Only here did I realize that this is the home of a shepherd.

This family raised a lot of sheep, Ye Qingxuan, looking at these sheep, and the family in front of him, he felt that this is not a fairyland, nor is it a demon world, this is the world.

Then stared at the family in a daze. At this time, the owner of the house came out of the house. This man was about 30 years old, very tall and tall, with a beard on his face, and walked up to Ye Qingxuan. Said, "Young man, where did you come from? How did you come to us? Did you get lost, or did you just pass by?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and said.

"Where is this? Who am I? Are there any gods here?"

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Qingxuan and laughed out loud. Said, "This is the grassland, I am a fairy, I live a fairy-like life here, free and easy."

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man continued to laugh loudly.

The middle-aged man said to Ye Qingxuan.

"Come and come in with me, we in the grassland life are the most hospitable to welcome you to our home."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the middle-aged man in a daze, not knowing what to do, so he followed the middle-aged man into his house.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the very simple furnishings of this house. The life of their shepherds should be very poor. At this time, Ye Qingxuan somewhat understood that this is the world, not the fairy world, nor the devil world, but how could I come here? Years of practice and practice have all returned to zero. There is nothing. The legend of the Chaos Orb is all false?

Ye Qingxuan thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure it out, it was too much brain work, she was very hungry now, so she just wanted to eat something, and didn't think about anything.

The middle-aged man brought Ye Qingxuan back home. People here mainly eat mutton. The middle-aged man served Ye Qingxuan a pot of mutton for Ye Qingxuan to eat.

Ye Qingxuan's stomach seemed to have been empty for hundreds of years. When he saw the mutton, he completely forgot his status as a foodie. He picked it up and started looking for a pot of mutton for this meal. She ate it up in a short while.

After eating this meal, he devoured it like he hadn't eaten in hundreds of years, filling his stomach. Ye Qingxuan asked the middle-aged man, "¨¨How come you are the only one in your family?"

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan, "They all went out to herd sheep, and they will come back when the sun goes down. It seems that they should be back soon by now. If you eat well, you should have a good rest. ) I see that your body seems to be very tired."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and wanted to tell the middle-aged man. "Then I won't interrupt. I really want to take a good rest. I feel that my body is very tired now."

The middle-aged man went to the backyard to arrange a place for him to live in. Yang Yeqingxuan rested in this house. If he had anything to do, he came to the front yard to find me. The middle-aged man returned to the front yard after he finished his explanation.

Ye Qingxuan was alone in the backyard thinking about his own affairs. He didn't feel tired physically, but there were many things he couldn't figure out. He wondered what was going on when he was quiet, and what went wrong?

Ye Qingxuan thought about it for a long time, and finally came up with an answer, which he thought was very reliable. He thought he should have been reborn and become an ordinary person.

Ye Qingxuan lay here for a while, thinking about this moment, thinking about that made his head hurt, and fell asleep again at some point.

Chapter 373 Mysterious Man

When Ye Qingxuan fell asleep, he was drowsy and didn't seem to be asleep. At this moment, he heard a voice, and a person was walking towards him. He was dressed in white and had long hair, but he couldn't see his face clearly. Unclear, this man walked to Ye Qingxuan's bedside, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "If you want to become an immortal, you must go through this calamity, so you can do it yourself, young man."

At this time Ye Qingxuan woke up suddenly, his eyes widened, he sat up from the bed suddenly, looked around, but found no one, but he clearly remembered that someone talked to him just now, but now he woke up and there was no one.

Ye Qingxuan felt strange, so he quickly stood up and ran, went out of the room and looked around in the yard, but it was quiet and it was already late at night.

Ye Qingxuan went back to room 290, lying on the bed, thinking about what that person said just now, if he wants to become a fairy, he must suffer this calamity, so let's do it for himself.

Ye Qingxuan completely understood at this time that he was reincarnated, and the power of that Chaos Orb was reincarnation, which was different from the legend.

Ye Qingxuan thought, since I was allowed to come to the human world, it seems inevitable that I have gone through such a life, since I have been reincarnated as an adult, then I will be a good person and not give up.

Ye Qingxuan felt a little tired after thinking about it, so he simply didn't want to, and had a good sleep first.

Now that Ye Qingxuan has figured out some ins and outs, he feels a little more relaxed in his heart (ccfg), at least he knows where he is now and what he will do in the future, so it's a little easier for Ye Qingxuan to sleep.

Although the power of the Chaos Orb disappointed him, it was the best arrangement to face everything since it happened.

I don't know how long I slept for, but Ye Qingxuan woke up suddenly. After waking up, Ye Qingxuan thought about what happened last night, then pulled himself together and stood up, and walked out of the house to the front yard.

Ye Qingxuan saw that the shepherd's family was working hard here, they were all busy here, just to live, to live.

It's a big family lots of kids just three plus elderly people it's a very lively home.

Seeing all this, Ye Qingxuan also thought of the past, now he has too much helplessness, there is no way, everything is predestined, only by accepting can we move on, worrying here all day is useless.

Then I will make a appearance in the human world, and return to the heaven after recharging money one day, and live my carefree life.

Ye Qingxuan saw that this family was living in poverty, and wanted to help them with his own ability, but he couldn't do anything, he didn't know anything, and he didn't know what he could do to help them.

Ye Qingxuan suddenly rang, this is the arrangement of the heavens, let me come to the world to experience the sufferings of the world.

The middle-aged man saw Ye Qingxuan waking up and walking from behind, so the middle-aged man went over to tell Ye Qingxuan. "After a night's rest, how do you feel? Are you hungry? We'll have dinner right away, please wait a little longer."

Ye Qingxuan said to the middle-aged man. "Did I disturb you by coming here? I'm really sorry. I will leave after I stay here. Please."

The middle-aged man laughed loudly and said. "The herdsmen on our grassland are the most hospitable. No matter who you go to, you are very welcome."

The middle-aged man pulled him up and Ye Qingxuan said, go away, let's go eat.

Ye Qingxuan felt that he just ate yesterday and is eating again today, why did he get hungry so fast, he never had to eat before, he didn't expect that the world is really troublesome, he has to eat every day. And ate it several times.

Chapter 374 Enjoying Life

If you don’t eat, you will be hungry, and you will feel uncomfortable when you are hungry, and you will lose your energy when you are hungry. I thought it would be better to be a fairy.

Ye Qingxuan asked the middle-aged man after eating. "There is no river here, I want to take a bath."

The middle-aged man pointed in the direction and said, "Just go over there and walk across the hill, and you will see a river, where we all wash up."

Ye Qingxuan came to the small river in the direction pointed by the middle-aged man. After he looked at himself in the river, he was shocked. Not only did he come to the underworld, but his mother also changed. She was completely different from before. He looks very handsome, looks like a scholar.

Looking at his handsome face, Ye Qingxuan felt very proud. He was still very satisfied with his current appearance. This matter was different from before, but he liked his current face quite a lot.

Ye Qingxuan simply took a bath by the river, basked in the sun here, and then prepared to go back to the shepherd's house.

As soon as he walked back, he saw some people on horseback. In his house, Ye Qingxuan looked from a distance, and didn't know what they were talking about. After calling him a few words, these people on horseback left after a while, and Ye Qingxuan left Went to the front of the house and asked the middle-aged man. "I saw some men on horseback talking to you just now, what are those men doing?"

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "Those people are soldiers, and now they are recruiting again. Let each family send out one person to serve in the military. If they don't volunteer, they will be arrested."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he sighed and returned to the courtyard.

No older ones, no younger ones, the middle-aged man in this family is eligible, but if the middle-aged man goes to serve in the army, then his family will have no labor force, and this family-it will be difficult to maintain up.

At this time, the whole family is sitting in the yard, no one is talking, the mood is very dull, and they are all moaning, what should we do?

Everyone was in a bad mood and sat in the yard without talking.

Ye Qingxuan went back to the back and lay on that bed, thinking about things, he felt that this family was kind-hearted, if someone went to serve as a soldier, the family would be broken up, Ye Qingxuan decided to help them.

When Ye Qingxuan was lying on the bed thinking about something, the middle-aged man came to Ye Qingxuan and told Ye Qingxuan to go to the front yard for dinner, the meal was ready.

At this time, the whole family was sitting at the table to eat, Master Ye Qingxuan could see that the family was not in any mood and did not talk, lost the excitement of the past, and became dull.


Ye Qingxuan knew that they were all affected by being soldiers.

Ye Qingxuan said at this time. "Isn't it just to give up one person to serve as a soldier? It's no big deal, everyone should be happier, don't be so dull, it will affect your appetite."


The middle-aged man said to Ye Qingxuan. "If I'm going to serve in the army, this family will be broken up."

Ye Qingxuan said to the middle-aged man. "That won't work, I'll go to join the army and take your place!"

At this time, the whole family looked at Ye Qingxuan, staring at Ye Qingxuan with widened eyes.

The old father of the middle-aged man said. "What did you say young man, you say it again."

Ye Qingxuan said to the old man while eating the meat on the table. "I said that I will serve as a soldier for your son, so that she doesn't have to go, and your family is still together."

The middle-aged man stood up and said. "Do you think being a soldier is just a joke? Once you go, you will basically never come back, and being a soldier is very hard, and you don't know when you will die. This is not a joke." Men.

Chapter 375 You Gather the Villagers

Ye Qingxuan laughed and said. "I've wanted to be a soldier since I was a child, but I never had the chance. I didn't expect to meet such an opportunity in your family. It's really rare that I want to be a soldier. I can also solve the labor problem of your family. Isn't this killing two birds with one stone? What do you think?" Still unwilling?"

The middle-aged man's mother stood up and walked to Ye Qingxuan's side and said. "It's no joke for young people to be soldiers, it's no joke."

Ye Qing "two nine three" Xuan said to the old lady. "I know old man, you don't have to worry about me. Don't look at me as thin and small. I'm very strong. Being a soldier is very suitable for me, and I have food to eat. I want to see and see."

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Qingxuan and didn't know what to say.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the eyes of the middle-aged man, and knew what Ye Qingxuan said to him. "Okay, don't say anything. When those people come again tomorrow, you can report my name. I am the second son of your family. If I go to serve as a soldier, it is considered a person in our family. They will not come again in the future." I'm making things difficult for you."

At this time, the shepherd's family was very moved, moved and sad!

After eating, Ye Qingxuan went to the backyard and rested in that house. Lying on the bed, he was thinking about how to get along better, but he just couldn't figure out how to get ahead. It's really good to have an errand as a soldier. By the way, I also helped the shepherd's family to solve one problem, killing two birds with one stone, this matter is okay.

Those people came to arrest people early in the morning on the second day, either they took the initiative to arrest people, or they arrested people by force.

This family is not willing to let Ye Qingxuan go, but there is no other way, Ye Qingxuan walked out of the courtyard when he saw the initiative, and said that I am the second son of this family, our family asked me to be a soldier, do you think I can do it?

The men on horseback looked young and just right. Say, "Okay, it's just you, come with us now."

The horseman asked again. "May I have your name?"

Ye Qingxuan replied, "My name is Ye Qingxuan, and I am the second son of this family."

These people wrote down the name of this person in their notebooks, and then took Ye Qingxuan away.

After Ye Qingxuan was taken away, his family's difficulties were completely resolved, but the family was not happy. They felt that they had harmed this young man. To serve as a soldier in this age would be to die. Few people could come back alive....

The whole family sat in the yard again without talking, feeling very sorry for Ye Qingxuan.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan left the family, followed these few as soldiers, and went to serve in the army.

Although Ye Qingxuan has no magic power now, he understands everything, and he understands everything, which is far beyond ordinary people.

Although Ye Qingxuan is a mortal, his previous cultivation is still in his body, it is permanent, no one can hurt him, especially in the human world, these weapons are too ordinary.

With Ye Qingxuan's knowledge, he can get along very well wherever he goes, and being a soldier is just a start, his idea is not just about being a soldier.

Ye Qingxuan's dream is to be successful in the world, and everyone envies him.

Ye Qingxuan followed the soldiers in 5.6. The place he first came to was not a regular army, but a gathering of villagers.

Ye Qingxuan is among these villagers. Ye Qingxuan looks very handsome, like a common name, so he stands out from the crowd.

Ye Qingxuan thought to himself, since he came to the human world, he had to follow the rules of others, take it slowly step by step.

Chapter 376 Departure

So Ye Qingxuan didn't actively express that he was here, he just followed the trend, and he could do whatever he wanted.

There are about 70 or 80 people gathered here. All the villagers went to serve as soldiers, some voluntarily, and some were forced to arrest.

Going to be a soldier is to defend the country and prevent foreign invaders from being bullied!

The head here spoke at this moment. "You are the newly recruited generals of the country. As long as you make meritorious deeds, everyone has a chance. We resist foreign attacks together. If someone dies, we will compensate his family members. If there are no family members, we will give them a proper burial. , if 22 has done meritorious service on the battlefield, he will be rewarded with a fief and king, and if he becomes a deserter, he will be punished by exterminating the nine clans, no matter who he is."

After the soldier's head finished speaking, he asked everyone, "Are there any questions?"

None of the seventy or eighty villagers spoke, Ye Qingxuan looked at them, and then spoke to the soldier's head. "When will we leave and how many days will we have to wait?"

The soldier looked at Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan. "There are still some villagers coming, and we will set off tomorrow."

Time passed quickly, and after a while, a few villagers came directly, and then they came, and on the second day they set off on the road together.

The heads of the soldiers each distributed some dry food to eat on the road. Because they were in a hurry and had little time to rest, they kept on going. After walking like this for three days and three nights, they finally arrived at the place.

During these three days and three nights on the road, I also saw many villagers coming here, all of whom came here to serve as soldiers.

This city is very large, with 100,000 troops gathered here, and they are all stationed here, and the number of troops is still expanding.

Ye Qingxuan was among these 100,000 people, a negligible soldier.

After they arrived here, they were formed into a team, and then divided into clothes and weapons. Ye Qingxuan was selected as the captain because of his youth, and the captain led 20 people.

Ye Qingxuan is currently leading 20 people, and he is the leader of these 20 people. He must listen to Ye Qingxuan for all arrangements for eating, drinking, and messing around.

Usually it's just drills and exercises. These people do physical combat and melee attacks, and they also need to know some engineering weapons and equipment.

Ye Qingxuan has practiced for thousands of years, he has never seen anything, and he doesn't know anything, as long as there is something, Ye Qingxuan knows what it is and what it is for at a glance.

With daily training like this, a month passed in no time.

On this day, an order came suddenly from above, asking everyone above the corporal leader to go to a meeting, and soon everyone gathered together.

A general guarding the city said on it. "We have received a notification from the front that there will be enemy troops coming to attack the city soon, and we must all be prepared.

It is time to raise soldiers and use them for a thousand days. Now is the time for you to perform. Everyone must raise their spirits and must fight this battle well. Those who make meritorious deeds must be rewarded. Everyone must be prepared. There will be a battle in the next few days There are a lot of new recruits who are going to fight in the big battle, there must be order, and this battle must be fought well, the time has come to train you. "

Many people were downcast after hearing such words. After all, fighting would kill people. Many people are unwilling, but there is no way, but Ye Qingxuan is very excited. It is very boring for Ye Qingxuan to stay here. It is boring to train those soldiers all day long. I feel that his opportunity has come, and it is time for him to flex his muscles.

Ye Qingxuan was a little excited at this moment, he stood up and shouted. "Invincible, invincible!".

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