Ye Qingxuan said to the general guarding the city. "I'm going back to my own place, you don't need to know where I come from, just get to know me once, I want to give you something, just keep it as a souvenir."

At this time, Ye Qingxuan patted the shoulder of the general who defended the city, Ye Qingxuan gave him some mana, these are passive mana, ordinary weapons can't hurt him, and gave him an indestructible body, Ye Qingxuan felt The general often fights outside, and it is inevitable that he will suffer some superficial injuries. I gave him an indestructible body so that he will suffer less pain.

Of course, the 500 soldiers who guarded the west gate with Ye Qingxuan still have 100 times the combat power and are still so powerful, Ye Qingxuan did not take back those mana.

Ye Qingxuan felt that getting to know each other in the lower realm was fate, and it was human nature to leave them something as a souvenir.

At this time, the general guarding the city didn't understand what Ye Qingxuan was talking about, and just refused to let Ye Qingxuan leave.

Ye Qingxuan said to the general guarding the city, I am not a deserter, you have seen the change in the weather today, this is asking me to go back, if I insist on keeping the 100,000 soldiers who guard the city, they will all die with me, I said This is no joke, I have to leave.

Chapter 382 Returning to the Demon Realm

Seeing what Ye Qingxuan said, the city guard really felt a little bit guilty. Today's dark clouds are really urgent, and I feel a bit abnormal. Ye Qingxuan said this again, and the city guard will not insist anymore. not understand.

The general guarding the city said to Ye Qingxuan. "Brother, although I don't know what you're talking about, I know who you are. I won't force you to stay here. No matter where you are, we are brothers who have fought together."

At this time, Ye Qingxuan took two bowls of wine and drank the glass of wine with the general guarding the city. Ye Qingxuan said, "I will come back to see you when I have a chance."

Ye Qingxuan saw that the dark clouds in the sky were extremely dark, he felt that he should leave, if he waited for a while, it would be difficult to leave.

Ye Qingxuan disappeared immediately after saying goodbye. The general guarding the city saw Ye Qingxuan disappear suddenly, and seemed to understand something in his heart. He was not an ordinary person in the world.

Ye Qingxuan returned to the Demon Realm in an instant. When he came here, he saw that the Dark Demon King was causing trouble here, and he was everywhere.

The Dark Lord's sense of smell is very keen, he sensed that Ye Qingxuan was not far away.

At this time Ye Qingxuan suddenly appeared in front of the Dark Lord, and said to the Dark Lord. "I knew it was you who were looking for me, and no one else could pull off such a big battle."ˇ

The Dark Demon King looked at Ye Qingxuan and said with a smile. "Ye Qingxuan is Ye Qingxuan. I heard that you got the Chaos Orb, is there such a thing?"

Ye Qingxuan understood right then, who of these guys would come to me normally, he must have been sent by the Chaos Orb for being so motivating to come to me.

Ye Qingxuan didn't hide anything and told the Dark Lord directly. "Yes, I got the Chaos Orb, and I have already eaten him."

The Dark Lord laughed loudly. Said, "With your mana, even if you eat the Chaos Orb, it's useless. It's hard for you to control and absorb the energy of the Chaos Orb."

When Ye Qingxuan heard that the Dark Demon King was the Dark Demon King, and he couldn't hide anything from him, Ye Qingxuan thought to himself, if this guy wants to grab my Chaos Orb by force, I'm afraid it will be hard to resist.

Now I haven't absorbed the mana in the chaos, and I haven't fully controlled the power it brings to me.

At this time, the Dark Lord said, "Let's make a deal. If you give me the Chaos Orb, my mana can be controlled to the Chaos Orb. After my mana increases, I will give you part of the mana. This is equivalent to us The two divided the mana of the Chaos Orb equally."

Ye Qingxuan thought to himself, you are the only one with a lot of thought, and after I gave it to you, you consumed the Chaos Orb, so what's the use of keeping me and killing me directly, how could you possibly give me part of the law?

Ye Qingxuan thought about it for a while, it's not reasonable, and it would be very passive.

Ye Qingxuan said to the Dark Demon King, "That's not as good as this, I really haven't completely consumed the mana of the Chaos Orb now, indeed my ability is limited, you teach me some mana now, after I completely digest the Chaos Orb, I will What do you think of it, and give you some mana if you change it for profit?"

The Dark Demon King thought for a while and said, "Okay, since the Chaos Orb is in your body, it's convenient. I believe in your character, and I hope you will do what you say and don't go back on what you say."

Ye Qingxuan thought about it for a while, then it shouldn't be a problem, even if I want to change, I will change, and then he has no right to turn his face (well).

Ye Qingxuan said. "In this case, let's work together to digest the Chaos Orb in my body, transfer its energy to me, and then I will pass on some mana to you. This is considered cooperation."

The Dark Lord readily agreed. "This is the best way. With your ability, you can't handle it at all. There is no problem for us to cooperate."

At this time, Ye Qingxuan was already meditating on the spot, put his palms together and began to use the energy of the Chaos Orb, Ye Qingxuan slowly lifted the Qiankun Orb out of his body.

Chapter 383 Illusionary Space

Then Ye Qingxuan used his internal strength to consume the energy of the Chaos Orb, and the Dark Demon King was watching from the side. When Ye Qingxuan was struggling, Ye Qingxuan would give him a helping hand.

Ye Qingxuan has already pulled out the Chaos Orb from his body, ready to start absorbing it.

At this moment, the Dark Demon King had a twisted mind, showing fierce eyes, and directly attacked Ye Qingxuan with a palm on Ye Qingxuan's stomach. The mana of this palm was really vicious, and directly forced the Chaos Orb out of Ye Qingxuan's body.

At this time, the Dark Demon King directly swallowed the Chaos Orb into his own mouth, then meditated on the spot, put his palms together, and began to use his own internal force to digest the energy of the Chaos Orb.

At that time, Ye Qingxuan was using the magic power in his body to consume the Chaos Orb with all his heart, but he never expected that since the Dark Demon King had attacked him, the Dark Demon King did not help Ye Qingxuan as agreed, but instead attacked him.

Ye Qingxuan didn't have any defenses at all, and this punch was so powerful, Ye Qingxuan was lying on the ground and couldn't resist at all, unable to move.

At this time, the Dark Lord was meditating on the spot, consuming the mana of the Chaos Orb (ccfg) with his body's internal force. At this time, some changes had taken place in the Dark Lord's body, his whole body glowed with blue light, and his body was slowly expanding.

At this time, the Dark Lord felt that the Chaos Orb was already under his control. He wanted to use his internal force to speed up the absorption of the Chaos Orb's energy. The mana can reach a new height.

If the legend is true, whoever absorbed the energy of this chaotic orb would not be a problem to unify the three realms, one can imagine how much energy this chaotic orb has?

While absorbing the energy of the Chaos Orb, the Dark Lord secretly glanced at Ye Qingxuan from time to time. Ye Qingxuan's punch was there, lying there without any ability to resist.

Here, the Dark Lord can devote himself to absorbing the energy of the Chaos Orb.

The Dark Lord's body has undergone some changes again. His body began to swell, glowing with blue light, and began to turn slightly red, and his body also felt a little hot.

The Dark Demon King felt that this feeling was really good, and he felt comfortable all over. Ye Qingxuan increased his internal strength at this time, trying to quickly consume the energy of the Chaos Orb.

The more the Dark Lord increased his energy, the greater his body changes. Now Ye Qingxuan wished to absorb all the energy of the Chaos Orb in an instant.

The Dark Demon King increased his internal strength time and time again, and sometimes the changes in his body became more and more obvious. Ye Qingxuan's muscles swelled up obviously, and his face was already red, and his body was already hot.

The Dark Lord increased his internal strength again. At this time, the muscles of the body had completely torn the clothes, and the temperature of the body continued to rise, as if it was about to burn. The Dark Lord felt that he could no longer control the energy of the Chaos Orb. up.

The Dark Demon King knew in his heart that he had to increase his internal strength, otherwise all previous efforts would be in vain, so this time the Dark Demon King tried his best and used all his might to consume the energy of the Chaos Orb all at once.

When the Dark Lord exerted his strength, his body suddenly exploded, or he would burn up, leaving nothing in an instant.

Ye Qingxuan was watching all this happen.

The Dark Lord suddenly exploded and disappeared out of thin air, leaving only the Chaos Orb, which fell to the ground.

Chapter 384 Death of the Dark Lord

Ye Qingxuan crawled up to him with his last bit of strength, picked up the Chaos Orb, and put it in his mouth.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan's body suddenly emitted a blue light, and the pain disappeared in an instant, and his body felt much more comfortable, as if he hadn't been injured by the Dark Demon King just now, and it didn't happen, his body was very comfortable, and he recovered immediately.

Ye Qingxuan looked around, looked at the Dark Demon King who had disappeared out of thin air, there was nothing left, in this territory of the Demon Realm, the Dark Demon King no longer existed.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan understood that the power of the Qiankun Pearl cannot be rushed, the more urgent the more likely to go wrong, the dark devil's eagerness to attack caused the current consequences.

Ye Qingxuan thought that this dark demon king would go back on his word, and agreed to consume the energy of the Chaos Orb together, but he didn't keep his promise and sneak attack me, thinking that he swallowed the energy of the Chaos Orb all by himself, now it's good, he killed himself.

Ye Qingxuan meditated on the spot, clasped his hands together, and began to absorb the energy of the Chaos Orb. Now the Chaos Orb contained all the energy of the Dark Lord.

The Dark Lord did not absorb the energy of the Chaos Orb, but was eaten by the Chaos Orb instead, and the energy of the Dark Lord was now fully integrated into the Chaos Orb.

When Ye Qingxuan absorbed the Chaos Orb, he felt the energy and mana of the Dark Demon King here!

The energy of the Chaos Orb is difficult to absorb, but the energy of the Dark Lord is easy to absorb. Ye Qingxuan alone absorbed all the energy of the Dark Lord in the Chaos Orb~ Come here.

Moreover, Ye Qingxuan felt a clear increase in his mana, he felt his body suddenly become light, and he knew that the mana of the Dark Demon King was completely on him.

After absorbing it, Ye Qingxuan stood up very excited. He felt that his body was extremely comfortable, and his mana had also increased. The current mana is much higher than before.

Ye Qingxuan thought of it at this time, he wanted to find a place where no one would bother him and start to practice in seclusion, until he completely absorbed the energy of the Chaos Orb before coming out, and then returned to the Demon Realm, to dominate the Demon Realm and dominate the Demon Realm!

Ye Qingxuan thought about where to go, he can't go to the human world, it's easy to be exposed, just like last time, he was discovered by the Dark Lord, which caused such a big trouble.

The devil world is not safe either, everyone is looking for me, they already know that I got the Chaos Orb, they must be looking for me everywhere.

You can't go to the fairy world either, those people don't look down on the demon world at all, and it will lead to murder.


Ye Qingxuan thought of a way at this time, he wanted to use his own energy to create an illusion, and he would practice in my illusion.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan used his magic power to create a fantasy space.

Ye Qingxuan walked in alone, and he entered his own consciousness, that is, this illusion.


In this way, it will be difficult for others to notice, and it will not be so easy to find him. Ye Qingxuan began to practice after coming to the illusion at this time. He knew that there was no rush to completely absorb the energy of the Chaos Orb. The Dark Demon King His disappearance is an example, because he was eager for success, but haste made waste, and he hurt himself and hurt himself.

Ye Qingxuan knew that he shouldn't be in a hurry, he had to slowly digest the energy of the Chaos Orb a little bit every day, transforming the energy of the Chaos Orb into mana, and combining the two with his own body, this was the only way.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan created a fantasy space in the Lord of the Rings, and when he entered his own fantasy space, that is, in his own consciousness, he decided to completely absorb the chaotic orb for the cultivation he started in his body. Come out to rule the world, to rule the gate of the Demon Realm.

Chapter 385

Ye Qingxuan doesn't know how long it will take to digest the energy of the Chaos Orb, it may be hundreds or thousands of years, but no matter how many years, his task now is to digest the energy of the Chaos Orb.

That's why Ye Qingxuan transformed into this illusion space, avoiding the interference from the outside world, and practicing here.

Ye Qingxuan meditated on the spot, put his palms together, and started the long journey of cultivation.

Ye Qingxuan didn't know how long it had passed, but after a long time, he felt that he wanted to be disturbed by external forces. Ye Qingxuan couldn't concentrate on his cultivation now, someone always broke into his consciousness among.

In this way, Ye Qingxuan couldn't concentrate on his cultivation, and he might be prone to madness. Ye Qingxuan stopped his cultivation and wanted to get rid of these people who interfered with his consciousness.

In the illusion, Ye Qingxuan felt through his consciousness that it was not one person who came to trouble him, but three people, and these three people were the three guardians of the demon world.

These few people have evil intentions, they call each other brothers and sisters on weekdays, and they immediately turn against each other when their interests are involved. This is how they behave.

And Ye Qingxuan felt that these people were not far away from him, very close.

Ye Qingxuan recovered from his consciousness, and what Ye Qingxuan meant by taking back was to put away the illusion space and devote himself to where he was.

Ye Qingxuan felt that this matter would be settled sooner or later, so he waited here for them not to hide.

Not long after, I remember that the three guardians found Ye Qingxuan, and Ye Qingxuan was meditating on the spot with his palms together.

The three guardians came to Ye Qingxuan's side and said to Ye Qingxuan, "We came today for one purpose. We want your Chaos Orb. With your personal mana, it is difficult for you to absorb the power of Chaos. Why don't we all work together and work together? Absorbing the energy of the Chaos Orb, I don't know what you want."

Ye Qingxuan slowly opened his eyes at this time, looked at the three guardians of the demon world and said to them. "I have completely absorbed the energy of the Chaos Orb, you should leave quickly."

The three guardians of the demon world, seeing Ye Qingxuan say such words, laughed together, "Don't lie to us, just relying on your own strength to absorb the energy of the Chaos Orb, it's a fantasy, even if you have five Ye Qingxuan, you can't absorb it either."

Ye Qingxuan listened to what they said and understood it, so he coaxed them, and they didn't believe it if he couldn't deceive them. It seemed that a fierce battle was coming.

Ye Qingxuan said to the three guardians... "How can I share the Chaos Orb I have obtained with you?"

The three guardians of the Lord of the Rings looked at Ye Qingxuan and laughed and said. "You can't eat it by yourself, so everyone can take it out and share it. Isn't that a good thing?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said. "So what if I don't want to?"

The three guardians of the Lord of the Rings said, "You can't touch it at this time, whether you want it or not, you have to be willing if you want it, and you have to be willing if you don't want it."

At this time, Ye Qingxuan thought, if we really fight against them, the magic power of the three of them is far above me, and we will definitely not be able to make money.

But it is impossible for me to give it to him so easily. If I give it to him so easily, he will definitely feel cheated at 5.6 and will not fall into my trap.

At this time Ye Qingxuan said to the three guardians. "Then absorb the energy of this Chaos Orb together as you said, what's the situation?"

Seeing what Ye Qingxuan said, the three guardians felt that there was something to be said about it, and then the three guardians told Ye Qingxuan. "You hand over the Chaos Orb, and we will use the skills around the Chaos Element, whoever has the most skill will absorb more, it depends on the good fortune.".

Chapter 386 Insatiable Greed

Ye Qingxuan looked at the three of them, and then thought about it. "Since I can't handle this Chaos Orb by myself, let's do it together!"

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he used his internal force to force the Chaos Orb out of his body.

This is the first time for the three guardians of the demon world to see the real body of the Chaos Orb. They have heard that they are destined to finally see it today.

The three guardians of the demon world stared straight at the sight of the Chaos Orb, and then the three of them meditated on the spot, clasped their hands together, and the Chaos Orb lived among the four of them, and everyone used their own internal force to absorb the Chaos Orb energy of.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan did not use his own charm to absorb the energy of the Chaos Orb, because the Dark Lord was eager for success and used his own internal force to forcibly absorb the energy of the Chaos Orb, causing self-explosion, so Ye Qingxuan knew the harm of forcibly absorbing the energy of the discussion.

Ye Qingxuan was there pretending to use his internal force to absorb the energy of the Chaos Orb.

The three guardians of the Demon Realm stopped pretending, and tried their best to absorb the energy of the Chaos Orb. The three of them have also heard that one person's strength cannot be controlled, so the three of them came together, and they felt that the three of them could use their internal force to resolve it, and the energy of the chaotic orb was absorbed into themselves and transformed into mana.

At this time Ye Qingxuan glanced secretly, the three of them really exhausted their strength, their bodies began to undergo some changes, their faces were flushed, their muscles began to increase in an instant, until their clothes were torn, These three people didn't intend to stop at all, they were all afraid that the other party would absorb more, so all of them exerted great force and exhausted their mana.

Just like a few wolf dogs scrambling for food, they are frantically absorbing the energy of the Chaos Orb even if they don't eat enough.

Ye Qingxuan was also putting on a show of effort there.

The bodies of the three guardians have undergone more obvious changes now. Their muscles are growing, their clothes have been completely torn, and their bodies are completely exposed. They are red and hot, and they feel like they can burn immediately.

These three guardians are meaningless at all, and they want to stop.

The three guardians used their prehistoric powers to forcibly absorb the energy of the Chaos Orb.

Their consequences can be imagined, they are exactly the same as the Dark Lord, who are greedy for the law and have more haste than quick success. The three guardians of the Lord of the Rings instantly exploded and disappeared into the air, leaving nothing behind.

Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and took a look, closed his eyes, picked up the Chaos Orb, and put it in his mouth again, Ye Qingxuan saw that the Chaos Orb was bigger than before, Ye Qingxuan knew in his heart that this was the energy of Meizi's three guardians, absorbed by the Chaos Orb , so it got bigger.

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