Because of the magic tiger protector, it was attacked by the phantom of Ye Qing's (ccfg) Xuantian Absolute Sword in the sky, and fell to the ground, and the spiritual fire of the purple jade unicorn continued to spray at it.

Because of the two super-powerful attacks in a row, the Demon Tiger's hair gradually lost its physical strength, and it was burnt to pieces by the purple jade unicorn's spiritual fire.

The magic tiger protector, this time due to the magic power in his body was injured by Ye Qingxuan and the purple jade unicorn, he changed back to his original form.

I saw a super-big tiger, who knew that with a huge roar, the magic tiger guardian slowly walked towards these many spirit beasts in a crushing posture.

And the fierce tiger beast in Ye Qingxuan's space saw this huge tiger, and couldn't help but shivered and backed away, but the purple jade unicorn and the earth demon bear spirit beast didn't seem to be afraid of this huge tiger.

At this time, the purple jade unicorn continued to spray spiritual fire towards the magic tiger guardian, and the earth demon bear greeted the magic tiger guardian.

Because of the huge size of the Earth Demon Bear, when the Demon Tiger Guardian hit the Earth Demon Bear, he couldn't help but feel that all the bones in his body seemed to be shattered.

I saw the Demon Tiger Guardian rolling on the ground, as if he couldn't stand up, and the purple jade unicorn came to the Demon Tiger Guardian here.

Chapter 342 Injured

The purple jade unicorn continuously sprayed the magic tiger guardian with its own spiritual fire.

After a while, the Demon Tiger Guardian slowly became a flesh and blood Demon Tiger, and then the inner alchemy of the Demon Tiger Guardian floated out of his body.

Ye Qingxuan used the Tianjue Sword in the sky to continuously fight against the other three guardians of the demon world. Ye Qingxuan suddenly felt a shining golden bead below it, slowly floating in mid-air.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan felt that the elixir was constantly flying towards it, but Ye Qingxuan didn't know that this glittering golden bead was the inner pill of the Demon Tiger Guardian.

Ye Qingxuan turned over with a somersault, put the glittering golden bead into his pocket, and continued to fight with the other three hair guards.

The three guardians saw Ye Qingxuan grabbing the glittering golden bead from the air, seeing that it turned out to be the inner alchemy of the Demon Tiger Guardian, they couldn't help being very angry.

He stepped up his attack on Ye Qingxuan, while the Seven-Colored Divine Phoenix and the Ancient Flood Dragon followed Ye Qingxuan in mid-air and continued to attack the three guardians.

The three protectors gradually couldn't hold it anymore, and saw the magic scorpion protector, who was connected with magical powers like the other two protectors, meaning to let the two of them escape here quickly with him.

After all, with the current skills of the three of them, if they want to continue fighting with Ye Qingxuan, they have no chance of winning. The other two guardians have also felt the awareness of Capricorn guardians.

He quickly threw a mist bomb at Ye Qingxuan, shooting out a barrier of mist, and the three guardians led their troops to evacuate from here, leaving here, and came to a safe place.

When the three guardians brought all the monsters to this safe place, they heard the magic scorpion protector talking to the magic dragon protector and the magic snake protector.

"This external vitality, I really don't know what his origin is, how the martial arts are so powerful, our four great masters from the devil world came forward, and they didn't move him at all."

"Devil Tiger Protector, although his level of grinding is not as high as ours, but after all, he is our Demon Lord's favorite protector, and Demon Tiger's hair care skills are not bad, so he was killed by them like this. "


"How do we explain to the Demon Lord when we go back?"

At this time, the magic dragon protector talked to the magic scorpion protector and the monster hair protector.

"The three of us were all injured, so use your supernatural powers to tell Mozun immediately."

"Report to him about our current situation. The three of us should sit here and meditate quickly, and let these monsters guard this place for us."


"If we don't cultivate our bodies as soon as possible, if the external vitality comes after us, we will not be his opponent at all."

After the Demon Dragon Protector said these words, he quickly sat cross-legged and meditated, connected with the Demon Lord with supernatural powers, and reported to the Demon Lord.

The Demon Lord in the Demon Realm Hall had retreated to the palace at this time, and was having a drink with the concubines in the back garden.

At this time, Mozun heard the supernatural powers of the Demon Dragon Guardian, and knew that there was a situation on their side, so he quickly opened their link, and heard the Demon Dragon Hairguard talking to the Demon Lord.

"Master Mozun, the four of us protectors quickly rushed to the southeast of our demon world." The door said.

Chapter 343

"We found the vitality of the outside world in the southeast corner of the Demon Realm."

"I didn't expect the vitality from the outside world to be so powerful, and there are a large number of spirit beasts around me."

"After our four guardians fought with all the monsters, it is very unfortunate that the guardian of the magic tiger lost his life in this battle."

"The three of us also worked so hard to escape from "Two Five Three" and kept a glimmer of life. Now we are doing it in a safe place, meditating and practicing, and we are going to make the first attempt to the outside world. 2 crusades"

The Mozun was in his back garden, and when he heard what the Demon Dragon Guardian said, he couldn't help being very surprised, threw the wine glass on the table, and said very angrily.

"Demon Dragon Guardian, what are you talking about? The Magic Tiger Guardian just disappeared like this, how is that possible?"

"The four of you are my most proud assistants. He is just an external force. It is really unreasonable for me to lose a general."

The Demon Dragon Guardian continued to talk to the Demon Venerable.

"Master Mozun, the vitality of the outside world is really too powerful. The three of us originally attacked him together, but the magic dragon guardian fell to the ground because of one of his mistakes. Spiritual pets, and the connection of these spiritual pets is relatively high, and they attack the devil tiger together, so the power of the devil tiger alone cannot match those spirit beasts.

"In this person's spirit beast, there is actually a footbath unicorn that has been connected to a very high level. It will continuously spray a lot of flexibility to attack us. This flexibility is really impossible for us to resist, because this purple jade unicorn was originally It belongs to our beasts, but because it has become a spirit beast through cultivation, its martial arts are really very strong, and the firepower it shoots is also very fierce, sometimes we really can't avoid it."

Hearing what the Demon Dragon Guardian said, the Mozun couldn't help but lose his temper and said to the Demon Dragon Guardian, wouldn't you, the Demon Dragon Guardian, spray your magic water like this purple jade unicorn?

"How can you see the devil tiger, the hair care is burned to death by the agility of that purple jade unicorn like this."

Seeing that the Demon Venerable lost his temper with him, the Demon Dragon Protector hurriedly explained to the Demon Venerable tremblingly...

"The four of us originally attacked this person together, but the devil tiger fell to the ground. The three of us have been fighting against this person, because this person's skill is really too strong. He even I don’t know what kind of sword it is, but it can turn into countless phantoms. These phantoms can entangle us and we can’t fight back. So it’s good that we can save our lives. We really have no ability and no chance. Go and make Mohu relapse."

"The magic tiger protector is also one of our four protectors, and seeing him being attacked by the purple jade unicorn, can we repair our hands? 5.6 is true, we really can't get away, the vitality of the outside world is really It's too powerful."

I really heard that the magic dragon protector said this outside voice so powerfully, so I couldn't help saying it even more angrily.

"You are waiting there, I am going to take people to crusade now."

Playing dragon and tiger horses, hearing that their Demon Lord was so impulsive, he hurriedly persuaded the Demon Lord.

Chapter 344

"Master Mozun, I know you are very powerful, but the vitality from the outside world seems to be too powerful. I hope Mozun will take a complete countermeasure, and we will attack this person together."

"Mozun, please give us a little time first, we are here to practice, meditate and fix our phantom as soon as possible, you can come to us when you are ready, we will meet together, and then find the best tactic , attack the vitality of the outside world in one fell swoop, and annihilate it together.”

22 When the Demon Lord heard the words of the Demon Dragon Guardian, he turned his head and thought in his heart.

Although his four great protectors are not particularly deep, he is also one of the best figures in this land of the devil world.

Moreover, the magic tiger protector's skills are also very powerful, and they were able to eliminate them so easily.

It seems that the vitality of the outside world does have some abilities. After all, the magic dragon protector has personally fought this person, and knows what is going on with this person!

Since the Demon Dragon Guardian said so, the Demon Venerable also felt that he should act carefully.

The Demon Lord thought for a while, and then said to the Demon Dragon Guardian.

"Then you are meditating and practicing there now, and I will go over here after preparing."

After Mozun finished speaking, he returned to his bedroom, took all his battle robes and some magic weapons, and took all the 100,000 army of the Warcraft clan to the southeast corner of the Demon Realm.

Seeing them here, Ye Qingxuan even ran away with a fist and a fist, and didn't chase them any more. Ye Qingxuan quickly jumped down from mid-air to see if his spirit beasts were injured.

When Ye Qingxuan jumped down from the sky, all these spirit beasts walked over like Ye Qingxuan, and asked Ye Qingxuan.

"Master, are you okay!"

Ye Qingxuan looked at each of them, and it seemed that none of them had suffered any major injuries, so he couldn't help being very happy, so he told them.

"I'm fine, just a few of them are not my opponents at all."

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan remembered the shiny golden bead he picked up from mid-air just now, took the bead out of his pocket, and looked there.

At this time Ziyu Qilin said to Ye Qingxuan.

"Master, this bead of yours is the beast pill of that magical bone beast."

"This beast pill should have a certain mystery. You should study it carefully. Maybe after swallowing it, you can increase your physical strength."

"After all, this Demon Tiger protector is a venerable in the Demon Realm! I think his inner alchemy should have super strong internal strength."

Ye Qingxuan heard what the purple jade unicorn said, and then carefully looked at the glittering golden bead, thinking secretly in his heart.

It turns out that this is the inner alchemy of the Devil Tiger Dharma Protector. What effect can your inner gut have?

Ye Qingxuan put it in his hand and played with it carefully, but this time Ye Qingxuan didn't dare to swallow this kind of thing into his stomach casually.

Because the power that the Chaos God Orb gave it has not been fully transformed yet.

Ye Qingxuan only remembered at this time that the Chaos Divine Orb in his body hadn't been completely refined, and then he put the inner alchemy of the Demon Tiger Guardian into his pocket first.

I am going to meditate again and take a rest.

Chapter 345

Ye Qingxuan continued to practice, to stimulate his chaotic body, so that he could cultivate the power of chaos as soon as possible.

The Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast saw Ye Qingxuan like this, until Ye Qingxuan began to prepare to continue transporting the Chaos God Orb, so he told Ye Qingxuan.

"Master, you should refine it as soon as possible. I don't think it will take long for this Chaos Divine Orb. This demon world will send more people to attack us."

"We must be fully prepared."

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but think about this question when he heard the reminder from the Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast, thinking secretly in his heart.

That's true, these people were injured by them, and their magic tiger protector was vomited out by them, and the inner alchemy lost its original shape.

Therefore, the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm will definitely come over to crusade against them.

Seeing that now I have to practice meditation as soon as possible, and try my best to transport and transform this Chaos God Orb as soon as possible, so that the Chaos God Orb can be completely integrated with my body, and practice the power of Chaos as soon as possible.

Ye Qingxuan said to the spirit beasts at this time, I am going to meditate and practice now, you still protect me around me, if the demon king from the demon world brings people to crusade, you can help me.

Ziyu Qilin heard Ye Qingxuan say this, and couldn't help receiving it from Ye Qingxuan.

"Master, don't worry, with us here, there is nothing wrong, you should move and transform your body as soon as possible, so that the Chaos Divine Orb can become one with you."

"Practice the power of chaos as soon as possible. As long as you let you have the power of chaos, the demon king of the demon world will have nothing to do with you."

After Ye Qingxuan heard Ziyu Qilin say this, he spoke to several divine beasts.

"Then I will enter the state of meditation and practice, and the rest will depend on you."

Ye Qingxuan began to slowly transform his internal energy and began to practice fighting. At this time, Ye Qingxuan felt his Danhai ignite raging fire again.

This mass of heat moved slowly towards her heart, this time Ye Qingxuan could feel that Dan Hai's internal force seemed to be stronger.

This thick spiritual power is like a wave, constantly washing over her heart, just like his internal organs.

Ye Qingxuan felt as if there was a super strong wave of spiritual power washing his body completely, washing his body.

Ye Qingxuan felt a thick black mist slowly dissipating from the top of his head at this time, as if Dan Hai was cleaning the toxins in his body.

Ye Qingxuan felt that some black mist in his body was constantly emitting from the top of his head, and felt that the aura in his body was getting more and more abundant, as if his body was getting stronger and more powerful.

Afterwards, Ye Qingxuan pulled out his own Tianjue Sword from the scabbard, and used the Tianjue Sword's tactics to soar into the sky again, constantly waving his own Tianjue Sword in the sky, refining the Tianjue Sword Technique.

Ye (Lee Li Hao) Qingxuan can feel that the Tianjue Sword is becoming more and more perfect now. The evil spirit in the original Tianjue Sword seems to have been cultivated this time. Gradually, the weather is now very easy to handle, controlled by my own hands, like a nimble snake, swallowing there at will.

I saw that Tianjue Sword transformed into countless phantoms, and this time, the phantoms of Tianjue Sword looked even more fierce and powerful.

Chapter 346 Splitting the Mountain

This time, the phantom of the Heaven's Absolute Sword is transformed into a creepy feeling, which can give people a kind of shock from the soul, and make people very frightened, very frightened.

So Ye Qingxuan saw the phantom through Tianjue, and could feel that his body is constantly changing. Maybe this is the power brought to him by the Chaos Divine Orb!

Maybe he is now advancing to the power of chaos, Ye Qingxuan saw his changes, he was very happy in his heart, and once again increased his training in Tianjue swordsmanship.

This time, Ye Qingxuan began to practice for a while, and discovered that his Heavenly Absolute Sword Phantom could actually conjure up a feeling of flying dragons.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help being startled, what kind of situation is this?

Ye Qingxuan was a little at a loss, but at 253, Ye Qingxuan carefully observed his body again, and found that his blood flow started to speed up.

Moreover, the blood in the meridians seems to be filled with a faint golden light.

Moreover, Ye Qingxuan was constantly flying the Tianjue Sword in the sky, transforming into the sword soul and phantom of the Tianjue Sword.

Ye Qingxuan found that there were countless golden dragon shadows between the sword soul of Tianjue Sword and the phantom, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help being surprised and thinking in his heart.

Could it be that the Chaos Yulong Jue has been refined? Ye Qingxuan was thinking secretly.

Then (ccfg) if this happens, does it mean that he already possesses the power of chaos? Ye Qingxuan doesn't know how powerful the power of chaos is.

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