The matchmaker is asking for credit here, and the matchmaker must show off how generous they are.

The family stood up and said to the matchmaker, "Okay, we can rest assured that you can handle things. Since you introduced such a good family to my daughter, I will remember your love."

Then the matchmaker said to Ye Qingxuan, "The girls in this family never care about appearance and character. In all aspects, there is nothing to choose. The two of you are really a natural match."

How else could this matchmaker have such a sharp mouth? The dead can be said to be alive, he is trying to please himself on both sides and be a good person.

The matchmaker continued, "Since this matter has been settled, let's choose a date and let them get married as soon as possible."

At this time Ye Qingxuan thought for a while, "Then three days later."

After Ye Qingxuan said this, he continued to eat, without looking up at them at all. At this moment, everyone was stunned again. Everyone was thinking, why is the time so tight, can we have time to prepare in three days?

Ye Qingxuan also saw their doubts and said, "You guys go home after dinner and prepare to go. We will go to your house to pick up your relatives in three days' time with drums and gongs."

Ye Qingxuan also wanted to finish Er Gouzi's marriage early at this time, he still had to hurry, and he had important things to do, so he couldn't delay here for too long.

The family didn't dare to refute what Ye Qingxuan said, they just nodded and said, "Okay, okay."

Soon the meal was over, and the matchmaker sent the family away.

Only Er Gouzi, her godfather, godmother, and Ye Qingxuan were left on the table. Er Gouzi said to Ye Qingxuan at this time, "His family wants too much betrothal gifts, why don't you go down and go up?"

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, patted Er Gouzi on the shoulder and said, "Marrying a daughter-in-law is a good thing and a happy thing, don't make people unhappy about it, those money are small money, you can live your life well in the future That's the most important thing, so don't think about money, what we have to think about now is to hurry up and prepare, and we have to do it in a lively manner."

Er Gouzi's godfather and godmother stood up and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Do you think you can make it in such a short time?"

Let her think about it, "Three days is enough, and I will have to trouble you two elders to find some people in this village to help me run errands later. I have something to tell them."

Er Gouzi's godfather and godmother said, "This is a trivial matter. We have lived here for so many years, and this matter is still okay."

Not long after, Er Gouzi's godfather and godmother sent several people to look for Ye Qingxuan.

These people came here and said to Ye Qingxuan, "If you have anything to do, just tell us, just treat us as a family, you are welcome.".

Chapter 479

Ye Qingxuan chuckled and said, "Okay, time is tight and the task is heavy. We will marry the bride in three days. Now we have to make arrangements and divide into three groups. One group will hold the banquet, and we will dress up on the spot in a while, and in a while we will be married." Go to the town and hire me a troupe, and when we get married, we will play with him, and it will be lively."

At this time, Ye Qingxuan arranged for two people to find some people in the village to cook, and prepared all the ingredients, and began to prepare ingredients after killing pigs and sheep.

They also arranged for two people to buy some silk and satin, and hung up the yard outside the room, and had to build some temporary sheds in the yard.

I am afraid that a group of people will go to town, so I invite a troupe to come and buy some more-firecrackers.

At this time, these people split up. One group started to kill pigs, goats and chickens in the village and began to prepare food and drink. Better - some.

Another group of people went to the village and borrowed the tables, chairs and benches from the villagers and placed them in the yard. A total of 30 tables were set up, and everyone in the village could sit down.

The people who went to the town to invite the theater troupe also invited back, and set up the stage in the middle of the yard.

Now I see that everyone is busy there. On the second night, everything is ready, nothing is missing, and nothing is missing.

Ye Qingxuan saw that tomorrow's normal wedding reception would just be done.

Ye Qingxuan and Er Gouzi were watching all the complaining red colors in the yard at this time, it was really festive, the windows and doors were pasted with happy words, Ye Qingxuan asked Er Gouzi, "From tomorrow on, you will be a married man. You have to be stable in everything you do, focus on this family, you can’t be as self-willed as before, it’s your responsibility to farm the fields and take good care of your family.”

Er Gouzi nodded, looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "Master, no one treats me so well when I grow up. I will firmly remember everything you did for me today."

Ye Qingxuan looked at Er Gouzi and said, "It's fate that we two got to know each other once. Your personality is very similar to mine. If you don't like it, you have to say it. If you do something wrong, let's admit it. I like you because of your straightforward personality. This, but in the future, you need to be tactful, and you will suffer if you are too serious.”


Er Gouzi looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "What the master said, Er Gouzi will always remember it in his heart, and will firmly remember it."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the kitchen, the folks were busy preparing for tomorrow, the stage was set up, and everyone was sitting and preparing for tomorrow.

Ye Qingxuan said to Er Gouzi, "You don't have anything to do here, go back to rest early, you have to pick up your relatives tomorrow, I'll look around to see if there's anything inappropriate, I'll fix it again .”


Er Gouzi looked at Ye Qingxuan, then turned around and went back to sleep in the house.

Ye Qingxuan came to the kitchen and saw that the villagers were busy in full swing, some were picking vegetables, feeding and slaughtering pigs, washing dishes and bowls, and blind boxes were in full swing.

Ye Qingxuan said to these villagers, "Tomorrow is the day, Er Gouzi will marry a wife tomorrow, you have worked hard here."

The villagers were very happy when they saw Ye Qingxuan's arrival. Ye Qingxuan's fame is known to everyone in this village, and they all admire Ye Qingxuan's character very much. Ye Qingxuan has nothing to do with Er Gouzi.

Chapter 480 Character

But he is willing to pay so much for Er Gouzi, and the villagers also admire his character very much.

Moreover, Ye Qingxuan's hands are very generous, and he truly regards money as dung. Ye Qingxuan has no concept of money, and Ye Qingxuan can have as much money as he wants, so money is nothing to him at all.

In response to that sentence, as long as it is a problem that money can solve, it is not a problem at all.

This "four three three" sentence could not be more accurate for Ye Qingxuan.

Everything is ready, just wait for the dawn, and then pick up the kiss.

On the second day, it was just dawn, and Ye Qingxuan got up very early, because there were many important things to do today, and no link could be missed. Ye Qingxuan got up and saw that the two dogs had already woken up, Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, Looking at Er Gouzi, he said, "I've never seen you be so active. It's really not easy to wake up so early today."

Er Gouzi looked back and saw that Ye Qingxuan had also gotten up, and lowered his head embarrassedly and said, "It's too noisy outside, I couldn't sleep, so I got up."

After finishing speaking, Ye Qingxuan laughed and said, "Hurry up and put the new clothes on the carriage, the sedan chair drummer is dirty, and get ready to pick up your relatives in a while. From today onwards, you will also have a wife, sir. big."

Er Gouzi felt embarrassed again when he heard it, so he went to work in the backyard.

After a while, Ye Qingxuan looked at the sun and felt that it was almost time, so he called Er Gouzi to explain to Er Gouzi that he should pay attention to safety and walk on the road on the way, go early and return early.

Er Gouzi hurriedly pulled out the tall horse, followed by the sedan chair, followed by the drummer, followed by 8 people holding gifts.

These few people rushed to the bride's house in a mighty way, because it was not too far, tens of miles, and the road was fairly flat, it was in the next village.

Ye Qingxuan watched Er Gouzi at home, and the group set off. Ye Qingxuan was busy at home, but he didn't follow him. He felt that the road was not too far away, and the road was peaceful, so he let Er Gouzi take these people with him. To pick up the bride, of course the matchmaker will also follow, and all the procedures will be completed by the matchmaker. Zhang Luo is an expert, and he will definitely not lose his etiquette.

Ye Qingxuan is ready at home, all the links are not big, just waiting for the pick-up team to come back, but the pick-up team has not seen anyone for a long time, Ye Qingxuan sent people to meet them several times, but still did not see...

Ye Qingxuan thought in his heart that according to the distance, the time should come back, why hasn't he come back yet? Can't something happen?

Just when Ye Qingxuan was thinking, the matchmaker was crying and howling, and ran here from a far away place, Ye Qingxuan knew it was the matchmaker from a distance, and seeing his flustered look, Ye Qingxuan understood in his heart that something must have happened Son, Ye Qingxuan hurriedly stepped forward, greeted the matchmaker directly and said, "Why are you the only one who came back to pick up the bride? What happened?"

The matchmaker took a breath and said, "Someone was robbing the bride. Just before a landlord and bully in her natal home got into a fight with him on 5.6, the map found the daughter of this family. I asked someone several times to ask this family not Yes, today I know that his girls are getting married and they are making troubles. If they come, they won’t let them go. Er Gouzi has already been detained there. Let him write a letter of divorce before letting him come back. Otherwise, no one will even think about leaving. I Seeing that things are not good, I will come back and tell you."

Chapter 481

When Ye Qingxuan heard what kind of world this is, this kind of thing can happen, this landlord bully is too domineering, it is unreasonable, Ye Qingxuan is already furious with anger, everything in the house is ready, ready to pick up the bride When the wife came back, such a thing happened over there, Ye Qingxuan got a fast horse and went straight to the bride's house in a fit of anger.

After Ye Qingxuan left, the family was in chaos. There was a lot of talking and talking. It seems that today's happy event can't go on. Let's all take a rest. Some people said that we might wait a little longer just came back. twenty two

The yard became a mess, at this time Er Gouzi's godfather and godmother stood up and said, "Everyone, don't mess up, all preparations are going on normally, let's wait here, don't mess up, I believe Ye Qingxuan has gone After that, they'll be back soon."

All the folks didn't move, they prepared whatever they needed, and they all waited at home.

Ye Qingxuan ran to the bride as soon as he rode his horse. When he first entered this village, Ye Qingxuan didn't know where the bride's house was, but seeing a family with many people watching, Ye Qingxuan thought it must be the price, so many people watching.

After Ye Qingxuan got off his horse, he didn't make any noise, but quietly squeezed into the crowd here to observe Ye Qingxuan wanted to understand the situation, what's going on now, Ye Qingxuan observed here for a while, and learned.

Er Gouzi's daughter-in-law, this family bought some land from the landlord and bully's house. They gave part of the money at that time, and said that the rest would be replenished after the autumn harvest. The two families reached an agreement. His daughter had a bad idea.

Before the autumn harvest, I came to ask someone to talk about marriage, but this family did not agree, so the landlord bully became angry and blackmailed Er Gouzi's wife and family a large sum of money during the autumn harvest.

The landlord bully said that he would not pay the money, or use his daughter to pay off the debt. The family had no choice but to push the daughter into the fire pit, so they reluctantly agreed to pay the landlord bully 200 taels when the autumn harvest came.

As soon as Ye Qingxuan heard the 200 taels, he immediately understood. No wonder this family wanted 200 taels as a bride price. This family had difficulties, and Ye Qingxuan understood everything at once.

The matchmaker took the family to Ergouzi's house for dinner. During the meal, they talked about the bride price. The family proposed a sky-high price of 200 taels. Qian, now that I see this, Ye Qingxuan understands everything at once, and understands everything, this is to redeem his daughter.

Ye Qingxuan had already given 200 taels to their family and doubled it, so why did the landlords and bullies still insist on it?

The landlord bully saw that this woman was going to get married today, so he brought some people here to make trouble, and now he can't pay much money, so 437 has to keep the people and force Er Gouzi to write a revision book.

These people have already tied Er Gouzi's hands with rope, and controlled the drummer and those who came with him. No one is allowed to leave, as long as Er Gouzi writes a letter of divorce, and then forgets They, or don't go back.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan saw all this clearly in the crowd watching the excitement, walked out of the crowd, and went directly into the yard.

Er Gouzi was **** by several people, the control saw Ye Qingxuan coming, he knew it in his heart, he saw it and hoped that this matter could not be done without Ye Qingxuan.

Chapter 482 Remediation

Ye Qingxuan walked up to the landlord bully and took a look. This person is already an old man in his 50s, but he still wants old cows to eat tender grass. Ye Qingxuan said, "Today is the day of their wedding, what are you doing here? You How old are you, do you still want to show your face?"

Ye Qingxuan's few words directly made the landlord say in a domineering manner, "Who are you? Where did you come from? You don't have a place to talk here. If you meddle in other people's business here, don't say that I am now Just clean it up and get out of here quickly."

The accomplices of landlords and bullies came up, and they were about to throw Ye Qingxuan out. Ye Qingxuan dodged back a bit, and said to these people, "Why do you feel that if you are unreasonable, you will do it? Are you guys talking about it?" The truth is, if you say you owe money, we will pay you back the money. After paying the money, you still rely on other girls. Today is a happy day. If you don’t help, it’s fine, but you still come to make trouble. The folks in this village bow their heads and don’t see them. Look up, don’t be too much How compelling〃ˇ.”

After hearing what Ye Qingxuan said, the landlord and bully burst out laughing. The landlord and bully said, "Today he wants to write a letter of divorce. You and I can go back without stopping anyone, but if he doesn't write anyone, don't even think about it." Let's go, don't think about it."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the time and thought to himself, those at home are still waiting to pick up the bride, I can't waste too much time here, then Ye Qingxuan stepped forward and said to the landlord bully, "You guys rely on your own money Many people bully few people, right? If I don’t teach you a lesson today, you really don’t know the heights of heaven and earth.”

The landlord bully looked at it, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "You are right, today I will bully you because I have a large number of people. Are you tired of just meddling in my business when you find out who I am?"

Ye Qingxuan took a look at the surrounding environment and was ready to make a move. Now Er Gouzi's wife and family are all in the house, and the landlord and bully won't let them out. The villagers who asked for blood transfusion to watch the fun were surrounded outside this big courtyard, and the three floors inside and outside were all watching the fun here.

There were more than 20 landlords and bullies wandering around in the yard. Ye Qingxuan stood in the middle of the yard by himself, and Er Gouzi's hands and feet were still tied.

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while, and stopped talking nonsense with these people, I will use violence to counter violence today.

Ye Qingxuan said to the landlord bully, "¨¨I don't care who you are, I don't have the time to find out who you are, now you let Er Gouzi let me go, let us pick up the bride and leave normally, I don't care about anything. If it didn’t happen, I will never embarrass you, if you dare to stop me, don’t blame me for being ruthless today.”

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, the landlord bully was not afraid, instead he laughed out loud. At this time, the thugs who came with the landlord bully all came over, there were more than 20 big (good Zhao) holding various There are all kinds of weapons, some with knives, some with swords, some with sticks, some with red and silver guns, and some with bare hands, all of them seem to be practitioners.

At this time, the landlord bully said to his gang of thugs, "Shoot out this little **** who knows nothing about heaven and earth."

As soon as these thugs heard what the landlord and bully had said, they came straight up and a few of them came up to fight Ye Qingxuan with sticks.

Chapter 483

Ye Qingxuan wanted to do it a long time ago, you don't make sense to these people, and you don't understand the reasoning, so you can only use violence to control violence, Ye Qingxuan is not polite, just kicked on the thug's leg and fell to his knees up.

When he was old, he kicked and fell again, one was a left punch, and the right punch fell to the ground 4 times.

The landlords, bullies, and these thugs were all thrown there. I didn't expect this thin young man to have two tricks. These people underestimated the enemy.

Landlords and bullies felt a little embarrassed, and said to these thugs, "What else can you idiots do? Such a person doesn't understand, so beat me up."

These thugs themselves also feel ashamed. Since such a thin young man knocked down four of our brothers, it's okay.

These 437 thugs swarmed up, some with knives, some with sticks, and some with sticks. They all directly fought Ye Qingxuan. , Ye Qingxuan jumped up, kicked his left foot and punched him right, and directly felled the two Ye Qingxuan rode on the body of a thug, and punched this man's face one after another, hitting the man's face full of shame. Blood.

The landlord bully looked very annoyed, and said to the thugs, "beat me to death, everyone, don't be scruples, I will take my life if there is a trouble, beat me to death. (ccfg

When the thugs heard this, there was no hesitation. If you kill me, it will be a fatal move.

Ye Qingxuan didn't have any intention of dodging, just catch the knife when you cut it, and then just punch him down with a very simple and rough punch.

A thug with a stick swung the stick directly at Ye Qingxuan's head. Ye Qingxuan blocked it with his left hand, then clenched his fist with his right hand, and punched the man hard in the stomach. He knelt down on the spot. After getting off, he lay on the ground and screamed.

Two more thugs directly took down the machetes and chopped down the boss at the same time. Ye Qingxuan caught the two knives with both hands and kicked each of his legs. Leaving aside, Ye Qingxuan didn't want their lives, but just wanted to teach them a lesson, so he didn't use these weapons.

Ye Qingxuan is going to fight them with bare hands, until they are convinced, there is a thug with bare hands, this guy is big and looks like a bull, come to Ye Qingxuan, you just have to fight Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan didn't even look at it He took one look, went up and punched him directly in the stomach, this person didn't even have time to dodge, he knelt on the ground and screamed, Ye Qingxuan immediately kicked this person to the ground on the spot.

There are more and more people watching this scene, but everyone dare not speak, just watching from a distance, the folks are still laughing in their hearts, this landlord bully has been rampant here for many years, everyone has more or less He was bullied by him, so the folks hate these people very much.

The villagers also hope that Ye Qingxuan can teach them a good lesson, so that they will not come here to bully the villagers again, but none of the villagers dare to speak out, and no one dares to express their views. They are afraid that they will be retaliated against if they offend the landlords and bullies.

Here, Ye Qingxuan is punching left and kicking right, and those thugs beat him upside down.

No matter who rushed up, Ye Qingxuan kicked him to the ground, and then beat him violently.

Chapter 484 Sneak Attack

After getting on a thug, he took out a dagger from his pocket and stabbed Ye Qingxuan directly. Ye Qingxuan stepped forward and kicked the dagger away, and then kicked the thug in the stomach. At that time, the thug knelt on Ye Qingxuan In front of him, Ye Qingxuan kicked this man to the ground again. The thug was covering his stomach on the ground, screaming.

Ye Qingxuan hates these sneak attackers with their stomachs full of bad water. At this time, a guy with a red and silver gun came in front of him. He seemed to be going to stab Ye Qingxuan directly. Ye Qingxuan grabbed the red and silver gun, and then kicked directly After snatching the red and silver gun, Ye Qingxuan immediately kicked the thug's face, then knelt down, covered his face and called Ye Qingxuan, followed by another punch, directly knocking the man over. on the ground.

Of the 20 or so thugs standing now, only those seven or eight are left, and the rest have been brought down by Ye Qingxuan, lying in the yard and screaming.

Ye Qingxuan directly walked over to seven or eight thugs, these guys didn't have anything in their hands, they were all bare hands.

Ye Qingxuan didn't care if he went up, grabbed one and beat him up, grabbed another one, grabbed the collar, lifted this person high above his head, and then threw it at the other people. 7 Eight people were all knocked to the ground.

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