Chapter 377 Boosting Morale

At this time, everyone looked at him, including the generals defending the city.

The generals defending the city also needed to boost their morale. When Ye Qingxuan spoke, he took a look. This young man had a murderous look and thought it was good.

The general guarding the city said to Ye Qingxuan. "Come here, what's your name?"

Ye Qingxuan stood up from the crowd, walked towards the general defending the city, and said to him. "My name is Ye Qingxuan, and I'm a corps leader now!"

The general guarding the city patted Ye Qingxuan on the shoulder and said. "You're a recruit, right? Fighting a war is not just for fun. It's not just about chanting slogans. It's about going to the battlefield to kill the enemy."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the generals defending the city and said. "Of course I know this. It is our duty as soldiers to defend our homeland. Anyone who dares to invade will be killed. If we miss this city, the people behind the city, including our family, will suffer. Therefore, for our family, We swear to stay here and never give up half of the land."

At this time, the soldiers sitting below heard what Ye Qingxuan said, and felt that what Ye Qingxuan said was reasonable. If the city fell, their hometown would be not far behind, and their relatives would suffer.

At this time, everyone stood up. Waving his weapon, he shouted. "Swear to the death to defend the homeland, never give up half of the land〃."

The generals guarding the city took a look, and the aura of these people was directly driven by Ye Qingxuan. The generals guarding the city chose Ye Qingxuan, he was definitely a general.

The general in the hand also shouted along with the soldiers, and the atmosphere was suddenly different at this time. There was a kind of strength gathered together, a kind of irresistible morale.

These generals were cheered up, and there was a kind of strength in their hearts to defend their homeland to the death.

After finishing the work, they all went back to prepare, Ye Qingxuan returned, and told the 20 brothers about his territory.

There will be a big battle to be fought tomorrow, we must fight this battle fiercely, we must not lose the city, we must stick to this place, once we lose, our homeland and our relatives will suffer soon, we have no way out , must protect here.

These more than 20 people were also infected by Ye Qingxuan's power, and all of them were very confident.

Ye Qingxuan also explained that these 20 people must protect themselves and wear all the armor. We not only need to protect our homeland, but we must also survive.

While Ye Qingxuan was talking here, the general guarding the city came and wanted to chat with Ye Qingxuan.

Seeing the general guarding the city coming, Ye Qingxuan quickly got up and walked to the general's side and said, "I'm still here so late, what's the matter?"

Said the general guarding the city. "Tomorrow's battle is very important. Don't be careless. I'll look around to see how you're preparing. Tell me if there's anything you need."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the general and told the general. "There is no need, we are ready, just listen to the general's dispatch."

The general guarding the city looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan. "I will give you 500 people now, and let you guard the west gate. Do you dare to take it (OK)?"

Ye Qingxuan was very serious, looking at the so-called general, he thought to himself, let me go, I can guard the west gate, I can only make you trust me, if you dare to use me, I will never let you down.

Ye Qingxuan said to the general guarding the city. "Okay, I'll take it, and I promise to complete the task."

The general guarding the city told Ye Qingxuan. "Although Ximen is not on the side of the enemy's manual work, it is also very important. Once the whole army is lost, this place is very important. Do you think you can do it?".

Chapter 378

Ye Qingxuan looked at the general and told the general. "General, don't worry, if there is a slight mistake, I would like to come and see you."

Seeing Ye Qingxuan's attitude, the general guarding the city was very pleased. He felt that this man was a talent to be created, so letting him guard the west gate was also an experience for him.

After receiving the order, Ye Qingxuan assembled 500 troops and headed straight for the west gate.

It was still dark at this time, Ye Qingxuan began to prepare some equipment and personnel, and all the personnel were properly arranged, Ye Qingxuan ordered 500 soldiers to rest in place.

At dawn, they prepared to eat, and then entered emergency combat preparations. Now everyone is resting in place in their positions.

These 500 people are all recruits, but they all came from the same place as Ye Qingxuan. These 500 people are very united, and none of them are afraid of death. They only have one belief in their hearts, and 310 is to guard the west gate.

At this time, it was just dawn, and the teachers took out some dry food they had brought with them and ate it. Ye Qingxuan observed the movements outside the city on the city wall, and there was nothing unusual about it.

At this time, someone came to report, "At the front of the city gate, the main force of the enemy army is found to be attacking."

Ye Qingxuan thought in his heart, they finally came, but I can't move, I was ordered to guard the west gate, I can only stay here, observe and observe.

Ye Qingxuan understands that if I want to bring my troops to the main gate at this time, it will be a violation of the military order, and if there are enemy troops at the west gate, it will be a dereliction of duty, so he can only stick here.

Ye Qingxuan told the young general who reported, and went to investigate again.

At this time, the sky had already brightened up, and I could see a little farther.

At this time, some soldiers came to report. "The main force in front is not taking advantage of the slightest advantage, and is still attacking our defenders, without any mistakes."

At this time, Ye Qingxuan felt relieved, since there is nothing wrong in front, I can stay here with peace of mind.

When he just said this, Ye Qingxuan suddenly saw an enemy army appearing in front of him. Ye Qingxuan told all the soldiers to prepare to meet the enemy Ximen and found the enemy army.

The people in the team are mighty, it doesn't look like a petty bourgeois force, but a full force.

Ye Qingxuan thought to himself, the generals defending the city must have miscalculated, the main force has appeared here, I only have 500 people, it is a bit difficult to hold back this group of killers (ccfg), once these people want to attack by force, how can they hold back .

But Ye Qingxuan is not afraid, Ye Qingxuan's ability is more than enough to deal with these people, but he doesn't want the lives of these 500 people to be lost here in vain.

Ye Qingxuan ordered that these 500 people are not allowed to go out of the city to meet the enemy, they are only allowed to lose their defense on the city wall, and they must protect themselves.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan did not tell the general who defended the city the news. Ye Qingxuan felt that he could handle it. It was time for him to flex his muscles. He didn't want others to help.

Ye Qingxuan saw this mighty team on the city wall, there should be no less than 30,000 people, and all of them were carrying construction machinery, it seemed that they came from outside to attack.

Then I laughed hard at this time, well, I have practiced here for such a long time, it is very boring, and today I can finally do a big job.

At this time, the enemy's troops were getting closer and closer to the city wall, and the enemy had already begun to prepare the siege equipment.

At that time, Ye Qingxuan ordered the 500 people to concentrate their firepower on me.

But the ratio of 500 to 30,000 has no chance of winning at all, Ye Qingxuan should make a move at this time.

Ye Qingxuan eliminated these 30,000 people in a matter of minutes, but Ye Qingxuan can't be too ostentatious, can't let others see his law, and has to keep a low profile.

Chapter 379

Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes at this time, and chanted a spell in his heart, which instantly increased the attack power of the 500 people by 100 times.

The attack power of 500 people increased by 1 million, which would be equivalent to 50,000 people on the first floor, and 30,000 people would be more than enough.

These 500 people were as powerful and crazy as if they had been injected with chicken blood. One arrow shot out could kill 100 people.

At this time, the enemy army is not weak, and there is no sign of Taobao and has been attacking, but as many people come up, more or less people will die.

About half an hour or so, these 500 people directly killed all the more than 30,000 people, none of them were alive, and they also disarmed a lot of siege equipment.

Seeing that none of the 500 people were injured or injured, Ye Qingxuan was very relieved. The enemy army had no chance to get close, and they were all killed by these 500 people.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan withdrew his mana, and the 500 people became ordinary soldiers again.

These soldiers saw that all the dead people in front of the city were densely packed, and they couldn't believe that these people were killed by them.

The soldiers on the city wall cheered at this moment. This was the first time they had had direct contact with the enemy on the battlefield. Now that they had fought a beautiful battle, everyone was proud of their performance.

The soldiers couldn't believe it either. With only 500 of us, we were able to wipe out all 30,000 of them within an hour. It's incredible.

Of course these soldiers didn't know what happened and why their combat effectiveness suddenly increased, but Ye Qingxuan understood all of this.

At this time, the soldiers who reported came to report. "The main force at the main gate has been repulsed."

Ye Qingxuan told the soldiers who reported, "Go and tell the general defending the city, Ximen, that all the enemy troops have been killed, and the enemy's death is no less than 30,000."

At this time, the soldiers who reported were all dumbfounded. You are too bragging. You killed 30,000 people with only 500 people. This is too big.

But the one who made the report will just be responsible for the report, and I will report it as you say. If something happens, you will take care of it yourself, so he didn't say much.

Soon the soldiers who notified came to the main entrance, which was guarded by the general who defended the city himself.

The proud soldier said to the general who defended the city. "Ximen Ye Qingxuan's team of 500 people killed no less than 30,000 enemy troops, and Ximen didn't make any mistakes."


The general guarding the city suddenly stood up, looked at the young general who was notifying and said. "What did you say, say it again."

The young general who notified looked at the general defending the city and said seriously. "Ximen Ye Qingxuan's team of 500 soldiers killed no less than 30,000 enemy troops who attacked the city, and Ximen did not make any mistakes."

The general guarding the city said angrily at that time. "There is no joke in the army. How can he resist the attack of 30,000 people with 500 people? He is talking too much. He will be punished if he does this. Besides, how can the main force appear in Ximen? How can his 500 people withstand 30,000 people?"


The general who defended the city came to the west gate on horseback with his men after speaking. The general who defended the city wanted to deal with Ye Qingxuan. Even if you resisted the enemy's attack, you can't speak such big words. How can you have you in this battlefield? Literally falsely report military exploits.

After causing the general to abandon him, he came to the west gate. Without notification, the general guarding the city went directly to the city wall to confront Ye Qingxuan, and wanted to deal with Ye Qingxuan.

Soon the general guarding the city came to the city wall angrily, watching Ye Qingxuan talk to Ye Qingxuan.

Chapter 380 Scared

The general guarding the city came to Ye Qingxuan and angrily reprimanded Ye Qingxuan, "You know that you will be killed if you lie about the military situation."

Ye Qingxuan saw the general guarding the city coming, took two steps forward, and said to the general, "Of course I know this."

Just now the young general was ordered to report there, saying, "You, Ximen, found the enemy's main force of 30,000, and the main force was wiped out by 500 of you."

Ye Qingxuan continued to answer.

"Yes, I asked the young general to tell you the news of "330". Is there any problem?"

At this time, the general guarding the city came to the city wall and looked outside the west gate.

The general ran directly to the corpses outside the door. He was terrified and shocked when he saw all this. He stood there speechless. He couldn't believe that everything outside the west gate was full of corpses.

It seems that there are at least 30,000 people, only more, and no less than 30,000. The generals defending the city don't know how Ye Qingxuan led the troops to fight. There were no casualties among the 500 people, and no blood was shed. More than ten thousand people are all lying here, how did he do it?

The general was stunned by the scene in front of him, completely frightened, and didn't know what to say.

At this time, the city guard general knew that the main force had appeared at the west gate. If all these main forces appeared at the main gate, I might not be able to complete the task so smoothly.

Thanks to Ye Qingxuan for today's battle, otherwise the whole city would be lost!

The general defending the city asked, "How did you do it? It's unbelievable that 500 people fought against three people. They didn't go online this year, and they knocked down all the enemy troops."

Ye Qingxuan said very modestly, "It's all thanks to my five hundred warriors. I didn't do anything. They are really strong with one to one hundred. They are very good at training, and today they finally showed their strength!"

Ye Qingxuan continued to receive it, "After all, it is defending the city, condescending, and has a lot of advantages, and the sun is not good for the enemy at this time, the enemy is attacking us from the backlight, and they can't see us clearly."

The general guarding the city looked at what Ye Qingxuan said was logical, and nodded his head here. What I said was true and reasonable. This is really a general. Let him be a corps leader. I really wronged him.

The general who hurt his hand directly promoted Ye Qingxuan as his deputy to take charge of the 100,000 defenders defending the city!

Ye Qingxuan became famous in the first battle today, and directly became the general who defended the city, in charge of an army of 100,000...

But Ye Qingxuan was not very happy, he was thinking about the devil world, the fairy world, he couldn't be a general here after eating the Chaos Orb for nothing?

With Ye Qingxuan's current law, it can directly unify the world, and it can be done in minutes, so he feels that it is meaningless to send the city here to seize the territory, and it is meaningless, and he got the Chaos Orb in vain.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan was thinking, when would he return to the Demon Realm to unify the Lord of the Rings, that would be Ye Qingxuan's goal.

The demon world and the fairy world are where Ye Qingxuan lives. She thinks that these things in the world are just small troubles, making it meaningless for you to die 5.6 and live for me.

With Ye Qingxuan's current mana, even if there are millions of enemies attacking Ye Qingxuan together, they can all be defeated within a second, and no one survives. It is an absolute instant kill.

The opponents in the world are too weak, just like a person, killing some ants, it is as simple as that, without any challenge, so Ye Qingxuan thinks that he should leave here to find an opportunity, this is not what he wants.

Chapter 381 Promotion

This war epidemic ended just like that, Ye Qingxuan stood up here, and was directly promoted by the general to be his deputy, in charge of one hundred thousand generals defending the city.

But Ye Qingxuan was not happy, just on this day.

Ye Qingxuan had nothing to do in his spare time, so he wanted to go to the city wall to inspect it.

At that time, the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and the dark clouds in the sky looked like a tornado.

Ye Qingxuan suddenly looked towards the sky, Ye Qingxuan understood that his real enemy was coming.

After Ye Qingxuan got the Chaos Orb, he came to the lower realm. Ye Qingxuan didn't fully control the power of the Qiankun Orb, so he wanted to slowly digest the Qiankun Orb while in the lower realm. He wanted to get the Chaos Orb, and the Lord of the Rings knew that Ye Qingxuan had got the Chaos Orb, so he would definitely come to hunt it down.

Ye Qingxuan never expected that the enemies from the Demon Realm would come here so quickly.

The Chaos Orb is in Ye Qingxuan's body, it seems that there is a kind of power, which is running in Ye Qingxuan's body all the time, but Ye Qingxuan has not mastered the method. He can use the power of the Chaos Clan to improve his own ability. There is no way to absorb the energy of the Chaos Orb. Qingxuan wants to hide in the lower realm for a while, and slowly digest the Chaos Orb.

It seems that Ye Qingxuan's thoughts are about to go to waste, the demon world has already discovered that he is here, otherwise today's lightning and thunder would not have appeared.

The soldiers who guarded the city were very scared when they suddenly saw the change of the weather, because the sky now is different from usual. It's like it's getting dark.

Ye Qingxuan felt that it was time to leave, if he was here, the 100,000 soldiers on the first floor would die because of him.

The general who guarded the city was kind to Ye Qingxuan, he didn't want to disappear suddenly like this, he wanted to say goodbye to him face to face, at this time Ye Qingxuan came to the general who defended the city and said to the general who defended the city. "I don't belong here. I'm leaving soon. Knowing is fate. Today I come to say goodbye to you."

The general guarding the city saw Ye Qingxuan coming, and he was a little puzzled when he said these strange words. "What's wrong with you today? What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

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