Ye Qingxuan is also cultivating immortals here at this time, and he has almost cultivated, and his immortal rank has also risen to a higher level, and he even got a clouded leopard beast, such a spiritual pet with a relatively high immortal rank.

Ye Qingxuan was quite satisfied at this time, and felt that if he met the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect again, this time Ye Qingxuan thought in his heart that he should be more confident in defeating the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect.

Ye Qingxuan hung in the air and looked around, but there were no shadows of the many disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect. Ye Qingxuan saw that the stone room behind the waterfall was very suitable for cultivation, so Ye Qingxuan walked through the waterfall again and entered the secret room.

Ye Qingxuan did it on the white jade lotus platform in this secret room, constantly absorbing the rich air here, practicing meditation, and improving his immortal rank.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qingxuan heard someone talking outside at this time.

"Dao Zun, look at the waterfall in front, there seems to be someone cultivating behind him, and the purple energy inside that waterfall is very strong, why don't we go in and see if that little **** is in there."

At this time, I heard another man say.

170 "There is indeed someone practicing cultivation behind that waterfall, but whether it is that little **** or not, you go and have a look first."

At this time, I saw a fairy flying through the waterfall into the secret room, which disturbed Ye Qingxuan's cultivation. At this time, Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and saw that it was the disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect chasing here.

The disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect saw that the person practicing on the white jade lotus platform inside the waterfall was really Ye Qingxuan.

However, this disciple of Sword Emperor Sect knew that Ye Qingxuan's martial arts were very powerful, and he couldn't fight against Ye Qingxuan with his ability.

So this disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect saw clearly that it was Ye Qingxuan, and quickly flew back to the Daoist through the waterfall.

When the man returned outside, he actually spoke to Dao Zun.

"Dao Zun, that little **** is really cultivating here, you take us in and deal with him!"

At this time, I heard Dao Zun say.

"You are all waiting outside for this little bitch. I can clean it up by myself. Let you see how I smashed this little bitch's fairy bones to avenge our head of the Sword Emperor Sect."

"You are here, watch how I deal with this little bitch, you must learn a lot of skills, and learn the true meaning of our Sword Emperor Sect.".

Chapter 295 Spirit Beast War

Dao Zun of Sword Emperor Sect looked at these disciples and continued.

"In the future, we will cultivate a candidate head of our Sword Emperor Sect from among you."

At this time, I heard those disciples of Sword Emperor Sect knelt there and said.

"Dao Zun, we must study hard here, learn your superb swordsmanship, and carry it forward for our Sword Emperor Sect in the future."

"Today, we must eliminate that little **** and avenge Ye Yu, the head of our Sword Emperor Sect. This time, we will definitely smash the fairy bone of this little **** and let him die completely."

Ye Qingxuan slowly held his breath behind the waterfall, and couldn't help being very angry when he heard their words here.

At this time, I saw Ye Qingxuan put away his breath, flew away from the white jade lotus platform, flew out of the waterfall, and arrived in front of the people of Sword Emperor Sect.

Ye Qingxuan said loudly to these people from the Sword Emperor Sect.

"Although you are fighting against the Sword Emperor Sect, you can't just utter wild words like this. Whether you have real skills or not, we will talk about it after the competition."

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan saw Ye Qingxuan holding his Tianjue sword, and his figure flew into the air. Seeing a very dazzling silver light, it flew by and went straight to the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect to stab it.

Here I saw Dao Zun of the Sword Emperor Sect, also pulled out his Yuyang Sword from the scabbard with a "whoosh", a golden light was extremely dazzling, piercing like Ye Qingxuan.

At this time, I saw that above the entire canyon, tinkling, a trace of gold and silver light, with the sound of tinkling, constantly whirling in mid-air.

Dao Zun of the Sword Emperor Sect and Ye Qingxuan were evenly divided. After a while, the two separated in mid-air. Looking back, they saw Ye Qingxuan using the power of Danhai to transform into the sword soul of Tianjue Sword.

At this time, I saw the sword soul and sword consciousness of Tianjue Sword continuously overlapping, transforming into one after another, sharp phantoms of Tianjuejian.

Here, Zhun Ye Qingxuan of the Sword Emperor Sect's phantom of the Heavenly Absolute Sword is quite different from the last time.

It didn't take long before this Ye Qingxuan was promoted again, and now his immortal rank has reached the level of Shangxuan Immortal.

Moreover, the sword soul released by Tianjue Sword this time seems to be hundreds of times more powerful than last time. Seeing Ye Qingxuan like this, Daozi from the Sword Emperor Sect felt that Ye Qingxuan must have obtained some magic weapon.

However, the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect did not show weakness this time, and released his spiritual pet from his spiritual power space.

This time, the spiritual pet released by the Taoist of the Sword Emperor Sect was his Flying Flood Dragon. The Flying Flood Dragon flew out of the sky like a phantom, and it flew straight towards Ye Qingxuan.

The phantom of Ye Qingxuan Tianjuejian saw the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect and released the flying dragon, and the phantom of the Tianjuejian also rushed straight to the flying dragon of the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect.

He sent out two powerful roars in the sky, and saw the phantoms transformed by the real Flying Flood Dragon and Ye Qingxuan's Absolute Sword, colliding crazily together in the sky.

Then there was a loud bang, and the two figures flew upside down in an instant, and Dao Zun and Ye Qingxuan of the Sword Emperor Sect were both pushed back by the opponent's spiritual power.

Seeing the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect, Ye Qingxuan released his flying dragon beast. At this time, Ye Qingxuan also released the clouded leopard beast he had tamed in the stone chamber of the White Jade Lotus Terrace.

The Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect couldn't help being surprised when he saw the clouded leopard beast released by Ye Qingxuan.

What kind of energy did this little **** acquire to be able to tame a god-level spiritual pet like a clouded leopard?

The clouded leopard must be surpassed. Other ordinary spirit beasts belong to the god-level beasts. Generally, such god-level beasts are very difficult to tame.

But with this little bitch, he was able to tame the clouded leopard beast with such martial arts, which made the Taoist of the Sword Emperor Sect grit his teeth with hatred.

I heard the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect shout loudly there.

"You little bitch! What kind of chance is there to get this kind of clouded leopard beast, this kind of god-level clouded leopard beast, to become your spiritual pet?"

"It's really a **** luck for you to meet such a mythical beast as the clouded leopard."

Ye Qingxuan heard the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect swearing unreservedly here, and suddenly burned with anger in his heart, and shouted loudly at the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect.

"As the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect, you are able to utter outrageous curses, sell your old ones, and those who violate them will not obey. How can I tell you to shut up today?"

At this time, Ye Qingxuan raised the Tianjue sword with one hand, and pulled the Tianjue sword out of its scabbard with the other hand.

In an instant, the Tianjue Sword swung a strange sword light, and transformed into a silver dragon in the sky. I saw this silver dragon hovering in the sky, roaring angrily.

There is also Ye Qingxuan's spiritual pet, the clouded leopard beast. When he saw the silver dragon transformed by Ye Qingxuan's Tianjue Sword and his spiritual pet, the clouded leopard beast, he saw two angry lion roars, running away like a Taoist from the Sword Emperor Sect.

I saw the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect also release his spiritual pet, and the flying flood dragon flew towards Ye Qingxuan's spiritual pet cloud leopard like a golden flame.

And Ye Qingxuan's Tianjue Sword, the phantom and the sword shadow formed by the Sword Emperor Sect's Taoist Yuyang Sword, clashed in mid-air.

Ye Qingxuan's Tianjue Sword and Lu Yang, the Sword Emperor Zong Dazhen, saw two sword lights, swung the long sword, the sword lights flickered, and bursts of sparks erupted in mid-air.

As the two spirit pets continued to roar and scuffle, the spirit pets of Sword Emperor Zong Dao Zun flew away, and Tian Jiaolong seemed to be somewhat defeated.

Seeing the flying dragon of Sword Emperor Zong Dao Zun, the cloud leopard beast was somewhat unable to withstand him, so it moved forward bravely, hissing (de-Zhao's) roar, shocking the valley, and the cloud leopard beast bit the flying dragon in a short while There are injuries all over the body.

At this time, I saw the flying flood dragon slowly falling from the midair to the ground. At this time, many disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect saw that their revered beast was injured.

At this time, many disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect made their moves one after another, like Ye Qingxuan's clouded leopard beast waving a sharp sword, at this moment, they saw streaks of silver sword light shooting out from the long swords in the hands of many disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect.

A series of sharp sword lights shot at the clouded leopard beast, and the clouded leopard beast sensed danger. At this moment, it saw the clouded leopard beast with red eyes, roaring to the sky.

At this time, I saw the phantoms of countless clouded leopard beasts in the light, and I saw the phantoms of clouded leopards constantly biting, and many disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect.

Some disciples with lower immortal ranks and weak mana and skills wanted to escape quickly.

Chapter 296 Ye Qingxuan Trapped

The cloud leopard beast saw that these disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect wanted to escape, so they quickly chased after them.

I saw these disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect being bitten by the phantom of the clouded leopard beast and fell to the ground.

The other Zhongzuo disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect were very angry when they saw their fellow disciples being injured by the clouded leopard beast. Everyone increased the power of their sword skills and sword formulas.

What's more, everyone used their unique swordsmanship to attack the clouded leopard beast, only to see Lin Dao's beast stretching out its sharp claws, bowing left and right to bite the disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect.

After a while, many phantoms of the clouded leopard beast were wiped out one after another by many disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect.

Due to the slashing and killing of many disciples, the clouded leopard beast gradually had more wounds on its body, showing a weak appearance.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan felt that the clouded leopard beast had been injured, so he couldn't help but hastily stretched out his thoughts to send the clouded leopard beast into his spiritual power space.

The Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect saw that his flying dragon was injured by the clouded leopard beast, and once again released the flame flying wolf beast from his spiritual power space.

The flame flying wolf beast is also one of the many spirit beasts that has reached the level of a fairy. When I saw this flame flying wolf, its whole body was covered with that kind of red, fire-like 173 hairs.

The flame wolf's eyes were as red as two flames burning, and he saw the powerful limbs of the flame wolf standing on the ground.

This kind of flame flying wolf has a very fast aggressiveness. It was originally in Ye Qingxuan's spiritual power space. The clouded leopard beast has the highest magical power and the highest martial arts.

But now the clouded leopard beast has been injured by many disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect, and it is temporarily unable to come out to fight. It stands to reason that the earth demon bear spirit beast in Ye Qingxuan's spiritual power space is the most powerful of the remaining spirit beasts.

However, the earth demon bear spirit beast has relatively strong defense ability, and its attack ability is much worse, so Ye Qingxuan decided to release the earth demon bear spirit beast and fierce tiger spirit beast in the spiritual power space at the same time, and compete with the flame flying wolf of the Sword Emperor Sect Daoist. Beasts fight.

At this time, I saw the Flame Flying Wolf of the Sword Emperor Zong Dao Zun, standing there, suddenly like a ball of flames, like the earth demon bear spirit beast and fierce tiger spirit beast flew over.

I saw bursts of spiritual energy fluctuations in the sky, super strong spiritual power, due to the scuffle of several spirit beasts, the entire spiritual energy fluctuations were like a whirlpool, strafing all around (ccfg).

Those wounded disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect on the ground could not help but be affected by this powerful spiritual energy wave, and many disciples could not help but be sent flying by this spiritual energy wave.

I saw the flame flying wolf spirit beast and Ye Qingxuan's fierce tiger spirit beast and earth demon bear spirit beast constantly fighting in the sky.

Although the flame flying wolf is very powerful, after all, Ye Qingxuan's portal spirit beast and the earth demon bear spirit beast are two spirit beasts fighting against the flame flying wolf of the Sword Emperor Zong Dao Zun at the same time.

At this time, due to the strong resistance and defense ability of the earth demon bear, and its huge size, the two scuffled with the flame flying wolf beast, and immediately bit the fire flying wolf to prevent it from breaking free.

And the fierce tiger spirit beast continued to bite the flame flying wolf outside, and slowly the flame flying wolf gained the upper hand.

Suddenly, I heard a loud cry from the Flame Flying Wolf.

It turned out that the fierce tiger spirit beast bit off a piece of fur from the Flame Flying Wolf, which caused the Flame Flying Wolf to howl and become extremely angry.

So the Flame Flying Wolf entangled the Earth Demon Bear at this time, and bit the Earth Demon Bear's neck fiercely. Seeing this scene, the Tiger Spirit Beast quickly pushed and pulled between them.

In the end, he bit the Flame Flying Wolf's head fiercely, causing the Flame Flying Wolf to roll on the ground in pain, and let go of the Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast.

Here Ye Qingxuan and the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect are still having a spiritual sword competition in the sky, and they saw countless phantoms transformed by Ye Qingxuan's Tianjue Sword, surrounding the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect.

However, the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect, his Yuyang sword also transformed into countless phantoms, surrounding the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect, forming a protective barrier.

Moreover, while forming a protective barrier, the phantom of Ye Qingxuan's Absolute Sword was being suppressed. Slowly, the phantom of Ye Qingxuan's Absolute Sword was swallowed by the phantom of Yuyang Sword of the Sword Emperor Zong Daozun.

Ye Qingxuan was slowly losing at this time. After all, the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect is now at the level of a celestial being. Although Ye Qingxuan has the help of spiritual pets with his mana and skills, Ye Qingxuan is only an upper-level immortal.

So Ye Qingxuan was slowly injured by the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect, Ye Qingxuan set up a barrier at this time, ready to escape.

Unexpectedly, the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect had already set up defenses against Ye Qingxuan's move in advance. The Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect used it to transform countless gold threads, set up a big net, and tied Ye Qingxuan tightly to his big net. in.

Ye Qingxuan saw the heavenly and earthly net set up by the Taoist of the Sword Emperor Sect struggling to break free, and found that the heavenly and earthly net set by the Sword Emperor's Taoist was really very strong, and he and she couldn't get out with a light jump.

Ye Qingxuan released all his spirit beasts from the spiritual power space at this time. The clouded leopard beast has slowly recovered some of its physical strength at this time, but it has not recovered to the previous level.

Several divine beasts saw the king constantly attacking outside, and wanted to help his master fight for the big net.

The Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect saw these spirit beasts frantically helping Ye Qingxuan struggle in the net, couldn't help being a little angry, raised his Yuyang sword and chopped off the net.

Ye Qingxuan saw the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect slashing at the big net again with the Yuyang sword, and quickly sent the ancient flood dragon, two fog beasts, tiger spirit beast, and cloud leopard beast into his spirit force space.

Ye Qingxuan didn't want these spirit beasts to be implicated with him, as long as his fairy bones didn't perish, these spirit beasts would be safer inside his spiritual power space than outside.

Because the earth demon bear spirit beast and fierce tiger spirit beast had been injured in the battle with the flame flying wolf just now, lying on the ground, Ye Qingxuan had seen them during the scuffle, but he had no chance to send them into his spiritual power space.

It happened that he was involved in the big net, and when he saw the extreme spirit beasts also came out to rescue her, but when he saw the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect, he used the Yuyang Sword to transform into a phantom, and the spirit beasts came out to save her. Hack and kill.

Ye Qingxuan knew that the phantoms created by the Sword Emperor Zong Dao Zun's Yuyang Sword were very powerful, these spirit beasts themselves were still injured, and if they faced the Yuyang Sword's sword soul phantom, they would definitely hurt the immortal bones.

Chapter 297 Beast Heart Roar Illusion Technique (Please Subscribe!)

Ye Qingxuan immediately sent these spiritual pets to his spiritual power space.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan quickly took out a large amount of panacea from his storage space, swallowed it quickly, and took advantage of this space to meditate on himself.

The Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect was holding his Yuyang Sword hanging in the air, seeing Ye Qingxuan still struggling there, at this moment he raised the Yuyang Sword and stood there.

Very mocking, shouted like Ye Qingxuan in the big net.

"Hahahaha, you, a little bitch, were able to hurt the head of my Sword Emperor Sect. This time, you can't escape from my palm."

"I didn't expect that you are still dying here. I don't know if your elixir can save you for a while, or if it can save you forever."

"This time I will give you some time to practice and see if you can defeat me in the end, hahahaha!"

Ye Qingxuan saw the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect standing there, the Yuyang sword was not chopped off, so he quickly took advantage of this space to quickly train his body~.

After swallowing the elixir, he quickly mobilized his own Danhai, and there were a lot of Jiang Danhai inside, transporting them to his internal organs, quickly repairing his body.

After a while, Ye Qingxuan's body really slowly recovered. At this time, Ye Qingxuan mobilized his Tianjue Sword, read out the Tianjue Sword Art, and slowly transformed into a sword soul.

Ye Qingxuan discovered that under the powerful net of the Sword Emperor Zong Daozun, it seemed very difficult for Ye Qingxuan to conjure up the phantom of the Tianjue Sword.

If Ye Qingxuan can mobilize his own internal force, it would be very good to transform his Heavenly Absolute Sword into a sword soul.

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