Because the Demon Lord also knew that since he could make his Demon Tiger Guardian lose his life directly in their decisive battle, it proved that their abilities were very strong.

Even if he fights against them, he has no chance of winning, so he has to plan carefully now.

The spirit beasts under Ye Qingxuan all stood up immediately.

They all had to get ready to face the Demon Lord, because since the ancient flood dragon and colorful phoenix had seen the Demon Lord leading his army, they must have come to attack them.

Although they couldn't fly up, they could only watch on the ground, watching the news brought back by the Seven-Colored Divine Phoenix and the Ancient Flood Dragon.

Because the two of them can fly, they can only see so far when they are in the air, so now that they know these things, they must be ready to fight them.

They don't want their master to suffer any harm, they also (ccfg) saw just now that those guardians are also very powerful, not to mention that now a Demon Lord has come, and he has brought an army from the Demon Realm.

But Ye Qingxuan didn't feel nervous, because he knew his ability now, even if the Demon Lord came here, he still felt that he could win.

But after all, the Orb of Chaos in his body has not been fully developed by himself, so he has to be careful.

And Mozun and the others are thinking about what strategy to use to defeat this extraterritorial vitality.

Don't let them run amok here, how can he, a small life outside the territory, dominate his demon world and kill his guardian.

And also took away the inner alchemy of the Demon Tiger Guardian. To know a Demon Guardian, how many years does his inner alchemy need to practice before he can have the inner alchemy, not to mention that the Demon Tiger Guardian is from a Demon Lord in the Demon Realm. level.

Although he was just a protector of his subordinates, but his level was not very low, yet the inner alchemy was snatched away by the vitality from outside the domain.

He must regain his inner guts, defeat the life force outside this domain and not beat him, beat him to escape from the devil world if killed, beat him until he fled.

Not everyone can come to his Lord of the Rings, everyone can do evil here.

But he has to think about it carefully, what method can he use to defeat this vitality outside the territory in one fell swoop, because he has just seen that the power of this vitality outside the territory cannot be underestimated.

Chapter 352

Moreover, the four guardians never beat them at all, but the three guardians who fled were beaten and injured, which shows that the ability of vitality outside the territory is still very strong.

Moreover, although his demon army is powerful, their abilities are not very strong. If he can only rely on himself, he has no idea whether he can beat the life outside the territory. He has to think long-term.

But Ye Qingxuan knew that this war was inevitable, because after all, he had invaded the Demon Realm, and the Demon Realm had never had any extraterritorial vitality to defeat them here, and they were all strong here.

But today they were defeated by themselves, and even killed a guardian, they were unwilling, they felt that they had broken into their realm.

But he doesn't want to come here, this is the devil world, he doesn't want to stay here for a long time, he wants to get out as soon as possible.

But if they want to go out as soon as possible, they must rely on the Demon Lord, and if they want the Demon Lord to take them out, they must completely conquer the Demon Lord and defeat the Demon Lord, so that he can leave the Demon Realm.

He looked at these spiritual pets who were ready to fight, and he really felt very lucky. These spiritual pets were all fighting for themselves, and they were all willing.

Even Ziyu Qilin, who was the most disobedient at the beginning, is still loyal to him now, thinking of this, he feels very relieved.

When I was cultivating and practicing inner alchemy, these spiritual pets were all by my side, they were all protecting me, since they were all protecting myself.

Then he must not want these spiritual pets. If he is injured in the next battle, he must do his best to protect these spiritual pets around him.

But when the ancient flood dragon and the colorful divine phoenix flew into the air, they didn't see Mozun and the others take any action, so they didn't know what they were planning there.

But no matter what they planned, they had to prepare carefully, after all, their number was small, and the army of the demon world seemed to be a large black mass.

If they are targeted by these monsters, it is very difficult for them to escape. After all, they want to win more with less, no matter how powerful they are, they still have to win with wisdom.

Mozun looked at the three protectors and said: "You have come into contact with the living organisms outside the domain just now, and you have fought them, how do you think we can defeat them with our strength, we will discuss it in the long run.


Among the three protectors, the magic scorpion protector said to Mozun: "Demonzun because after all, the battle with them just now was very fierce.

And that life force outside the domain is really merciless to us, and his ability is very strong, we can't dodge what his sword sends out. "


And his sword doesn't know which one is real at all, his sword energy is really powerful, that sword really hurts when hit on the body, and you still have no way to start, even if you want to hit it, you can't hit it Those swords look like shadows. "

I didn't see the sword, it was the shadow of the sword, and it would hurt very much if I got hurt.

So we don't know where to start against him.

"What kind of sword are you talking about?"

"We don't know what kind of sword he is, but that sword is really powerful."

As the three guardians of the demon world said, they really dare not imagine how much that sword energy will hurt themselves if it hits them again.

Chapter 353

And they also know that the combined ability of the three of them is not as good as this extraterritorial vitality. Now it seems that only the demon can compete with this extraterritorial vitality, and as long as they can defeat those spiritual pets, they will be fine.

Ye Qingxuan's Tianjue Sword has been used by him to perfection now, and the monster energy in Tianjue Sword has also been completely swallowed by these Chaos Orbs that he has cultivated. Now this Tianjue "Two Five Seven" sword is just returning Controlled by Ye Qingxuan.

And his current Chaos Yulongjue. It was also gradually stimulated by himself in his body bit by bit, and at that time, neither the demon king nor the army of the demon world would be under his command.

But at this time, he hasn't practiced yet, so he must be careful.

He took out the inner alchemy of the Magic Tiger Guardian from his pocket, he looked at it, but he didn't dare to take it.

Fearing that these abilities in his body would impact each other, he dared to take this inner alchemy only after he had practiced the Chaos Dragon Control Art.

Because he uses too many of these things in his body, and his body may not be able to bear too much, and he wants to keep this inner alchemy first, and put it here for now.

And the Demon Lords were there, they didn't want to rush to fight Ye Qingxuan, they wanted to wait for the opportunity, they had to wait, because they still don't know how strong the vitality of this extraterritory is.

The ability is strong, and they don't know the ability hidden in his body. They must understand it thoroughly before they can fight, so that they can have a chance of winning.

There is really no way for the protectors of the demon world to defeat Ye Qingxuan. After all, they have already fought Ye Qingxuan.

Moreover, they also lost one of their generals, Demon Tiger Guardian, and now they can only pin their hopes on the Demon Lord, hoping that the Demon Lord can use his divine power to defeat this extraterritorial life force.

Mozun is actually very powerful, but when he saw the oath made by his subordinates, but the general lost to the vitality from outside the territory, he also had doubts in his heart. On the contrary, he was going to wait and wait. opportunity.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the ancient dragon and the Seven-Colored God Emperor and said to them, see if they are still waiting there quietly, or are they not moved? If they didn't take any action, then he would still practice his Chaos Dragon Control Art on the spot. Only by taking the opportunity to practice this Chaos Dragon Control Art to a higher and higher level will his own strength be greater, so that no matter whether it is the Demon Lord It doesn't matter if it's the demon soldiers of the Demon Lord, he won't be afraid...

"Master, they didn't move, they are still there and don't know what they are doing."

But when the ancient flood dragon and the colorful phoenix flew up to the sky to check, the magic scorpion protector among the four guardians saw them and said to the Demon Lord, look, those two can fly in the sky, that's the one Vigorous pets from outside the territory.

"And it was those two people who fought with the Magic Tiger Guardian on 5.6 in the sky, and the Magic Tiger Guardian accidentally fell into the ground, and those spiritual pets on the ground directly defeated the Magic Tiger Guardian."

"Also beat our Demon Tiger Guardian to death, and robbed his inner alchemy."

Mozun saw that the two divine beasts were not far away from him, so he directly used the divine power in his body to swipe towards the ancient flood dragon and the colorful divine phoenix.

Chapter 354 Not Injured

Because at this time Mozun was feeling distressed that he had lost a general, and at this time the Demon Scorpion Guardian was talking to him about how the Demon Tiger Guardian lost.

But at this time, this extraterrestrial vitality appeared in the sky, and his spiritual pet immediately became angry in Mosuo's heart, and directly used his divine power on them.

But because he was too far away, and he couldn't fly into the sky, he didn't hurt them.

It may be that these two spiritual pets wanted to investigate more carefully, so it was very close to the sky above the Demon Venerable. Unexpectedly, it was attacked by the Demon Venerable. Fortunately, the two of them hid quickly, or maybe the two spiritual pets will hurt.

Ye Qingxuan saw the two spiritual pets flying back, and he didn't know what was going on, the ancient flood dragon said: "Because he was too close to 22 and their place, the demon venerable used his internal force to attack them." , but luckily they didn’t catch them.”

Ye Qingxuan stepped forward to check the two spiritual pets, and was relieved when he saw that there was really no harm.

He said: "When the two of you want to check again, don't look at it so closely, but go farther away. If you can't do it from a long distance, then don't look at it."

"We just wait for them to come to fight, and we are afraid that they will fail with our strength."

Ziyu Qilin walked to the side of the two spiritual pets, because he was the most capable among these spiritual pets and their leader.

So he looked at the two of them and said: "You two don't look any more, listen to the master's words, and I believe they are not too daring to fight here, they must be planning something..."

"Okay, you all stay here quietly for now. I still want to practice the Chaos Dragon Control Art again. If I can cultivate to a stage in a short period of time, then I believe that no matter how they fight, We can all beat them."

"Master, don't worry, you can practice here with peace of mind, and we will guard the outside for you."

"Okay, after talking about a few spiritual pets, Ye Qingxuan was surrounded, and they were observing, observing the direction of the Demon Lord."

While Ye Qingxuan was sitting on the ground, he used his internal force to slowly combine the chaotic energy in his body with the internal force in his body. "

"He feels the heat all over his body now, but he can't find the point.

He can only realize it slowly, slowly, and mix this Chaos Dragon Control Art with the true energy in his body.

It is not a solution for the demons to guard there all the time. The three guardians of the demons said: "The demons, please let us go there first to explore and see what the vitality and abilities of the extraterritorial are."

"After we have explored, then you will take 260, the army of the demon world, to fight."

If Mozun thinks about it, he can't just wait here, he must first see how strong they are. Although they have lost one of their demon tiger protectors, these three protectors are still very strong.

"Okay, let the three of you protect the law to go and find out, but you must pay attention to safety, don't be like the magic tiger protector, because of this, you will die and lose your inner alchemy."

"Don't worry, Mozun, we will protect ourselves well, and we also want to avenge our Demon Tiger Guardian."

The three guardians flew into the air directly.

Chapter 355 Protecting the Master

They want to stand in the air with the living beings outside the domain, because those spiritual pets on the ground will not fly to the sky, but only the two flying dragons and phoenixes.

As long as their guardians don't fall to the ground, they won't be attacked by that purple jade unicorn.

They won't be injured by his flame-breathing, but they have to be more careful, after all, the vitality outside the domain is already very strong.

Not only did he watch his divine power increase in the demon world, but they could also see it when he split the mountain.

But after all, they had already fought Ye Qingxuan and the others for a round, and suffered heavy losses.

If the Mozun hadn't healed them, I believe they still don't have the strength to come here to fight them, so they have to be more careful in this battle.

They flew into the air at this time the ancient flood dragon and the colorful divine phoenix. Seeing the three protectors from the Demon Realm, he rushed to their place and flew directly towards them. He hurriedly landed on the ground, told Ziyu Qilin and said, "Those three protectors from the Demon Realm are flying towards us, hurry up and protect the master"ˇ. "

Because Ye Qingxuan is currently practicing the Chaos Dragon Control Art, and he has not yet completed this stage, so it is impossible for him to stand up and fight these three guardians now, only his spiritual pets can protect him.

But at this time, the two or three demon guardians saw that Ye Qingxuan was cultivating, and knew that this was a good time, so they directly flew into the air, and at this time, the ancient flood dragon and the colorful divine phoenix. They also flew into the air, and they fought against the three demon guardians in the air.

Because Mozun's three guardians saw that this is a good time to attack the vitality outside this domain, they rushed directly towards Ye Qingxuan.

But how could the ancient flood dragon and the seven-colored divine phoenix let these guardians of the demon world fly down to attack their master?

The two of them could only fight one-on-one, and at this time, the magic scorpion protector in the demon protector saw that the two of them could only deal with two.

He flew down directly, he wanted to come directly to Ye Qingxuan, and he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to eliminate Ye Qingxuan directly.

But how could the spiritual pets let him attack their master.

And the underground beasts are trying their best to protect Ye Qingxuan, they can't let Ye Qingxuan get hurt at this time. And if he was attacked by those three guardians at this time, maybe Ye Qingxuan would really go mad again.

But after all, those are the three protectors, their strength should not be underestimated, and now he has recovered their initial abilities.

Because their wounds have been healed by the Demon Lord, so Ziyu Qilin and Ancient Flood Dragon are really not their opponents, but they must work hard to stop them.

And at this time Capricorn protects the law. How could it be possible to lose this great opportunity, because now is the time when Ye Qingxuan is at his weakest, his (king's) existing ability will definitely defeat him with one blow now.

But he didn't expect how these spiritual pets around Ye Qingxuan could let him hurt their master.

At this time, the purple jade unicorn rushed directly in front of Ye Qingxuan, blocking the Capricorn Guardian, and the Capricorn Guardian also forgot his promise to the Capricorn, he would not fight them on the ground, because he would not fight them Those who will tie with them will only suffer losses.

Chapter 356 Defeated

Because this purple jade unicorn is so powerful, the flame he spewed directly injured his brother Demon Tiger Guardian and lost his inner alchemy, so he had to be extremely careful.

But at this time, he was not afraid that the purple jade unicorn would spew out flames and hurt himself, so he wanted to rush to a quick decision at this time, and directly wipe out the vitality outside this domain.

At the very least, let him be hurt the most, and let him not have that great ability. As long as he is injured or he goes crazy, then the masters of these people and pets around him will be gone, and they will definitely be lost too. Combat power, so his only goal now is to run towards Ye Qingxuan.

But beside Ye Qingxuan, the Earth Demon Bear, the Clouded Leopard and the Divine Beast directly blocked Ye Qingxuan.

Moreover, the fierce tiger beast and the purple jade unicorn stepped forward directly, and directly protected the 260 scorpion. Standing in front of Ye Qingxuan prevented him from getting close to Ye Qingxuan.

But now Ye Qingxuan knew that there was a fight outside, and the three guardians of the demon world had already come here, but now he had no way to directly withdraw his internal strength.

(ccfg) Because he has used all his internal energy now, if he withdraws it now, he will definitely go mad, and the consequences will be unimaginable at that time.

And maybe this Chaos Dragon Control Art is likely to hurt himself, and the consequences will be really unimaginable at that time.

Now he has his own quiet, quiet little by little direct retreat of his own internal force, and then he can stand up and fight these Dharma protectors.

Now he can only let his spiritual pets stand in front of him to protect him, he has no other way now.

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