This time, I transferred my internal energy to the Tianjue Sword, and pointed towards a mountain in the distance, and saw the phantom transformed by the Tianjue Sword, like a sharp machete, slashing at the mountain.

Unexpectedly, when I heard this mountain, a crack was cut in the middle in an instant, and at the place where it was cut by the welcome of Tianjue Sword, gravel rolled down from the mountain crackling.

The three guardians who are meditating behind this mountain, and the monsters next to them who are training, are protecting the practice site of the three guardians.

These monsters watched helplessly as the mountain in front of them was cut off by a super-powerful force, and the rubble on the broken city rolled down the mountain crackling, many monsters were startled.

Then these monsters let out a burst of roars, and they heard the crazy roars of all kinds of monsters in the entire valley.

The three guardians, who were meditating, heard the roar of the monsters, and thought that something had happened, and they were still thinking secretly in their hearts.

Could it be that the extraterrestrial life came to find them and attack them?

So when the three guardians quickly restrained their breath, opened their eyes, looked at the mountain in front of them, and then looked around, but they didn't see Ye Qingxuan's shadow, and they were secretly thinking, what's going on?

I heard a small leader of the Warcraft family running towards the three guardians, trembling there and reporting to the three guardians.

"Three protectors, I don't know where the power came from. We saw a golden light split the mountain, and we saw gravel rolling down."

The three protectors heard the little leader of the monster say this, and they secretly thought in their hearts that in the entire demon world, apart from this external vitality, there should be no other people with the greatest power. If there is one, it is the demon king.

Chapter 347 Scary Power

But even if Mozun came here, he would not meet them in this way.

Excluding other possible occurrences, the current situation should be the vitality that flew from outside the sky.

The three guardians looked at this split mountain, and couldn't help but be surprised. This mountain is in the devil world. Although it is not the highest, it is also a relatively large mountain range. It was chopped open by a super energy just like that.

The Demon Lord here is ready to go, ready to lead 100,000 people to the southeast corner of the Demon Realm immediately, when he heard the sound of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking in the southeast corner, as if an earthquake had occurred.

At this time, the Demon Lord opened his consciousness and looked towards the southeast corner of the Demon Realm. He couldn't help but be surprised. He saw a mountain in the southeast corner being chopped open by an unknown force, and the gravel in the middle was crackling. Roll down the hill.

Seeing this situation, Mozun couldn't help but be very surprised, what kind of life is this extraterrestrial life.

It is so powerful that a mountain can be split alive. What kind of power does it have?

At this time, Mozun hurriedly took his 100,000 horses and set off to the southeast corner of the Demon Realm.

The few spirit beasts around Ye Qingxuan turned into this after seeing the mountain in front of them.

He couldn't help being very surprised in his heart, he turned to look at Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan was also stunned there, he just wanted to try his own Tianjue Sword, what kind of ability has he reached now!

But he didn't expect that his Tianjue Sword could really cut through the mountains in front of him. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan was thinking whether his sword was stronger or his body was stronger.

Ye Qingxuan restrained his aura at this time, let his aura gradually become stable, and slowly suppressed his own Danhai, not letting it change, and exerted force outward again.

Instead, he used his body's internal strength to refine the Heavenly Absolute Sword Jue once again, transforming into a sword soul and phantom and slashing into the distance.

However, it was discovered that the energy emitted by the Tianjue Sword this time seemed to be very small, not even one-thousandth of the size of the sword just now.

Ye Qingxuan understood at this moment, the sword just now could cut off the mountain in front of him, it was the strength of his body.


In addition, judging from the sword soul and phantom transformed from the Tianjue Sword just now, Ye Qingxuan felt that he should have used the Chaos God Orb to cultivate the power of Chaos this time.

Now it has reached the development state of the Chaos Dragon Control Art, because the Chaos Dragon Control Art does not have unlimited ranks.

This time Ye Qingxuan finally understood in her heart that she should be in the initial development state of refining the Chaos Dragon Control Art now.


If you can use it freely in the future, you can meditate more diligently, and you can continue to rejuvenate yourself, so that your magic power and skill will rise infinitely.

Ye Qingxuan was very happy at this time, and finally able to activate the technique of Chaos Dragon Control Art.

Ye Qingxuan was very happy to see the situation in front of him, knowing that he had started a new journey, so he practiced harder.

Here Mozun has brought his 100,000 army and found the three guardians.

The three guardians sensed the arrival of the Mozun, slowly restrained their breath, opened their eyes, and saw that the Mozun had brought 100,000 troops to their door.

Chapter 348 Treatment

The three guardians hurried up to meet their Lord Mozun, and knelt down in front of him.

Mozun saw that his three guardians had been meditating here for such a long time, but it seemed that the bodies of the three of them were still very fragile.

At this time, Mozun asked the three guardians.

"Three beloved generals, how are your injuries now? Looking at you, why are you still "two five three" so weak?"

The three guardians are a little embarrassed to kneel on the ground at this time. Tell me about this situation. After all, as the general of the world as the demon king, he actually injured a general for the first time in his first expedition. The remaining three of them, now really It's because the injury hasn't recovered yet, and she's very weak.

But since there was a contradiction, the adults had already asked them questions and had to answer them. At this time, the dragon protector first reported to the demon king.

"Lord Mozun blamed the negligence of the villains this time. I didn't expect the vitality from the outside world to be so powerful. The four of us joined forces and didn't hurt him at all. It was really our mistake this time."

"Master Mozun, please condemn us."

Mozun heard what the three of them said, and seeing that the three of them were so seriously injured, he hurriedly said to the three guardians.

"The three love generals are flattened. This time, the vitality from the outside world is really powerful, and I can feel its power."

"When I was flying here, I saw this three times bigger in front of you, a super powerful force, said to be split into two."

"This extraterrestrial vitality has such a powerful force. Even I may not be her opponent, not to mention that the three of you can escape death by a narrow margin."

"Originally, I came here with the intention of directly attacking that extraterrestrial life, but when I saw this extraterrestrial life, I was able to split the mountain in front of me into two."

"I knew that the energy of life outside the sky is super powerful, so we must be prepared tactically so that we can attack this life outside the domain."

"You guys come and sit here first, and I will heal the three of you first. Only when the three of you are healed can you help me..."

At this time, the magic dragon protector, the magic snake protector and the magic scorpion protector, the three protectors stood side by side in front of Lord Mozun.

At this time, I saw Master Mozun lightly leaping and floating in mid-air, stretching out his palm and transforming into three ways. The super strong internal force is sent to the body of these three guardians, quickly helping the three guardians to heal their wounds.

Due to the continuous input of internal force into the body of the three guardians, the bodies of the three guardians began to get better and better. After a while, the bodies of the three guardians completely healed and regained their vitality.

The three guardians sensed their own bodies and returned to their previous state. They couldn't help but be very happy. They knelt down in front of the demon king and reported to the demon king 5.6.

"Thank you, Lord Mozun, for quickly healing our wounds, so that we can enter the team of crusade against this external vitality as soon as possible."

I saw that the bodies of the three of them had recovered, so I continued to discuss with the three of them, and from the fact that the three of them had already fought with this extraterritorial life force, I knew what martial arts and weapons this extraterritorial life force had.

Chapter 349 Prepare Tactics

At this time, I heard the Raptor Protector talking to Lord Mozun.

"I don't know why Master Mozun has this extraterrestrial vitality. He is very powerful, and he has a sword in his hand. I don't know what kind of sword it is. It seems very magical."

"When it used this sword to fight in the war, it was able to radiate countless phantoms and attack us, tightly binding our bodies."

"And this kind of welcoming power is like thousands of knives cutting our body, it is very painful."

"Besides, there is a purple jade unicorn among the spirit beasts that are alive outside the sky. This purple jade unicorn is also very flexible, but this time the purple jade unicorn is a beast on the ground, so 22 and the others will not ascend. "

"Among the many spirit beasts living in this extraterrestrial world, there are two spirit beasts that can ascend, one is the colorful divine phoenix, and the other is an ancient flood dragon."

"Although these two divine beasts are not as high as the ones on the ground, they are quick to fly and have strong attack power, so they are quite difficult to deal with. Two spirit beasts."

"Moreover, there seems to be a very large earth demon bear spirit beast on the ground. Although this spirit beast is not very tall in the fairy world, its strength is quite large, and it has a relatively burly figure and relatively strong strength."

Lord Mozun heard what the Demon Dragon Guardian said and continued to ask them.

"How many spirit beasts does this extraterrestrial life force have? Are there any other special spirit beasts?"

At this time, the magic scorpion protector thought about it, and reported back to Lord Mozun.

"Master Mozun is an extraterrestrial vitality. It has about six or seven spirit beasts. Among these many spirit beasts, there is also a clouded leopard beast and a fierce tiger spirit beast. They also look more ferocious and powerful."

"The remaining two mist beasts seem to have no ability and are weak and ordinary. They are just two very ordinary spirit beasts."

Mozun heard a few of them introduce this extraterrestrial life force and his few spirit beasts, secretly thinking about what kind of tactics they should use to attack this extraterrestrial life force, their chances of winning would be greater.

Here, Ye Qingxuan has been cultivating continuously, these spirit beasts are underground, watching their master refining the Heavenly Absolute Sword.

Especially the mountain like that just now, the mountain that was slammed across the past, was split open by their master's Tianjue sword.

Several spirit beasts couldn't help being very surprised to see this situation.

Marvel at how powerful their master is, because when their master becomes stronger and stronger, their immortal rank and mana also become stronger with the master's strength.

The purple jade unicorn lay on the ground looking at its 257 master, and there would be no secret admiration in his heart. His master also wanted to see that his chance with this master was really great.

Because Qilin was still very dissatisfied when it first signed the contract link with Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan thought that it was just an ordinary ancestor and couldn't control himself at all.

I didn't expect its owner to reach such a high level in a short period of time after this time and time again, especially his law and skills are particularly powerful.

It was able to break the nodules of this chaotic world, but if it wasn't for falling into the demon world, it should be much stronger than it is now, and the speed of cultivation will be faster.

Chapter 350 Demon Venerable Comes to Crusade

When Ziyu Qilin was subdued by Ye Qingxuan, he was still unwilling. He thought that he was such an ordinary person, and wanted to turn himself into his subordinate. Didn't he think that he was overqualified?

But now it seems that his master's ability is not so strong, and he has already ascended to Zhongxian in a short period of time.

Now that he has developed the Chaos Orb in his body, if time passes, then his master will be even more powerful than he is now.

And when the master's Tianjue sword directly split the mountain just now, he knew that the master's power was accumulating.

If that day comes, he doesn't know what stage the master will reach.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the purple jade unicorn and lay there looking at himself. He didn't know what this purple jade unicorn was thinking about?

But he didn't think about it. He now felt that there was still a lot of power in his body that hadn't been vented.

It's as if a lot of energy is accumulated in the body, but there is no way to send it out. This feeling is quite uncomfortable.

So he must find a way to use these divine powers. It would be best if those Demon Lords came to fight at this time.

He will let the demon master have a good taste of his power, and have a good taste of his Chaos Dragon Control Art.

The ancient dragon and the colorful phoenix were flying in the sky. At this time, they flew into the distance again. They saw the demon guardians, and beside the demon guardians stood a mighty man. That should be their master. Mozun.

And behind the demon king, the army of the demon world is behind them, densely packed, it seems that there are really many.

The ancient flood dragon and the colorful divine phoenix directly flew down and landed beside their master.

Said to the master: "Master, the three demon guardians are not far from us over there, we have to be careful, and the person standing next to the three demon guardians should be the demon king."

"And behind him are many demon armies. If they come to us, we must be prepared to fight."

When Ye Qingxuan heard the words of the ancient dragon and the colorful phoenix, he knew that it was the demon king leading his army from the demon world to attack him.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the ancient dragon and the colorful phoenix, they could fly very high and far, and they hovered in the sky, observing countless movements in the direction of the demon king.

They must be able to see the dangers that they cannot see, but since they say that those people are not far from them.

And they may have come to seek revenge on him, after all, the four generals of his Demon Lord have lost the Demon Tiger Guardian just now.

Moreover, the inner alchemy of the demon tiger guardian was snatched by him, so he thought it would be no harm if they came to seek revenge on him. With his current ability, he was not afraid of convincing the demon king or his demon guardians.

Ziyu Qilin immediately stood up when he heard this. He is the most capable of these spirit beasts.

So he has to help (Li Zhao) the master to resist the demon king and the army of the demon world from the masters who want to hurt them.

At this time, Mozun was studying with the three protectors how to fight Ye Qingxuan.

Because they saw that mountain was split in half just now, and although it is not the highest mountain in the Demon Realm, it is not easy to be split in half by some force.

There are really very few people who can split a mountain in half.

Chapter 351

Even in the Demon Realm, apart from the Demon Lord, I believe there will be no monsters that can split this mountain in half.

They don't even have confidence in the three guardians of the demon world, and they don't even believe that they can't do it, they can split a mountain like this directly.

Therefore, the ability of this extraterritorial vitality really cannot be underestimated by them. It really takes some effort for them to deal with this extraterritorial vitality.

Now it seems that this extraterritorial vitality is still very powerful, and its ability is also very strong. They must be careful to deal with this extraterritorial vitality.

At this time, the Demon Lord was thinking about who this extraterritorial life force was, who dared to come to his Demon Realm to make trouble, and even split the mountains of the Demon Realm. What was he doing here, was he just passing by here, or just wanting to provoke himself?

If he passed by here, then they could still have a talk without both sides being hurt. If he came here to provoke him, then he might not let him go.

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