Chapter 541

They wanted to beat me to death. Later, I also had some connections in the town and asked some people to talk to me about the ball. Later, the landlord said that he only wanted me to lose money.

I don’t want my life, and the family has no money, so he confiscated all the house, fields and cattle, but it didn’t take long for me to see the landlord’s son gambling there. In the end, it was nothing serious. After he took his son home, he said that he was beaten to death, and then extorted our money.

Later, I went to the landlord to argue that the landlord didn’t reason at all, saying that he spent a lot of money on seeing a doctor for his son, and the money was used as medical expenses. My little girl didn’t know where she went. She thought the landlord’s son was dead. up.

22 He doesn’t dare to come back now. The landlord’s son doesn’t even need 50 taels to see a doctor. It’s just a skin trauma. His son pretended to be dead there. Live here for now.

The landlord's son is alive and well now, but our family has become like this. It's really unfair. There's no place to reason. I always want to win some money through the casino to buy my mother a big house, so that he won't be wronged here. Don't let him suffer here, but luck is really bad and keeps losing.

Ye Qingxuan understood everything at once through chatting with the young man. This boy just talked about some official affairs, and it was very unfair. He was extorted from his house and fields, and now he has no other way to live here. His old mother went to He caught a fire and was bedridden.

Ye Qingxuan, the second fat man and this young man were chatting about the young man's family affairs while eating in the yard.

Ye Qingxuan felt that this family was really innocent, it was obvious that they were blackmailed by the landlord, Ye Qingxuan was very angry when he heard about this.

Ye Qingxuan said to the young man, "Don't worry, I can stay here for a few days, and I will help you get back your house, cattle, sheep, and fields for you."

The young man widened his eyes and said to Ye Qingxuan, "This is absolutely impossible, the landlord is very powerful, there are people from all walks of life, and there are some thugs, we are not his opponents at all, so forget it, yours! I took it."

The young man Ye Qingxuan looked at said, "I'm just like this. When I see injustice, I will make it even. You don't need to worry about this matter. How do you think I'll handle it for you?"

Ye Qingxuan is not in the mood to inquire about the Demon Realm anymore.

Ye Qingxuan said to the young man, "You have to take care of this matter, and I will assist you behind the scenes."

Hearing this, the young man thought to himself, I’m going out to pick things up, if you can’t make peace, after you leave 533, then I won’t suffer, the young man said to Ye Qingxuan, “This matter is not that simple, I think it’s better to forget it Well, just pretend you haven't heard anything, I'll think about it slowly, and take revenge when I have a chance."

Ye Qingxuan stared at the young man with wide eyes and said, "I know what you're thinking now, you're afraid that I don't have the ability to help you get back what once belonged to your family, come with me."

Ye Qingxuan got up last night and walked out of the yard, followed by the young man and the second fat man. Ye Qingxuan wanted to show off his ability, let him see it and give him some confidence. Ye Qingxuan just wanted to perform something simple. Afraid to scare him.

Chapter 542 Innate Divine Power

After walking out of the gate, there is a big stone on the hillside opposite to it. It is very huge. It was placed there in the formation of history. How long have you been here?"

The young man was taken aback at this moment, not knowing what he meant, and then he replied to Ye Qingxuan, "This stone is so big, it must weigh two to three thousand catties. When I was young, I often came here to play, and I saw that this stone was already placed here. How many years."

Ye Qingxuan looked around, then put both hands on the stone, and lifted the stone directly above his head with all his strength, you must know that the size of this stone is more than 20 times larger than Ye Qingxuan, very big, serious It weighed more than 3,000 kilograms, but Ye Qingxuan lifted it over his head, walked a few steps and put it down again. Ye Qingxuan slapped the stone fiercely, split the stone in half, and split a piece in the middle. Deep cracks.

At this moment, the young man was so shocked that he was stunned, seeing Ye Qingxuan's mouth opened and unable to close it, he was completely dumbfounded there.

The young man couldn't believe what he saw in front of him. This person looked very thin, how could he have such great strength? Even if I come to 30 people, I may not be able to push this stone. Since one person can lift it above the head, this kind of divine power is really scary.

Ye Qingxuan patted the young man's shoulder and said to the young man, "Can you avenge your revenge with my ability, no matter how many people they have?"

The young man was completely stunned. He looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "You are really born with supernatural power. Your ability is really great. If you can really help me get my house, fields, cattle and sheep back, then I will be very grateful." It's all over."

Ye Qingxuan glanced at the young man, then walked back to the yard, sat there and continued to eat, the second fat man followed behind, and the rest of the young man stood there in a daze, not yet recovered.

The young man hurriedly walked to the yard and said to Ye Qingxuan, "You are so capable. It would be easy to avenge me. If that is the case, why do you want me to come forward to do this? You subdued them all directly, didn't you?" better."

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and said to the young man, "I came forward and subdued them all, and it's easy to get your things back for you. I will leave here sooner or later. What should you do after I leave? What do you think?" Can you deal with them? If I go forward, your house and fields will be taken away by others. Even if there is no landlord, someone else may appear in the future and someone will bully you. You have to become stronger yourself. Others will be afraid of you."

After listening to what Ye Qingxuan said, the young man immediately understood Ye Qingxuan's good intentions. Ye Qingxuan wanted to establish an image for himself in this town, so that others would always be afraid of him, and no one would dare to bully me again.

The young man said to Ye Qingxuan, "¨¨you have the supernatural power of heaven (Li Haozhao), but I'm just an ordinary person, how can I stand up and compete with them?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at the young man and said to the young man, "You don't have to worry about this, I will put my supernatural power on you, and then you will be extremely powerful, and they will not be able to deal with you at all, you will ride on my horse in a while." If you are a lion, go to his house and reason with him. If he is sensible, you can avoid using force. If he is not, you can kill him.".

Chapter 543 The Docile Lion

The young man was startled when he heard that, how can I ride a lion, can the lion let me ride?

The second fat man saw the young man's worry, and then released the lion from the cage on the carriage. When the young man saw the lion coming out, he ran into the house quickly. At this time, the second fat man called the young man back and told the young man , "Don't be afraid, it is very docile and obedient, he was raised by Ye Qingxuan from childhood, don't worry, he is very obedient."

After hearing what Er Fatty said, the young man hid behind Er Fatty and looked at the lion from a distance. After the lion came out, he wandered around in her yard.

Ye Qingxuan saw the young man hiding behind the second fat man and said to the young man, "Feed the beef you bought just now to the lice, and she will treat you well. You don't have to be afraid of him, he is very friendly at 540."

The young man was not afraid when he heard that Ye Qingxuan and the two fat men were not afraid. The lion seemed different, but the young man was still worried, so he came to the table tremblingly, picked up the beef, and handed it to the lion.

The index finger came over and took a bite, and the beef lay down beside the young man, and began to eat the beef there.

Ye Qingxuan asked the young man to touch the lion and don't be afraid. The young man was feeding the lion to eat beef while stroking the lion's head with his hand. At this time, the young man was not so afraid, (ccfg) he really felt like his own domestic kitten Same as a puppy, only bigger.

The young man exchanged feelings with the lion, felt less scared, and then fed some water to the lion. At this time, the index finger was full.

The young man started playing with the lion in the yard, throwing something to let the lion pick it up, and went back and forth a few times like this. The lion was very obedient and did everything according to the young man's wishes. The young man was very happy at this time, thinking that the lion looked It looks fierce, but it's actually really docile.

Ye Qingxuan looked at it, and felt that he had almost exchanged feelings with the lion. Ye Qingxuan walked over and said to the young man, "Come ride the lion and go around and feel it."

At this time, the young man was a little scared when he heard Ye Qingxuan's words. Although he played well, he might not be able to see the young man's worry when he rode on it. Then he said to the young man, "Don't worry, try riding on it."

After hearing this, the lion walked up to Xiaohu, and then lay down on his stomach. Ye Qingxuan felt that the lion understood what Ye Qingxuan said, so the young man just rode on it. The lion stood up and ran out of the gate, just like the river Running wildly all the way, the young man was a little scared at first, but later he was not afraid, and enjoyed the process very much. After a while, the lion came back with the young man on his back, and ran a full circle.

Seeing them come back, Ye Qingxuan smiled and said to the young man, "How is it? Does it feel more enjoyable than riding a horse?"

The young man lowered his head and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I've grown up so big, I've never ridden a horse before."

After hearing what the young man said, Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man burst out laughing.

Ye Qingxuan said to the young man, "I have already imparted all my strength to you, you are now extremely powerful, you can try it."

The young man walked out of the door and came to the stone that Ye Qingxuan lifted up just now.

Chapter 544

Although such a big stone has been divided into two by Ye Qingxuan, this half is quite big, the young man went up and tried it, and he really lifted the big stone above his head, feeling that he did not expend much effort. Then he threw it **** the ground.

The young man was very happy, he ran back from the outside, entered the yard, went to Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I didn't expect that I'm so powerful now, it seems that the time for me to take revenge has come, I'm going to kill the landlord now If he dares to say no, I will beat him until he has teeth all over the place."

Ye Qingxuan looked at it and felt very relieved. He wanted to build up the young man's self-confidence. It seemed that he already had confidence, and then Ye Qingxuan said to the young man, "Okay, now you can go to the landlord's house to make a theory, and I will follow along." , if you have a special situation, I will rescue you, if you don't have it, it can be done by yourself."

The young man looked at Ye Qingxuan, then turned around and rode out of the house on a lion. Ye Qingxuan and the second fat man followed behind.

Soon came to the town, there were a lot of people here, and when they saw the young man riding a lion, they all came to watch the excitement, but they didn’t dare to get too close to watch the excitement, for fear of hurting others, so everyone stayed away Follow this young man from a distance, many people here know this young man, after all, he was born and raised here.

Some people asked the young man, "You are amazing. Where did you get the lion so that you can tame it so well? You have grown up."

The young man looked at these folks and said nothing, and rode a lion slowly to the door of the landlord's house.

At this time, there were more and more people watching the excitement, and the landlord's house suddenly became lively, and the landlord's house was also very big and very rich.

There are people in the front, back, left, right, even the houses, and people on the trees, and they are all watching the excitement here. This person even dared to ride a lion, and they all came to watch-the excitement.

There is a delicatessen across from the landlord’s house. After the young man got off the lion, he went to the delicatessen and bought a roast chicken. He walked up to the lion and fed it to the lion. The lion ate with relish, so the young man stood beside the lion. While stroking the lion, he looked at the gate of the landlord's house.


Then the young man shouted at the landlord's house, "Landlord, come out, I'm going to come to you today to settle accounts, you said I killed your son, you paid off my house, fields, cattle and sheep, but Your son is not dead, he is alive and kicking, shouldn't you give me back what you took from me?"


I remember that I was taking a nap at home at this time, and he didn't know the excitement outside, but he heard someone yelling, which woke the landlord from his sleep. After the landlord woke up, he heard someone shouting outside, listen carefully The landlord understood that it was that brat again messing around here.

The landlord kept some thugs at home, and the landlord called all the thugs over and said, "What happened outside? Why is it so noisy?"

The thug of the landlord's house said to the landlord, "The young man outside is riding a lion and is yelling at the door. He asked you to return his house, fields, cattle, and people to raise him. Otherwise, you will be rude to you. Now The villagers are all watching the excitement outside, and the three floors inside and outside are almost surrounded by our house." Door.

Chapter 545 Settling Accounts

As soon as the landlord heard that this kid was capable and he was still a lion, it seemed that he couldn't underestimate this guy, so Ye Qingxuan told the thugs to call everyone back to me.

Not long after, all the thugs from the landlord's family came back, more than 30 people in total.

When the landlord saw that everyone was already there, he walked out of the house, opened the door and saw that it was indeed the "May 40" brat scolding the landlord here, and he saw the lion, but the lion was still there. To be honest, there was no sign of attacking anyone, and there were many people watching the excitement around. The lion did not attack anyone, so the landlord was not so afraid.

The landlord said to the young man, "I am sleeping at noon, what are you yelling at my door, are you sick? Get out of here if you are full, or don't say I am rude to you. "

The young man smiled and said to the landlord, "I'm here to settle accounts with you today. Let's settle accounts in front of these fathers and villagers today. You said that I beat your son to death that day. You confiscated all the cows and sheep from my house, and said to help your son to be buried with him, but your son did not die. He suffered some skin trauma that day. Do you think you are extorting people? Should I return my things at home?"

The landlord laughed when he heard it, and said to the young man, "My son spent a lot of money on medical treatment, and it was very serious at the time. I hired a miracle doctor outside. Don't I need to pay for this miracle doctor? Your money It's not enough at all, it's fine if I don't ask you for it, but you still dare to trouble me."

The young man said to the landlord, "What kind of genius doctor, when I was young, when I was fighting with your son, I didn't use much force at all. It just stuck there and pretended to be dead. When you came, you yelled and arrested people. , You scared my little boy so much that he dared not go home, and his whereabouts are still unknown, and you even blackmailed all my belongings, and today you boasted that you found a miracle doctor."

Before the young man finished speaking, the landlord snatched a sentence and said, "Don't f*ck nonsense here, I don't have time to entangle you with these things here, get the **** out of here, don't think you're great just because you're a lion, let me tell you, If you do this again, I will make it impossible for you to survive in this town..."

After the landlord finished speaking, he turned around and wanted to go back to sleep, thinking that this would scare the young man.

The young man said to the landlord, "Stop, if the matter is not resolved today, I will demolish your house for you?"

The landlord stopped in his tracks, turned his head, looked at the young man and said, "I haven't looked at you for two months, you're so **** capable, you're here, let me see how you demolished my house, I raised more than 30 thugs Is it just for fun? Let me see what you can do, come on."

At this time, the lion heard what the landlord meant, and the lion roared there.

The lion, which had been very quiet since 5.6, suddenly roared, which startled the thugs so much that some of them even jumped into the trees, and the spectators around them all backed away and dodged.

The index finger just roared like this, almost blinding the souls of these people. The landlord pretended to be calm there, but the wild ones can't do it. After all, it is a wild beast. live? .

Chapter 546 Arrangement

Remember at this time, secretly sue the thugs to prepare some bows and arrows, in case the lion gets angry, shoot him with bows and arrows.

When I beat my fingers, I prepared some contributions. A total of more than 30 people were killed and 20 people had bows and arrows in their hands. At this time, the landlord looked at it and felt very confident. He had to be killed on the spot.

At that time, the map will start to be awesome, and he feels that he is very reasonable now, and it can't hurt him at all.

twenty two

Seeing that these people were prepared, the young man touched the lion's head, and the lion fell down very docilely.

The young man is also afraid, if these people shoot arrows together, the lion can't stand it. Originally, Ye Qingxuan wanted to let himself ride a circle to show his prestige and shock, and then hurt his index finger. What should he do, so the young man let the lion Lie here and don't move around.

The young man took a few steps forward and came to the door of the landlord's house. There were stone lions on the left and right, each of which weighed several hundred catties.

After the young man went up, he lifted a stone lion directly above his head, and then threw his two index fingers at the other stone lion, which was smashed to pieces.

At this time, the landlord, including the thugs and the folks who watched the fun, were all shocked. This lion must have weighed several hundred catties. This young man was able to lift it above his head. It was a natural supernatural power. Many folks who knew him I was thinking, why didn't I know this young man was so strong before, is he angry today?

More and more folks who watched the excitement refused to come here.

The landlord saw that the two lions in front of his house were actually destroyed by this young man, and he was also a little worried about the weight of the stone lions. The landlord knew very well that how could he have such great strength to lift them up.

But the landlord did not persuade him. The landlord said to him very stubbornly, "I didn't want to go to you today. Since you came to my door and broke the stone lion guarding my door, you are really deceiving people. Today I If I don’t teach you a lesson, how can I hang around in this town in the future.”

The landlord ordered the 10 thugs who didn't have bows and arrows to come out and teach the young man a lesson so that he can remember.

These 10 thugs all held sticks and stood in front of Group D, and came in front of the young man.

The landlord looked at the order, and the 20 men with bows and arrows said, "Just keep an eye on the lion. If your index finger moves, shoot an arrow to kill him immediately."

The 20 thugs with bows and arrows spread out and stood on both sides of the door of the landlord's house, like a formation.

At this moment, the young man suddenly became a little worried. She wasn't afraid that he would be injured by 540, but he was afraid that he would hurt the lion. Then he looked at Ye Qingxuan in the crowd, and Ye Qingxuan nodded at the young man, signaling him to continue, don't be afraid.

Ye Qingxuan has been standing among the crowd watching the excitement, watching what happened here, what he sees is true.

Not only did Ye Qingxuan pass it on to her, but he also gave him some strength, and those who couldn't support him couldn't hurt him at all, but the young man himself didn't know.

The landlord said to the 10 thugs, "Hit me until he convinces me."

The young man looked at the 10 people in front of him, and they all came towards him with sticks. The young man didn't dodge, and one of the thugs immediately fell down with a stick.

Chapter 547 Surrounded

Young man, the young man just lay down with his arms like this, the young man suddenly felt less pain, but the young man didn't know why, but at this time he didn't have so much time to think about why it didn't hurt so much, and then the young man punched hard On the stomach of this thug, this thug was directly thrown out, then fell to the ground and screamed, and then the guy went up and kicked another one down, and then grabbed the other thug by the neck, and slammed it hard. As soon as he kicked, he fell to the ground, and the young man went up and kicked the thug directly.

Immediately afterwards, two thugs were engaged. Both of these thugs held sticks and hit the young man directly. The young man jumped up and kicked one of the thugs directly on the head. To another thug, the two thugs were instantly knocked down by the young man.

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