240 But I didn't expect that after playing for a while, the purple jade unicorn seemed to start attacking him continuously. The chaotic beast felt a little angry when the purple jade unicorn seemed to attack him again.

The purple jade unicorn knew that its owner had ordered him to try his best to stimulate the chaotic beast and make it angry.

So the Jade Qilin tried to stimulate the Chaos Divine Beast as much as possible, but when the Chaos Divine Beast really got angry, its lethality was still very powerful.

The spirit beasts of Ye Qingxuan felt that the chaotic beast was a little angry, so they avoided him as soon as possible, and used their spiritual sense to connect with Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan's side has just been ascended to the level of Zhongxian. He has felt several spirit beasts and used their spiritual consciousness to connect with them.

Ye Qingxuan saw that the chaotic beasts were already a little angry, so Ye Qingxuan quickly used his divine sense to send all these spirit beasts to his spiritual power space.

The Chaos Divine Beast itself was a little angry at this time, and wanted to catch a spirit beast and swallow it in its stomach, but it did not expect that these spirit beasts suddenly disappeared.

The Chaos God Beast knew that these spirit beasts (ccfg) were sent into their spiritual power space by Ye Qingxuan with his consciousness.

The Chaos God Beast knew that these spirit beasts were Ye Qingxuan's inner pets, so the Chaos God Beast turned around and bit Ye Qingxuan.

It seems that some anger failed to make him eat these spirit beasts, and even sent them to his own spiritual power space.

So the Chaos God Beast stared at Ye Qingxuan angrily at this time, Ye Qingxuan hurriedly used his Tianjue Sword at this time, and used the Tianjue Sword Art to call out the sword soul and phantom of Tianjue Sword.

With the upgrade of Ye Qingxuan's rank, the skills of Tianjue Sword and the sword soul and phantom of Tianjue Sword have also been improved.

At this time, the phantom of Tianjue Sword has been able to transform into countless phantoms, galloping away like a chaotic beast.

The Chaos Divine Beast sensed the phantom of the Heavenly Absolute Sword, and rushed to shoot at him. At this time, the Chaos Divine Beast wanted to roll over to avoid the attack of the Tianjue Sword Phantom.

Unexpectedly, there were too many phantoms of Tianjue Sword Phantom. Although the Chaos Divine Beast hid, there were still some slight injuries to the fur all over his body.

Because the Chaos Divine Beast is super huge after all, and its fur is also very thick, so although the phantom of the Heavenly Absolute Sword hurt the Chaos Divine Beast.

But it didn't cause much damage to the Chaos God Beast. The Chaos God Beast found that Ye Qingxuan's skill had improved by a fairy rank compared to when he saw him just now.

Knowing that Ye Qingxuan must not be an ordinary person, after all, there is not so much aura in this chaotic world, and it is very difficult for any ancestors to practice and improve here to achieve ascension.

I didn't expect Ye Qingxuan to be able to improve in this environment. It seems that Ye Qingxuan is really not an easy person.

So at this time, the Chaos Divine Beast didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, a little angry and wanted to quickly swallow this Ye Qingxuan into its stomach.

He was afraid that if he fought Ye Qingxuan for too long, he might not be Ye Qingxuan's opponent, so the Chaos God Beast rushed towards Ye Qingxuan at this time, and Ye Qingxuan turned around at a very fast speed, dodging the Chaos God Beast's attack .

Seeing that Ye Qingxuan was able to hide from its claws, the Chaos Divine Beast couldn't help feeling a little angry and even a little panicked.

The speed of this Ye Qingxuan is really fast. After all, the size of the chaotic beast is relatively large. When he flew towards her, Ye Qingxuan not only had to be fast, but also had to have enough flash distance to be able to do so. Dodge the attack of Chaos Beast.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qingxuan avoided the Chaos God Beast with a light jump, so the Chaos God Beast couldn't help being a little surprised.

After all, in this chaotic world, it is oppressed by this chaotic mist. It is impossible for many immortals or demons to exert their mana and skills with all their strength, but Ye Qingxuan was not suppressed by the chaotic mist.

The Chaos God Beast was thinking secretly, this Ye Qingxuan is really not easy, I must attack him quickly and ruthlessly, with a roar.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho"

Ye Qingxuan saw the roar of the chaotic beast, and couldn't help feeling that the fog in the entire chaotic world was shaking, which made Ye Qingxuan feel a little unsteady and flew out.

The Chaos Divine Beast saw Ye Qingxuan being sent flying by his roar, and couldn't help but feel happy. He was secretly thinking that he thought you were some kind of powerful character, but he didn't expect me to be a fire attack, which would also be effective for you.

At this time, the Chaos Divine Beast came to Ye Qingxuan at a speed that was beyond the reach of lightning, and passed with one paw.

Ye Qingxuan made a quick leap, and it was okay to jump out, Ye Qingxuan's speed was fast enough, the claws of the Chaos Divine Beast touched Ye Qingxuan's skirt, and pulled off a sleeve.

Seeing that Ye Qingxuan was able to hide in such a timely manner and escaped his capture, the Chaos Divine Beast felt even a little bit angry inside, very angry.

This time, he brewed his aura even more, and quickly rushed towards Ye Qingxuan, but Ye Qingxuan once again avoided the capture of the chaotic beast.

Going back and forth like this, the Chaos Divine Beast was panting unconsciously, but it still failed to catch Ye Qingxuan.

Chapter 327 Destroying Chaos Divine Beast

At this time, the Chaos Divine Beast was even more angry. At this time, the Chaos Divine Beast strengthened all its internal forces and was ready to pounce on Ye Qingxuan for the last time.

Ye Qingxuan has spotted the Chaos God Beast, and with the last luck, he has already seen that the Chaos God Beast's abdominal cavity is very huge.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan shot the Absolute Heaven Sword into the abdominal cavity of the Soul Swallowing Divine Beast, blood bulging out of chaos immediately, and the Divine Beast fell to the ground with a roar.

Then a panacea floated out from the belly of the chaotic beast, the panacea glistened, and Ye Qingxuan took the panacea with his hand after turning over and jumping.

The Chaos Divine Beast saw its inner gut floating out of its body, and knew that it was really going to be wiped out this time.

But the Chaos Divine Beast was still a little unwilling, and was still crawling forward with its claws stretched out, trying to **** his own inner alchemy from Ye Qingxuan's hand.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan was staring at the golden chaotic bead in front of him, Ye Qingxuan saw that although this bead had a golden color.

But this bead is that kind of pink, and there seems to be a pink young dragon floating inside this round bead, which looks very weird now.

Ye Qingxuan saw the Chaos God Beast crawling towards him again, and wanted to **** his inner alchemy from his hand, but with the Chaos God Beast, its current physique could not climb up to Ye Qingxuan at all, Ye Qingxuan held the Chaos God Beast at this time. Zhu, jumped out with a backflip~go.

Ye Qingxuan jumped out, and didn't care about the Chaos Divine Beast any more, and continued to hold the Chaos Bead in his hand and play with it.

And at this moment, the gray-black object filled with thick fog in the chaotic world slowly sank, and Ye Qingxuan's matter gradually became clear.

Ye Qingxuan kept turning this chaotic bead in his hand, suddenly a strong current of heat flowed into his brain.

"Just wait for the divine object to be the inner alchemy in the inner body of the Chaos God Beast, called the Chaos Orb."

"The Chaos Orb was originally the body of the Chaos World and was opened up by Pangu. This Chaos Orb fell into the majestic land."

"In the ensuing battle between the immortals and demons, the immortals and the gods of the demon world used this chaotic orb to train a chaotic beast, and also set up a node in the chaotic world to prevent the demon world and the **** world from walking around each other and fighting each other."

"Chaos beads are divided into nine levels, red orange yellow green blue blue purple, silver and gold chaos beads use the body as the medium to control the chaos beast."

"Make it absorb the super strong and dense magic energy in this chaotic world, and then spit out the energy of chaos to provide this dense mist for this chaotic world."

"So that this enchantment of this chaotic world can be kept here forever, separating the passageways of the demon world and the **** world."

Ye Qingxuan heard the energy imparted to him by the Chaos Orb at this time, and knew why the inner alchemy of the Chaos God Beast fell out of his hand after it came out of the body, and the dense fog here was slowly dissipating. It turned out that it was because there was no The red divine beast breathes here, so this diffuse mist is slowly dissipating.

Afterwards, Ye Qingxuan felt the information sent to him all over his body.

"Owning this chaotic bead, you can experience the chaotic **** body and possess the power of chaos."

"It can enable the host to speed up his own cultivation as soon as possible, increase the degree of development of his tendons, and also expand his own pill sea."

"The host of the Chaos Orb can use his own spiritual power to cultivate the Chaos Dragon Control Art. This set of skills has unlimited power. The deeper you can practice, the stronger the power will be, and you can surpass the great way."

A few words appeared in Ye Qingxuan's mind at this time.

"Chaos Dragon Control Art"

"What kind of Taoism is this that can be so powerful?"

In the long river of fate, Yang Xuan, did he feel that Ye Qingxuan had obtained the Chaos God Orb, felt that the Chaos God Orb was by Ye Qingxuan's side?

At this time, Yang Xuan quickly activated his supernatural powers to connect with Ye Qingxuan to see what was going on with Ye Qingxuan.

When the supernatural power was successfully connected, old Yang Xuan saw that the dense fog in this chaotic world was slowly fading away.

Seeing that Ye Qingxuan was holding the Chaos Orb in his hand, he seemed to be in a daze. After feeling it carefully, he realized that Ye Qingxuan and the Chaos Orb were communicating with each other with their consciousness, and that the Chaos Orb was sending its message to its host. transfer.

Yang Xuan also felt the doubts in Ye Qingxuan's heart. At this time, Yang Xuan used the link to disappoint Ye Qingxuan, telling him that they had opened the magical power between them and they could talk.


At this time, Ye Qingxuan was because of the Chaos Orb that the Chaos Divine Beast highlighted just now, and said that the Chaos Orb could allow her to refine the Chaos Divine Body and obtain the Taoism of the Chaos Dragon Control Art.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help standing there in a daze, Ye Qingxuan didn't know what kind of Taoism this was, it could be so powerful.

Cultivators can practice at an unlimited level, can continuously improve according to the cultivator's immortal level, and can destroy the Dao Wanfa.

Then this Chaos Divine Beast Yulong Jue is simply too powerful, so Ye Qingxuan was very puzzled, at this time Ye Qingxuan asked Yang Xuan.

"Yang Xuan, why is this Chaos Dragon Control Art so powerful that it can be cultivated at unlimited levels, but there is no top level?"


"It is too powerful to achieve the Dao Wanfa that defeats the world."

Yang Xuan heard Ye Qingxuan's confusion, so he told Ye Qingxuan about it.

"The Divine Chaos Orb is a treasure that transports spiritual power between the heavens and the earth, and it cannot be obtained by just anyone."

"If it weren't for me, the lord of ten thousand ways, your master is behind you to help you, you wouldn't get it at all."

"You took advantage of my supernatural powers and chance, so the Chaos God Orb fell into your hands, so you should hurry up and use the Chaos God Orb.

"Practice Chaos Divine Art and Chaos Divine Body, let yourself have the power of Chaos as soon as possible, and you can break this barrier and fly out here, but it's still the same sentence."

"You must pay attention to your own cultivation limits, and don't fall into the devil world by going crazy at that time."

"This is what I'm most worried about. Originally, I used the power of the Reincarnation Tower to send you to this spiritual cultivation continent. I hope you can be promoted to reach the standard of a fairy faster."

"I was able to use your body to fly out of the oppression of the long river of fate, but I don't know why I was able to let you get in touch with this chaotic world and get this chaotic orb before you reached the level of a fairy."

"But since the opportunity has been arranged, then you accept the opportunity, but this Chaos Orb does not have a certain level of immortality, and it is impossible to operate the refining operation at all."

Chapter 328 The Power of Chaos God Orb

"But since chance got you it, you start training!"

"I hope that you and this chaotic divine orb can be completely transported and formed into one body, so that you can cultivate a chaotic divine body as soon as possible."

"Because only if you have cultivated into a chaotic **** body and have super powers, can you break this barrier and fly out from here."

After hearing these explanations from Yang Xuan, Ye Qingxuan also understood that the next step for this Chaos Orb is the cultivation he needs to carry out, and he has to take great risks to cultivate this Chaos God Orb.

Through Yang Xuan's notification, Ye Qingxuan knew that this Chaos Orb was a spiritual weapon with super powerful mana.

But now he has worked so hard to get to the level of a Zhongxian, so he can't control the Chaos Orb with his body.

But the chance had already arranged for him to get this chaotic bead "two four three", she wanted to try it, and he was already trapped here, if he didn't experience the chaotic **** body as soon as possible, he would have no power of chaos.

He will continue to be stuck here, unable to get the ascension and unable to get out, so now Ye Qingxuan has nothing to do, since the opportunity is such an arrangement.

He could only go to training and try his best to transport and transform this chaotic divine orb. At this time, Ye Qingxuan raised his head and found that the thick gray-black mist around him had begun to dissipate slowly.

When the gray-black mist dissipated and went out, Ye Qingxuan raised his head and felt that this place was a very empty space at first glance.

There are no plants or vitality, and it is endless, and it looks like a barren wilderness, a desolate space.

Moreover, in this desolate space, there is no light yet, and Ye Qingxuan is the only one in this vast, endless, empty wilderness.

Looking out at a glance, there wasn't even a single fly or mosquito, and there wasn't even a trace of anger, which really made Yang Xuan feel extremely lonely and depressed.

At this time, Yang Xuan released these spiritual pets from the spiritual power space, hoping that these spiritual pets could accompany him here, so that he would not feel so lonely.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan put this Chaos Bead in her pocket temporarily, because she felt that this Chaos Bead was so domineering, she had to wait until she was ready before swallowing this Chaos Bead into her stomach for training .

When these spirit beasts came out of Ye Qingxuan's spiritual power space, they were also very strange. They found the corpse of the chaotic beast lying not far away, with blood profusely bulging outward.

And this thick gray-black mist has slowly dissipated, but when there is such a thick gray-black object, people can't see it, but they don't know how desolate it is here.

When the dense gray-black mist gradually dissipated, these spirit beasts looked at the endless wilderness, not a single blade of grass grew, and they didn't even have a breath for a while.

It just makes people feel that there is a feeling of lovelessness.

At this time, these spirit beasts spoke to Ye Qingxuan.

"Master, since we have eliminated the Chaos Divine Beast, and this thick gray-black object here has gradually dissipated, is there nothing to suppress us, and we can ascend to the Dao and go out from here."

Ye Qingxuan was thinking in his heart at this time, although Yang Xuan had already told him that he must experience this Chaos God Orb here, and integrate it with his body.

With the help of this Chaos Divine Bead to cultivate the Chaos Divine Body and have the power of Chaos, he can fly out from here, but seeing these spirit beasts asking him like this, he couldn't help but not want to discourage him, so he told them.

"Can you try it? I don't know about it. Just now I got the inner alchemy of a Chaos Divine Beast. The consciousness she passed on to me is that this is a Chaos Divine Orb, a super powerful training tool."

"And this cultivation tool has surpassed my fairy world, so I need to study this Chaos Divine Orb now, you can take a look around to see if we can get out from here.

The Colorful Divine Phoenix, hearing its owner say this, he was the first to fly upwards with his wings spread, but he found that although the dense gray-black object had dissipated, she still felt a kind of power Suppressing him, he couldn't get out at all.

Even if he can fly very far, he always feels a pressure from above, making him unable to move his wings. The same is true for ancient dragons...

The ancient dragon, although his immortal rank is not very high, after all, he is an ancient divine beast, and he also has super basic skills, so the ancient dragon uses his internal force to continuously travel through the sky.

He wanted to break through the suppressed power and fly out from this chaotic world, but after the continuous efforts of the ancient dragon, he still couldn't get out from here.

Since these two spirit beasts that can fly, after their own experiments, they found that they still have a kind of super pressure to suppress them, and they can't pass through and ascend from here at all.

The other beasts were also discouraged, lying there not knowing what to do, at this time.

Ziyu Qilin talked to Ye Qingxuan.

"Master, since we have eliminated the Chaos Divine Beast, I don't know if there are no other dangers in this Chaos World."

"Even if there is no other danger, this world is too desolate. What method should we use to get out of here?"

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