The phantom that floated out was the fairy body of the flame demon wolf, because no matter whether it was a human or a beast, once it had to be cultivated to become a fairy, with the fairy bone, it could continue to practice without death.

The disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect saw that their spirit beast was like this, and were very angry at being injured by Ye Qingxuan's spirit beast. They quickly took the remaining weak fairy body of the flame demon wolf into their spiritual power space.

The disciples of Sword Emperor Sect saw that their spirit beast was not Ye Qingxuan's opponent, so they were very angry, and took out their invincible magic sword.

Ye Qingxuan could tell that this disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect must have a high prestige in the Sword Emperor Sect, because its sword is the Invincible Illusory Demon Sword, and it is also a very high-level spiritual weapon.

But even if the sword emperor sect's disciple's spirit weapon is high-strength, it is not as powerful as Ye Qingxuan's Tianjue sword.

Seeing this disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect, Ye Qingxuan pulled out his Invincible Demon Summoning Sword from its scabbard, and saw colorful lights flashing from the hilt of the Invincible Magic Demon Sword.

Ye Qingxuan also pulled out his Tianjue Sword at this time. The Tianjue Sword in Ye Qingxuan's hand has now forged a sword soul, and the sword soul is also very rich, and he saw a dense purple light emanating from the hilt. Slowly transform into golden light.

I saw Ye Qingxuan holding the Tianjue Sword, and the disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect holding the Invincible Illusory Demon Sword, and the two of them were hanging in the air and hitting each other.

I saw Ye Qingxuan's Tianjue sword transforming into a phantom of Tianjue sword during the mutual strikes, and I saw Tianjue saw the phantom, flying straight towards the chest of that disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect.

Unexpectedly, the invincible phantom sword of this disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect also turned into a phantom, blocking the phantom of Ye Qingxuan's Tianjue Sword.

It turned out that this person was the candidate for the head of the Sword Emperor Sect. Because Xiao Hei had stolen Ye Qingxuan's fairy bones since he was a child, which made his bones even more perfect, so Xiao Hei was promoted to the head of the Sword Emperor Sect.

And in front of Ye Qingxuan, the disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect, her immortal rank, magic power and skill are stronger than Xiao Hei, and after entering the secret realm, she has obtained more mysteries, so Ye Qingxuan's Invincible Illusory Demon Sword also transformed into phantom.

He saw the phantom of Ye Qingxuantian Absolute Sword and the phantom of his opponent's Invincible Phantom Sword, like two illusory dragons constantly fighting in the sky.

And Ye Qingxuan was holding the real body of Tianjue Sword in his hand, and kept hitting the Invincible Illusory Demon Sword of the disciple of Sword Emperor Sect.

In mid-air, Ye Qingxuan's Tianjue Sword and Sword Emperor Sect's disciple's Invincible Illusion Sword were clanging and colliding, making various noises, causing the air in the canyon to fluctuate constantly.

After a while, both Ye Qingxuan and this disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect were exhausted, their immortal power and immortal rank were evenly matched, so after fighting for a while, both of them were very tired.

At this time, after the two separated, they quickly took out their elixir from their storage space, swallowed it into their mouths, and replenished their physical strength as soon as possible.

After the two replenished their strength, they flew into the air again to fight.

Ye Qingxuan felt that fighting this disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect was too long and wasted energy, so at this time Ye Qingxuan used all his internal energy to gather the Tianjue Sword, wanting to kill him with one strike.

I saw Ye Qingxuan holding his sword fiercely, stabbing like this disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect, but he didn't expect this disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect to dodge it in time.

I saw a super strong golden sword piercing through, and on the ground of this canyon, a super strong crack appeared.

The disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect couldn't help but gasped when they saw this super strong crack on the ground.

Unexpectedly, in Ye Qingxuan's day, Absolute Sword is indeed powerful, no wonder Xiao Hei's good-for-nothing can be broken into immortal bones by Ye Qingxuan.

This disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect saw Ye Qingxuan's sky, the Juejian is so powerful, even though he swallowed the elixir, he has not been able to recover as soon as possible after spending so much time.

So this disciple of Sword Emperor Sect shouted loudly to those disciples of Sword Emperor Sect on the ground.

"What are you all doing there? Hurry up and help."

These disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect were all trembling because they were shocked by Ye Qingxuan's phantom of the Heavenly Absolute Sword and Earth. At this time, they heard this disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect calling for them to come and help, and they seemed to react.

I saw many disciples of Sword Emperor Sect take out their swords and attack Ye Qingxuan together. Originally, Ye Qingxuan's physical strength was consumed a lot just now in the battle with the former disciple of Sword Emperor Sect.

This time, he did not expect that this disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect would let other people come up to a duel with him.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan realized that he seemed to be physically unable to keep up, so he quickly called out his spirit beasts from the spiritual power space. past.

Because many of the disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect are the most basic immortals, they don't have their own spirit beasts at all.

Although their swordsmanship is very powerful, these spirit beasts were much higher than them before, so when these spirit beasts rushed at them, many smart immortals quickly put away their swords and ran away.

Ye Qingxuan also felt that the spirit beast came out to help, so he quickly took out several elixir from his pocket and swallowed it into his mouth.

By the way, find a free time to practice hard and let your body recover as soon as possible, but the disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect seems to see that Ye Qingxuan's physical strength and physical fitness are somewhat lacking.

When Ye Qingxuan was meditating and trying to recover, he secretly attacked Ye Qingxuan. Unexpectedly, Ye Qingxuan's Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast saw this disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect and came to attack Ye Qingxuan in front of him.

Unexpectedly, the Earth Demon Bear was seriously injured by the sword of the disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect, and immediately fell limply to the ground.

Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and saw that the Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast was injured, so he quickly took out the elixir and put it into the Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast's mouth.

Chapter 290 Fighting with Dao Zun (please subscribe!)

Ye Qingxuan hurriedly sent the Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast into his spiritual power space, allowing him to practice and recover as soon as possible.

His favorite of these spirit beasts is the Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast. Seeing that the landlord of the Sword Emperor Sect actually hurt his land, the Demon Bear Spirit Beast was very angry. The forehead of this Sword Emperor Sect disciple.

I saw this disciple of the Sword Emperor Sect slowly fell to the ground, and his body slowly floated out of the body.

Ye Qingxuan released the phantom of Tianjue Sword at this time, and quickly swallowed the immortal body of the disciple of Sword Emperor Sect.

Many other disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect saw that the most powerful captain had already been crushed by Ye Qingxuan and completely annihilated.

Therefore, these disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect were even more frightened, and quickly put away their swords and fled around, wanting to get out of Ye Qingxuan's sight.

After all, it is not easy for an ordinary person to develop a fairy bone. This Ye Qingxuan is a ruthless character. If you are injured by him, your fairy bone will be broken and you will die completely. There is no chance to stand up again.

When Ye Qingxuan saw the disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect fleeing in all directions, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but cast contemptuous glances at them and didn't continue to care about them, continuing to search for his fairy fate in this secret realm.

Ye Qingxuan continued to walk forward, and saw a spiritual gorge appeared in front of him again, and the purple energy in this spiritual gorge was very strong.

Ye Qingxuan flew down from the mid-air, carefully observed this aura gorge, and found that there was no other danger in this aura gorge.

Ye Qingxuan was going to meditate and practice in this aura canyon, and wanted to release his spirit beasts and let them play in this super aura canyon for a while.

Ye Qingxuan released a few spirit beasts from his spiritual power space, saw the two mist beasts and the ancient cross dragon rushing out of the space, and kept playing and running wildly in this spiritual energy canyon .

The Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast and the Tiger Spirit Beast were also there, and they found a place where they communicated and improved their strength.

Ye Qingxuan found a place suitable for meditation on the hillside of the canyon, and sat cross-legged on the ground, absorbing the spiritual energy here, and practicing meditation.

At this time, there were more than a hundred disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect floating in the air. In front of these Sword Emperor Sect disciples, there was a leader in front of them. This person was the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect.

Enemies are really jealous when they meet each other. The Taoist priest of the Sword Emperor Sect finally found Ye Qingxuan who killed Xiao Hei. At this time, he saw the Taoist priest of the Sword Emperor Sect hanging in the air, shouting at Ye Qingxuan in the valley. shouted.

"Just you, a despicable villain, can actually hurt Xiao Hei, the head of our Sword Emperor Sect. This time, I led all the disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect to this secret realm just to find your whereabouts."

"This time, your fairy bones will surely be broken and you will be completely annihilated."

Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes at this time, and saw in midair, the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect, leading more than a hundred disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect, galloping towards him.

At this time, I saw the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect, like Ye Qingxuan stabbing over, and saw the Yuyang Sword sword energy of the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect, piercing the sky.

Ye Qingxuan also stood up at this time, the sword energy that hit him did not hurt Ye Qingxuan at all.

Ye Qingxuan burst into a gust of wind, rushing towards the Daoist of Sword Emperor Sect's Danhai true energy rushing up, and Tianjue Sword transformed into countless sword souls!

At this time, I heard two high-quality spiritual weapons in the sky, the sound of metal colliding, clanging in the sky, shooting out many purple energy spiritual waves.

Roar... Roar...

With the roar of a super powerful animal, the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect released his spirit beast. The spirit beast of the Sword Emperor Sect combined with the Yuyang Sword of the Sword Emperor Sect. A phantom of strips attacked Ye Qingxuan.

These spirit beasts running wildly outside saw someone coming to attack their master. First, the earth demon bear spirit beast rushed over and blocked Ye Qingxuan, blocking the countless slashes of the Yuyang Sword for Ye Qingxuan. phantom.

After all, the mana and skills of the Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast are still much inferior to the Daoist in the view. This time, he used his spirit beast and sword energy to create a phantom, so it is very powerful.

The Earth Demon Bear helped Ye Qingxuan block the countless phantoms, and he couldn't help being injured. Seeing this situation, Ye Qingxuan quickly sent the Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast to his spiritual power space with his thoughts.

The fierce tiger spirit beast saw that the earth demon bear spirit beast was injured, and also saw the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect, and released his spirit beast, which was a super fierce lion spirit beast.

This super fierce lion spirit beast is very powerful compared to other spirit beasts, and its attack ability is also very powerful.

I saw this super lion spirit beast rushing towards the tiger spirit beast. The tiger spirit beast has been upgraded due to Ye Qingxuan's connection, so the tiger spirit beast's current mana and skills are much stronger than before.

The fierce tiger spirit beast saw that the super fierce lion spirit beast could not fly over, so it jumped to the back of the super fierce lion spirit beast, and bit back a piece of flesh from the fierce lion spirit beast.

Seeing that the fierce lion beast saw that he was injured, he became even more angry immediately, and heard a crazy lion roar between heaven and earth.

This warrior beast once again flew towards the fierce tiger spirit beast!

This time the Tiger Spirit Beast saw it, and if it didn't hide out quickly, it would definitely be injured, but the Tiger Spirit Beast seemed to have lost a lot of physical strength with its attack just now.

So the tiger spirit beast quickly rolled to the side, but before it escaped the attack of this beast, the tiger spirit beast (De Wang Zhao) felt a piece of fur from his body being torn off by the lion spirit beast, and the fog Beasts and ancient dragons also came up to help.

Here, Ye Qingxuan and the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect are also conducting a crazy written test. The sword rises and falls, only to be seen hanging in mid-air, and the super strong purple aura sparks out bursts of sparks.

At this time, the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect was like a ferocious beast descending the mountain, and his way out of the glove became very strange, like a tiger on top of a lion for a while, and like a wolf for a while.

The Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect shot every sword at Ye Qingxuan's joints.

Here Ye Qingxuan also used his ever-changing swordsmanship to fight back against the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect. Unexpectedly, at this time, the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect couldn't help being a little flustered and flustered.

At this moment, I heard Daoist Venerable in the humble land shout loudly in shock.

Chapter 291 Ye Qingxuan Injured

"The ever-changing swordsmanship, this is the highest level of swordsmanship, how do you practice it?"

Ye Qingxuan saw the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect, and was actually curious about his sword technique.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan said loudly like the Sword Emperor Zong Daozun.

"After all, I am also a person with the immortal bones of the Sword Emperor Sect. Shouldn't I be able to do this kind of ordinary swordsmanship?"

At this time, the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect who was hanging in the air saw Ye Qingxuan say so contemptuously that the ever-changing swordsmanship in her hand was an ordinary swordsmanship, so he couldn't help but look down on Ye Qingxuan's gesture.

At this time, the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect used Yuyang Sword's Thunderbolt Art to bombard Ye Qingxuan.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan felt a lot of thunder and fire, constantly attacking around him.

But these thunders and fires are all illusory, they are phantoms transformed by Yuyang Sword, the Taoist of the Sword Emperor Sect.

Then the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect raised his Yuyang sword and flew towards Ye Qingxuan's eyebrows. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan felt a dull thunder strike in his mind.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but staggered by the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect, only to see Ye Qingxuan flipped backwards, and then stood up steadily.

Only at this time did Ye Qingxuan see how powerful the Sword Emperor Sect was fighting. His cultivation base was at the level of Tianxian 167, and he used the Yuyang True Kung Fu, which can mobilize the power of all spirit beasts and spiritual weapons to gather in his own body. On the spirit weapon or spirit beast you want to use.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan was thinking about what kind of sword technique to use to fight back against this Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect. At this time, I saw this Tao of Sword Emperor Sect, and shouted really loudly.

"Super powerful Thunderbolt Jue, real fire, revealing real fire."

Immediately, Ye Qingxuan felt his whole body being burned by **** of fire. Fortunately, at this time, the ancient Jiaolong saw its owner was burned by the fire. At this time, he kept spitting out the dragon jade liquid from his body, extinguishing all the fire around the owner. wiped out.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help being startled at this moment, and said loudly.

"You can actually practice the three flavors of real fire, and practice secret refining on immortals."

The Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect saw Ye Qingxuan's surprise and knew that Ye Qingxuan was a little scared. At this time, he couldn't help but take out the Yuyang Sword, and waved his hand to see a Chixiao sword glow.

Seeing this sword, Ye Qingxuan quickly turned around and turned upwards, one of them turned up with Dou Yun, dodging the sword light.

But even though he dodged the sword light, he was still injured by the deterrent force of the sword light.

But this injury was not very serious, Ye Qingxuan quickly summoned the internal power of Danhai at this time, only to see the Tianjue Sword in Ye Qingxuan's hand, transformed into countless phantoms, like the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect, flying away.

At this time, the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect was bound by the ever-changing phantom of the Heavenly Absolute Sword released by Ye Qingxuan.

However, the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect was not so easy to deal with. He jumped up and jumped out of the encirclement of the phantom of the Tianjue Sword released by Ye Qingxuan.

At this time, the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect used the Yuyang Sword to attack Ye Qingxuan again. Unexpectedly, this time the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect used his super internal strength.

I saw the Yuyang Sword transforming into countless colorful sword spirits, coordinating with the Yuyang Sword's sword energy, condensing countless phantoms and flying towards Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan saw the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect, this time the phantom was so powerful that he couldn't help jumping up and flying into the air, ready to escape from here.

Unexpectedly, the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect saw Ye Qingxuan wanted to escape, so he flew over quickly, and called out his spiritual pet, the fire demon unicorn, from his spiritual power space.

I saw the fire demon unicorn turning into countless phantoms around Ye Qingxuan, constantly biting. At this time, the fog beasts outside, the ancient dragons and the fierce tiger spirit beasts saw their masters, and were attracted by the phantom of the spiritual pet of the Sword Emperor Zong Daozun. Need to fly over quickly.

The two mist beasts and the ancient dragon and fierce tiger spirit beast attacked the fire demon unicorn of Sword Emperor Zong Dao Zun in a siege style, and within a short time (ccfg) the fire demon unicorn was bitten and injured.

However, on the two fog beasts, the ancient dragon and the fierce tiger spirit beast, several of their spirit beasts were also injured, and Ye Qingxuan could also see that this Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect was indeed very powerful, and he was no match for him.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan hurriedly sent these spiritual pets to his spiritual power space, and using Miasma, he quickly flew away from here.

The Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect saw that Ye Qingxuan ran away, and was very angry immediately, and quickly chased after him. He did not expect Ye Qingxuan to run so fast, and the Daoist of the Sword Emperor Sect did not find Ye Qingxuan's shadow.

Ye Qingxuan used Miasma here, and quickly escaped from the pursuit of the Sword Emperor Sect Daoist, and flew into a canyon. Seeing that the aura in this canyon was very strong, he found a safe place and landed.

Ye Qingxuan quickly took out his elixir, put it in his mouth, and meditated in the valley to recover his body as soon as possible.

But when Ye Qingxuan took out the elixir stored in his spiritual power space, he found that his elixir reserve was not much. If he was chased by the Sword Emperor Sect again, he might not be the opponent.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan hurriedly meditated and practiced to recover his body as soon as possible, and searched for the Lingcao Garden in this secret place, as well as the unique elixir like the Lingyin Pavilion that he had encountered before.

Ye Qingxuan knew that if he didn't find suitable ammunition, improve his immortal rank and mana, and face the pursuit of the Sword Emperor Sect, he might be completely annihilated.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan put all the elixirs in his mouth into his mouth, and released a few spirit beasts, letting them practice here with him, absorbing the vitality and aura here.

These spiritual pets were released from the spiritual power space by Ye Qingxuan, and seeing their masters, they are now injured, and I was also injured in the battle just now, so I know that now I must improve my mana and skills faster , Improve your own fairy rank.

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