Chapter 490

Ye Qingxuan stepped forward and grabbed a person, this person was still struggling, Ye Qingxuan's big mouth made this person confused, then he raised it high and threw it towards the crowd, knocking down three more people.

At this time, among the 100 people brought by the landlord and bully, fifty or sixty people were injured by arrows, and the remaining thirty or forty people were knocked to the ground by Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan looked around, there were no "four five seven" people who could stand up again, so he ran towards the landlord bully, at this time one of the injured archers had already pulled up his bow, and wanted to sneak attack Ye Qingxuan, The sword shot at it in an instant, Ye Qingxuan didn't show any signs, Ye Qingxuan seemed to have eyes behind him, he turned around and grabbed the incoming arrow with one hand.

Ye Qingxuan looked up and saw the archer just now.

Ye Qingxuan hated the sneak attacker the most in his life, Ye Qingxuan waved the arrow back vigorously, and directly inserted it between the eyebrows of this person, killing him on the spot.

Ye Qingxuan looked around, then turned around and looked like a landlord bully and said to the landlord bully, "What else do you have to say now? I gave you a chance just now, but you didn't cherish the present, so don't blame me .”

Just as Ye Qingxuan was about to raise his fist, the landlord bully knelt down in front of Ye Qingxuan with a plop and said, "I'm really blind, please forgive me this time, I promise I will never harass this village again, I really underestimated you , you are the real ruthless character."

Before Ye Qingxuan waited for the landlord and bully to finish speaking, he grabbed the landlord and bully by the neck, and punched the landlord and bully hard in the face.

At this moment, the villagers started shouting, "Kill him, kill him, kill him."

Er Gouzi came again, the second punch and the third punch all hit the face. At this time, the teeth of the landlord and bully had all been knocked out, and the mouth was full of blood, so you couldn't tell what it looked like, just there. Crying, father calling mother can roll around.

Ye Qingxuan said to the more than 100 people, "I want to kill the landlord and bully today. He has committed many crimes, and he deserves death."

As soon as Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he immediately grabbed the landlord and bully, lifted it high, over his head, and then fell hard to the ground. At that time, the ground fell into a big hole, and the landlord and bully were thrown to death on the spot... .

When the more than 100 people saw it, they were all dumbfounded at the time, watching the landlord and bully being thrown to death by Ye Qingxuan. These people, even those who crawled and crawled over, begged Ye Qingxuan for his life, all of them were hired by the landlord and bully with money. You don't mean to bully the common people, so please spare us.

Ye Qingxuan looked at these people. In fact, Ye Qingxuan knew a long time ago that these people denied that the villagers who lived on hunting were tricked by the landlord bully to help him, so they were not guilty of death.

Ye Qingxuan took a look and said to the more than 100 people, "Today is a matter between me and the landlord and bully, and has nothing to do with your people. The injuries you suffered today can be regarded as a lesson for you. In the future, don't worry about anyone. Help brighten your 5.6 eyes, today I will let you go and get out of here."

As soon as these people heard that they were going to leave, they all lifted their trousers, some covered their faces, some supported each other, and all ran away like shit.

Very lively folks, seeing these landlords and tyrants, these villains have all been beaten away, and everyone is boiling.

Chapter 491 Apprentice

Everyone was shouting, seeing the reactions of the villagers, Ye Qingxuan could feel that he had been bullied by these villains all these years, and by dealing with them today, it was considered a good deed for the villagers.

The second child came over to Ye Qingxuan at this time and said, "Your kung fu is really good, I will learn from you in the future, and I want to become a person like you."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the second child and said, "I can't stay here for too long, I'll teach you some self-defense first, as for these fighting and killing, you'd better not learn it, as long as no one bullies you. .”

The second child thought for a while and said, "I want to learn some real skills. In addition to protecting myself, I also want to protect the folks. I promise that I will not take the initiative to bully others, but if others want to bully me, then I will never allow it. I want to promise The safety of the folks, I want to keep the land and water safe."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the second child, thinking, this kid really has a personality very similar to mine, Ye Qingxuan is liking the second child more and more in his heart.

Ye Qingxuan said to the villagers, "Okay, since the bully I have already gone out for you, you don't have to worry about it. If you have anything to do, come to the second child, and he will help you."

The villagers began to shout at this time, and it was up to him to choose the second child as the village head.

Ye Qingxuan looked at it, and thought it was good, the second child is an upright person who can't be seen, and it's good to protect one side when others are bullied, and the safety of the land and water is also good.

The second child looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "How can I be the village chief? They won't be convinced at my age. Besides, I don't know how to do anything. How can I be the village chief?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said to the villagers, "He doesn't dare to be the second child, he doesn't know what to do as the village chief, folks, do you think he is qualified to be the village chief, can he be a good one?"

When the villagers heard Ye Qingxuan's question, they all booed and said, "It's no problem, you just do everything everyone else will do for you, and you just come out and lead the way, and we can make this village work together. If there is still a lot of work to do, just come out and take the lead and finish the job, and we will all obey you."

The second son heard that the villagers were very supportive of him, so he didn't refuse here. The second son said, "Since the folks trust me, I will come out to lead the way. I decided to build a guard village in us. Young and strong Everyone has to participate, we usually train, when there is something to do, we are a team, when nothing is not, we are busy with our own things, and the outside forces will bully us, our security village must play a role, absolutely no one is allowed to bully us."

The folks heard that this method is really good. 457 usually does not delay anything. If something really happens, these people will gather their strength together to fight against them. Bully us.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the second child and thought to himself, I really read this guy correctly, I already have a lot of ideas, it seems that I have to teach him something in the next few days, otherwise how can he teach him without the ability to take care of the house? How do others gain a firm foothold here, and how do they protect the villagers.

After the second child discussed the matter with the villagers, Ye Qingxuan took the second child to the cave where he hijacked the bride. It was the cave where they played together when they were young.

Chapter 492

Ye Qingxuan said to the second child, "I'm going to teach you some housekeeping skills now, you have to watch carefully."

Ye Qingxuan was there while talking, hiding it for the second child to see. They are some of the most basic and simple movements, which can be regarded as some foundations, but they will definitely be helpful for future cultivation. It seems simple, but it is easy to operate But it's not that easy.

The second child imitated Ye Qingxuan to do a second child, and now he wanted to look at the simple movements, but it was really difficult to do them.

Ye Qingxuan told the second child that if your village protection team is formed, their physical strength must be guaranteed to have some physical training every day to make them stronger. Even if they don't fight against external forces, it is an exercise in itself, killing two birds with one stone.

Ye Qingxuan knew that what was gathered was not utilitarianism and methods of beating people, but a kind of strength that was not afraid of being bullied by the outside world, so as long as the second child can resist everything, everything else will be easy to handle.

Ye Qingxuan gave the most basic things to the second child, and then Ye Qingxuan said to the second child, "Now I will teach you some laws as a teacher, so that your strength will increase every day, so that no matter what kind of enemy you encounter, your strength The most important thing is that there is absolutely no problem in dealing with some bandits and thieves, and the basic skills are usually overcoming training, so if you keep one side safe, then there will be no problem〃.

After speaking, Ye Qingxuan passed on some internal energy to the second child, which is just superficial, but to ordinary people, it is already very remarkable.

The strength of the second child is already beyond imagination. The second child of a stone lion weighing more than 1,000 kilograms can lift it with one hand. It is more than enough to deal with all bandits and bandits. If you practice some basic skills at your in-laws, it will be perfect.

Ye Qingxuan passed on some things to the second child in this cave, and the second child felt that his body had changed from before, and his whole body was full of energy, as if he had inexhaustible strength.

Ye Qingxuan said to the second child, "Practice more basic skills in normal times, and then combine your strength to recall the past. Most people are not your opponents, and they can't get into your body."

The second child was very excited at this time, and he was also very excited. He felt the changes in his body, and he would train **** basic skills every day. Usually, there was nothing to do at home. Now the land has been planted, and he is taking care of his wife. That's fine, so the second child usually concentrates on the basic skills, and the second child's skills will soon become agile and powerful, so that ordinary people will not be able to enter his body.

In just three days, the second child has made great progress. Under Ye Qingxuan's guidance, the second child is now as light as a swallow, and has great strength.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the second child, he has become stronger now, it is more than enough to keep the land and water safe.

Ye Qingxuan said to the second child, "We have been in this cave for three days, we should go back to the village (the king's) house, your wife should also be anxious, as a teacher should teach you everything I leave it to you. When I see you next time as a teacher, I will teach you some more useful things. For the time being, you can practice these things. Don’t be lazy and practice hard every day. You will make greater progress in the near future. One side is safe and sound, absolutely no problem."

The second son knelt down in front of Ye Qingxuan after hearing Uncle Ye Qingxuan's words, and said, "I will practice diligently as I obey the master's order.

Chapter 493 Farewell

The next time we meet again, I will definitely let you see a different self. I know that you may be leaving. I cannot kowtow to you as a master in front of outsiders. Today I am here to salute you. "

Ye Qingxuan stepped forward and helped the second child up, and said to the second child, "Okay, get up, you will have to rely on yourself in the future, and I will leave here tomorrow, let's hurry back to the village."

I, Ye Qingxuan, and my second brother walked out of this cave and went back to my second's house. At this time, my second's house was full of frying pans, and it was very lively. Many villagers gathered in this 477.

The second child stepped forward and asked, "What happened to so many people?"

The villagers said, "We all have to join the village protection team, and we all came to sign up."

The second child saw the smile on his face, and then said to the folks, "Okay, since everyone is so united, I will pick this one today. Anyone who comes to sign up will come here. I will make a record. Let's divide into two teams." Divided into East Village and West Village, so that each other can take care of each other.”

The second child's house suddenly became lively, everyone wanted to join the second child's team, to keep one side safe, everyone (ccfg) has a sense of justice, and they don't want to be bullied by landlords and bullies. So come and sign up.

After Ye Qingxuan took a look, he was also very relieved. After seeing this situation, no one would dare to make plans for this village, so Ye Qingxuan was relieved to leave.

Ye Qingxuan saw that the second child was busy, and told the villagers about the guards, the second child returned to the Westinghouse, took a brief rest, and prepared to leave.

After the second child finished his work, he found that Ye Qingxuan was not with the second child. After sending all the villagers away, the second child came to the west room and saw Ye Qingxuan sitting there alone in a daze.

The second child said to Ye Qingxuan, "The folks are all gone, they are very motivated, I set up two teams, East Village and West Village, what should I do at ordinary times, I have two times a day to gather together for training , This momentum has also grown, even if there are people who want to bully us, they will stay away when they hear that we have guards."

When other villages heard about the establishment of the guard team, some of them wanted us to help them, and were willing to donate some money to us, so that we could also keep them safe. It seems that there are still many ordinary people who need us, so I will put this Both teams became stronger.

Ye Qingxuan looked at what the second child said with gusto with gusto, Ye Qingxuan was very happy for the second child, now that the second child has lived and worked in peace and contentment, and he has become stronger and can protect the villagers, Ye Qingxuan is very pleased.

It was dark in the blink of an eye, and Ye Qingxuan fell asleep in a daze alone in the room. When Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes, it was already the second day. The sun was just about to rise, and the sky was already bright, so Ye Qingxuan tidied up His own things are ready to go on the road, and he still has his own tasks to complete, so he wants to leave as soon as possible.

Just as Ye Qingxuan was tidying up the house, the second child and his wife came over.

The second daughter-in-law made a lot of cooked food and pancakes, and she was going to bring them to Ye Qingxuan. The second daughter came to bid farewell to the master and said to the master, "I hope the master will have a smooth journey this time, things will go smoothly, and I will come back sooner."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the two couples, then picked up the cooked food and pancakes made by the second daughter-in-law and carried them on his back, said goodbye briefly, and left the second child's house.

Chapter 494

The second child and the second daughter-in-law sent off very far all the way, until they reached the hillside, Ye Qingxuan said to the second child, "Don't send it off anymore, you will have to say goodbye after sending you off for thousands of miles, so you should go back quickly."

Ye Qingxuan didn't turn back after finishing talking, and walked directly down the mountain. The second child stood there, watching the master go far away, the second child knelt there, and the daughter-in-law looked at it and knelt there, Ye Qingxuan had already left at this time After walking a long way, looking back at the two couples kneeling there, Ye Qingxuan felt very uncomfortable, so he turned his head and continued walking.

The second child and his wife saw that the master had been walking away without a shadow, so they got up and went home.

Ye Qingxuan headed south all the way, and the Flame Mountain in his heart was not far away. He wanted to find the Kunlun Staff and the Flame Kirin, and he wanted the Demon Realm to agree that there would be no more wars. Ye Qingxuan's ideals were very lofty. one step implementation.

Ye Qingxuan walked southward for 5 days and 5 nights in a row without stopping. Coke would find some water to drink by the river, and eat the dry food he brought with him when he was hungry.

Walking all the way to the south without any delay in the itinerary. After 5 days, the food and food that I brought with me are almost the same. After walking for so many days, Ye Qingxuan is indeed a little tired. Ye Qingxuan wants to have a place to stay and rest at this time , adjust and continue on the road, Ye Qingxuan's road is full of wilderness and uninhabited.

Ye Qingxuan saw that there was a small river, so he planned to rest by the river, get some food, fill his stomach before continuing on.

When he found this time, when he got to the river, he observed that the surrounding area was still flat, and then he picked up some hay nearby and put it on the ground. Ye Qingxuan was going to catch some fish in the river to roast and eat. The river is very clear. You can see the bottom at a glance, Ye Qingxuan took a wooden stick and sharpened a point, and then went down the river, Ye Qingxuan's kung fu is absolute, it's like playing with a few fish, and soon Ye Qingxuan caught a lot The fish came to the shore and raised a fire, put the fish on the rack and started roasting.

Ye Qingxuan was eating fish while observing the surrounding environment. Ye Qingxuan felt that there was something strange here, but Ye Qingxuan still couldn't tell what was strange.

The surrounding area seems to be man-made, the trees are very neat, after Ye Qingxuan finished eating the grilled fish, he lay down on the haystack, with a fire beside him, it was really warm, and then Ye Qingxuan unconsciously Just fell asleep, Ye Qingxuan was very tired after walking this way for several days and nights, he had to sleep after eating and resting, and then continued on his way after a night of sleep and adjustment.


Before he knew it, Ye Qingxuan slept until late at night, at this time he heard some strange sounds, Ye Qingxuan slightly opened his eyes, only then did Ye Qingxuan realize that it was already dark.


After Ye Qingxuan got up, he picked up some dry firewood and continued to stir up the fire, and then Ye Qingxuan was about to go back to sleep, when a black shadow flashed past behind him.

Although Ye Qingxuan didn't see it with his own eyes, he already felt it. Ye Qingxuan said, "Since everyone is here, why don't you show up? Why is it so mysterious at first sight?"

When Hei Ying heard this, he suddenly sacrificed himself. Ye Qingxuan said to Ye Qingxuan, "Who are you? Why did you come to us?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at this man with his back turned to him, dressed in black and closing the door.

Chapter 495 Secret

Ye Qingxuan said, "I'm just passing by. I came here to take a rest, and I will leave soon after adjusting. I don't know what kind of **** you are. Please forgive me for disturbing you while practicing here."

Hei Ying laughed and said, "I don't dare to be a god, I'm just a little demon who is cultivating. I know who you are and where you want to go. What are you doing for?"

Ye Qingxuan "Four Seven Seven" laughed and said, "Then tell me, I'll see if what you said is right."

Heiying said, "You have been going south all the way, and you want to go to the Flame Mountain to inquire about the whereabouts of the Kunlun Staff and the Flame Qilin."

Ye Qingxuan stared at this black figure with wide eyes at that time, Ye Qingxuan was guessing who he was, how he knew such details and how could he appear here, there were many question marks in Ye Qingxuan's head.

Feeling Ye Qingxuan's confusion, Heiying said to Ye Qingxuan, "You don't need to be afraid or think too much, I am not harmful but beneficial to you, so you don't have to worry, I know so much, you don't have to be surprised! "

Ye Qingxuan looked at Heiying and said, "Since you said that you are interested in me, what can you do to help me? Tell me what you want, and tell me what you want in exchange."

Hei Ying laughed loudly, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "As expected of Ye Qingxuan, he speaks quickly. I like this kind of personality. Since Ye Qingxuan has already talked about this, I won't hide it anymore. In the entire demon world, Who doesn't know that the Chaos Orb is already in your body, although I am a nameless little demon, but today I also want to see it to open my eyes, I don't know if there is such a fate."

Ye Qingxuan looked at Heiying and said, "What's so difficult about this?"

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he used his internal strength to overflow the magic power of the Chaos Orb in his body, and put it in the palm of his hand. The Chaos Orb emitted a dazzling light, illuminating the dark night brightly. At this moment, the black shadow turned around and looked at Chaos Orb.

Heiying sighed, "It's such a good baby. No wonder people in Moji want to have him. His light must contain a lot of energy. If it can be combined with the body and transformed into mana, it will definitely become Very powerful."

Ye Qingxuan said to Heiying at this time, "Do you want to swallow it in your body to feel the power of the Chaos Orb?"

Ye Qingxuan said this on purpose, he wants to see what this black shadow is and what people think, since you want it, then I will give it to you and see if you dare to ask for it...

Heiying looked at it, and Ye Qingxuan said to Ye Qingxuan, "I'm just a nameless little demon, how dare I have such an idea, it's my luck to see the Chaos Orb today, and you don't have to test me in this way .

I will never be greedy for this Chaos Orb. I understand my own ability. If this Chaos Pillar is really in my place, it will only bring about death, and it will not do any good. With my current mana, I cannot absorb Chaos at all. The energy of the bead, so I just need to see it. "

5.6 Ye Qingxuan listened to what Heiying said, Ye Qingxuan felt that this little demon was quite decent, not so greedy, knew his own ability, and was not wishful thinking, all he wanted was to cultivate slowly, step by step steadily In practice, Ye Qingxuan still admires such a character.

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, and said to Heiying, "Although you are a nameless little demon.

Chapter 496

But your comprehension, your nature, is much stronger than those Lord of the Rings bosses. A few days ago, the three guardians of the demon world also wanted to get this thing, but they were too greedy and eager for success, which led to madness. "

Heiying looked at it, and Ye Qingxuan said to Ye Qingxuan, "Whether you are a human, a demon or a fairy, you must be self-aware. If you forget who you are, then disasters will continue."

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