The middle-aged man and his wife walked up to Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I really don't know what to say, thank you, but we will return the money for building the house."

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, and said to the middle-aged man, "There is no need to pay back the money. I have a great responsibility here, and I have to pay for my responsibility. You don't need to worry about building the house." Yes, it seems that I will be staying at a neighbor's house for the next few days, so I will contact you first, and it will take a few days to build a house."

Ye Qingxuan said to the villagers, "It will take a few days to build a house. My brother and sister-in-law have no place to live for the time being. You can see who is convenient and take us in for a while."

As soon as Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, the villagers all said enthusiastically, "Come to my house, my house is vacant, come to my house at that time, I have plenty of space in my house, come to my house at that time."

At this time, the villagers were very enthusiastic. The middle-aged man and his wife were so moved that they cried again. They even had a blind date, so they came directly to (Mo De Zhao) and dragged the couple to her house.

Ye Qingxuan saw that it was all right, he found a temporary place to live.

Ye Qingxuan can start building the house here.

The folks came to help, and the burned old house was quickly moved to a flat place. The place has been flashed out, and there is nothing left. Just build a big house on this foundation, with two rooms in the east and west. There must be stables, cowsheds and granaries.

Chapter 448

The carpenters and bricklayers calculated the materials used here, and on the same day, the carpenters and bricklayers bought all the materials needed, and unloaded them into the yard that night.

In the early morning of the second day, the carpenter and bricklayer brought some small workers and started to work. Ye Qingxuan had already told them all about the request, and they started to work according to Ye Qingxuan's request.

During the day, the middle-aged man and his wife came back to help, helping the carpenters and bricklayers to do whatever they could, and they were all busy here.

The folks are also very enthusiastic, and people who are idle at home come here to help.

Three days passed quickly, and the appearance of the house had already been revealed, except for some carpentry work.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan said to the carpenter, "The houses over there are almost built, what else do you have to do here?" 417

The carpenter looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "As long as his bricklaying work is finished, my carpentry work will also be finished. According to your requirements, I have already taken care of everything."

Ye Qingxuan looked around and felt that all could be completed today. He felt that these folks came to help all day, and he felt a little uncomfortable. He wanted to take advantage of your busy schedule and everyone was busy, so he thanked everyone for their help.

Ye Qingxuan called a few folks and said, "The house can be finished today, everything can be finished, I want to have fun with the folks, I want to find some people to help with cooking, and then find two people to go to the town to invite the magic troupe , so that there is something to eat and see, so that the folks can relax."

At this time, an old woman said, "I dare not talk about other things. If you want to talk about cooking, then leave it to me, and I will assign it to you to make it clear."

Upon hearing this, Ye Qingxuan said to the old woman, "Okay, I will leave this matter to you. Don't be afraid to spend money to buy a few pigs, kill them, and then buy some sheep and cattle. Invite all the villagers. You can see what you need." How many seats are there for adults to go, don't be afraid to spend money, we must let everyone eat well."

As soon as the old lady heard about it, "You can watch it when it's done. I'll go and talk about it now."

Ye Qingxuan said to the other two villagers, "You go to the magic troupe in the town and find them. No matter how much money you have, you must give them to me tomorrow. The show will start on time at noon yesterday."

These (ccfg) two people were very happy when they heard it. The folks who have never been to the opera troupe here didn't hear about it. They just heard that there is this thing. These two people agreed to Ye Qingxuan's designation to do it properly.

Ye Qingxuan found a few more villagers and said to them, "I want to build some temporary sheds in this yard. We will eat in the sheds when we eat tomorrow, so it won't be so hot. We can eat in the sheds and then watch a play. Everyone help me set up the shed."

These folks said to Ye Qingxuan, "Leave this matter to me. A few days ago, the old prince's daughter got married, and the materials for the shed were all there. I'll borrow it now, and then build it in our house." In the yard, make sure to finish before dark."

At this time, you are looking at the yard, and everyone is busy.

I didn't expect that the blind date in the town would come back soon, and they brought back the troupe directly. Generally speaking, the show will open at noon tomorrow, and now they have to set up a stage, so they followed along all the way.

Ye Qingxuan felt that these two people were quite reliable in their work, but he didn't expect the troupe to arrive the day before, and they also started to set up a stage there, preparing to sing tomorrow.

Chapter 449 Building a Play

Ye Qingxuan found the head of the troupe, and said to the head, "You guys came too timely. Although I will sing for one day today and tomorrow, I will pay you two days' worth of money. You just have to work hard and sing for me and you're done." .”

The leader of class 7 heard that Ye Qingxuan was a particular person, and said very happily, "You can rest assured and leave it to me. Let's not skip 12 o'clock tomorrow, and we will start singing at 9 o'clock. I promise not to repeat the song. , just look at it."

Ye Qingxuan looked at it, and the head teacher of the theatrical troupe said to the head teacher, "Okay, let's make a deal, you can go to work first."

After speaking, the workers began to set up the stage and began to work~ up.

The middle-aged man and his daughter-in-law came to see how their house was being built. When they came here, they were all confused. Seeing that everyone was busy building a shed and building a stage, the middle-aged man The man walked up to Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "What are these people doing? What are they doing? What's going on?-"

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, and said to the middle-aged man, "It started with building the house. The folks have helped us a lot. I think the house is also built. Let's take this opportunity to have fun with the folks. I want to invite the folks -Let's eat and watch a play."

The middle-aged man and his daughter-in-law glanced at each other, they were quite confused at this time, and then the middle-aged man's wife said, "There is a play to watch. I have never seen a play when I grow up, but I have never heard of it." It's great to see."

The middle-aged man glared at his daughter-in-law and said, "You know it well, do you know how much it costs to invite an opera troupe to sing?"

Ye Qingxuan said haha ​​there, "Don't worry about you two, put your heart in your stomach, I will pay for all the expenses, you just put your heart in your stomach."

The middle-aged man said to Ye Qingxuan, "We are really sorry that you did this. We are already very grateful that you have built the house for us. Now you see, it will cost you money again."

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, and said to the middle-aged man, "The house was burnt down. I should have built one for you. It's only natural. Invite everyone to eat and watch a show. That's my repayment to the folks. After all, there are so many people. The folks in Tiantian are very enthusiastic, and they are willing to help us in return, and it is only natural for me to invite everyone to dinner and a theater."


At this time, the man in the middle didn't know what to say, he was moved and grateful for a while, and felt that Ye Qingxuan was an orderly and disciplined person, and he admired him very much.

The folks who are cooking in the kitchen have already prepared everything. The pigs and sheep have been killed. Day 2 was pretty messed up and everything was ready.


Ye Qingxuan said to the villagers, "Inform each other in a while, come here at 9 o'clock, and bring all the tables and benches from your home, or there is not enough space here, everyone will eat and watch the theater here, and all of you will be notified."

These few blind dates are so fast, even if the grandson didn't inform the grandson, he basically knew about it, but Ye Qingxuan felt that it was necessary to invite each family, so it seemed more formal.

The two of them went from house to house, telling each house to notify each other, bringing tables, chairs and benches at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, Ye Qingxuan invited us to come to the door on time for dinner and theater.

Chapter 450 Notice

The legs and feet of these two people were really nimble, and it didn't take long for everyone in the village to be notified.

What Ye Qingxuan saw in this courtyard made him feel very relieved. The house was built very smoothly, and Ye Qingxuan was also very satisfied. The carpenter and bricklayer did a really good job.

The middle-aged man and his wife also feel very good, not to mention the old lady, they are very satisfied.

Ye Qingxuan doesn't know that "April 20" is dangerous approaching them.

There are a few villains in the next door village who usually do nothing, but when he heard that someone in this village built a house within three days, and they spent a lot of money, especially rich, these people started to think badly. Want to arrange for some people to ransack their house tonight and take all the money.

Ye Qingxuan has almost made arrangements here, and the folks can come to eat on time tomorrow. The folks are exhausted these days, so take this opportunity to get together and hire a troupe. Everyone is lively, Ye Qingxuan thought It's good, and the arrangement is perfect. It's already late at this time, so let's wait for everything to go smoothly tomorrow.

The leader of these villains from the neighboring village is a tall man who found more than 20 brothers, all of whom are idlers. They gather together to study and do some bad things when they have nothing to do. The goal is to **** Ye Qingxuan away.

These more than 20 people have already stepped on all the points, they know that they are busy at home now, it is already midnight, everything is quiet there, they have turned off the lights and went to sleep, and they also know which room Ye Qingxuan sleeps in, all the points have been stepped on up.

This big tall man led more than 20 people below and came to Ye Qingxuan's place by walking the mountain road in the middle of the night.

The big tall man lay on the hillside and looked down, and he knew that the stage of this theater was set up, and the things placed in the yard, the houses were all newly opened, so the big tall man said to the people under him, " You can see that the house in front is our target. There is a young man living in the house on the west side. All the expenses today are paid by him. He should be very rich.

We will tie him up tonight and ask him to hand over the money, and there is no one around him who are neighbors and the owner of this house, so we don't have to be afraid, she will just come with him hard, after it is done I will take half, and you will share the rest equally, because I did the news and all the explorations....

So I account for half of it myself, and you just follow along. If it goes well, you don’t have to move. I will negotiate with them. If they take the initiative to hand over the money, it will be easier for us. You can share it without doing anything. to money. "

When the 20-odd people heard it, it would be absolutely fine for the 20-odd people to bully two or three people, so these people were all willing to do it, and they were all willing to follow, even if the tall ones took half of it.

So these more than 20 people are willing to listen to the big tall man's arrangement, and he will do what he says. Let’s talk about that young man after he’s tied up.”

The tall one led more than 20 brothers, and the brothers came down from the hillside and walked to Ye Qingxuan's west room, and surrounded Ye Qingxuan's west room.

Ye Qingxuan didn't feel anything at this time, because he was tired after working all day and slept soundly, so he didn't even notice when someone came in.

Chapter 451 Kidnapping

Zheng Xiang, who was sleeping with Ye Qingxuan, suddenly broke into several people, directly tied Ye Qingxuan to a log, and rolled it tightly, Ye Qingxuan was already awake when he was tied up.

Seeing the people around him, he didn't know what they were doing, and he also wanted to know what they were going to do, so he didn't resist. If Ye Qingxuan wanted to resist at that time, these few people would be knocked down in minutes.

After these people tied Ye Qingxuan, they immediately carried them out of the yard and came to the half-hill **** opposite the gate. These people were also afraid of alarming the villagers here. If everyone worked together, the 20 or so people would not be able to stand up. So they were also afraid of being discovered by others, so they tied Ye Qingxuan's gagged mouth to a log, and carried him away.

Ye Qingxuan's hands and feet were tied tightly, just like 22 was tied to a cross, he couldn't move at all.

When they came to the hillside, these twenty or so people lit the torches.

This is the back **** of the mountain, so the villagers couldn't see the fire here, so they dared to light the torches.

With the light, Ye Qingxuan saw a total of more than 20 people, and everyone could see clearly.

Ye Qingxuan asked this group of people, "Who are you? Why are you kidnapping me? I don't seem to offend you, do you recognize the wrong person?"

The tall man left, came over and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I heard that you are going to invite the folks to dinner and a play tomorrow, isn't it because of you?"

Ye Qingxuan thought about it for a while, even if I made a fuss, he shouldn't help me, why is that? Ye Qingxuan looked at the tall man and said to the tall man, "The folks who built the house for my family have put in a lot of effort, and this house is also finished, so I just wanted to invite the folks to have a meal and watch a play, everyone It's lively, what's wrong with that?"

The tall man looked at it, and Ye Qingxuan laughed heartily, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Yes, there is nothing wrong with it, then the person I arrested was not wrong, and you were the one I tied."

Ye Qingxuan didn't understand at this time, so he said to the tall man, "We shouldn't know each other, we have no grievances in the past, and we have no grievances in recent days, why are you arresting me?"

The tall man looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "My brothers and I want to do some business recently, but we are short of capital. We know that you are not short of money, so I want to borrow some money from you, and wait for the business." We'll return it to you when it's done, but would you like to lend it to us?"

When Ye Qingxuan heard the tall man say this, he immediately understood that he had been too generous recently, and was seen by some villains, who wanted to kidnap me and ask me for some money.

Ye Qingxuan burst out laughing after hearing what the tall man said, and said to the tall man, "Since you want my help, why don't you say it openly during the day, instead of being rude to me when you come at night?" Tied up, and then told me to borrow money, what is the reason for you?"

Hearing this, the tall man felt unhappy, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Where are there so many tmd nonsense, you can just say whether to borrow or not, and we won't make it difficult for you, so you will let you go, and if you say not to borrow, let us go." Take your arm off your leg, you choose the one yourself."

Ye Qingxuan pretended to be very surprised and looked at the tall man and said to the tall man, "Oh, if you want to say that, are you kidnapping me?"

The tall man widened his eyes and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Hey, are you **** stupid or fake?

Chapter 452 Playing Stupid

I don’t even tell you nonsense, I’ll tell you right now, you’ll be kidnapped, get the money quickly, and if you don’t get it, you won’t be sent back whole. "

Ye Qingxuan smiled at the big tall man and said, "If you kidnap me, just tell me straight up, I almost didn't realize it if you want such a big turn of events."

My brother was furious when he heard this, and he wondered if there was something wrong with this person's brain. I don't know if he was tied up. If he was kidnapped, he still had to ask, and I wanted to tell him directly that this person is really a brain broken.

The more than 20 brothers brought by the big tall man looked at each other, Ye Qingxuan thought there was something wrong with this man, he was kidnapped and didn't know how he could be so rich, this man is really a blessed man, stupid Baji is still so rich.

Ye Qingxuan said to the tall man, "If you want money, you can just tell me. Now that you have tied it up for me, how can I get you money?"

When the tall man heard that this kid was quite interesting and wanted to give us money, he showed a wretched smile and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Where did you put the money? How much is it? Hurry up and tell me the truth."

Ye Qingxuan looked around, looked at this group of people, and then said to the tall man, "I still have 1200 taels of gold, you let me go, I'll go and get the money for you now."

When this group of people heard about 1200 taels of gold, their eyes glowed green at the time, and they thought that they could get rich now, that this life would be enough to spend, and they don’t have to do anything. They really met a rich man today.

The tall man said to Ye Qingxuan, "If I let you go, what if you run away? It's impossible to let you go. Just tell us where the money is and we'll get it. Once we get the money, we'll let you go back." ,no sooner said than done."

Ye Qingxuan laughed out loud at this moment, and said to the tall man, "It's so ridiculous to kidnap you if you have the guts to kidnap me. I'm alone. If you let me go, I can still run away with so many of you." , really made me underestimate you."

The big tall man was very unhappy when he heard that, let a guy be buried like this, the big tall man thought he was alone, even if he was let go, how much noise could he make, where could he go?

The tall man said to Ye Qingxuan, "Okay, I'll let you go now, and I forgive you for not being able to play any tricks. If you dare to run or deceive us, we have more than 20 people here, and each of us can do it with one punch." beat you to death here."

Ye Qingxuan laughed and said, "Where can I go, where can I go with so many of you?"

At this time, the tall man ordered his subordinates to take down Ye Qingxuan's rope and let him let him take us to withdraw the money.

At that time, they came up, and the two of them loosened all Ye Qingxuan's ropes. At this time, Ye Qingxuan moved around in place, and was **** for a long time. It was really uncomfortable, and he wanted to see how I would deal with you guys later. .

(It's gone) The tall man said to Ye Qingxuan, "Don't dawdle, quickly take us to get the money, I'll release the money after I get it, don't delay your arrangements for the villagers to eat and watch a theater tomorrow, it's almost dawn soon Yes, hurry up."

Ye Qingxuan said to the tall man, "I didn't hide my money at home, it's not safe at all, this person went in and out, I hid the money in the mountains, and when I used it, I went to get it by myself. So only I know."

Chapter 453

The tall man looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "You brat has a lot of heart, don't talk so much nonsense, where are you hiding, hurry up and take us to get it, as long as we see the money, we will let you back, if you If you dare to play tricks, I will kill you immediately."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the big tall man and his brothers, and then said to the big tall man, "Well, my money is hidden in the back mountain, hold this hillside and walk back, it's not very far from here , I will take you there now."

The big tall man and their 20-odd brothers are all happy at this time. There is no one living in Huahoushan with 420 at all. They love quietness and have so much money. It’s really fun to do this slowly. And there is still a lot of money, if this thing is done, you don't have to do anything in this life, just eat hot and drink hot.

While following Ye Qingxuan, these people thought about themselves, and they were all very happy about that beautiful thing.

The big tall guy didn't have any doubts about the path Ye Qingxuan led, the big tall guy thought, if Ye Qingxuan wanted to play tricks, he would lead us to a crowded place so that he would have a chance to be rescued.

But now he has nothing to do with us in the back mountains, it is impossible for someone (ccfg) to save her, and what he said is so mysterious should be true, so this matter is already settled, just waiting for the money .

Ye Qingxuan walked in front, looked at the surrounding environment, it was very quiet, very quiet, and very few people came here.

Ye Qingxuan said to the tall man and his brothers, "Here, my money is right here."

The tall man immediately stepped forward and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Where is it? Where is it?"

Ye Qingxuan said to the tall man, "Look at the direction of my finger, it's under that big rock."

The tall man took two steps forward in the direction of Ye Qingxuan's finger, and took a look. There is indeed a big rock here. This rock is really not small, and it is really safe to hide here. Who would have thought that there would be so much money under it.

The tall man asked Ye Qingxuan, "You said you hid the money in such a big rock here, how could you move it? Are you lying to us?"

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