Ye Qingxuan called Er Gouzi over and said to Er Gouzi, "I want to tell you about a marriage, what do you think〃?"

Er Gouzi suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "What kind of wife do you marry for no reason? You're talking nonsense."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while, and said to Er Gouzi, "Look how much money I have invested here to buy a house, buy sheep and cows, and grow these myself. I'm afraid you can't do it alone, so I want to marry you Daughter-in-law, the two of you can help me take care of this family business together, I think it is very good. You can just listen to me on this matter. I will marry you a wife, and you two will definitely control my family business. You have to make it clear, there can be no loss, I don’t worry if it’s your own, even if there is no loss, it’s better to find you a cook, you two will live here, waiting to come back as a teacher.”

Er Gouzi thought about it, I think what Master said was right, and then he didn't say anything there.

Ye Qingxuan said to Er Gouzi, "Go and find me the most famous matchmaker in eight villages. Don't be afraid to spend money, just go."

At this time, Er Gouzi thought about it and went to the village to inquire about it, and finally found out that there was a village where the matchmaker was indeed a mess. Er Gouzi went directly to this village without saying a word, and invited the matchmaker back to Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan saw the matchmaker and said to the matchmaker, "Today, I would like to trouble you to come all the way to tell my brother about a marriage. My family's conditions are all here. The new house, barn, cattle, land and sheep are all here. My brother is honest, honest and upright, I want you to be a matchmaker, just find a Gu family."

Ye Qingxuan said just now that they have land, cattle and sheep, and they are among the best here. They have everything, so the matchmaker looked at the conditions of this house, and wanted to find someone who was honest and honest. He was absolutely fine, so the matchmaker agreed. Leaving Ye Qingxuan, he said to Ye Qingxuan, "¨¨You leave this matter to me. With the conditions of your family and the appearance of a dude, if you want to find a good family, then there is absolutely no problem."

Seeing the matchmaker, Ye Qingxuan laughed loudly at this moment and said, "Then this matter will trouble you, the sooner this matter can be done, the better."

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he took out a small purse, handed it to the matchmaker, and said to the matchmaker, "This is a small thing, and there will be an expression of my heart after it is done."

The matchmaker smiled as soon as she saw the money, opened her eyes, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I'll go find you now, go to this family, just watch and wait for the letter.".

Chapter 473

After speaking, the matchmaker left Er Gouzi's house. Er Gouzi stood there looking at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Why do I feel like I'm dreaming? How come I'm going to get married and start a family all of a sudden? I really can't imagine it."

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, and said to Er Gouzi, "It's normal for a boy to marry a girl, what's so unexpected?"

When you get married, you invite your godfather and godmother. They are your real parents, and they will help you arrange your marriage. In the future, you can also live here in a stable manner. Everyone sees Everyone will be happy and will come out to help you.

Er Gouzi was very relieved to hear Ye Qingxuan say such words. She thought about it, since her parents left, no one really cared about him anymore. Now it's different. Now that he has a master, he seems to be doing something for her Er Gouzi is very grateful to Ye Qingxuan for letting him get on the right track after so much.

The efficiency of this matchmaker is also acceptable. In the next day, the matchmaker came to see Ye Qingxuan with a smile on her face.

The matchmaker saw Ye Qingxuan and said, "You have entrusted me with a good deal, I just bought it for you."

Ye Qingxuan laughed and said, "It is said that you are a famous matchmaker in ten miles and eight villages. It is true that you have stayed overnight tonight. There is absolutely nothing wrong with your efficiency. I give you a big compliment."

The matchmaker (ccfg) laughed there, and said, "This one is definitely an honest family. It's in the next door village, not far away from here, more than 10 miles away. There are four members of his family. There are two people, one girl and one daughter. The family mainly farms. They usually go hunting in the mountains, sell some furs in the market, and do some small businesses. My daughter is very well-educated, and I know that my beloved daughter has reached the age of marriage. When I went to tell her, she absolutely believed in me as a matchmaker. I also told her everything about our situation, and we also It’s not an exaggeration to say it, it’s all dry talk.”

Ye Qingxuan chuckled and said, "You usually have a way with this matter, and I can trust you, so you see how this matter should proceed."

The matchmaker looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "I have exchanged information about the two of you. If you have no objections, then have a meal and meet up. If you have no objections, then this matter will be settled." Once the time is set, we can move on to the next step.”

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "I definitely don't have any objections here. Otherwise, this meal will be eaten at my house. Let's get together when it's convenient for them. By the way, let others know about our family."

The matchmaker thought for a while and said, "That's fine, but I also know Er Gouzi. Would it be safer to call his godfather and godmother over for this meal?"

Ye Qingxuan said to the matchmaker, "Okay, that's great, your matchmaker is more thoughtful, or if the whole family came to see that we are both young people, what's the matter, your proposal Okay, I'll go tell his godfather and mother now, let them come and make a town for him, and lock him up."

The matchmaker laughed and said, "That's what I meant, otherwise it wouldn't be the same for the two of you when someone comes here, so if you call his godfather and mother here, you can be regarded as a parent.

Chapter 474

This is different, at least it makes people feel that we are paying attention to this matter, don't lose etiquette. "

Ye Qingxuan was also very happy to say at this time, "That's the deal, I'll tell his godfather and mother that this matter should be fine, and they will be very willing to help. Our meal will be at At noon tomorrow, do you think it will work?"

The matchmaker thought for a while and said, "Teacher, I'll make another trip, and I'll tell this family to come to our place for lunch tomorrow and meet each other."

After Ye Qingxuan made a deal with the matchmaker, the matchmaker went to inform the family, and Ye Qingxuan came to Er Gouzi's godfather and mother's house.

Er Gouzi went to herd cattle at this time, he wasn't at home, he didn't know everything yet, Ye Qingxuan didn't have time to look for him, so he came directly to Er Gouzi's godfather and mother's house.

Ye Qingxuan entered the yard and saw Er Gouzi's godfather busy cleaning up the yard, Ye Qingxuan stepped forward and said to the old man, "Is the old man busy?"

Hearing someone talking, the old man raised his head and saw that it was Ye Qingxuan. The old man laughed loudly and said, "If you can't even invite me, why are you so free to come to my place today?"

Ye Qingxuan, but his family's benefactor, his daughter was **** when she got married, and it was Ye Qingxuan who came forward to solve this matter, so everyone has always been very grateful to Ye Qingxuan, and also recognized Er Gouzi as godfather and mother that day, so Their relationship is very close.

Ye Qingxuan said to the old man, "A few days ago, I asked the matchmaker to tell Er Gouzi about a marriage, and the matchmaker said that she would come to my house for dinner at noon tomorrow to get to know each other. I think this is a good thing.

But Er Gouzi's parents, you also know that they passed away early, and there is no one in the family. It seems a bit insincere for the family to see this situation, so I would like to ask you and the aunt to go and check it out for you This son also has a look, how is this family? "

When the old man heard what Ye Qingxuan said, he laughed loudly and said, "So fast, if you say that, my godson will soon have a family, why didn't this brat come over today?"

Ye Qingxuan said to the old man, "Er Gouzi didn't go home to graze cattle by the river. No one came here just now. After we chatted, I came to you directly. I haven't had time to inform Er Gouzi."


As soon as the old man listened closely, he called the old lady over. The old man was also very happy. When the old lady came, the old man told the old lady, "There is a happy event in the mail. Er Gouzi is going to get married. There is no one to match, so I will send you tomorrow." The family brought it here, and let us, godfather and godmother, go to do the town and check it out."


The old lady was very happy when she heard it, and she thought that Er Gouzi was about to start a family. This child is really pitiful. When I was young, my parents left early. This is a village of ten miles and eight villages. The villagers in the village can't pull it together. My child, I saw him today To get married, the old lady was indescribably happy.

The old lady said to the old man and Ye Qingxuan, "Okay, that's a great thing, we'll appoint it tomorrow."

After Ye Qingxuan finished talking to the old man and the old lady about this matter, he went to the river to find Er Gouzi, because he still had some things to tell Er Gouzi.

Ye Qingxuan walked to the river to see that Er Gouzi was indeed grazing cattle leisurely there. Er Gouzi ran over quickly when he saw Ye Qingxuan and said, "Master, why are you here? What's the rush?" .

Chapter 475 Hosting a Banquet

Ye Qingxuan looked at Er Gouzi and said, "The matchmaker wrote back, saying that she will find one for you. This person is nice. He will come to our house for dinner at noon tomorrow, so we can get to know each other. You should hurry up and get ready."

Xiaoer was stunned and said to Ye Qingxuan, "The family will come as soon as they come. What are you going to do? I'm just like this."

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, and said to Er Gouzi, "It's not too far from the town to go here. "Four, three, three, go buy two new clothes. We can be regarded as a respectable person in this village. The new house has a lot of cattle." The sheep can get whatever they want, don’t lose your status, and don’t lose your manners, it’s a show of respect for others, go quickly.”

Er Gouzi thinks about it, oops, it's really troublesome, and I have to buy new clothes. I haven't bought new clothes when I grow up so old, so I don't know how to do this.

Er Gouzi first **** the home where the cow was sent back, and then went for a stroll around the town, bought two clothes and came back.

Ye Qingxuan returned home, and saw that the environment in the yard was still upright, so there was no need to deliberately prepare here, no one would know how to arrange this meal, who would Ye Qingxuan ask for a favor? ?

Ye Qingxuan thought about this matter for a while, and he had to ask his godfather and godmother to handle this matter. Ye Qingxuan was not familiar with others, and his family could not be wrong.

Ye Qingxuan came to the house of the old man and the old lady again, "I was so anxious to leave just now that I forgot one thing, then you said that people come to eat, but now they don't know how to cook, and neither do Er Gouzi and I. "

The old lady laughed and said, "I knew it when you came here just now, and I will cook a meal for Zhang Luo tomorrow, and I promise to satisfy you."

The old man said over there, "I'm not bragging for my wife. No one cooks better than my wife. I dare to say that if I eat decent food."

The old lady was a little embarrassed when she heard that, she pushed the old man and said, "You are the only one who can flirt, and you are the only one who can chatter. You should hurry up and clean up your backyard."

The old man's hippie smiling face went to work in the backyard, while the old lady was talking to Ye Qingxuan in the front yard.

Ye Qingxuan said to the old lady, "I don't know what to do, what to prepare for food, it's a little bit before going to bed here, you old man, take this matter, this meal is up to you, just don't lose your etiquette... ..”

The old lady became a little angry when she saw the money and said, "Why do you treat me as an outsider? I am also Er Gouzi's godmother. I am in use at this time. I have to rush forward without saying anything. How can I still collect money?"

Ye Qingxuan chuckled and said, "You think too much, old lady, mine is for buying ingredients, otherwise it's the same thing if I buy it for you to cook, so I'll work hard for you, and you will give Zhang Luo all the power Now, you have to take this money and it has nothing to do with helping."

The two of them tore it apart in the yard, you're why I and I let you go, and later Ye Qingxuan put down the money and left here, the old lady saw that there was no way to put it away reluctantly.

Ye Qingxuan returned home and saw that Er Gouzi had already returned from the town, Ye Qing 5.6 Xuan thought to himself that this kid moved pretty fast, after Ye Qingxuan came over, he looked at the clothes Er Gouzi bought, they looked pretty good and fit him well Well, it seems like that, although it is not a good dress, at least it looks neat and clean.

Ye Qingxuan chuckled and said, "Apprentice, you are going to be the bridegroom's official soon, tell the master what you think."

Chapter 476 Thoughts

Er Gouzi blushed at that time, got up and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I'm in a daze, I don't dare to think about what I can think."

After finishing speaking, Er Gouzi went directly to the cowshed in the backyard to see his cows.

Ye Qingxuan saw Er Gouzi running out blushing, and burst out laughing there.

In a blink of an eye, we came to the second day. In the early morning of the second day, Er Gouzi's godmother brought two villagers to Er Gouzi's house. Ye Qingxuan understood at a glance that this was Er Gouzi's work. Mom brought two assistants to cook for me.

The old lady really bought a lot of things, and she picked out everything. It seemed that she went to the town to buy it early in the morning. It was really hard work for her.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the time at this time, it should be about the same time, according to the agreement, the family should be here.

Ye Qingxuan and Er Gouzi stood at the door, waiting for the matchmaker to bring the family over.

Er Gouzi's godfather and godmother are busy in the kitchen, and they are basically finished, waiting for the guests to come.

Far away, Ye Qingxuan heard a familiar voice. This voice was either someone else's or the matchmaker's voice. The matchmaker led a family of four to come and the matchmaker explained while walking.

Ye Qingxuan took two steps forward to meet the matchmaker and the family.

When Ye Qingxuan came to him, he said, "This person is his cousin I want to introduce to you."

Ye Qingxuan said to the family, "The food is ready, just wait for you to come. You have been on the road all morning, so hurry into the house and prepare. Let's eat, let's talk while eating."

Ye Qingxuan took the matchmaker and the whole family into the yard last night, because the weather outside today was good, so we ate in the yard instead of going into the room, the house was a bit stuffy at this time.

Er Gouzi's godfather and godmother also came out of the kitchen, said hello to the family, and then continued to work.

After working for a while, all the meals were served, and the whole family sat up around the table, Ye Qingxuan Er Gouzi, Er Gouzi's godfather and godmother matchmaker, and the family of 4 They gathered around the table and prepared to eat.

The matchmaker stood up and said a few words, and introduced each other to everyone.

At this time, the old lady was considered the head of the family, and she stood up and said, "The second dog in our family has a bad life. When he was very young, his parents died. He has been growing up with our parents and let me and my wife be godfathers." The godmother's child is just like your own child, and we will make the decision for him to propose marriage today."

This family didn't talk much from the beginning to the end, so it's relatively safe, not too much, didn't ask if there was anything in the family, and they were all watching, and a matchmaker had already explained to 433 that it was almost the same.

The matchmaker saw that the conversation was almost done, and the matchmaker said, "I think this family is good, and the woman's family has nothing to choose, otherwise I would not be able to match the two of you. Since the two families are here, we have something to talk about." As mentioned above, you all express your opinions to each other, whether you are willing or not, if you are willing, I will continue to talk about it, if you have any doubts, let's have a meal and chat."

Ye Qingxuan looked at it, stood up and said, "I don't have any complaints from our family, and I think it's pretty good."

The old lady also made a statement and said, "I have fallen in love with this girl, so I will tell you about it. Forget it, I agree.".

Chapter 477

The matchmaker looked at it and said to the family, "Look, the man's family has expressed their views, so please share your opinions."

The family thought for a while, and the old man stood up and said, "I have a question to ask, that is, I want to know how much we can give as a bride price?"

Ye Qingxuan thought about it at this time, and he didn't know what rules, or conditions, or how much money there was, Ye Qingxuan was not very clear about this matter.

Ye Qingxuan said, "Just tell me if there are any rules or special conditions in your village. How much dowry gifts did your village accept at most?"

At this time, the old lady stood up and spoke, "Our uncle's younger sister got married some time ago, and the bride price is 200 taels."

At this time, the matchmaker's face was a little uneasy, did the matchmaker know that Liang Bailiang was joking? What other people can show it? Do you compare with others? What kind of people are they? At this time, the matchmaker was very angry.

The matchmaker thought to herself, if you like it, you should talk well, if you don't like it, say you don't like it, there is no need to use the bride price to talk about things here.

Er Gouzi's godfather and godmother also felt a little bit in their hearts. You must know the significance of the 200 taels. At the time, it was said that this could be regarded as an astronomical figure, and ordinary families could not afford so much money at all.

At this time, everyone at the table was silent, Ye Qingxuan looked at it and said, "Since the tallest one in your village is only 200 taels, then we will pay 400 taels."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes were focused on Ye Qingxuan, and they all looked at Ye Qingxuan with big eyes.

The matchmaker thought to herself, you young man, don't talk big here, can you get 400 taels? If it's an IOU or something, people won't do this, but they can't do that.

Er Gouzi's godfather and godmother thought to himself, this Ye Qingxuan can't tell that he is so rich, or is he just joking, what does it mean? I was dumbfounded at the time.

Er Gouzi felt that Ye Qingxuan must be crazy, he couldn't spend so much money at all, this family is purely a lion, and it's messing around here.

The whole family stared at Ye Qingxuan and thought to themselves, you can really take out 400 taels, if you can take it out, I will admit it, if you can't take it out, we will take the girl home.

This amount of money is nothing to Ye Qingxuan at all, let alone 400 taels, Ye Qingxuan can handle 4000 taels in minutes, so money has no concept at all to Ye Qingxuan.

After hearing this, the old man stood up and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Young people must count what they say, and don't just talk about it. If you can really pay 400 taels, our family is very willing to marry the girl into your family."

Ye Qingxuan chuckled and said, "I'm not joking, I'm serious, I'm willing to pay 400 for your daughter's bride price, and I will pay for your son's future marriage expenses, if you agree , I will give you 1,000 taels directly, and 400 taels for your son to marry a wife, and the remaining (okay) 200 taels will be given to your two elders for retirement."

The whole family stood up from the table and looked at Ye Qingxuan. They couldn't believe that this man looked plainly dressed but was so generous and generous.

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he entered the house, took out a package, opened it, and put 1,000 taels on the table. Ye Qingxuan said, let's eat first, and you can take the money back after eating. This is our gift money .

Chapter 478 Shocked

At that time, all the people at the table were stunned and couldn't say anything. They were so frightened by Ye Qingxuan's actions that their mouths grew wide, and they all froze there.

These people couldn't believe their eyes, and they couldn't believe their ears.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the group of people and laughed and said, "What are you all doing in a daze? We are here for dinner today, and you all eat and move fast. Don't be polite."

At this time, the people on the table calmed down a little, and then they all picked up their chopsticks and started eating. They didn't know what to say.

The matchmaker stood up and said, "Brother Wang, how does your family like the marriage I introduced? Are you satisfied?"

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