After seeing it, the landlord shouted loudly, "Give me a few of you, and I'll see how many hands he has."

These few people went straight up to surround the young man, and all of them rushed forward and held the young man firmly. At this time, the landlord showed a satisfied smile on his face.

The young man couldn't break free no matter how hard he struggled, and then he threw it with all his strength. When all 10 people were thrown out and flew, they all fell to the ground in a mess, screaming. Some of their arms were broken, some The leg was broken and more or less injured.

The landlord was suddenly frightened by this power, and then ordered the 20 thugs with bows and arrows to put down their bows and arrows, and beat me with sticks. They must beat this guy to death, otherwise I will not be relieved .

As soon as these thugs heard the landlord's words, they put aside all the bows and arrows, picked up the sticks and brought them directly to the young man.

This young man is simply jealous, he never refuses anyone who comes, the more he hits, the more excited he is, the harder he hits, the young man went up and grabbed a thug, grabbed his neck, and punched the thug hard in the face At first, the thug had five or six fangs knocked out, and was knocked to the ground with blood all over his face.

Immediately afterwards, another good thug came up, holding a dagger like a young man withdrew, the young man kicked the dagger in the thug's hand to the ground with one kick, and then kicked the thug directly to the ground with a roundabout kick, the young man jumped When it came to him, everyone punched and punched the thug in the face, and the thug was screaming.

5 thugs rushed up from behind, and these 5 thugs surrounded the young man with bare hands. The young man looked left, right, right, and then one kicked his legs and three jumped up, a beautiful roundabout Kick directly to kick down two, and these 5 were knocked down in an instant.

An exasperated voice yelled, "Give it to me, give it to me."

The young man (Li Mo's) picked up a stick on the ground at this time, and ran towards the thugs with the stick in one hand. The thugs seemed a little timid, and they took a few steps back. The young man rushed forward One stick, one left, and one right directly knocked down 5 more.

There were still 7 thugs standing there, a little dazed, not knowing whether to go up or run, they stood there in a daze, the young man didn't show mercy, walked over, and kicked one down when he went up.

Chapter 548 Cold Arrow

Then another one fell down with a punch, and the remaining three wanted to run up to the young man, kicking them all to the ground.

There were three plops left, and the young man knelt down there and begged for mercy, but the young man didn't listen to them at all, and kicked them all down one by one.

At this time, there was still one person who didn't show up. The thug drew his bow in the dark and was about to shoot at the young man. All this was noticed by Ye Qingxuan who was in the crowd. Thugs with bows and arrows,

The thug fell directly from the tree, screaming when he fell.

The thug somehow hit him with something and it was very painful. She fell from the tree due to the unbearable pain. At this time, she was found by the guy underground. The guy immediately understood that this guy wanted to sneak attack me, and then left Going over, he kicked the thug in the face fiercely. It was a thug who was kicked 180 degrees. He turned over and fell directly on the ground, motionless.

The young man breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and looked at the thugs around him, none of them could stand up again. More and more folks were watching here, but no one dared to speak.

The young man walked up to the landlord. The landlord was standing at the gate of his house. He didn't know what to do. When he hid, he tripped over the threshold and fell to the ground. The young man stepped forward and pulled the landlord from the ground. He got up, looked at the landlord viciously and said, "Your son has only a superficial injury. You made him pretend to be dead and extorted my house, fields and cattle and sheep. Do you recognize him?"

The landlord stared at the young man with wide eyes and said, "If you have the guts, kill me today, or you will have good fruit to eat in the future."

At this moment, the landlord's son ran out of the house, and directly asked the young man to rush forward with a dagger in his hand.

As soon as the young man seemed to kick the dagger off the ground, he punched the landlord's son directly in the stomach, and he fell to his knees (ccfg), spitting blood.

When the landlord saw that his son was vomiting blood, he got up and clench his fist to fight the young man. The young man grabbed the landlord's fist and broke it hard, prostrating the landlord to the ground. The landlord knelt on the ground and said to the young man , "Come at me if something happens, don't hit my son."

The young man immediately understood that the landlord's weakness was his son. The young man let go of the landlord's hand, walked up to the landlord's son, and immediately kicked his son to the ground. The blood-swallowing son is lying motionless on the ground now.

I remember seeing this situation, I quickly hugged the young man's thigh and said, "Stop beating, stop beating, I plead guilty, I plead guilty, I did blackmail your house, fields and cattle and sheep, I My son is only a superficial injury, not life-threatening, and there is no miracle doctor, everything is a lie made up by me, I am guilty, I am a sinner!"

As soon as the young man heard that the landlord had confessed all his crimes, the young man stopped beating the landlord's son. The young man looked at the crowd and said to the villagers, "All the villagers including today, testify for me. I told the landlord's son two months ago Fights are just skin wounds.

Chapter 549 Human Life

He said that his son was beaten to death, and his house, fields, cattle and sheep were extorted, but his son had nothing to do with pretending to be dead. Today it seems to be clear, and the landlord himself admitted it. "

After the young man finished speaking, the villagers who were watching the scene cheered and applauded. Many villagers knew about this, and many villagers knew that the landlord bullied others all day long. Bullying the people, all the villages in ten miles and eight villages know that this landlord is not a good person, and there are many murders on him.

At this moment, an old lady ran out from the crowd watching the excitement. This old lady grabbed the landlord and beat and kicked her, which confused Ye Qingxuan and the young man. Who is this old lady? Why is there such an action?

While hitting the landlord, the old lady said, "You villain, you pay back my son's life. I will kill you today, and I want you to pay for my son's life."

The young man directly opened this, and the old woman said to the old woman, "If you have anything to do, just do it with me. I will make the decision for you today. If he really kills your son, I will kill him on the spot today." -he."

The old lady said in front of the folks that my son gambled with him in the casino a few days ago, and he beat others without giving back the money he lost. Everyone can testify for me, he beat my son to death and threw him to the back mountain, this conscienceless guy, I must beat him to death today.

As soon as the young man heard this, he grabbed the landlord and said, "Is what the old lady said just now true? Do you plead guilty?"

The landlord squinted at the old lady, and then said to the young man, "Don't blame us that day. It was his son who did it first, and his son committed suicide because he couldn't pay the debt. It has nothing to do with me."

The young man clenched his fist and hit the landlord **** the face, then pulled the landlord up again and said, "I know the old lady's son more or less, how could he commit suicide because of that little money? You are lying, tell me the truth, or I will beat you to death."

The landlord's mouth is really hard, he just refuses to admit it, the young man knows very well in his heart that it must be the landlord's thugs who killed the old lady's son.


The young man went to the side and grabbed a thug at random, picked him up from the ground, and said to the thug, "How do you think the old lady's son died? If you dare to lie, I will kill you on the spot."

The thug lowered his head and peeked at the landlord. The landlord gave him a glare, and the thug said, "He committed suicide himself, and it has nothing to do with us."


The young man saw the flirting between the thug and the landlord just now.

The young man didn't say a word at all, he clenched his fist and covered all his strength, and hit the thug's head directly. The young man's head was blown off by the young man at that time, and the brains sprayed all over the floor.

The young man was really red-eyed at this time, and the folks who watched the excitement were also taken aback. It was really vicious for this young man to kill someone. The young man casually grabbed another thug and said, "The old lady's How did your son die? If you dare to tell a lie, you have seen what happened to that thug just now." Men.

Chapter 550 Revenge

The thug was so scared that he urinated at that time, his pants were completely wet, and he might have pulled his pants pockets.

He trembled and said to the young man, "The old lady's son was forced to death by us, but I was not there that day, so it has nothing to do with me. It was a few of them, and the landlord and some of them did it."

The young man understood immediately, and then he walked up to the landlord and said to the "May 43" landlord, "The old lady's son was brought alive by you, forced to death, do you plead guilty?"

The landlord looked at the young man and said, "Don't listen to his nonsense. He committed suicide and it has nothing to do with us."

Hearing this, the young man walked up to the landlord's son. The landlord's son was lying there, screaming, and was seriously injured. When the young man came here, he kicked the landlord's son in the chest again. On the ground, the landlord's son was already in unbearable pain, and this kick directly knocked him out.

The landlord pleaded guilty on the spot when he saw it. The landlord said to the young man, "The old lady's son was beaten to death by us. Don't beat my son anymore. If you have any grudges or injustices, you will come to me. I will never run away." , If I want to kill you, I will kill you and let my son go, he doesn't know anything, it has nothing to do with him."

Ye Qingxuan watched all this happen from the crowd beside him. Ye Qingxuan knew that the young man did the right thing, so he just watched without any attitude.

The young man couldn't listen to the things the landlord said at this time. Remember, the son took out a dagger at this time and pointed at the young man directly. It seemed that the young man had no defense at this time. At that time, the young man had his back to the landlord's son. .

Ye Qingxuan looked at it clearly from the side. Ye Qingxuan picked up a small stone and bounced it at the landlord's son, knocking the dagger in the landlord's son's hand to the ground. The young man stood up and turned around when he heard the sound. After seeing all this, the young man also understood that the landlord's son was about to attack him, the young man looked at Ye Qingxuan into the crowd, Ye Qingxuan nodded, and the young man immediately understood that the landlord's son was attacking him with a dagger just now. Sneak attack on the young man, but Ye Qingxuan was able to save him with a shot at the side, otherwise the young man would have been stabbed...

At this moment, the young man lost his temper, stood up, walked up to the landlord's son, and kicked the son to the ground with a ruthless kick.

While beating the landlord's son, the young man said, "You **** dare to attack me. You really don't want to live. I intended to let you go. You asked for it. At this time, a little If you have no intention of repenting, don't blame me for being cruel."

After the young man finished speaking, he kicked the landlord's son fiercely in the face. At that time, his face was covered in blood and he was kicked out. Then the young man rode directly on the landlord's son, with a big fist, left One punch to the right, seven punches in a row, all of which hit the face of the 5.6-year-old landlord's son.

I saw all these wailing nearby, asking the young man to let his son live, but at this time the young man could not listen to it at all, and had no intention of stopping at all, and beat the landlord's son to death.

At this time, the landlord saw his son lying motionless on the ground and was beaten to death. The landlord was so angry that he stood up directly, and ran towards the young man with a knife.

Chapter 551 Public Indignation

At this moment, the young man looked back and kicked the landlord in the chest.

The landlord sat on the ground directly, and the young man continued to ride on the landlord, and the landlord's head was blown off with a hard blow, and the brains spilled all over the ground.

All the folks watching the excitement were all proud at this time, they all applauded there and shouted, "Good kill, good kill."

The young man looked at Ye Qingxuan in the crowd, Ye Qingxuan nodded to him, the young man understood Ye Qingxuan's meaning, the young man stood up, walked to the door of the landlord's house, and said to the thugs next to him, "You want to die and live 22 ?”

These thirty or so thugs watched the landlord and his son being beaten to death by this young man. At this time, they were so frightened that they all crawled over, knelt down in front of the young man, and kept begging for mercy, begging for death, and later I dare not.

He looked at these thugs and said, "You did a lot of evil. Although it was not your idea, you were indirectly responsible for killing the old lady's son. Who would stand up for me now."

The 30 or so thugs knelt in front of the young man and looked at each other. No one dared to say anything, and they all hid there. These people knew that as long as anyone admitted that they would die, there would be no good end, so they didn't dare to speak.

The young man also saw what they were thinking, and then walked down the steps, directly grabbed a thug, and said to the thug, "Who really killed the old lady's son at that time? If you don't tell me, I will kill you. "

The thug was so frightened that he urinated at the time, looked at the other thugs, and then told the young man tremblingly, there is no me here, it’s the four of them, the landlord and his son, how many of them are there with each other? My wife's son has nothing to do with me.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the four people and said, "You guys, the landlord and his son forced the old lady's son to death, do you plead guilty?"

The four thugs saw that they couldn't hide, so they quickly crawled out from among these people and said to the young man, "It's not our fault, we are also forced to do nothing, otherwise the landlord will clean up our family members." We are also having a hard time, we are forced to be helpless at this time, please forgive us."

The young man laughed and said to the four people, "Okay, as long as you dare to admit it."

The young man picked up a knife on the ground at this time, and ran towards the four people. The four people were so scared that they all peed. The four people knew that they would not survive, and kowtowed all the time.

The young man walked 543 in front of these four people, raised the knife and dropped it several times.

All the spectators immediately closed their eyes. Many people dared not look directly at this scene. When the spectators opened their eyes, they were still fine and there was nothing wrong.

These 4 people suddenly fell to the ground and yelled, you people watching the excitement don't know what happened, what's going on? After a closer look, I realized that the young man had not chopped off their heads, but only one of their arms, and all four of them had their left arms chopped off.

The young man said to the four people, "You are only suitable for cooking, so I don't want your life today.

Chapter 552 Retribution

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Chapter 553 Poor Man

Tell Ye Qingxuan, "Thank you for your great help today. Otherwise, I don't know when I will be able to avenge this revenge. Now it's over. Not only have I avenged, but I have also avenged that old man."

Ye Qingxuan took a few steps forward, quickly helped the young man up and said, "I didn't do anything, you did everything by yourself, you can see that you are mature and can take responsibility now, go quickly Tell your mother the news, and take her back to your old house."

The young man ran into the house quickly, looked at his seriously ill mother and said, "Mom, we can go home now."

As soon as the old lady heard the young man say that she can go home, she opened her eyes, touched the young man's head and said, "What are you talking about? How can we have a home anymore?"

The young man said to his mother, "Let's go back to our old house now. That house still has land, as well as cattle and sheep. I have already returned all of them."

The old lady looked at her son tremblingly and said, "What you said is true or not, we can really go back to our old house."

The young man was very (ccfg) happy and said, "Mom, I will carry you on my back now, let's go home now."

After finishing speaking, the young man put his mother on his back and got into the carriage directly, and ran to his old house. Ye Qingxuan, Er Fatty and the lion followed behind, and soon came to the old house. No one lives here, what? None of them moved, and the cattle and sheep were also there.

The old lady saw everything in front of her eyes and started to cry. The old lady felt that she might never come back in this life. Although it was not worth much, it was her own home after all, and the golden nest and silver nest were not as good as her own kennel. The old lady was very relieved to see her family, but the old lady is in a very bad condition now. She has been bedridden for a long time, and has not eaten seriously for a long time, and her body is very weak.

Ye Qingxuan said to the young man, "I have a pill here, which can quickly restore physical strength and make myself healthy. I think the old lady is very weak now, so you can give him this pill. This is a secret recipe passed down from my family. It is very effective. .”

The young man looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "I dare not accept such a precious thing."

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, and said to the young man, "There is nothing precious or not, as long as it can save people to achieve its value, then that's fine."

After Ye Qingxuan said, he handed the pill to the young man. The young man took a look at it in his hand, put it in the old lady's mouth, and drank some water for the old lady.

The young man feels that this medicine is just a general medicine to restore his physical strength, there is nothing too special about it.

The young man never expected that within 10 minutes after the old lady finished taking the medicine, the old lady went to the ground, busy with this and that, and hadn't returned to this house for a long time.

After the young man gave the old lady the medicine, he was talking with Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man in the yard, when he heard a sound in the house, he hurried over to have a look.

The young man just stood there in a daze. He didn't expect that his mother was going to work in the field now. The pill was really a magic medicine. The young man was shocked. Seeing his mother cleaning up the ground, he was very heartbroken. I am very happy, my mother has finally returned to her previous state, and her mental state is particularly good.

Chapter 554 Resurrection with Full Blood

The old lady turned her head and saw her son standing there by the door, and said to the young man, "Why are you still standing there? There are guests at home and you don't know how to get something to eat."

The young man stood there in a daze, but when he heard his mother's strong voice, he immediately walked up to his mother and said, "How are you feeling? Are you feeling much better?"

The old lady laughed haha, and said to her son, "I came back to this house, I'm cured of all illnesses, I'll be happy for a while, you go and feed our cows, it's been a few days Look, I look a little skinny."

Hearing his mother's sonorous and forceful words, the young man was as happy as before, and he felt happy even if he was scolded or spanked by his mother.

The old lady was busy cooking some meals in the kitchen, the young man simply fed the cow, and Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man chatted in the yard.

At this time, there were already many folks gathered around the gate, Ye Qingxuan on the third floor felt as if someone had opened the gate, upon seeing so many folks, Ye Qingxuan was suddenly stunned.

The young man also ran over from the backyard, seeing so many villagers gathered around his house, he didn't know what it meant.

The young man said to the villagers, "So many of you have come to my house, what's the matter with you?"

A few of the villagers walked from the crowd to the yard of the young man's house. These people all had some strength in the town, they were all businessmen, and they all had some prestige.

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