Ye Qingxuan didn't move on the spot, put his hands together, and within three hours, he absorbed the energy of the three guardians, and the mana 333 was transformed into Ye Qingxuan himself. Ye Qingxuan's mana at this time was completely increasing.

Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes after absorbing it, and saw that the surrounding things became much clearer. He knew that his mana had greatly increased, um.

Ye Qingxuan thought to himself, the world's three major protectors, they didn't expect that all of them lost their lives here today in order to covet the energy of the Chaos Orb, and disappeared out of thin air, leaving nothing behind, which is really ridiculous.

Ye Qingxuan's body has also undergone some changes, he feels obviously stronger, and he walks much more briskly.

Baby never expected that the thousands of years of practice of the three major protectors would enter Ye Qingxuan's body like this.

Chapter 387

Ye Qingxuan is like this, absorbing a little energy of the Chaos Orb every day, not greedy for too much and not too fast, absorbing a little and digesting a little.

Absolutely will not go crazy, this kind of practice has exceeded the normal practice by more than 30 times, Ye Qingxuan is already very content, but those who are not satisfied always want to eat into a fat man, and in the end they hurt themselves.

Ye Qingxuan knew that there would still be people who would come to my door to worry about the Chaos Orb, even if I went to the illusion, I couldn't get rid of their interference to me.

Ye Qingxuan thinks about it, I don't want to hide at all, the people in the Electrical Chaos Orb are all eager for success, they will all be the same as the Dark Lord and the three guardians of the demon world, and their final ending should be the same, so he Don't hide anymore, Ye Qingxuan will wait here, give it to whoever asks for it, as long as there is greed, he will surely die.

In this way, my opponents in the devil world will gradually become closer and closer with fewer and fewer times.

Ye Qingxuan decided not to go to the illusion space in the future, but to continue to practice here.

The disappearance of the Dark Lord in the mold, as well as the disappearance of the three guardians of the Lord of the Rings, caused a lot of turmoil. Some people speculated how these people could disappear out of thin air without any trace.

No matter how those people guessed, no one suspected Ye Qingxuan.

Ever since Ye Qingxuan obtained Chaos, the Demon Realm has no friends, they are all enemies, Ye Qingxuan also understands this point, everyone who approaches me is coming for the energy of Chaos Orb.

Ye Qingxuan practiced here day after day, and never left here.

On this day, Agni Pluto suddenly appeared.

The name and law of Agni Pluto are one of the best in the devil world, but he has been practicing in seclusion for hundreds of years, and there is no news about him. Why is he here today?

Fire Pluto almost lost his life in a catastrophe hundreds of years ago. At that time, Fire Pluto wanted to take down the Lord of the Demon Realm, but failed after being interfered by the fairy world.

Ye Qingxuan has never fought against Raging Fire Pluto, and Ye Qingxuan doesn't know the strength of Raging Fire Pluto, but the person who was able to dominate the entire demon world is definitely not ordinary, his mana must be beyond imagination, and he has practiced in seclusion for so many years. The current skill, mana, and internal power are no longer predictable.

Ye Qingxuan had already thought that her appearance at this time must also be for the Chaos Orb.

When I was thinking about these things, Agni Pluto had already come to my side.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan slowly opened his eyes, glanced at Raging Fire Pluto and said to Raging Fire Pluto, "¨So it is Raging Fire Pluto, the prestige of Raging Fire Pluto was like thunder in the past, but later I heard that he has lived in seclusion, so why did he appear here today when he practiced in seclusion?" ˇ!"

Raging Fire Pluto laughed a few times, looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan. "I didn't expect that I have practiced in seclusion (hardly) for hundreds of years, and there are still people who can anger me. It is really not easy. I have heard about your reputation, Ye Qingxuan. I have no other purpose in coming here today. I just want to make friends. I don't know if I, Agni Pluto, have the good fortune to call you brother?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at Raging Fire Pluto, laughed out loud, stood up from the ground, and said to Raging Fire Pluto. "I, Ye Qingxuan, am just a nobody, how dare I climb up to you, Lie Huo Pluto.".

Chapter 388

Raging Fire Pluto smiled slightly, looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan. "Let's stop flattering each other here, let's talk about something nutritious. I have practiced in seclusion for so many years, and I heard that the Chaos Orb appeared, and you got it, bro."

Ye Qingxuan also smiled slightly, watching Raging Fire Hades and talking to Raging Fire Hades. "Fire Pluto, you are practicing in seclusion, but the news is quite well-informed. Ye Qingxuan, I did get the Chaos Orb by fate. He is in my body now, but I don't have enough mana to control the energy of the Chaos Orb, nor can I absorb the Chaos Orb."

Seeing Ye Qingxuan speaking like this, Lie Huo Pluto felt that Ye Qingxuan was quite honest, he dared to say anything, and he was not afraid of causing death.

Raging Fire Pluto said to Ye Qingxuan. "You little brother speaks quite honestly. The mold is now in a mess. Don't tell others about this, for fear that you will lead to a murderous disaster. Some people with evil thoughts will think about it. Try every means to get her, you have to protect yourself."

Agni Pluto continued. "I came to you this time just to tell you about the Chaos Orb."

Ye Qingxuan looked into the eyes of Raging Fire Pluto and said. "Is there any mystery about the Chaos Orb?"

Agni Pluto saw the Dark Lord and said. "The Chaos Orb can provide a large amount of energy to enhance the inner strength of the mind. It must be absorbed by someone with super high ability, otherwise it is just an auxiliary thing for cultivation."

Ye Qingxuan suddenly felt that Raging Fire Pluto understood a lot, and he really got to the point, because those who died from the Chaos Orb wanted to eat the Chaos Orb, and didn't regard it as an aid in cultivation.

Ye Qingxuan thought to himself, it seems that if the Lord of Fire and Pluto wants to get the Chaos Orb, he will slowly digest and absorb it like me, and will not rush eagerly. He is different from the Dark Lord and the Three Guardians of the Lord of the Rings. He knows how much With a wide range of knowledge, he is worthy of wanting to dominate the Lord of the Rings back then, and it seems that he really has this strength.

Ye Qingxuan said to Blazing Pluto. "Since you know so much, have you ever seen a Chaos Orb?"

Raging Fire Pluto laughed and told Ye Qingxuan. "I only heard that I must have seen it with my own eyes, and I have never been in contact with the Chaos Race. I don't know if my hearing is accurate (ccfg), so I came to talk to you about the Chaos Orb today."

Ye Qingxuan thought to himself, so he was just guessing, he didn't know the real energy of the Chaos Orb.

Ye Qingxuan hesitated for a moment, and said to Blazing Pluto. "The Chaos Orb is very strange in my body. It has a magical power. Every time I practice, I feel that it has grown a lot. It may be because my aptitude is too low to fully control it. If I have a high aptitude, I will be able to completely digest it. Mana."

Raging Fire Pluto looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan. "If you trust my friend, can you show me the Chaos Orb?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at Raging Fire Pluto and said. "Then why not just use your internal force to force out the Chaos Orb in your body, hold it in your hand, it's gleaming and crystal clear."

This is also the first time that Fire Pluto sees the real body of Chaos Orb. It looks like a good treasure. No wonder everyone wants to get him. He does contain a lot of energy, which is helpful for personal practice.

Raging Fire Pluto finished watching and did not take any further action, and did not ask to hold it in his hand for further observation, but asked Ye Qingxuan to put it away quickly.

Chapter 389 A Good Place to Practice

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while, the Fire Pluto is much smarter than the Dark Demon King, the Dark Demon King, a perfidious guy, read it all for him, and he wanted to swallow it all for himself, and even hurt me in the palm of his hand. He deserved his death.

Raging Fire Pluto said to Ye Qingxuan at this time. "There are a lot of people in the devil world who are thinking about this thing. It is not good for you to practice here alone. You will often be disturbed by people. If you don't dislike it, you can go to my cave and practice together. You can be regarded as having a companion." , You can also discuss with each other when you are bored."

Ye Qingxuan thought to himself, this is just right, I also have a place to hide, and it will definitely be beneficial for me to practice with this unpredictable person.

Ye Qingxuan was very happy, looking at Raging Fire Pluto. "Of course it would be great if that can be done. I can't wait to ask for it, but I'm afraid it will disturb your practice."

Raging Fire Pluto laughed loudly, and said to Ye Qingxuan. "You and I are both practitioners. It's not like you don't understand the boringness of cultivation. It's beneficial for us to communicate and talk to each other."

Ye Qingxuan said to Blazing Pluto. "To tell you the truth, when I am practicing here, I will always be disturbed by people, either one to watch or another to rob me, and I have to hide around."

Ye Qingxuan continued, "If you don't mind taking me with you, I'm very willing, but I'm afraid of bringing you trouble."

Agni Pluto smiled happily and said. "What's the trouble? I'm also very honored to know Brother Xian. Then let's go to my place of practice without further delay."

After speaking, Ye Qingxuan came with Raging Fire Pluto, the place where Raging Fire Pluto practiced, this cave is very secret and deep, there is no one in it, no little demon apprentices are there. Agni Pluto practiced quietly, so there was no one.

Ye Qingxuan came to the place where Raging Fire Pluto practiced. Looking at the surrounding environment, he felt that Raging Fire Pluto had found a good place to practice. It was far away from human habitation, and the cave was deep and no one would bother him. It was really a good place for cultivation.

Raging Fire Pluto said to Ye Qingxuan, "I have been here for hundreds of years since the last time I announced to the outside world that I am practicing retreat, and this is the first time I have gone out."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the surrounding environment, then looked at Raging Fire Pluto and said to Raging Fire Pluto, "Your place is really nice, it's a good place for cultivation, and it's also the place I want to find."

Using his own mana, Raging Fire Pluto changed two cups of hot tea and put them on the stone pier, and said to Ye Qingxuan. "My place is relatively simple. I'm used to being alone. I don't have anything good to entertain you. Drink a cup of hot tea to warm up your body."


At this time, the two of them sat down and sipped hot tea.

While the two of them were talking, Raging Fire Pluto smashed the entrance of the cave to pieces with a palm, and a lot of rubble piled up, directly sealing the entrance of the cave tightly.


Raging Fire Pluto explained to Ye Qingxuan. "I sealed the entrance of the cave to avoid outside interference. Wild animals often pass by here. In order to prevent these, I sealed the entrance of the cave when I was practicing."

Ye Qingxuan was startled by this action of Raging Fire Pluto, but after listening to Raging Fire Pluto's explanation, he thought it was reasonable, so he didn't think about it any more. He felt that Raging Fire Pluto was a careful person. Since I came here to practice, I didn't intend to Go out, so it's good to seal it, you can practice here with peace of mind.

Ye Qingxuan said to Blazing Pluto. "This is very good, without any interruption, the two of us can practice here with peace of mind.

Raging Fire Pluto saw that Ye Qingxuan didn't have any other thoughts, and felt that everything was working as expected, and Raging Fire Pluto was happy in his heart. "Door.

Chapter 390 Magic Crystal Ball

Raging Fire Pluto looked at Ye Qingxuan and felt that his goal was about to be achieved, and he was secretly pleased.

Ye Qingxuan felt that Raging Fire Pluto was a very enthusiastic person, and it was really rare to invite him to practice in his cave, and now the devil world is in a mess.

What Ye Qingxuan wants to see the most is that one day the Demon Realm will be united and united to the outside world.

Raging Fire Pluto said to Ye Qingxuan at this time, "You can't be too anxious about cultivation. You should follow the steady and steady approach, step by step, step by step."

Ye Qingxuan heard the words of Raging Fire Pluto and said to Raging Fire Pluto, "You still have experience, and you are worthy of being the number one master in the devil world."

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha ​​after hearing the words of Raging Fire Pluto and said, "What is the number one master in the devil world, that's all they boasted to each other."

Ye Qingxuan suddenly thought of a question, so he asked Blazing Pluto, "I heard that thousands of years ago, when you wanted to unify the demon world and you were about to fulfill your wish, you said that people from the fairy world came to intervene in this matter. What happened at that time?"

Blazing Pluto sighed and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Back then I had indeed accomplished the great cause of unification, basically there was no opponent in the world, and those demon kings from all walks of life were willing to submit to me and let me complete the great cause of unification, but who would have thought that the heavenly world would I came out to interfere and found a puppet to oppose me and prevent me from unifying the demon world."

Ye Qingxuan continued to ask, "Then you can come out now and continue to complete your great cause of unification. Now the devil world is in a mess, each occupying the top of the mountain, each is the king, and some make big moves for a small profit. The frequent turmoil is not peaceful. "

Blazing Pluto looked at Ye Qingxuan and laughed and said, "I can't do it anymore, I'm already old, and I don't want to compete with them, it's meaningless, and now young heroes are coming out in large numbers, how can it be my turn to speak out. "

Ye Qingxuan continued, "Fire Pluto, have you heard of the magic crystal ball? I heard that it has disappeared for a long time. If you want to get the power of the magic crystal ball, the unification of the demon world is just around the corner."

Blazing Pluto smiled and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Magic Crystal Ball, of course I know that it is the same as Chaos Orb, and they correspond to each other. If the two cooperate, it will definitely increase their skills beyond imagination."

What Agni Pluto said, he directly took out a very beautiful ball from his arms. This ball was sparkling, very delicate, and looked very energetic...

Ye Qingxuan asked Blazing Pluto, "What is this? It's so beautiful, it's really pretty."

Blazing Pluto looked at Ye Qingxuan and laughed hahaha, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "This is the membrane magic crystal ball you mentioned just now."

At this time, Ye Qingxuan heard Raging Fire Pluto say this, and suddenly stood up. Ye Qingxuan never thought that such a magical thing would be in the hands of Raging Fire Pluto. He had a magic crystal ball as if nothing happened. It's like I have the right to rule the demon world.

Ye Qingxuan never imagined that the magic crystal ball that had disappeared for tens of thousands of years was actually in the water of the fire king. He actually got this thing. Why didn't he unify the demon world in 5.6? What kind of purpose does he have to hide in this deep mountain to practice?

Ye Qingxuan thought about such a mysterious secret again, since she told me, does he trust me or is he going to kill me?

The whereabouts of the magic crystal ball, if I expose the place where the Fire Pluto is, it will be trampled to the ground, and these people will **** him away no matter what.

Chapter 391 Trust

Ye Qingxuan looked at the mysterious Raging Fire Hades, and said to Raging Fire Hades, "Such an important crystal ball has disappeared for tens of thousands of years. Since it is here with you, why do you want to tell me this news? You are not afraid that I will spread the news to you." go out."

The Fire Pluto looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "It is impossible for you to tell this secret. If you do that, you will be killed. It is not I who want to kill you, but all those demon kings who want to kill you. They will not Keeping you alive, you now have the Chaos Orb, look at the performance of these demon kings, all of you have red eyes."

Ye Qingxuan was very happy at this time, and said to Raging Fire Pluto, "I didn't expect you to trust me so much when we first met. It's a great honor." 22

Blazing Pluto said to Ye Qingxuan, "When I saw you just now, it was the first time we met. Didn't you also show me the Chaos Orb? Don't you trust me too?"

At this time, the two looked at each other, and then laughed loudly.

Raging Fire Pluto said to Ye Qingxuan at this time, "The two things that are unparalleled in the world are now in the hands of you and me, so you think we should do something."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while, and said to Blazing Pluto, "I don't know much about magic crystal balls, and I don't know much about chaotic beads, so what can the two of them do together."

Blazing Pluto said to Ye Qingxuan with a serious face, "To be blunt, one of these two things increases attack power and the other increases defense power, but if they are absorbed together at the same time, it will be impossible for anyone to do it." Enemy, there is no opponent in the world."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "I use my charm to digest the Chaos Orb in my body, its energy is simply impossible, and it will be very painful. If I try to absorb it forcibly, I will go crazy and expose myself to death. I have no way to control it, I can only digest it slowly day by day, I don’t know how long it will take to digest.”

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, Blazing Pluto looked at Ye Qingxuan, then stood up and thought for a while, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "The same is true for the magic crystal ball, and I can't control my mana, so we have to combine them into one, so Counteract each other and weaken each other, so we can absorb it and transform it into internal strength."

Agni Pluto continued at this time, "You already have the Chaos Orb in your body, I will give you the magic crystal ball in a while, and you will run them in your body to combine 2 into 1, and then I will use my mana to support you to transfer to Your body, let you digest it completely."

Ye Qingxuan suddenly stood up and said to Blazing Pluto, "If that is really successful, wouldn't it mean that I have grown a lot of mana and you haven't gained anything?"

Blazing Pluto suddenly looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "If that's true, your magic power will be unprecedented and unrivaled. I won't get anything, and I don't want to get it. I don't want to compete with this troubled world. It's about unifying the devil world." Leave it to you young man to do it, and I will help you."

Ye Qingxuan was really surprised to hear Lie Huo Pluto say this. He didn't expect Lie Huo Pluto to have such a broad mind, which is just admirable.

Ye Qingxuan said to Raging Fire Pluto, "If that's the case, then all of them will be raised by Raging Fire Pluto. It's really a success. I am willing to worship Raging Fire Pluto as my teacher, and it will remain the same for life.".

Chapter 392 Two Into One

The Fire Pluto said to Ye Qingxuan, "As long as you can complete the task of unifying the demon world for me, that will be my reward. I don't have any extra requirements. Remember, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

After finishing speaking, Agni Pluto took out the magic crystal ball from his arms again.

Ye Qingxuan and Raging Fire Pluto looked at the crystal ball supporting the finance, making the cave as bright as daytime.

The Fire Pluto told Ye Qingxuan, "In a moment, combine the magic crystal ball and the chaotic orb into one. No matter what happens, you must use your internal force to control it and let them combine. I will watch you by the side and help you." Hand in hand."

Ye Qingxuan nodded in agreement.

After finishing speaking, Raging Fire Pluto handed the magic crystal ball into Ye Qingxuan's hands, letting Ye Qingxuan swallow it.

Ye Qingxuan took the crystal ball, put it in his mouth, and swallowed it directly.

Ye Qingxuan felt very hot all over his body, and felt light. He felt that the magic crystal ball and the chaotic bead had begun to fuse in his body. At this time, Ye Qingxuan was meditating on the spot, with his palms together, and began to use his own charm to control the magic crystal ball and the chaotic bead. beads, allowing them to accelerate their fusion.

Ye Qingxuan felt that the magic crystal ball and the chaotic bead seemed to be fighting in his body, competing for favor with each other. Ye Qingxuan increased his internal strength to allow them to fuse. Ye Qingxuan's body changed obviously. For a while, there was a blue light in the eyes.

Raging Fire Pluto was by his side, watching Ye Qingxuan's body keep changing.

The Fire Pluto is trying his best to control the magic crystal ball. The magic crystal ball is about to devour the Chaos Orb completely. At this time, Ye Qingxuan's body is extremely hot, and his face has begun to turn red and hot. Ye Qingxuan feels that his internal strength has already I can't control it, the control of the magic crystal ball.

Ye Qingxuan used his prehistoric power this time. He must combine the magic crystal ball and the chaotic bead into one, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted. Ye Qingxuan exhausted all his strength to control the fusion of the magic crystal ball and the chaotic bead. Raging Fire Pluto looked at Ye Qingxuan from the side, and felt that Ye Qingxuan was about to lose his hold. At this time, Raging Fire Pluto made a move, sitting on the spot and pushing his hands on Ye Qingxuan's shoulders, pushing all his internal energy to Ye Qingxuan.

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