Ye Qingxuan didn't say a word, just rode up and was beaten up, punched left, punched right, and the 78 people were screamed and rolled all over the ground.

At this time, more than 20 thugs were all knocked down by Ye Qingxuan alone, the landlord and bully, and the one watching by the side was stunned, his mouth was wide open, his eyes were wide open, he couldn't believe that this man looked like a scholar Since he is so good that more than 20 people are holding the guy, none of them are his opponents, what is the origin of this person?

Several thugs stood up, and continued to hit Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan didn't even look back, and kicked one of them flying, then turned around one by one, and kicked another one.

There was another one who just wanted to run, and Ye Qingxuan kicked this person down, then rode up, and punched this person hard in the face. This person's teeth were killed at that time. The blood, you can't see it at all, lying on the ground, wailing~ wailing.

····Ask for flowers········-···

Ye Qingxuan stood up and walked towards the landlord and bully. He came up to the landlord and bully and said, "Am I qualified to talk to you about today's matter - how to solve it?"

The landlord bully looked at Ye Qingxuan viciously and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Little bastard, you are quite capable of fighting, but I absolutely refuse to accept you. I can't accept this fast today. I have to pay back the money that should be paid. .”


Ye Qingxuan had heard it to this point, this landlord bully had no intention of repenting at all, and was still talking about debts here.

Ye Qingxuan didn't listen to him at all, and gave the landlord and bully a big mouth when he went up, and the mouth was **** at that time.

The landlord and bully stared blankly, Ye Qingxuan said to Ye Qingxuan, "You dare to hit me, do you know who I am? You have to think about the consequences."

Just as the landlord and bully finished speaking, Ye Qingxuan went up and slapped him again.

The landlord bully covered his face and said to Ye Qingxuan, "What exactly do you want to do? Where are you from? Have you thought about it?" The door.

Chapter 485

Ye Qingxuan didn't say a word, and directly gave the landlord and bully another big mouth.

At this time, the landlord bully didn't dare to speak anymore, he covered his face, his eyes widened, and he looked at Ye Qingxuan viciously.

Ye Qingxuan went up and gave another big mouth.

The landlord bully covered his face and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I don't talk anymore, why are you still beating me?"

Ye Qingxuan said "four three seven" to the landlord bully, "How do you solve today's matter?"

The landlord bully sees that the good man does not suffer from the immediate loss, admit it, there is no other way, and say, "This uncle doesn't want the money anymore, you should get married and welcome your relatives. I made a mistake today. I will bring my people and put them here immediately." Let's go, do you think it's okay?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at it, walked up to Er Gouzi, untied Er Gouzi's hands and feet, and let Er Gouzi go.

You always ask the old mother-in-law to call and ask him to write something in writing for the landlord and bully to sign.

The family was so frightened that they didn't dare to come out at all. At this time, they heard Ye Qingxuan calling them, and then they came out, and wrote an agreement in front of the landlord and bully that they would not owe each other starting today and ending there.

The landlord and bully also signed on it, agreeing to this.

Ye Qingxuan said to all the villagers, "Today, the two of them don't owe anyone any more, and they have all been written off. All the villagers will give you a certificate."

Ye Qingxuan said to the landlord bully and his thugs, "Today is Er Gouzi's marriage. I don't want to make things too big on a good day. Today is a lesson for you. If you still dare to harass their family , then I will definitely not be merciful next time, so get the **** out of here."

These thugs were lying on the ground and yelling, when they heard Ye Qingxuan told him to get out, "Everyone got up from the ground and left here like shit."

Ye Qingxuan looked at Er Gouzi, and said to Er Gouzi, "The family is still waiting for the team to pick up the bride, hurry up and clean up, we have to go back."

Er Gouzi didn't say a word, went into the room and carried the bride to the sedan chair, and asked the drummer to continue blowing. The wedding was going to go on normally, and the atmosphere at this moment was reversed.

When I grew up, I said to the folks here, "Today is Ergouzi. Divorce is a happy day. Thank you for coming to support us. We will come here to have fun after we go back for three days. I hope all the folks will come. Let's join in the excitement..."

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he walked back with the wedding party.

Waiting here at home is like ants on a hot pot. Everyone is walking around, wondering what happened here and why they haven't come back. The matchmaker is also very anxious here. Those landlords and bullies don't know anyone in ten miles and eight villages. This is more ominous than good luck.

Er Gouzi's godfather and godmother couldn't bear it any longer, and there was no sign of returning at this time, what should I do? The folks are all waiting here, should we let them wait or let them go back? It's still dinner, what should I do? Who can take a 5.6 idea?

The folks who helped cook were all watching and didn't know what to do, so they just stayed here if no one spoke.

Just when everyone was very depressed, they heard the sound of suona blowing.

At this time, all the people in the yard were refreshed, stood up, ran to the gate and looked out.

Chapter 486 is back

The matchmaker was the first to run out. He stood at the gate and walked to the distance. He saw that Ye Qingxuan and Er Gouzi came back with the wedding party, and they were blowing the suona. They should have brought the bride back smoothly. .

The matchmaker never expected, how he escaped from the landlords and bullies, and how he picked up everything is a mystery, and Americans can't figure it out. No matter what, if the person is picked up, things have to be done as usual.

Er Gouzi's godfather and godmother saw that the stone that was pressing on her heart was let go.

What are the two dogs doing? Hurry up and let Xiangting set off firecrackers. There are a lot of firecrackers prepared here at home, just to make some noise.

The sound of the drummer's 22 became louder and closer to home, and everyone returned to the festive atmosphere.

Ye Qingxuan looked at Er Gouzi and said, "What happened just now, don't say anything more when you get back. It's all over and there is nothing to say. Just let the wedding go smoothly."

Er Gouzi nodded at this time, Ye Qingxuan and everyone have already explained, don't talk nonsense when you go back, just act as if nothing happened.

Ye Qingxuan walked into the yard as soon as he said what he said. At this time, the sound of firecrackers became louder and louder. Everyone was waiting for Er Gouzi to bring the bride back.

Er Gouzi's godfather and godmother saw that Er Gouzi was indeed back, and the bride was finally relieved to be sitting in the sedan chair.

After entering the yard, the firecrackers also stopped, and then began to walk through the process of getting married step by step. After the process was over, the folks began to eat.

The troupe also started to sing, and suddenly the quiet village became lively. After Er Gouzi put the bride in the bridal chamber, he came out to meet the villagers and toasted one by one.

There was also a festive smile on the face of the blind date. The folks were eating while watching the play. Many of the blind date here have never seen the play. I just heard that today I finally have the opportunity to watch the play. It is really exciting. .

There are more than 70 tables in total, one of the folks counts as one, and all of them came to Er Gouzi's house. Er Gouzi is also very happy. Such a lively scene, and all the folks came.

Er Gouzi thought to himself, parents have spirits in the sky, and seeing all this, they will be very happy.

Er Gouzi's godfather and godmother are also here to maintain, entertain, and serve. The old man and the old lady are very relieved to see that Er Gouzi has finally grown up today and married a wife.

Ye Qingxuan was also very happy to see this scene, and finally had a perfect ending. Ye Qingxuan thought to himself that I could go on 443 tomorrow, and Ye Qingxuan was also very anxious, so he set the wedding date so urgently. After Gouzi's business is done, he will feel at ease, and he can leave here.

At this time, there was a small climax on the stage, and the villagers were yelling and screaming below. Ye Qingxuan looked angry and looked at the smiles on the faces of the villagers. Ye Qingxuan knew that the villagers were very happy. is considered complete.

Time passed quickly, and the sun was about to set at this time, and the singing continued on the stage, and the villagers were all watching below, and no one left because singing operas is not always met.

Chapter 487 Fire Pile

This is more lively than the Chinese New Year, so the folks are reluctant to leave.

Ye Qingxuan arranged for the kitchen to continue cooking, and the villagers continued to eat and watch plays here.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the sun and it was about to set, so he couldn't go to the theater when it was dark, so Ye Qingxuan arranged for a few villagers to prepare some dry firewood, and made 5 piles of work, and there were two couples on both sides of the stage for dinner Put a pile in the middle of the yard, and then. Five fires were set on both sides of the house, and the courtyard was brightly illuminated at that time.

Ye Qingxuan also specially arranged for someone to watch in front of the fire. If anything happened, Ye Qingxuan went to the backstage of the troupe, found the troupe and told the troupe master, "Look how enthusiastic the folks are, so you can work hard and sing for a while. I'll pay for it." It will be settled for you in two days, and everyone will have a reward."

As soon as the troupe leader heard that the family was happy, he immediately shouted, "Everyone put in some effort, the master is rewarding you〃."

You can see that the current scene is completely different, and it has reached a small climax. The drummers on the stage are also playing very hard, and the actors' performances are also very good.

The folks watched it, and there was a lot of applause from below.

Ye Qingxuan saw the enthusiasm of the villagers, and also saw the hard work of the opera troupe!

The folks, no matter men, women, old or young, were smiling unscrupulously there, Ye Qingxuan thought that they should not be so relaxed and relaxed for a long time.

The folks were talking and laughing. Even during the Chinese New Year, it was not so lively. Now it is ten times more lively than the Chinese New Year.

Time passed quickly, and it was almost midnight at this time, Ye Qingxuan looked at the time, then walked up to the stage and said to the folks, "We will end here today, it's too late, I saw some children They are all sleepy, and the opera singers are also human, and they are also working very hard. I saw that a few people have lost their voices, so let's let them rest. Let's retreat one after another. Take the tables, chairs and benches back along the way."

The folks felt a little dissatisfied when they heard it, and then cleaned up the yard and took all their tables, chairs and benches back.

The folks who cook in the kitchen haven't eaten yet, they heated up the leftovers, and then they gathered around to eat here. Ye Qingxuan came over and said to the folks in the kitchen, "You are the hardest, I've been busy from morning to now, and I haven't seen many plays, it's really hard for you."

Some brothers were in the yard and began to dismantle the temporary sheds.

There is a saying that goes well, more people make it easier to work and less people make it easier to cook.

In a short while, the temporary shed in the yard was tested, and the kitchen was tidied up. The yard was a mess just now, but now it is clean and tidy. The difference (is it good) is not much.

Ye Qingxuan was very happy when he saw that the busy day was about to pass, it was considered complete, and it was good that nothing special happened.

Er Gouzi left the house at this time, came out and said to Ye Qingxuan, "¨Time flies so fast, this busy day is over, I think the villagers are very happy."

Ye Qingxuan said to Er Gouzi, "You are not in the house with your wife, what are you doing out?".

Chapter 488 Clean Up

Er Gouzi laughed and said, "The days will be long in the future, when can't I accompany you, I see you are here alone in a daze, come out and talk to you for a while."

Ye Qingxuan said to Er Gouzi, "It's almost done here. After a while, the folks will go back to rest, and the stage of the troupe will be dismantled. From tomorrow onwards, you will return to your normal life. You need to clean up your fields. The cows are also taken care of, but don’t be careless, this is the rice bowl you will eat in the future to protect.”

Er Gouzi smiled and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Don't worry about these, we are the 443 farmer's family, and we have no other skills except those who know how to work in the fields."

Ye Qingxuan watched the villagers tidying up in the yard go home one after another, Ye Qingxuan said to Er Gouzi, "Everyone has rested, and those who should go have gone too, you should go back and rest too."

Master Ye Qingxuan went back to the house to rest, and Ye Qingxuan fell asleep before he knew it, Ye Qingxuan slept really soundly this time, he was really tired from busy morning to night, Ye Qingxuan hadn't woken up yet, Ye Qingxuan was awakened by the noise of many people outside.

Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and looked around, it was already bright outside.

Ye Qingxuan heard the noise outside, Ye Qingxuan listened carefully, it turned out that it was yesterday, that landlord bully brought many people today, and surrounded Er Gouzi's house.

The villagers around didn't know what was going on, they all came here to watch the fun, Ye Qingxuan quickly put on his clothes, and then walked out.

Ye Qingxuan came to the courtyard in a few steps, walked to the gate and looked at the landlord bully, with a face like a pig's head, he was not angry at all.

Ye Qingxuan said to the landlord and bully, "You have been beaten enough, and today you are delivered to your door."

The landlord bully laughed, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "You don't want my life, I want your life in retrospect, don't be too arrogant, do you think I can't find you (ccfg)? Look at your home around now."

Ye Qingxuan looked around, only to realize that the surrounding area was completely surrounded, and these people were all holding bows and arrows.

The landlord bully was told to Ye Qingxuan, "I'm here today to save face. If you're sensible, call that little daughter-in-law out to me and let me take her away. We won't say anything. If you dare to stop me, Today I will kill you first, and then I will take that little daughter-in-law away."

Ye Qingxuan laughed loudly, and said to the landlord bully, "Are you really ready? Don't lose your face and lose your life here. Unless you can bring me down this time, I will let you die." Here, you guy, I gave you a chance, but you didn't know how to cherish it, and today you came to the door again, today either you die, or you die, you must die today."

The landlord bully looked at it, and Ye Qingxuan said to Ye Qingxuan, "I brought nearly 100 brothers today, 100 bows and arrows. These brothers are all famous hunters nearby. They shoot arrows at you at the same time. I think you will be stabbed in no time." As a hedgehog, you should think about how to survive, even if you can fight again, so what?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at the landlord and bully and said to the landlord and bully, "I'm still the same as before, you take your people away, don't come to harass us in the future, and we will never trouble you, if you don't leave, you insist on staying If you provoke me here, you have to think about the consequences, and then don't say that I didn't give you a chance.".

Chapter 489 Archer

The landlord bully laughed loudly, looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "You are still stubborn when you are about to die, you should think about what you should do, and shoot an arrow for me."

At this time, the landlord bully shouted at the archers who surrounded Ergouzi's house and shot at Ye Qingxuan at the same time.

Seeing that Ye Qingxuan didn't have time to dodge, he picked up a small stick on the ground, and then blocked all the establishments in the sky, and was not injured at all. Ye Qingxuan's reaction speed was quite agile, and even some people didn't They didn't understand how Ye Qingxuan did it.

The archers saw that they were all exposed there, and then shot the second arrow. Ye Qingxuan jumped up to a height of more than three feet, and all the swords were shot. Ye Qingxuan fell down again at this time.

Ye Qingxuan slipped on the ground like this, and drew a lot of arrows, and then scattered them all around in an instant and shot them back.

Most of the people around here have been victimized by profiteers, but it is definitely not fatal, either on the leg or on the arm, there is no fatal place.

The folks who watched the excitement, and the landlord and bully were dumbfounded at the time. What's going on? He didn't understand what he was doing just now. Those archers were all injured and fell to the ground, screaming, and now there are only twenty or thirty uninjured.

The uninjured archers directly drew out their broadswords, and gathered from the surroundings to the door, where the landlords and bullies gathered.

The landlord and bully looked at it, and Ye Qingxuan said to Ye Qingxuan, "You brat has a trick, it seems that I still underestimated you."

The landlord bully looked back at the twenty or thirty people and said to them, if anyone can kill this person, he will be rewarded with 100 taels of gold.

When one, two, three or four people heard the fist, their eyes widened, they put their knives out of their pockets, and then asked Ye Qingxuan. It seems that these people have their own skills, but they are all younger brothers in front of Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan could close his eyes and slash at them with a big knife, Ye Qingxuan won with his left arm, knocked the knife to the ground, and then kicked the man **** the chest , this person flew out directly, lying on the ground and screaming.

A man with a knife came over, and it looked like Ye Qingxuan's head had been chopped off. Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and stood up, turned around and kicked this man flying out.


Come up with a stick holding a stick, this guy is very beautiful, he rushed to Ye Qingxuan as soon as he made his appearance, Ye Qingxuan was not too miserable, he directly caught the stick with one hand and pulled it forward The stick was snatched away, and then it hit the person fiercely with the stick. The person was beaten to the ground immediately, and then screamed.


Afterwards, five more people rushed up together. Ye Qingxuan swung the stick in his hand and knocked these five people to the ground. Ye Qingxuan jumped up and rode on one person. One punch, one left kick and one right kick made these five people scream.

Afterwards, 4 more people rushed up, all of them were using big knives, and they looked like Lianjia when they showed their shoulders. All of a sudden, these people rushed forward at the same time, Ye Qingxuan kicked one in the air with a roundabout kick, and then jumped and directly smashed another door with his knee.

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