These people left and came in and said to the young man, "The villagers went to find it just now. I said that there should be a master in our village. Everyone agreed to let you come out to be the head of this village, the person who is the master of the house. No matter what Whether it’s the town or the village, if you’re undecided about something, I’ll let you make up your mind. The folks recommended some of us old guys to discuss this matter with you. This is what the villagers mean. You see— what?"

While talking here, the old lady who was busy in the kitchen also heard it, and hurried out. The old lady heard what the villagers said.

The old lady took a few steps directly and said to the villagers, "My son He Dehe can be your boss, he can't, he is still a child."


The folks said to the old lady, "Old lady, you don't know, your son is very successful now, just yesterday he drove away all the landlord and those thugs, and killed the landlord and his son , and confiscated all the properties of the landlord’s family, and built a few roads for our town, and now they have started to build roads?”


The old lady couldn't believe it at all. The old lady was bedridden all the time. He didn't know what happened outside, and she lived in a remote place.

The old lady looked at her son and said, "Did you really kill that landlord?"

The young man looked at his mother and said, "Which landlord and his thugs are doing a lot of evil, sooner or later someone will take care of them. Even if I don't take care of them today, someone will take care of them."

At first, the old lady thought that this kid was in trouble again, but now it seems that the villagers are so supportive of him, and they have given him the lotus flower of the landlord, and there are no more evil forces, so the old lady is relieved at this time.

At this time, the young man said to the villagers, "I know that everyone's consciousness door.

Chapter 555 The Hope of the Whole Village

But I'm afraid I won't be able to do this for the village chief, but if anyone in the village dares to bully others, I will definitely not stand by and watch. Don't worry, as for the village chief, I think I'll forget it. "

At this time, the village representative said to the young man, "How is this possible? Since you are elected as the village head, you are the plenipotentiary representative. No one disapproves of you. Now everyone is optimistic about you. The power of all people can be unanimously external."

The young man was about to refuse, but Ye Qingxuan listened clearly and understood the stakes here, Ye Qingxuan walked over and said to the young man, "Since this is the case, don't refuse any more, after all, you are doing something good for the village. Why do you want to decline? I think you can ignore your young age, but if you think about the folks in everything you do, you are qualified."

At this time, the villagers all echoed Ye Qingxuan and said, "That's right, everyone obeys you now, so you have this cohesiveness. If you choose someone else to be the village chief, most people will not accept it, and the hearts of the people will disperse, which is not good for you." , Now that the landlord is gone, what he has said in this place doesn’t matter, we must elect a head of the family, and this person must be you, so don’t refuse any more.”

The young man never expected that he wanted to get his own things back, but unexpectedly became the village head for no reason. Since the villagers all recommended him, the young man did his part.

The young man said to the villagers, "Originally I had a personal grievance with the landlord, and I just wanted to return my own things. Now that the landlord has been eliminated by me, everyone recommends me so much. If I continue to refuse, I will be a little clueless. Well, then I will need everyone to help me after I take this job, we are all on the same page, and no bullying of the common people is allowed.”

At this time, all the villagers applauded enthusiastically, and there were shouts. The old lady was very happy to see her son. He thought that his son had gone out today, and he was very happy for his son. Dare to bully their family, and will respect their family very much.

In front of all the villagers, the young man directly set three rules.

First, it is not allowed to gather and fight...

Second, no gambling is allowed.

Third, do not oppress the good.

If anyone dares to break these three rules, it is against me. I will never allow anyone in the town to do such a thing.

Ye Qingxuan immediately understood that he knew the rule of no gambling, he had experienced it personally, losing a lot of money there would make people lose their fighting spirit, so he added the no gambling rule.

The owner of the casino was among the crowd. He heard this, and then he squeezed in and said to the young man, "I will make a statement today. My casino will be closed today, and it will never be opened again. I will In the future, I will study a small business, and I will be able to live, and I will never gamble 5.6 games in the future.”

At this time, the villagers applauded warmly for the owner of the casino, and the young man also gave the owner of the casino a thumbs up.

In fact, all the common people know that gambling will ruin people’s lives, that losing fighting spirit will make people commit crimes, and that people will not follow the right path, so all the common people are very supportive of this rule.

Chapter 556

After the young man finished speaking, let the folks go back and do their own work.

The old lady went back to the kitchen and worked for a while, and the meal was ready. The meal was really rich, and the family sat in the yard and ate.

Ye Qingxuan said to the young man, "The landlord was killed by you, and you have become the village head, so you should manage this town well, and don't let crooked forces invade here. I'm here to give you a suggestion.

You should set up a village protection team, find some young and strong people in the town, and gather them together for training to resist some bad behaviors when they are not busy. You must have your own people, As long as it is more convenient for you to manage, many people will be afraid of you and obey you, and this will last long. "

The young man really made sense when he heard what Ye Qingxuan said. Otherwise, if someone disobeyed the management over time, it would be chaotic and might be divided into gangs. If I organize a team now, all the cohesion will be concentrated on me Here, people cannot be divided into gangs to distribute power, otherwise it will be chaotic.

At that time, Ye Qingxuan wanted the young man to avenge himself and take back his own things. Ye Qingxuan imparted some mana to the young man, but Ye Qingxuan did not take back all of it. Ye Qingxuan felt that the young man should have some skills so that he could suppress other people, otherwise someone would Disobedient to the management, although Ye Qingxuan only reserved a little mana for the young man, but this mana is enough for him to use, his current strength is much higher than ordinary people.

While eating, Ye Qingxuan said to the young man and the old lady, "We are passing by, we want to go to Demon Realm, have you heard of this place?"

The young man thought for a while and said to Ye Qingxuan, "The place you mentioned must be far away, I have never heard of these words."

Ye Qingxuan became confused again at this time, you thought it was not far from the Demon Realm, but the young man has never heard of it, what's going on?

At this time, the old lady thought for a while, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I heard about these two words when I was young, but I don't dare to calibrate them now. When I was young, I heard the old man say that there are many magical things in it. Then When I was young, I listened to it as a story, and I seem to have an impression of the two words you mentioned just now."

Ye Qingxuan regained his energy at this time, and then said to the old lady, "You know anything else about the Demon Realm, tell me about it, which place is very important to me."

The old lady thought for a while and said, "When I was young, when the old people mentioned this place name, they would talk about ghosts, 547, gods, etc. I was very scared and didn't dare to listen, but I did have those two words. impression."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the old lady, and said, "Then do you know where the Demon Realm is? How far is it from here? What information about him can you remember? You told me everything."

The old lady chuckled, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "It's been so many years since this happened, and it's all legends. The news should be inaccurate. They say it's all over the place. They say it's in the sky, where is the sky?" , who knows."

Ye Qingxuan thought to himself at this time, only after arriving in the Demon Realm can he know the whereabouts of the Flame Mountain and the Kunlun Staff and the Flame Qilin.

Chapter 557

Ye Qingxuan said to the old lady and the young man, "Since you have nothing to do here, Er Fatty and I are going to go on the road tomorrow. We still have a lot of things to do, so we can't waste any more time. Let's say goodbye here." , we will leave tomorrow morning."

The young man immediately stood up and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Why can't you stay here for a few more days in such a hurry? You have helped me so much in the past few days since we met, and you are leaving before I have time to repay you? "

Ye Qingxuan looked at the young man and said, "Originally we were passing by here and saw someone here. We planned to rest for a night and then left. We happened to encounter something about your family, so we stayed for a few more days, so we can't delay our time now." You still have your own things to do, you don’t need to feel that you owe me anything, all of this should belong to you, we just did you a small favor, don’t take it too seriously.”

The young man knelt down in front of Ye Qingxuan with a plop and said, "Maybe it's just a small matter in your eyes, but it's a big deal to me. If you didn't show up, my mother and I would still be living in that crappy house." , and I can’t take revenge, my life that is worse than death is completely different now, all this has become like this because of your arrival, you have a great kindness to our family〃.”

Ye Qingxuan hurriedly supported the young man and said, "Take good care of your mother and do things for the village well. This is the greatest repayment to me. There is no need to say anything else."

Although the old lady didn't say anything, Ye Qingxuan saw the tears in her eyes. Ye Qingxuan said to the old lady, "We can't stay any longer, we must leave immediately. After we finish the matter, we will Will see you again."

The old lady didn't say anything, she knew very well in her heart that this was Ye Qingxuan comforting herself, the old lady thought about it and went back to the house after getting up.

This meal was very happy at the beginning, but everyone was very depressed at this time.

Ye Qingxuan thought to himself, it will be a matter of time before he has no way to leave, and he doesn't want to waste any more time.

In the blink of an eye, the second day arrived. It was just dawn. Ye Qingxuan got up and tidied up, and then called the second fat man. The two tidied up, took the lion with them, and were about to leave.

The old lady hurriedly left from the west room, came out and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I know you are leaving, but I can't keep you at all. I made some food overnight last night, so you can stay on the road."

After the old lady finished speaking, she called her son out of the kitchen. The old lady and her son didn't sleep all night, and they bought some cooked beef and some flatbread overnight. The young man packed a package from the kitchen and took it out to Ye Qingxuan. .

Ye Qingxuan didn't refuse, took the package on his back, and then left the young man's house with Er Fatty and Lice (Li Zhao).

The young man has been following Ye Qingxuan and the others, sending them out for a while.

Before parting, the young man even touched the lion's nose. The young man was also very reluctant to part with the lion, because they got along very well these days and liked the lion very much.

The young man watched Ye Qingxuan, Er Fatty and Four Fingers walk away slowly, and returned home until the young man was no longer in sight.

Chapter 558 Moving On

After the young man returned to the village, he started to organize a group of village protection teams according to the advice Ye Qingxuan gave him, to keep the side safe here, and started to get busy with his own affairs.

Ye Qingxuan, Er Fatty and the lion walked south along the way. Ye Qingxuan was a little confused as he walked. He didn't know whether this direction was right or not. After asking so many people, no one knew about Demon Realm, and no one knew about it. Flame Mountain.

The second fat man doesn't know anything. Since he left his mother, he has followed Ye Qingxuan. He will do whatever Ye Qingxuan asks him to do. He doesn't know where Ye Qingxuan wants to go and what he wants to do. He doesn't know anything. The second fat man is a very obedient person. people.

In this way, Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man walked for more than 10 days in a row, and they had already lost all their food. They hadn't had a serious meal for several days.

Ye Qingxuan has always wanted to find someone to take a good rest, but after walking for so many days without seeing a single person, Ye Qingxuan's body can still bear it. He is mainly worried about Er Fatty. After all, Er Fatty is just a mortal, and he can keep up with him. Very good, the second fat man didn't have any complaints, as long as Ye Qingxuan said to go, he would leave, stop as soon as he said, without saying anything, but Ye Qingxuan knew in his heart that the second fat man was very tired now.

Ye Qingxuan thought that since we couldn't find anyone, let's rest where we are. Ye Qingxuan said to the second fat man, "We have been walking for more than 10 days in a row, let's rest at the same place today, take a good rest for a day or two, and then leave."

Er Fatty was very happy when he heard it. Er Fatty was so tired when he was there, his legs didn't feel like his own.

Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man stopped by the river, drinking water and washing themselves briefly. The area around the river is fairly flat, without any forests.

Ye Qingxuan went to the river to catch some fish, Er Fatty went nearby to get some dry firewood, lit it, Ye Qingxuan and Er Fatty grilled the fish here.

Ye Qingxuan observed the surrounding environment while eating, this place is very quiet, Ye Qingxuan saw a gap in the middle of the mountain in front, like a valley Ye Qingxuan said to the second fat man, after we finish eating, we can go there to find a cover (ccfg) Where the wind and rain are kept out, I think the weather may rain at any time.

Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man continued to walk forward after eating the grilled fish. The valley was not far from here, and they walked there in a short while. There was a big stone gap between the mountains. The inside can shelter from the wind and rain, Ye Qingxuan and the two fat guys just got in and got some hay here, planning to spend the night here.

Ye Qingxuan's guess was right, it didn't take long before it started to rain, and the rain was very heavy, Er Fatty got some dry firewood nearby and lit it up, so that he wouldn't feel too cold, the more the rain The heavier it fell, it was like the legendary torrential rain, when there was lightning and thunder, the rain was getting harder and harder, fortunately they had a place to shelter from the wind and rain, otherwise they would have suffered disaster.

The cracks in this stone are really good, and it can also block the rain, just like a cave.

Unknowingly, Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man fell asleep, and the lion fell asleep there. At this time, a big thunder in the sky woke up Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man. When Ye Qingxuan woke up, the mountain suddenly collapsed, and a lot of big stones fell , instantly buried the stone seams.

Chapter 559 Trapped

Fatty Ye Qingxuan and the others were not injured, they were just buried by the pile of rocks, they were all big rocks, and they were buried in the crevices of the rocks.

Ye Qingxuan tried his best to push away the surrounding stones, but the stones didn't move at all. The gap between them was quite big, and it was still like a cave at that time, but the outside was surrounded by stones. Ye Qingxuan, the second fat man They still have a certain amount of room for movement, but they just can't get out Ye Qingxuan at this time, if I am trapped here by myself, it will be easier, I can break these stones directly with internal force, but there are two fat people There are lions, if I go straight out with the charm and break these stones, they will be smashed to pieces here some gravel will definitely hurt them.

So Ye Qingxuan didn't want to use internal force to break these things, Ye Qingxuan observed it, the gaps in the surrounding stones are very large, there should be a chance to climb out.

At this time, it was still raining heavily outside, Ye Qingxuan thought in his heart that he would sleep well today, have a good rest, and talk about things tomorrow.

Ye Qingxuan comforted the second fat man and said to the second fat man, "Don't worry, I think the gaps in the rocks are very large, we should be able to climb out, we will rest here tonight, don't think about anything, we will talk about it tomorrow."

Ye Qingxuan, the second fat man and the lion continued to sleep.

A drop of rain fell on Ye Qingxuan's face, waking Ye Qingxuan from his sleep. Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and looked around. It was the second day, the sun was already high, and the sun's rays shone through the cracks in the stone came in.

After Ye Qingxuan got up, he observed the surrounding environment. With the sunlight, he could see it more clearly. Ye Qingxuan saw that the pile of stones was really huge, and the gap between the stones was very small. It was not easy to climb out.

Ye Qingxuan looked inside the stone cave. There is so much money that there is no place to cover his body. If he breaks the stones with internal force, it will hurt Er Fatty and the lion. This method cannot be used until it is critical.

Ye Qingxuan took out the flaming sword casually, and started to swing the stones, smashing all the unobtrusive stones around them. At this time, they had more space to move around. Ye Qingxuan looked around and couldn't continue to fight. If you continue to fight, it will collapse at any time, which will be more dangerous.


Ye Qingxuan made a lot of noise when he was hitting the stone. At this time, Er Fatty and the lion woke up and came to look at the surrounding environment.

At this embarrassing moment, the lion came over and roared from the sky. Ye Qingxuan saw that the lion was a little abnormal today. Could it be that he was afraid? Why did he roar?


Ye Qingxuan came to the side of the lion, touched the lion's head with his hand and said to the lion, "Don't be afraid, I will find a way to let us out."

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, the lion didn't stop, it was still roaring.

Not long after, Ye Qingxuan found a lot of noisy voices. Ye Qingxuan looked through the cracks in the stone and saw a lot of animals, everything, tigers, wild cats, pangolins, monkeys, wild boars, elephants, and lions continued to roar here. These animals also barked, and Ye Qingxuan felt that these animals were all lions calling for help.

Chapter 560 Forest Friends

When Ye Qingxuan saw the elephant, he knew that he could help with this matter. Ye Qingxuan never thought that the lion would have the ability to unify all forest animals.

The other animals are watching from there, because they are too small, and only elephants can challenge these stones, but the strength of elephants is also limited. Although there are many elephants "five four seven", each one The stone was too big for them to move.

Seeing this, Ye Qingxuan directly imparted his internal strength to the elephant, and the elephant suddenly became stronger at this moment, and started rolling up these stones with his nose, one at a time, very powerful.

Ye Qingxuan was very happy when he saw this in the crevice of the stone, but he didn't expect it at this time. These animals came to help, thanks to the lions, these are the friends of the lions.

The lion roared in the crevices of the stones, and the elephants above moved the stones hard, using their big trunks to move the stones away one by one.

Ye Qingxuan never expected that the lion would play such a big role at this critical moment.

Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man looked at these elephants, and were very grateful when they were trying to carry them. At this moment, an elephant rolled up a big stone, but because it had just rained, the ground was rather slippery , The elephant didn't stand firm, and the left leg didn't help, and another stone was directly pressed on the elephant's leg. The elephant rolled up its trunk and roared.

Ye Qingxuan didn't see it well. An elephant was injured, and the stone might fall off at any time. In that case, the elephant's legs would be lost. At this critical moment, another elephant walked over. This time everyone tried their best to help His companion, nuzzled the stone off his leg, but his strength was absolutely limited.

The stone could not be moved, a total of 7 elephants came, all of them came to help, the remaining 6 elephants rolled up the stone with their trunks, and the elephant's leg finally got out of the crack of the stone. It came out, but there was already a lot of blood, the elephant couldn't stand up, and it seemed that the bones had been injured....

Ye Qingxuan was very anxious at this time, he wanted to go out to treat the elephant, that way the elephant would suffer less, but there are still a lot of crushed stones, if Ye Qingxuan used his internal force to break these stones, it would still be very dangerous, So Ye Qingxuan couldn't do that.

The lion watched all this from below and roared there again. The elephant above began to move the stone hugely again. Two elephants moved the elephant with the injured leg to the side, and then continued to move the stone.

This time the elephants moved the stones very carefully, fearing that the slippery soles of their feet would hurt them. These elephants have been working here all the time. It seems that it will be dark on 5.6, and many stones have been removed. Ye Qingxuan looked at it, and said to the lion, "Keep your lion friends away from here, I will use my internal force to break these stones, and we can go out.

The lion could completely understand Ye Qingxuan's meaning, and then roared again, seeing that the elephants left the scene one after another, and ran far away, and the injured elephants were also taken away by them.

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