I saw the demon soldiers fell behind one by one. Although they didn't die, they were injured countless.

Mo Zunyan 280 looked at his demon soldiers who couldn't stand up to Ye Qingxuan's spiritual pets, so he was a little anxious to be honest, but he couldn't be distracted now, he wanted to deal with Ye Qingxuan wholeheartedly.

This vitality outside the territory is really difficult to deal with. Seeing that he didn't use the tricks mentioned by the three major protectors of the demon world, he only saw the shadow and did not see the sword's tricks, but now even if he uses his wrist knife to deal with the vitality outside the territory This sword, it is a bit difficult.

Because his heart is not here at all, he is still worried about his demon soldiers, and the three guardians of the demon world (ccfg) seem to have no chance of winning against those spiritual pets, and they have not gained the upper hand.

He thought that he couldn't love to fight anymore, if he used his best ability, he would directly defeat the vitality outside this domain here.

Speaking of thinking about him, he directly concentrated his whole body's internal energy on his wrist knife, and saw two golden lights piercing through the wrist knife.

These two golden lights rushed towards Ye Qingxuan, and Ye Qingxuan dodged directly, and he saw that this was the demon master's trick.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan took back the Tianjue Sword and controlled the sword with his mind. At this time, he saw many sword shadows and many sword souls around the Demon Lord.

The Demon Lord saw it, and it wasn't the sword at all, but the shadow of the sword. This must be the shadow of the sword that their demon guardian said.

He swung his wrist knife directly to block those sword shadows, but he saw those sword shadows turning around, there was no one he could attack, and they were more flexible, no matter how fast the wrist knife was, they couldn't cut his sword shadows , and as soon as he saw this sword shadow, he just flashed past.

Ye Qingxuan stayed away from the Demon Lord, where he directly controlled the Tianjue Sword with his mind, and under his thought, the Tianjue Sword directly sent out a lot of power and went straight to the Demon Lord.

And the demon king is not very simple, after all, it is a demon in the magic world.

He directly flew up to a high place to avoid those sword shadows, but used his wrist knife to spew out those glittering golden sword shadows to mix with Ye Qingxuan's sword shadows again, only to hear "crackling, crackling" in the air All the voices sounded there, and the spiritual pets underground looked to the sky.

In the sky, the Master and the Demon Venerable were in a close fight. Now it seems that although the Master's ability is not inferior to that Demon Venerable, it is still difficult to defeat the Demon Venerable directly.

They must use all their strength to defeat these magic soldiers and protectors. They will help Ye Qingxuan.

Because they know that Ye Qingxuan's ability is very strong, but when he is practicing...

Chapter 363 Shocked

Because the three major protectors of the demon world were disrupted, they would definitely suffer a small physical shock, so Ye Qingxuan probably hasn't recovered now.

Ye Qingxuan silently recited the Yulong Jue, and now he wants to try what kind of power the Chaos Yulong Jue can exert. He uses the Yulong Jue to control his Tianjue Sword in his heart.

At this time, the Tianjue Sword jumped up beside him and flew directly towards the Demon Venerable, shaking the Demon Venerable's Demon Saber almost out of the Demon Venerable's hand. The Demon Venerable stepped back a few steps, he thought How can there be such a big force?

Could this power be the same power that they split the mountain just now? But now this power is split on his own wrist knife.

However, he didn't let his wrist knife fall off from his hand. Now it seems that this upgrade outside the domain has not yet cultivated the divine power he said.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan just wanted to try the power of his Chaos Dragon Control Art, but he didn't want to hurt his body because of this.

He just wanted to try it out, and now he used his Tianjue Sword to use the sword souls of Tianjiejian, Phantom and Tianjuejian.

This time he didn't go towards the Demon Lord, but flew directly towards the demon soldiers of the Demon Lord, and saw that the sword soul and sword shadow directly beat the demon soldiers of the Demon Lord to pieces.

They shot quite a distance, because Ye Qingxuan felt that he had to use the sword shadow and sword soul of Tianjue Sword to directly defeat these demon soldiers, otherwise he was afraid that his spiritual pets would be hurt by these demon soldiers.

After all, there are only a few of his spiritual pets, and there are indeed a lot of those magic soldiers. After defeating one group after another, he is afraid that his spiritual pets will not be able to deal with these, after all, their physical strength is still limited.

When the Demon Lord saw the phantom and sword soul released by Ye Qingxuan's Tianjue Sword, he felt that it was really as his demon guardian said, this sword shadow and sword soul were really powerful, and directly beat those demon soldiers to death The dead, the wounded.

Now it seems that he must be careful about this extraterritorial vitality and his Heavenly Absolute Sword. Although he is a Demon Lord, he may not be able to beat this Heavenly Absolute Sword.

In fact, Ye Qingxuan didn't improve quickly when he cultivated in the demon world, although it should be much better here than in the chaotic world.


But it is not as fast as in the mortal world, so now his ability has not reached its peak. If he uses his maximum ability, he is afraid that it will backfire, and all the spiritual power in his body will be counterproductive.

So now he is not in a hurry to defeat the Demon Lord, he wants to slowly release these energies in his body, just like just now, when he feels that he has finished practicing the Chaos Dragon Control Art in his body.


A lot of energy was aroused in his body, which he couldn't release, and now he could practice slowly with this Demon Lord, and release all the pent-up energy in his body.

Ye Qingxuan directly withdrew the sword soul and phantom of the Tianjue sword, and at this time the Demon Lord also stopped.

He looked at Ye Qingxuan in the air and said: "What kind of martial arts are you doing? Why have you never seen your sword before?"

When Ye Qingxuan saw the Demon Venerable asking himself this question, he didn't answer. He just looked at the Demon Venerable and said, "Why is the Demon Venerable the leader of the Demon Realm? How could he not have seen my Heavenly Absolute Sword?"

Chapter 364 Coveting the Sword

"The Tianjue Sword is my precious sword, and the phantoms and sword spirits emitted by my sword cannot be resisted by you."

At this time, Mozun was already very interested in the Tianjue Sword in Ye Qingxuan's hand, and he thought that if he defeated Ye Qingxuan, would the Tianjue Sword be his own.

And he can also use the sword soul and phantom of Tianjue Sword like Ye Qingxuan, so isn't he in the demon world, even in the fairy world, he can be counted on the fingers of his fingers.

Thinking of this, he looked directly at Ye Qingxuan's Tianjue Sword with greedy eyes.

Ye Qingxuan knew that this Demon Lord was coveting his Heavenly Absolute Sword.

But he didn't expect that not everyone can practice this Heavenly Absolute Sword, and he himself has gone mad, let alone this Demon Lord.

Moreover, he had already eaten eight elixir in his body, and later ate the three elixir that he refined.

Moreover, these elixirs of his own are not ordinary elixirs, and not everyone can refine them.

The Primal Chaos Qi in his body and the immortal energy refined by the elixir are now in his body, which is not an ordinary body.

Because I have the Chaos Bead of the Chaos Divine Beast in my body, and I have trained that Chaos Bead into the Chaos Dragon Control Technique, so now my body is not a mortal's body at all, but a fairy body.

And Mozun is a demon, how can he be compared with himself, Chaos Yulong is definitely not something that can be refined by humans, and Tianjue Sword is not a demon of the demon way, so he can take it as his own and refine it into his own. into this.

But how could Mozun know that the current Ye Qingxuan already had the Chaos Orb in his body.

Because he also knows that the Chaos Beast has Chaos Orbs in its body, but he feels that Chaos Orbs are not available to everyone.

That Chaos God Beast can't kill him casually, but now he thinks that Ye Qingxuan should have got the Chaos Orb.

Otherwise, how could they come out of the chaotic world and come to their own demon world.

And now he has also seen the kind of power contained in Ye Qingxuan's body, and it is just a small one. If he refines the Chaos Orb in his body, then he doesn't know what his power will be like in the future.

When he was splitting that mountain, it should be that Chaos Orb was in his body, it was refining...

I have also been to the chaotic world, but I did not defeat the chaotic beast, he was defeated and fled.

And now that this extraterrestrial vitality and his spiritual pets can come out of the chaotic world safely, it proves that the chaotic beast has been wiped out by them. If this is the case, he really has no ability to deal with that chaotic beast. The divine power of vitality outside the territory.

But now Ye Qingxuan didn't want to know whether the Demon Lord wanted his own sword or had other ideas, he felt that he couldn't continue to fight with him like this now.

He said to the Demon Venerable, "Demon Venerable, since you want to fight me, then we 5.6 will fight to the end."

But I don't know what this Demon Venerable is thinking now, but he said: "That's it for today, I don't want to fight with you anymore." He said and flew away from the sky.

And his three guardians of the demon world saw the demon king flying away, and they followed directly behind and flew up. At this time, his demon soldiers saw that the main demon master and the three guardians had already returned.

Chapter 365 Protect Yourself

What's the use of them still fighting here, and they can't stand up to these leaders, so I saw their demon king flying in front and the three guardians of the demon world following behind, and those demon soldiers ran underground.

It's really spectacular to look at. Could it be that he escaped? But I didn't have a few rounds with that demon, what was the demon thinking?

Could it be that when you go back, do you think of any other ways to deal with yourself? But now Ye Qingxuan doesn't care about these things, he directly flies into the sky. twenty two

Watching his own spiritual pets check one by one to see if they were injured, these spiritual pets were not injured at all, because those magic soldiers were not their opponents at all.

And Ziyu Qilin was more than enough to deal with the magic scorpion guardians, so none of their spiritual pets were injured.

Seeing this, Ye Qingxuan smiled gratifiedly and said: "You guys are really good, you must protect yourself in the future."

The spiritual pets saw that their master was not injured, so they sat there happily. Although there was no winner in this battle, the Demon Lord left by himself after all.

And now they don't know what the demon is thinking, is there any other tricks waiting for them, but they think that no matter what the demon has, they will fight, and they are not afraid to obey the demon.

At this time, Ziyu Qilin stepped forward and said to Ye Qingxuan: "Master, is it because the three guardians of the demon world affected you when you were refining the Chaos Orb, and you haven't recovered yet?"

Seeing Ziyu Qilin say this, Ye Qingxuan nodded and said, "Yes, it's just that it hasn't recovered, it's not a serious problem."

"However, I think it is still very slow to ascend in this demon world, because although the demon world and the chaotic world cannot be compared, it is still somewhat difficult to refine the Chaos Dragon Control Art in the demon world."

"Although it is difficult, it can be refined, but it can't be refined easily, because I don't know when the demon will come back with his demon guardians."

"If they don't know whether they will be successful in the process of quantification, they may go crazy, and at that time, all previous efforts will be wasted."

Ziyu Qilin said: "Then why didn't the master take the inner alchemy of the magic tiger protector? Maybe the inner alchemy can help the master refine the Chaos Yulong Jue as soon as possible?"

Ye Qingxuan took out the inner alchemy of the Demon Tiger Guardian, and looked at it in his hand, the inner alchemy was crystal clear, because the Demon Tiger Guardian is not an ordinary demon soldier, he is a demon in the Lord of the Rings who is only under the Demon Lord.

And his inner alchemy will definitely be very useful, and it will be helpful to him.

But now he dare not take it, because there are too many pills in his body, and he doesn't want to use this inner pill to have any effect, because if the inner pill and those pills have a bad effect, it will be counterproductive .

Now he only needs to wait until he has mastered the Chaos Dragon Control Jue before taking this inner alchemy. At that time, he thinks that this inner alchemy will definitely help him and make the Chaos Yu Long Jue more able to exert his power.

These spiritual pets surrounded Ye Qingxuan, they all listened to what Ye Qingxuan's family said, and the spiritual pets actually admired Ye Qingxuan very much.

When they were with Ye Qingxuan, they all looked at Ye Qingxuan with that kind of admiration, and especially Ziyu Qilin, it is said that he was very dissatisfied at the time.

Chapter 366 Ascension Together

But now he admires Ye Qingxuan the most, because Ye Qingxuan's ability is very strong, it's not like he hasn't seen it before.

Moreover, when Ye Qingxuan was in the chaotic world, it was obvious that he should not be able to ascend, but he used his own ability to directly ascend to the immortal in the chaotic world.

Then, when he ascends to become an immortal, it is just around the corner, and they will be able to ascend together at that time.

Because Ye Qingxuan ascended, his spiritual pets also directly ascended to a certain stage, so they not only helped Ye Qingxuan, but also helped themselves.

Now it seems that these spiritual pets are not all for Ye Qingxuan, and while they are for Ye Qingxuan, they also let their own abilities soar.

But now the Mist Beast and the others are at the end, I don't know why, Ye Qingxuan looked directly and called the Mist Beast to come over.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the two fog beasts.

"What's the matter with you? Could it be that you were injured in the fight just now?"

The two fog beasts didn't speak, but their expressions showed that they seemed to be in pain now, Ye Qingxuan directly pulled them over, he didn't look carefully just now.

Now I can see that there are obviously some scars on the legs of the two fog beasts. This is the masterpiece of those magic soldiers.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan felt that their internal strength had been hurt, so he directly told the two fog beasts to sit down and let him heal them.

Ye Qingxuan directly used his divine power to directly input into the bodies of the two spirit beasts, only to see the two fog beasts, with a sudden shock, they felt waves of heat input into their bodies.

But after a while, they felt as if their bodies were going to float up, and at this moment, the wounds on their legs were healing at a speed they could see.

Ye Qingxuan didn't recover his divine power until he was completely healed.

Ye Qingxuan looked at his spiritual pets and said: "No matter what battle you are in in the future, if you are injured, you must tell me in advance, I will heal your injuries, don't wait until I find out, you know? I don't want any of you The pet is hurt."

Ye Qingxuan felt sorry for his spiritual pets, because with these spiritual pets, he could ascend with peace of mind. If it wasn't for these spiritual pets, he wouldn't have ascended so fast when he was in the chaotic world.

And when these spiritual pets angered the Chaos beasts. Only then did he have time to ascend, and he ascended so quickly.

Now they all have to work together, because when they ascend, they will also get the same progress.

When the spiritual pets saw Ye Qingxuan say this, they all nodded, because they knew they were Ye Qingxuan, but Ye Qingxuan was also for them, and they looked at their master gratefully in their hearts.

Now that the Demon Lord has left and will not continue to fight with them, then they have to sit down and do a good job (with money) and adjust their own information. These leaders are all around Ye Qingxuan, because When they are adjusting their body's aura, they also have to protect Ye Qingxuan, lest the demon world come back again.

At this time, the Demon Lord returned to his Demon Palace, and in his palace in the Demon Palace, his beauties were waiting for him.

But at this time, they saw that the Demon Lord was not happy, and they hurriedly stepped back to the side, and the Demon Lord sat on his throne.

Chapter 367

He looked at the three guardians and said: "The vitality of this extraterrestrial is really powerful. He must have defeated that chaotic beast in the chaotic world, and he must have that chaotic orb in his body now."

"I think the fact that the mountain was split open is the power generated by the Chaos Orb in his body."

"If not, the mountain in my demon world can be easily split by the vitality from the outside world. Now we have to think about how to get the Chaos Orb in the upgraded body from the outside world."

The three guardians of the demon world stepped forward and said, "If you want to get the 280 Chaos Orbs from the vitality body outside this domain, you have to wait until he is practicing ascension, when he is at his weakest." .”

If we confront him head-on now, we must not be his opponents, and Mozun has also seen that those spiritual pets under him are not easy to deal with, even if we have 100,000 demon soldiers, we are not the opponents of these spiritual pets. "

"Because our magic soldiers are not that powerful, they just make up the numbers."

After listening to what the three guardians said, Mozun felt that it made sense, but since they wanted to wait until the vitality outside the domain was cultivating, they could not attack.

But he didn't know when the vitality outside the domain could be cultivated.

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