At this time Ye Qingxuan found it, and the big rogue said to the big rogue, "There is a team outside who doesn't know who it is, and it has surrounded us now. It looks like there should be about 10,000 people."

The big rascal panicked when he heard 22, and hurried out. When he got to the mountain pass and looked down, the big rascal understood.

The demon world is now divided into three forces. The big rascal himself is one faction and there are two factions. This team is one of them. It is the team of Shangguanji. Mana, but very cruel, don't talk about any friendship, no matter who you are with.

As long as it's about interests, you can turn your face if you say it, and kill someone if you say it. He is definitely a ruthless character, and he can do anything for his own purpose.

Shangguanji's team has pulled to the big rascal's territory, and has already surrounded it. It seems that it was brought by the flaming sword.

The big rascal felt a little nervous at this moment, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "You see, Shangguanji's visitor is not kind this time, he definitely came for the flaming sword, let's see how we should deal with it."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the big rogue and said to the big rogue, "If we face each other head-on now, we will only lose both sides, and we will suffer heavy losses. We have to come to the court first and then the soldiers, to find out his reality, and then make a decision."

At this time, Ye Qingxuan brought a few guards and went directly to the foot of the mountain to find Shangguanji.

Ye Qingxuan looked around and then at Shangguanji, and then said to Shangguanji, "We have nothing to do with each other on weekdays, what do you mean by bringing so many people around my mountain today?"

Shangguan laughed heartily, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "It's not interesting, I just want to see how the soldiers you train in your daily life are progressing. We can practice it for a while."

Ye Qingxuan looked at Shangguanji and saw that the men and horses he brought were neatly equipped. They were obviously here for extermination. Ye Qingxuan said, "Our team has just been established and is still in the process of adjustment. It doesn't have much combat effectiveness. If you really want to Exercise, let's make another appointment."

Shangguan laughed very loudly, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Ming people don't slander. I came today to take away the flame sword. I heard that you have already mastered his secret. I want to take it away together, no Know that you are reluctant?"

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, looked at Shangguanji and said to Shangguanji, "There is nothing to be reluctant to do. He is in our cave. If you have the ability, you can take it yourself. If you take it away, I will send it to you without hindrance."

Old Liu thought to himself that day at Heifengkou, I have not tried whether I could pick up this sword, but according to legend, many people tried and no one could pull it out. Shangguanji was not in Heifengkou at that time, he was in the distant Moyu Mountain , he came back to rectify the team in Moyu Mountain this time, and he came back for this sword.

Chapter 412 Take away the sword

Shangguanji looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "You can count on what you say. I was not in Heifengkou that day. I was in Konjac Mountain thousands of miles away. When I come back today, I also want to see if I can do it with my ability. Draw that sword."

Ye Qingxuan said to Shangguanji, "I say this in front of all the brothers. I am not talking nonsense. I mean what I say. If you can take it away, it means that you are destined for him. Then it belongs to you. If you can't take it away Lead your brothers and get out of here quickly."

Shangguanji looked around and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Okay, it's still hard to chase after sending the four horses, and I will never change my words."

At this time, Shangguan wanted to show his strength, he followed Ye Qingxuan into the cave alone without a single demon.

The brothers of Shangguanji told Shangguanji, "Bring a few guards, so that there will be a helper in case of special circumstances."

Shangguan laughed twice, and said to his brothers, "Only these **** rookies can stop me. If I want to leave, who dares to stop me? I can come and go here freely, just like going back to my own home."ˇ .”

After Shangguanji finished speaking, he looked at Ye Qingxuan and walked into the cave with Ye Qingxuan.

When Shangguanji entered the cave, he saw the big rogue directly. Shangguanji said to the big rogue, "Long time no see, big rogue. I just made an appointment with Ye Qingxuan. If I can pull out this sword, it will belong to me. I will take it away immediately." , take my brothers and don’t bother, if I can’t pull it away, I will evacuate and I won’t bother you.”

At this time, the big rascal was very unhappy, he thought Ye Qingxuan, how could you agree to him, if this kind of thing is really taken away, wouldn't we **** it back for nothing? Even if you can't take it away, this guy is famous for his backlash, so what if he turns his back on us.

But in front of so many people, the big rascal couldn't tell Ye Qingxuan, and he couldn't.

The rascal thought about it for a while and made a favor, and said directly to Lao Liu, "Since you have already agreed, then please do your own thing. What Ye Qingxuan means is what my rascal means."

Shangguan really thought that these guys are quite united, no matter what, as long as I pull it out, I see who dares to stop me, if I can't take it away, I will send my army, and I will give you this mountain today. Flatten.

Who is Shangguanji? Ye Qingxuan knew very well in his heart, Ye Qingxuan knew that if he couldn't take the sword away, he couldn't just leave like this.

At this time, there were Ye Qingxuan, Wang Ermazi, the big rascal, and Shangguanji in the cave. Shangguanji was about to start his defense, and these people surrounded him to watch.

This arrow was inserted into the hole and emitted a flaming light. It looked so beautiful that anyone who saw it would want to take it for themselves, and Shangguanji was no exception. He came here today just for this sword.

Shangguan was extremely lucky, and took two steps forward. He used all his strength to hold the sword with both hands, and used all his strength to use the power of the flood (good money) to climb the thread directly from the ground. stand up.

The big rascal panicked at this moment, it's over, how can he pull out this sword, what's going on?

But the big rascal already had something to say before, and if he could pull it out, he would send it to him.

Six was extremely excited at this time, and started playing in the hole with the flame sword, he felt that it was really handy, this sword was custom-made for himself, and now he is very excited.

Chapter 413 Shangguanji

Shangguanji was able to pull out this flame, the sword, not because of his deep internal energy and mana, but because Ye Qingxuan had already moved his hands and feet before. He absorbed a lot of the law of the sword, it was not so deep, not so heavy, just It still looks like the flaming sword, but now this flaming sword, anyone can take it away and pull it out.

Even a nameless little demon can do it. Ye Qingxuan has temporarily withdrawn the magic power of the flame sword. Apart from the fact that this sword looks like it is on fire, the rest is just an ordinary sword, nothing magical about it.

Shangguanji was playing happily in this hole, suddenly stopped and thrust his sword into the ground, and said to King Ye Qingxuan Er Mazi and the big rascal, "See if I have a destiny with this sword, I pulled it out today Come out, what do you say now?"

380 The rascal was so angry that he couldn't do it. He didn't say anything, and Wang Ermazi didn't dare to speak. Ye Qingxuan took two steps forward and said to Shangguanji, "Since we have an agreement first, then follow the agreement. Since you can hold the sword If you can pull it out, it means that you have a predestined relationship with health care, so you just take it away, we will never stop this sword, and it is considered to have found its owner, which is a good thing."

Shangguanji laughed loudly when he heard Ye Qingxuan say this, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "It's still you, Ye Qingxuan, who know how to be sensible and obey the rules. I like to listen to you talking. If that's the case, then I, Shangguan (ccfg)ji, will not be polite."

After Shangguanji finished speaking, he picked up the sword and carried it on his shoulder, and walked out of the cave swaggeringly.

All the big rascal's team saw it. Shangguanji took the sword, and swaggered.

As soon as Shangguanji walked out of the cave, the big rogue couldn't wait to ask Ye Qingxuan, "Ye Qingxuan, what do you mean? How did you let him take the sword away? Isn't it a waste of all our hard work to get it back?"

Ye Qingxuan said to the rascal, "Look, he has already surrounded us, his strength is more than two of us, he must take this sword today, so I didn't stop him, I made a favor along the way. Just let him take it away, it’s useless if he takes it away, that sword has no power at all, it’s been cursed by me, it’s just an ordinary sword.”

The big rascal thought for a while, and asked Ye Qingxuan a little bit puzzled, "Then why are you doing this? You can't let it be taken away for nothing, so what will others think of us? We didn't move a knife or a gun, that's all. Wouldn't it be a joke to let him take it away?"

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, and said to the big rascal, "We pulled out the sword from the Black Wind Cave, it was due to our ability, and everyone was convinced, because she couldn't pull out no matter how many people, Shangguanji came to our If the site takes the sword away, it is strong, and the news will be spread tomorrow, saying that Shangguan Ji came to us and snatched the sword away. Unfortunately, if anyone who is important in the devil world can **** the sword back, he will give it to him. Never Repent, just to vent your anger."

When Ye Qingxuan said this, he understood after playing the big rogue. The big rogue thought, Ye Qingxuan wants to borrow a knife to kill people, give the goods on the shelves to others, and let everyone attack him. He has now become the natural enemy of the demon world, and he will not stop in the future Days passed.

The big rascal secretly admired Ye Qingxuan, this is really a good way to get the best of both worlds, let him keep the sword temporarily.

Chapter 414

Shangguanji has a beautiful heart holding the sword, and no one in the entire devil world can afford it. I, Shangguanji, played him around without any effort today.

Shangguanji walked down the mountain while carrying the sword. At this time, the brothers at the foot of the mountain watched from a distance. Shangguanji came back, and he was holding a sword. The brothers in Heifengkou had seen this sword before. It was extremely beautiful and Yu Huoyan saw it right, it was this sword, Shangguanji, that he succeeded, he got it.

At this time, the brothers of Shangguanji had already cheered from the foot of the mountain, thinking that Ye Qingxuan got the sword without any effort.

Going up the mountain alone, riding alone, without bringing anything, he is really a bullshit.

Shangguanji walked up to his team and said to these brothers, "This group of guys thought I couldn't pull it out and said big things, but now that I have done it, they were stunned and looked at me helplessly. Take it away but have nothing to say, I really **** them off today, integrate the team, let's evacuate!"

Shangguanji carried his sword and led his team, and left the big rascal's territory in a mighty way.

At this time, the devil world has already spread, and everyone knows that the troops led by Shangguanji went to the territory of the big rogue and took away the flame sword, and the big rogue has already published a document saying that whoever snatches the sword back will give it to him. The rest is just to vent, to vent this bad breath.

At this time, the monster leaders in the demon world began to move around. Some people only heard that people who had never seen it thought that anyone could take it away, and this sword could also be taken away. Unlike the legend, they all wanted to try it this time. Try, getting the sword is no different from getting the demon world.

This is the power of the sword, it can be said that no one can beat it, but first you must be able to control this sword, otherwise it will be useless to you, so Shangguan has to study how to control it when he goes back. Picking it up does not mean that he can control it. In order to exert the power of the sword, one must use internal force to control this ~ the sword.

On the second day, Shangguanji also heard the news. Now it is said that whoever wants to take the sword will belong to whoever it is.

When Shangguanji heard that this big scoundrel backtracked, isn't this just a change of mind? This is like making me an enemy, am I not the enemy of the entire devil world now? Shangguan thought about how bad this big rascal was, and tried to ruin me with his tricks.


Shangguan laughed loudly, thinking that I have a sword in my hand, whoever can take me and whoever wants to **** it, let him come, I will see who dares.

Shangguanji didn't go out all day, but studied the secrets of health care at home, and how to control it with the law.


At this time, someone from outside reported that a small force was harassing their mountain.

After interrogating Shangguanji, he found out that there are only a few hundred goblins. Shangguanji said that you just go and destroy them. Don’t disturb my cultivation. I want to study the secret of this sword. Once I research it, the whole demon world will be me. In Shangguanji's world, I am still afraid that they will not help me, and I am afraid that they will not belong to me.

At this time, in the east, west, south, and north of Shangguanji's territory, there are small groups of forces harassing their team. They fight when they have fought, and run away if they can't fight. They harass all day long.

Xiaobing also kept reporting to Shangguanji, but Shangguanji was already obsessed with the cultivation of the sword.

Chapter 415

I always want to study his secrets, but I don’t want to listen to them, so I tell them to deal with them by themselves and resist them with all their strength, but they are all little monsters that are not worth mentioning, and you can just handle them yourself.

Shangguanji ordered to practice in seclusion, not to allow outsiders to disturb him, and to hand over all affairs to his second-in-command.

The sword that Shangguan Ji took came to the place of retreat and practice, and he wanted to devote himself wholeheartedly to see how this sword can combine two "three eight seven" into one.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan also got the news that he no longer cared about the external affairs of Shangguanji's closed-door training, and handed everything over to his second-in-command with full authority.

At this time Ye Qingxuan told the big rascal that our chance has come.

The big rogue looked at Ye Qingxuan, the big rogue knew what the opportunity Ye Qingxuan was talking about, now is the time to wipe out Shangguan Ji.

The big rascal ordered Ye Qingxuan to say, "You gather all the troops now, and all the troops belong to you. The ruling Qing Dynasty dispatched to completely wipe out the power of Shangguanji tonight. Those who surrender don't have to kill the stubborn ones, but kill them without mercy."

The rascal thought to himself, this time I am famous as a teacher, and other powers will never interfere with him stealing my things. I want to take revenge. It is justified, and others will not intervene just by watching.

Although Shangguanji's team has a lot of demons, it's about 23,000.

Ye Qingxuan's team is only 5000, but this 5000 is considered elite. After all, they have been training for several months, Ye Qingxuan thought that this is just the opportunity to let them go out to practice and improve their combat experience.

At this time, there is no need for any strategy to fight, just face-to-face hard cores will do it for me and kill me, and those who do meritorious deeds will be rewarded for the mountains, and the fields will be divided for the demons!

Ye Qingxuan's team went down the mountain like a tiger, and the big rogue waited for the letter at home.

Ye Qingxuan led a team to attack from the left, and Wang Ermazi led a team to attack from the right. They decided to gather at the top of the mountain.

Shangguanji's team has been guarding, and they don't have much combat power and are very slack.

Shangguanji was still practicing in seclusion, and no one supported the overall situation, so it was easy to be captured. Most of the small medicines surrendered, and the number of surrenders could be about 15,000.

The rest were the dead and the fleeing, and they were scattered. This time, they successfully captured 15,000 prisoners, got countless weapons, food and grass, and mountains...

At this time, Ye Qingxuan sent someone to convey the news to the big rascal.

The big rascal is happy at home because the corners of his mouth are blooming and he can't close it at all. The big rascal likes people, and the horse likes many people. I heard that 15,000 prisoners were captured at once. The big rascal thought Ye Qingxuan trained the 5,000 little waist , It's really not a waste of training, the combat power is so fierce, and the enemy's strength is 5 times that of the enemy, which is really a great credit.

Before Ye Qingxuan came here, he made a magic pill. This kind of pill is specially for the captives. After taking it, they won’t be afraid of their dissatisfaction. They only need to take the antidote regularly to save 5.6 lives. Otherwise, you don’t care if you run away Whether it's rebellion, there will be death and explosion at any time, maybe only Ye Qingxuan has the antidote for this pill, and the big rogues don't know about it.

Ye Qingxuan's team wiped out all of Shangguanji's team, and did not besiege the place where Shangguanji practiced. Leave him alone and pull all the team back to prepare for orders.

Chapter 416

Wang Ermazi understands that Ye Qingxuan is planning the future for himself. Sooner or later, Ye Qingxuan will replace the rascal and take the top spot.

Wang Ermazi saw everything in her eyes, but she didn't say anything, but in Wang Ermazi's heart, she was indeed inclined to Ye Qingxuan's principles of life and conduct.

So Wang Ermazi was also willing to work hard for Ye Qingxuan.

The big rogue was very anxious waiting at home. At this time, I heard that Ye Qingxuan had brought back all 15,000 Fulu and was gathering his team. The big rogue went from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, and brought Ye Qingxuan and Wang Ermazi back. There are 22 caves in the mountain.

The big rogue was very excited when he saw Ye Qingxuan and Wang Ermazi. The big rogue said to Ye Qingxuan, "I really never expected that you can kill 25,000 people with 5,000 people. It really hasn't happened in the past few months." In vain, it seems that you, Ye Qingxuan, are really talented, and you really have a way of getting sick."

Ye Qingxuan shook his head and said to the big rascal, "It's not all my credit, Wang Er Mazi's first credit from leading the troops to the battle all the way to this battle!"

At this time, the big rascal looked at Wang Ermazi and said to Wang Ermazi, "It's really good. After several months of training, today I pulled the team out to show their strength. Wang Ermazi, you really deserve the credit."

At this time, several people laughed loudly, and the rascal thought for a while. Said to Ye Qingxuan, "How to arrange these captives? What do you think, what should we do?"

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while, and said to the big rascal, "It's still the old way, eliminate their internal power, distribute and manage them, let them disperse, and don't let them have a chance to gather strength, and they will be captured slowly."

The big rascal nodded. This method is really good, because it has been tried before and it works well. Although this time there are 15,000, it will take some time to do the same.

The big rascal then asked Ye Qingxuan, "Then Shangguanji is practicing in seclusion alone, how should we deal with her immediately, or what should we do?"

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "Now we should focus all our attention on these 15,000 captives. As long as they are captured without the intention of rebellion, then Shangguanji is a polished commander. How much noise he can make? Don't worry about him, it will be a matter of time before we organize the team."

The big rascal thinks about what Ye Qingxuan said is right, he has no soldiers now, and my brother is studying the sword in the cave by himself, so let him study it, and the sword can't escape.

Ye Qingxuan and Wang Ermazi are busy every day at 393. The 15,000 captives plus the original 5,000, now there are more than 20,000, and the team is quite large.

Ye Qingxuan did not make things difficult for these servants. Ye Qingxuan said to these captives, "We could have lived in peace, because Shangguanji robbed us of our sword, we wanted revenge, we wanted to take him back, that's why we met you in battle, but you already understood, I don't make things difficult for those of you who are willing to serve me. I welcome you with both hands. If you want to leave, I will never stop you. But today I will give you one last chance. Those who want to leave will leave immediately. Those who don't will be my Ye Qingxuan people. ".

Chapter 417 Taming

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking in front of 15,000 captives, none of the 15,000 people left, because they didn't know where to go, and they had nowhere to go. They had to find a place to eat, so none of them left. They were all willing to stay, and they all expressed their loyalty.

Seeing all this, Ye Qingxuan was also very happy, so he immediately called someone to get the medicine, because they all ate Ye Qingxuan's food after being captured and wanted to play. If they were disobedient, some rebels would blow themselves up on the spot, so they didn't dare , but today Ye Qingxuan felt that they had all sincerely surrendered, so those pills were useless.

Ye Qingxuan also said to everyone in order to express his sincerity, "Everyone has taken my pills, but don't worry, I will share the antidote with you now. I have passed the antidote into the water, and everyone drinks it. A bowl of pills in the body is automatically released, so don't worry about it in the future."

At this time, the 15,000 captives began to take shifts. Ye Qingxuan gave the antidote for a while, and the 15,000 people were all relieved of the medicine.

Ye Qingxuan dispersed the 15,000 people and integrated them with the 5,000 people, and divided them into 50 groups to occupy 50 hills. The leaders of the hills were all selected from the original 5,000 people, and asked them to strengthen their training every day. Protect the hills.

Strengthen training when there is nothing to do, and gather the team when there is something to do.

Now Ye Qingxuan's team is well-equipped and orderly, and with great strength, the territory they occupy is also very large.

The old monk's ambitions are getting bigger and bigger, this is his family property, he must protect it well, and rely on this group of people to achieve great things in the future.

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