At this time, the middle-aged man came to the west room and found Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "It's so lively outside, why don't you join in the fun? Why don't you go to the theater? Hiding in the house, what are you doing?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at the middle-aged man and said to the middle-aged man, "You see, since I came to your house, I have caused you a lot of trouble, and the house was burned down. Now I feel better, and the house will be built for you too." up.

I have also paid you back the favors you owed, and we also invited the folks to dinner and a theater, this is considered a token of appreciation, I have done everything I should do, and I am going to leave here tomorrow. "Door.

Chapter 460 Brothers are destined to meet again

The middle-aged man stood up when he heard that, and said to Ye Qingxuan with wide eyes, "Where are you going? Don't be in a hurry, why are you leaving tomorrow?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said to the middle-aged man, "I was passing by you at first, and I must go. If I go early or late, I have to go. There is no permanent banquet in the world. I will leave here tomorrow. I have my own affairs. Going to do it."

The middle-aged "Four Two Three" man thought about what happened recently. If there was no Ye Qingxuan, everything would be very bad. His appearance gave me confidence in life again. He was about to leave just after he recovered. This is really not a good feeling in my heart, and I shed tears thinking about it.

Ye Qingxuan also saw the tears of the middle-aged man, and said to the middle-aged man, "Live a good life here with your wife and have a baby. Your good life has just begun. I am just a passerby. If there is a destiny, we will see you again." , don’t be so pessimistic, I’ll come to see you when I’m done.”

When the middle-aged man heard Ye Qingxuan say this, it seemed that he couldn't stop him from leaving. The middle-aged man said to Ye Qingxuan, "I won't say anything unnecessary, and I won't say anything thankful. I'm going to get some wine and meat right now." , let's have a drink and see you off."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the middle-aged man and said, "This is very good, and I have the same intention."

The middle-aged man went to the kitchen to cut some cooked beef, prepared some fast dishes, took a few more jars of wine, and came to the small table in the courtyard, ready to have a drink with Ye Qingxuan, vent his emotions, and express himself gratitude.

Ye Qingxuan drank the wine with the middle-aged man very happily, chatting all over the world.

They drank a lot of wine and fell asleep lying on the table before they knew it.

When Ye Qingxuan woke up, the sky was just getting dark, looking at everything in the yard and at the middle-aged man lying on the table, Ye Qingxuan picked up a pen and wrote down a few words.

"Goodbye, brother." Ye Qingxuan finished writing these words and put them on the table. After looking at everything here, he turned his head and left the middle-aged man's house.

Ye Qingxuan walked all the way south, his mind is now full of the Flame Mountain, the Kunlun Staff, and the Flame Qilin. One year is too fast, so he has to hurry up...

About half an hour after Ye Qingxuan left, the middle-aged man vaguely opened his eyes, looked at the side where Ye Qingxuan was no longer there, and looked around again, suddenly found the words left on the table, the middle-aged man looked After a while, the brothers are destined to meet again.

When the middle-aged man saw these words, he understood in his heart that Ye Qingxuan had already left, and last night was considered a formal farewell.

The middle-aged man looked along the road and looked into the distance. He didn't know how long Ye Qingxuan had been walking, so the middle-aged man knelt down along the road and kowtowed to Ye Qingxuan, thinking in his heart that everything goes well for you Come back soon.

After Ye Qingxuan walked for a day, there were no roads on 5.6, and the mountain roads were all deserted. It felt like Ye Qingxuan took out the flame sword directly, turning the left wheel and turning the right wheel to clear all the obstacles in front, otherwise this road would be too much. Difficult to walk.

Ye Qingxuan's movement was very slow, because the mountains were too dense to see ahead, so he could only move forward step by step, and finally walked out of the dense forest.

Chapter 461 Temple

There is a river that is not very wide in front of it. Ye Qingxuan drank some water here, rested on the spot, looked at the sun, looked at the direction, crossed the river in a few steps, and then continued all the way south Walk.

After walking for three days and three nights without knowing it, Ye Qingxuan was a little tired at this time. He didn't have a serious meal in the past three days, but just grabbed a handful of wild fruits passing by and ate them simply. Some did not delay the process, they kept walking, and picked some when they saw something to eat when passing by.

Ye Qingxuan wants to find a place that can shelter from the wind and rain to rest, adjust and get some food. He needs to have a full meal, otherwise he will be overwhelmed.

Ye Qingxuan went down this hillside and found a temple in front of him. When he came to the front, he saw traces of people worshiping and offering sacrifices. Ye Qingxuan felt that someone nearby must remember it, and it should be a village.

Ye Qingxuan didn't say a word and continued to move forward. It would be great if someone could settle down. After another half day, Ye Qingxuan took a rest at the same spot, and suddenly heard the sound of a suona playing very cheerfully. It should be Whoever has a happy event, Ye Qingxuan feels that the village should not be far away.

Ye Qingxuan quickened his steps, and walked over with the sound of Ben Suona, and before he had gone far, he saw a procession to welcome the bride. It seemed that they were going to pick up the bride. Moreover, the bride hadn't received it yet, so it was going instead of coming back.

The sound of blowing the suona was getting stronger and stronger. Ye Qingxuan walked head-to-head with the welcoming team. The groom's officer saw Ye Qingxuan reaching out to give some candy. After taking it, Ye Qingxuan said to the groom's officer, "I'm a foreigner. There is such a big happy event here, so congratulations."

The groom official said to Ye Qingxuan with a smile on his face, "It's fate to meet you when you are away from home. If you are not in a hurry, you can go to the house and have a glass of wedding wine, okay?"

Ye Qingxuan was very happy when he heard that, and said to the groom officer, "That would be great, and it can also be part of the happiness of the bride and groom, thank you very much."

Talking about conversation, Ye Qingxuan followed behind the welcoming team and walked into a village. Ye Qingxuan thought that he should go to this village to pick up the bride.

Ye Qingxuan saw that this village is not big, but there are people who are married, and the atmosphere is quite good, people gather here to watch the excitement.

Ye Qingxuan walked into the village following the procession of welcoming the bride.

Judging from the appearance of the welcoming team, the groom's family should be a wealthy owner, with bridal sedan chairs, tall horses, and drummers, there are quite a lot of people, and the equipment is quite complete, so Ye Qingxuan concluded that this family should not be short of money.

As soon as you enter the village, when you arrive at the bride's house, the house looks ordinary. Normally, everyone gathers at the bride's house, waiting for the 423 scene of getting on the sedan chair. , everything went on smoothly.

At the last step, the groom's officer has to lead the bride to the feet with the red rope, and then he can go back, and the process here is over.

But at this last step. Something went wrong, and someone shouted, "It's bad that the bride is gone, the bride is gone."

At this time, everyone's eyes turned to the person who spoke. The person who spoke walked up to an old lady. This old lady should be the mother of the bride. .”

Chapter 462 Missing

The old lady fainted when she heard this. All the relatives, friends and neighbors came up to help the old lady back to the house.

The bridegroom officer was also dumbfounded at this time, what's going on? How could it be missing? I found his father-in-law once and asked him about it. The old man was also confused. He didn't know what was going on. He saw it in the morning. He was waiting in the room for a while. Why did you suddenly disappear when you came to meet her?

Ye Qingxuan's first feeling was that the bridegroom official married someone else's girl, and she was not willing to hide it, so she lied here.

At this time, the yard became chaotic, and the pot was blown up when you talked about it and I talked about it.

Ye Qingxuan understood after hearing this group of people talking.

The groom and the bride have been childhood sweethearts since they were young, and they have always been paid attention to by everyone. They all think that they are a natural couple. Now they have reached the age of marriage, and this year's harvest is also good. The groom's family will arrange for him to get married. .

Ordinarily, the bride's family should agree, and the bride will not disappear on her own initiative, or someone is here to make trouble.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to disappear for no reason, Ye Qingxuan thought to himself, could it be that there are monsters here and they were kidnapped by monsters, Ye Qingxuan thought about it, it should be impossible, this place is not like a place where monsters haunt.

Just when he was puzzled, a person said a word. This person was their neighbor who had some kinship with the bride's family. Yes, this man has a bad stomach and has been eyeing our girl for a long time. He has been rejected several times to propose marriage, and this time he is probably the one who kidnapped her. "ˇ

After Ye Qingxuan heard the news, it seems that there is still something inside, otherwise it would be impossible for him to disappear for no reason.

As soon as the man said this, the groom's father-in-law suddenly stood up and said, "Yes, there can be no one else but this kid."

The old man walked up to the groom and said to the groom, "Xianxu, you take the man to the next village right now. If he is there, we will take him back directly. If he is not there, we will ask Er Gouzi face to face if he is him." Do it."

When the bridegroom officer heard this, he was so angry that he got on his horse and ran directly to the next village.

As soon as the bridegroom officer left, these people began to discuss. The groom officer knew this man named Er Gouzi, and they all grew up together. The groom's official knows exactly where Zi's family lives.

Ye Qingxuan thought that going alone would not be a disadvantage, and then Ye Qingxuan rode a fast horse and chased after him.

The bridegroom officer went to the next village and went directly to Ergouzi’s house. The groom’s official is furious now. How can there be such a person who can help others when they are about to get married? OK) kicked the door open with one kick, went to the room and turned around, but there was no one there.

This Er Gouzi lived alone, his parents had passed away a few years ago, and there was no one else in the family. It was his daily routine to just idle around all day, stealing things and grabbing things.

The groom's official went to Ergouzi's house, but found nothing. The groom's official searched all the cellars of Ergouzi's house, but found nothing.

Chapter 463 The Cave

At this time, Ye Qingxuan rode over and came to the groom's official. The groom's official saw Ye Qingxuan and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing with me?"

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, and said to the bridegroom officer, "You have a really bad memory. Just now, I was a passer-by on your way to meet your bride. You still want to invite me to your house for a wedding wine. Why are you so short-lived?" Forgot?"

The bridegroom officer immediately understood, sighed there, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Now the bride doesn't know where she is, what should I do?"

At this time, Ye Qingxuan searched for Er Gouzi with his mind and his magic power. After a while, Ye Qingxuan knew in his heart that he already knew where Er Gouzi was, and the bride was indeed kidnapped by him at 423.

But Ye Qingxuan can't tell the groom directly, otherwise it will cause misunderstanding, and the groom will think that Ye Qingxuan is with that second dog, so Ye Qingxuan said to the groom, "If you think about it according to the thinking of a normal person, he will tie up the bride. I won't go home, and I won't go back to the village, it would be easy to expose, is there any cave nearby where I can hide, I should go there and have a look."

The exasperated bridegroom had no idea at this time. Hearing Ye Qingxuan mention the hiding place in the cave, the groom's official thought Ye Qingxuan's (ccfg) words made sense, and the groom's official immediately thought of it. There is indeed such a place, little I often go there to play, so Ye Qingxuan just got on the horse and ran to the cave.

Ye Qingxuan searched for Er Gouzi with his mind just now, he is not alone, he has made many good friends, about a dozen of them conspired to kidnap the bride.

Ye Qingxuan was afraid that the groom would suffer, so he followed closely behind.

The speed of the groom Guaner's horse riding was very fast, and he quickly came to the cave where they used to play when they were young.

The groom Guan'er got off the horse after arriving at the cave, looked around to see if there was any sign of anyone, and then walked into the cave, wanting to see if there was any sign of Er Gouzi in the cave.

The groom Guan'er was walking in tentatively, when he heard someone talking inside, the groom Guan'er thought it must be Er Gouzi at the time, but the heart tube felt that there was not just one person here, and there were many people who were tempted by Er Gouzi I walked in, hid behind a stone, and listened to them.

The groom officer learned from listening to them that there were twelve or thirteen people in this group. Today they conspired to tie up the bride. There are some hiccups in between.

The bridegroom officer still learned that the bride was in the cave, and Er Gouzi was also there. They were watching outside, and everyone was here.

The groom officer was afraid that something would happen to the bride, so he didn't care too much, so he rushed in and said to these people, "I heard what you said just now, now quickly call the bride out, we don't care about anything. No, if you don’t pay, don’t blame me for being rude to you, I brought a lot of people today, they are outside the cave, if you are not honest, I will let them all come in and deal with you all.”

As soon as the dozen or so people couldn't hear us well, someone discovered our place, and then one of them quietly ran into the cave to inform Er Gouzi to go.

Chapter 464 Nine Ring Machete

Not long after, Er Gouzi came out from the inside and saw the groom's official here. Er Gouzi got angry and said to the groom's official, "My boy, you found it really fast. I thought you would Forget about it."

The groom official said to Er Gouzi, "Don't talk so much nonsense there, let me release the bride quickly, we have nothing to do, if you don't let me go, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Er Gouzi hahaha, smiled and said to the bridegroom officer, "Hurry up and go back wherever you left it, and I will return the bride price you sent to you later, the bride is mine today and can't go with you. "

The groom official said to Er Gouzi, "You and I grew up together. How could you do such a thing when I get married today? What do you mean? What do you want?"

Er Gouzi looked at the groom and said, "Your family is rich and powerful, but our family is nothing. I can't compare with you. I also want to marry a bride. This is the only way I can do it. I can only feel sorry for you." Now, if your family has money, let your father learn it for you again, if you don’t, it’s over, why do you have to fight with me?"

At this time, the bridegroom officer was furious and said to Er Gouzi, "The bride and I have been childhood sweethearts since we were young. Everyone knows that our marriage is a matter of course. If she loves you, I hope you put a bar in the middle. What's the matter? Now you put the bride Call out, if he says he doesn't want to marry me, I'll go back immediately without saying anything, if he doesn't want to be here with you, then leave it to me and let me take her away, we won't make any mistakes in the future river water."

While the two of them were talking in the cave, Ye Qingxuan came in from behind and saw the people here, as well as Er Gouzi who **** the bride.

Er Gouzi walked up to the bridegroom and said to Er Gouzi, "I don't want to talk nonsense with you, let them go quickly, or I will break all your legs, and you will get married if you **** the bride away or you will be beaten to death." not much."

Er Gouzi looked at Ye Qingxuan and then at the groom officer and said, "Who is this person? He speaks so arrogantly. He looks a bit strange, so he probably isn't someone from around our village."

Ye Qingxuan stared at Ergouzi and said, "There's so much nonsense, hurry up and let him go, you just say let it go or not, don't talk so much nonsense, it doesn't matter who I am-."

····Ask for flowers········-···

Er Gouzi directly took out a nine-ring machete from his back waist, and as soon as Er Gouzi pulled out the thing, the dozen or so brothers all made a move, some with sticks, some with daggers, and they all moved towards Ye Qingxuan slowly. Come on.

Ye Qingxuan looked at it, it was time to do something, and then he said to the bridegroom officer, "Go back and hide for a while and let me deal with these little **** and scum."


The bridegroom officer unconsciously thought about retreating. At this time Er Gouzi didn't say anything, just took the nine-ring machete and chopped off Ye Qingxuan. The groom officer saw it and said, "Ye Qingxuan, be careful."

Who is Ye Qingxuan? Although their backs were facing Er Gouzi, their every move was in Ye Qingxuan's mind. Ye Qingxuan caught the Jiuhuan machete with one hand, and directly knocked Er Gouzi down with his other hand. On the ground, he kicked Er Gouzi's stomach away, where Er Gouzi screamed in pain.

At this time, the dozen or so people rushed forward, Ye Qingxuan didn't have the intention of dodging at all, and won directly. Ye Qingxuan knocked down three of them with a left punch and a right kick, and then grabbed a person and raised the door high.

Chapter 465 Sneak Attack

Leaving directly towards the crowd and knocking down 4 people, the rest of the people rushed up, Ye Qingxuan punched left and kicked right, one person reported less than ten minutes, these people were knocked down by Ye Qingxuan and screamed.

Ye Qingxuan walked up to Er Gouzi at this time, pulled Er Gouzi up from the ground, and said to Er Gouzi, do you know now that you are wrong, do you accept it or not?

At this time, Er Gouzi took out a dagger from his "four two seven", stabbed Ye Qingxuan directly, and attacked Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan grabbed the wrist of the sneak attacking hand with one hand, twisted it so hard that the dagger fell to the ground, Ye Qingxuan made his other hand clenched into a fist, and hit Er Gouzi **** the face, Er Gouzi Two teeth were directly knocked out on his face, and his mouth was covered with blood. Ye Qingxuan immediately kicked Er Gouzi to the ground.

Ye Qingxuan said to the groom at this time, "The bride should be inside, you go and rescue her, there is no one inside, they are all here, you don't have to be afraid."

As soon as the groom officer heard it, he ran inside and saw that the bride was indeed here. Her hands and feet were tied and her mouth was stuffed, so she couldn't cry out. The bride was so frightened that she burst into tears. When he got up and saw the groom coming, he stopped crying.

The groom's official immediately carried the bride out and rode on the horse.

Ye Qingxuan told the bridegroom officer, you go back now and continue your wedding, I'm still waiting for the wedding wine, these people will be handed over to me, you don't have to worry about it.

Er Gouzi saw that the bride had been snatched away, so he stood up straight away, picked up the nine-ringed machete, and slashed at Ye Qingxuan. Although Ye Qingxuan had his back to Er Gouzi at this time, Ye Qingxuan's every move was controlled by Ye Qingxuan. in mind.

Ye Qingxuan didn't look back at all, just kicked the Jiuhuan Machete away with one kick, then turned around and kicked Er Gouzi's chest, Er Gouzi was kicked directly, creating a cave lying on the stone wall , Clutching his chest and yelling, Er Gouzi won't be able to get up this time.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan came to these twelve or three people, one of them died, kicked each other, beat each other, while beating, Ye Qingxuan said, "You gang of inhuman things actually helped Er Gouzi to **** other people's brides, You're doing something immoral..."

Those who beat up these dozens of people were kneeling on the ground, begging Ye Qingxuan not to hit again, it has nothing to do with us being wrong, we are all here to help Er Gouzi, now we know we are wrong, so don't hit again.

As soon as Ye Qingxuan heard this, he stopped beating them Ye Qingxuan said, "I know that you are all changing, this idea is not from you, and you are not robbers and bandits, so I will let you go today. Let me know what you are doing, and I will beat you all to death."

The dozens of people were startled when they heard this, and some of them immediately peed in fright, and urinated in their trouser pockets.

Ye Qingxuan 5.6 Seeing that these **** are still coming out to kidnap, with this little ability, Ye Qingxuan just wants to scare them, and teach them a little lesson, these people are not unforgivable crimes, and they cannot be killed.

Ye Qingxuan continued, "I hope you will all have a longer memory in the future, so get the **** out of here."

These dozen or so people ran out of the cave as soon as they heard the **** and crap, and all of them disappeared in a flash.

Chapter 466 The Prodigal Son Turns Back

Ye Qingxuan knew that these people would not enter the village. The villagers would gather together all day without doing anything, and they would not do good things, but they were just making small troubles and nothing big could happen, so he taught them a lesson and didn't pursue it deeply.

At this time, only Ye Qingxuan and Er Gouzi were left in the cave, and Er Gouzi was lying on the ground clutching his chest.

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