Ye Qingxuan laughed and said, "When I was making money, I drove an ox cart that day, and there were two oxen. I tied the stone to the ox cart. The stone should be pulled here, and the front cover must be closed, because I don't think I will be able to use so much money for a while, so I found such a big stone."

The tall man thought for a while, what Ye Qingxuan said was fine, but now there are no cows, what should we do? How can we remove this big rock? One time, the tall man said to the brothers, "Come on, everyone, and move this rock hard together. His money is hidden under this rock."

These people saw how such a big rock could be moved, but it was a waste of time to look for cattle at this time. Their hearts were very eager and wanted to get the money immediately, and then all the more than 20 people When we came to the big rock, we were ready to work together to push the big rock away.

Ye Qingxuan was watching from the side, these people are pushing big rocks here, no matter how much they push, they can't move them.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't stop laughing in his heart, but he still couldn't pretend to be serious.

Ye Qingxuan also gave them an idea, asking them to find a big piece of wood as a lever and use it as a lever, that would save some effort, otherwise you wouldn't be able to walk.

Chapter 454 The Power of Leverage

When the tall man heard that this was indeed a solution, he also knew the power of leverage, so he sent a few people to look for big logs in the surrounding area.

After a while, a few big logs were found, and these people began to use the power of levers to try to remove the big stone. These people worked back and forth for a long time, but the big stone did not move. .

At this time, the sky was a little bit bright, and the sun was about to come out.

The big tall man was so anxious at this moment, he wanted to quickly remove the big rock, how could he think of a way to remove it?

Ye Qingxuan just sat there and watched these guys fiddle with the stone.

The big tall one said, "You divided into two groups of 10 people to press the lever, and the other ten people pushed a big tongue with their hands, and they can move the stone away with their strength together."

These people followed the method that the tall man said, 10 people pressed the lever, and another dozen people pushed the big rock. It took them nearly an hour, and the big rock finally moved, but not much. They felt Seeing hope this method is good, and the big stone will leave after going back and forth a few times.

These few people were so tired that they were out of breath. Walking the boulder was very tiring, but they didn't give up. They all worked hard here for a while, and the boulder moved a little bit.

The big tall man cheered these people up by the side, saying that it was half frozen, and the other half would be a success. These people all tried their best to blow ~ big rocks there.

Ye Qingxuan just watched them working hard there and laughed in his heart, laughing at these idiots all the time.

These twenty or so people exhausted their efforts to finally expose the rock. The big rocks rolled and rolled to the side one by one. At that time, these people were so tired that they lay on the ground, panting. The tall man rushed forward and saw that there was nothing under the big rock.

At this moment, the big tall man was a little frustrated, walked up to Ye Qingxuan, pulled Ye Qingxuan over, and said, "Look, there's nothing under this big rock, how dare you lie to us."

Ye Qingxuan pretended to be very nervous and said, "No, it's impossible, I put it here, no, there must be."

Ye Qingxuan threw his hands twice, but found nothing, Ye Qingxuan stood up and looked at the tall man and said, "Impossible, where is my money, how could I put it here, I..."


Just as Ye Qingxuan was saying this, he suddenly saw a big rock not far in front of him, which was quite big, so Ye Qingxuan hurried over to take a look.

Tell the tall man, "Oh, it's not good, I remember wrongly, it's this big rock, not that one, you see, there is money under this big rock here, I made a mistake about that big rock, what I said, Impossible, I put it here."


Ye Qingxuan was still there swearing swearingly, assuring that he had designated that big rock, he had just misremembered it, and the place under this rock was where he hid his money.

The tall man grabbed Ye Qingxuan by the neck and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Are you really misremembering or are you playing tricks on us? If you get rid of that big rock in a while, or if I don't, I will let you die in front of this big rock right away." .”

Ye Qingxuan pretended to have a very serious expression, and said to the tall man, "I blamed me for this matter, I remembered wrongly, it must be at this big stone gate.

Chapter 455 Big Rock

It’s not that I misremembered the one just now, if there is no one under this big rock, you don’t need to do it, I will directly crash to death here. "

At this time, the big tall man and his brothers were already exhausted and half dead, only then did they realize that they had made a mistake, and they were so angry that they were half dead, there was no other way, they had to make a mess of it, it was already at this point, Then the tall man said to his more than 20 brothers, "Everyone hurry up and move this big rock away from "April 20."

The more than 20 people were so tired that they had no strength. When they heard that there was still a stone left, they became negative all of a sudden. They didn't know how to move the big stone, and now they had to move it.

While complaining, these people stood up on the ground and asked the stone to come over.

These people saw that the stone was bigger than the one just now, and the position was not easy to use, and it was even more difficult to handle when the lever was lifted.

The tall man said to these people, "If you think about removing this stone, we won't have to do anything for the rest of our lives. We will have food and drink. Don't give up at this time. Hurry up. If someone passes by at dawn Here, it's no fun."

After the tall man finished speaking, the 20-odd people came up again, using the old method, with some people prying with levers and others pushing.

At this time, the sun was a little bit out, and it was brighter than before.

These people are pushing hard here. After being tired for a long time, the big rock finally showed signs of moving. These more than 20 people finally saw hope, and the big rock finally moved. An hour, it should be almost 8 o'clock at this time.

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while, all the folks came after 12 o'clock, and they were still waiting for me to go back to Zhangluo to watch a show and have dinner. I can't waste too much time here.

These people are still there so close to death, using levers to press, and people pushing each other in exchange, the person pushing the lever presses the lever, and the person pushing the lever pushes, and after moving it around, the big stone moves a little bit.

These people have been busy for a while, and the big stone was finally removed near 10 o'clock.

These people were all lying on the ground directly, they didn't want to move at all, and they were not in the mood to look at the money, they were too tired.

The big tall man ran to the front and saw that there was nothing there. At this time, his hair was on the verge of becoming angry, and he almost passed out. At this time, he walked up to Ye Qingxuan, and dragged Ye Qingxuan to the side of the big rock. Let Ye Qingxuan see for himself...

The tall man said to Ye Qingxuan, "Where is the money you hid? How can you be here? Are you tired of living? How dare you deceive us."

The more than 20 people who were tired and lying on the ground knew that there was no money at the bottom when they heard their chat.

Ye Qingxuan froze for a moment at this moment, looked at the tall man and said to the tall man, "Oh, I remembered, I took the money here, and it cost 5.6 to build a house to treat guests, and the money has already been spent. Take a look at my brain and my memory, alas, you said I am so young and you only have this memory, what do you think I should do?"

At that time, the tall man heard Ye Qingxuan talking like that, his head was about to explode with anger, he was really furious, what should you do with your brain? What do I care about you? At this time, the tall man sat on the ground angrily and began to cry.

Chapter 456 The Kidnapper Can Be Killed

The big tall guy was so angry that he was so angry that he forgot that he was a robber, so this guy burst into tears and said to Ye Qingxuan, "You big liar, you are so mad at me, how can you bully people like this?" Well, you caused us to move the big rock overnight, you either don’t give it, or you give it, what are you doing?”

The tall man was so angry, just like the rural woman Sapo, she sat beside the big rock and started crying there.

These more than 20 people cried when they saw the big and tall ones, and these popular ones didn't come to each other. They thought they would get rich overnight, and they would be carefree for the rest of their lives. Turning around, the more than 20 people all cried there.

Seeing these 22 scenes, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help laughing.

But Ye Qingxuan couldn't show it, so Ye Qingxuan had to comfort the tall man and said, "You see, I'm the one who blamed me for this, and my memory is not good, so I've been busy these days and I've been confused. I have indeed spent my money, so what do you say now?"

The tall man couldn't listen to anything at all, so he just cried and howled, so angry that he almost gasped.

Ye Qingxuan continued, "Look, you are so tired after working so hard in the middle of the night, let me treat you to some food, you come back home with me now, the food should be ready, the troupe will start singing soon , just pretend that your work is not in vain, can I treat you to see if it's okay?"

At this time, the tall man stared straight at him, and Ye Qingxuan suddenly remembered, I am a kidnapper, I am here to settle the money, what do I eat or watch, you are here to pretend to be stupid with me , you played with us in the middle of the night and pushed you for half an hour, I tmd want your life today.

The big tall man stood up, took out the dagger from his pocket, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "You f*cking took us for fools and played tricks on us for half a night. If you don't take out the money today, I f*cking will kill you!" .”

After speaking, the big tall man was stabbing at Ye Qingxuan with a dagger, Ye Qingxuan didn't dodge too much, he grabbed his hand, circling around her chest and turning back, the tall man fell straight down In Ye Qingxuan's arms, Ye Qingxuan said to him face to face, "Don't worry, I didn't invite you to dinner and a show, isn't that okay?"

At this time, the more than 20 brothers who came with the big tall man were also furious, and they all stood up from the ground, and they wanted to kill Ye Qingxuan. If they didn't get angry, they would be laughed at to death.

The big tall man picked up the dagger casually, and swiped at Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan directly blocked the dagger with his other hand, hit the dagger on the ground, and then punched 420 times with his other hand. When he fell on the face of the big tall man, he was knocked to the ground and screamed.

The more than 20 brothers who came together started to fuck, some of them had daggers but no daggers, they picked up a piece of wood beside them, and they all rushed towards Ye Qingxuan, wanting to beat Ye Qingxuan to death.

Ye Qingxuan didn't dodge at all, and won directly. Ye Qingxuan lay down with his left hand, punched with his right hand, and then kicked left and right and fought with these people. Ye Qingxuan didn't use his internal strength, he just fought with them fight.

After a round like this, there were more than a dozen people, and the remaining dozen people didn't dare to move at all, and they didn't dare to rush up.

Chapter 457 Counterattack

Ye Qingxuan widened his eyes at this time and said to this group of people, "You idiots still come out to rob, it's really not shameful, you bunch of idlers don't look like a good person at first sight, you tied me here today to count your bad luck , I don’t teach you a lesson today, you will do bad things in the future.”

After speaking, Ye Qingxuan rushed towards the dozen or so people. Ye Qingxuan knocked down one of them with his knee, then punched left and right, and then started kicking with his feet. After a while, he knocked down a dozen more. There were two other people standing there stupidly, as if they had been given anesthesia, neither attacking nor running away, Ye Qingxuan went up and kicked each of them to the ground.

In such a short time, Ye Qingxuan beat all these 20 people to the ground.

Just as Ye Qingxuan was about to talk to them, the tall man took out a dagger from behind and stabbed Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan felt someone hiding behind him, and then kicked the tall man hard in the face. The bridge of the nose of the big tall man was kicked and collapsed, and his face was covered in blood and he fell to the ground and screamed.

The more than 20 people were very dissatisfied, and they copied the stupid Ye Qingxuan and called Ye Qingxuan to have a look, thinking that you guys really don't cry when you see the coffin, I intend to let you go, you don't know how to live, today I will Give you a lesson, let you long memory.

Ye Qingxuan went up with only his feet, not fists, one left kick, one right kick, and gave this group a violent beating. Ye Qingxuan grabbed one person, raised it high and threw it directly at the crowd, and knocked down 6 more. A person rushed towards Ye Qingxuan with the wood used for the lever just now, Ye Qingxuan kicked the wood away with one kick, and then the person fell in front of Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan raised his left foot and kicked the person fiercely On his back, the man was lying there and screaming.

It didn't take much time after doing this, these 20 or so people were knocked down by Ye Qingxuan again, this time their injuries were much more serious than before, although they were not fatal, it was very difficult to get up.

At this time, the big tall man sneaked up on Ye Qingxuan again from behind. Ye Qingxuan seemed to have eyes behind him, and everyone saw it. This kick directly hit the big tall man's head, and the big tall man hit his head directly on the stone. He was killed on the spot.

More than 20 other people saw the tall man being kicked to death by Ye Qingxuan. At this time, these people were all scared.

They all knelt on the ground, begging Ye Qingxuan to spare their lives, and give themselves a way out. Today, they were all thrown here by the tall guy. He said he was after you, you are a rich man, and he wanted us to accompany him to grab your money. It's all his idea, but it has nothing to do with us, so just let us go.

Ye Qingxuan took a look, and this group of people knelt on the ground and said to this group of people, "Don't talk so nicely, you are not a good person, you just idle around all day, steal and steal, are you okay? Don't do it, don't think I don't know〃ˇ."

(had it)

These more than 20 people kept kowtow, begging for their lives, and all of them promised that they would never do it again, go home and farm well, and never come out to bully others.

Ye Qingxuan looked at these 20 people and said to them, "If I really hand over the money today, you will be fine after you succeed, and you will become more and more rampant. Although you did not succeed or harm me today, but you There is definitely this motive, so it is absolutely unforgivable.”.

Chapter 458

This group of people were kneeling there, kowtowing and talking softly.

Ye Qingxuan said, "Although you are guilty, it is not enough to kill you. Today is a good day. I want to invite the villagers to dinner and a show. You are making trouble here. I will let you remember it today and leave it to you." a mark."

After Ye Qingxuan said this, he picked up the dagger that the tall man had used just now, and slashed each of these 20 people's faces, slashing them hard, so that they could remember it long. Seeing this If you are wounded by the knife, you will know what happened today, just to remind you, don't do bad things in the future.

Each of these people covered their faces and screamed in the 420.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the time and should go back, otherwise it would delay the dinner and delay the folks watching the play, don't spoil the temper of the folks.

Then Ye Qingxuan said to these people, "You guys all have wounds on your faces, and you all have scars. If I encounter you if you do something bad in the future, then I will definitely not show mercy to you. Just like the tall man, you guys Just do it for yourself, get out of here."

As soon as these 20 people heard that they were going to leave, this guy rolled and crawled, and all his buttocks **** and ran away.

Ye Qingxuan looked around and dusted himself off, then returned to the village the same way.

Ye Qingxuan returned home and saw that this guy was really lively, it was only less than 10 o'clock, and the villagers had already arrived.

The villagers were all happy when they saw Ye Qingxuan came back. Just now, these people were already crazy. Where did Ye Qingxuan go, now that Ye Qingxuan is back, they are relieved.

The old lady and her son and daughter-in-law also came over and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Where are you going? The folks are so anxious, they thought something happened to you, and I haven't seen you since early in the morning. It's back."

Ye Qingxuan said with a smile, "I woke up in the morning and went to the back mountain to exercise. I went to move rocks."

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he walked towards the stage, and the whole family (ccfg) was stunned for no reason when they heard what Ye Qingxuan said about moving stones.

Ye Qingxuan went to the stage and said to the villagers, "Our family is building a new house, and the villagers have contributed a lot and helped. I am very grateful to everyone here, so I will prepare a little wine today and invite everyone to dinner, and then we will go to the theater , the folks are together and we are lively, and our family also expresses our gratitude to everyone, so everyone must eat and drink well and don't pretend, let's watch the show while eating."

As soon as Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, there was warm applause. At this time, the kitchen started to get busy and started serving dishes. The villagers were all ready and waiting here, and then Ye Qingxuan arranged for the troupe to sing!

At this time, when the gongs and drums sounded, the theater troupe became lively, and everyone watched with gusto. Many, many villagers had never seen the theater at all, but they had heard about it and didn’t know what it was. The first time they saw it, they were very excited.

Theatrical troupes are generally active in towns, or places bigger than me. They won’t come to this kind of countryside, unless someone specially invites them, otherwise they will starve if they don’t pay them, so they are mainly active In a lively part of town.

So in the countryside, few people can get it, so for the folks, this is a rare item. Some folks even forget what they are eating. look there.

Chapter 459

All the more than 70 families in this village came. All the men, women and children of the family brought their own tables and chairs. Everyone ate with oily mouths and watched wonderful things. The applause from below was always shouting with.

Ye Qingxuan also felt very relieved watching this scene. Seeing everyone happy, he felt that he had done a good deed.

The old lady hadn't seen the play either, so she just sat at the door of her house and watched it with great interest, the smile on her face never stopped from the beginning to the end.

The middle-aged man and his daughter-in-law looked at their house, and felt very relieved. They didn't expect a broken house to be burned down, and a new house appeared in the blink of an eye. They were very grateful for Ye Qingxuan's actions. If there was no Ye Qingxuan They don't know how to live, so they may have to go~ wandering.

It was Ye Qingxuan who stabilized their lives and gave them more confidence in life. This family can be together happily again.

It was getting dark while singing, the time passed so fast, the folks had no intention of leaving, they sang until dark according to the normal opera troupe, but Ye Qingxuan saw that the folks were not having fun.

So Ye Qingxuan went to the backstage and found the team of the Western troupe and said to the team leader, "Look how popular you are here, the folks are very enthusiastic and don't want to let you go, just keep singing for me, I'll follow the two-day schedule The money will be settled for you, and you will work hard, and I will reward everyone in a while."

Upon hearing this, the troupe leader said, "That's no problem. Since your boss has spoken, then we will work hard and let the folks have fun and we will continue to sing."

Ye Qingxuan said to the class leader, "I'll prepare meals for you in a while, those who don't sing can eat, let them eat when they change shifts, don't go hungry, I'll feel bad about that."

After speaking and explaining, Ye Qingxuan came to the kitchen and said, "Some of the folks are hungry after watching it all afternoon, continue to cook, bring out all the dinner, let the folks continue to eat, drink, and watch the show. Let's have a good and lively day, and you have worked so hard."

Ye Qingxuan came after explaining everything, and he could see the stage from the windows of the Westinghouse when he arrived at the Westinghouse, but Ye Qingxuan's mind was not on the stage.


Ye Qingxuan thought that he had been staying here for many days, and he was going to leave tomorrow when he was done. Ye Qingxuan still had his own affairs to attend to, so he had to hurry up, and he couldn't waste any more time here.

Ye Qingxuan looked out of the window and saw the smiling faces of the villagers, seeing the old lady and her family laughing in the yard, and watching the opera singing on the stage, he felt very comforted. He felt that the villagers in this village still get along Very harmonious.


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