Ye Qingxuan looked at Little Six, and then looked outside, it was getting dark at this time, Ye Qingxuan called Little Six to the river, Little Six followed behind, and he didn't know what Ye Qingxuan was going to do.

When they reached the river, Ye Qingxuan asked Little Six to find the thickest tree.

Chapter 567 Ye Qingxuan's Ability

Little Six walked around and found a tree. This tree was so thick that it couldn't be hugged by a single person. It was very thick. After Little Six found it, he called Ye Qingxuan over, and Ye Qingxuan walked up to the tree. , Without further ado, he went straight up, and with a slap of his palm, he split the tree into two pieces.

A very neat piece of tea, Xiao Liuzi was confused when he saw it, stared at Ye Qingxuan with wide eyes and couldn't speak.

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and said to Little Six, "Do you think my ability can help you drive away those bandits?"

This time, Little Six reacted and looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "How did you do it? What's the situation? Are you born with supernatural power? You are too powerful. If you hit someone, you won't be beaten alive." dead?"

Ye Qingxuan said to Xiao Liu, "The animals here are very understanding of human nature, and you can also take advantage of this."

As soon as Little Six heard Ye Qingxuan mention the animals here, Little Six suddenly realized that he could let the animals go with him to drive away these bandits.

Ye Qingxuan said to Xiaoliuzi, "My lion is not an ordinary lion. He has the ability to summon all the animals in the forest. A few days ago we were sheltering from the rain in the Grand Canyon in front of us, and then a landslide happened. We were buried by piles of stones. Then the lion roared and called all the animals, and the elephants rescued us with their trunks〃."

Xiao Liuzi was taken aback when he heard that, he didn't think that the animals here do have some spirituality, but they are things that don't harm people or harm the villagers, that's all, but he never thought that they can also be The concentration of animals is also a force that cannot be underestimated.

Xiao Liuzi became more and more enthusiastic as he listened, and he felt that he already had a way to drive those bandits away.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the sky and said to Xiaoliuzi, "Let's think about the specific method tonight. Let's study it tomorrow. How to defeat the enemy?"

Little Six nodded, and followed Ye Qingxuan back home, each went back to the house to rest, Little Six couldn't sleep at this moment, he was thinking about how to drive all the bandits out of that village.

Ye Qingxuan went to sleep after returning to the house, because he already had a plan in mind, but he just wanted the little six to complete this matter, one is to establish his dignity in the village, and he can also let his father retire and let the little six Liu Zi became the head of the village.

On the second day, Little Six found Ye Qingxuan early in the morning, and brought Ye Qingxuan to the river, where it was relatively quiet, and discussed with Ye Qingxuan how to retreat from the enemy.

Ye Qingxuan said to Xiao Liuzi, "¨¨I will let the lion call all his forest friends to help you. You go alone, and I will help you behind the scenes. If anything unexpected happens, I will take action in time to ensure your safety. .”

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he picked up a small stone from the ground (Li Wanghao) and hit it viciously into the distant river. The little six thought it was an indifferent action, but the little six saw a fish in the water, He was directly hit by Ye Qingxuan's index finger.

Little Six knows that this is definitely not accidental, Ye Qingxuan's ability is absolutely beyond imagination, the distance is so far and his shots are so accurate, it is absolutely no problem for Ye Qingxuan to protect me in secret, and Little Six's confidence has grown stronger .

Chapter 568 Plan

Ye Qingxuan said to Little Six, "Tomorrow you will ride my lion and bring his animal friends with you, and you will go to the village to settle accounts with those robbers, no matter whether they are here to use or to soften, you must drive them away. If they insist on not leaving.

You can start killing and don’t show any sympathy. They did too much evil in that village. They killed many villagers and robbed them of their belongings. "

Little Six said to Ye Qingxuan, "Before I go, I have to tell the villagers and my father."

Ye Qingxuan nodded, and said to Little Six, "Of course, you can figure out how to say it yourself."

Ye Qingxuan blew a whistle and called the lion over. The lion was playing with Er Fatty at home. Hearing Ye Qingxuan's whistle, he ran out of the house and ran all the way to the river.

Seeing the lion coming, Ye Qingxuan said to the lion, "A lot of refugees came to this village, because their village was occupied by some bandits. We want to **** it back and drive those bandits away. Now I need your help, you Call all your forest friends."

The lion immediately understood what Ye Qingxuan meant, and then roared at me from the sky. After a while, I saw 20 tigers coming from all directions. These tigers looked very ferocious, but they All obey the command of the lion.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Liuzi was so shocked that he couldn't speak, his eyes widened and he didn't know what to do.

Ye Qingxuan said to the lion, "Call your friends at this time tomorrow, and together we will go to that village and kill all the more than 30 robbers. You must obey the order of Xiaoliuzi, cooperate with him, and drive away those robbers."

Right after Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, the lion and 20 tigers all roared into the sky, as if they understood (ccfg).

Ye Qingxuan explained all the things that should be explained, and then said to these tigers, "We will gather here at this time tomorrow, you all go away."

After that finished speaking, the tigers started running separately, and they all disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Ye Qingxuan looked at what Xiao Liu said, "Everything is ready now, only the east wind is owed."

Seeing how obedient these tigers are, Little Six is ​​full of confidence in what will happen tomorrow. He is very grateful to Ye Qingxuan for his help.

Little Six said to Ye Qingxuan, "There are so many tiger friends to help, and you are protecting me from the side, it is absolutely safe, and driving them away is easy."

Ye Qingxuan nodded to Little Six and said, "Now it's your turn to perform."

After Ye Qingxuan and Little Six had settled everything by the river, the two of them returned home. At this time, the village chief was still busy making arrangements for the villagers.

After Xiaoliuzi came back, he found his father and said to his father, "It's no problem for us to take in these villagers, and it's no problem for us to feed them like this. It's just one more person in the family, but this is not a long-term solution. Those bandits occupied If they leave their village, they may kill us one day, and our place will be in danger at any time.

So we can't sit still, we have to take the initiative to drive away those bandits.

Chapter 569

It is the best policy to reoccupy the homes of these fellow villagers and let them have their own safe place to live. "

The village chief felt very relieved when he heard what his son said. He felt that his son had indeed grown up, but it was not so easy to drive away these bandits. After all, there were more than 30 people in his family.

Where do we go to get so many people to compete with them? There are not many young people in the village, even if they gather together, they may not be willing to do this kind of thing. They also want to live in peace and do not want to make enemies with others. Thoughts are also normal, who doesn't want to live a peaceful life.

The village chief thought a lot, and then said to his son, "What you said is correct, but how can we deal with those more than 30 bandits, and how can we help them take back their homeland?"

Little Six looked at his father and said, "I have grown up now, I should take care of the family, and you should rest when you are old. I want to use this to establish my prestige. In the future, the village chief Let me do it, I already have a plan to defeat the enemy, and I guarantee it will be foolproof, so father, don't worry too much, you just need to settle these villagers at home. "

The village head said very worriedly, "Blind wandering, this is not the time to be a personal hero. You can't mess around. Let's take a long time to think about it and figure out a way slowly. How can you deal with them with your own strength? I You can't be allowed to take that risk."

Little Six said to his father, "Ye Qingxuan, who is our guest, is not an ordinary person. He has extraordinary abilities. He is willing to help me drive away those robbers and bandits, so you are just worried that I have already seen his abilities.

He can split a tree that can't be hugged by one person. One can imagine his divine power, but he doesn't want to show it. He wants to set an example for me, so he is willing to help me get through this. "

The village chief lowered his head and was thinking about something. Little Liu went straight out and came to the yard. There was an iron bell hanging in their yard. Once the bell rang, all the villagers had to gather at the village chief's house. This is also an emergency signal. In case of major changes, the village head will ring the bell. After hearing this, all the villagers will come to the village head's house to gather for important matters.


The village chief ran out and said to his son, "Have you really thought about doing this? You are no longer a child, and you have to be responsible for your actions."

After ringing the bell, Little Six looked at his father and said to him, "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing, and I have to do it."


The village chief looked at his son, feeling very proud in his heart. He felt that his son had really grown up. If the TV could really do what he said, the village chief would hand it over to him, and he would be relieved.

The villagers who heard the stroke came here one after another. The villagers didn't know what happened. They hadn't thought about it for many years in their life. If someone rang today, there must be something special. Everyone went here run.

The yard of the village chief's house is very large, and there are people everywhere in the yard at the entrance of the road.

Two or three hundred people from seventy or eighty families gathered here, no matter adults or children.

In addition to those outside villagers, there must be more than 300 people.

Chapter 570 Emergency Gathering

They all came to the door of the village chief's house, and Ye Qingxuan, the second fat man, was also watching from the yard.

Folks, look at me, I look at you, I don't know what happened, everyone knows that the person who rings the bell is Xiaoliuzi.

The village chief took a few steps forward and said to the villagers, "Everyone, don't make noise and be quiet. I have something to tell you. It was my son Xiaoliuzi Qiao "583" who rang the bell today. I have something to tell you, no one has rung this bell for several years, and I have something special to tell you today."

To be honest, Xiao Liuzi took two steps forward and said to everyone, "A few days ago, some villagers who fled came to our village. We left them in the village and picked up one person. We can't feed them for the rest of our lives." question.

It's just one more person in the family, but this is not a long-term solution. Those robbers are in the village not far away. They may attack our village at any time. At that time, we will be passive.

We must take the initiative to attack, we must take back the homes that belong to these villagers, and we cannot let these robbers run rampant, as they will threaten us at any time here, and my little six will take the lead in today's matter.

I personally went to eliminate these robbers, and helped those refugees to take back their homes, return their homes and their things, so that they have a place to survive. "

At this time, the villagers burst into warm applause, thinking that Xiaoliuzi has grown up, and he is worthy of being the son of the village chief.

Little Six continued, "I already have a way to retire. I don't have to do it alone today. I, Ye Qingxuan and Er Fatty will do it. The three of us can do it. Just wait for my news at home."

At this time, a few young and strong folks shouted there, "Take us along, after all, one more person gives more strength. We are not afraid of him. We will fight him head-on and see who is more ruthless." .”

Among the refugees who were found, some young and strong ones also shouted, "We came to your village and accepted your warm hospitality. Since you took the lead for us in today's matter, we are not cowards, we I will also go with you to fight them desperately and take back our homeland."

Xiao Liuzi looked at it and said to the villagers, "Don't be noisy, everyone, don't panic, listen to me, I know how you feel now, and you want to help, but it will be dangerous here, I have already planned it.

You just need to wait for the news here, and you don’t have to do anything. If I fail this time, then you can fight back with me, okay? You are now waiting here steadily, and leave the rest to me. "

At this time, the village chief left and came out and said, "Just trust my son. He said he has a plan and we don't want to make trouble for him. If it doesn't take long, it's not too late for us to discuss it in the long run. So everyone Don't be impatient, don't rush this moment."

How can I say that the village chief is 5.6 at the critical moment, his son Xiaoliuzi is not as good as speaking, after all, he has not yet been admired by everyone, and the village chief said so, the villagers will stop arguing.

The village head looked at his son and said, "You have grown up, and it's time for you to take matters into your own hands. This matter is a test for you. If you do well, today I will do it in front of the villagers." Said to their faces.

Chapter 571 Retired

If my son drives away all the bandits this time and takes them back to their homeland, then I can really retire, and my son will continue to lead the villagers and manage the village as the village chief. "

Ye Qingxuan took two steps forward at this time, and told the villagers, it's getting late now, you all should go back quickly, we are about to go on the road, you should wait at home for our good news.

The little six looked at Ye Qingxuan, and then said to the villagers, "You all go back quickly, we are about to get ready to go on the road."

After the little six finished speaking, Ye Qingxuan was followed by Er Fatty and the lion, and the group walked to the side of the small river.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan thought that he should not bring the second fat man with him. After all, the second fat man has not experienced so many things, and then Ye Qingxuan said to the second fat man, "Go back to the village now and look at the villagers, don't let them have any troubles. Do it privately, I can go with Xiaoliuzi two people."

The second fat man was also obedient, and what Ye Qingxuan said was what. After hearing what Ye Qingxuan said, the second fat man turned his head and went back to the village. The villagers did not have any doubts, and did not ask why the second fat man came back. Standing at the entrance of the village, not allowing anyone to make any move.

Ye Qingxuan saw that the second fat man had gone far away, so Ye Qingxuan told the little six that we can leave.

Ye Qingxuan and Little Liuzi rode a tiger and ran all the way. Nothing happened on the way, and it went very smoothly. They came to this village at dark that day, Little Liuzi. Thinking about how fast the lion was, two or three Since the day's journey has been completed in one day.

The old monk and the little six got off the lion and took a rest at the same place. Ye Qingxuan said to the lion, "You can bring your tiger friends here now. Let's gather here and then go into the village together."

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, the lion stood up and ran to the river, just like the sky roared, and the 20 tigers all gathered here in a short time.

Just in this forest, 20 tigers came from all directions, running all the way and gathered here, 20 tigers, looking at that scene, it was really domineering.

Seeing that everything is ready, little six sons now have confidence in their hearts, little six sons said to Ye Qingxuan, "Let's give him a courtesy first and then soldiers, let's not take these with them here, let's reason with them first, Probe into their reality, and then play it by ear."

Ye Qingxuan looked at Xiaoliuzi and smiled, thinking that Xiaoliuzi had really grown up now, knew some strategies, and was not so reckless, it seemed that he was already capable of being the village chief.

Ye Qingxuan nodded, and said to Little Six, "Alright then, let us two advanced villages in 583 discuss the reality, and then play it by ear."

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he turned around and said to the tigers, "All of you are on standby here. Don't run around. When I blow the whistle, you all go to the village to find us. If I don't order you to stay where you are, Don't run around."

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, these tigers roared from the sky, and felt that these tigers completely understood Ye Qingxuan's meaning, and lay down on the spot after roaring, Ye Qingxuan saw that these tigers were really well-trained.

After Ye Qingxuan made the arrangements here, he entered the village with Little Six.

Chapter 572

When Ye Qingxuan and the others first entered the village, they saw that there were indeed lights on several houses. It seemed that these bandits occupied two villages and did not leave. Ye Qingxuan pretended to be passing by, and then walked to a villager's house. He shouted, "We are passing by, is there anyone at home? Can you give me a stutter?"

The house was brightly lit, and these horse bandits gathered here to make money. Ma Bei heard someone shouting outside, and then walked out. Ye Qingxuan saw the bandits, and Ye Qingxuan said to Ye Qingxuan, "Who are you? What are you shouting here in the middle of the night to make people rest?"

Seeing the people coming out, Ye Qingxuan quickly went up to follow the horse bandit and said, "We came from the other side of the mountain. When it gets dark here, we want to find a place to stay. I wonder if it's convenient to stay at your house for one night?"

The bandit laughed haha, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "It's okay to stay for one night, do you have money to pay, as long as you have money, you can do anything."

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, and said to the horse bandit, "Of course, if you have money, you must throw a small amount of money when disturbing others, otherwise we will feel embarrassed."

When the horse bandits heard that these two people had money, they also laughed, opened the door and said to Ye Qingxuan, "As long as you have money, it's easy to talk, we are playing dice inside, and the two of you come to join in the fun Play two, how do you like it?"

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, and said to the horse bandit, that's great, there is no fun along the way, since you are so interested, then we are very willing to participate, the horse bandit saw that it was going to be paid, so we were very happy I was happy, so I invited Ye Qingxuan and Xiaoliuzi in. As soon as Ye Qingxuan entered the room, there were about 20 people in the room, and they were divided into two tables. Everyone here was watching, and all the dice on the table were there. Awow.

The horse bandit took Ye Qingxuan and Xiao Liuzi, and said to the other horse bandits, "These two brothers are passing by our village. They both have money and want to join in the fun, and they want to play a game. Come here and give it to us." Make room for the two brothers."

These horse bandits who were playing with money saw two new faces, and then flashed out two positions.

After Ye Qingxuan came in, he took a look at the environment here. All the horse bandits here have guys on their hands, and some horse bandits are patrolling outside.

At this time, the horse bandits at the gambling table said to Ye Qingxuan and Xiao Liuzi, "Come on, since you are the guests, let you bet first, and I'll shake the dice after beating."

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, took out 100 taels from his pocket and put it on the table. At this time, the horse bandits' eyes lit up, they looked at each other, and their hearts were filled with joy. They came tonight A batch of windfall money, no matter whether these two people win or lose, it will be just right if they lose, and their lives will be put here if they win.

Ye Qingxuan began to hold back Ye Qingxuan's understanding of these too much (Li Qianhao), you can win as much as you want with Ye Qingxuan's ability.

It didn't take long for these people to yell, Ye Qingxuan won 1200 taels.

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