Yang Xuan watched Ye Qingxuan jump into the demon world helplessly, but he was helpless. Ye Qingxuan was always in a state of madness, so Yang Xuan could see Ye Qingxuan's situation on the display screen of her consciousness, but Ye Qingxuan couldn't follow Yang Xuan Unicom.

Demon world...

These monsters in the entire demon world, when they suddenly felt that the color of their sky began to change, the original gray weather seemed to become brighter.

And when Ye Qingxuan fell into the Demon Realm, a super strong shock force vibrated outwards from the Demon Realm, and all the monsters on Mosuke felt an external force entering their Demon Realm.

The Demon Lord of the Demon Realm felt this powerful external force in the main hall of the Demon Realm, and secretly cried out in his heart.

"Our Demon Realm has been stable for so many years. What is the situation this time? What kind of character has entered our Demon Realm and disrupted our life in the Demon Realm?"

The devil can deeply feel that this external force seems to be very huge, if it is not well controlled, it will definitely bring the devil into a state of chaos.


Most of the demon world is cultivated by some beast races, and many beast races also hope to obtain spirit weapons at the upper immortal level. Originally, spirit beasts in the demon world can be cultivated to become immortals.

However, the battle between the Demon Lord and the Immortal Lord many years ago created a chaotic nodule between the Demon Realm and the Immortal Realm, which made these monsters living in the Demon Realm unable to practice and ascend.


After these monsters know about them, they can only live in this demon world. They have no chance to ascend to immortality, and they have no other thoughts of ascension.

So the Demon Realm slowly restored the Taiping Demon Venerable, and lived comfortably in it for tens of millions of years. Unexpectedly, this time seemed to disturb her peaceful life.

At this time, Mozun rushed back from the outside with all his guardians, and prepared to hold a discussion meeting with them.

At this time, when I saw these guardians of the Demon Lord in my own tribe outside, they rushed back to the gate of the Demon Lord's main hall from their own tribe.

Chapter 333

After Mozun saw his several big protectors coming back, he said to several big protectors.

"I wonder if you guys have also heard of an outside life that has entered our Demon Realm and shaken our Demon Realm."

"And the chaotic world above us seems to have been broken by some energy."

"Now we need to find this external vitality as soon as possible, and eliminate it as soon as possible, otherwise "February 47" will disturb our demon world."

The 4 protectors of the Demon Lord are the Scorpion Protector, the Magic Tiger Protector, the Magic Dragon Protector and the Magic Snake Protector.

At this time, I heard the protector Mount Scorpion say.

"Master Mozun, I also feel the vitality of the outside world. It seems that the place where we fell in the southeast corner of our Demon Realm Continent is the place with the best scenery in our Demon Realm, with beautiful mountains and clear waters."

"That area is under my jurisdiction. I will go back and take people to have a look."

The Demon Tiger Guardian continued.

"Master Mozun, the vitality of the outside world has indeed fallen into the jurisdiction of the magic scorpion guardian."

"However, there is a chaotic world above our demon world. As the knot between our demon world and fairy world, this person can break the knot and be transferred to our demon world."

"This person is definitely not a simple person. I apply to go to the area under the jurisdiction of the Scorpion Guardian, and help him with him, find the vitality of the outside world, and eliminate it as soon as possible."

"I have a hunch that the vitality of the outside world should not be cleared up so easily by us."

"If he doesn't have superpowers, he won't be able to open the nodules of the chaotic world at all. This nodule of the chaotic world was created by you and the **** of the immortal rank."

"Everyone in this world knows how powerful your mana is. The nodules you created have not been destroyed by anyone for tens of millions of years."

"It was broken by this vitality, so this person must have come from a difficult place. I think it is not necessarily the opponent of this intruder from the outside world who is alone with the Scorpion Guardian and leads his troops."

Mozun sat tall on the top of the main hall, and after hearing what Mohu Guardian said, he couldn't help but think in his heart. He was also very clear about the problems he was facing, and this external force must not be simple.. ..

After all, he was very clear in his heart about the nodule that Tan An created with the gods of the fairy world back then. It was full of chaotic atmosphere, and he and the gods of the gods exchanged strength.

Using the Chaos God Orb, the Chaos God Beast was created to protect the Chaos World in this Chaos World.

Whether it is from the fairy world or the demon world, once someone really enters the chaotic world, they will be swallowed by this chaotic beast.

The Chaos Divine Beast was the core of the world when Pan Gu opened the world. The God Venerable and Demon Venerable in the fairy world used this Chaos Divine Bead to create the Chaos Divine Beast.

So this chaotic beast is also very powerful. If the vitality of the outer 5.6 realm can defeat the chaotic beast, break through the chaotic knot and enter the demon world.

Then this person is definitely not simple, so Mozun thought about it at this time, and then said to the dragon protector and snake protector next to him.

"The guardian of the dragon and the guardian of the snake, or the two of you will return to your tribe to calm down the affairs of the tribe."

"Follow the magic scorpion protector and go to the southeast direction of the demon world.".

Chapter 334 Working Together

"You all look for the vitality of this outside world together, and eliminate it as soon as possible."

The dragon protector and the fierce snake protector, upon hearing Mozun say this, couldn't help clasping their fists and knelt down to His Highness, and said to Mozun.

"Master Mozun, the two of us don't need to go back to the tribe to arrange things, because before we came here."

"We have already arranged the affairs of the tribe. After all, we have also heard the voice of vitality from the outside world entering our demon world."

"It can shake our demon world 22 times, so the vitality of this outside world must not be small."

"And it's not a simple fairy, so we have already made preparations. When we come here, we rush to the place where the incident happened as soon as possible, find out the vitality of the outside world that broke into the demon world, and eliminate it as soon as possible, so as to avoid long nights and dreams."

"After all, our demon world has been very peaceful for so many years, and there has never been such a situation."

"Moreover, this person was able to defeat the chaotic beast, breaking through the knots of the chaotic world and falling into our demon world."

"So this person's energy must be very difficult, so I think our several guardians should work together to eliminate this external vitality that broke into our demon world as soon as possible."

Sitting in the main hall, Demon Lord, Demon Dragon Guardian and Demon Mountain Guardian were thinking about this matter very much in their hearts, and felt very comforted.

These four protectors, although everyone has their own scheming and some disagreements, when faced with major events, they can still work together to eliminate the hidden dangers of the Lord of the Rings.

This is what makes Mozun very happy. After all, Moren is using people for tricks at this time, and he doesn't know what kind of power this external vitality is.

So seeing that their four guardians can work together to eliminate the vitality of the outside world as soon as possible, I am very relieved in my heart.

At this time, Lord Mozun said to the four protectors in the high hall.

"All of you Dharma protectors can share a common idea and work together to eliminate this external force."

"I am very pleased to protect the peace of our demon world, so you are the ones who should go to the place where the incident happened immediately."

"After finding the vitality of this external system, if you find that he is particularly powerful and you cannot eliminate it, please contact me as soon as possible."

"I will help you here! Hurry up and regain the vitality of the outside world."

When the four guardians heard that Lord Mozun was so worried, all four of them knelt down and knelt down under the hall to talk to Mozun.

"Lord Mozun, you still know the abilities of our four guardians. This time, our four guardians worked together to lead our entire team to the place where the incident happened."

"We must eliminate the vitality of the outside world as soon as possible, and return our demon world to peace."

Mozun saw the four guardians, since they were able to work together like this, and felt that the abilities of the four of them were really good.

After all, apart from him, the Demon Lord, these 4 protectors of His Royal Highness, Yuan Zun, the most powerful figure in the Demon Realm, is also the most powerful figure in the Demon Realm.

So Mozun was quite reassuring about them, and said like a big protector.

"Then you four guardians, Ji Krypton, rush to the place where the incident happened!"

"I hope you will complete the mission smoothly and as soon as possible.".

Chapter 335 Ye Qingxuan Wakes Up

When the four guardians heard about Lord Mozun, they arranged for four of them to go.

Several people looked at each other at this time and nodded to indicate that this time they must work together to eliminate the hidden dangers of the Mojie. The four guardians each took their own troops and set off to the southeast corner of the Mojie together.

Here Ye Qingxuan fell into the Demon Realm because of his insanity. When Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes, he saw that the scenery in front of him was very beautiful.

The whole land is vast, with mountains stretching beside it in the distance, and there is a wide river, and a tall forest can be seen on the other side of the river.

Ye Qingxuan looked up at the sky again, it was a gray blue sky, Ye Qingxuan rubbed his temples at this moment, shook his head, he didn't know what happened, and he didn't know where he was now, what's going on?

Ye Qingxuan sat up and meditated, trying hard to recall these things, and then he remembered them slowly.

It turned out that he had gone mad when he was practicing the Chaos Divine Orb in the Chaos World, but now he was thinking about it.

Should I have been promoted and returned to the immortal rank again, or did I fall into the devil world after going mad.

In his mind, the devil world must be a very bad environment, which is somewhat similar to the chaotic world.

In his eyes, the world with beautiful mountains and clear waters like this one should be a normal continent, and it should also be a place for spiritual practitioners.

So at this time Ye Qingxuan was secretly happy, thinking that he had returned to the Continent of Spirit Cultivation again, but Ye Qingxuan used his divine sense to look around and found that there were many monsters around.

Only then did he realize that he did not return to the Continent of Spiritual Practice, but fell into the Demon Realm.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan used his consciousness to connect to several spirit beasts in the spiritual power space. Seeing these spirit beasts in its spiritual power space, everyone was twitching continuously, as if their bodies were very uncomfortable.

Ye Qingxuan didn't know what was going on, so he quickly used his divine sense to release these spirit beasts from his spiritual power space, and had a conversation with these spirit beasts.

He saw that the purple jade unicorn seemed to be in better condition than other spirit beasts, so Ye Qingxuan quickly used his internal energy to send internal energy to the purple jade unicorn, hoping that the purple jade unicorn would wake up as soon as possible.

Fortunately, because these spirit beasts signed a contract link with Ye Qingxuan, they can be connected by blood.

After Ye Qingxuan's internal force was transferred to Ziyu Qilin, Ziyu Qilin's expression slowly relaxed.

Ye Qingxuan quickly used his body's internal force to continuously send it to the other spirit beasts. At this time, the purple jade unicorn woke up before the other spirit beasts.

Seeing that its master was treating several other divine beasts with internal energy, Ziyu Qilin also joined in, and hurriedly helped its master to continuously output internal energy to the other (Li's) several divine beasts.

Let them return to normal as soon as possible. Through the joint efforts of Ziyu Qilin and Ye Qingxuan, after a while, these beasts slowly returned to normal.

Their convulsions have been alleviated, and there is still some discomfort, which requires them to practice slowly.

Because Ye Qingxuan's insane state directly affects the state of these spirit beasts in the spiritual power space.

Chapter 336 The Spiritual Beast Is Affected

So now they are also affected by Ye Qingxuan's obsession, and their bodies are uncomfortable and twitching all over their bodies.

The purple jade unicorn saw its owner at this time, its eyes had returned to normal, and it looked radiant.

It is known that its owner's state of madness has passed, and now he has returned to normal. At this time, Ziyu Qilin also saw this situation around him.

But Yu Qilin clearly remembered that when Ye Qingxuan went mad, he should keep falling down instead of ascending normally.

Ziyu Qilin also used his spiritual sense at this time, looking around, 250 felt that there was not much spiritual energy around the continent.

And he could feel the aura of many monsters around, so Ziyu Qilin felt that this continent should be a demon world.

At this time, the purple jade unicorn asked its owner.

"Master, have we reached the Demon Realm now?"

Ye Qingxuan saw that Ziyu Qilin could directly tell whether they had reached the Demon Realm, and Ye Qingxuan felt that the jade unicorn's immortal rank was really quite high.

After all, Ziyu Qilin, when they opened their eyes, they could immediately feel that they had arrived in the Demon Realm (ccfg), while Ye Qingxuan had some fantasies at the moment when he opened his eyes, whether he really flew back to the Continent of Spiritual Practice again.

But when he used his spiritual consciousness to spread out, he realized that this place was not the Spiritual Cultivation Continent, but fell into the Demon Realm.

Ye Qingxuan saw his own spirit beast a few times, and now there is nothing to do, and he is out of danger.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan tried to open up his magical powers, and had a conversation with Yang Xuan who was under the river of fate.

Ever since Ye Qingxuan fell into the Demon Realm, Yang Xuan has been trying to connect with Ye Qingxuan with his divine sense, but Ye Qingxuan has not accepted it for a long time.

So there was nothing Yang Xuan could do, but he kept using his divine sense to observe what was happening on Ye Qingxuan's side.

Seeing that Ye Qingxuan had returned to normal and opened his magical powers to connect with him, Yang Xuan hurriedly received the message from Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan asked Yang Xuan at this time.

"Master, I didn't expect that I would go mad after practicing the Chaos God Orb. Now I have fallen into the Demon Realm. I don't know what should I do next?"

"Can I continue to practice in the demon world? I have reached the level of a middle immortal, and I have not meditated yet."

"I don't know what the Chaos God Orb is like when it took me in my body. The first thing I thought of was contacting you."

"Because I know that in this world, it was you who saved me, and the next task is for me to reach the immortal rank of the celestial being as soon as possible."

"It can help you enter the original world from the bottom of the long river of fate, so I have fallen into the devil world now."

"Knowing that there is nothing wrong with my spirit beast, I will contact you as soon as possible. I hope you can tell me how to reach the Celestial Immortal as soon as possible."

"In this way, I can help you return to the original world from the river of fate."

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