Ye Qingxuan also loves these people very much, and does not bully them. He often gets along with them and creates heated quarrels.

Everything has been smoothed out, Ye Qingxuan came to find the big rogue.

Ye Qingxuan told the big rascal, "The matter of the captives has been fully arranged〃."

Lao Han hurriedly got up and poured Ye Qingxuan a cup of hot tea, patted Ye Qingxuan on the shoulder, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "You have worked hard during this period, and it is all up to you, otherwise how can we digest these 15,000 people, and they have all surrendered now My heart is at ease."

Ye Qingxuan was also very happy. Looking at the big rogue, he said to the big rogue, "Our strength can now monopolize one side, and now we can protect ourselves."

Now we are not afraid of external forces to harass us, and now no one dares to be our enemy. Recently, many little monsters have come to join us, and our team is still growing one after another.

At this time, the big rogue asked Ye Qingxuan, "¨Is there any movement from Shangguanji? Is he still practicing in seclusion?"

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, and said to the rascal, "This person is very obsessed, and he is still in retreat, and he hasn't come out yet. I have secretly arranged for people to be nearby. Once there is any (good promise, good) change, they will Come and tell me."

The big rascal said to Ye Qingxuan, "This Shangguanji still has a team on the other side of Moyu Mountain, and there is still some strength. Although it is not the main force, the strength should not be underestimated. After he leaves the customs, he will definitely go there to gather with the people there."

Ye Qingxuan stood up at this time and walked a few steps, saying, "I've inquired about the power on the Konjac Mountain side, but it's just a few hundred people's close-fitting power, so it won't make much noise.

Chapter 418 Occupy the Mountain

Now it is possible to hear that Ye Qingxuan's team has been disbanded, so the strength over there is not surprising, and it can be ignored without thinking about it. "

Ye Qingxuan said to the rascal, "I have now divided the whole team into 50 on average, with 500 people in each team. Now each team occupies a hill, and they will train more on weekdays. Once there is something to do, they will immediately gather the team and occupy each of them. On the top of the mountain, defend your homeland and preserve your strength."

The big rascal listened to Ye Qingxuan's arrangement, feeling comfortable and happy in his heart, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Fortunately, you are here, otherwise I would be in a hurry. You have arranged everything in place. I am very satisfied. From now on The world is ours."

While Ye Qingxuan was talking to the rascal, Wang Ermazi walked in from outside 397 and said to Ye Qingxuan and the rascal, "There has been movement in Shangguanji's practice. He seems to have gone mad in the cave."

When Ye Qingxuan and the big rascal heard the news from Wang Ermazi, they stood up suddenly, and Ye Qingxuan asked Wang Ermazi, "What's going on? Why are you crazy?"

Wang Ermazi told Ye Qingxuan, "According to the report from the little demon, Shangguanji yelled all day long inside, couldn't find out the secret, and was going crazy. After he left the customs, he found that the team had all been broken up. At this time, he completely accepted it." No, he took the sword and started smashing around in the cave, and then continued to practice in closed doors, beating all the cave entrances to death and sealing himself inside."

The big rascal heard Shangguan Ji at this time, it was completely finished, this power disappeared from the Demon Realm ever since.

Wang Ermazi and Wang Ermazi bid farewell, and left here after being a big rogue, and then went about their own business.

After Ye Qingxuan and Wang Ermazi came out of the big rascal's place, Ye Qingxuan told Wang Ermazi, "Let's go to Shangguanji immediately."

At this time, Wang Ermazi didn't quite understand why he was going to Shangguanji at this time, whether he wanted to get back the sword or what else he wanted to do. Wang Ermazi didn't know and didn't dare to ask, so he followed Ye Qingxuan and came to Shangguan together. A place of extreme retreat and practice.

Ye Qingxuan went to (ccfg) to have a look, the cave is already in disarray, it seems that Shangguanji is really going crazy.

Wang Ermazi stepped forward and said to Ye Qingxuan, "You see, he destroyed this cave with his own hands. Now he has sealed himself inside and can't come out."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the surrounding situation, the damage was indeed serious, there should be no room inside, everything had collapsed.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan used his internal force to directly blow up the cave. Ye Qingxuan saw Shangguanji holding the sword there as if possessed by a demon, like a fool.

Ye Qingxuan took two steps forward, saw Shangguanji and said to Shangguanji, "Shangguanji, do you know who I am? What's wrong with you now?"

Shangguanji heard someone talking, looked up and said, "Who are you? You are all bad guys, you want to grab my sword, right? Don't even think about it, there are 20,000 people at the foot of my mountain, come up in a while Just kill you all."

Ye Qingxuan thought to himself that Shangguanji had gone completely crazy this time, he was talking nonsense, making himself feel like a ghost or a ghost.

Ye Qingxuan knew that this was the result of greed, he was too eager for success.

Chapter 419

That's why today's situation is caused. I always want to take shortcuts, reach the sky in one step, and want to eat a big fat man in one bite. That's really wishful thinking.

Wang Ermazi followed a few steps behind and also left, came up and said to Ye Qingxuan, "How we deal with Shangguanji now, people outside are watching him. If he gets here early, he will be in trouble."

Ye Qingxuan looked around and said to Wang Ermazi, "We can't take him in, and we can't kill him either. Let him fend for himself. All of this is his own fault. There is no way others can't help him."

Wang Ermazi then asked Ye Qingxuan, "What should we do with the sword in his hand? Shall we just take it away~?"

Ye Qingxuan walked back and forth three times, thinking about something, and later Ye Qingxuan replied to Wang Ermazi and said, "We can't take the sword away, it's not the time yet, if the sword is taken away, everyone's attention will be drawn to us." It's gone there, so I can't take it."

Ye Qingxuan directly took two steps forward, snatched the sword from Shangguanji's arms, inserted it directly into the ground, and then cast the spell on it again. From now on, no one can pull out the health care Yes, firmly inserted here.

Shangguanji's sword was suddenly snatched by Ye Qingxuan, Shangguanji felt very comfortable, and was about to start fighting when he saw Ye Qingxuan inserted the sword again for the first time Shangguanji directly asked for the sword, and pulled it out with all his strength Can't come out, just kept pulling it there, Ye Qingxuan looked at Shangguanji and shook his head, turned and left.

At this time, Shangguanji stood in front of the health care center every day, and when he thought of it, he would pull it out, and if he couldn't pull it out, he would rest for a while, and then he would drive Shangguanji completely crazy.

The sword had seen the light of day again, and a fire was ignited here again. Everyone knew that the sword was stuck here, but no one could take it away, no one could lift it.

Ye Qingxuan's move is really good. If he takes the sword away, all the enemies will be attracted to him. Ye Qingxuan put the sword here, and he is not afraid of losing it, because no one can take it away.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan had time to strengthen his team and strengthen his strength.

Ye Qingxuan has nothing else to do except lead troops and practice every day.


Ye Qingxuan was thinking in his heart, there is still a powerful team that is their biggest enemy, the strength of this team should not be underestimated, for such a long time, they have not made any moves, and they have not come to grab the flame sword, I don't know What does it mean? Is it to save strength? The people who go there every day to grab health care are some little monsters on the top of the mountain. It is not worth mentioning that the strength of 300200 is not enough to cause trouble.


Ye Qingxuan didn't know what that formidable opponent was doing now, what kind of plan they had, but they didn't come to pick up such a good thing, and there was no news, Ye Qingxuan was very worried.

That's fine, I thought, if the enemy doesn't move, I won't move, everyone preserves their strength, and one day they will definitely have a showdown.

At this moment, Wang Ermazi came over from behind and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Now the little monsters have trained a lot, I want to do a drill or something, let these 50 hills not be idle, and practice with each other.

One is to increase combat experience, and the other is to give them a power gate.

Chapter 420 Training

Training like this all day, they feel boring, attack each other's orders, and give them some rewards, which can also drive their enthusiasm. "

Ye Qingxuan laughed when he heard it, and said to Wang Ermazi, "It seems that you are better at leading troops and training than I am. It seems that I have to learn from you. This method of yours is really good, and it will save them from doing nothing all day. In order to improve their combat effectiveness, let them run into each other for a "397" and let them know their weaknesses to become stronger."

Wang Ermazi smiled and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Didn't I learn all this ability from you, you are still here to make fun of me, you are really dishonest."

The two of them laughed out loud.

Wang Ermazi started to take turns to attack each other on these 50 hilltops, to improve his combat effectiveness and combat experience, which can be used in the future to attack cities and occupy territories. These trainings are not for nothing.

Wang Ermazi began to lead Yi to Ye Qingxuan and Ye Qingxuan led a team of one and a half to seize the hills from each other. Attacking the city and pulling out the village was like playing a game, but there would inevitably be casualties here, but there was no way to stop.

To be honest, they don't take it seriously and don't take it seriously, so everyone trains very seriously and will be rewarded after occupying the hills, and their positions will be promoted, and more hills will be distributed as rewards.

After many trials, Ye Qingxuan selected two more teams from the more than 20,000 people. Each team still had 50 people. These people only obeyed Ye Qingxuan's dispatch, and their combat effectiveness was also very good.

The cooperation with each other is also very good. Now Ye Qingxuan already has three powerful teams. Although the number is not large, the fighting power is extremely strong, and each team is worth 100.

Ye Qingxuan wants to preserve his strength now, not to let anyone see his strength.

Including the big rogue, she couldn't make her feel that she was accumulating strength for herself. At this time, a little demon came to report and said, "There is a huge team approaching them outside. I don't know who it is and who doesn't know them. What means."

Ye Qingxuan immediately stood up when he heard this, and ran directly to the top of the mountain. Looking down, there was indeed a huge team approaching them, and the speed was very fast. Ermazi's big rogue called...

The little yao ran away in a flash, and after a while, Wang Ermazi and the big rascal rushed over.

Ye Qingxuan told Wang Ermazi about the current situation, and said, "There is a team approaching us. I just went to the mountain to observe it. There are at least 50,000 people. I don't know who it is. It looks menacing. Unfavorable, immediately assemble a team to fight with him."

The big rascal said to Ye Qingxuan, "They are from the South Palace. I recognize their clothes. I told you before that there are three major forces in the devil world. One of them has been wiped out by us. They are the remaining ones that are very powerful." The strength of 5.6, even if there are more than 50,000 people here today, it is not the full strength."

Wang Ermazi stood up at this time and said to Ye Qingxuan and the big rascal, "I know this Nangong Palace. It is usually very low-key. No one knows its true strength. If he leads the team himself, it means to destroy you. It is absolutely A ruthless character, there are many capable people under him, and many people are willing to work hard for him.".

Chapter 421

Ye Qingxuan said to Wang Ermazi and the big rascal, "It seems that this battle is inevitable, but I didn't expect it to come so soon. We only have 20,000 to fight against more than 50,000. This is a fierce battle. Even if Winning would also greatly weaken our strength."

Judging by the number of people now, the chances of winning are not too high, and Wang Ermazi is also very worried about what to do.

The big rascal thought for a while, then stood up and said, "If anyone can afford that flaming sword, the outcome of this battle will not be known."

The words of the big rascal reminded Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan thought to himself, this is definitely a matter of life and death, he should pick up that sword and should not hide his strength anymore, now 22 can't hide it either.

Ye Qingxuan said to Wang Ermazi and the big rascal, "Actually, I can pick up that flaming sword. I don't know why I didn't pick it up until I was able to pick it up. I was also afraid of getting into trouble, so I didn't tell you two. Today's fierce battle is really better than me."

Wang Ermazi and the big rascal were all stunned when they heard what Ye Qingxuan said. It turned out that Ye Qingxuan could pick up the flame sword. Why did he not be able to catch up with the number of people behind him? Now the big rascal began to doubt Ye Qingxuan's strength.

The big rascal was very happy, walked up to Ye Qingxuan and said, "There is nothing to hide, this is your strength, you should let more people know that they are afraid of you, let them retreat in spite of difficulties, this will kill you Many brothers."

Ye Qingxuan was right after thinking about it, if I'm pretending, many brothers will have to pay their lives.

Ye Qingxuan said to Wang Ermazi and the big rascal, "Gather your team now, one of you is on the left and the other on the right, and I will fight them head-on in the middle. You play by ear, let's fight with them."

Wang Ermazi and the big rascal thought for a while and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Okay, no matter what the outcome is today, we will resist to the death and will not hand over this place easily, no matter why they came today? As long as they dare to do something, we will fight with them." Fight."

After Ye Qingxuan finished talking to Wang Ermazi, they all went to assemble the team and stood on the left and right sides of the entire mountain, Ye Qingxuan assembled a team in the middle.

At this time, the troops of the South Palace had already approached the city, and had already arrived at the foot of the mountain to station in place.

Ye Qingxuan flew directly to the flame arrow at this time, there was no one here, Ye Qingxuan concentrated his strength, God pulled out the flame sword.

This was the first time Ye Qingxuan picked up the flame sword, and Ye Qingxuan didn't fully understand its power.

But at this time, after picking it up and playing with it briefly, Ye Qingxuan suddenly understood why so many people wanted to grab this sword, its power and your mana complement each other 397, it will increase your mana.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan suddenly discovered that there was a kind of power, which was power, that is, the flame sword seemed to be on fire, but now the flame was very powerful, emitting a blue light.

Moreover, the temperature of this sword is getting higher and higher, making it difficult for Ye Qingxuan to hold it anymore. Ye Qingxuan didn't know what happened, and the sword was still on the ground, but this sword seemed to be glued to Ye Qingxuan. Same, after throwing it on the ground, it came back directly, and returned to Ye Qingxuan's hand. At this time, the temperature continued to rise, and the blue light became more and more intense.

Chapter 422

Ye Qingxuan didn't know what happened, but someone cast some kind of spell on the sword, the sword couldn't be thrown out, and it continued to shine in Ye Qingxuan's hand.

At this time, the sword's light became more and more intense, and Ye Qingxuan couldn't open his eyes.

The sword suddenly disappeared after a flash of light.

Ye Qingxuan was so blinded by the strong light of the sword that it was difficult to open his eyes, but after the wall light disappeared, Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and looked.

Ye Qingxuan thought to himself what's going on? Where did the sword go? Why did it suddenly disappear?

Ye Qingxuan thought this was broken, if there was no sword, how would the team repel, just when Ye Qingxuan was very annoyed, suddenly the sword appeared again in this round, in his hand, and issued a very beautiful wave Purple rays.

Ye Qingxuan was completely confused at this time, another round of the sword disappeared again, Ye Qingxuan came and took a few more rounds, the sword disappeared and appeared, disappeared and appeared, appeared and disappeared again.

Ye Qingxuan suddenly understood, now Ye Qingxuan and health care have become one, no one else can take it away if they want to, and he can't get rid of it even if he wants to.

And Ye Qingxuan can use his mind to mobilize the sword at any time, come out as soon as he says it, and take it back as soon as he says it.

Ye Qingxuan was very excited at this time, it is really a treasure, it can be retracted freely as one likes.

Especially after the sword entered Ye Qingxuan's body, it turned into a purple light. It used to be very powerful like a flame, but now it has become purple, small and thin, with a little bit of strength, which is very beautiful. Ye Qingxuan is also very beautiful. like.

Ye Qingxuan thought to himself, it's not too late now, let's go back down the mountain quickly.

Ye Qingxuan came back here to see that Nangong's team was on standby, organizing the team, and may launch a general attack at any time.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan sent a little demon to talk to their South Palace.

Ye Qingxuan felt that if he had no grievances or enmities with them, there must be an excuse, which can be regarded as courtesy first.

Ye Qingxuan walked up to Qian alone and waited for their reply.

Ye Qingxuan thought to himself, it's not easy to create a team of 20,000 people, we can't let them die in vain, if they can't fight, they won't fight.

Ye Qingxuan was thinking here, when a person came from the opposite side, let him see it from a distance, it was Nan Gong Nan Gong walking towards this side with one person riding one by one.

Ye Qingxuan saw Nangong coming this way, and then stepped forward to meet him. Ye Qingxuan said to Nangong, "You are thousands of miles away, why did you come to me? And you brought so many soldiers and horses, mobilizing the troops, I don’t know what it is for〃.”

Nangong laughed loudly, looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I heard that you got a flaming sword. This flaming sword is very powerful. It is said that it has hidden energy for tens of thousands of years. Ming people don't say it is dark." In other words, today, I mobilized people to come here to get this sword. If you want to be wise, hand it over to avoid a fierce battle. If you don’t (good Nuo Zhao) willing, then I will grab a fierce battle. It’s inevitable. .”

Ye Qingxuan knew that Nan Gonggong's mana was not those crooked melons and cracked dates, he was a really powerful guy, and he kept a low profile and usually didn't come out. He was able to lead the troops here today, which proved his attitude.

Ye Qingxuan said to Nangong, "You are really late, if you come here one day earlier, the flame sword may be yours, but now you can't take it away if you want.".

Chapter 423 South Palace

Nangong was stunned and said to Ye Qingxuan, "What do you mean by that? Was it stolen or destroyed? Don't lie to me."

Ye Qingxuan said to Nangong, "Just now I discovered the mystery of the flame sword, and now I have merged with the flame sword, and the sword is not there if the sword is there."

What Nan Gonggong listened to was stunned and wondering what the **** is going on, what are you talking about? Talk about some nonsense, if you do this again, don't say that I will flatten your mountain, and I won't give you a chance to speak.

Nangong said to Ye Qingxuan, "What do you mean by that? What is the unity of human and sword."

Ye Qingxuan didn't want to talk nonsense with him at this time, so he just flicked his hand and flashed out the sword, a ray of light 397 appeared in the dark sky instantly, and Nangong suddenly saw a sword appear out of thin air in Ye Qingxuan's hand, emitting a purple glow. The light is extremely beautiful just look at Ye Qingxuan waving it there.

Nangong said to Ye Qingxuan, "Is this the flame sword?"

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