Ye Qingxuan walked up to Er Gouzi, grabbed Er Gouzi and said to Er Gouzi, "You two friends who have played together since childhood, if someone gets married and you rob someone's bride, do you think you are doing it right or not?" ? I beat you today, are you convinced or not?"

Er Gouzi directly knelt down to Ye Qingxuan, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I died 22 years ago when I was a rich man. No one cares about my groom. Their family has always been richer and more powerful than me, and they have always been superior to me. I I just wanted to surpass him, and I also wanted to have a lot of things, so I did this wrong thing today. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone. It seems that I was really wrong. People’s things are theirs. of."

When Ye Qingxuan heard that this kid has a good heart, why did he do such a foolish thing, Ye Qingxuan said to Er Gouzi, "I think your boy looks better than the groom, and he is also taller and stronger than him. , you are much better than him, how could you not marry a wife."

Er Gouzi said to Ye Qingxuan, "My family is just me. I have no one to rely on. I have no land and no income. I don't know what to do to earn money. Whose girl would be willing to follow me?"

When I was old, I looked at Er Gouzi, and felt that this kid was still alive, so I said to Er Gouzi, "Then you said that you are helping someone's wife today, why can't you just let it go for two days? Look at you What do you want to do?"

Er Gouzi looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "What's the matter, a man can bend and stretch, if he makes a mistake, he has to admit me. Now that he admits his mistake, I'll kowtow to apologize to them, what's the big deal."

Ye Qingxuan looked at Er Gouzi and said, "Okay, you have the guts. If you make a mistake, you will know how to change it. Just because of this, you are a man, and you will definitely achieve great things in the future."

At this time, Er Gouzi crawled up to Ye Qingxuan on his knees and said, "I see that you are very good at martial arts. I admire you very much. Would you like to accept me as a disciple, I want to be like you."

Ye Qingxuan laughed loudly, and said to Er Gouzi, "I can't just take in apprentices casually. With your qualifications, it seems a bit far off to be my apprentice."

Er Gouzi looked at Ye Qingxuan with a serious face and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I have never admired anyone since I grew up. Today you are the first one. I think you are worthy of me to learn from you, so I think I worship you as a teacher. If you are only capable of fighting, I will not worship you as a teacher. I 427 think that you are the head of the groom today, and you speak clearly and honestly. I think your character also makes me very admired , It is also worthy of my study, so I have this idea."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the young man, and said to him, "It's fine if I teach you something, but we can't be called masters and apprentices. I wandered the world, wandered around, and suffered many enemies because of my meddling. If someone knows You are my apprentice, it is very bad for you and will harm you."

Er Gouzi came to Ye Qingxuan at this time and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I know you are here to protect me.

Chapter 467 Master

You are like this, you teach me how to behave, teach me martial arts, in front of no one, I call you master, and I don’t call you that in front of people, isn’t that all right? Master is fine in my heart, I don’t care about that title, and I’m not trying to show off who I am as an apprentice, I’m a person who wants to learn some real skills.”

At this time, Ye Qingxuan looked at Er Gouzi more and more, the more he looked at him, the more he liked him. This person's temperament was too similar to his own. Ye Qingxuan really wanted to accept this person as his apprentice, but he was afraid of hurting him.

Ye Qingxuan said to Er Gouzi, "Okay, then I will take you with me for a few days to see if you are suitable, and then I will decide what you think."

Er Gouzi knelt down to Ye Qingxuan on the spot and said, "I would like to listen to Master's instruction!"

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while, looked at it and said, "Let's put this matter aside for now, you should go and make a formal apology to others now to resolve this grievance, you can't let him go any further, you can't let If the conflict escalates again, it will be resolved immediately〃."

Er Gouzi looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "Okay, then let's go together now, I want to apologize sincerely, and I also want them to forgive me sincerely, the master I met today, I know what I want, I You can't get obsessed with these things."

Ye Qingxuan went out of the cave directly after talking to Er Gouzi, rode on a fast horse and went directly to the place where he would pick up the bride.

The groom officer rescued the bride from the cave, rode on the fast horse and went back to her mother’s house. When they got here, everyone was waiting for the news. The father-in-law saw that Xianxu had returned, and brought his daughter with him. I am very happy to be back.

The bride was not injured, but was a little frightened. There was no delay in the wedding ceremony. Seeing that everyone was waiting for them here and that they had returned safely, everyone was relieved at this time.

The bride's mother fainted from fright just now, and my relatives and friends of Lin Xiaozi came up to help. At this time, the old lady's mood was much more stable, and she was relieved to see that her daughter and son-in-law were safe, so there was no major disturbance, and the marriage and marriage continued. As for Er Gouzi's matter, we will deal with it later.

The process of marriage between the groom and the bride is still going on here.

Ye Qingxuan came over from there with Er Gouzi, and they also rode a fast horse.

The wedding process just arrived, and Ye Qingxuan came back to toast the father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Er Gouzi knelt down to the old man and the old lady as soon as he entered the courtyard and said, "Uncle and aunt, it's all because I don't know what to do. Today is your day of great joy. I actually did something stupid. I know I was wrong." I beg your forgiveness."

The old man and lady were taken aback by this sudden incident, stood up and said, "You bastard, I watched you grow up, how could you do such a thing, your parents died early, you There is a meal without a meal, you come to my house, you say you have eaten too much (really Zhao) and missed a meal, today I married my daughter and you did such a thing."

Er Gouzi knelt there and said to the old man, "I also went to an extreme today. It's because I'm too small-minded. Now that I've figured it out, it's all my fault. I'm here today just to talk to you guys about this matter." Let’s talk about it, I’m all up to you, I’ll accept whatever you want to do with me.”

The old lady stood up at this time and said, "Er Gouzi, why are you doing such a stupid thing.

Chapter 468 Brother-in-law

You are a good boy, Auntie. I watched you grow up since childhood. Your parents passed away early. In my heart, I regard you as my own child. You really shouldn’t. Get up, children have nothing to forgive, you guys In our eyes, they are all children. Children do not make mistakes. If you know your mistakes and correct them, you are a good child. Get up, your sister is getting married today, and you, a brother, should also send her off well. "

After the old lady said these words, Er Gouzi was moved by snot and tears. I didn't expect that I had done such a big mistake, and the old lady forgave me, and the old lady always treated me like his child 430.

The old man went up and put Er Gouzi up, and said to Er Gouzi, "From now on, we will be your father and mother. Be a good person. Your parents passed away early. He hopes that you will get better, and we have no sons. , if you don't dislike us two old things today, we will leave you behind today, and in front of all the folks, I will be your own father, you work hard, and I will give you a daughter-in-law in the future Son."

Er Gouzi kowtowed on the ground after hearing this, and the old man helped her up and cut the rope off his body.

The old man said to Er Gouzi, "Today's bride is your own sister, and we will be a family from now on."

To tell the truth, the old man had already untied Er Gouzi's rope, and Er Gouzi came to the bride at this time and said, "Sister, I'm just being confused today, so please forgive me."

After Er Gouzi finished speaking, he looked at the groom officer and said to the groom officer, "I did something wrong today, please forgive me, the three of us grew up, in fact, I also like you very much in my heart, you guys I have been childhood sweethearts since I was a child, so I bless you today and hope to get your forgiveness."

The bride didn't speak all the time, the groom looked at Er Gouzi and patted Er Gouzi on the shoulder and said to Er Gouzi, "Okay, everything is over, we accept your apology, and we forgive you. You are my (ccfg) brother-in-law."

After the groom officer finished saying this, everyone in the room burst into laughter, and the bride also laughed.

Ye Qingxuan watched all the things happen from the side, feeling very relieved, the family is harmonious again, what a great thing, the prodigal son will not be exchanged for money when he returns.

At this time, the marriage process on the bride's side is all over, and the bride is also carried to the big sedan chair by the groom's officials.

The bridegroom officer was about to pick up the bride and go home. At this time, the groom officer came and said in front of Ye Qingxuan, "You are my nobleman today, you are my honored guest, and today I will use the highest etiquette to receive you, my honored guest." , if you didn't show up in time for today's incident, the incident just now was safe and sound, and now it's back on track, now you will go back with me to drink my wedding wine."

Ye Qingxuan looked at what the bridegroom said, laughed and said, "I'm just waiting to drink your wedding wine, let's go back quickly, everyone at home should be anxiously waiting."

The bridegroom officer looked at the sun and it was getting late, and then the bride walked back, and the drummer played for me.

That's how the team for picking up the bride went back late.

The two villages live very close to each other, and we arrived home in a short time. Everything has been prepared here, and all the villagers have gathered. The groom’s family is really good, and there are many relatives and friends arranged. It was very lively and bought a lot of banquets.

Chapter 469 VIP

Soon they arrived at the bridegroom's house, Ye Qingxuan watched the whole wedding process from the side, after all the procedures were completed, they were sent to the bridal chamber, and the groom officer came out to meet and toast with everyone after sending the bride to the bridal chamber.

Ye Qingxuan was assigned the most important position in the top row, and what he did today definitely deserves this position.

Er Gouzi didn't follow, he belonged to his natal family after all, so he couldn't appear here at this time.

The bridegroom officer walked up to the stage and said to all the relatives and friends, "There was a small episode when I was getting married, because a nobleman appeared and helped me solve a lot of trouble. Today I also invited him We have arrived at my wedding venue, now let me, an honored person, meet and speak to us a few words."

At this time, Ye Qingxuan became the honored guest here, and he stood up and said to everyone, "It's not really helpful, but I really have a good relationship with the bridegroom, so I won't say much here, I wish them an early birthday Takako - right."

After finishing speaking, all my old folks applauded unanimously.

Ye Qingxuan heard that the bridegroom officer did not describe in detail what happened just now, so Ye Qingxuan did not describe what happened just now when he spoke. After all, it is not a glorious thing, so there is no need to Elaborate.

Ye Qingxuan ran all the way, was looking for a place to rest, and bumped into it by mistake, met a wedding party and came here, and bumped into and became a distinguished guest here.

After receiving the warm hospitality here, Ye Qingxuan was also very happy. It is not bad to think about everything if you eat well and live well here.

On this day, the groom's house was full of people and it was very lively. After a busy day, the sun went down and all the relatives and friends left. Ye Qingxuan was arranged to rest in the guest room. The environment here is really good. The groom's official family is indeed relatively well-to-do.

Ye Qingxuan was going to leave here on the second day, but then he thought that Er Gouzi should give Er Gouzi an explanation, otherwise Er Gouzi would think that I, Ye Qingxuan, was a liar.

On the second day, Ye Qingxuan woke up very early, and wanted to talk to Er Gouzi, but Ye Qingxuan didn't want to take Er Gouzi on the road, because it was not very convenient to take him with him if he encountered difficulties and dangers along the way.


Ye Qingxuan thought about it, and simply taught him some things so that he could defend himself and keep healthy, and he didn't want him to fight or kill.

Ye Qingxuan knew that Er Gouzi's family was poor and had no financial income, and wanted to help him settle down here and become an ordinary person, that would be the best.


The next day Ye Qingxuan found the bridegroom officer and said to the groom officer, "I have an agreement with Er Gouzi that I will see him when I am done with work here, and say goodbye to him face to face before leaving, so I am here with you." I will bid farewell to you today, and we will see each other again in the future.”

There are 100 bridegroom officials who are not allowed to leave. Why are you in such a hurry? Stay longer, stay longer.

Ye Qingxuan said to the bridegroom officer, "I'm just a passer-by here, and I'm already very happy to receive your warm hospitality. I still have my own things to do, so I have to leave."

When the bridegroom officer heard about this, he couldn't keep it anymore, so he didn't insist anymore. The groom's official brought some money and some food for Ye Qingxuan.

Chapter 470 Two Dogs

Ye Qingxuan refused all of them. Ye Qingxuan didn't want anything, so he left the bridegroom's house to find Er Gouzi.

Ye Qingxuan thinks that Er Gouzi is really a good person, his temper and personality are very similar to his own, and he likes it very much. If he leaves without saying goodbye, it will hurt Er Gouzi's heart, so no matter how he leaves, he must see Er Gouzi and follow him. He had a good chat and then left.

These two villages live very close to "430", so Ye Qingxuan came to Er Gouzi's house very quickly.

Because Ye Qingxuan came here once when Er Gouzi was caught last time, so this time he went here directly to Er Gouzi's house.

After Ye Qingxuan entered the house, he saw that Er Gouzi was cooking. The food was very simple. There was nothing in the simple house, and the house was still leaking.

Ye Qingxuan didn't even know how he lived, Er Gouzi suddenly found Ye Qingxuan coming, stood up excitedly, ran to Ye Qingxuan, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Master, you are here, I knew you had to come, don't you Will leave without saying goodbye.”

Ye Qingxuan looked at it, and Er Gouzi said to Er Gouzi, "Why do you still cook by yourself? If you don't know the father and mother you just met, you can go to his house to eat, isn't it good?"

Er Gouzi looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "People say that because they see me as pitiful. I don't think I can go, and I don't want to cause trouble for others."

When Ye Qingxuan saw Er Gouzi, he thought that this kid was quite benevolent and understood everything, which is very good.

Ye Qingxuan said to Er Gouzi, "I will leave here at any time, I won't stay here for long, I still have a lot of things to do, and it's very dangerous, so I can't take you with me."

Er Gouzi said to Ye Qingxuan, "I will follow you, I am not afraid of danger, even if I die, I am willing to follow Master.

Ye Qingxuan thought about it, it's not going to hurt his children, Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "The place I'm going is not far away, it should take about a few months to go back and forth, so you don't have to come with me like this Once.

I can teach you something right now, and I will check after a few months. If you can really do what I want, then you will follow me from now on. If you can’t, we don’t have the fate of master and apprentice. . "

Er Gouzi can listen to it, no matter how difficult it is, no matter how hard the work is, I will definitely practice until the master is satisfied, Er Gouzi said to Ye Qingxuan, "Master, let's make a deal, I will definitely not You will be disappointed...”

Ye Qingxuan heard too much, now you don't need to follow me, as long as you can settle down there, it will be a waste of life to follow me, I can't harm him.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the humble house, and then said to Er Gouzi, "Is there anyone in the village who does carpentry and bricklaying work, go and find him for your teacher."

Er Gouzi thought for a while, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Yes, there are. I don't know what the master wants them to do."

Ye Qingxuan glanced at 5.6, Er Gouzi said to Er Gouzi, "Look at your house is so shabby, if it rains, you have no place to hide an umbrella, since you don't want to go to your godfather and godmother Go, then you have to repair and tidy up here."

Er Gouzi immediately understood what Ye Qingxuan meant, and then said to Ye Qingxuan, "What do you spend that money on if you don't need repairs? If it rains too much, I'll go to a cave on the mountain and live for a few days and I'll be done.".

Chapter 471 Preparation

When Ye Qingxuan heard that this child was really stubborn, Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "I don't even have a place to come back after walking for a month or two as a teacher. Why do you want me to stay here to build a house? It's not for yourself. I won't have one in the future." A place to stay?"

Er Gouzi thought, oops, this is not the case, so I thought I would go by myself, and then said to Ye Qingxuan, "Okay, I'll invite the bricklayer right now."

Ye Qingxuan took a look at the house, the front yard and the back can be seen in any size, but the roof is not in a good condition and needs to be repaired, this house was left by Er Gouzi's parents.

While Ye Qingxuan was strolling in the front and back yards, Er Gouzi invited the bricklayer and walked up to Ye Qingxuan. The bricklayer said to Ye Qingxuan, "If you need anything, if there is anything that can help you, just tell me." Give me."

Ye Qingxuan glanced at the bricklayer and said, "I think the main body of the house is okay, but the roof is not good. You can remove the whole roof and rebuild it, and then the cowshed and barn have to be dealt with."

Ye Qingxuan explained clearly, and the bricklayer listened seriously.

Ye Qingxuan said to the bricklayer, "The rainy season is about to enter, so hurry up and get it done."

The bricklayer promised to prepare the materials tomorrow and start working immediately, so you can rest assured.

After Ye Qingxuan arranged for the bricklayer, he said to Er Gouzi, "Whoever has a lot of land in the village needs to transfer it, you can inquire about it and invite them to me, and I need to buy two cows, you can also go directly Inquire about it, and call him over if anyone sells it.”

At this time, Er Gouzi didn't understand again, and asked Ye Qingxuan, "Master, you bought land and cows for no reason, why are you doing this?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at Er Gouzi and said to Er Gouzi, "I think the scenery here is nice. I want to live here for a long time after I finish my work, and buy some fields, cattle and sheep. That's perfectly normal. We need to live here. There is food and drink, otherwise how do we survive here, these things are entrusted to you for safekeeping, and after the master comes back in a few months, you must manage these things well without any mistakes."

At this time, Er Gouzi understood the master. It turned out that Er Gouzi was really going to live here for a long time. Er Gouzi was very happy, so Er Gouzi went to find out who had more land for sale, and who else had cattle to buy. After a while, Er Gouzi brought both of them back.

Seeing these two people, Ye Qingxuan talked with them, and finally bought three days of land and two cows. After the price was negotiated, Ye Qingxuan took the money with them and signed an agreement.

Ye Qingxuan called Er Gouzi over, and handed over all these important documents and signings to Er Gouzi for safekeeping.

Er Gouzi said to Ye 430 Qingxuan, "You can trust me for such an important thing, you should keep it yourself."

Ye Qingxuan chuckled, and said to Er Gouzi, "I crossed rivers and climbed mountains on the way. It would be a pity if I lost it. How can I take him with you? It's best that you keep him safe."

Er Gouzi thought about it, and Ye Qingxuan was right, so Er Gouzi hid all these important things.

On the second day, the painter came with materials, and started construction when he arrived here. Ye Qingxuan looked inside the room and felt that there was nothing that could be used, so he dismantled everything and threw it away.

Chapter 472 Change

Er Gouzi didn't argue with Ye Qingxuan anymore, what happened? Now Ye Qingxuan said that he can do whatever he wants to do.

The bricklayer brought three small workers and worked hard for three days. Finally, the house was finished. The roof was neatly repaired, and the inside was clean. The yard, cowshed and warehouses were all finished.

The two cows I bought were also brought into the cowshed, and Er Gouzi liked them very much. The two cows grew very strong. When Er Gouzi was free, he took the two cows to the river to feed grass.

The crops that Ye Qingxuan bought have already been planted, they usually need to be maintained, and then they can be harvested in autumn, there is not much work in the fields.

It is only now that Er Gouzi’s home is completely different from before. The house has also become taller, bigger, cleaner, and the yard has become tidy. Moreover, there are very complete farming things, including cows, and ten A few sheep, what do you want now?

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