Especially when the earth demon bear spirit beast was released from the spiritual power space by Ye Qingxuan, his physical strength can only be said to have recovered a little. At this time, several spirit beasts are fighting here, and only the earth demon bear spirit beast can cultivate It was practiced very seriously.

Ye Qingxuan saw that the Earth Demon Bear was injured just now to save himself, and now his physical strength has not fully recovered. At this time, Ye Qingxuan also took out part of his elixir and sent it to the Earth Demon Bear.

The Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast took the apex of Ye Qingxuan's hand, thanked him very much, knelt down on the ground and said to Ye Qingxuan.

"Thank you master for giving me the elixir. I will practice as soon as possible to improve my immortal rank.".

Chapter 292

The Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast looked up at Ye Qingxuan.

"Master, don't worry, I will practice as soon as possible to improve my mana and immortal rank faster, and protect the safety of the master."

Ye Qingxuan was very grateful when he saw the devil bear, and couldn't help being very happy. He stood up, touched his head in front of the devil bear, smiled slightly at the devil bear, and gave the devil bear more Much encouragement~.

Ye Qingxuan settled down a few spiritual pets, and led them to meditate and practice here. He saw the purple and rich spiritual energy constantly spreading in this valley, like Ye Qingxuan and these spiritual pets, rushing toward his face.

These clusters of ultra-strong purple and rich aura formed a wave of aura around them, constantly rotating.

After a while, Ye Qingxuan slowly recovered his physical strength with a few spiritual pets.

But Ye Qingxuan was thinking in his heart at this time, although his physical strength has recovered, but with his current connection and its mana and skills, it is impossible to fight against the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect.

Ye Qingxuan was thinking in his heart, where can he find some spiritual weapons or spirit beasts that can improve mana and immortal rank!

He jumped lightly, suspended in mid-air, and searched for a long time in this canyon. Finally, he saw a place deep in the canyon with the sound of gurgling water, which seemed to be a waterfall.

Ye Qingxuan saw that there was a super strong purple air pervading above the waterfall.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan came to this waterfall with a strong purple air just like flying towards this waterfall that only goes to the rich air.

He looked into the waterfall, and couldn't help being startled, showing a hint of ecstasy.

Ye Qingxuan saw a very emerald green color under the waterfall, shining there, and surrounded by a very strong purple aura around this emerald green color.

People's vision forms the illusion of a circle of green in the middle and a circle of purple outside. Although Ye Qingxuan doesn't know what the bottom line is, he knows that there must be a very good spiritual weapon under the waterfall.

At this time, I saw Ye Qingxuan leaping, passed through the waterfall and came to the inside of the waterfall. I didn't expect that there was a secret room inside the waterfall.

Ye Qingxuan walked into the secret room, and saw a white jade lotus stand in the middle of the secret room, and on top of the white jade lotus stand, there was a white jade flower pot, and in this flower pot was a rare and fresh jasper lotus.

This pure-hearted jasper lotus can be refined from it, a panacea for purifying the heart and nourishing the mind, and cultivating the immortal body. This fresh jasper lotus is refined with high-quality ganoderma lucidum and ginseng to make an elixir.

It can make the immortal body of the immortal cultivator stronger and stronger, and this white jade lotus platform is also an excellent spiritual weapon for cultivating immortals and improving mana.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan sat on the white jade lotus platform and began to meditate, and picked out some ginseng and ganoderma lucidum from his spiritual power space, and used his spiritual power to make secret medicine together with this pure jade lotus.

At this time, I saw Ye Qingxuan pulled out the alchemy furnace from his spiritual power space, suspended in mid-air, and put some ginseng and ganoderma he picked from his spiritual power space into the alchemy furnace together with this fresh jasper lotus middle.

Ye Qingxuan continuously conveyed the aura in his body, like this alchemy furnace in mid-air, and saw the three-flavored real fire slowly burning in the alchemy furnace, and began to honey several high-quality medicinal materials in the alchemy furnace. refining.

After a while, I saw that the inside of the pill furnace began to slowly send out aura, which was the aura emitted by the fusion of pills.

The spiritual pets in Ye Qingxuan's spiritual power space seemed to be able to feel that Ye Qingxuan was refining elixir with honey, and they also felt that the surrounding environment of Ye Qingxuan was very safe.

So several spirit beasts in the spiritual power space connected to Ye Qingxuan with their thoughts, telling Ye Qingxuan that they wanted Ye Qingxuan to release them outside.

When Ye Qingxuan received information about these spirit beasts, he released them from the clever space, because the spirit energy around the white jade lotus platform was very strong, and several fairy beasts came out of the spirit space, and they Can absorb super aura.

Because these spirit beasts were injured in the confrontation with the Daozhen spirit beast of the Sword Emperor Sect before, they knew that their immortal rank was relatively low

Walking out of the spiritual power space this time, seeing such a space for cultivation, several spirit beasts sat on the ground obediently and practiced their own immortal techniques this time.


Seeing these spirit beasts cultivating around him, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help feeling very satisfied. Ye Qingxuan continuously sent spirit energy into its alchemy furnace.

After a while, Alone exploded with a bang, and an elixir flew out of the elixir furnace, hanging in mid-air. At this time, Ye Qingxuan took the elixir into his hand with spiritual power, and looked at it carefully. .

I saw that this elixir continuously exudes a super strong and rich purple spiritual weapon. It can be seen that this elixir has super spiritual power. It is not easy to see this elixir. Strong mana and skill.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan put this elixir into his mouth, and suddenly felt that his pill sea was expanding again and again, a super-forced warm current spread from the single sea to his heart, and then passed through him The internal organs of the body spread to all blood vessels in the whole body.


At this time, Ye Qingxuan felt a warm current from the inside out of his body, making him continuously expand the volume of his Danhai.

Slowly, I saw Ye Qingxuan sitting cross-legged in his body, he could feel the purple energy trembling constantly in his body, and slowly saw a super strong spiritual power go straight from Ye Qingxuan's Danhai to the top of his head.

Ye Qingxuan's immortal rank has been promoted again, this time Ye Qingxuan's immortal rank has reached the level of Shangxuan Immortal, although the Daoist of Sword Emperor Sect is at the level of Celestial Immortal, Ye Qingxuan's immortal rank has not yet reached, but Ye Qingxuan can once again get such He is already very satisfied.

At least when he fights the Sword Emperor Sect again, he won't be as weak and powerless as before.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan saw that several spirit beasts were practicing well here, and as their immortal ranks improved, the immortal ranks of several spirit beasts also improved.

Ye Qingxuan was going to lead these spirit beasts out of here at this time, but they didn't expect that at this time they discovered that there was a door on the wall of the secret room behind the waterfall, and they didn't know why, but at this moment there was a sudden creaking sound. opened up.

Ye Qingxuan saw the stone door behind it open, and felt that there must be a mysterious door inside.

Chapter 293 Conquering the Clouded Leopard Beast

Ye Qingxuan received these spiritual pets into his spiritual power space, walked to the stone gate, and walked in along the stone gate.

Unexpectedly, behind this stone gate, there is a clouded leopard beast locked there with various chains. This kind of clouded leopard can be called a mythical beast. It has a higher immortal rank than ordinary spirit beasts, and has super powerful mana.

But what Ye Qingxuan didn't understand was why this clouded leopard beast was locked in this secret room with various chains?

The clouded leopard beast saw it, and someone came to his secret room, and he was very happy. At that time, he saw this clouded leopard beast and roared loudly towards the sky.

Roar... Roar... Roar...

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help being startled when he saw this clouded leopard roaring towards the sky lion. At this moment, he saw this clouded leopard constantly break free from the chain "170", trying to charge towards Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan took out his Tianjue Sword at this time, and kept flying in front of this clouded leopard beast. Unexpectedly, when the clouded leopard beast saw Ye Qingxuan took out the Tianjue sword, it suddenly stopped roaring, but squatted limply over there.

It turned out that Tianjuejian had seen the super aggressiveness of the clouded leopard beast, and had already transformed into a sword soul and sword energy. The transformed sword soul and sword energy formed countless super powerful phantoms, flying towards the clouded leopard beast. past.

So the clouded leopard beast was intimidated by the phantom of the Tianjue sword, lying there and did not dare to move. At this time, Ye Qingxuan used his spiritual consciousness to communicate with this clouded leopard beast.

Ye Qingxuan said to this clouded leopard beast.

"Why are you **** here? What mistakes did you make to be punished?"

The clouded leopard said to Ye Qingxuan at this time.

"I was originally the God Beast of the Long River of Destiny, but I didn't expect that before the Long River of Destiny, there would be an extraterrestrial demon, a strange Tianzun."

"Bewitched by him, I rebelled against the river of fate. I didn't expect to be subdued by the immortals of many sects. I also know that I was bewitched by the strange gods."

"In the battle to eliminate the strange Heavenly Venerate, I also made great contributions."

"The immortals of many sects saw that I was wrong."

"As our orc clan, it is not easy to cultivate immortal bones and become a divine beast, and I have been in the river of fate for many years."

"Seeing that I already knew that I was wrong, the many immortals of the middle sect did not break my immortal bones, but locked me here, let me reflect, and wait for someone destined to subdue me."

"Seeing you come in, I know that you should be the destined person who can subdue me and lead me to cultivate and upgrade together."

"I didn't want to attack you just now, but I have been locked here by ropes for tens of millions of years, and finally seeing someone come in is a very happy expression."

"I didn't misunderstand you because of my performance just now. I thought I would attack you. If I still have the ability to attack, I won't be tied here by many immortals."

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help being very happy when he heard what the clouded leopard beast said, because he knew the level of this clouded leopard beast, and it was much higher than the pets in his spiritual power space, and its attack power was also very strong.

But Ye Qingxuan was thinking in his heart, wondering if this clouded leopard beast would be willing to become his own spiritual pet, after all, the level of this clouded leopard beast is quite high.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan said to the clouded leopard beast.

"Since you said that I am your destined person, are you willing to sign a contract link with me and become my spiritual pet?"

At this time, the cloud leopard mythical beast said to Ye Qingxuan.

"I am bound here for these ancestral gods, waiting for someone who is destined to be able to untie my rope. If we are not destined for each other, you will not be able to untie my rope, and I will not be able to sign a contract with you."

"So you can first try to see if you can open the rope that binds me. If you can open the rope that binds me, then you and I are destined to automatically sign a contract link, not what you and I say."

When Ye Qingxuan heard the clouded leopard beast say this, he couldn't help pulling out his Tianjue sword and using the Tianjue sword formula to draw the sword soul and sword consciousness, which were as sharp as the chains binding the clouded leopard beast.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qingxuan's Tianjue sword hit the chain binding the detonating beast and was bounced back, and the iron chain binding the clouded leopard remained unchanged.

When Ye Qingxuan saw the iron chains binding the clouded leopard beast, it was really powerful. It seemed that he had to use super strong swordsmanship to cut off the chains binding the clouded leopard beast....

So this time Ye Qingxuan began to mobilize the internal force of his Danhai, and sent the internal force of his own Danhai to the Tianjue Sword, and finally transformed into a phantom of the Tianjue Sword, cutting off the chain of the clouded leopard beast.

Unexpectedly, the internal force used this time is still relatively strong, and the chain of the clouded leopard beast was slightly broken by the Tianjue sword.

The clouded leopard beast saw that Ye Qingxuan's Tianjue sword was really proficient in binding him, and now it has been cut to pieces, so it couldn't help being very happy, the clouded leopard beast said to Ye Qingxuan at this time.

"Hurry up and increase your internal strength, quickly cut off this rope, and I will automatically form a contract link, and I will become your spiritual pet, and I can follow you to cultivate on the upper immortal level."

Ye Qingxuan saw his Tianjue sword, and this time it really seemed that the iron chains of this clouded leopard beast were broken.

So this time Ye Qingxuan once again increased his Danhai to send internal power to the Tianjue Sword. This time, when he saw the Tianjue Sword, he transformed into a sword soul and countless phantoms of the Tianjue Sword, like the iron chains binding this clouded leopard beast cut off.

After chopping repeatedly like this several times, Ye Qingxuan finally cut off the iron chains binding this clouded leopard beast.

When the clouded leopard beast broke free from the iron chains, it jumped out of the secret room, out of the waterfall, and kept rolling over the canyon.

At this time, the spiritual air above this canyon 5.6 is continuously fluctuating super-strongly, and many creatures and plants on the ground look like an earthquake has occurred.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan also followed the clouded leopard beast out of the waterfall, and saw that the clouded leopard beast finally broke free from its bondage, happily rolling continuously in the sky.

This clouded leopard beast kept rolling in the sky, releasing the suppressed emotions that had been **** in the stone room for these years.

When this clouded leopard mythical beast had had enough fun and madness, it returned to Ye Qingxuan at this time, squatted in front of Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan.

"Master, I will be your spiritual pet from now on, and I will practice with you. I don't know how many spiritual pets the master has now, can I get to know them?".

Chapter 294

At this time, Ye Qingxuan released his ancient flood dragon, two fog beasts, fierce tiger beast and earth demon bear spirit beast from his spiritual power space.

The clouded leopard beast saw Ye Qingxuan's spiritual power space, and the few spirit insects released stepped forward, each of them greeted it very warmly.

Among these beasts, the Earth Demon Bear is more humane and more spiritual. Seeing this clouded leopard beast became Ye Qingxuan's spiritual pet, he touched the paws of the two animals to show that they became a partner.

The fierce tiger spirit beast is also a little spiritual in comparison. When it came to this clouded leopard beast, it also touched its paws, indicating that they have become partners.

The two fog beasts were the dull ones standing there among the few spirit beasts. Although they saw the cloud and the leopard beast became a spiritual pet of the master, they didn't seem to have any feelings for these two fog beasts. He didn't want to make friends with the clouded leopard beast, and he didn't express any dislike towards the clouded leopard beast.

However, the clouded leopard beast still came to the two fog beasts and touched them with their paws, and they expressed that they could become friends.

The ancient dragon beast is the most arrogant among the 22 spirit beasts. He always feels that he is an ancient spirit beast, and that he will be one level higher than the other spirit beasts, but here only the ancient dragon has the lowest immortal rank.

Therefore, the ancient flood dragon did not step forward to talk to this clouded leopard beast, but the clouded leopard beast, as a super beast that has reached the level of a beast in the spirit beast world, has always been a super beast, and still has a very strong ability to tolerate and call.

So the Clouded Leopard Divine Beast didn't care about the emotions of the ancient dragon. At the same level, it stepped forward to touch the ancient dragon with its paws, and expressed its friendship to it.

Ye Qingxuan also seemed to see the emotions of the ancient Jiaolong, Ye Qingxuan said to the ancient Jiaolong at this time.

"Ancient Jiaolong, you are making an old mistake again. Since you spirit beasts are destined to meet me, sign a contract link with me, become my spiritual pet, practice with me, and improve the immortal rank, it is all given to us by God. fate."

"Besides, among you few spirit beasts, the clouded leopard is the highest level. Since you have the chance to meet him, you will become my spiritual pet. You should learn from him and improve your fairy rank as soon as possible."

The Ancient Flood Dragon heard what Ye Qingxuan said. After all, Ye Qingxuan was his master, so at this time, the Ancient Flood Dragon also somewhat changed his mentality.

The ancient dragon and the clouded leopard beast touched each other's paws, but they still felt uncomfortable.

Seeing that they already knew each other, Ye Qingxuan told them.

"My spiritual power space is now expanding because of my new machine. After playing outside for a while, go back to my spiritual power space to meditate!"

At this time, the cloud leopard mythical beast said to Ye Qingxuan.

"Master, since I have become your contracted spiritual pet, send me to your spiritual power space! I'll go and see what your spiritual power space looks like."

Ye Qingxuan heard that the clouded leopard beast wanted to return to his spiritual power space, so he sent the clouded leopard beast into her own spiritual power space with his thoughts.

The Earth Demon Bear is all about cultivation, he feels that the spiritual power outside is not as good as Ye Qingxuan's spiritual power space, so at this time the Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast also told Ye Qingxuan.

"Master, you should send me back to your spiritual power space. I don't think there is much consciousness outside. The aura in your spiritual power space is relatively strong and you can practice in it. I think it is necessary to improve the immortal rank could be faster."

Ye Qingxuan heard that the Earth Demon Bear spirit beast would also return to the spiritual power space, so he sent the Earth Demon Bear back to her spiritual power space.

The two fog beasts and the ancient dragon played outside for a while, and flew in mid-air for a while, and when they were tired, they told Ye Qingxuan with their consciousness.

"Master, we have had enough fun, send us back to your spiritual power space!"

Ye Qingxuan heard the two fog beasts and the ancient dragon tell her that they had played enough outside and wanted to return to his spiritual power space. At this time, Ye Qingxuan sent the two fog beasts and the ancient dragon back to his spiritual space.

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