"Master, do you already know how to get out?"

"But although you know you can go out, it seems that the timing is not right now, right?"

When Ye Qingxuan heard Ziyu Qilin say this, he couldn't help but feel that Ziyu Qilin was a superior beast after all, and its wisdom and spirituality were still higher than other spirit 5.6 beasts.

At this time, it said to several spirit beasts.

"I got a super power, telling me that I must completely refine this Chaos Divine Orb."

"Only this Chaos God Orb and my body have been completely refined, so that I can experience the Chaos God Body, which has unlimited abilities and can be continuously cultivated. There is no rank, and the infinitely rising Chaos Dragon Control Art."

"When I practice this Chaos Yulongjue to perfection, I will get a kind of power to fly out from here, but because this Chaos God Orb is a super powerful spiritual weapon in ancient times, the Immortal Tribulation is also very high. "

"Because my current immortal level is still very low, I don't know if my body can completely transform this Chaos Divine Orb.".

Chapter 329

"If I can't completely transform this Chaos God Orb, then I might go mad, and I might be smashed to pieces here."

"If I have a good luck, I can break through this pressure and fly upwards, and go out from here. If I don't have a good luck, if I go crazy, I may fall from this chaotic world into the demon world."

"Maybe this is what can make you become a fairy in an instant and a demon in an instant."

"So now I have obtained this Chaos Divine Orb. I am now preparing to meditate and practice. Now I will practice my basic knowledge."

"I'm swallowing this Chaos Divine Bead in my stomach, and I'm completely transported. I hope I can take everyone out of here as soon as possible."

"Because there is too little aura in this chaotic world, you should go back to my spiritual space!"

"After all, you spirit beasts must live in an environment with sufficient spiritual energy. If it takes a long time, your physical strength will not be able to keep up."

twenty two

"If you stay in this purple wasteland without any spiritual energy, if you stay too long, your fairy bones will be damaged."

"So before I started to transform, I called you out to meet with you and talk about the situation, and then I was preparing to send you to the spiritual space."

"I'm going to start cultivating a masterpiece, and completely transport and transform this Chaos God Orb."

At this time Ziyu Qilin said to Ye Qingxuan.

"Master, in this chaotic world, although we have wiped out a chaotic beast, we don't know if there are any other inexplicable creatures in this chaotic world that will harm you."

"Although the environment here is indeed not suitable for our spirit beasts, staying for too long."

"We may not be able to bear to stay in this environment for a long time, but we can come out of the shift."

"In this way, there will be a spirit beast to accompany you, and there will be someone to protect you when you practice refining."

"Otherwise, once there is any dangerous situation, wouldn't you be more likely to go crazy?"

So Ye Qingxuan did make sense when he heard Ziyu Qilin's method. At this time, Ye Qingxuan talked to a few spirit beasts.

"Then follow what Ziyu Qilin said, thank you for your hard work, you can see who will stay with me."

"Other people have entered my spiritual space, so at least you will not be hurt by me."

At this time, the two spirit beasts Ziyu Qilin and Earth Demon Bear were discussing there, and after the discussion, they talked to Ye Qingxuan.

"Master, we have arranged it like this. You will be in danger when you first transform, so I will be the first to stand guard, and I will accompany you here."

"When you are fully transported and enter the state. When it is not too dangerous, the ancient dragon and the colorful phoenix will be waiting for you."

"Continue to practice, and when you reach a deeper level, when you are prone to madness, the tiger spirit beast and cloud leopard spirit beast will protect you at the same time."

"Then when it gets more dangerous, the Earth Demon Bear and I will come out to protect you again."

"Then we cycle back and forth like this. When you are more dangerous, we will have a few more powerful spirit beasts come out."

"When it's relatively safe, a few of them will replace us, so this arrangement should be reasonable."

When Ye Qingxuan heard that the purple jade unicorn and the earth demon bear had already prepared for a shift, he no longer had any other thoughts.

Change Ziyu Qilin said.

"Ziyu Qilin, then follow your arrangement, let's do this, I will train as soon as possible, I hope we can leave here sooner."

Ziyu Qilin said to Ye Qingxuan again at this time.

"The master hopes that you must disperse a little bit of spiritual power when you are practicing, and maintain a connection with our supernatural powers at all times."

"Because when we change shifts, we need to use your divine sense to send us out of the spiritual power space."

"So you must master this measure well, after all, we can't get out of your spiritual power space by ourselves."

Ye Qingxuan said to Ziyu Qilin at this time.

"Okay, I will definitely pay attention to this, I will definitely keep a trace of spiritual consciousness, and keep in touch with you all the time."

"That's how it is. I'll send the other spirit beasts in first, and you will stay with me outside first."

At this time, Ye Qingxuan used his spiritual consciousness to collect other spirit beasts into the spiritual power space. Only Yu Qilin was by her side, and Ye Qingxuan began to transform his body at this time.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan felt his own Danhai, and he was constantly exerting force to release heat energy outward, expanding his veins, allowing his whole body to gradually enter a state of fullness, allowing the aura to fill his whole body. Ye Qingxuan felt that his body was hardening at this time It's almost there.

Ye Qingxuan quickly sent the inner alchemy to his mouth, and then Ye Qingxuan felt like a bomb being swallowed into his stomach, and felt a strong heat flow in the abdominal cavity, dispersing to his body.

Ye Qingxuan suddenly felt very dizzy at this time, feeling that his body could not control the Chaos Divine Orb.

But at this time, it is impossible to withdraw this Chaos God Orb from the body, because this Chaos God Orb entered Ye Qingxuan's body and merged with her heart.


At this time, I saw Ye Qingxuan sitting there with a flushed face, a slight fragrance of sweat dripping from his whole body, and his body shaking from side to side seemed to be in a state of unsteadiness.

Ziyu Qilin was also very anxious seeing this situation, because before Ye Qingxuan did not practice, only Yu Qilin had asked Ye Qingxuan to keep a trace of spiritual consciousness in advance and keep in touch with them at all times.

Ziyu Qilin, seeing Ye Qingxuan's state, knew that Ye Qingxuan seemed to be unable to bear the super strong spiritual power of the Chaos God Orb.

So at this time, Ye Qingxuan used his own consciousness connected with Ye Qingxuan to quickly call its owner.

Ye Qingxuan felt a very painful feeling when he was shaking, as if many bugs had crawled into his body.

It can be said that it caused him unbearable pain. There was a feeling of a thousand arrows piercing his heart. When Ye Qingxuan was in great pain, the pain was unbearable.

Suddenly he heard someone calling him, this is Ziyu Qilin, who was talking to Ye Qingxuan through that divine sense, and at this moment he heard Ziyu Qilin talking to Ye Qingxuan.

"Master, how are you? You have nothing to do! Hurry up and let the power of the Chaos Divine Orb fully fuse with your heart."

"Let the released spiritual power enter your own tendons as quickly as possible."

Chapter 330 The Last Struggle of Obsession

Ye Qingxuan heard what the jade unicorn said, and quickly began to harden his consciousness and control the beating of his heart. "

At this time, the Chaos God Beast had completely merged with Ye Qingxuan's heart. Due to the super spiritual power of the Chaos God Orb, Ye Qingxuan's heart could not accept it for the time being, and he could hear the thumping heartbeat.

This caused Ye Qingxuan to feel dizzy. Ye Qingxuan hurriedly strengthened his spiritual power at this time, and the purple jade unicorn looked very anxious beside him.

At this time, Ziyu Qilin quickly shot out a divine power from the top of its head, passed through the heart area of ​​Ye Qingxuan's body, and shot into his heart, trying to help Ye Qingxuan transform this divine power.

I didn't expect Ziyu Qilin's help to be really effective. Although Ziyu's Qilin is a spirit beast, it is a spirit beast that has signed a contract with Ye Qingxuan after all, so he and Ye Qingxuan can be connected by blood.

Ye Qingxuan only felt the feeling of fainting at this time, and it gradually eased a lot. It seemed that his body began to stabilize, and he felt the heat in his heart spreading to the sea of ​​pills under his body.

But Ye Qingxuan felt that when the heat in his heart was going down towards the Danhai, there seemed to be a barrier blocking it, causing the heat to not be absorbed by the Danhai and to rise somewhat.

This is why Ye Qingxuan suddenly fell into a coma again, because this rising force went straight to Ye Qingxuan's head.

Ye Qingxuan suddenly felt dizzy at this time, and his entire consciousness was very dizzy, as if his thoughts had begun to be inexplicably messy.

Ziyu Qilin saw this situation, and sent out spiritual power connections from his head again to help Ye Qingxuan's body want to help him move down.

But this time, because the purple jade unicorn itself has no spiritual nourishment in this space, and it has helped Ye Qingxuan to transform the breath just now, it has lost a lot of energy.

So only the heart feels that it is very powerless at this time, and it seems that it can't help its master at all.

The purple jade unicorn saw its owner. In this situation, fearing that the owner would go mad, he quickly used his spiritual sense to link Ye Qingxuan and told Ye Qingxuan.

"Master, how are you doing, master? Send me back to the spiritual power space, my body can't support you now, I can't help you, I'll go back to the spiritual power space and change to the clouded leopard beast!"ˇ!"

"Its skill should be relatively strong. Let him help you transform. I think if you continue to transform like this, you may really become obsessed."

Ye Qingxuan was very dizzy at this time, but his only spiritual consciousness was still connected with Ziyu Qilin.

Ye Qingxuan heard what Ziyu Qilin said to Ye Qingxuan. Although Ye Qingxuan's body was no longer under his control at this time, he still quickly sent Ziyu Qilin into the spiritual power space.

But when Ye Qingxuan wanted to transport the clouded leopard beast out of his spiritual space, he found that he was out of control. .

At this time, Ye Qingxuan's entire face was very ruddy. Ye Qingxuan felt a super strong heat rushing straight to the top of his head, and he opened his eyes immediately, which became blood red.

Ye Qingxuan really lost his temper at this time, so Ye Qingxuan felt very uncomfortable in his body at this time, constantly sending out hostility.

I want to release the excess heat in the body as soon as possible.

Chapter 331 Falling into the Demon Realm

All the spirit beasts in the spirit power space also felt Ye Qingxuan's heat at this time.

In particular, the purple jade unicorn entered Ye Qingxuan's spiritual power space and found that he hadn't transported the other beasts out of the spiritual power space. At this moment, he knew that something was wrong with its owner.

So now they are very worried about its owner, but they can't help him, and they don't know what to do.

Ye Qingxuan's side didn't move towards the Danhai because of the Chaos Divine Orb, but it moved upward from the heart, causing a severe headache.

And at this time, it has become a little mad, constantly sending external force outward, trying to send this kind of heat energy and internal force in its body outward.

But unexpectedly, due to the entry of the Chaos Orb, Ye Qingxuan's spiritual power, internal power and skill seemed to be super powerful.

Yueqing County felt his strong internal force, and unexpectedly broke the barrier, but Ye Qingxuan was affected by the Chaos God Orb at this time.

It couldn't reach the state where it could fly stably. As a result, when the enchantment was broken, he fell into the demon world with the attraction of the demon world.

When Ye Qingxuan slowly went mad, broke the knot of the chaotic world, and fell from the chaotic world to the demon world.

Yang Xuan, who was in the long river of fate, couldn't help being shocked, feeling Ye Qingxuan's fall, and felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

Yang Xuan thought secretly in his heart, he was really afraid of something, because he was afraid that he would go crazy when he was practicing.

Because once Ye Qingxuan became obsessed, he couldn't control his ascension, and would basically be attracted by the attraction of the Lord of the Rings and fall into the Demon Realm.

The tune turned out to be like this! I hope that he can reach the heaven as soon as possible, and let my body go out from the river of fate. It is really not easy.

At this time, Yang Xuan quickly connected his supernatural powers, wanting to stop the falling Ye Qingxuan and send him back to the God Realm.

But when Yang Xuan sent the supernatural power into Ye Qingxuan's body, he found that Ye Qingxuan's current situation could not be changed at all.

Because the power of the Chaos Divine Orb is too powerful, and Ye Qingxuan's immortal rank has not yet been reached, Ye Qingxuan is now in a state of insanity, and cannot open a magical link with Yang Xuan at all.

And (ccfg) Yang Xuan is now suppressed by the river of fate at the bottom of the river, unable to leave here, it is even impossible for Yang Xuan to bring Ye Qingxuan into his mental world.

After all, the power of the Chaos God Orb is really super powerful. If Yang Xuan hadn't been suppressed by the river of fate, it would be a piece of cake for Ye Qingxuan's current situation.

It can be said that the strength of Yang Xuan's finger can reverse Ye Qingxuan, but because Yang Xuan is suppressed by the river of fate, he can't leave here at all, and many Taoism methods are still suppressed by the river of fate, and cannot be completely released.

So even if Yang Xuan worked very hard to get through the link with Ye Qingxuan, but Ye Qingxuan couldn't accept it, and he couldn't help it.

Under the river of fate, Yang Xuan couldn't help but secretly sighed, it seems that everything is not so easy.

I don't know if the chosen apprentice is right, but at the beginning, he was really very fast, and he was able to reach the level of Shangxuan soon.

Unexpectedly, the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect actually came out to make trouble and broke Ye Qingxuan's immortal rank. Maybe this is a fateful thing. If it wasn't for Ye Yu of the Sword Emperor Sect, he would have killed Ye Qingxuan.

Chapter 332 The Fluctuation of the Demon Realm

And Yang Xuan was Ye Qingxuan who was rescued under such circumstances, and he used his hatred to make Ye Qingxuan experience faster and reach the level of Shangxuan Immortal as soon as possible.

If it weren't for this vendetta between Ye Qingxuan and Sword Emperor Ye Yu, Ye Qingxuan might not have reached the level of Shangxuan Immortal so quickly.

So this time Ye Qingxuan entered the chaotic world to obtain the chaotic **** orb, and fell into the demon world, maybe it was the ordeal Ye Qingxuan had to go through if he wanted to ascend to heaven and become a fairy!

In order to allow Ye Qingxuan to ascend faster and reach the level of a fairy as soon as possible, Yang Xuan used the turning tower to send Ye Qingxuan to the Spiritual Continent to cultivate immortals here, so that he can ascend as soon as possible.

He didn't expect that maybe the arrangement of chance was too heavy, and he could get this Chaos God Orb without reaching the Immortal Rank.

But Ye Qingxuan's immortal rank has not been reached, it is really very difficult to refine the Chaos God Orb.

Especially the Chaos God Orb is too powerful, making it impossible for a Zhongxian like Ye Qingxuan who has not yet reached the level of the Supreme Immortal to transform.

It may not be so easy for this chaotic divine orb to be transported by an immortal of the upper Xuanxian rank.

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