"In that case, when we have to wait, we have to monitor them every day."

But that vitality outside the territory has two spiritual pets, two of which are flying in the sky, they are always spying in the sky, and scouting when they invade. "

"So if you want to know when the vitality outside the domain will cultivate, it is still very difficult."

The magic scorpion guardian directly came forward and said to the demon king: "It's not difficult, we will go to investigate every day, and the two guardians and I will go directly. If the magic soldiers are caught by them, they will be wiped out immediately. "

"After all, although our three guardians have fought against them, but they didn't win, we still have more than enough time to observe what they are doing (ccfg)."

Hearing what the Demon Scorpion Guardian said, Mozun felt that it was the only way to do this, otherwise it would be really difficult for them to defeat this extraterritorial vitality head-on.

Thinking of this, he really admires the vitality of this extraterritorial, that chaotic beast, he has not defeated, and he almost died in the hands of that chaotic beast.

But this extraterritorial vitality can defeat that chaotic beast, not to mention taking his Chaos Orb as its own, which means that this extraterritorial vitality is not an ordinary mortal.

He should be a fairy body, but he doesn't look like it. I don't know why, but he thinks the life outside this realm is very magical.

"Demon Lord, don't be in a hurry to defeat this extraterritorial vitality. Let's investigate first. In fact, they may not be so comfortable staying in the Demon Realm."

"When we have nothing to do, we will provoke them, but the Demon Lord doesn't want to go, just let me lead some demon soldiers. We don't fight directly, just disturb them."

"That way they don't know when we're going and when we're not, so they get confused and then we go for a surprise attack."

"Okay, let's leave this matter to your three guardians. It must be done properly. I want to **** back the Chaos Orb and the inner alchemy of the fuzzy guardian in the upgraded body from outside the domain." .

Chapter 368

It is impossible for them to come out of the chaotic world, pass through the demon world, and walk out of the demon world without stopping.

The price must be paid here, if they want to leave the devil world all the time?

The inner alchemy of the Chaos Orb and the Devil Tiger Guardian must be left behind. Maybe the inner alchemy in this extraterritorial body is better than that of the Devil Tiger Guardian.

Thinking of this, the devil is secretly thinking that if all these magic pills belong to him, then his ability will be upgraded much faster than this unexpected upgrade, maybe he can't stay in the devil world by then, maybe he can also become a fairy .

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but secretly happy, if that's the case, then he can go to heaven and sit on an equal footing with those fairies.

It's not like staying in the Demon Realm all day. Although the Demon Realm is very good, but as a Demon Lord, even going to the God Realm is not so easy.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan didn't expect that this Demon Lord's spirit was really high, not only wanted to keep the Chaos Orb for himself, but also wanted to take all the power of those elixir in his body for himself.

But that Demon Venerable didn't want to think about how strong his own power was, even if he wanted it now as a fairy body. Direct ascension will not be so easy.

What's more, it's from the devil world, he must have thought too beautifully.

Now they can't directly fight against the Demon Lord, because they don't know what else in the Demon Realm they don't know, they just need to wait here quietly for the Demon Lord to come to them.

And just taking advantage of this opportunity, these spiritual pets and themselves are taking good care of themselves.

Because after all, they have been fighting with the guardians and soldiers of the demon world for so long, and they are also a little tired. Even though they are spiritual pets, they will also be tired, because they will also consume physical strength.

But now Ye Qingxuan feels that he still needs to get out of the Demon Realm as soon as possible, and he can't delay too long in the Demon Realm, because he still wants to directly ascend to the upper limit, and if he stays in the Demon Realm for this time, it will be delayed.

And these people in the Demon Realm will stare at them all the time.

And these spiritual pets should also pay attention at all times, these guardians and demon soldiers from the demon world will come to declare war on them at any time.

At this time, the three guardians of the demon world looked at their position from a distance, wondering when they would go to have a look and fight them again.


Although they had no chance of winning after two battles, it shouldn't be easy for them to get the Chaos Orb in the body of the vitality outside the territory.

Even Mozun didn't take advantage of the vitality of the outside world, let alone their three guardians, but they can't take it by force, they have to outsmart it.


They have to find a way to break them up. If this is the case, can they be defeated very well?

Now they don't know what to do, because these extraterrestrial organisms and these spiritual pets are too powerful, and it is really difficult for them to deal with them.

And those spiritual pets are very good at protecting the life outside that domain.

It is not easy to directly fight against the vitality outside the territory, they can only go to investigate, and they can only take action when they see the vitality outside the territory and then cultivate immortality or refine the Chaos Orb.

At this time, Demon Venerable can defeat that extraterritorial vitality in one fell swoop,

But this only needs to wait for the opportunity, I don’t know how long it will take to open the door.

Chapter 369

But they must help the Demon Lord to grab the Chaos Orb.

Because only when the demon master becomes immortal, then they can follow him to achieve true fruition.

If they just stay in the demon world like this, they will always be demons and never become immortals.

In fact, the three guardians of the demon world are also very envious of Cheng Xian.

They don't want to just be demons forever, but it's impossible to wait like this, now is an opportunity "two eight three", they not only want to help the demon king become immortal.

They want to become immortals themselves, so that they can ascend to the middle immortals and upper immortals, and they can also reach the level of those immortals.

Because every time they meet those fairies, even if they are just little fairies, they will treat these demons with special respect.

So they thought, if they just cultivated into a little fairy, it would be better than they are now the protectors of the demon world.

They are all coveting the Chaos Orb in Ye Qingxuan's body here, but they didn't think that the Chaos Orb was something they could bear?

Except for a body like Ye Qingxuan, even the Demon Lord might not be able to refine the Chaos Orb in his body.

And now Ye Qingxuan decided that he would sit down and practice this Chaos Orb quietly.

He wanted to feel it, to feel the Chaos Orb in his body, what stage it was now, he told Ziyu Qilin to watch over it, because this time he would not refine it.

He just wanted to calm down and feel, feel the Chaos Orb.

The purple jade unicorn said to its master: "Don't worry, master, I will take good care of you."

Ye Qingxuan was very relieved to have the purple unicorn, because even though the purple unicorn had disobeyed him before, he was the most responsible.

He said he will protect himself, and he is the kind of person who will be willing to do and pay for you as long as he recognizes you, so now these spiritual pets of his treat him Is loyal.

The purple unicorn stood directly beside Ye Qingxuan, and he ordered these spiritual pets to be scattered around, and they had to keep an eye on six directions and listen to all directions, in case those Demon Lord's men came to invade them.

Although the master is not ascending or refining this time, they must also be careful, be careful of the evildoers of those demons.

Now. Mozun was still thinking about the Chaos Orb in his hall, he was thinking that if the Chaos Orb became his own, it would be his greatest glory.

He decided that he would never let this vitality from outside the territory go, he wanted to **** the Chaos Orb from the body of this vitality from outside the territory, no matter what price he had to pay.

Even if it is to sacrifice the life of his Demon Lord, he will do so, because if he does not want to live in that Chaos, he will always be in the Demon Realm.

Although he is the highest leader in the demon world, his heart is very high. He wants to become a fairy, he wants to go to the fairy world and be equal to those fairies.

When I want others to see me, I have that kind of respectful gaze, so that those little immortals will not look down on me when they see me as a demon.

Think here. He must try his best to get the Chaos Orb.

And this time, when Ye Qingxuan was sitting and feeling the Chaos Race, he clearly felt that the Chaos Orb and the aura in his body were mixed together.

The highest degree of mixing has not been completed yet, but they feel that the Chaos Orb has been mixed with their body.

Chapter 370 Energy of Chaos Orb

Ye Qingxuan felt that the Chaos Orb began to move in his body, and there was an indescribable joy.

This feeling made Ye Qingxuan's state reach its peak, he was really going to become a fairy, Ye Qingxuan was thinking in his heart, the time of his dream has finally arrived, how many people want him.

At this time, the body slowly began to heat up, and the whole body was heating up. That kind of hot feeling, as if the body was burning and seemed to be transformed.

Ye Qingxuan is enjoying this process slowly here.

At this time, his eyes suddenly went dark, and the hot feeling became more and more serious. Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and couldn't see anything, but felt that everything was very dark, as if he was going through a catastrophe.

Ye Qing22xuan understands that if this process stops, then he will truly become a fairy. At that time, everyone will focus on me, envy me very much, and his mana will also increase greatly.

Ye Qingxuan felt very uncomfortable as something was swelling in his body, it was getting bigger and longer, and his whole body was hot.

Ye Qingxuan used his own internal strength to control it a little bit, it seemed that the more he controlled it, the more he expanded and the hotter he got.

The power of this chaotic orb is really great, and it will take a while to truly integrate with the body.

Ye Qingxuan suddenly couldn't hold back the strength of his body, he bulged out, feeling that the muscles all over his body had begun to swell, the blood circulation was getting faster and faster, and his clothes were torn by the muscles.

This feeling is getting stronger and stronger, and I feel that my body is about to explode.

Ye Qingxuan forcibly controlled this expansion with his own internal force, but it didn't seem to work, the more he controlled, the more it expanded.

Everyone around was looking at him. Ye Qingxuan's body swelled, as if it was beyond his control, his clothes were all bursting, his head began to swell with pain, and his sweat began to flow down.

At this time, the expansion speed seems to be getting faster and faster, and the body is getting hotter and hotter, as if it is about to burn.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan thought to himself that it is not easy to become a fairy, and he must suffer this catastrophe. No matter what, I have to get through it, and I can't give up halfway.

Here, Ye Qingxuan resisted the changes in his body's swelling, and he still felt hot.

Ye Qingxuan became more and more uncomfortable, his head swelled unbearably, his body was still changing, and his body temperature was still rising. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted somewhere, and at this moment, his whole body Finally unable to hold back anymore, it exploded in an instant.

With a loud bang, the whole world became quiet and darkened.

Ye Qingxuan didn't know how long he had slept, and he woke up from the pain. He felt his body was much lighter and less uncomfortable, but he seemed to be limp and weak.

Ye Qingxuan gently opened his eyes, but he couldn't see anything, as if there was a ray of light in the distance, far away from him.

Ye Qingxuan 290 feels that he is now in a corner that no one knows, and the whole world is extremely quiet.

Ye Qingxuan felt that his body was extremely tired, and he didn't even have the strength to open his eyes. He just wanted to close his eyes and take a good rest without thinking about anything.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Qingxuan fell into a drowsy sleep, and after an unknown amount of time, Ye Qingxuan suddenly woke up and came over.

Ye Qingxuan slowly opened his eyes, a strong light pierced into Ye Qingxuan's eyes, this light was so strong that Ye Qingxuan didn't dare to open his eyes at all.

After a while of relief, Ye Qingxuan felt that he could accept the strong light, and then slowly opened his eyes, and he saw the blue sky.

Chapter 371, 372 Strong Light Piercing

The surrounding world is very quiet, Ye Qingxuan suddenly remembered the Chaos Orb, could it be that I have become a fairy now, or more powerful than a fairy?

Ye Qingxuan doesn't even know where he is now, or what he looks like now.

Ye Qingxuan gently raised his hand, and put it in front of his eyes. He wanted to see what he had become, but was shocked when she raised her hand and saw his hand.

My hands are very immature and very small, just like a baby.

He didn't know why it became like this, but he remembered that when Chaos was living and running in his body, he felt that he was going to explode, and then he really exploded when he couldn't bear it, and then he didn't know anything.

He thought of the Lord of the Rings, the gods, the guardians of the devil world, and many people, but he didn't know where these people were, and he didn't know where he was.

Ye Qingxuan tried to raise his legs and hands, and felt that his body had recovered a little, with a little strength.

Ye Qingxuan tried to sit up, but he didn't seem to have the strength to sit up. You are Ye Qingxuan, just lying there looking at the sky and thinking a lot.

I don't know when he fell asleep again, and I don't know how long he woke up again. He looked at the sky again, remembering what happened now, the changes in his body after the Chaos Orb was running in his body, she couldn't help it. I remembered.

Suddenly Ye Qingxuan sat up. Looking at his body, Ye Qingxuan was shocked when he saw his body, why did I become like this, looking at my body is like a baby, like a child, my hands are very small and immature, he I don't know what's going on, how could it be like this? Where am I now Who am I.

There is nothing around, just a prairie, an endless prairie, the weather is very good, the wind is sunny.

After Ye Qingxuan stood up, he ran wildly on the grassland. He wanted to find someone to ask who this is, who am I, and what happened?

Ye Qingxuan ran for a long time but did not find anyone, and no one escaped from this grassland.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan's body felt very tired. After running for so long, no one was seen. What's going on? what happened can anyone tell me?

Ye Qingxuan lay on the grassland looking at the sky, thinking about something, and unconsciously fell asleep again.

I don't know how long I slept this time. Ye Qingxuan slowly woke up. Looking at the sky and thinking about something, he suddenly remembered that he had turned into a baby. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan sat up suddenly and looked at his body.

Now it is no longer a baby, he is an adult, his body is no longer so immature, he doesn't know what happened, or he slept for too long, how could there be such a big change, could it be that before Hallucination?

Ye Qingxuan thought it was not a hallucination, but this grassland, when he woke up, he saw that he was a baby running here, and fell asleep when he was tired from running, and when he woke up, it was the same as now.

This time Ye Qingxuan didn't want to run or sleep any more, he just wanted to figure out what was going on, and how could I become like this.

Ye Qingxuan looked around, there seemed to be a house in the distance, Ye Qingxuan walked over there and looked not far away, it was time consuming to walk, Ye Qingxuan felt that he could never get anywhere.

Chapter 372 History

The sun was almost setting, and he just came here. It seemed that he had traveled a long distance.

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