Chapter 561

Ye Qingxuan asked Er Fatty and the lion to hide inside for a while, fearing that some stone residue would hurt them.

Ye Qingxuan saw that the second fat man and his index finger had already avoided it, and then launched a fierce fight to the sky with his internal force. The stones in front of him flew in a mess and disappeared into the sky, and then fell down everywhere, but they were all gone. Turned into small pieces.

Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man saw that there was no stone that could block their way, and then Ye Qingxuan, the second fat man and the lion crawled out from the gap between the rocks.

Soon they broke away, and this time they were trapped on the ground. When they came to the canyon, Ye Qingxuan hurriedly found the injured elephant and took a look. There was a lot of blood on the elephant's leg. Dying feeling, he knew that the elephant was in pain and was very tired there.

Ye Qingxuan meditated on the spot, clasped his hands together, began to use the true energy in his body, and then stroked the elephant's leg with one hand. The injured leg suddenly glowed blue for a while.

The blue light gradually disappeared, Ye Qingxuan then stood up, after a while the elephant got better, as if nothing had happened, the elephant stood up and walked around, screaming towards the sky roared.

Ye Qingxuan knew that he was healed, and he was so happy that he didn't have any pain anymore.

The elephant stroked Ye Qingxuan's body with its trunk. Ye Qingxuan understood that this was the elephant's gratitude to him for being friendly. Ye Qingxuan also touched the elephant with his hand, thanking them very much for coming to rescue them at this time.

All the small animals around are roaring there, as if they are celebrating victory. The animals here are very harmonious, they don't attack each other, and they get along very well.

Seeing this scene, Ye Qingxuan was also very relieved. He never thought that such a place exists. It is not easy for all animal species to live in peace.

Ye Qingxuan, the second fat man and the lion sent off these friends living in the forest, Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man still need to move on.

All the animals present at the scene just now are very spiritual. They are by no means ordinary wild animals. They all have the potential to cultivate. They are all friends of the lion for many years. As long as the deceased is in the future, no matter how far away, they will come. .

Ye Qingxuan and Er Fatty saw off these friends in the forest and continued on their way. They crossed the Grand Canyon that night. They felt that there were many dangerous factors in it, so they did not stay here at night, but chose to Get out of here overnight.

On the second day, when it was just dawn, they walked out of the Grand Canyon, which was an empty grassland.

They never imagined that there is such a beautiful scenery behind this mountain, it is really like a paradise, like another world.

The second fat man was also extremely excited. It was not in vain to come out with Ye Qingxuan this time. He gained a lot of knowledge and saw a different world. Although he experienced some hardships, it was still worth it.

Ye Qingxuan came to this grassland, it is really a grassland that stretches as far as the eye can see.

There are mountains on one side, grassland mountains and grasslands on the other, and a very wide river in the middle. Ye Qingxuan, Er Fatty and the lion followed the river downstream and walked close to the foot of the mountain.

Chapter 562 Unpredictable Weather

The weather here is really changeable, just now it was clear that there were no clouds for a long time, and then the dark clouds covered and it rained heavily, Ye Qingxuan thought to himself that it was fortunate that he walked out of the valley overnight.

Otherwise, they don't know what kind of danger will happen. At this time, in the open place, they feel safe and superfluous, and they speed up their pace. They want to find a place that can shelter from the wind and rain to rest, and the rain begins to slowly increase.

Ye Qingxuan found a shack in front of him, it looked like a place where someone lived, Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man ran all the way here, and they entered the shack directly, the shack was built reasonably, and it was very high from the ground, it seems It's run by locals here.

The top of this shack is covered by some tree leaves, and the rainwater slides down to the rear along these leaves, so the shack is still quite dry. Ye Qingxuan and Er Fatty stayed in the shack for a long time to hide from the rain. At this time, it’s here. At noon the sky cleared up and the rain stopped.

Ye Qingxuan came out of the shack, looked at the sky, it was unpredictable, and stopped after a while, Ye Qingxuan, the second fat man and the lion looked at the surrounding environment, they hadn't had enough food for several days, so they I decided to find some food near this shack, take a rest, and continue on the road.

Ye Qingxuan went to get some cars, and asked Er Fatty to get some dry firewood to start a fire here. Ye Qingxuan knew that the animals around here were very spiritual, so Ye Qingxuan didn't hunt any animals, but just found some wild fruits.

They roasted around the fire and ate wild fruits.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan saw a person running from a distance, Ye Qingxuan got up and watched this person slowly approaching.

The stranger walked up to Ye Qingxuan and said, "Who are you guys? Why did you come here〃?"

Ye Qingxuan stood up and looked at the stranger and said, "We are passers-by here. We saw a Walker here and wanted to take a short rest here."

The strange man looked at the shack, and then said to Ye Qingxuan, "I built this shack. I am a sheep herder. Sometimes I will rest here when I walk here."

Ye Qingxuan looked at this man, and then looked behind him. There was indeed a herd of sheep in the distance. Ye Qingxuan immediately understood, and said to this strange man, "We will leave after eating."

The strange man said to Ye Qingxuan, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to drive you away, I passed by here today while herding sheep, and I planned to take a rest here, but I'll continue walking down here after you are here, so it won't affect your rest. "

The head laughed hahaha, and said to the stranger, "This shack is really well built, and it is very big. Even if you stay here, there is enough space. There are only two of us. As long as it doesn't rain, it's the same to rest outside. .”

The shepherd said, "Well, then we have (Li Li's) companion, then we will rest here together tonight, and I will drive the flock here later."

After the shepherd finished speaking, he went to his flock and drove all the sheep over. This flock is not big, it can have thirty or forty sheep, and there is also a shepherd dog.

When the shepherd brought the flock here, let the shepherd dog watch the flock. The shepherd walked up to Ye Qingxuan and said, "I see you are following a lion, you seem to be very obedient.".

Chapter 563

Ye Qingxuan was very strange at this time. Everyone would be afraid and hide when they saw a lion. Not only was this shepherd not afraid, but he also felt that all this was normal. He just asked so casually, which was really strange.

Ye Qingxuan said to the shepherd, "Aren't you afraid when you see a lion?"

The shepherd smiled and said, "I grew up here since I was a child. All the animals in this forest are very spiritual. They never hurt people. I have seen many lions like this one that are more ferocious than this one." But we all live in peace, and they don't come to harm me, nor my sheep."

Listening to what the shepherd said, Ye Qingxuan thought to himself, it seems that this is really a magical land, and the animals here are really friendly. When I was trapped in the crevice of the rock just now, 553 was rescued by these animals.

The shepherd said, "Even those carnivores don't take the initiative to attack other animals, they just pick up the carcasses of other animals or eat some wild fruits."

The second fat man asked the shepherd, "Why do you herd your family alone? Are there other herdsmen? What do people here live on?"

The shepherd looked at Er Fatty and said, "Most people here make a living by farming, and there are a few families that herd sheep like me. After walking through this mountain, there are seventy or eighty families in our village. Many people (ccfg), if you keep going, you will pass by our village. It took me 10 and a half days to herd sheep. There was a lot of rain in these two days. I should go back to the village and come out to herd sheep after the rainy season is over. .”

The second fat man looked at the shepherd and said, "That's just right, we can walk together tomorrow, and we are also heading south."

The shepherd said, "That's great. Come to my house as a guest in the village and have a good rest before you go on your way."

As soon as Ye Qingxuan heard about it, "Would that be too disturbing?"

The shepherd looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "What's bothering you? It's normal to have a helping hand when you're away from home. You can go to my house. I'll kill the sheep and eat it for you."

Ye Qingxuan chatted with Er Fatty and the shepherd in the shed, talking and laughing, they fell asleep before they knew it, the shepherd got up very early at dawn, he put all the sheep together, Ye Qingxuan The second fat man also got up, and after tidying up, he followed the shepherd and his flock to the village in the south.

Just arrived at this village, it was already dark, and it happened to be a day of walking. After the shepherd entered the village, he greeted all the villagers. The shepherd lived in the innermost part of the village.

It has to go through the whole village to reach his home. Ye Qingxuan, Er Fatty and the lion are following the villagers here to feed. They are not afraid of lions. Some large animals can be seen everywhere, and some villagers even feed these animals. They didn't eat them. Some of them may come to the villagers' homes to eat.

All animals are very spiritual, and they cannot touch people without the consent of the villagers, so the villagers here have very special feelings for animals, and they never hurt these small animals.

No one in this village relies on hunting for a living. They all focus on farming. When the farming is off, they will go to the mountains to collect some herbs and sell them in the nearby market.

Ye Qingxuan observed the living conditions of the villagers in the village.

Chapter 564

While following the shepherd, he walked to the southernmost part of the village. The shepherd's house is very big, and the yard is very big, because the sheep he raises must have a place to put them, so the yard is much larger than that of ordinary farmers.

The shepherd is at home, parents, daughter-in-law, and children are all there. This is really a happy and harmonious family. The parents look young and in good health. They mainly farm at home, and the daughter-in-law takes care of the children. Cooking, this family has a clear division of labor and gets along very well.

The old man was very happy to see his son came back from driving sheep, because he had been away for more than 10 days this time and he was looking forward to his son's return. His wife was even more happy. Just hug Dad.

Ye Qingxuan and Er Fatty looked at this happy little family in front of them, and they were really envious. The villagers here are very friendly, and the animals on the mountain never attack people. This place is really different from other places, it is really outstanding.

The shepherd introduced Ye Qingxuan and Er Fatty to his parents, wife and children. They greeted each other, and then the shepherd's wife told everyone that dinner was ready. After the shepherd's wife prepared the meal, he didn't After eating at the table, he went to the west room to tidy up, and then set the Kang on fire. He knew that these guests would stay at home tonight.

The shepherd's son played with the lion in the yard. The child was not afraid of the lion at all, and he was having fun. The shepherd dog also ran over to play with the lion and the child.

The villagers here are very enthusiastic. The neighbors saw the shepherd’s house coming, so they took the food and drink from the house here. The shepherd saw that it was getting late, so he lit a fire next to the dining table, and the whole family sat on the fire. Beside, drinking wine and eating meat, it is really peaceful.

Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man went back to the west room to put it away after they were full of wine and food, because he was really tired after walking for so many days, so he really wanted to sleep, the hot kang was really exciting, Ye Qingxuan lay down After going up for a while, I fell asleep very soundly. The hot kang head~ really relieved fatigue.

When Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man woke up, the exhaustion of so many days disappeared without a trace, and they felt very relaxed. After eating a full meal and sleeping on the hot kang, it was so blissful.

····Ask for flowers·····-······

The second fat man woke up on the second day, looked at the warm sunshine outside and came out from the west room, and stretched his waist. It had been a long time since he felt so relaxed.

Ye Qingxuan suddenly saw a lot of people coming from the south, he didn't know what was going on, just like. Like refugees, some were pushing carts, some were holding children, they looked in a state of distress, unlike the people in Japanese villages, Ye Qingxuan didn't quite understand at this moment.


The shepherd also heard the sound at this time, walked out of the house, looked to the south, and then went up to meet him. The shepherd's father also came out of the house, and he was also confused when he saw the situation. walked over.

Then the people came to the door of the shepherd's house.

It looked like there were sixty or seventy people, and these people knelt down in front of the shepherds and said, "There's a disaster at home and we can't survive, can you take us in?"

The shepherd's father is also the head of the village. All the big and small things in the village, the villagers will come to the village head to discuss.

Chapter 565 Refugees

Today the village chief was stunned when he saw so many outsiders, not knowing what happened to them.

Ye Qingxuan walked up to the shepherd and said, "What's going on?"

The shepherd pulled Ye Qingxuan aside, "It seems that the village below has suffered some disaster, it's all right, my dad is the village head here, let him handle it."

Ye Qing "560" Xuan looked at what the shepherd said, "You still have a village chief here, so your father can decide these things?"

The shepherd said, "Actually, I should have accepted this village chief a long time ago. The rule here is that the village chief of the 4-line system can only be produced in our family. The day I quit, I will hand it over to my son. That's it. Make more efforts than ordinary people, my father is getting old, I always want to take over, his father didn't control me well, and he didn't let me manage the village for a long time."

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and said to the shepherd, "In that case, I will have to call you the village head from now on."

Then Ye Qingxuan and the shepherd laughed loudly.

Ye Qingxuan and the village chief were waiting here for his father to talk to those people.

After the village chief finished talking to the refugees, he called out to Little Six, come here.

The shepherd walked over, Ye Qingxuan only then knew that the shepherd was called Xiaoliuzi, after Xiaoliuzi passed by, he was discussing something with his father there, after all, Ye Qingxuan was a foreigner, it was not convenient to meddle in the affairs here, so he did not say.

Ye Qingxuan looked at their busy work inside and out, let all the men rest in place, then gathered some people from the village, got some food, and let these people have a simple meal.

The village chief and Little Six were so busy that Ye Qingxuan left, and came over to Little Six and said, "What's going on with these refugees? What happened?"

Xiao Liuzi said, "There is such a village 50 miles away below. It was occupied by some bandits. After the bandits arrived at the village, they began to burn, kill and loot. The remaining villagers ran here overnight. They ran for three days and three days. It’s only here at night, my father just asked the villagers to get some food, let them settle down first, and then make other plans.”

Ye Qingxuan understood everything when he heard it. It turned out that the nearby village was occupied by bandits, so this group of people fled all the way here....

The little six looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "It seems that you can't leave even if you want to. It's not smooth ahead, so you can stay here for now. There are so many refugees here and they need someone to take care of them. You can also be my helper."

Those who are very willing to stay here have food, drink, and hot kang. Ye Qingxuan can also see what the second fat man is thinking, so Ye Qingxuan feels that the second fat man has really worked hard during this period. After all, he is a mortal who can keep up. Any complaints would really embarrass her, so Ye Qingxuan decided to stay here and rest for a few more days.

The village head was busy there to settle the villagers 5.6, temporarily bought some food for them, let them rest where they were, and then called all the villagers. There are sixty or seventy households in total. Personally, each family accepts one, no matter male, female, old or young, let them have food and a place to live temporarily, and then slowly figure out a way for the next thing.

There is also a highly respected person among the names voted for at this moment.

Chapter 566 Settling Refugees

These more than 60 people listened to his arrangements, and this person was arranged to live in the village head's house. In order to facilitate mutual understanding, this person was allowed to live in the village head's house.

Ye Qingxuan, the second fat man, the village chief, the little six, and the heads of the refugees sat down together and talked about what happened a few days ago, and Ye Qingxuan learned about it through chatting.

The grandsons of these people live a very naive life without worrying about food and clothing. From nowhere in your life, more than 30 bandits came out. These bandits entered the village and started burning, killing and looting, and killed many villagers.

There are a total of more than 100 people in their village, and now there are more than 60 people left. The wounded and the wounded fled. These bandits occupied their houses, robbed their 22 fields, and cattle and sheep. Nothing was brought out. , If you can survive, it is already a life.

There are still some villagers who have already separated, and they may still not come out of the mountain. The people from the brigade followed, and they are all here.

The respected old man told the village chief that coming here really messed you up, and we have nothing to repay you, so let us live here temporarily and figure out how to get back.

The village head is also very flooded at this time, but I don’t know what to do. Every household can afford it if there are more than one person, but there is a family of five or six people who cannot live together, and they can only live here temporarily. , is not a long-term solution.

At that time, everyone lost their minds. The village chief said to the old man, "Since you are here, don't think about anything. Everyone will take care of the people in your village. We are thinking about ways to take back your village."

After setting up all the villagers, it was already dark at this time, everyone went to rest, no matter what happened, let's talk about it the next day.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan found Xiao Liuzi and did it with Xiao Liuzi, "What do you think should be done about this matter?"

Little Six thought about it, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "According to the old man, there are more than 30 bandits. It is not easy to drive these people away. Even if they are driven away, they will come back one day. It is the villagers in their village who are constantly suffering from such grievances, and these people may one day kill our village to rob our village, this is all possible."

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and said to Xiaoliuzi, "It's time for you to perform meritorious service. I can settle this matter at this time. If I put all my efforts on you, your father can retire. The village chief You can take over and give a father a break."

Little Six looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "Things are like this, but how can I deal with those bandits with my current ability?"

Ye Qingxuan said to Xiaoliuzi, "Don't worry about this, I can help you kill those bandits and Song Zi, and help the villagers return to their own homes."

Little Six asked Ye Qingxuan, saying, "It's not an easy task to get rid of those bandits, how can you help me, even with the strength of the two of us."

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