Yang Xuan said to Ye Qingxuan at this time.

"Because I was suppressed by the river of fate, I can't fully use a lot of my skills now, so even if I want to help you reach the level of a fairy sooner, it is simply impossible."

"Because of this practice, you still need yourself, your physical condition, your Taoism and skills.".

Chapter 337 Connection with Yang Xuan

"If you haven't reached the immortal level, I can't help you, so I can only help you with some small things, or in times of crisis, I will use my magical power to help you out of danger. "

"However, how to quickly reach the Celestial Immortal still requires your own chance. Now that you have fallen into the Demon Realm, maybe you will have other opportunities in the Demon Realm."

"When you were falling before, I tried to use my supernatural power to send you into the fairy world."

But it seems that I can't use this powerful force of good fortune at all. In the area of ​​the chaotic world and the demon world, my force of good fortune seems to be unable to fully integrate with your body. "

"So you still need to deal with everything and the future in the Demon Realm, and I will always pay attention to you on this side of the river of fate."

"Once I can get rid of the suppression of the River of Fate, maybe I can transfer some more mana and skills to you, so that you can cultivate into a fairy as soon as possible."

"Because I also very much hope that you can reach the level of a fairy as soon as possible, so that I can use you to free myself from the oppression of the river of fate and return to the original world of fate."

"But there are some things now, even if we are in a hurry, there seems to be no way, and we can't do what we expected."

"After all, cultivation is a matter of chance. If you haven't gone through the pain and suffering that practitioners have endured, it is impossible to easily reach the level of a fairy~."

"So now I can only wish you as soon as possible in the Demon Realm, but your chance to get ascension as soon as possible."

Ye Qingxuan knew after hearing what Yang Xuan said, and now Yang Xuan couldn't help him return to the Spiritual Cultivation Continent.

Now that Yang Xuan has already said that he can also practice in this demon world, then it doesn't matter, as for Ye Qingxuan, it doesn't matter whether it is the demon world or the fairy world.

Because Ye Qingxuan's main task now is to raise the immortal rank as soon as possible, so that he can reach the level of a heavenly immortal.

Although the Immortal Realm has super strong and rich aura, which is very suitable for meditation and cultivation, but the Immortal is still planning to plot against him.

However, Ye Qingxuan changed his mind again, and after thinking about it, if it wasn't for his conspiracy, maybe he wouldn't be in the situation he is in today.


But Ye Qingxuan turned his head and thought about it again, this is all a predestined chance, if it wasn't for this vicious fairy, he might not have gotten this Chaos Divine Orb.

Ye Qingxuan, after talking with Yang Xuan, saw the spirit beasts around him, and his body had returned to normal.

Ye Qingxuan said to several spirit beasts.

"Although the aura in this Demon Realm is not as strong as in the Immortal Realm, he still has some aura."


"And the powerful force behind me has told me that if I completely transform the Chaos God Orb, I can ascend to the World of Ten Thousand Dao."

"I can transform the breath of any world into my spiritual power, especially the Chaos Dragon Control Art of the Chaos God Orb, which has no boundaries. I can use this set of Taoism to continuously improve."

"Now I need to meditate and transform. Look at this Chaos Divine Orb. What's going on in my body now?"

"So you guys are here to protect me first, I want to check my body first."

Ziyu Qilin heard what Ye Qingxuan said, so he hurriedly talked to Ye Qingxuan.

Chapter 338

"Master, you can meditate and practice at ease now, and quickly see how the Chaos Divine Orb has transformed into your body."

"We are here to protect you, there is no problem, you can rest assured."

Ye Qingxuan looked up, and Ziyu Qilin smiled slightly.

The Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast saw its owner smiling at the purple jade unicorn, feeling a little sour in its heart.

Because the Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast always felt that it should be the warmest one in the owner's mind, but when Ziyu Qilin entered their team, they found that Ziyu Qilin had a bit of status in the owner's mind.

After all, the purple jade unicorn's force and immortal rank are much higher than those of the earth demon bear spirit beast, so although the earth demon bear spirit beast feels a little uncomfortable in its heart, this feeling is fleeting.

Because now that they have signed a contract link with the master, as long as the master's immortal power and mana continue to rise, their mana and skill will also continue to rise and get continuously soaring.

So the earth demon bear spirit beasts thought about it, as long as the master's immortal power can continue to soar, then they will also continue to soar with the help of the master's body. Since they can sign a contract link, they are lucky to be together, not all for the sake of being able to as soon as possible Has your cultivation attained soaring? "

So the Earth Demon Bear felt balanced after thinking about it, and several spirit beasts formed a circle around Ye Qingxuan, sitting on the ground and practicing there and protecting Ye Qingxuan.

On the other hand, Ye Qingxuan sat cross-legged and began to transform his body. This time, Ye Qingxuan felt his Danhai with his spiritual sense, and now it is really infinitely vast.

Ye Qingxuan felt his own pill sea, there was a feeling of rough sea, as if he couldn't see the edge at a glance.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help being shocked in his heart. Before he was annihilated by the Sword Emperor Zong Dao Zun, his Danhai had already reached the level of Shangxuan Immortal.

At that time, the volume of the pill sea was not as wide as it is now, but now although he is only at the level of a middle immortal, his pill sea seems to be more magnificent than before, much wider than before.

And at this time, Ye Qingxuan began to transform her body again, feeling the super strength of Dan Hai, as if a big wave had penetrated into her heart...

Like his seven meridians, four limbs and internal organs running past, his body suddenly felt a very light feeling, filling his body.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but secretly startled, he didn't expect that this Chaos God Orb was really so powerful.

Although his current body is at the level of a Zhongxian, he feels that he is considered a heavenly immortal, and his mana, skill, and internal strength may not be able to reach its standard.

Ye Qingxuan transformed his body again, feeling the subtle feeling that the Chaos God Orb had merged with his heart.

It seems that her heart is no longer the heart of an ordinary person. It has been replaced by the Chaos God Orb. Ye Qingxuan can feel that the parts of his heart are shining with infinite vitality and infinite vitality with his spiritual consciousness. energy.

When a wave of Danhai hits up, all the breath pours into the heart, and runs to the limbs and internal organs, he feels that this gleaming heart seems to contract very favorably and quickly absorb it.

Chapter 339 Cultivation Skills

Dan Hai's internal force quickly spread out to his body, and Ye Qingxuan can now feel his meridians with his spiritual consciousness, which has been opened up very broadly.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan felt a warm current in his meridians, continuously passing from his Danhai to his heart, and after a week of body work, rushed to the top of his head with a wave of heat.

Ye Qingxuan leaped lightly and flew into the air, pulled out the Tianjue Sword from his scabbard and used the Tianjue Sword Art, flying the Tianjue Sword in the air to practice swordsmanship.

Unexpectedly, the sword soul and phantom transformed by Tianjue Sword were so powerful this time, they were like countless long silver dragons galloping away in all directions.

Immediately, the entire Demon Realm was impacted by a super-powerful wave of spiritual power, shaking the entire Demon Realm Continent. The four guardians of the Demon Lord have already moved from the Demon Lord's hall to the southeast of their Demon Realm Continent.

It was the place where Ye Qingxuan fell, when they walked towards this place, they suddenly felt a strong internal force spreading out from the place where the incident happened, shaking the ground and mountains.

The four guardians felt this powerful force, and everyone couldn't help being very surprised.

Even some divine beasts were secretly thinking that this external vitality has such a strong ability and powerful internal force, and now it can shake the devil world.

I don't know what the vitality of the outside world is, and what they are experiencing. If they really have such a strong internal force, maybe their four protectors are bound together, and they really don't seem to be opponents from the outside world.

Several other protectors also felt the internal force of the earth shaking, shaking the entire demon world, and they also knew that this powerful shock was caused by the vitality of the outside world.

At this time, every Dharma protector is thinking in his heart, whether this external life is practicing martial arts or has caught some monsters from their demon world and is fighting, so he can't help feeling a little anxious.

The magic dragon protector said to several other protectors.

"Would this external vitality be ruining our monsters in the demon world? If he has such a super internal force, ordinary monsters in our demon world are no match for him at all."

"Let's hurry up and take a look!"

The other three guardians were also very anxious when they heard what the dragon guardian said, so they got up and flew towards Ye Qingxuan with a leap.

Ye Qingxuan was constantly waving the Tianjue Sword in the sky and practicing the Tianjue Sword Technique. Through the movement and transformation of the Tianjue Sword Technique, he mobilized the Chaos God Orb in his body to refine the Chaos God Body as soon as possible.

In this way, his force and skill will be super powerful.

But the Chaos God Body and the Chaos Jade Dragon Art, the premise is that the host must have strong internal strength and immortal rank, so that this Chaos God Body can be trained to 250 supernatural.

In addition, there must be a super powerful weapon to be able to bring out this Chaos God Orb and experience the Chaos God Body as soon as possible.

So I want to refine the body of chaos, the power of chaos, and even the Taoism of Chaos Dragon Control Art.

They all have to be intertwined. At this time, Ye Qingxuan was constantly flying his Heavenly Absolute Sword in the sky.

After all, the Tianjue Sword is a top-notch spiritual weapon. If through the refinement of this spiritual weapon, Xiaobai's body can gradually possess the power of chaos, and then he can slowly cultivate a chaotic divine body.

Only after the cultivator possesses the Chaos Divine Body can he begin to practice the Chaos Dragon Control Art.

Chapter 340 Come to Fight

When Ye Qingxuan was very devoted to training here, in the mid-air far away, four groups of black mist flew over.

The purple jade unicorn saw four groups of black mist rushing towards them from a distance, at this moment, the purple jade unicorn quickly used its spiritual consciousness to connect to Ye Qingxuan.

"Master, is it dangerous? Can you receive my message? Hurry up and be safe."

Ziyu Qilin told Ye Qingxuan anxiously, because Ye Qingxuan has really become very involved now, I don't know if he can feel the arrival of these four fogs.

The colorful phoenix and the ancient flood dragon also flew towards the four groups of mist, and set up a barrier nodule to block Ye Qingxuan, hoping that they would not hurt Ye Qingxuan.

Here Ye Qingxuan also received the message from the purple jade unicorn, Ye Qingxuan put away his sword energy at this time, slowly held back his breath, opened his eyes, and saw four clouds of black mist flying in the distance, There are also many monsters behind.

When Ye Qingxuan saw this, he knew that the demon world must have sent someone to look for him. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan rushed over like four clouds of black fog.

Ye Qingxuan saw it, the 4 Demon Realms seemed to be at the level of Demon Lords of the Demon Realm, and they flew towards him with many monsters.

These four demonic beasts were surrounded by black mist, and they galloped towards them majestically.

Ye Qingxuan stood there holding the Tianjue sword in his hand, and shouted loudly towards the surrounding black mist.

"Who are you guys? What do you want to do here〃?"

When the four guardians saw Ye Qingxuan holding his Tianjue sword and yelling at them, they couldn't help laughing.

"We are the four guardians of the demon world, and we are also the four primordial lords of our demon world."

"We didn't ask who you are! You came to ask us?"

"Who are you? How did you come to our demon world through the chaotic world?"

"The vast land of our demon world, you, a creature from the outside world, just walk away as soon as you say it."

"Even outside creatures that break into our demon world can only die in front of us, and it is impossible to stay in our demon world."

"Otherwise you should leave here obediently, otherwise you will surely die if you stay here."

Ye Qingxuan heard what these four monsters said there, and seeing the four guardians of the demon world, he really didn't take it seriously.

Ye Qingxuan shouted to the four guardians at this time.

"¨You think that I am willing to come to this poor place of yours, but I can't help it. If you want me to die, then I have to see if you have the ability."

"It's really a joke if you want me to die with just a few of you."

"Is there no one in your Demon Realm? You four are still called the Four Great Protectors, and you want to make me die without a doubt. It's really audacious. If you speak wild words, I will let you see how powerful I am, Ye Qingxuan!" .”

After Ye Qingxuan said these words, he pulled out the scabbard from the cyan sword of the Tianjue Sword (Li's), flew the Tianjue Sword in mid-air, and rushed towards the four guardians.

The four guardians heard that Ye Qingxuan dared to speak wild words, so bold, they surrounded Ye Qingxuan in the middle, ready to attack Ye Qingxuan.

The two spirit beasts, the Seven-Colored Divine Phoenix and the Ancient Flood Dragon, saw these magical beasts and they flew towards their masters, and also flew over to help their masters in the battle.

Chapter 341 The Devil Tiger Falls

I saw the colorful divine phoenix and the ancient dragon continuously spraying spiritual flames at the flying monsters. , Among these magical beasts, there are some lower immortal ranks, who were sprayed by the colorful divine phoenix and ancient flood dragon, and fell to the ground with this spiritual flame.

These spirit beasts on the ground swarmed to scuffle and attack these monsters.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan was attacking the four guardians violently in the air alone. Ye Qingxuan used his internal force to swing the Tianjue sword, transforming into the sword soul and phantom of the Tianjue sword, and rushed towards the four guardians fiercely.

At this time, he saw the Magic Dragon Guardian and Ye Qingxuan's phantom of the Absolute Heaven Sword, and couldn't help but be very surprised.

The magic dragon protector is the highest among the four guards. I saw Ye Qingxuan's phantom that can transform into a sky barrier, 250, and this phantom is also very powerful, and can rush towards the four of them.

The Magic Dragon Guardian met Ye Qingxuan and shot the phantom of the Heavenly Sword, which was really too powerful. The Magic Dragon Guardian used his spiritual weapon, like Ye Qingxuan's Heavenly Judith Phantom in the Snake Book, to fight for several rounds. ,

The magic dragon protector found that the phantom seemed to have incomparable spiritual power, and turned over in a somersault cloud.

The Demon Scorpion Guardian and Demon Snake saw the Demon Dragon Guardian, and now that they had flipped out, they knew that the phantom shot by Ye Qingxuantian Absolute Sword was really powerful.

So the two of them also jumped out, only the tiger protector, although he felt the phantom of Ye Qingxuan's Tianjue sword, it was really powerful.

But because he didn't fly in time, he didn't dodge all of them, so he was injured by Ye Qingxuan's phantom of the Heavenly Tribulation Absolute Sword, and lost his spiritual power.

I saw the magic tiger guardian falling from the sky and fell to the ground at a high speed. The spirit beasts in the ground saw the magic tiger guardian that fell from the sky, and they couldn't help but also rushed towards it.

The purple jade unicorn shot a very powerful spiritual fire towards the magic tiger guardian. The magic tiger saw the purple jade unicorn, and shot out a super spiritual fire from its mouth, and quickly rolled outwards to avoid the purple jade The spiritual fire shot by the unicorn.

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