Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "Just now you said that you want to see and see, I have shown you the Chaos Orb, and you said that you can be interested in me, so I want to know how to hesitate and how you can help me."

The black man turned around and looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "I want to see the Qiankun Pearl with you. You didn't refuse so happily, and I'm not timid with you. Let me tell you a piece of news that will help you go to the Flame Mountain. It is good for you to find the Kunlun staff and the flame unicorn."

I was afraid that I would be very curious at this time, so I looked at Hei Ying, who continued, "The flame of the Flame Mountain is the fire of the Flame Qilin. In order to protect the Kunlun Law, he set the whole mountain on fire with his staff to prevent outside attacks." The idea of ​​the Kunlun staff, and its owner has disappeared for tens of thousands of years, and its whereabouts cannot be traced. If you want to get close to the flame unicorn, the gecko bead is just one of them, and you need one more thing."

As Soi Ying spoke, he took out a book from his pocket.

Heiying continued, "If you can understand this book, you can get the flame unicorn and the Kunlun staff very smoothly, but I have studied the secrets of this book for hundreds of years and haven't found any clues. Yes, it's fate to meet you here today, and I can feel that even if one day you get the flame.

Kirin and Kunlun treasures are a good thing for molds rather than a disaster, so I am willing to give you this book. If you are really destined, you will definitely understand this book. This book will help you. "

After Hei Ying finished speaking, he handed the book to Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan quickly took two steps forward, and finally read the book.

Ye Qingxuan flipped through a few pages in succession, looked at the book, there was not a single word, the blue leather, the white sheep didn't have any stimulation, and he didn't know what message to convey.

Ye Qingxuan asked Hei Ying, "There is no word here, what does it mean?"

Hei Ying laughed and said, "You need to figure it out slowly, and I can't say for sure, but this book will definitely be useful to you, young people can do it for themselves."

The black shadow disappeared before Ye Qingxuan's eyes with a bang after speaking.

Ye Qingxuan looked around with the wordless book in his hand, and found that the black shadow suddenly disappeared. Ye Qingxuan thought to himself what is the last name of this person? I haven't figured it out before handing over such an important thing 477 to me.

Ye Qingxuan held the book in a daze for a long time, unable to figure it out no matter how hard he thought.

I don't know how this book will help me, there is nothing here, and Sombra is still as important as he said.

Ye Qingxuan doesn't care so much anymore, put away this book first, maybe it will be useful to me in the future.

Who is this shadow? what purpose? Ye Qingxuan didn't understand it at one point, but Ye Qingxuan knew that this person should not come to harm him.

At this time, the sun was about to come out of the mountain, and the sky was already bright, Ye Qingxuan decided not to sleep anymore, packed his things, put this book in his arms, and continued to walk south.

Chapter 497 The Mysterious Shadow

As Ye Qingxuan was walking, he occasionally took out the book without words to have a look. After reading it many times, there were still no words, and he didn't know what kind of message this book was going to convey. Ye Qingxuan couldn't understand it.

Ye Qingxuan could feel the speed of this black shadow's movement, and his cultivation base of talking and being a man was definitely not an ordinary little monster. This person's mana was definitely higher than Ye Qingxuan's in cultivation, he could feel it.

Ye Qingxuan thought while walking, if this person wants to stop me from going to the Flame Mountain, his mana can stop us directly, but not only did this black shadow not stop me, I even handed me a book, it seems that this person should be against me Beneficial and harmless.

So Ye Qingxuan didn't think so much, since he didn't want to harm me, he still had to give me a book, and when he had the chance to meet again, he must repay him well, although he still doesn't know what the book is useful for.

Ye Qingxuan continued to walk south for another two days and two nights. Ye Qingxuan was so hungry and thirsty that he didn't even drink his saliva for the past two days. Moreover, the roads he walked in the hot weather were all bare, without trees, and were sun-baked. It is really uncomfortable.

Ye Qingxuan wanted to rest during the day and go forward at night, and make a decision after completing this bare journey.

Ye Qingxuan felt the heat of the weather, and felt a little happy in his heart. He knew that the hotter the weather, the closer he was to the Flame Mountain.

Ye Qingxuan just wanted to find a place to rest during the day, and move on when the sun went down.

Ye Qingxuan has fire beads in his body, but the heat is really irresistible to him, it's so hot that Ye Qingxuan can't breathe.

Ye Qingxuan walked forward, and suddenly saw a mountain in the distance, the trees on this mountain were very dense, the old man was very happy, as long as he walked three miles, he would feel more comfortable, and the journey would not be delayed, Ye Qingxuan hurriedly accelerated Footsteps, wanting to enter that forest when the sun gets bigger.

It can be regarded as walking to this forest, and just entering the foot of the mountain, he found a very clear river, Ye Qingxuan jumped in directly, took a good bath, drank enough water, he hasn't seen water for a long time , very excited.

At this time, the second child vaguely heard a sound from the lower reaches of the river, as if there were many people in a hurry, Ye Qingxuan hurriedly went ashore and walked downstream along the river.

After a while, the old man came to the downstream. It was really lively here. Some old women and daughters-in-law were washing clothes here, and they were talking and laughing.

Ye Qingxuan left without hesitation, and came up to say hello to these aunts.

The old woman was washing clothes here, and when she saw someone talking, she turned around and asked, "¨Who are you? You shouldn't be from our place〃."

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and replied to the old lady, "I came from the north, and then went south and passed by here. I was resting here just now. When I heard someone talking, I came over to say hello to you."

At this time, the people who were washing by the river (Zhao Zhao) all looked at Ye Qingxuan, as if seeing a strange animal, Ye Qingxuan felt particularly uncomfortable looking at it.

Ye Qingxuan didn't know the reason, but thought his face was dirty, why do these people look at him like this?

At this time, the old woman said, "You young man, have you lost your way? There is no village or store in front of this place. It is really dangerous for you to be alone. There are all kinds of beasts in this mountain. Why do you go on the road alone? ".

Chapter 498 Sun City

Ye Qingxuan said to the old woman, "I heard that Huoyan Mountain is not far from here. My main purpose is to go there and pass by your place. I don't know if your house is inconvenient. Let me take a rest and have a good meal."

The old woman looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I have never heard of the Flame Mountain you mentioned, and I don't know where it is, but there is a place called Sun City not far away, and it is very hot there, so we Call it Sun City, there is no one living there, it is very hot, there is no life at all, what are you going to do there?"

Ye Qingxuan thought about it for a while, and it was useless to tell him the truth, so he told the old woman, "My master told me to leave something for me there, and I don't know what it is, so I just wanted to check it out. "

The old woman thought for a while and said, "If you can hide things there, it must be a treasure."

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha ​​and said to the old woman, "I don't know what it is, so I wanted to take a look out of curiosity."

At this time, some of the young women who were washing clothes had finished washing, and all their things had been withdrawn one after another.

The old lady had almost finished washing, she was packing her things there, and then she said to Ye Qingxuan, "Come with me in a while, I'm the only one in my house, I'll make you something to eat, and you can rest at my place .”

Upon hearing this, Ye Qingxuan quickly thanked the old woman, helped the old woman get some laundry, and followed the old woman into the village.

Ye Qingxuan just walked into the village, and found that the village is not big, with more than 20 families, but Ye Qingxuan didn't see any men along the way, as if there were all women here, Ye Qingxuan was very curious, but Ye Qingxuan didn't Talk too much, and didn't ask the old woman.

The two of them soon came to the old woman's house. The old woman's house was also very simple, there were not many extra things, they were all necessary things for life, and the house was also very simple.

After entering the hospital, the old woman put the washed clothes to dry, then came to the west room to tidy up briefly and said to Ye Qingxuan, "You can live in this house, take a rest first, I'll get some food, let's Niangliang (ccfg) deal with it, there is nothing delicious here, just don't hold it against you."

Ye Qingxuan quickly thanked the old woman and said, "It's good to be able to eat hot food when you're out of the house. I definitely don't dare to expect anything good to eat."

As the old woman walked out, she said, "This is the countryside, so you don't have to pay too much attention, so you don't have to be polite."

The old woman walked out of the house after she finished speaking, and Ye Qingxuan was left alone in the West House to observe the house. This house is a place where sundries are piled up. Fortunately, there is a bed where you can sleep.

There are still some grains, one bag on the left and the other bag on the right, and some farming tools, which seem to have been unused for a long time, and are placed there.

The old lady's hands and feet were very nimble, and she prepared the meal in no time. The old lady came to the west room and asked Ye Qingxuan to have dinner together.

Ye Qingxuan followed the old lady, and the kitchen was very simple, the two of them sat on the table and started eating.

Ye Qingxuan asked the old woman, "After I entered the village just now, although there were not many families, why did I not even see a single man? What do people here do for a living?".

Chapter 499

The old woman looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "The feng shui here is not good. The men died early when they reached a certain age, and the rest of the young ones were taken away to work as coolies. If you can come back once a year, that's considered it." Well, some of them just died outside without knowing their whereabouts, and these rich people in the family rely on some simple land to maintain food and drink, and they are struggling to survive."

Ye Qingxuan was very curious at this time, and asked the old woman, "Where do these people go to work as coolies? What are they doing? I haven't found out about water conservancy projects, and I haven't seen anything about building dams."

While eating, the old woman said to Ye Qingxuan, "Go ahead and climb over two mountains. A temple is being built there. The project is very huge. All the people around are arrested to build temples as long as they are men~ went."

A monk there said that the feng shui here is not good. After the temple is repaired, the feng shui here will become better, so every household has to be repaired.

When Ye Qingxuan heard that the people here lived in dire straits, they still built temples, he was really stupid.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the old woman, and said to the old woman, "Can you tell me about that Sun City?"

The old woman thought for a while and said, "Actually, what I said are all legends. None of the villagers around have been there. They just say that the weather is hot and everyone is passing it on. This story is passed down by the older generation. Going south, there is a place where there is a tomb that came from the sky. It is said that the whole body is covered with fire when practicing there, so it makes it so hot here. handed down from generation to generation.”

At this time, Ye Qingxuan had enough to eat, Ye Qingxuan said to the old woman, "Do you know how far it is from here?"

The old woman thought for a while and said to Ye Qingxuan, "We, a rich family, don't care about these things. If you really want to inquire, you can go to the old monk in the temple two mountains away.

He knows a lot. He built this temple because the weather is not so hot and to eliminate the fire in Sun City. The old monk said that after the temple is built, he will do a ritual ceremony, and the fire in Sun City will naturally not be poured out. Self-destruction, when the reagent will become obvious, the dealer will have a good harvest, and the weather will not be so hot. "


Ye Qingxuan thought to himself, this is obviously a deceitful thing, to make up these lies for himself, and grab some labor to build a temple for him, it is purely to fool the people.

The old lady had also finished eating at this time and was cleaning up, so someone told Ye Qingxuan, "You can rest in the West Room, there is nothing to do here for a day, you can stay for a few more days, I can still afford you of."


After speaking, the old lady started to tidy up the house.

After eating, Ye Qingxuan went back to the West Room, lying there, thinking about the old woman's story about Sun City, Ye Qingxuan thought it was not far from Flame Mountain.

Ye Qingxuan fell asleep without knowing it. When he was in a drowsy sleep, he heard some noisy voices outside. Ye Qingxuan suddenly opened his eyes and found that it was already dark.

Ye Qingxuan heard a man's voice outside, Ye Qingxuan thought it was wrong, if the old lady didn't say anything, everyone here was taken away? Ye Qingxuan got up quickly and was ready to go out to investigate, wanting to see what was going on.

Chapter 500

As soon as Ye Qingxuan walked into the yard, he saw seven or eight people coming from outside the village, yelling and looking fierce, looking for something.

At this time, the villagers were all awakened by the man's yelling, and they all came out to check.

Ye Qingxuan was about to go out, but was pulled back by the old woman.

The old woman said to Ye Qingxuan, "Don't join in the fun, these people are here to arrest the "480". If he finds that there are men here, he will definitely take you away and build a temple. You should go to the Westinghouse to hide Get up, you can't come out until I call you."

The old lady was watching at the door. When these people walked from house to house, they came to the old lady.

The big man on the big horse asked the old lady, "Have any strangers passed by here recently?"

The old woman said with a smile, "Who can come here in this remote village? Didn't you just come here last month? There are not even any men here, so how can there be any strangers?"

After the big man on the big horse finished speaking, he went on to the next house, and each house had to be questioned.

The folks here are very happy, in fact, many people have seen Ye Qingxuan by the river just now, but when these people asked, no one mentioned Ye Qingxuan's whereabouts.

In fact, Ye Qingxuan didn't take these people seriously at all, but he had to cooperate with the old woman. Even if he went out and was not caught, he might bring a lot of trouble to the village in the future, so Ye Qingxuan could only hide in the Westinghouse , did not come out.

When these people had gone far away from the village, the old lady came to Westinghouse, called Ye Qingxuan out and said, "How Xuan, if you are discovered by them, you will definitely be arrested too. If you are really from this village, don't tell me I can’t hide it from you, I just passed by, rested here for a few days and then left, it’s not wrong to be caught by them.”

Ye Qingxuan looked at these villagers, they were all very angry and hated these people very much, they came here to sweep up once in a few days.

After Ye Qingxuan came out from the west room, the old lady brought Ye Qingxuan something to eat and told him about the situation here.

Ye Qingxuan learned about it through chatting with the old woman.

It was calm here a few months ago, and the villagers here lived a comfortable life. One day, some people broke into here suddenly. They used ice to build temples. Many families did not go, and these people started to use it. The more forceful methods have to go, and people will be cursed if they don’t go, because the practice of the temple is for the benefit of more people, to make it less hot here, and to make the fields have a good harvest, whoever does not go is violating the rules here , Later, some people were still unwilling to go, and these people used force to start arresting people, as long as they were men, they were all arrested...

Ye Qingxuan thought to himself, even building temples is for the benefit of the common people and to keep the land and water safe. That's what they should do. How did they start arresting people and building temples by force? It seems that this place is not that simple.

Ye Qingxuan finished dinner at the old woman's place and was lying in the west room at 5.6, unable to sleep. Ye Qingxuan decided to go tomorrow to see who is building this temple, why not let these people go home? How can there be such a reason?

Ye Qingxuan fell asleep unknowingly last night, and when he woke up, it was already the second day, and the sun was already high.

Let him open his eyes and tidy up his clothes, then walked to the yard and found that the old lady was not at home.

Chapter 501 The Disappeared Person

Ye Qingxuan thought, maybe he went to work, and then saw the food left by the old woman for Ye Qingxuan, still hot in the pot, Ye Qingxuan took it out and took a simple bite, waiting for the old woman at home, waiting for the old lady Come back and say goodbye to him and get out of here.

But waited and waited and didn't see anyone coming back, so Ye Qingxuan went to the village and turned around, but there was no sign of anyone, Ye Qingxuan wondered if these people went to the river to wash clothes together, so there was no one in the house .

Ye Qingxuan came to the river, but did not find anyone by the river. Ye Qingxuan walked down the river and found nothing. Ye Qingxuan felt very strange at this time, why all the people in the village suddenly disappeared.

Is something wrong? Ye Qingxuan couldn't figure it out a bit, and then went back to the old woman. There was still no one at home, so Ye Qingxuan waited in the yard until it was dark and the sun was setting, and there was still no one. This time Ye Qingxuan became anxious , something must have happened, otherwise it would be impossible for no one to be seen.

Ye Qingxuan immediately thought of that temple, whether it has something to do with the construction of the temple, Ye Qingxuan felt that he couldn't wait any longer, and immediately set out on the road without delay, he only asked about the temple, wanting to find out why all the people in the village disappeared overnight .

Ye Qingxuan didn't say a word, just left the house and ran to the back of the mountain.

Ye Qingxuan non-stop thought about the newly built temple and walked. When he arrived at the temple, he saw that it was dawn and the sun was already exposed. Ye Qingxuan looked from a distance, and there were many people working there.

But I didn't see any women. At this time, I felt that things were not that simple. Ye Qingxuan went straight to the temple without saying a word. When he got to the front, he saw many people working there. The temple was already under construction. finished.

At this time, someone found Ye Qingxuan, and several monks from the temple came to Ye Qingxuan and said, "Who are you? The construction here has not been completed, please leave quickly."

Ye Qingxuan looked at it and said to the monk, "I'm not here to offer incense and worship Buddha, I'm here to find someone."

The monk looked at it, and Ye Qingxuan said to Ye Qingxuan, "There are coolies here, whoever you want to find can be found elsewhere, and don't make trouble here."

The monk walked back after finishing speaking, Ye Qingxuan shouted, and the monk said, "I came from the surrounding villages, and the people there were all captured by you, you should release them quickly, or don't blame me for treating you You're welcome."

The monk looked back, and Ye Qingxuan said to Ye Qingxuan, "You are so strange, I don't bother you, you still dare to come here to make trouble, why don't you hurry up, if you leave late, I'm afraid you will leave even if you want to." It's gone."

After the monk finished speaking, one of the monks left suddenly, and Ye Qingxuan ran to him to understand that this time he went to report the news, but Ye Qingxuan didn't stop him, Ye Qingxuan thought, all of you come out, I'm going I want to clean up you.

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