Ye Qingxuan said to Nan Gonggong, "Yes, this is the flaming sword. I don't know why. I can't even get rid of it now. It's sticking to me. I can't even throw it away. And I want to throw it away. He puts it away when he puts it away, and he appears when I want it to appear, just like his own hand, he can put it away freely."

When the old (ccfg) was 6 years old, he couldn't believe it, because no such thing had happened before. Nan Gonggong looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "Are you kidding me? You think I'm going to lie to children like this? Will you believe that you underestimate me too?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at Nan Gonggong with a serious face and said to Nan Gonggong, "There is nothing to lie about. If you don't believe me, you can take it yourself and spread my hands. See if you can take it away. If you can take it away, it will be yours." , I will never go back on my word."

At this time, Nangong petted his mount and jumped off, walked up to Ye Qingxuan, wanting to give it a try.

Ye Qingxuan also jumped off his mount, walking towards Wang Nan Palace.

Nangong opened his hands, and the sword seemed to stick to his hands, and it would not fall off even if it was on his hands.

Ye Qingxuan said to Nan Gonggong, "Look, my hands are all open now, it's like it's glued on, and it won't fall off no matter how much you fix it, come and take it if you don't believe me, see if you can take it away."

At this time, the people led by Ye Qingxuan were watching from behind. They didn't know what they were talking about, they walked very close, where you talked to each other, but the distance was too far, no one knew what they were talking about.

The team on Nangong's side was also there. They couldn't bear it any longer. They didn't know what Nangong was saying to Ye Qingxuan.

At this time, Nangong walked up to Ye Qingxuan and grabbed the flame with his hand. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't take off the handle of the sword. Nangong knew that Ye Qingxuan didn't use internal force to control it, but he just couldn't take it off. He tried a few times There was no response either.

At this time, Nangong understood, what Ye Qingxuan said was right, indeed the sword and the human had merged into one.

Ye Qingxuan said at this time, "The power of the flame sword is very powerful. If you don't withdraw your troops here and attack us, if we want to occupy our hilltop, then I will definitely resist at the right time, and my 20,000 horses will also resist to the death. With the flaming sword in my hand alone, you can't take advantage of it at all.".

Chapter 424 Agreement

Nan Gonggong was very angry at this time, and led the army to come, but got nothing, and some Ye Qingxuan said, "Then today I mobilize the army and mobilize the crowd, and I came here from thousands of miles away, but I got nothing, so you let me go back like this?"

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, and said to Nan Gonggong, "I just heard about you between you and me. I haven't seen you today, it's fate, and it's not like you came here in vain. If you want, we can make friends .”

At this time, Nan Gonggong was in a bit of a dilemma. Nan Gonggong thought that if he agreed to you in this way, even if it was a reconciliation, he would not gain any advantage if he did not agree to head-on confrontation, and the casualties would not be very small. What should we do?

Ye Qingxuan saw that Nangong was hesitating, he was in a dilemma, Ye Qingxuan wanted to give him a step down at this time, this matter would be easy to handle.

Ye Qingxuan said to Nan Gonggong, "If you want, we are friends now, no matter what difficulties or problems you have, just say something, and I, Ye Qingxuan, will do my best."

Nan Gonggong thought for a while, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Little brother, I think you are a good-looking talent, and you are handsome. Today, I have made friends with you, so we are friends now. I really have something difficult to handle. I would like to invite you Help me, if you can do it, then my team will go back wherever it came from. If you can’t, it proves that you don’t want to be my friend and you don’t think highly of me. But I'm sorry."

As soon as Ye Qingxuan heard that there was something to be said about this matter, Ye Qingxuan asked Nan Gonggong, "Since we are already friends, you may as well speak up if you have something to say, and I will never refuse to do anything I can do."

Nangong thought for a while and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I used to have a senior brother, master, who told us some things before he died, and gave us some unique skills. The master originally wanted to give me the flame unicorn, but it was taken by my senior brother." I went there, and even snatched the Kunlun Staff from my master, and he also took it away. He kept her name incognito until now, and I haven’t found her whereabouts. If you find me the Kunlun Staff and the Flame Qilin, then we will You are a real friend, and I will never harass you again, can you do this?"

Ye Qingxuan thought that the Kunlun staff and the flame unicorn had disappeared for nearly ten thousand years, where can I find them?


Ye Qingxuan hesitated for a long time, and said to Nangong, "Is there any clue about the Kunlun staff and the flame unicorn now? If there is nothing, where should I start?"

Nangong said to Ye Qingxuan, "Later there were some rumors, I don't know if it is true or not, that the flame unicorn, the Kunlun staff, and my senior brother all fell into the Flame Mountain. Since then, there has been no Kunlun staff and flame unicorn. There is no news about it, and my senior brother may be gone, and no one has mentioned these two things since then, as if they have completely disappeared."


Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and asked Nangong, "If you want to find out about this matter, you must go to the Flame Mountain. Haven't you been there? Don't you have any useful clues?"

Nangong replied to Ye Qingxuan, "The flames of the Huoyan Mountain have been burning for tens of thousands of years, and it is not accessible to ordinary people. Before you get close, it has already been slightly ashes."

Then he went on to say, "After all, it is something passed down by the master. The Kunlun staff and the flame unicorn fell into the hands of others.

Chapter 425 Kunlun Staff

That is a disgrace to me, I must get these two things back, otherwise the master will blame me if he is alive. "

Ye Qingxuan said to Nan Gonggong, "This is reasonable. After all, it belongs to your master's school. It is normal to find it and return it. I am willing to help with this matter. I am willing to go and find out for you."

Nangong said to Ye Qingxuan, "Okay, if you can get it back, I would like "4000" to be commensurate with your brother, and we will be friends forever, and there will be no more wars."

Ye Qingxuan chuckled, and said to Nangong with a smile, "It would be best if there is no war, and I don't want to see my brother's corpses all over the ground, and I don't want to meet in battle."

Nangong looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I heard about the flame sword this time, and I thought it was a family heirloom, the Kunlun Staff, but if you took out the flame sword, I knew it wasn't what I was looking for. Shi, in fact, I have no grievances or enmities with you, and I have no intention of leveling your mountain, I just want to find the Kunlun staff and the flame unicorn for the master, which can be regarded as fulfilling the wish for the master."

Ye Qingxuan looked at Nan Gonggong with a serious face and said to Nan Gonggong, "Since these two things belong to you in the first place, it is only natural to take them back."

At this time, Wang Ermazi and the big rascal were on the two wings of Ye Qingxuan's main force, seeing that there was no movement here, and there was no fight. They didn't know what was going on, and they were very anxious.

Nan Gonggong said to Ye Qingxuan, "In terms of the devil world, you and my two families are the most powerful. If we don't start a war, those little monsters are not worth mentioning, and they won't make any big noises, so the two of us If there is no war at home, the demon world will be peaceful, so you can rest assured that if there is any force that threatens you, I will rescue you, you can just rest assured to find the whereabouts of the Kunlun staff and the flame unicorn, I am here at home."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said to Nan Gonggong, "As long as our two families don't start a war, there will be no big disturbances in the Demon Realm."

Nangong said to Ye Qingxuan, "In order to show my sincerity, I will take my men and horses back thousands of miles away and never interfere with your territory again. I will give you a period of one year. If you can stay here If you find the flame unicorn and the Kunlun staff in a year, we will be friends forever, and we will never be called brothers after a war. If you don't do it within a year, then let the natural development take its course, and I won't Say more..."

Ye Qingxuan felt that Nan Gonggong was quite an upright person. The two things he wanted belonged to her, and he just wanted to get them back. Moreover, he was very sincere and took the initiative to pull the team back thousands of miles away. Nangong is a man who keeps his promises.

Ye Qingxuan said to Nangong, "Okay, I'll accept this matter, and I'll go to the Flame Mountain to find out."

At this time, Nan Gonggong got on her mount, turned her head and walked back, saying as she walked, "Then I will go back on 5.6 and wait for your news."

After talking about Nan Gonggong and his 50,000 team, they left here in a mighty manner.

Before leaving, Nangong and Ye Qingxuan agreed on this matter, not to let others know, only the two of them know.

After all, this matter is not something glorious. I lost my things and haven't found them for so many years. Nan Gonggong wants to find them secretly, so don't publicize them.

Chapter 426 Flame Kirin

Ye Qingxuan also understood in his heart that these things should be investigated slowly, and he kept muttering in his heart. He didn't know where the Flame Mountain was. Ye Qingxuan had two ideas. One was to let Nangong take his troops away. Meet each other.

Ye Qingxuan just watched from the same spot, Nangong left with his team, and Ye Qingxuan returned directly to the barracks. At this time, Wang Ermazi and the big rascal on the left and right flanks didn't know what happened.

Wang Ermazi and the big rogue watched from a distance, why did the team in the South Palace suddenly turn around and go back, I don't know what happened, and then saw Ye Qingxuan retreating back, at this time Wang Ermazi and the 22 big rogues all ran away I came to Ye Qingxuan and wanted to ask what happened, why did Nangong retreat without a fight?

Wang Ermazi and the big rascal went directly to Ye Qingxuan and asked Ye Qingxuan, "What's the matter? Why did Nan Gonggong turn around and go back? How did you get it done? You have made a great contribution, Ye Qingxuan, tell me quickly."

Up to this moment, Flame Arrow and Ye Qingxuan's body merged into one, Wang Ermazi and the big rascal didn't know anything, they didn't know anything, after he got the health care, he went directly to find a Nangong, at this time Wang Ermazi and the big rascal Scoundrels were already standing by on the left and right wings.

Ye Qingxuan showed the flaming sword and his body merged into one. Only Nangong saw it, and the others didn't know about it, so Ye Qingxuan didn't want to tell Wang Ermazi and the rascal about it.

Ye Qingxuan came to the top of the mountain before seeing Wang Ermazi and the big rascal, and used his mana to make an identical flame sword, and no one could pull it out even if it was inserted there, but this flame sword is fake. It has no power, it's just a cover to tell everyone there that no one can hold him.

Now Ye Qingxuan wants to explain why the soldiers in the Nangong Palace didn't move, they turned around and went back, and they couldn't tell Wang Ermazi and the big rascal about the Kunlun staff and the flame unicorn, Ye Qingxuan was in trouble at this time, let's talk What's good?

Ye Qingxuan suddenly had an idea at this time, and said to Wang Ermazi and the big rascal, "This Nangong also came for the flame sword, but he thought it was his family heirloom, but he didn't, and he also wanted to bring the flame sword with him." Let's go, I let him take it and didn't stop him, and it was agreed in advance that if you can get it, it's yours, if you can't get it, you can go back and forth from wherever."

At this time, Wang Ermazi and the big rascal asked very anxiously, "Then did the South Palace come out? Did he get it? He took the sword away?"

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, and said to Wang Ermazi and the big rascal, "There is no 400, which is still stored on the mountain. The South Palace has made an agreement beforehand because of face, and he can't go back on it. Let's make a one-year agreement." In the future, if he comes to take it again, if he can take it away or send it to her, he will never come again, and he may have to go back to practice kung fu hard this year."

Wang Ermazi and the rascal didn't have any doubts about Ye Qingxuan's statement, and the matter just passed.

Wang Ermazi and the big rascal knew in their hearts that within this year, Nangong would not lead an army to attack, and they still had a year to organize and train their troops to make themselves stronger, in case Nangong once again led an army to attack.

Chapter 427 Flame Mountain

At that time, Ye Qingxuan began to study how to go to the Huoyan Mountain, how to go there alone or not.

Ye Qingxuan said to Wang Ermazi and the big rascal at this time, "Lead your troops well at home, and don't delay the training to affect the training. I'm going on a long trip, and I'm going to find a way to pick up the flame sword. I must come to the South Palace Before, we had to get the flame sword, otherwise, when Nan Gonggong got the flame sword, it would be the time for us to perish, after all, the flame sword is stuck in our territory now, and others can’t take it away.”

Wang Ermazi and the big rascal nodded their heads when they heard what Ye Qingxuan said, thinking that this was the case, that Nan Gonggong would come again sooner or later, if he really thought of a way before he came, then he could protect himself , no longer being bullied by others.

At this time, the big rogue asked Ye Qingxuan where are you going to find it? How many people will you bring?

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "Where are you going to find me? There is no direction yet, and I won't take anyone with me. Just me, and the rest will be left to you and Wang Ermazi to keep our territory." Son."

The big rogue felt relieved at this time, the big rogue was afraid that Ye Qingxuan would not be of the same mind with him, if he took this opportunity to take away 10,000 or so many troops, it would be bad, and there would be differences between the brothers Well, seeing what Ye Qingxuan said, he felt relieved to go to the big rascal alone, he didn't want to separate from the big rascal.

Wang Ermazi said to Ye Qingxuan, "Now that the family is running smoothly, as long as Nangong can really do things according to the agreement, he will not come to harass us within a year. If there is no Nangong to harass us, There are no enemies, those monsters on the small hills are not a problem, why don't I go with you, and there will be some help."

The big rascal thought for a while and said, "That's fine, I don't worry about you going on the road alone. It would be better if Wang Ermazi accompanied you. After all, the two of you have to discuss what happens. If there is any difficulty, someone will come back and report the news, so let Wang Ermazi go with you."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said to the rascal, "If Wang Ermazi follows me, I'm naturally happy, so can you do it here?"

The big rascal smiled, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "The current team is bigger than before, but you two have done a good job and are very orderly. What should you do? If there is no big invasion, there is no problem. Now those The monsters on the small hill are not surprising, and the Nangong Palace also agreed not to invade within a year, so there is no problem, don’t worry, I will take good care of the house.”

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said to the big rascal, "Well, then let Wang Ermazi go with me in this case, the road will not be so lonely, and there will be someone to discuss everything."

The big rascal said to Ye Qingxuan and Wang Ermazi, "Going this time may be dangerous, you must take care of yourself, I will wait for your early return at home, and I am waiting for your good news."

Ye Qingxuan looked at Wang Ermazi, and the rascal said, "Okay, then let's sort out Yang Wang Ermazi today, and go back and explain that we are leaving tomorrow."

In the early morning of the second day, Ye Qingxuan and Wang Ermazi prepared some portable things and left immediately.

Chapter 428

Ye Qingxuan and Wang Ermazi didn't know exactly where the Flame Mountain was, so how could the Devil Realm be so big? Wang Ermazi said to Ye Qingxuan, "The name Huoyan Mountain should be more flammable, so let's go south, because the temperature gets higher as we go south, maybe we will end up at Huoyan Mountain."

Ye Qingxuan thought about it, what Wang Ermazi said, felt that what Wang Ermazi said made sense, but now we don't have any goals, so let's go south.

Ye Qingxuan walked with Wang Ermazi for three days and three nights, and everyone he met, after inquiring, had nothing to do with the Flame Mountain.

Ye Qingxuan and Wang Ermazi flew here and there. After flying for so long, they still haven't found out the specific location of Huoyan Mountain. It seems that this place has disappeared and no one knows.

Ye Qing 400 Xuan thought of a person at this time, this person has been in retreat for a long time, never asked about world affairs, he has a lot of knowledge, maybe he can know something about the Flame Mountain.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan said to Wang Ermazi, "There is a man who is very knowledgeable and knows too much. He never goes out and knows everything about the world. I think I should go to him and find out about the Huoyan Mountain. Maybe I can get some clues from him, like How can we be like headless chickens looking for a solution and a waste of time in the way we are doing now."

Wang Ermazi said to Ye Qingxuan, "Since there are such people, why didn't you say so earlier? We've been wandering here and there all day, but we still haven't gained anything."

Ye Qingxuan said, "I didn't forget it in a hurry, this is a friend for many years, and I just remembered it."

Wang Ermazi looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "It's not too late, let's go find him."

I knew the poet hundreds of years ago. He has a weird personality and often lives in places where there are no people. The last time I saw him, he was practicing in Chaos Mountain and he was going to retreat for a long time. I don’t know if he is still there. There, no matter what, go there and inquire first before making any plans.

Soon Ye Qingxuan and Wang Ermazi came to Chaos Mountain. This mountain is very big and the trees are very dense. I don't know where this old man is practicing. (ccfg)

After walking all the way, I didn't find anything, didn't find any clues, and didn't see anyone, not even a little monster.

At this time, Wang Ermazi found a cave, it seemed that someone was living there, there was a torch here, Ye Qingxuan walked over to see, there were indeed signs of someone living there, Ye Qingxuan felt that such a secret place must be the strange old man we were looking for.

The two of them tentatively walked into the cave. The cave was very deep, as if there was a lot of space inside, and the more they walked, the more empty it became.

And it was very dark, and you couldn't see your fingers. At this time, Wang Ermazi lit a torch, and Ye Qingxuan and Wang Ermazi continued to walk forward by the light of the torch.

Ye Qingxuan suddenly discovered that there was a light inside, it wasn't the light from the torch, it was a light from a stone, this stone was also very strange, where it flickered for a while?

Ye Qingxuan yelled at this moment, "Old man, are you there? I'm Ye Qingxuan, old man."

After Ye Qingxuan yelled a few times, there was no response, Wang Ermazi and Ye Qingxuan continued to move forward, and finally came to this glowing stone, looked at the surrounding environment, there was no one or anything.

Chapter 429 Mysterious Cave

Wang Ermazi asked Ye Qingxuan, "Is the strange old man you mentioned no longer here? It seems that no one has been here or has left."

Ye Qingxuan looked around, it seemed that no one had stayed here for a long, long time, it seemed that he ran away again this time, I don't know where the old man went.

Ye Qingxuan said to Wang Ermazi, "Perhaps this strange old man has gone out to do something temporarily, let's not be in a hurry, we'll just wait here for a few days to see if she comes back, if not, we'll make another plan. "

Wang Ermazi was right after thinking about it, but running around is not a big deal. Waiting here for a few days is considered a rest. Running around these days is really tiring, and there are no useful clues here Wait a few days, in case that strange old man appears, there may be some clues.

Ye Qingxuan and Wang Ermazi were planning to stay in this cave for a few days, and by the way, they also checked around to see if there was any movement of the old man. Ye Qingxuan and Wang Ermazi began to prepare some food and drink, some licorice, and planned to live in this cave.

Ye Qingxuan went to prepare some licorice, Wang Ermazi went to find some prey, and they split up.

Ye Qingxuan quickly found a water source near these three buildings. The water here is very clear, and the environment here is very beautiful as far as he can see at a glance, all of which are formed naturally.

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while, this strange old man really knows how to find a place to practice, it is definitely a good place to recharge his energy, Ye Qingxuan fetched some water and some hay, and returned to the cave.

Wang Ermazi quickly shot some pheasants, and the hare came back and set up a torch and began to roast the rabbits to eat.

While the two of them were having a hot meal here, they heard a voice from the entrance of the cave, and Ye Qingxuan said to Wang Ermazi, "It sounds like someone is there, and there are more than one."

Wang Ermazi listened carefully, and there was indeed someone there.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan and Wang Ermazi had almost eaten, and the torch for roasting rabbits was also dying. They hurried up to extinguish the torch completely, and then hid to see who lived in this cave.

Not long after Ye Qingxuan and Wang Ermazi hid, these people came to this shiny stone.


These people formed a circle, and they had some food and drink with them, and they ate as soon as they were brought out.

These few people didn't find anything abnormal, nor did they realize that someone had just come here.

These few people eat here and don't talk or communicate, Ye Qingxuan and the others don't know what these people are doing, what are they doing here?


Ye Qingxuan couldn't wait any longer, so he jumped out from there and jumped in front of this group of people.

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