtowed, begging for mercy, never mind again, give 590 chances to be a new man?

Ye Qingxuan and Xiaoliuzi didn't want to die suddenly, they just wanted them not to do bad things like this in the future, but the villagers hated them deeply, because many relatives died at their hands, so think of their love for him The feeling is different.

Ye Qingxuan knew that if they were released, they would definitely make a comeback, so they would never worry.

Just when Ye Qingxuan was still hesitating, a dozen of Rafael appeared again, all holding a thing in their hands, rushing straight to the village.

Ye Qingxuan (ccfg) didn't expect that there were quite a lot of these ponytail language files at this time, and today they happened to have a pot of their little six sons, and there were not many people around, so there was no fear.

But when the big man saw someone coming, their mood changed, and they no longer begged Ye Qingxuan, but started threatening.

The big guy said to Ye Qingxuan, "My brothers have come to rescue me. If you let me go, I'll tell them not to let them harm the village. Let's stop here for today, and I won't bother you in the future."

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, and said to the big man, "If you guys don't come, I really want to let you go. Once they come, you think you can go crazy again, don't you? I've changed my mind now, you guys Everyone must die here today."

The little six said to the big guy over there, "Don't say that there are 10 times more people here, and I won't be afraid. See how I catch you all."

After the little six finished speaking, he got on a horse and ran straight to the entrance of the village. The eight horse bandits ran up to the eight horse bandits and said, "Your accomplice, the big guy, is in my hands, and his brother is here." Here, just relying on the few of you to want to save her, it is really wishful thinking."

These 8 Ah Fei didn't know Little Liu's ability at all, and the 8 horse bandits who came from him alone were very arrogant.

These horse bandits didn't say anything, and ran to Xiaoliuzi with their big knives. It seems that Xiaoliuzi got off the horse directly, and the superior punched the horse on the back, and the horse knocked him over. The horse bandit who worshiped fell down directly, and Xiao Liuzi immediately kicked the horse bandit aside, lying there screaming.

The other horse bandits all rushed over, all holding the guys, and the little six went up to meet them without a flash. After a high jump into the air, a beautiful roundabout kick knocked these people off the horse. Kicked him on the back, and then the little six rode on a horse bandit, and he hit him with punches and punches.

Chapter 584 Spirituality

The horse bandit slapped the bandit on the face and yelled, and then two horse bandits came over and tied the rope to Xiao Liuzi. The bandits were wheeled out at that time, and two more horse bandits came behind, holding maces in their hands and directly hitting Lao Liu. Lao Liu dodged.

The mace of the horse bandit was empty, Ye Qingxuan immediately kicked one flying, and then punched another one down, at this time, a horse bandit locked the neck of the little six from behind .

Little Liuzi slammed forward and directly threw the horse bandit to the front, and then Little Liuzi fell all the way on his body. The beating was screaming, and after a while, the eight horse legs were directly knocked down by Xiaoliuzi.

When I was young, many folks came over and saw that Little Six had put down all the eight horse legs by himself. Then these folks rushed to help, and tied the eight horsetails together with a rope, and then brought them together. At the gate of the village chief's house, all the horse bandits before him knelt here.

Ye Qingxuan looked at Little Six, and after taking care of all the eight horse bandits, he walked up to Little Six and said, "How many of them came here?"

The little six laughed, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Only these 8 people, these 8 people, didn't know how to live or die, I took them all and none of them ran away."

Ye Qingxuan walked up to these eight horse bandits, grabbed a horse bandit and pulled him up from the ground, and said to the horse bandits, "How many more do you have?"

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